Mrs. Jenkins was married to the bril- I liant Confederate officer, Micah Jenkins, in 1856. His four sons survive her. Her death at this time is rendere'd peculiarly sad by the fact that she was on her way from West Point, N. Y., where she had spent many months with her youngest son. Captain J. M. Jenkins, U. S. A., to Charleston, in order to be present on the occasion of the presentation of a sword by the president to her oldest son, Major M. J. Jenkins, of the regiment of Rough Riders. Her cultured intellect, herl gentle manners, and beautiful features will preserve her memory sweet and fresh in the hearts of the host of friends. I The Yorkvllle anil Tirr.nli Road. The chaingang put in such work as the weather permitted last week, on the "Robinson hill" at Fishing creek, and although it cannot be said that the work amounted to more than a good start, enough was done to suggest the wonderful improvement that will be made at this place, feopie at an laiuuiar with the Robinson hill recognize it as one of the most desperate of all the desperate sections of road in the county. The hill, especially on the east side of the creek, is long, steep and rough. It is covered with a slaty stone that does not improve the road bed. Such work as was done last week developed the fact that this slaty stone is present in sufficient quantity to macadamize the road on the east side of the creek. The grade stakes have been set on both sides of the creek in accordance with the surveyor's profile. The bridge is to be 14 feet above the water level in the creek, and when the road is finished at this point, it is safe to predict that a team will be able to trot over it with a loaded wagon. On Monday work was resumed on the Simril hill, the chaingang having been removed from there on account of the rough weather that had been prevailing. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. The Spectre of Cooianl Columbia special to The News and ( Courier: Much interest is taken in the probable action of the senate in regard to the Virginia-Carolina Chemical company. It seems that senators now realize that it would be a disastrous economical blunder to force the company to cease doing business in the of?to ? compromise measure is t looked for. Indeed such a scheme has been presented to the judiciary com- ; mittee, but the report has been delayed, it is stated, on account of the fact that a bill has not been perfected which meets exactly the views of the majority of the committee. It is said that . the compromise will be in the nature of < a requirement that the Virginia-Carolina company become domesticated under the laws of the state within a certain time. Some details of the plan have yet to be worked out and hence : the delay in the report. v ^CQmtlie West Indie*. / Exposition News: A vampire bat hangs in a cage in one of the exhibits in the Palace of Commerce, with its head always down. It is a most remarkable looking animal, and likely , to haunt one's dreaips. If you tqych ( one of the attenuated claws by which , it grasps a bar of the cage, it silently j and swiftly unfolds a pair of large black satiny wings, taking a pose < which makes it resemble a broken umbrella in a gale of wind more than anything else. Then just as silently and i swiftly it gathers its sombre wings to- I gether, and bending a witch-like elbow < folds these like a mantle in the tragic < manner of the dramatists, and looks at < you reproachfully out of a pair of 1 strangely intelligent eyes. The head of ] the beast has not the rat-like effect 1 which belongs to other species of bats. 1 and though covered with what might almost be called fur. it seems to re- i semble no known animal. I Tillman Playing For Even. J Charleston Post: Tillman never t forgets an enemy. This is again illustrated in his opposition as senator to the confirmation of J. P. Richardson as postmaster at Greenville, under the appointment of the late President McKinley. Mr. Richardson is one of the ?Konn fnr ma n v pi upi ICIUIO anu JIUQ WVV4? fcw? years business manager of the Greenville News, which first applauded and afterwards bitterly assailed Tillman, learning among the first that the Edgefield farmer was but a political selfseeker after all. For a long time the Greenville News has been a consistent and powerful opponent of Tillman, and has been especially virulent in the last year since its espousal of the McLaurin cause. Now Tillman holds up the appointment of Mr. Richardson as postmaster because of his paper's attitude. It is doubtful if the opposition will avail to defeat the nomination, since it is based on personal objection only, yet it is possible that it will, and such deference to senatorial prerogative is not without precedent. Senator Hill, of New York, was able to defeat the nomination of two of the most distinguished members of the New York bar for places on the supreme bench because , of his personal objection to them, both having fought his political interests. < Tillman, however, is very different from Hill, and it is possible that he may not be shown the same consideration as the New York senator. This would not be regrettable, not only be- ' cause the designated postmaster for Greenville is a very excellent fellow and would give the people good service: but also, because the practice of sacrificing good public servants to the interests of politicians through the much abused senatorial courtesy, should be broken. It is a bad business, without regard to the personality of its application. AT THE CHURCHES. THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. REV. J. C. JOHNES, RECTOR. Services today at 10.30 o'clock, a. m. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. a. n. brunson, pastor. Prayer meeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. q. neville. pastor. Prayer meeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock. ?peciat Jpoticcs. Catarrh Cannot he Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, it was prescnoeu oy one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY. Prop., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. the exuiihek Solicit* Votir Job Printing Order*. (The yorhrille Cotton gRarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Heuri Latta Broi. Yorkville, February 11, 12 m.?The focal market stands: Stains 6@7 Tinges 7@7g Middling 8 Fully Middling 8J Good Middling 8J Fully Good Middling 8J Latta Bros. FUR CAPE FOUND. IN Yorkville. on Saturday morning last, a WOMAN'S FUR CAPE. By calling at The Enquirer office the owner mii cernire ft hv identifying and Day ing for this advertisement. It SMOOTH MANILA PAPER SUITABLE for drawing plans for contractors and for pattern tracing by dressmakers. 44 inches wide, can be had at THE ENQUIRER office at 10 cents a pound. PROTECT TOUR HOME WITH a UTICA FIRE EXTINGUISHER. I have two on hand, which will be sold at low prices for cash. There is no better fire protection than UTICA EXTINGUISHERS. A. M. GRIST. KEROSENE ENGINE FOR SALE. WE offer for sale a second-hand four-horse power KEROSENE SHIPMAN ENGINE. The Engine is in perfect order and for all practicable purposes is as efficient as a new one. It furnishes absolutely reliable power. It will be sold for less than half what it originally cost, tf L. M. GRIST & SONS. Glenn 8c Allison LEAD THE PROCESSION. TIME is up on the little fellows. It is a condition, not a theory, that confronts us and we will deal with it as business men should. We have a supply of both HORSES AND MULES on hands. The sales we have been making convince us that every one is not afraid of the times. A carload of OLDS WAGONS just received. If you need a Wagon come to see us. BUGGIES AND HARNESS. We have a full and complete line. Every article is stamped with OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE. GLENN & ALLISON. The Liverymen. GARDEN SEEDS. WE have LANDRETH S GARDEN SEEDS. A very complete assortment. Small seed, two papers for five cents. Beans and Peas five cents a tin full. Landreth's Onion Sets, Tellow and White Silver Skin. Also the Multiplying Onion. Have Red Clover Seed. STARR'S LIVER REGULATOR is one of the best liver medicines on the market. Finely ground, nearly iouble the quantity you get of any other Liver Regulator. Put up in tin boxes with close fitting lid, therefore it keeps fresher than the other. Starr's Liver Regulator is worth 25 cents a box. Five boxes for $1, and that is ivhat we sell it for. We are selling the old reliable Fertilizers made by Macmurphy & Co., and the Navassa. There is none better made and some of our best farmers say we sell the BEST on the market. See us before you buy. JAS. M. STARR & CO.. Leading Druggists. Buy Fresh SNOWFLAKE Crackers From C. P. LOWRANCE & CO. gCgr* Peeled Pie Peaches at $1.20 the dozen cans. 10 cts. the can. J. J. KELLER & CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. WE carry a FIRST-CLASS LINE OF BUILDERS HARDWARE for the retail trade. The goods are bought wholesale for our own use and our retail price IS CLOSE. EXPECT TO PAINT? We will furnish the material and do the work. We will do the work and let you furnish the material. We'll furnish the material and let you do the work. Any old way to please our customers, but you can do no better than to let us furnish the material and do the work. T T/t^T r TT?TJ P_ r*r\ J. J. A.?ilJljCin IV V/V. FLOUR. I MAKE FLOUR one of my specialties. I do this because I know that most people want only the VERY BEST FLOUR that can be had. I am building up a good trade on Flour because I am handling only such brands of Flour as please the user. In my VIRGINIA STAR PATENT FLOUR you will find a very choice article, of wonderful whiteness that will please the most fastidious palate. In my AUGUSTA LOG CABIN FLOUR will be found the BEST FLOUR for the money that is offered on this market. See me for Flour. I have just received a supply of elegant FULL CREAM CHEESE, and have a superb quality of Macaroni to go along with it. *'<" I have a fresh supply of MAGIC YEAST?the kind that raises things. J. B. WILLIAMS. TIME TO PAY. A LL persons who have authorized XA. me to return their names as subscribers to THE YORKVILLE ENQUIRER, and have not paid for the same, will please remember that settlement time is drawing near, and make payment, either to myself or at THE ENQUIRER office not later than MARCH 1ST, 1902. W. HENRY CROOK, Fort Mill. S. C. Feb. 8 sw tf J, M, HEATH & CO,, General Merchandise. > $1,000 WE OF NEW TRIMMINGSi IN ALL WIDTHS. ! OCX) We have ALL-OVER NETS in Hamburgs, Escurial, and Oriental. We also have i Black Silk Nets. j Appliquesinthenew | "Arabian Color." j Also cream, white and black Medallion Appliques. i HEADINGS ill both ! i i very wide and nar- j ( 1 row. ! < ORGANDIE Inser-1 tions and Edges, and sets of Trimmings in VALENCIENES in all qualities. i WHITE GOODS ill! : l every quality are al I ready in. See these two lines early. i [ i J. M. HEATH & CO., J. L. Williams, Manager. A Winning Hand. If quality and prices count for anything with you when buying Fancy and Family Groceries, we hold the winning hand. Our qualities are the BEST and our prices are the LOWEST for the qualities. If you are a user of the best qualities we solicit your trade. Use our blended Mocha and Java Coffee. It's fine. RIDDLE & CARROLL. Your Watch Is of small practical value to you if it fails to^ keep^orrect time. Many fine watches are ruined by improper care. Ev. i _ _i sry watcn neeas proper cleaning, oiling and regulating at regular intervals. I can do this work for you, can do it exactly right and at a very moderate price, T. W; SPECK, Jeweler. tir THE ENQUIRER Solicits Your Job Printing: Orders. NEW GOODS. WHEN your wife tells you to get her some Crockery, Granite or Tinware you will do well to remember that I can sell you these articles at lust the right prices to please you. My stocks of these goods are very complete. It Is about time for you to begin planning your spring gardening, and ivhen you do begin this work, you will please remember that I have fresh and :hoice varieties of Onion Sets and Standard Garden Seeds. My Seeds ire guaranteed to be FRESH and of the CHOICEST VARIETIES. When you are in need of School Books, School Supplies, etc., I invite you to come and see my lines. I will ?ive you just the right prices. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. _ MUNICIPAL REGISTRATION. Yorkvillb, S. C., February 5, 1902. PURSUANT to the requirements of law, notice Is hereby given that the REGISTRATION BOOKS for the town af Yorkvllle will be opened In the office of the Sheriff of York county, DN WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, ind will be kept open until TUESDAY, APRIL 29, inclusive, for the registration of voters desiring to qualify themselves to vote in municipal elections. Conditions prerequisite to the Issuance of a municipal registration :ertlfigate to an applicant are the proJuctioh of a registration certificate from the county board of supervisors, proof of residence In the town of YorkI'ille for four months previous to the election In which the applicant desires to vote, and satisfactory evidence of the payment of all past due state, county and municipal taxes. A. F. McCONNELL, Supervisor of Registration for the Town of Yorkvllle, S. C. February 5 w 3t til THE ENQUIRER Solicit* Your job Printing Order*. NOTICE. ALL of the members of the UNITED MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, are earnestly requested to remit the MEMBERSHIP FEES In full at once, to the secretary of this company, W. H. HERNDON, of Yorkville, S. C. Some of our applicants have not been as prompt In this as they should, and this Is very necessary for the promotion and sustaining of the business of this company, as of any and all other companies everywhere, and each member should feel it his or her duty to give the very best protection to their families. The company is now self-sustaining in this county, and if each member will do their whole duty, we can pay the first death benefit without an assessment, and I have not been able to work more than one-half of the county as yet. Now please do your best, and oblige, Yours truly, JNO. G. NEELY. Feb. 5 w 2t TEACHERS* EXAMINATION. THE regular SPRING EXAMINATION of teachers for Teachers' Certificates, will be held in the Court House at Yorkville, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m., and closing promptly at 4 p. m. No renewals granted, except for actual attendance at the summer schools last June. Correspondence on this subject is unnecessary. Examine your certificate, and if it is out of date, come to the examination. A careful review of the common school branches, including school management, is recommended. JOHN E. CARROLL, County Supt. of Education. January 29 w 3t PAY UP. ALL persons who have authorized me to return their names as subscribers to THE YORKVILLE ENQUIRER, and have not paid for the same, will please remember that settlement time is drawing near, and make navment. either to myself or at THE ENQUIRER office not later than MARCH 1ST. 1902. GEORGE W. KNOX. Clover, S. C. Feb. 8 sw tf tv' THE KXQllHEK Solicit* Yonr Job Printing Order*. G. H. O'LEARV. FURNITURIu WHEN you find It necessary to purchase anything in the Furniture line you will find It to your Interest to call and see what I have to offer you. You will find that I carry the BEST goods as well as the lower grades and that my prices will compare favorably with any prices that you may obtain on any other warket. G. H. O'LEARY. aruvus ajnju u?A'x.eh9. WE are still handling the wellknown NOBLE STOVES. Oui most popular sellers are the IRON KING. ELMO and COTTON KING. Every one of these stoves that we have ever sold has given entire satisfaction to the purchaser, and we feel surt that If you will purchase one of our stoves you will not be disappointed. We also keep In stock a line of cheaper priced stoves than the above. We also have a full line of Heating Stoves. G. H. O'LEART. SADDLES AND HARNESS. WE invite all users of Saddles and Harness to Inspect our stock of these goods before buying. We manufacture our Saddles and Harness and every Saddle and every set of Harness is guaranteed as to quality. G. H. O'LEARY. J. F. PURSLE Y, GLOVER, 8. O. GROCERIES THAT'S what we want to call your attention to at present. We have Flour, Lard, Baking Powder and all LUC UlUCI Iligicuiciuo 4U1 uianiiiQ jUU* Christmas cakes. We have Cocoanut, both grated and fresh. Chocolate; Currants, Raisins, etc. GUNS. We are very anxious to sell out our stock of Guns. We will sell you any Gun we have at 10 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR LESS THAN OUR REGULAR PRICE. These are jam up good guns. Come to us for anything you want, as we want to serve you. Yours for trade, J. P. PURSLEY. ?oau and parings jJaiik, Yorkvllle, C. WITH ample resources for the protection and accommodation of customers, this Bank solicits the business of corporations, firms and Individuals, and will extend every accommodation consistent with safe banking. Best of facilities for handling tne accounts of out-of-town customers, country merchants and farmers, cotton mills and other manufacturing establishments. A general banking business transacted, and prompt and Intelligent attention given to all business entrusted to our care. tST Interest bearing Certificates of Deposit issued under special agreement. W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. S. M. McNEEL. President. CLYBURN-HEATH MULE CO. Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. MULES. WE have on hand a CHOICE LOT of MULES which we are offering to the trade at close prices. If it is the STUFF AND THE PRICE the prospective purchaser is looking for, he should come and see us. The Owensboro Wagon is the BEST ON EARTH at the price. We do not know of a better farm Wagon at any price. Get an OWENSBORO. City Livery. We give especial attention to this feature of our business, and we are offering our customers Rubber Tired traps and daisy teams to pull them. CLYBURN-HEATH MULE CO. J. C. Elliott, Manager. HOOSIER CORN DRILLS. WE have in stock a limited supply of the well known HOOSIER CORN.DRILLS, which Is one of the greatest labor saving implements that Is used on the farm. in ii if in a aiii Tiiiirnnp WALMHU tULMVAIUno. We also have on hand a nice stock of THREE AND FOUR TOOTH WALKING CULTIVATORS, the very implement you need In cultivating your crop. OLIVER CHILLED PLOW. Remember when in need of a Turning Plow, the OLIVER CHILLED PLOW can always be found at our place of business, and will have to say, it has no equal in draugh or durability. Repairs always on hand. YORK IMPLEMENT CO. tir THE ENQUIRER SollcItM Your Job Printing; Orders. i I A Good Way TO SAVE MONEY AND A SURE WAY IS TO TRADE AT THE RIGHT PLACE. WE CARRY AN EXTENSIVE LINE OF Hardware, Furniture and General Household Goods, AND CAN MAKE A PRICE JUST A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE OTHER MAN. WHY PAY MORE WHEN YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY SEEING W. B. MOORE & CO.? T71 J_1 i. rur me uuesi i things in Hats j i ( come to H. C. ; Strauss & Co. We have good Hats in Crushes, Alpines and Panama Styles. 1 1 When you want' the latest in Hats see us. Our Hats are in 1 style and the < prices are right, j H, C. STRmSS & CO, i-rr THE ENQUIRER Solicit* Yonr Job l\lntliiR Orderw. TIME TO PAY. a t.t. noranfq who have authorized A me to return their names as sub-1 scribers to THE YORKVILLE EN- J QUIRER, and have not paid for the same, will please remember that settle- . ment time is drawing near, and make payment, either to myself or at THE ENQUIRER office not later than iMARCH 1ST, 1902. . W. M. McG. BAILEY, Olive, S. C. Feb. 8 sw tf ; PAY UP. ALL persons who have authorized | me to return their names as sub- i scribers to THE YORKVILLE EN- , QUIRER, and have not paid for the same, will p'.ease remember that settle- , ment time is drawing near, and make payment, either to myself or at THE ENQUIRER office not later than MARCH 1ST, 1902. J. W. ALEXANDER, Yorkville, S. C. Feb. 8 sw tf 4*?^ 'I1 ?*! ? "1' ^ ? '1* ? ? *1' ? ! ? 4* I U Ought 2 C U ? in regard to your Comme j| in need of anything in tl I GOOD PRINTING than ; tion of tl t country, and a ? promised. We use the be; X production of all work pi; looking for something ne Folders, Hangers, Letter! ^ Handbills, Cards, etc., voi ? you have ideas of your o\v $ low your ideas rather than S next order. We make a ^ Arguments, Statements o | THE YORK /T\ i /TV /Tl (T\A. (T\ /T^ /T^ , TVTvTwTvVwTvTvTw'fvTvT wv1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. IN THE COURT OP COMMON PI.EAS. York Cotton Millti, Plaintiff, against E. Martin & Co., (a Arm composed of E. Martin?names of other defend- . ants constituting company unknown to plaintiff), Defendants?Summons for Relief?Complaint not served. To the Defendants above named: YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action,, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, for said county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said com plaint on the subscribers at their office In Yorkville, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff In this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Attest: W. Brown Wylie, C. C. C. Pis. [Seal]. FINLEY & BRICE, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Yorkville, S. C., December 31st, 1901. NOTICE. To the absent defendants, E. Martin & Company, a firm composed of E. Martin and other defendants, if any, name's unknown: Please take notice that the summons, of which the foregoing is a copy, together with the complaint in the above entitled cause, were filed in the office of the clerk of court af common pleas for said county ami state, at Yorkville, South Carolina, on the 2d day of January, A. D., 1902. FINLEY & BRICE, Plaintiff's Attorneys, iforkville, S. C., January 2d, 1902. January 8 w 6t Febi2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of York. in the court of couuon pleas. Sarah H. Kunz, as Administratrix of the estate of Elizabeth Smith, deceased, Plaintiff, against H. W. Smith, Defendant?Summons for Relief?Complaint not served, ro the Defendant, H. W. Smith: YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which is this day filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court jf Common Pleas for the said county, and to serve a copy of your mswer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office, No.'5. Law Range. Yorkville, S. C., within twenty Jays after the service hereof, exclusive jf the day of such service; and if you Jail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the reief demanded in the complaint. Yorkville, S. C., December 31st, A. D., 1901. W. W. LEWIS, Plaintiff's Attorney. January 8 w 6t Febl2 t'T THE ENQIIKER Solicits Yonr lob Prlntluir Orders. REMEMBER THE DEAD-rHE LIVING CARE FOR THEMSELVES. WHEN you remember the dead of your family, you show to the tvorld that your love for them Is not Juried with the body. It is a duty you >we yourself and to the one that Is jone, to place a neat Monument or rombstone over the last resting place >f departed loved ones. To do this the jxpense is not great, and it shows to :he world that your love for the dead Is is lasting as stone. If you have rela:lves burled in unmarked graves do not et it remain so, when the expense of narking the grave properly is so small. Set my prices and see the styles of work I have to offer you. FRANK HAPPERFIELD. In the rear of the Kennedy Building. UNDERTAKERS. /^V TTT5 rtrl f Vi Inner V 1 uu yci ouuai aticuviuii| mvu >v><0 K.J experience, given at all times. All grades and priced goods in COFFINS md CASKETS. Latest equipment in trappings, etc. Robes, Gloves, Slippers and Stockings carried in stock. Fine Hearse for town and country use. W. B. MOORE & CO. Y ork BrickWorks. W. N. ASHE, Proprietor. We are now making millions of Brick, .. md are ready to meefcall demands wboleiale or retail, at figures that are right. W. N. ASHE. Yorkville and Rock Hill. THE "WE FIX IT" SHOP. ' IS it broken, worn or shackly? Whether it be made of iron, wood or steel, bring it to us and we will FIX IT. We do Horse Shoeing, and we do it RIGHT. Also all kinds of farm implement repairs. R. E. MONTGOMERY. COTTON GINNING. 1BEG to announce .to my friends and customers that my GINNERY PLANT, located at Guthriesville, is in PIRST-CLASS condition, and we have facilities for handling cotton from seed to bale tnat are second to none. Cotton handled by the Munger system brings a better price that that handled by other systems. Can gin your cotton tvhile you wait. Bagging and Ties are kept on hand ind furnished at market prices. Highest CASH prices paid for Seed. Your custom is solicited. W. H. HICKLIN. tir THE ENQUIRER Solicit* Yonr Job Printing Orders. Efc/ " w " w "jjTVw " w y vi/ " qg s? I rcial Printing when you are lis line. We produce more * i any other firm in this sec- ? 11 orders are delivered when ? st materials obtainable in the 2 accd with us, and if you are A w and artistic in the line of ? leads, Billheads, Envelopes, 2 li should call and see us. If i n about printing we will fol- -f ours. Let us figure on your X specialty of Law Briefs and a f Cases, etc. ? [VILLE ENQUIRER. A STl A. tTi A. A A .f. A /T^ .t. /T^ A /T. A ^ fj) 'y I' -y 'j' ^ *y ^