Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, May 31, 1902, Image 3

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the president has everything to lose 5 and nothing to gain by removing from ^ the senate ont of his staunchest sup- | porters, who, although a Democrat, re- j fuses to yield to the clamor of party g associates to oppose the administration ?j on everything. 2 McLaurin recently withdrew from the 1 contest for senator in South Carolina. 3 His defeat was a foregone conclusion, g because at the present time all the elec- 4 tion machinery of the state is in the 5 hands of the Tillmanites. It is aa 1 open secret that Senator Tillman has 3 been sounding the Democratic side of g the senate for sometime as to the ad- 4 visability of making a fight against the S confirmation of Senator McLaurin for 4 the court of claims, and it is said that 3 he has secured a number of pledges to 3 stand by him in the fight. However. 4 as no Republican senator is known to De opposed 10 air. aici^uuriu 3 ainjui-n- j ment, it is believed that his conflrma- 2 tion will be easily secured.?Washing- 3 ton special of May 26 to New York Tri- 2 bune. 3 "AT THE CHURCHES. I BAPTIST. ? rev. w. e. hurt pastor. g Sunday Services?Sunday school in 4 the morning at 10 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. | Sunday Services?Sunday school In 3 the afternoon at 3.00 o'clock. No 3 morning or evening service. 2 TRINTY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. | rev. a. n. brunson, pastor. 5 Sunday Services?Sendees in thr J morning at 11 o'clock by Dr. S. A. Web- 2 er. Sunday school in the afternoon at g 4.30 o'clock. Union services Sunday 4 evening at 8.30 o'clock by Rev. H. W. *5 Bays. 2 THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD ? SHEPHERD. ( rev. j. c. johnes. rector. * Sunday Services?Services in the ; Graded school building tomorrow af- $ ternoon at 6.00 o'clock. ( PRESBYTERIAN. S rev. w. o. neville, pastor. \ Sunday Services?Morning service $ at 11 o'clock. Sunday school in the af- ?j ternoon at 4 o'clock. No evening ser vice. 1 fecial polices. | Preaching at Yorlc Cotton BUUa. | There will be preaching at the York v" Cotton mills chapel tomorrow (Sunday) g evening at 8.00 o'clock, by Rev. W. E. j Hurt. | Preaching at Clover and Union. | Preaching at Clover Baptist church ^ tomorrow (Sunday) morning, at 11.00 g o'clock, and at Union church in the af- 3 ternoon at 3.30 o'clock by Rev. W. E. 4 Hurt, pastor. ? Bob Taylor In Rock Hill. | The Enquirer is requested to an- ? nounce that Bob Taylor will lecture in 2 Freidheim's hall, In Rock Hill, on the f evening of June 6, under the auspices 2 of the Daughters of the Confederacy. ? May 28 w&s 2t g $ht gorhuille dfotton Utarhet. | Corrected Semi-Weekly by Henri. | Bros. 4 Yorkville. May 30, 12 m.?The local ? market stands as follows: 2 Middling 9 2 Strict Middling 94 g Good Middling 94 4 Fully Good Middling 91 f Latta Bros. 2 JUNE MAGAZINES. ? WHEN you are looking for some- g thing to read just step into the 4 York Drug Store and look over the se- 5 lection of Magazines. Books, Novels 2 and Periodicals to be found there. The J June Magazines are now in. If you do g not find what you want, it will be ob- 4 tained for you on short notice. ? O. E. GRIST. | TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. | The usual examination of 4 applicants for teachers' certificates $ will be held in the Court House, at 2 Yorkville, ON FRIDAY. JUNE 13TH, 2 beginning promptly at 9 o'clock a. m., g and closing at 4 p. m. 4 In addition to the usual first and sec ond grade questions, some extra work g will be offered any who may wish to 2 try for a State Certificate, good for ten k* years. a Applicants will provide themselves 4 with pencils and legal cap paper. 2 JOHN E. CARROLL. 5 County Supt. of Education. I. May 31 slw2. 3t ^ COUNTY SUMMER SCHOOL. f THE SUMMER SCHOOL will be V held in Yorkville, beginning MON- A DAY, JUNE 9TH, at 5 o'clock p. m., 4 and continuing four weeks. ? The course of study will comprise, 2 Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, Sight 5 Singing. Primary Methods and possi- $ /Ittammor ^ uiy uiaiiiiiiui. ? A very fine teacher has been secured S for the classes in Primary Methods and j Right Singing, and these courses prom- ^ ise to be unusually attractive. Teachers should bring with them any 4 text books they may have on the above mentioned subjects. ^ Board and lodging in private families ^ will cost about $10.00 for the term. $ Arrangements for board should be 4 made, if possible, before the school ? opens. 4 The county board will renew the cer- 3 tiflcates of all who attend the full time $ and do satisfactory work. J For further information, address 3 JOHN F. CARROLL, 4 County Supt. of Education. S May 31 s&w 3t 1 4 Snowflakes. ) 3 We have just | received an ex-j tra choice se-1 i lection of fine 5 4 Crackers. *j. r. iiU vv n/\i>v^?i esc v.*.*. j j HOWE'S BARBERSHOP ^ IS located in the room OVER THE ^ LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK. It J is my endeavor to give all patrons ^ prompt, skillful, comfortable and thorough service. I have competent help. All favors extended to me duly appre- <2 elated. J. A. HOWE. j ^ CHOICE ROUGHNESS. 4 REMARKABLY cheap, considering ^ quality. Supply limited. 4 JOHN B. PLAXCO, Yorkville, S. C. E* May 28 w.s. 2t? TWTVT J'TVTVTVTVTV I ^ i vi' FWT^VWT'I VTj -*- - - tT-.i. /T^ .?_ /Tt. . . - - /T1 - . /n . . . . /T- . . /T^ (T? . . /Ti - /Ti . _ (T? /T"l - - .?. <T^ . . /T^ ^ ^ ^4/ A %A * J 4 \i' V TA/ V \xz 1 J?fc/ " \jJ T V^1 * \^/ V V^' '4 \i7 V ^A.' * ^ VA' "*"" T Ti j STRAUS! I c=- M h :< in Tuc> 1U CENT. JJlO TODAY AN] | We offer every artic ! including Dress G '4 /^1 a 1 tt 1 _ _ uiotning, unaerwe 1 - tics, Umbrellas, Nol | Goods, Table Dama Spreads, Hats in f and boys, etc., at a s 10 PER YOU WILL PLE | That this 10 per cent. $ - - ? kinds of new and s lowest point that h market this season bigger discount 011 but not 011 our com] are always low ent I and this 10 PER C I the prices of all ki I tions, etc., to a poin economy to buy. Ijjj ** v I OUR s ;| | Is new and complete i I and this 10 per cent, c || prices of all our goc I the most economical: | onr Millinery and Di 1 our numerous lady fr | ly attractive values, an | will be highly pleased I our Clothing and Fi I Come an || Today (Saturday), if ; < 4f? fi not come today, you s] if lis a call on Monday 11 | H. C. STRAUSS . T". fTu iT- - .T~_.-T. / W~? i-T"-- -T-. - .T. .T. .t. iT^ J.^.T^ .T.Tfr A/T. J r'iJTVTWTvTVTVTVTV "u'TVTVVTVTvTVT^VVTTW < ' A (Ti .T. i-r* ^ ^ -*- T^ - . /T. it, m (*1 /Tl , , . . - - ^ - i ''<*o VTjJ'1yQ/TWTV' i 1 A' * ".A1 1 "A*%A' "** " v*' " w w#"W'*"wTviJ 4 y j. . . m. . . /T^ . . cr^ . . /T^ .t. <n . ^ . . /TI . . .-nA m /T^ A rt. (T^.?. . , /i J 1 vji/ 4 w T w " va' I \Jp V \JL> T V V T " w 4 w T ^ T ijy ' ' \x* *' u/ * * ^ T ^ 'M> \4 S & CO.'S I CI -A-I-. I nnrnum n?TJ UUUM SMI 0N 1 ) MONDAY. :le in our entire stock, | oods, Millinery, Shoes, | ar, Bleachings, Domes-1 Hons, men s j? urmsnrag fi sk, Doilies, Towels, Bed 1 elt and straw for men I straight discount of | CENT, j ASi MEMBER * j J " "I " discount puts down an ?< seasonable goods to the I las been quoted on this | . We have quoted a i certain specified goods, 1 [ilete stock. Our prices | ugh, as is well known, | ;ent. discount puts 1 inds of Dry Goods, No-1 it where it will be true | STOCK j Li all of its many details || liscount sale brings the ? >ds within the reach of | and careful buyers. In | cess Goods departments | iends will fine especial-1 d our gentlemen friends fj 1T71 in Ill $i Willi 111C UllUlllI^O 111 ^ irnishing departments. |i ?? i d See Us p | ^ou can, but if you can- |j honld be certain to give ?! ext. 1 I &UMII. > < M to | AVAIL YOURSELF f? Qf the opportunity the OHIO S COFFEE AND SPICE CO., - gives you by the use of their p advertisement in the JUNE ? MUNSEY. L I will redeem each paper with 5 ONE POUND OF MOCHA AND !JAVA COFFEE, representing cents. tif Only ONE POUND given to one party. LOUIS ROTH. Parasols In Black and Fancy \ Colors for the . I Ladies, I Umbrellas Of Various Styles and Prices for the Gentlemen, l CARD CASES and jj POCKETBOOKS, P Just Arrived. ? These goods are of the highest & quality, such as you usually find & at Speck's, The Jeweler. I Feed Your Cows on F * COTTON SEED HULLS, COTTON SEED [ MEAL, I WHEAT y BRAN. | We have the above as well | as Feed Corn and Oats. | RIDDLE & CARROLL. ilT'S NOT A QUESTION OF Whether You Can Afford to Paint. Can you AFFORD NOT TO PAINT? To let your house rot and decay? Don't be pennywise and pound foolish. Use LONGMAN & MARTINEZ'S PAINT and your house is protected for years, besides saving a big lumber and carpenter's bill for repairs. We also have PURE LEAD and OIL. See us before you buy. I i YORK DRUG STORE | J. B. BOWEN, ? REGISTERED PHARMACIST. | ** WHEN BOYS WERE MEN. | TO | RURAL | DELIVERY MAIL RIDERS. ? | f We are in position to | sell you Rural De| livery Mail Wag v Ullb, 1I1HUC iUI LJIC l business. Call and t see us. I I | We are doing a | great deal of I REPAIR f WORK, ? fc But we want MORE. I a Yorkville Buggy Co. $ i? NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. t T RESPECTFULLY ueg leave to say t JL that my terms for all DENTAL J. SERVICES FROM and AFTER THIS f> DATE are STRICTLY CASH. ? A. Y. CARTWRIGHT, , Surgeon Dentist. k * M WHEN BOYS WERE MEN. < J. M. HB1TH I CO., Dry Goods Department* We Are Now Ready. w E have long appreciated that the tastes and requirements of this market as to qualities and varieties were of a high order, and it has been our determined purpose to meet these tastes and requirements to the letter. Nothing else was considered by our buyers this spring whe. they were North to lay in a nfcw stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, and it is with confidence that we are now ready to carry our friends through any one or all of the different departments of our big store. We believe we are prepared to satisfy a>most any taste or Judgment as to qualities and prices. Some JNew Dress Goods. Although we are especially desirous of giving a full description of what is to be found In our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, we confess at the outset that we realize our utter inability to do so. No customer who coir.es and makes an investigation can fail to appreciate the reason. The variety is too ;eat. We are at a loss to know where to begin. What to put In, what to leave out and where to end. No attempted description would be satisfactory. The best thing for our friends to do is to come and see for themselves, and to come win it? me uig aiuuiv 10 at no u?u By Way of Random Suggestion. A more tasteful display of DRESS GOODS has never been seen In Yorkvllle. We have everything In Blacks, and an immense variety of new Veils, Granite Cloths, Silk Figured Albatross, Serges, All-over-nets, Wool Goods of endless variety and color, Linens of all the newest weaves, Embroidered Batista, with Appliques to match, Sheer and Fleecy White Goods, Lace and Plain Striped Piques, all shades of Mercerized Cat.brlcs, Tucklngs and Allover Embroideries, new patterns of Silk Waists, white and black Crepe de Chine In all weaves and colors, at all prices, and so many other pretty things that It Is practically Impossible to tell the whole story at a single sitting. Our Millinery Department. Nobody understands better than we do what Is required in this department, and nobody is better prepared to fill requirements. Miss Grant understands her business perfectly, and Mrs. Dobson not only knows the wants of her numerous friends; but also how to (ill those wants in a way that is satisfactory to all concerned. These are among the reasons why our MILLINERY ALWAYS GIVES SUCH PERFECT SATISFACTION AS TO QUALITY. STYLE AND PRICE. A vjur Clothing Department. There Is no need to say a great deal on this subject Just at ihis time, except that our CLOTI'ING and SHOE DEPARTMENTS have both been receiving the attention their Importance deserve, and that they abound in interesting and valuable prizes. Gentlemen are Invited to come and look. J. M. HEATH & CO, J. L. Williams, Manager. SHERIFF'S SALE. The State of South Carolina?County of York. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Exchange Bank of Chester, Plaintiff, against Fannie C. Bratton, Defendant. BY virtue 01 an execution Issued in the above entitled cause and levy made thereunder by me on the 2nd day of May, 1902, I will expose to public sale before the COURT HOUSE DOOR at Yorkville, S. C., on MONDAY, THE 2D DAY OF JUNE, 1902, between the legal hours of sale, all of the right, title and. Interest of the defendant, Fannie C. Bratton, in and to the following decribed property, to wit: An that certain tract or parcel of land in the county or YorK, about eignt miles, in a southeasterly direction, from York court house, bounded by lands of Mrs. H. J. Bratton, W. N. Elder and others, containing SIX HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, and being the same tract of land conveyed to said Fannie C. Bratton by John S. Bratton in the year 1900. Terms of sale?CASH. Purchaser to pay for all papers. JOHN R. LOGAN. Sheriff of York County. Yorkville, S. C., May i5. 1902. s3t J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. FLY SCREENS. WE are making a lot of FLY SCREENS Just at this time, and are prepared to turn out SCREENS to fit othi Irlnrl nf tt Hnnr nr winrtnw nt short notice. These SCREENS are made In any desired style and the price ranges from low down to high up, according to style, size and finish, etc. Orders phoned to the mill will receive prompt attention. J. J. KELLER & CO. ioan ami $urmi).s 3?ank, Yorkvllle, C. WITH ample resources for the protection and accommodation of customers, this Bank solicits the business of corporations, firms and individuals, and will extend every accommodation consistent with safe basking. Best of facilities for handling the accounts of out-of-town customers, country merchants and farmers, cotton mills and other manufacturing establishments. A general banking business transacted, and prompt and Intelligent attention given to all business entrusted to our care. tv Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit Issued under special agreement. W. P. HARRISON. Cashier. S. M. McNEEL, President. J. P. PURSLEY, CLOVER, S. C. Good Hams. J HAVE just received some ARMOUR HAMS, which everybody knows are hard to beat. Get one before they all go. We also have a nice supply of Rib Meat and Lard. Be sure and see us wnen you want a Cotton Hoe. We handle the BOLES HOE. They are as good as any made. See us for anything you need In CANNED GOODS. We have them. We are constantly receiving Cabbage and Beans from Florida and can supply your wants. Those who have purchased Fertilizers from us will please give In tnelr notes at once, as the time is past due. J. F. PURSLEY. CLYBURN HEATH MULE CO Livery, Sale aud Feed Stable. BARGAINS HitiHT. WE have one pair of GOOD MULES that we want to sell. We really want to sell these Mules. The price Is RIGHT and so are the terms. That is what we think. Come around and see If you don't think so. Along with this pair of what we call GOOD MULES, .we also have Ave "plugs." We want to sell tnem also, singly or In a bunch. We haven't a great deal to say about the quality, but Just investigate the price. Better be quick, too. LIVERY. It Is generally conceded that our LIVERY is without an equal. J. C. ELLIOTT, Manager. SMOOTH MANILA PAPER SUITABLE for drawing plans for contractors and for pattern tracing by dressmakers, 44 inches wide, can be had at THE ENQUIRER office at 10 cents a pound. WOOD WANTED. I AM' receiving proposals for 250 CORDS OF PINE WOOD, to be delivered at the waterw. rks during the coming summer. M. C. WILLIS, t?> WHEN BOYS WERE MEN. (Ehf \lotknllr (Suquim. Published Wednesday and Saturday. PUIJLI81IEK8 : L. M. GRIST, W. D. GRIST, O. E. GRIST, A. M. GRIST. TEKMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONt Single copy for one year f 2 00 One copy for two years 3 50 For six months 1 00 For three months 50 Two copies one year 3 50 Ten copies one year 17 50 And an extra copy for a club of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first Insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. A square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type. Xar Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twleve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the oftlce by Monday at noon, when Intended for Wednesday's Issue, and on Thursday when intended for Saturday's issue.