FOR RENT. FARM of 230 ACRES, located 21 miles west of Yorkville. formerly owned by J. O. WALKER. Good tenant houses and other improvements. Apply to THOS. F. McDOW, Yorkville, S. C. Nov.l5s3t iSSSP YORK DRUGSTORE J. B. BOWEN, REGISTERED PHARMACIST. WANTED 500 BUSHELS cow PEAS AT ONCE! RIDDLE & CARROLL. . We have New Crop New Orleans Molasses. Not the kind you can buy elsewhere. but the sugary kind you used to buy twenty years ago. RIDDLE & CARROLL. BUY HARVESTING MACHINERY NOW. Five of the largest Harvester Com- j panies have gone together, and it is very probable that prices on all HARVESTING MACHINERY will be advanced next season. If you think that will come to pass, you should buy now on the proposition we make below. We have a few | Binders, Mowers and Rakes on hand that we will sell you as though you were buying next year. That .! is we will give you a year's dating. \ On MOWERS and RAKES we will accept two notes; one due November 1st, 1903, without interest, and one due November 1, 1904, with interest ! from November 1, 1903. On BINDERS, we will accept three ^ notes?one due November 1, 1903, without interest; one due November < 1st, 1904, with interest from No- j vember 1st, 1903; and one due No- ' vember 1st, 1905, with interest from November 1st, 1903. ' By buying NOW you will secure the ' low price and the same or better terms than you will get next year. NOW Is the time to buy GRAIN ! DRILLS and DISC PLOWS. We < * have them at the right price and we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Yorkville Buggy Co. | NEW SEASONABLE GOODS. i J HAVE in stock now FRESH SELF RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR in packages at 15 and 25 cents. , PLAIN BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, (the dark kind), 5 cents a pound. 6 for 25 cents. i One barrel of HOME-MADE MO- i LASSES, (line as silk. Try it). 50 cents a gal. One barrel of NEW CROP NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, (as good as ever was sold), at CO centl a gallon. One barrel of PREPARED MUSTARD?loose?at 25 cents a quart. MAPLE SYRUP in large and small ai?. M. HALL. E. M. WALKER. J. M. TEMPLETON. W. L. PURSLEY. w. t. Mcknight. J. F. ADAMS. J. U. CALDWELL. King's Mountain Township, Nov. 8. 1002. Nov. 8 s 4t MONEY TO LEND. ON first mortgage of improved real estate in York County. Terms ? reasonable. W. W. LEWIS, Attorney at Law, No. 5 Law Range, Yorkville, S. C. Sept. 13 stf. A GREAT PI The Biggest Values ? Ever Offered t< PROFITS THROWN 1 We Have Determined to Make Change In Our Business, a Entire Stock Must Be Tu Little Delay. The Q BIGGEST 1 AAA Worth of Men's and B( uOjUUU For instance, if you b for $10, that is just what it c ed here before. EXTRA VALUE II We have bunched a large number of pairs which has ever been offered for less pair, and every pair at former prices sizes from 2 1-2 to 8s. While they last 3 YOU WILL FIND BIG BARG ^ As stated above, we have, after mature deliberation, decided CP to make seme big changes in our business. These changes are ;3 made necessary for several reasons; but as the reasons are of a C private nature we shall say nothing about them here. The pubOG lie is only interested in the results of these reasons, and we feel ^ sure that they will appreciate the value to them of the changes ^ that we contemplate as these changes take place, and will esH pecially appreciate this opportunity of buying goods at such greatly reduced prices. Clothing at Actual Cost. w 5 Our first move requires us to close out at once every dollar's ? worth of men's and bovs' Clothing that we have in stock. We ^ have alwavs been known for our low prices on Clothing, and 2 this fact is explained largely by the fact that 25 per cent, on 5 cost represented our profit. To close this stock out we have !h put the prices on every piece of Men's and Boys' Clothing we ? have in stock right DOWN TO COST. Our Clothing is all gj marked in PLAIN FIGURES and you will easily know ? whether we are selling at COST or not by dividing ^ the marked price by five. For instance, Pants that are marked p $1,25 will now cost you $1.00. as we marked them with a profit ? of twenty-five per cent, on yost. You will see by dividing by 2 marked price bv five and substracting is equal to multiplying by fi twentv-five on cost and adding. Our Clothing stock is large ^ and not very badly broken in sizes, and if you are in need of S a suit of Clothing for yourself or boy, or want a suit because you can buy a bargain, your time is now?TODAY, SATURw DAY?if you wait until Monday some other buyer might get ? just the suit that would suit vou. H 3 Special Sale of Ladies' Button Shoes. ~ We call the especial attention of the ladies to a large stock !> of Button Shoes of various sizes, that we have been selling at from $1.50 to $3.50 a pair. In this lot you will find Shoes run & ning in size from No. 2 1-2 to 8s, and every one a good value at h former prices. The only thing wrong is that they are a little out of style; but if you want Shoe value rather than the stive? ^ the style being lace Shoes?now is your time, for while they 5* last you can take your choice for $1.25 a pair. " We also have a small lot of Solid Leather English Ties for men. and as long as they last the men can take them at 89 cents .3 a i)airJm An extra quality heavy Shoe for women, the kind that other O people sell for $1.25. for a few days you can buy them at 98 cents the pair. g Miscellaneous Bargains For All. 5JD A full stock of SWEATERS for men and bovs at 25 cents S and up, in all the popular colors. ~ SCRIVENS* CANTON FLANNEL FLEXIBLE SEAM 2 DRAWERS for men at 48 cents a pair. The regular price ** at other stores is 75 cents and $1.00 a pair. But you must buy C? quick as our stock is limited. .3 We will sell you a fair article in men's Woolen Ilalf-hose for ^ 12 1-2 cents a pair. They are not the best ever made, but are good value. O 5-4 TABLE OILCLOTH AT 15 CENTS A YAKJJ. me q regular price is 20 cents a yard. A full line of Gent's Gloves from the 19 cents bone knit, to a wool lined skin driving glove, very soft and pliable, 48 cts. a pair. This glove has never been sold on this market for less ^ than 75 cents a pair. MORE GOODS AND RETT] THAN YOU EVER HAI BEFORE. H. C. Strauss & Co. 1 LANDSUDE! ind Lowest Prices 3 York County People ! 0 THE FOUR WINDS! a Most Decided and Immediate nd In Order to Do This Our irned Into Cash With But ?x D r*~4 juieKeist .outers VJTCL me 3ARO-A.I3STS I >ys' Ready-made Clothing at Cost, uy a Suit of Clothes from us now ;ost us. tfo such value ever offerM LADIES' SHOES! ? of Ladles' Button Shoes, not a single pair of than $1.50 a pair and from that up to $3.50 a was good value. The Shoes range In (M 0C J ,<>u take your ehoice, per pair, at g then get ready for another, and thus keep our money turning. ^ J AGAIN WE SAY THAT IE YOU ARE IN NEED OF S ^2 I2. ANYTHING IN THE DRY GOODS LINE, YOU CAN- n2 H> r NOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS SLAUGHTER SALE. ? ER GOODS FOR THE MONEY ) A CHANCE TO PUKCHASE H. C. Strauss & Co. J. M. HEATH & CO, General Merchandise. Where Did You Get That Hat? vvui wjvi The most popular and stylish place for Millinery. The FIFTH shipment 01 FALL MILLINERY arrived last week We have White Felts in profusion. The most varied lot of ready-to-wear Hati from 50 cents to $3.75 each, ever seen Ir Yorkville. Children's Ping Pongs li red and black felts. Shepherdess shapes in all qualities, and dozens of Velvel Hats at 75 cents each. Zibolines in al shades. Angora Plushes, Velvets In al new weaves. Chenille Braids, Gauzes Lace Scarfs, Furry Draperies, indeed everything In trimmings. A new lot ol Fancy Feathers and Amazon Plumes al startling prices. We thank our friends for^ their patience with us in the greatest rush wt have ever experienced. Visitors are invited to be sure and see the matchless Millinery which we have to show you, Men's Clothing* I The long tables in the rear of oui Dry Good department are now heaped with great piles of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING for men. In the selection of this Clothing we have dons our best, and we are proud of the stock we have; but we do not care to say toe much. We prefer to invite an inspection, for we feel that we can suit almost anybody as to quality and price, STROUSS BROS.'S make is our leader, The sizes and cuts include Regulars, Leans and Stouts, and the prices range from $2 or $3 up to $18 a suit. We have Clay Worsted Suits from $5 to $10, and say without hesitation that our $1( CLAY WORSTED is the BEST to be had on this or any other market at the price. Mrs. Jane Hopkins. The reputation of this make of Clothing for boys and youths is such as tc require no additional explanation. It is only necessary to say that we carrj the line. Nobody else can handle these goods on this market. This fact, how; V x::: / ':Vic*.- - \K | % . . Jggg XvXvX'XvXv^^ x:;P*a$5? >;?- V. *x:v ,.^^b J^^^^X;3vXvXvXv! ever, has nothing to do with the price, as one will readily observe upon examination of our stock. It will be found that our selection not only includes all styles, sizes and qualities; but the prices are in many cases lower man are being asked for inferior makes ol boys' clothing. It will be seen also thai complete suits of this Clothing of flrstclass material, can be bought for cash much cheaper than they can be made at home. For the Ladies. We desire to call particuar attention to our unusually pretty line of Broadcloth Cloaks in tan, castor, black, Oxford grey, red and blue. The prices range from $3.50 to $10. Capes of the same material are being offered at from ti fn ??; ond nnr nrettv new line of boas also ranges in price from $1 to $5. A Bargain. We have one second-hand 48-INCH HENRY DISSTON CIRCULAR SAW It has not been used a great deal anc is practically as good as new. It is t bargain for somebody, because we warn to sell it and sell it quick. J. M. HEATH & CO., J J. L. Williams, Manager. AUCTION SALES. I CLERK'S SALE. ; The State of South Carolina?Countr of Yorlc. IN THE COURT 07 COMMON PLEAS. W. W. Lewis, Trustee, vs. T. B. McClain et al.?Foreclosure. BY virtue of a decree of Judge James Aldrich, dated November 12, 1902, I will expose to public sale IN FRONT OF YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER 1902, (Salesday) between the legal hours of sale, the following described real property, to wit: 1. All that piece, parcel or lot of land in the town of Yorkville, county and state aforesaid, known as "CLARK'S OLD STORE PLACE," fronting on Congress street, containing ONEHALF ACRE, more or less, bounded by lots of T. B. McClain, Miss E. James and W. C. Latimer. 2. All that piece, parcel or lot of land, situated in the county of York, state aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of Nelson Davles; east by the W. L. Goforth lands; south by lands of Sloan Johnson; and west by londa r\f Tinnlror Dhort* onA nnnfalnlno THREE ACRES, more or less, and known as the "W. R. CARROLL LOT." ? 3. All that piece, parcel or lot of land within the corporate limits of Yorkvllle, county and state aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of Peter Berry and Charles Farrar; south by lands of I. D. WItherspoon; east by lot of Chas. Farrar; and west by lands of Jack Johnson, and containing TWO ACRES, more or less, known as the "SLOAN JOHNSON LOT." 4. All that piece, parcel or lot of land In the county and state afore said, on Plnckney road, one and oneP fourth miles from York court house, near the corporation line of the town . of Yorkvllle, and containing TWO > ACRES, more or less, and known as " the "FLETCHER McELWEE LOT." j 5. AH that certain piece, parcel or lot of land In the county of York, state aforesaid, on the Plnckney road, about t one and one-fourth miles from York court house, bounded by lands of T. B. 5 McClaln, Plnckney road, and other I lands, and containing FIVE ACRES, more or less, known as the "SAM I WRIGHT LOT." 1 6. All that certain, piece, parcel or tract of land, within the corporate 11m. its of the town of Yorkvllle, county and . state aforesaid, on the Plnckney road, adjoining the Sutro Mill property on t which tenement houses are located, T. , B. McClaln lands and others, and conD tain Ing TWO AND FIVE-FORTIETHS ACRES, more or less, known as the "HOLLER HOUSE LOT." Terms of Sale?One-third CASH; ? balance on a credit of one and two years, with Interest from day of sale, secured by purchaser's bond and a , mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser must comply with his bid wlth. In one hour, or the premises will be resold on the same day at the risk of the ' defaulting purchaser. Purchasers have leave to pay their entire bids in cash. Purchasers to pay for all papers. W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. Pis. November 15 s 3t . ' CLERK'S SALE. , The State of South Carolina?County of Yorlc. in the court op common pleas. W. W. Lewis, surviving Executor, vs. ' W. H. Hicklin et al.?Foreclosure. BY virtue of a decree of his honor, James Aldrlch, dated Nov. 12. 1902. ' I will expose to public sale BEFORE , YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR on the FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER, > 1902, (Salesday), the following: described real property, to wit: 1. All that certain piece, parcel or ! tract of land, situated in the county of , York, state aforesaid, and containing ' SEVENTY-FIVE ACRES, more or 1 less, bounded by lands of Mrs. E. J. . Erwln, P. W. Lindsay, and the estate ' of R. E. Guthrie. > 2. All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situated In county and state * aforesaid, and containing FIVE ACRES. ONE ROOD AND TWENTYNINE PERCHES, and adjoining the above described tract,'"No. 1,"* and being land conveyed 6y Joseph F. Wallace, executor, to W. H. HIcklin, on the 17th of August, 1895. 3. All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situated In the state and county t aforesaid, near Guthrlesvllle, S. C., and containing FOUR AND ONE-FOURTH ACRES, more or less, and conveyed by ? Mrs. E. J. Erwln to W. H. HIcklin, December 31st, 1902. Terms op SAL&-One-third CASH; balance on a credit of one and two years, with Interest from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser has leave to pay his entire bid In cash. Purchaser must pay for all papers. TTTTTT TT1 CI C1 fl Dia W. BltU W I\ vviljin, v.. v,. V/. M. ,a. November 15 a 3t CLERK'S SALE. The State of South Carolina?County of York. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. D. J. Jackson vs. E. A. Neely et al.? Foreclosure. BY virtue of a decree of Judge James Aldrich, dated November 12, 1902, I will expose to public sale IN FRONT OF YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER, 1902, (Salesday), the following described real property: All that certain, piece, parcel or tract of land, situated in the county of York, state aforesaid, bounded by lands of Paul E. Barron, lands of T. H. Simril and A. A. Barron, and by the Charlotte road and Allison creek, and containing ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES, more or less. Terms of Sale?One-half CASH; balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, secured by purchaser's bond and mortgage of ? the premises, with leave to purchaser to pay his entire bid in cash. Purchaser must comply with terms of bid with1 in one hour after sale, or property will , be resold on the same day and on the same terms at the risk of the defaulting ! purchaser. Purchaser must pay for all papers. 1 W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. Pis. > November 15 s 3t : CLERK'S SALE. The State of South Carolina?County 1 of York. S IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Sarah H. Kunz, as Administratrix of Estate of Elizabetn bmitn, aeceaseu. Plaintiff, against H. W. Smith, Defendant?Notice of Sale. BY virtue of a decree of sale, made in the above entitled cause, dated 13th March, 1902, I will expose to public ' sale in front of YORK COURT HOUSE . on the FIRST MONDAY IN DECEMBER, 1902, (Salesday), the following i described real property, to wit: All that lot or parcel of land, known as the "CRAVEN LOT," situated on Main street, Yorkville, County of York, ad1 joining lot of J. R. Bratton on the south side, the "Rose Hotel" lot on the north and east, containing ONE-HALF ACRE, more or less. Terms of Sale.?One-fourth CASH, and balance on a credit of one, two and three years, with interest from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and t mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to purchaser to pay entire bid in ' cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers. 1 W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. Pis. t November 15 s 3t wanted' 7 Ten thousand bushels of COTTON SEED. Highest market ' price paid in cash. See us before selling. LATTA BROS. Oct. 8 w.s. tf