Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 18, 1903, Image 3

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while on her way to horsewhip the mayor again The New York and Florida express of the Southern railroad was wrecked at Ravensworth, Va., last Sunday. Engineer Purvis and Fireman Wlggington were both killed, and two postal clerks were seriously injured. The wreck was due to incendiary malice of unknown parties who threw a switch and removed a rail Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles and party have returned to Washington from their trip around the world.......Seventeen San Francisco letter carriers have been suspended for alleged political activity during the recent campaign The new battleship Maine, built to replace the ship of that name that was blown up in Ha vana harbor five years Deiore, ieu Philadelphia last Sunday on her first official assignment to Join the North Atlantic squadron The appointment of George B. Cortelyou to be secretary of commerce, was announced on Monday. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Killed by the Storm. Monday afternoon's storm broke with terrific force over Greenwood county. For a radius of twenty miles around Honea Path ;t played havoc with barns, timber, stock, fences, etc. Two men were killed outright and*a number of others were Injured. As yet but Incomplete reports have been re- j celved. Moonshine In Cherokee. Spartanburg special of February 14, to the Charlotte Observer: State Constables Gideon and Howe, together with Deputy Marshal McClain, went into Cherokee county yesterday on a hunt for contraband whisky. At Arrowwood church the officers came upon a distillery in active operation and fired but a few minutes before. The -""Ulln^Tf alo-htv trn linns pa uuppci UIDU11V4 J f -?0 ?. 0 pacity, was seized and fourteen fermenters, 20,000 gallons of beer and six gallons of low wine were also taken The moonshiners had exercised good headwork in arranging the location of their plant. The officers described it as "being- in a pitfall under a cabin. By means of piping of considerable length water was conveyed to the plaint from a neighboring stream and a return pipe carried the water away from the plant after it bad been used in the operations. No arrests were made. Another Big Power Dam. Union special of February 14 to the News and Courier; Another mammoth industry for Union is soon to be established. The famous Neal Shoals, on Broad river, twelve miles from here, is to be developed. Some six months ago 1 m ^ Vtfo oumrov <LUiUIlCi 1* vy. i/uuvau uau u?d out ? ors make a survey on the quiet and report to him. After carefully considering the matter he decided to erect a large power plant at this place for the purpose of generating electric power for Union and other nearby towns. He secured the rights along the river for twelve miles above the dam, and then had a bill introduced in the legislature to prevent the erection of a great dam across the river. In the meantime he^ and others organized the Union Manufacturing and Power company. All in- j formation regarding the big project has been held back until it was known whether or not the right to build the dam would be granted. This having been done the only obstacle in the way has been removed t and the work will soon begin. Having the right to back water twelve mHes up the river, the dajaa will probably be built from hill to hill, so as to be able to> utilize the full strength of this great stream. A greatJ lake will thus be formed, giving a power too great to calculate. This plant will throw in the shade anything ever attempted in this part of the state. The primary object is to furnish electric power to run the Union Mills, with the prospect of furnishing " power for all surrounding towns, including Carlisle, Jonesville and Chester. Power enough can be generated here to supply every industry, great 3 ?? ? it l ? TTMIam KA nt Vi or HIIU small, 111 Uiiwil auu WE vu,v, nearby towns, which are now In operation or will probably be put in operation In the next half century. ? There are to be no serious complications on account of the Venezuelan controversy. That fact seems to be pretty well settled now. The preliminary procotols, under which Venezuela agrees to pay to Germany, Great Britain and Italy the respective amounts demanded by each?1160,000 for the first and $30,000 for each of the other two?were signed last Friday. Andrew Carnegie and other rich Americans offered to put up the money demanded by Germany; but Minister Bowen had already been provided with the necessary funds and had no need to accept aid from Individuals. Shortly after the signing of the protocols the blockading squadrons in Venezuelan waters were ordered to withdraw, and the ships that were waiting in various ports with cargoes for Venezuela set sail. Cables from Venezuela say that so soon as the blockade was ralcoH President Castro started his Armies against the Revolutionists in various parts of the republic, and announces his intention to prosecute the war until peace is restored. President Castro has sent a cable to Minister Bowen expressing the warmest thanks for the part he has played in behalf of "Venezuela. The next step so far as "Venezuela and the other powers are concerned will be the hearing of the dispute upon its merits before The Hague tribunal; but no trouble is expected to come of that. ? Washington dispatch of February 8: Friends of Capt. Richmond P. Hobson say that the naval constructor's ambition is the presidency, after he has gone through one or both branches of congress. Mr. Hobson alleges, according to friends, that when he first sought retirement he asked Representative Bankhead, of his district, to offer a bill to this effect, but it is said Mr. Bankhead declined. It was stated that Captain Hobson already had intimated his desire to run for congress from Mr. Bankhead's district. Hobson's friends say he asked others tb introduce the bill, which finally was presented by a Republican and referred to the naval affairs committee. A member of the Alabama delegation said: "Hobson has discussed the whole question with me. He is willing to be gin at the bottom, if necessary, ne will run for the state legislature in Alabama. He wants, however, to begin, if possible, in the house of representatives. He desires next to get to the senate, and thinks that if opportunity is offered he can secure the presidency. No discouragement to his ambition is offered by his friends. They are anxious to see him succeed. I think he will do this, to a certain extent at least." AT THE CHiKCHES. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. REV. J. L. STOKES, PASTOR. Prayer meeting in the Sunday school room this (Wednesday) evening, at 7 o'clock. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. REV. J. C. JOHNES, RECTOR. No services this afternoon. PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. O. NEVILLE, PASTOR. Prayer meeting this evening at 7.00 o'clock. jtyirial Uottys. The Southern Cross. Rehearsals for "Under the Southern Cross" to be given soon for the benefit of the . Confederate Monument Fund, are going on briskly, ard the Indications are that it will be an event of unusual Interest. The parts are admirably sustained by people well- i known in Yorkville, several of whom I have already achieved considerable success before the footlights. It Is a ] cause which appeals to the hearts of all, and doubtless the opera house will 1 be filled in consequence. Mrs. W. F. * Marshall has1 charge of the music. 1 Mrs. J. F. Hart, Mrs. J. J. Hunter and 1 Mrs. W. Q. White have charge of the 1 otner aeiaua. flOO Reward, flOO. The r aders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages and that Is Cataarh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to . the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con- , stltutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh I Cure Is taken Internally, acting direct- 1 ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the " foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the 1 constitution and assisting nature in 1 doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers t that they offer One Hundred Dollars 1 for any case that It falls to cure. Send i for list of testimonials. Address < P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. 1 Sold by Druggists, 75c. t Hairs Family Pills are the best. Enquirer Club Makers. t Each of the following persons are en- j gaged In making a club of subscribers 1 for the Yorkville Enquirer, and receiving names at $1.75 per annum. At- ; ter the 11th of March, 1903, subscrlp- t tlons will be received only at $2 per ? year, unless in clubs of two or more: Miss Lottie McCants.. Smith's Turnout. S. ,M. Plaxico Tirzah. John L. Davies Blacksburg. i W. P. Youngblood 1 R. F. D. No. 2, Sharon. | J. H. Blgham Sharon. W. H. Moore Rock Hill. J R. E. McClure..R.F.D. No. 5, Yorkville. > Miss Claude M. Brown 1 R. F. D. No. 2, Clover. J Miss Georgia Albright....Chester, S. C. 1 R. T. Castles, R. F. D. No. 1, Smyrna. 1 Miss Lizzie Wood, R.F.D. No. 2, Glover. 1 J. M. Brice,.. R. F. D. No. 4, Yorkville. 1 E. R. Shannon, R.F.D. No. 4, Yorkville. 1 J. W. Miller, R. F. D. No. 6, Yorkville. * A. W. McFarland Yorkville. D. C. Clark, R. F. D. No. 1, Yorkville. 3 W. J. Caveny Rock Hill. r J. K. Allison Hickory. * R. Banks Black Blairsvllle. \ Mrs. M. E. Nichols J R. F. D. No. 6, Yorkville. J Miss Sallle Martin R IT. Ty No. 4. Rock Hill. 3 George W. Knox Clover, S. C. J J. W. Alexander Yorkvllle. ; G. B. Sandlfer 1 R. F. D. No. 4, Rock Hill. Jos. M. Whltesldes Valdora. J. M. Craig Point. W. E. Gettys, R. F. D. No. 2, Yorkvllle. R. E. Gwinn, R. F. D. No. 5, Yorkvllle. T. V. McFadden R. F. D. No. 2, Rock Hill. J. S. Jones, R. F. D. No. 5, Yorkvllle. Wm. McG. Bailey .Olive, l E. B. Calrnes, R. F. D. No. 4, Yorkvllle. J Miss Sallle McConnell ; .... McConnellsvllle. T. E. Whltesldes Smyrna. W. H. Crook Fori Mill. W. S. Lesslle Lesslle. J. A. C. Love., R. F. D. No. 1, Clover. Geo. L. Suggs Enquirer. J. W. Moore..R. F. D. No. 3, Yorkvllle. ?he gorfttrilte dfotton $Rarfcet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Lstts Bros. Yorkville, February 17, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 9i Strict Middling 9J Good Middling 9 5-16 T7I..11., r> ITM^llTIn Q K.lfi r uujr uva/u auiuuh**5 v w *w Latta Bros. FOR SALE, CHEAP~ ONE PLUG MULE, about 16-years- old. Call on or write to W. J. JONES, R. F. D. No. 4, Yorkville, S. C. , FARMERS, ATTENTION ! WHY raise 7 or 8 cents cotton when you can as easily raise 12 to 14 cents cotton? The o. S. long STAPLE UPLAND is the . Cotton you want. It is as prolific as the short staple varieties. Had several acres yield one bale per acre last year and averaged nearly 2-3 of a bale per acre. It Is easily picked as staple is long and tenacious. Does not "cow-lick." Ordi- j nary saw gin used for delinting. Gin , should be speeded to gin five bales per t gin per day to make best sample. Be- j low is copy of letter received and j, shown to editor of Enquirer: c "Rastow T?ph 11 1902. Dear Sir: . We beg to advise sale of 22 bales of ^ your cotton at 133c per lb. a Barry, Thayer & Co. c Pricfe of seed, $2.00 per bushel, P. O. g B. Lowrysville or Chester. Address f W. O. GUY, Chester, S. C. * Feb. 18 w tf J A Sign of j the Times. J We have just put in our ^ window an attractive picture, printed in colors and representing the original "Vinol Girl" taking her Vinol. Evidently she is cc nlaocod nritVl flip focip rtf f | vv itju v/a it. We believe most pep- s pie would look pleasant if they would take Vinol. YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOWEN, REGISTERED PHARMACIST. They Are HERE. THAT carload of fine MULES is HERE. The sales we are making are surprising to York county. Our purchasing power gives us a great ad- vantage over all other dealers. The \ business of the past month was the largest in our business career, and we ' expect to make this one even greater. j The reason of the great popularity of i our firm is very simple. We have the > PACTS to support every printed i statement we make. We show JUST < what we advertise and we STAMP ev- < ery sale we make with our PERSONAL GUARANTEE. If you need a Horse or Mule come to see us. Buggies, Harness. We have the largest display of Buggies and Harness ever shown in Yorkville, and a carload of Studebaker Wagons has been shipped to us. GLENN & ALLISON. 1 BUY ONLY THE HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS Manufactured by the W. C. MACMURPHY CO., Of Charleston, 8. C., Successors to The Wilcox & Gibbs Gnano Co. ?0 CHEAP MATERIAL USED. fO LOW GRADE GOODS MADE. We would call your special attention to he WILCOX-GIBBS & CO.'S STAR 3 RAND MANIPULATED GUANO, vhlch has given general satisfaction lor 35 years, and has proved to be the ^cdi v^uiiun auu v^uiii r ci iui?ci mau^.. Dur WILCOX & GIBBES TOBACCO FERTILIZERS are second to none on ;he market. Insist on your merchants supplying you with our brands. It will ?ay you. For sale by JAH. M. STARR & CO., Torkvllle, 8. C. Phone 36. Qnion sets WHEN you are ready to buy your Onion Sets, come to me and getj :hem. I have the very best that can >e had for this climate and our soit GARDEN SEEDS?I have a fresh supply of Garden Seeds, of the kind :hat have given the most general satsfaotion in this locality. I also have harden Beans and Pease in bulk and Dackages and can sell you just the luantity that you want. For years we have been handling the >est growing and most prolific varie:ies of Seed Irish Potatoes and I have hem again this season. When you ire ready to buy your Seed Potatoes t will be to your interest to see me 'or what you want. Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry ;hat are given Magic Horse and Cat:le Powder and Poultry Food always hrlve well and repay the user for the expense. LAMM'S CLOTHING?Best on earth -fit to wear and made to fit. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. prescriptions ?1 OME Druggists can fill some Pre3 scriptions, some druggists can fill nost Prescriptions, but few druggists ;an fill just any Prescription. We are n the latter class. We can fill the nost difficult Prescription. When your >hysician gives you a Prescription, no natter how simple or how difficult it nay be, you centainly want the Preicription to be carefully compounded. That is natural. Such being the case fou will bring it to us?that is comnoa sense. Our Dr. W. L. McCarty is i graduate in pharmacy and is an ex>ert in compounding difficult Prescriplons. Mr. Starr has an experience of nany years along the same line. If here is doubt in your mind about four Prescriptions, and (there should lot be) bring it to us. We only use >ure and fresh drugs and chemicals. )ur prices are reasonable. J AS. M. STARR & CO., . c Leading Druggists. Phone 36. LOWNEY'S rnroA Makes one of the most Delicious of Table Beverages. Equal to Chocolate and more convenient. Try it. We have it. < C. P. LOWRANCE & CO. Gentlemen's Fine Shoes. i new shipment just in, such as will plesse a discriminating buyer. Our qualities are HI6H, but the prices are Low. Madison and Jefferson ... HATS... For Particular People. iVe received last Thursday the biggest ine of Hats for men and boys and 2aps for children that we have ever iad. It is perhaps the largest stock of lats ever shown in Yorkville. We >ought Hats that are fine enough in luality to please anybody. We have sveryone of the latest shapes. We lave all of the latest shades, as well is the always popular black. Our line >f Hats is not Just an ordinary Hat itock, but is a line that would attract ittention in any city. If you are in tearch of an up-to-the-minute Hat we vant you to see ours. Our prices are 10 much lower than the prices that rou can find in neighboring towns that rou will be ashamed to think of "jewng" our prices down. For the correct hings in Hats you will want to see >urs. Come today. J. Q. WRAY. Would Your Income STOP ? [F you should be disabled by an accident or If you should have a spell >f sickness that would lay you low for >ne or more weeks, would your Income ro on just the same or would It stop md lay on you the double expense of i doctor's bill and the loss of your in ome by reason of your misfortune? n other words Is your time and good lealth the real basis of your ability to >roduce an income? If It is don't you hlnk it would be wise for you to ledge against the possibility of loss rom the causes indicated by taking >ut a health and accident policy in my igency? I am in position to furnish fou with a policy that will absolutely jrotect you from loss by reason of jither an accident or sickness in a ;ompany that has been in business Ifty years and has more than $50,000,>00 of assets. See me about it. It will jost you nothing to Inform yourself )n the subject. SAM M. GRIST. TIME TO PAY. ALL persons who have authorized the undersigned clubmakers to return their names as subscribers to the ifORKVILLE ENQUIRER, and who have not yet paid are respectfully reminded that settlement time is drawing near, and we would ask them to make payment as soon as practicable, not later than MARCH 1ST, either to the Clubmaker returning their names nr at the ENQUIRER OFFICE. J. W. ALEXANDER, J. W. MOORE, T Tir T*rTTTrnT7?aTTkTT?C3 J . T . ?v JL X A X D. C. CLARK, J. W. MILLER, R. BANKS BLACK, R. E. GWINN, A. W. McFARLAND. jtdT Send The Enquirer yonr Job Printing order*. J. M. HEATH & CO, General Merchandise. Profits Are Not Being rw *1 uonsiaerea. The Only Point We Are Driving at Just Now Is to Turn Certain Goods Into Money. To the Good People oi Yorkville and the Country, Eyen Unto and Into the Counties Adjoining: JT Is no secret that we carry a tremendous, up-to-date stock of goods, the like of which, in size, quality and completeness is to be found in few stores in the Piedmont Everybody who has beer in our establishment is acquainted with this fact, and those who have not investigated the matter for themselves can be convinced in short order even by the most casual inspection. So much for this. Now the next thing is that these things are for sale. Nobody is going to ask for affidavits in support of that assertion, and what we are going to say next is equally true. READY-MADE CLOTHING. We see clearly that our stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING for men, i boys and children is in excess of the n ; ordinary requirements of the local ' trade. That is, we cannot get these goods off at their proper and legitimate value before the opening of the spring i; . season. Unless we get'rid of them we must carry them- over until next fall, and that we w'ifr "certainly not do. Therefore It la a question of making the price right, and that is what we ( are doing. Still better, we are, in most instances, letting the customer make the price, and in nine cases out of ten 1 where we can make a fit we find no < difficulty in making a sale. This < same policy applies to winter Under- j shirts, heavy Dress Goods, Shoes, etc., that we do not want to carry over. BIG LOT OF . t*jrmr a mtniri I Remnants In Silks. Remnants In White Goods. Odds and Ends In Shoes. Of these .here are not a few and all of them are attractive to the bargain hunter. They are likely to prove attractive to anybody who likes to pick up ONE DOLLAR OF VALUE FOR ONLY SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. GROCERIES. It 18 not oniy in me my uuuuh ucpartment that our stock is full and complete. To a merchant who has not seen the like, the way our Groceries are stacked up is a revelation. We have everything that can be desired by the retail consumer of the BEST quality and at LOW PRICES. And we are also handling some big things In Job lots. Give us your attention a moment, ye Grocerymen of both town . and country. We have: One Carload of Salt. One Carload of Molasses. One Carload of Tobacco. , One Carload of Good Luck Baking Powders. One Carload of Barbed Wire and Chicken Wire. These are some of the things we have to offer the Jobbing trade. We bought them all at the LOWEST PRICE. Most of the articles have gone up since we bought. We are pre -a * ? ?11 orH/>bo montlnn. pureu IU DCll ail c*. UV1VB .... ed in Job lots at prices as low as can be found in any house in the country. We are not blowing or boasting. We are talking what we know to be facts and what we are prepared to prove on . the instant. Come and see us. Phone j us or write us and if we don't PUT j UP, then we will SHUT UP. M. HEATH & CO,' J. L. Williams, Manager. , F COLUMBIA ? ERTILIZERO ARE THE BEST. TOADEjg^Vjfl ^Q^HE3HARK Successful farmers who have used other fertilizers and also used Columbia Fertilizers will tell you that they consider Columbia Fertilizers second to none. We are prepared to sell you what you want, be it a sack, a ton, a carload, or a solid train load. If you have not made arrangement for your supplies for this year it will pay you see us. RIDDLE & CARROLL. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. THE BEST THERE IS. WE are selling Mules, > not for what they are; but for EXACTLY what we represent them to be. That is, if we say it is SO, and you find it is NOT so, we are here to MAKE IT SO. We are right where we can be found at all times. Come and see us without fail. It will pay you to see our Mules, size them up and get our prices, whether you want to buy or not. If you buy we will see to it that we continue friendly, and if ?aii /Ta nnt Kiiv iVinra mill nortoInlv hp jvu UU 1IUV UUJ VAlT^iV. TT 111 MW no bad feelings on our side. HEATH-ELLIOTT MULE CO. J. C. Elliott, Manager. sCaan ?nd failings Sauk, Yorlcvllle, 8. C, WITH ample resources for the protection and accommodation .Of ' customers, this Bank solicits the business of corporations, Arms and Individ- ? uals, and will extend every accommodation consistent with safe banking. Best of facilities for handling the accounts of out-of-town customers, country merchants and farmers, cotton mills and other manufacturing establishments. A general banking business transacted. and prompt and intelligent atten tlon given to all business entrusted to our care. Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued under special agreement. W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. S. M. McNEEL, President. The Rule of 3 1. GOLD COIN is produced by a good die acting upon good metal. 2. GOOD STOCK is the product of the highest skill and the best material. -V T%T*T\TmT\m Alwnifd M <5. UWLI rmiiiliiu airrajrn depends upon skill plus mate rial. 'It's a poor rule that won't work both ways." 3. GOOD PRINTING upon 2. GOOD STOCK (the kind we carry) will bring i. gold cointo the business man. We do attractive printing and always give you the best < stock for your money. L. M. Grist's Sons, Printers, < Yorkville, S. C. ' i Now Is a Good rime i 1 For you to see me about that set of Silverware that you have been promising yourself for so 1 long. I can furnish you Ster- ? ling Silver goods and can also sell you Plated Silverware. If you want plated ware you will find that the silverware sold under my own brand?T. W. SPECK?is fully up to the high r standard required of plated silverware that gives satisfaction. See me about it. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. SURVEYING. I BEG to advise the public that I am prepared to do land surveying prompt and efficiently and to furnish plats of my work. For very particular measurements, I use a steel tape instead of the chain. All of my instruments are first-class and-in first-class . condition. Terms reasonable. Address ] me at Clover S. C. ] J. L. STACY, Surveyor. ' Feb. 4 *w 3m. i X3" WANTED?You to subscribe for j rhe Enquirer through your nearest . 2lubmaker. The price is $1.75 a year.1 T ailorMade Clothes. We are representing one of the best and biggest custom tailoring establishments in the r v ' United Spates. It is big because the product of its workrooms has been of such merit that the business simply had to grow. Every garment for which we take an order goes to our customer with this guarantee: Absolute Satisfaction or No Sale. We have the new spring and summer styles and samnlpc and will hf? triad to show them to you if you desire to see what's proper in Tailor-made Clothing. Ladies Who usually take time by the forelock and do their spring and summer sewing in the early spring, will find a complete stock of all kinds of white and colored Dress Goods that we bought early especially for the early sewing. We also have miles of the newest things in white embroideries, Laces, Trimmings, Buttons, Notions, , etc. You will find that our prices are very low. STRll MITB CO. J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Me-o-ow JBJT I don't like J.J. KELLER tfrgSSy Prices on jgaggf Builders Hardware Carpenters' i BBl Their Prices ^^BV are so Low That folks will BBMW fling Tools and ^gpB?i?^ Hardware at BBf me one of these fine m nights. Wo-o-w 1& Me-o-ow! { Sph-e-i-e-z-z! ] : 1 FINE | COTTON j MATTRESSES. < We have receutly added to Dur already large stock, a lot if the finer grades of COTTON MATTRESSES. We :an furnish any quality de- . sired from $4 up to $10. ] 1 We can sell you anything 1 pou may want in house fur- ' aishing goods. Will save you money on anything you buy of j is, and will sell on terms to jiiif- vnii. t J W. B. MOORE & CO. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. rHE regular examination of teachers will be held in the COURT SOUSE at YORKVILLE, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH, from 9 >'cIock a. m., until 4 o'clock p. m. Applicants should provide themselves vith pencils and paper and be on hand jromptly at the appointed hour. All vork handed in must be done on "leral cap" paper. No other will be ac:epted. JOHN E. CARROLL, bounty Superintendent of Education. Feb. 7 s.w.w. 3t EGOS?I HAVE THEM. BLUE Andelusians, Brown Leghorns, Black Minorcas, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Indian Games, War Sorse Pit Games, Bronze Turkeys, rhey are all pure and I can give absolutely satisfactory reference as to my eliability. Write J. W. BETTS, Lessie, S. C. Feb. 14 s.w.tf. PROFESSIONAL BRETHREN. ~ G. H. O'LEABY.^ FURNITURE. WHEN you find It necessary to purchase anything In the Furniture line you will find It to your Interest to call and see what I have to offer you. You will find that I-carry,the BEST goods as well as the lower grades and that' my prices will compare favorably with any prices that you may obtain on any other warket O. H. O'LEARY. STOVES AND HEATERS. WE are still handling the wellknown NOBLE STOVES. 1 Our most norm In r wllpra om ? ? tt>o\t ? ? ? * v tuc AXWil KING, ELMO and COTTON KING. Every one of these stoves that we have ever sold has given entire satisfaction to the purchaser, and we feel sure that 1f you will purchase one of our stoves you will not be disappointed. We also keep In stock a line of cheaper priced stoves than the above. We also have a full line of Heating Stoves. G. H. O'LEARY. ; SADDLES AND HARNESS. . WE Invite all users of Saddles and Harness to Inspect our stock of these goods before buying. We manufacture our Saddles and Harness and every Saddle and every set of Harness Is guaranteed'as to quality. G. H. O'LEARY. ' W. O. RAWLS, PLUMBER ARB STEAK FITTER. ENGINE AND 7 BOILER SUPPLIES. I CARRY a well assorted* stock of Engine and Boiler Fittings, all kinds of packing, and everything needful to repair any ordinary break. PLUMBING. In addition to carrying the necessary . stock, I do all kinds of Plumbing work. Let me make estimates. TILING. There Is still a large assortment of TILING in the car that was received rMvntlv Pwiulo vhn maiiIm onirflilns In this line should confer with me. What I do not have on hand can be procure^ on short notice. My terms are CASH. ^ W. O. JtAWLS. J. F. PURSLET, GLOVES, ft. 0. 1903 ANNOUNCEMENT. I JUST want to announce that I am now ready to serve you for another year. Have almost everything people-want to eat Lots of things for people to wear. Have great stacks of Alamance. Ginghams. Shirtings, etc. The best Shirting at 6 cents a yard that you ever had offered you. > Shoes for everybody?prices from 98c to $4.00 a pair. See our Shoes. Horse and Mule Furnishings?Collars and Collar Pads, Horse Shoes and Nails In all sizes. ' Barbed Wire and Staples for pasture fencing. Get my prices. Tobacco? You can't And a better stock to select from?prices 35 cents to $1.00 a pound. See us for Tobacco. Wp keen nlmnaf cvervthlnir Poll nn us for what you want. Will be glad to serve you. Tours for trade, J. F. PURSLEY. ' YORK IMPLEMENT COMPANY SATS take care of the little folks, who are drawers of water, and not hewers of wood. For this purpose we ' have In stock a lot of Well Fixtures, which Is a great protection from accidents, so numerous from the.old time windlass. It is not only a protection rrom accidents; out a complete sanitary arrangement in keeping everything clean and dry around the well. For Information, we refer you to Hon. D. E. Finley and Mr. W. Brown Wylief who have been using them a year or more-. We also have in stock B. P. Cutaway Harrows, v Feed Cutters, Wheel Barrows, Walking and Riding Cultivators, Oliver Chilled Plows, which have no equal, and a few of the well known Standard Sewing Machines, which are two machines in one. Tours to serve when in need, -YORK IMPLEMENT CO. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Conmty of York. By W. H. McCorkle, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS F. H. BARBER has applied to me for Letters of Administration, with the will annexed, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Mrs. SARAH F. BARBER, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Probate Court for the said county, to oe noiaen at xora uoun riouae uu me 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1903, at L0 o'clock a. m., to shew cause, If any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 9th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three and in the 127th year of American Independence. W. If. McCORKLE, ' Probate Judge of York County. Feb. 11 w 2t CLOTHES CLEANING. 1WAXNX! 10 ciean, repair anu pices all of your old suits. First class tvork guaranteed. Leave me your or3ers for First Class Tallor-Made Clothing. Made to measure Pants a specialty. Fit and work guaranteed. Correct prices and the very latest and most popular styles. R. L. BRANDON. ' (The ^orkriUe (Enquirer. Published Wednesday and Saturday. PUBLISHERS t W. D. GRIST, O. E. GRIST, A. M. GRIST. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION I single copy for one year $ 2 00 3ne copy lor two years 3 50 For Six months 1 00 For three months 50 rwo copies one year 3 50 ren copies one year 17 50 \.n an extra espy for a club of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS [nserted at One Dollar per square for :he first Insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. A. square consists of the space occupied jy ten lines of this size type. 33 Contracts for advertising1 space for three, six and twelve months will be nade on reasonable terms. The contracts must In all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or individual contracting, and the manuscript nust be In the office by Monday at loon, when Intended for Wednesday's ssue, and on Thursday at noon, when ntended for Saturday's Issue. ' I I