ratt cut Hale with a knife, from the effects of which he died in a few moments. Coroner Vinesett was summon> ed and went to Blacksburg and held an inquest Sunday. Those present at the killing were sworn, and testified in substance to the facts as stated above. Dr. D. S. Ramseur made the post-mortem examination and made the following statement to the jury: Saturday evening about 7 o'clock a party of Negroes were out on the South Carolina and Georgia Extension railroad running from Blacksburg to Gaffney, about one mile from Blacksburg, when Rich Hale and Will Sarratt got into a quarrel about ten cents that Hale owed Sarpatf Hot words Dassed from one to the other for a short time, when Sarratt cut Hale in the side with a knife, from which he died in a few moments before medical aid could reach him, and after he had spoken only a few unimportant words. Sarratt left at once and has not been seen since. MERE-MENTION. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, recently enjoined by the United States court from striking: against the Wabash railroad, has resolved to obey the injunction Alfred Knapp, a human monster, is on trial at Hamilton, Ohio, for the murder of three wives. He confesses to the murders and his relatives are claiming that he is insane. ......Tests have been made in New York during the past week of the recently discovered scarlet fever serum. The tests are claimed to have been successful The new United States cruiser Chattanooga was launched at Elizabeth, N. J., last Saturday in the presence of an Immense throng of spectators Twenty men were drowned at Spier's Falls, N. Y., last Saturday, by the capsizing of a ferry boat The brokerage Arm of Dresser & Co., of New York, made an assignment last Saturday. The liabilities are estimated at about $2,000,000 and tne nominal asy sets at $750,000.....Governor Logino, of Mississippi, has announced his candidacy for the United States senate, as suecessor to Senator Money Ex-Congressman Flount, of Georgia, died last week The senate committee on foreign relations reported the Panama ca? nal treaty on Monday without amendment Pope Leo is critically ill and is expected to die at any moment. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. TIipam. Governor Hey ward has written a letter to Mayor Smythe, of Charleston, on the subject of suppressing blind tigers in the city. The governor gives the mayor to understand most distinctly that no reasonable effort will be spared to secure the complete enforcement of the dispensary law in Charleston. Jeffcoat Killed at Last. , Charleston Jeffcoat, outlaw and murderer, who has been hunted in three states and on whose head' a price has been placed several times, met his end last Wednesday night in Alabama. He was killed by Deputy Sheriffs Prestwood and Dunson, near Watkins bridge, over Yellow river. The deputies were trying TO arrest him and Jeffcoat shot Dunson in the leg. Jeffcoat was 23 years old. The first crime for which he was indicted was stealing a mule in Barnwell county. The mule was afterward recovered in Augusta, and the owner refused to prosecute for fear of retaliation. Subsequently Jeff coat was charged with arson, accused of burning the home of his brother-inlaw, in Lexington county. He broke jail and went to Georgia, where he lived as Charles Johnson. In April of last year, he killed a man named Wilson, in Herndon, Emanuel county, Ga. He and Wilson were engaged in illicit liquor traffic. For more than a four months he was chased as an outlaw. CJn July 16, he killed Deputy Sheriff Flanders, who was leading a posse In pursuit of JelTcoat, near Mldville, Ga., Jeffcoat and his wife were in a wagon when approached by the posse. Jeffcoat dropped into the body of the wagon and fired. He escaped into the Ogeechee swamp. A few years ago the people of Wagners, Aiken county, were worried by horse thieves, and the governor offered a reward for their capture. It has since become known that the depredations were committed by Jeffcoat. On July 24, Sheriff Owen Alderman and Deputy Aull were in hot pursuit of the horse thieves. They came upon Jeffcoat. who dodged to the side of the road and fired upon the posse, shooting Deputy Aull in the back and killing him. For this crime Jeffcoat afterward expressed regret, but claimed that he was forced to do it. The desperado' was traced to Dixiana within six miles of Columbia, but all trace of him was lost in the Congaree swamp. There were frequent reports that he had visited relatives in Columbia. The people of Aiken and Lexing ton counties were in terror for weeks. There were stories of the outlaw making his appearance in lumbering camps and demanding food, and like Harry Tracey, the Oregon outlaw, he inspired a fear which protected him. The offers of reward aggregated $1,200. Governor Ellerbee in 1898 offered $100 for his capture, just after his escape from Lexington county. Governor McSweeney* last July offered $100, and the sheriff offered $100 for his capture, dead or alive, for the murder of Deputy Aull. The rewards offered by officials and persons in Georgia are as follows: The widow of J. L. Flanders, whom Jeffcoat killed, offered $200 for his apprehension: Sheriff J. T. Flanders, a brother of the murdered man, $200, and friends of the Flanders family $200. More than $600 is on deposit in the Citizens Bank, of Swainsboro, and in addition there is a reward of $300 of fered by the governor of Georgia. / "Horse Shoe Robinson." ? Horse Shoe I.Jbinson," so called in John P. Kenned 's book, was really and properly rpelled Robertson, which way he, nd all his generation, always down to the present day, have done. The confusion was caused by Kennedy changing the spelling of the name?making it Robinson instead of Robertson, and it will go down in history as spelled by Kennedy. He was raised in Pendleton district. South Carolina; his home was situated in a bend of Senaca river,"which is the reason he was called "Horse Shoe Robinson," and he was never a blacksmith. He moved from South Car olina with his family to Tuscaloosa county, Ala., in about middle life?lived there, died and was buried. He raised five sons and one daifghter, Elizabeth, who married William Dunlap, a farmer of that section; they moved with their family of small children, to Texas, about sixty-five years ago, where we lost sight of them after Elizabeth died, | which was about forty years ago. The | sons are all dead and so are most of IMmn T a m 72 vpnrfl Old. IIIC SL auuuiiiiui w?? a ... ^ r and have one brother, 60 years old, living; the balance are all dead. We have no relatives living in Birmingham that we know of, and none are related to ue who spell their name Robinson.?S. E. C." in Montgomery Advertiser. AT THE CHLRCHES. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. REV. J. L. STOKES, PA8TOR. . Prayer meeting in the Sunday school room this (Wednesday) evening at 7.30 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. REV. J. C. JOHNES, RECTOR. Services Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons at 4.30 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. a. NEVILLE, PASTOR. Prayer meeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Special Uotiqea. Serviced at Hebron. There will be prayer-meeting at Hebron Saturday afternoon, March 14, at 3.30 o'clock, and preaching on Sabbath afternoon, March 15, at 3.30 o'clock, by the pastor, Rev. J. S. Grler. Mar. llw.s.2t E. B. Cairnes. Secure Seata Early. "The Star Boarder." which* will be the attraction at the opera house on Saturday, March 14,. Is a musical farce cqMdy in three acts. The piece Is intended for laughing purposes only and serves as a vehicle for the introduction of Chas. Boyle and his clever company of fun producers. How's This f We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, axftl financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldinq, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood* and mucuous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the Best i $he gorlmiUe dfotton $ftarhet. Corrected 8eml-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkville, March 10, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 9i Strict Middling 98 Good Middling 93 Fully Good Middling .; 93 Latta Bros. VINE LESS OR BUNCH YAM. SWEET POTATO Seed 51 per bushel f. o. b. Special terms for 10 bushel lots. Write or call on S. H. LOVE, McConnellsville, S. C. Mar.l4w3t* FOR RENT. THE HARTWELL FARM in the eastern suburbs of Yorkville, formerly owned by S. L. Hobbs. Residence already rented. GEO. W. S. HART, Attorney. March llwlt OPERA HOUSE *8n ?. /m ar clP: 1 If' CHAS. BOYVEan CHAUNCY DEPOT, "THE STAR BOARDER," A Jolly Farce In Three Acta. BREAKFAST, DINNER AND SUPPER. All That's Enjoyable In Polite Vaudeville. 80 TWENTY PEOPLE 20 One of the big features of this engagement in addition to the company, is one of the very best complete orchestras now traveling. Seats can be secured at the usual place, without any advance in prices. See Big Band Parade at Noon. Prices 75 and 50 cts.; Children 25 cts. Fertilizers. We have several carloads of Fertilizers on hands and all of our customers who have been waiting for the BEST goods, can get them now. Here is a list of what we sell: Ammoniated. Acids. 10?4?4 10?4 8?3?3 10-2 9?3?2 14 per cent. 8?2J-1 13 per cent. 8J-2?2 Kainit. The well known MACMURPHY & CO. goods. JA8. M. STARR & CO.. Yorltvllle, S. C. Phone 36. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. UP TO SPECIFICATIONS. People who have seen our last bunch of Mules unite with us in the opinion that they are all that we claimed for them and that taking into consideration the quality we are offering the best values in Mule llesh that have been offered on this market this season. I HRATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO.. J. C. Eli.iott, Manager. HANGING LAMPS. I recently received one dozen Hanging Lamps. All of them are neat. Some are plain and others are fancy trimmed. Any of them will give good 1 11 . . 1_ ii A_ service, ana aaa to tne attractiveness of the hallway and the home. The prices are attractive, too?$2.50 to $6. Will be pleased to show you. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEED? Get them fresh from York Drug Store?correct prices. SEED CORN? v Golden Dent, White Dent? both good?correct prices for large or small quantities. ONION SETS? Silver Skin and Red Bermuda?pure seed. Several varieties Beans and Peas in bulk?correct prices. YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOWEN, REGISTERED PHARMACIST. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. We are proud of our Spring and Summer Clothing stock? proud of it because of its excellent qualities, its variety, its beauty, its style, and proud of the low prices we can offer our customers. But are very proud of the complimentary comments that our Clothing stock has brought out of the gentlemen who have seen our Clothing. If you would have Clothing to be correct in style, in fabric, in fit, in quality, in price?in fact Clothing that is satisfying to good dressers, it will do you good to see our Clothing. We have. Flannel Suits from $7.50 to $18. Crash Suits from $5 to $7.50. Two piece Suits $7.50 to $xo. Gentlemen's Shirts. The quantity, the quality, the variety, the style, the beauty of our Shirts for gentlemen all excite complimentary remarks. There is nothing loud or gaudy about our Shirts, but they have that neat, prosperous appearance so much desired by good dressers. See our Shirts. J. Q. WRAY, Furnishings. See Us For SEEDTATERS. RED BLISS, WHITE BLISS, ' GOODRICH, PEERLESS, EARLY ROSE. All good and true seed. Our prices are close. C. P. LOWRANCE & CO. rTDTT\T17t! Y7" A T TC217L2 AAVUIH IVO, ? /lUlOJUO. If you expect to do any traveling and need a Trunk or a Valise, we will be pleased to show you what we have. We can please in quality, size and price. r j? i. All U1UC1 IU 1CUUAC Will ai?~r\-XV UJl fine Crockery to smaller proportions we are offering some especially attractive goods at some especially attractive figures. For some real bargains in Crockery see us. W. B. MOORE & CO. ~ SURVEYING. I BEG to advise the public that I am prepared to do land surveying prompt and efficiently and to furnish plats of my work. For very particular measurements. I use a steel tape Instead of the chain. All of my instruments are first-class and in first-class condition. Terms reasonable. Address me at Clover S. C. J. L. STACY, Surveyor. Feb. 4 ?w 3m. SEED POTATOES. We have Red Bliss Seed Potatoes enough to supply almost the entire demand of this community, and as a result we got the very lowest wholesale figures, and that allows us to give our customers the very lowest retail prices. Therefore it will be to your interest to see us before buying seed potatoes. The Red Bliss is a good grower and producer. We have a carload of CORN. Get our price before you buy Corn. SEED OATS. We have good Seed Oats for parties desiring to sow Oats this spring. RIDDLE & CARROLL. LET'S HAVE A LITTLE TALK. What about? Why, about the weather. Winter is dying and leaving the usual number of legacies. Weakness, nervousness, bad blood, loss of appetite, indigestion,, headache, constipation, etc. Why not get rid of your ills? There's a remedy and a good one. So good that you don't have to have faith in it. The medicine cures you, not the . faith. We have faith ,in , 4t. j Lots of it So much that we GUARANTEE it to do all we claim or your money back. What is the medicine? STARR'S LIVER REGULATOR. Large boxes for 25 cents. FEED YOUR COWS MRS. LEA'S MILK AND BUTTER PURIFIER. Fully tested and , recommended by the U. S. department of agriculture. We have sold this Powder for two season's and tested it with our own cow. Cows fed on this Powder can be turned on garlic or wild onions and there will be neither taste nor smell to the milk and butter. Also increases the flow of milk at least one fourth. Sold by -I r -.1 JA8. M. STARR A CO,, , Leading Druifglsts, Phone 26. Night calls ring 49. Going to Market. On Friday of this week our Mr. Strauss will' leave for the Metropolitan markets. He is going with a well-defined idea of what he wants to buy. We will not outline his plans at this time, but suffice it to snv that it is his intention to buy such a stock of Dry Goods and Notions as will take away the possibility of the remark so often heard here : "I can't get what I want in Yorkville, therefore I must go to to find what I do want." If this remark is heard after our new enrincr stock arrives, it will be ~r?o ' for some other cause than UI can't get it here," and it won't be the prices, either. Handsome AKGO Portraits FEEE to Customers Who Buy $15 Worth Of Goods. STRKITH CO. CLOTHES CLEANING. I WANT to clean, repair and press all of your old suits. First class work guaranteed. Leave me your orders for First Class Tailor-Made Clothing. Made to measure Pants a specialty. Fit and work guaranteed. Correct prices and the very latest and most popular styles. R. L. BRANDON. ' They Are HERE. THAT carload of fine MULES Is HERE. The sales we are making are surprising to York county. Our purchasing power gives us a great advantage over all other dealers. The business of the past month was the largest In our business career, and we expect to make t!ds one even greater. The reason of the great popularity of our firm Is very simple. We have the FACTS to support every printed statement we make. We show JUST what we advertise and we STAMP everv sale we make with our PERSON AL GUARANTEE. If you need a Horse or Mule come to see us. Buggies, Harness. We have the largest display of Buggies and Harness ever shown In Yorkville, and a carload of Studebaker Wagons has been shipped to us. GLENN & ALLISON. Onion setS WHEN you are ready to buy your Onion Sets, come to me and get them. _ I have the very beBt that can be had for this climate and our solt. GARDEN SEEDS?I have a fresh supply cf Garden Seeds, of the kind that have given the most general satisfaction In this locality. I also have Garden Beans and Pease in bulk and packages and can sell you just the quantity that you want. For years we have been handling the best growing and most prolific varieties of Seed Irish Potatoes and I have them again this season. When you are ready to buy your Seed Potatoes it will be to your interest to see me for what you want Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry that are given Magic Horse and Cattle Powder and Poultry Food always thrive well and repay the user for the expense. LAMM'S CLOTHINGr-Best on e&rth ?fit to wear and made to fit. W:' M. KENNEDY, Agent trrvr?T7 iirrtxv '-IMPLEMENT COMPANY SAYS take care of the little folks, who are drawers of water, and not hewers of wood. For this purpose we have In stock a lot of Well Fixtures, which Is a great protection from accidents, so numerous from the . old time windlass. It is not only a protection from accidents; but a complete sanitary arrangement in keeping everything clean and dry around the well. For information, we refer you to Hon. D. E. Finley and Mr. W. Brown Wylie, who have been using them a year or more. We also have in stock B. P. Cutaway Harrows, Feed Cutters, Wheel Barrows, Walking and Riding Cultivators, Oliver Chilled Plows, which have no equal, and a few of the well known Standard Sewing. Machines, which are two machines in one. Yours to serve when in need, YORK IMPLEMENT CO. thdnAnncc I UnilHUULO SOMETIMES damage property and again they utterly destroy everything In their path. You can protect yourself against financial loss from this source by taking out TORNADO INSURANCE In my agency. You can Insure your property for its full value under this class of insurance and in case of either total or partial loss, somebody else beside yourself bears it. The cost Is very low, as compared with fire Insurance. Full Information furnished at my office. SAM M. GRIST. J. P. PURSLEY7 clover, a. a. 1903 ANNOUNCEMENT. I JUST want to announce that I am now ready to serve you for another year. Have almost everything people want to eat. Liots of things for people to wear. Have great stacks of Alamance, Ginghams, Shirtings, etc. The best Shirting at 6 cents a yard that you ever had offered you. Shoes for everybody?prices from 98c to 34.00 a pair. See our Shoes. Horse and Mule Furnishings?Collars and Collar- Pads, Horse Shoes and Nails in all sizes. Barbed Wire and Staples for pasture fencing. Get my prices. Tobacco? You can't find a better stock to select from?prices 35 cents to 31.00 a pound. See us for Tobacco. We keep almost everything. Call on us for what you want. Will be glad to serve you. Yours for trade, J. F. PURSLEY. |C