Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, April 12, 1902, Image 3

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ever been tendered here. President and Mrs. Cleveland visited Charleston on February 28, 1888, but Mrs. Cleveland was only here for a few hours. Presidents Washington, Monroe and Polk were unattended by their wives when they visited the city. Tonight the ballroom was exquisitely decorated for the occasion and was in keeping with the splendid toilets of the 500 brilliantly gowned women who came to do honor to the president's charming wife. Mrs. Roosevelt and the ladies of her party occupied a dias near the southern end of the room and they received the guests who were introduced by Mrs. Andrew Simons, Jr., of this city. The reception began at 9 o'clock and lasted until after midnight. CHEROKEE CHAT. Cold Injure* Vegetation?Extending the Telephone?Rural Free Delivery. Correspondence of the Yorkrille EnQuirer. Etta Jane, April 9.?The cold last night, it is thought by some, has killed the peach crop. Some had cabbage plants up and other vegetables which suffered more or less from the cold. Mr. Bridges, of Blacksburg, accompanied by Mr. W. S. Wllkerson, of Hickory Grove, came over last Saturday, looking out a route to extend telephonic communication to this section, and from what I learn they were much encouraged at the prospect. We need such a service. We are glad to learn that our neighbors across the river, on the York side, are much pleased with the rural free delivery mail service, so far as they have tested it, and we hope it will grow in popularity and usefulness. Some fanners will plant corn this week. Some little corn was planted last week. More corn will be planted, on an average, this year, than formerly, we verily believe. prftot on Cotton.?Theodore H. Price, of New York, on Wednesday, sent out the following very interesting summary of the cotton situation from his point of view: "The highest prices reached this sea son for cotton have today been recorded and the market closes at the top. Today's advance Is, In my opinion, but a foretaste of what is yet to come. The figures of the visible supply on Fridaywill, I think, be startling and sensational. R. G. Dun & Co., say that their reports indicate a decrease of acreage for the next crop with smaller sales of fertilizers and a backward season. My own very exhaustive inquiry fully confirms this. The new crop is nearly three weeks late and the indicated acreage is 6 per cent, less than last year. The world consumes 225,000 bales weekly. If the crop shall prove to be three weeks late, then an additional 775,000 bales will be required out of this year's supply, already manifestly inadequate. If consumption continues at the present rate, there will be no cotton left by the 15th of July, as receipts are falling off with a unanimity and abruptness that is entirely confirmatory of short crop estimates. Two years ago, cotton sold at over 11 cents a pound upon a situation much less acute than will almost certainly develop this year. It seems Idle to anticipate the culmination of the present advance as long as the consumption continues undiminished." When the President Met Jenkins. ?Describing the trip of the president around Charleston harbor on the Algonquin, last Tuesday, a correspondent relates the following: There was another interesting incident on the trip brought about by the president seeing on board the Algonquin Major Micah Jenkins, formerly of the Rough Riders. "You old trump," exclaimed the president. "You old scamp! I am delighted to see you. This gives me exceeding pleasure." Major Jenkins, who is modesty itself, bowed and shook hands with the president, but Mr. Roosevelt was not through. "I heard that you were in Washington and yet you did not come to see me. If you do that again, it will not be good for you. The idea of your coming to Wasnington and not calling to see me. How could you do such a thing?" ,i. AT THE CHURCHES. BAPTIST. rev. w. e. hurt pastor. Sunday Services?Sunday school in the morning at 10 o'clock. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. No evening sen-ices. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. Sunday Services?Services at 11 o'clock a. m., and 8 o'clock p. m., by Rev. A. S. Rogers, of Rock Hill. Sunday school in the afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. TRINTY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. a. n. brunson, pastor. Sunday Services.?Morning services at 11 o'clock. No evening service. Sunday school in the afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. c. johnes, pastor. Sunday Services?Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. Sunday school in the afternoon at 3.30 o'ciock. wo evening service. PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. q. neville, pastor. Sunday Services.?Morning services at 11 o'clock. Sunday school in the afternoon at 4.00 o'clock. The York County Bible society will meet at 8 o'clock in the -evening, and be addressed by Rev. W. E. Hurt, of the Baptist church. The other churches of the town will be closed in the evening, and all are cordially invited to attend. ?pechtl Dotes. Preaching at Howling Green. There will be preaching at Bowling Green on the second Sabbath of Xpril, at 3 o'clock p. m., instead of 11 a. m., as announced. W. A. Hafner. April 9 sw 2t $he jjorhuille Cfotton $Rarhct. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Henri. Latta Bros. Yolkville. April 11, 12 m.?The local market stands as follows: Middling 8J Strict Middling 9 Good Middling 9 Fully Good Middling 9 Latta Bros. LOST. East Liberty or South Main V/ sireeis, >? truncoutijr jiivi mug, a mdies' AMBER PUFF COMB. Please return to THE ENQUIRER OFFICE. It CHEAP ROUGHNESS. WE are overstocked with WHEAT STRAW and CORN STOVER, all neatly and compactly baled and in prime condition. It is very cheap. GORDON BROTHERS. Apr. 12sw3t Yorkville, S. C. NEW BARBERSHOP" T BEG to inform the Yorkville public A that I have arranged to open, on NEXT TUESDAY, in the room ABOVE THE LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK, a BARBERSHOP, in which I shall endeavor to merit the patronage of the people of the town and community. Respectfully, J. A. HOWE. UTICA EXTINGUISHERS. WHEN you discover that youi house is on fire is the time you will wish for a UTICA CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER. You had better get one before the fire comes, A child can operate it. It is perfectly safe, and its effectiveness is unquestioned. I'll be glad to show you a Utica in operation if you would like to see it, A. M. GRIST. THE DALLAS RE-UNION. rHAVE secured a special coach tc thP DALLAS RE-UNION, over the Seaboard Air Line, and have perfected arrangements to take a party direct from Yorkville on through with only one change at Chester. We will leave Yorkville at 6.30 p. m.t next Thursday, April 17, and leave Chester at 9.40 a. m. Friday morning. We go by way ol Memphis. There will be sleeping accommodations for 18 people and the extra cost from Chester will be only-$2.50. Those desiring to become members ol our party will please communicate at once with H. C. STRAUSS, Yorkville, S. C. HAMS. W E have received within the past few days a small shipment of HAMS that are of especially good quality and in small sizes. The price will interest you as it is only 15 CENTS a pound. Try them. When you want good things to eat, you can get them here. tsr Give your horses and mules, cows and sheep JOCKEY ANIMAL FOOD. It will put your stock in prime condi tion. Per package, 20 cents. Two for 35 cents. It is good stuff. C. P. LOWRANCE & CO. SUCCESS IS THE TRUE MERIT OF SUCCESS, and we wish to state once more, and clearly, that our aim is to combine COMPETENCY and ACCURACY with the PUREST products that the chemical and drug world can produce, in order that your prescriptions may have the desired effect, and prove satisfactory, both to our customer and physician. We invite you to TEST US at close range. Send your prescription to YORK DRUG STORE J. B. BOWEN, REGISTERED PHARMACIST. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the United State* DiMtrlct Court Fur the Western District of South Carolina. In the Matter of D. W. HICKS, Bankrupt. ON this 4tn day of April, 1902, on reading the foregoing petition, it is Ordered by the court, that a hearing be had upon the same on the 20TH DAY OF APRIL, A. D., 1902, before said court, at Charleston, S. C., in said district, at 4 o'clock p. m? and that notice thereof be published in The Yorkville Enquirer, a newspaper printed in said district, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at the said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered by the court, that the clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as stated. Witness the Hon. W. H. Brawley, judge of the said court, and the seal thereof, at Charleston, in said district, on the 4th day of April, 1902. [Seal]. C. J. C. HUTSON, Clerk. April 12 s It NOTICE OF ELECTION OF DISPENSER. NOTICE is hereby given that the York County Board of Control will, on TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1902, consider applications for the position of DISPENSER in the town of Yorkville, S. C. All such applications must be filed with the board not less than twenty days before they are passed upon, and, in accordance with this provision of the law, no application win De cunsiuered unless filed with the board on or before Tuesday, April 15, 1902, at 12 o'clock, noon. A bond of three thousand dollars will be required of the successful applicant, who must also agree to comply with the lawful Instructions of the State and county boards of control and with the special laws of the State of South Carolina in respect to the sale of alcoholic liquors, etc. At the same time and place, and subject to the same conditions named above, as to the time of filing, propositions will be considered for the rental of premises to be used as a Dispensary. Parties offering places for rent must be willing to make such changes in them as will, in the judgment of the board, adapt them to the purposes for which they are to be used, and at the expense of the owners thereof. Especially must they be put in neat and cleanly condition. be made reasonably secure, If not already so, and have all openings in the rear and sides of same closed with heavy woven wire, or some similar substance that will prevent the passage of goods or persons through any except the front entrance, and without obstructing proper ventilation. Persons applying for the position of Dispenser must do so in the form and manner prescribed by law. The board reserves to itself the right to reject any or all applications or propositions. For further information, apply to J. R. LINDSAY, Clerk County Board of Control, Yorkville, S. C., or to the undersigned. J. S. DRAKEFORD, Chairman. Yorkville S. C., April 9, 1902. sit NOTICE TO OVERSEERS. ALL OVERSEERS are hereby notified to call out their hands and work and repair their respective sections at once. All male persons able to work, between tne ages or is ana ;>u years are required to work not LESS THAN THREE DAYS of ten hours each, on the public highway to which they belong. Ministers of the gospel, school trustees. students of schools and colleges, and all soldiers are exempted from road duty. Persons on sections that have no overseer, or on sections where the hands have paid their Commutation Tax, will please notify the Supervisor and recommend some suitable person for overseer. Ry order County Commissioners. MARY J. HUNTER, Clerk of Board. April 5 s 2t FOR SALE. Twenty tons of roughness for horses and cattle. Prices reasonable if sold at once. Apply at THE ENQUIRER OFFICE. ; J. M. HEATH & CO., I 1 Dry Goods Department. We Are I Now Ready. W E have long antireclated that the I tastes and requirements of this market as to qualities and varieties were of a | ' high order, and it has been our deter- ( mined purpose to meet these tastes and requirements to the letter. Nothing else was considered by our buyers this spring when they were North to lay in a new stock of SPRING and " SUMMER GOODS, and it is with con fldence that we are now ready to carry our friends through any one or all of the different departments of our big < store. We believe we are prepared to 1 satisfy aimost any taste or judgment as to qualities and prices. Some New Dress Goods. Although we are especially desirous of giving a full description of what Is to be found in our DRESS GOODS I DEPARTMENT, we confess at the out- ; set that we realize our utter inability 1 to do so. No customer who comes and ] ? makes an investigation can fall to ap pieciate the reason. The variety Is too ! eat. We are at a loss to know where ( to begin. What to put in, what to leave out and where to end. No attempted description would be satisfactory. The best thing for our friends to do is to I come and see for themselves, and to come while the big stock Is at Its best. By Way of Random Suggestion. A more tasteful display of DRESS GOODS has never been seen In Yorkvllle. We have everything In Blacks, and an Immense variety of new Veils, Granite Cloths, Silk Figured Albatross, Serges, All-over-nets, Wool Goods of endless variety and color, Linens of all the newest weaves, Embroidered Batists, with Appliques to match, Sheer and Fleecy White Goods, Lace and Plain Striped Piques, all shades of Mer- j cerized Cambrics, Tuckings and All- , over Embroideries, new patterns of ] Silk Waists, white and black Crepe de i Chine in all weaves and colors, at all ] < prices, and so many other pretty things that it is practically impossible to tell | the whole story at a single sitting. ' ( Our ' Millinery w Department. Nobody understands better than we do what is required in this department, and nobody is better prepared to fill requirements. Miss Grant understands her business perfectly, and Mrs. Dobson not only knows the wants of her numerous friends; but also how to fill those wants in a way that is satisfactory to all concerned. These are j among the reasons why our MILLI- ] NERY ALWAYS GIVES SUCH PERFECT SATISFACTION AS TO QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE. Our ' Clothin&r O ' i 1 Department. ] There is no need to say a great deal ' on this subject just at this time, except | that our CLOTHING and SHOE DE- ' PARTMENTS have both been receiv- I ing the attention their importance deserve, and that they abound in interesting ahd valuable prizes. Gentlemen ! are invited to come and look. : J. M. HEATH & CO, J. L. Williams, Manager. HIGH NOON COFFEE Is a combination of the choic est Coffee berries, carefully se lected and blended, and scien tifically roasted, producing cu] quality of Unexcelled Merit High Noon Coffee Is packed in a handsomeb lithographed air-tight can hold ing Four and One-Hal Pounds, and sells for ONE DOLLAR per can. User of Coffee will be pleased witl our High Noon Coffee. RIDDLE & CARROLL. . CLYBURN-HEATH MULECO Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. Riding and Driving WE have the BEST EQUIPPEI LIVERY STABLE in the uppe part of the state?FINE HORSES FINE VEHICLES, COMPETENT an< RELIABLE DRIVERS, PROMPT an* INTELLIGENT ATTENTION. It is i pleasure for us to serve the public an* we try to make it a pleasure to th public to avail Itself of our services Call us up over the phone and tell u what you want and when you want it or come and say it to us at our office lust as may best suit your convenl snce. J. C. ELLIOT, Manager. CANNED TOMATOES STRICTLY STANDARD GRADE, IN 3 POUND CANS. I have an unlimited amount of these on hand. I had bought them before the rise. Other dealers ask you 15 cents for this kind. You can get them at my place at 12 CENTS A CAN. I have opened a barrel of GEORGIA CANE SYRUP. It Is tip-top. 60 CENTS A GALLON. I have Orange Cane Seed, as well as White Walker fieed Corn for plant ing. LOUIS ROTH. SHAD TODAY, (SATURDAY). Crow Powder. I HAVE an excellent article for usi In keeping your corn and meloi patches and fields free from Jim Crow When properly administered this pre ^entive Is the most effective to be had tt Is a combination preparation In thi shape of Gunpowder and Shot of suit tble size. When you need SHOE POLISH o SLACKING, you will do well to see mi )r 'phone me just what you want I have a very choice quality of Lem >n and Vanilla Extracts. Somethlnj :hat is of extra quality and strength. If you use Cream of Tartar in you looking I have it for you. See me for CHINA WARE, WOOD BNWARE and TINWARE, as I havi lust what you want. J. B. WILLIAMS. If YOU Want THE BEST Buy the B&H CENTRAL DRAFT NICKLED LAMP with PORCELAIN SHADE, Only $1.75. Ton can pay $2 and $2 25 for i Lamp that is no better, if as good a: ;he B & H Lamp?No Better Lam] [s Made. T. W. SPECK. Jeweler. ?oan and Marians itauh Yorkvllle, C. WITH ample resources for the pro tectlon and accommodation o: mstomers, this Bank solicits the bus iness of corporations, firms and Individ jals, and will extend every accommo latlon consistent with safe banking Best of facilities for handling the ac * ? -?a - fnurn nuntnmorn nAl 1 n -UUUIS U1 UUl-ui-i?nii v.ugiui..tio, v<?. try merchants and farmers, cottoi mills and other manufacturing estab lishments. A general banking business transact id, and prompt and Intelligent atten tlon given to all business entrusted t< Dur care. itiV Interest bearing Certificates of De posit Issued under special agreement. W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. S. M. McNEEL. President. SOMETHING TO READ. FOR all the latest MAGAZINES anc Novels call at the YORK DRUC STORE. You will find a good selec tlon of literature there, and If you don' find just what you want, it will be got ten for you, quick. O. E. GRIST. jOnr Lady . ' . :. ' . Friends I | Will Be Pleased to 11 Know Our Low f ' | Quarter I : I. P. REED'S SHOES! ' 1 Have Arrived and That They ? I I Are Up-to-the-Minute I \ I In Quality and | ' I Stylishness. | C4 /TvWyVTVTVTVTWVTVTVTVyVTVTVTVWTVtVTV^/TV^/WTVI^^ * $ - I OUR stock of REED'S Low Quarter Shoes were a | $ little slow in coming, but they are here now and every pair $ f is a dream. We have Two Strap, Hand Turned French ? T ? ? Heel Shoes at $2.25. Cross Strapped, Hand Turned, with f $ | Cap, at $2.25. Newport Ties, with' and without Caps, j! X ( ) $ with French or Plain Heels, at $2.25 and $2.75. We also II x () x have Ladies' Low Cut Patent Leather Shoes, with French *? X ? T i | and Plain Heels, in Newport Ties and Opera styles. We jj f <> ? also have a nice line of low priced slippers from 50 cents a j \ fa 1' ! ? pair on up. Call and see our Shoe line. ' 1 Hats for the Gentlemen. || X * I We have all styles, sizes and shapes of STRAW HATS f 5 for the men, boys and children, from the 10 cents Malaga ? 1 Hat on up to a Panama at $5. Our styles and qualities of X 2* Fur and Wool Hats for men and boys, is unsurpassed in ? ? S varieties, quantities, qualities, shapes and values. We in- + g t vite you to see our Hats before buying. v i I Our Second Order i 1 2 Of FOULARDS, in silk finish, has arrived, and while ? r J they last you can get supplied at 12^ cents a yard and up. ? 2 f We have Ladies' 26-inch Umbrellas, guaranteed fast f * colors for only 84 cents. & We have an elegant line of Ginghams and Madras 1 1 Cloth, in both plain and silk finish, for ladies' waists and ? 2 men's shirts. ? & We have about the nicest line of Ties and Cravats for g ? ladies and gentlemen that ever came over the steel ribbons T ? either to this town or any other. 1 T We ask you to watch our advertisements and read S ? them carefully. You can depend on what we say in them. * ; I We Want You to See I I the Goods Offered By I I Other Merchants, but ask I i You to See Our Goods f ' I Before You Buy. | j | H. C. STRAUSS & CO. I 5 * j The Enquirer Does Good Job Print- NOTICE. lnir and Solicits Yoar Work. TI/E will DISCONTINUE to ex V? change HULLS FOR SEED at TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS, present rate of exchange after April 15th, 1902. Estate of Dr. J. P. Hanibrlght, De- victor cotton oil co. ceased. Apr11 5 3t ALL persons indebted to the estate NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, of Dr. J. P. HAMBRIGHT, deceas- t RESPECTFULLY beg leave to say ed, are hereby notified to make imme- J. that my terms for all DENTAL diate payment to the undersigned. SERVICES FROM and AFTER THIS 1 Persons having claims against the said DATE are STRICTLY CASH. } estate, are requested to present them a. y. cartwright j J..,? nontlnt - to tne unaeraigneu, uuij aumw..>.v??, t within the time prescribed by law. ?? - ? SUSAN J. HAMBRIGHT, Adm'x. The Enquirer Doe? Good Job PrintSmyrna, S. C., April 6, 1902 s31 ?n?r and Solicit* Your Work. There Are Some People WHO AT THIS SEASON OP THE TEAR WISH TO BUY WAGONS TO USE IN THE LIGHT FARM WORK ONLY, AND DON'T WANT TO PAY THE PRICE OP NEW ONES. TO THESE PEOPLE WE . WISH TO SAY THAT WE HAVE A LOT OP Second Hand Wagons. SOME VERY GOOD AND SOME NOT SO GOOD. THEY WILL DO THE FARM WORK AND WE WILL SELL THEM CHEAP. COME AND GET ONE. YORKVILLE BUGGY COMPANY. J. F. PURSLEY, CLOVER, 8. C. BE sure and see me for FLOUR. I have the GOLD MEDAL brand, made by the Mountain City Mill Co. If you want to know that it is good, Just try it. Every sack is guaranteed. We have the INTERNATIONAL STOCK jj'OuD, which, if used according to directions, will make your horse look young and stylish. I have Just received a lot of PLOWS, which are quite seasonable Just now. I have a few bushels of Sweet Potatoes for bedding. You will need some, and you might nurry up before they go. If rats are more plentiful than desirable on your premises, you will need one of our- traps. They will do the work of clearing out rats. I still have a few Guns which are offered at cost. There's bargains here. My store is headquarters for Candles. We have the kind the girls like and the boys are beginning to learn this fact. Call on us when in town. You will find our line of Groceries complete. J. F. PURSLEY. J. J. KELLER & CO., UNDERTAKERS. OUR STOCK. WE are carrying a large and elaborate stock of UNDERTAKERS' GOODS. We give satisfactory attention to all calls and the prices wb charge are very close. Don't fail to see us when in need of anything In our line. Our place of business is near the Carolina and North-Western depot. J. J. KELLER & CO. W. O. BAWL.S7 PLUMBER AND STEAM FITTER. ROOF PAINTING. I BEG to say to my friends and the public generally that I am prepared to take orders for ROOF PAINTING and to execute the same in a firstclass manner. I have on hand some A NO. 1 ROOF PAINT that I can furnish to people who have no special choice; but where the customer has a choice as to the kind of PAINT he would use, I will furnish what he wants. Please see me before placing orders. Respectfully, W. O. RAWLS. BRING TOUR LAUNDRY TO me. Collars, 2 cents; Cuffs, 4c; Shirts, 10 and 12J cents. I send off every Tuesday and your laundry is returned Saturday. Any laundry left with Mrs. T. M. Dobson, &t J. M. Heath & Co.'s store, will receive prompt attention by me. TRY ME and the Charlotte Steam Laundry's artistic work. KEENE DOBSON. KEROSENE ENGINE FOR SALE. WE offer for sale a second-hand four-horse power KEROSENE SHIPMAN ENGINE. The Engine Is In perfect order and for all practicable purposes is as efficient as a new one. It furnishes absolutely reliable power. It will be sold for less than half what It originally cost. tf L. M. GRIST & SONS. Jltc ^(orbvillf <?nquim. Published Wednesday and Saturday. PURLIHHEIIS s L. M. GRIST, W. I*. GRIST, O. E. GRIST, A. M. GRIST. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! Single copy for one year f 2 00 One copy .for two years 3 50 For six months 1 00 For three months 50 Two copies one year 3 50 Ten copies one year 17 50 And an extra copy for a club of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. A square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type. ta~ Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twleve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the office by Monday at noon, when Intended for Wednesday's issue, and on Thursday when intended for Saturday's issue.