Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, November 27, 1901, Image 3

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with the end of his captive seems to have been this, that wheu the mob proposed to burn him, Koester and others declared they would shoot him at the striking of the first match. That is all. Koester seems to be an active and resolute man, and a person of taste. Having arrested a vile criminal, he helped to avert a cruel and disgusting show. The opposition to his appointment as collector seems to have been based on personal spite. Report says that the president will not withdraw the appointment." LOCKHART LIN'KLETS. * Mr*. RiKgrlm Return* to Her FarmMr. Wm. Rob* Become* an Orcriteer. Correspondence 01 tne xorraue nnauircr. Lockhart, November 20.?These autumnal days are certainly beautiful. Each succeeding day seems to vie with the day preceding In that respect. Mrs. R. J. Rlggins. who has been with us for sometime, has moved back to her plantation In the Blairsvllle section. She will be accompanied by all of her children except Miss Alice and Mr. Meek Rlggins. Miss Alice will continue to hold her position as inspector in the cloth-room, and Mr. Meek will continue as flagman on the Lockhart branch of tne Southern railway. Mr. William Ross is now a full-fledged overseer, having been assigned to that position in the cloth-room on the resignation of Mr. T. I. Barber. Rev. J. S. Grier filled his appointment here yesterday, preaching two very interesting sermons from the same text. AT THE CHURCHES. THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. c. johnes, rector. Thanksgiving services at li o'clock tomorrow. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. a. n. brunson, pastor. The pastor being out of town there will be no prayer-meeting this evening. . BAPTIST. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Geo. P. White. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. No prayer n.eetlng this afternoon. PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. q. neville, pastor. There will be no prayer meeting this evening. Thanksgiving services will be held on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, at which a special collection will be taken for the benefit of the orphanage. ?pt(iat Uoliqes. Clover, Union and Yorlcvllle. Rev. Geo. P. White will preach in the Baptist church at Clover, next Sunday morning, December 1, at 11 o'clock, at Union at 3.30 p. m., and in Yorkville Baptist church at 7.30 p. m. A full attendance of the membership of each church is requested, and others are cordially invited. Sam M. Grist, for Committee. I How's This f We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last IB years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the Best. $he gorkuille dfotton IJtarhet. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. Yorkville, November 26, 2 p. m.? The local market stands: Middling t Fully Middling 7| Good Middling 7 5-16 Fully Good Middling 7 5-1G Latta Bros. WANTED XN GOOD condition. HIGH GRADE SHOT GUN. Address Lock Box 35, Yorkville, S. C. It CHICKENS FOR SALE. I HAVE for sale, a limited number of PURE BRED COCKS. COCKERELS, HENS and PULLETS of Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Wyandottes and S. C. Brown Leghorns. I have the finest flock I have ever raised and can please you, either in a single fowl, pairs, trios, or a pen. Write me your wants. BROOKS INMAN, Nov. 27.wtf Yorkville, S. C. CLYBURN-HEATH MULE CO. Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. fvjj |j FINE Saddle Horses, Rubber Tired Buggies, Phaetons and Hacks. Special atention to traveling men, and all orders executed promptly. For Sale: A fine lot of MULES. HORSES. BUGGIES. WAGONS. ROAD CARTS, Etc. Give us a trial. Come and see us before you buy and we will SAVE ? YOU MONEY. Satisfaction GUARANTEED. Polite attention to every one. J. C. ELLIOTT, Manager. J. J. KELLER & CO., i CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS BUILDING. WHETHER in Wood, Brick, Ston< or Iron, we solicit the opportunitj to furnish estimates on all kinds ol building. REPAIRS. We have in our employ a number ol expert workmen, whose especial business it is to attend to small repair jobs in and about homes, etc. Work of this kind receives prompt attention. Call on, write, or telephone us. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Finding It necessary to carry all kinds of Builders' Hardware for use in connection with our own work, we also retail to others who are in need of such Articles. With the BEST Carpenters' Tools, it is the same. Just for curiosity like, suppose you see what we hav? and get our prices before you buy. PAINTS AND OILS. We keep these goods in stock, and we are prepared to furnish almost anything that the customer requires. We will be found near the C. & N.W. depot. J. J. KELLER & CO. Fertilizer For Wheat. WE have on hands FERTILIZER for wheat and oats. The BEST GOODS on the mcxket. Will be glad to sell you what you need. Pay December 1st. Parties who have bought Fertilizers from us, will please bear in mind that the same WILL BE DUE the FIRST OF DECEMBER. We hope all will settle by that date. Window Glass. We have a COMPLETE stock of WINDOW GLASS?about all sizes. PUTTY soft and ready for use. Drugs. We want your DRUG TRADE and will make it to your interest. JAS. M. STARR & CO., T twHInff nnicrplRts T- /T\ - /T\ /Ti A. /T\ /TS fT\ /TS /**i . . /*~v A (T* .t. A i UJTWTWTVTVTWTWTVTWTwtvtwtvT fTl /Ti /T^ >. /T^ /T^ (T\ /T^ /T^ . . ^ A f*i ?f. > 'x' Tu/ T tkJ J ti/ I w T vx* 4 w I " w *" w " " \k/ " \k> 01 11 No Cat( I j Men's Su i 1 I I Men's Ov | I Everythii | Si ????? I I ^ ill II j. L. wi: 4* /ft .TL tT\ (T^ /T^ ^ W V V V V V VTV' ^ V " * Repair Work. WATCH. CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIRING is a specialty with me. I do lots of it and do it at reasonable prices. Right now is a good time to have your Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired. Do not wait until the busy Christmas trade begins?you might want your repair work done immediately and I might not b?> able to give it to you as promptly as 1 could if you would bring your work in now. Refore you buy anything in the line of Sterling Silverware, Plated Ware, Rric-a-brac, Chinaware, Porcelain, 01 Lamps, come and see what I have to offer you. I am sure that I can show you as nice goous as can be had anywhere. and that my prices are a little LOWER than you can find in surrounding towns. T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler. KNABE SQUARE PIANO FOR sale at a low price on easj terms. Seven years In use, but condition perfect. May be examinee ! and tested at my residence. Also one SPRING WAGON with top, suitable for delivery purposes. Call or write t< J. O. WALKER, Yorkville, S. C. i Christmas Buying. W HEN the curtain has been rung down on Thanksgiving Day, you will, % r of course, begin preparations for raisf ing the curtain on the good scenes ol the Christmas tide. One of the essenc tial things for a full enjoyment of the ' Christmas holidays is a plenty of the i I choicest viands which the appetite can crave. When you begin your shopping riK?ieit*r?on /vdlHIoa wo (nvitA vnn tn 1 1UI V/ill iOklllUO CU?WIV?( >1 W ?> ?? 0 w? [ come and see what we have to offer [ you. Among other things you will find here are: FRESH NUTS of all kinds, CITRONS, CLEANED CURRANTS, SEEDLESS and LAYER RAISINS, all kinds of SPICES, GELATINES, CORN STARCH, the most popular of the CEREAL PRODUCTS, including the delicious products of the Ralston Purina Mills, the makers of choice cereal products, APPLES, DRIED FIGS, ; the choicest CANNED MEATS, VEGETABLES and FRUITS, choice bottled PICKLES, includine Chow Chow, Onions, Cucumbers, Celery, etc., and then we have extra choice Barrel Pickles, that are elegant. Then too we have the choicest of Hams, Maccaroni and FULL CREAM CHEESE. You will also find here a nice line of Stick and Box Candles. When you buy, see us before you buy. C. P. LOWRANCE & CO. iff'Take your JOB PRINTING to THE ENQUIRER and you will get the BEST work at the LOWEST price. i . . fT\ . . A. /T^ . (T^J. /t^ A /t^ j. <T^ STl . . /T^ .|. (Tl .f. /Tl A. /t; . . /f^ . . 'T'i'Ttt'Tw" V W T w " w Xw Tw T ti/ I w 4 T u/ J" (MI :h Work; 1 With its, Boys' Suits, C tic ? /\ t Men s ua< ercoats, Boys' Ov Men's and B03 lg at COST for tl 3've Said IT. It HEATH LLIAMS. Manas: /T\ /T*. -T^/T~> /T^ /T^ /T^ -*- /T* - -/T^ -t.rT~_x.t./n A.iT^ -T. V" w "vTV "wTw "vTw "w Vw'*'wTyi/T vj ?VTwTWTWTWTVTWTVTWTWTVTU7TWTU FOR SALE. 1HAVE for sale at bargains, the following: 1 Avery Stalk Cutter, for 1 horse: 1 lot of Belting; 1 Portable Forge: 1 Steel Anvil; 1 Woodworker's Vise; 1 Blacksmith's Vise; lot Wire Poultry Netting, 6 feet wide; 1 Water Elevator; 1 Meyer's Pump; lot Wrought Iron Pipe, J to 4 inch; lot of Shafting, 8 to 3 inch; lot Cast and Wood Pulleys; 1 Wood Saw and Frame, all new, never used a day; lot Harness, T. BAXTER McCLAIN. 15 HORSE FARM FOR RENT. RG. McCAW RIVER PLANTA TION, including 150 ACRES FINE BOTTOMS. Good plantation house and six tenement houses, with necessary outbuilding. Prefer to rent as a whole; but if desired, will divide into small farms. For terms and other particulars, call upon or write to R. A. BRATTON, Executor, Yorkvllle, S. C. Oct. 9 s.w. tf FOR SALE. THE D. J. GLENN, Sr., HOME PLACE, in Bethel township. The r place is located on Catawbe river and t contains 227 ACRES, much of it bott torn land. Good residence and necesi sary buildings. For price and terms, i write to or call on ) THOS. F. McDOW, Attorney, Yorkville, S. C. A Story In Two Chapters. CHAPTER I. Coronaca, S. C., Sept. 1st,, 1899. Mr. M. M. Mattlson, State Agent, Anderson S. C.: Dear Sir: Replying to yours of th 29th ultimo, I beg to say that I Insure my life in 1894 with the Mutual Bene ' fit Life Insurance Company of New ark. N. J., for $20,000; am wen d'.ease with the policy contract, am favorabl impressed with the past record of th Company, and so far have no cause fo regret. Yours truly, W. W. KLUGH. CHAPTER II. CORONACA, S. C., Nov. 9, 1901. To P. S. Dew, Agent, Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. Dear Sir: You will please accept m; thanks for check for $20,147.80 on Na tional State Bank of Newark, N. J., ii settlement of Policy No. 208,721, issue to-my brother, W. W. Klugh, by Mu tual Benefit Life Insurance Co., on Oc tober 23d, 1984. This prompt and ful settlement, just eleven days from mall ing of proofs of death, proves conclu sively that the interest of widows am orphans are safe in the Grand 01< Company you represent: besides I flni on investigation that your rates, coup led with your annual dividend plan, ar much more favorable to the polic; holder than the other old companies and I take this opportunity of recom mending unconditionally your Compan; to anyone desiring insurance. Yours very truly, (Signed) J. S. KLUGH, Executor. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. COTTON GINNING. 1BEG to announce to my friends an< customers that my GINNER1 PLANT, located at Guthriesvllle, is iJ FIRST-CLASS condition, and we hav< facilities for handling cotton from see< to bale tnat are second to none. Cot ton handled by the Munger systen brings a better price that that handle' by other systems. Can gin your'cottoi while you wait. Bagging and Ties are kept on ham and furnished at market prices. Highest CASH prices paid for Seed a + io OAHnlfb/1 iuu. ^'"-^ ^ HICKLIN. tar TAKE COUGH EASE. It Caret. 1TORK DRUG 8T0RE. /T^ . . /Tl (T? - - /T^ /T^ - /T^ A. /T^ /T^/T^ /T^ - - A ti/TwTw I w l wTU'Wu'-rwTlt'TwTu/TWTwT SAT I But Grim ! . Us. children's Suits. 1 Pants, Boy's C ercoats, Men's M: r's Underwear, he NEXT TflIK Is Now Up to t Icofp] er. ^ m .y. /T\ /T> <Tt /Tl /T^ /Vi . rT*.t./ f wT ti7 T V V V I v ^ T ^ I1 ^ 'f >' g i >. . . /T^ - - fTl . . /T^ .#. A /T^ A /T^ A. <T^ J. /T^ . . . . /t^ - - /T\ /T*: 'TWwTu. Tw "w l u'Tvi/'*"wTvi/'cw 1 wTwvui Good Things to Eat. WHEN you are ready to buy any thing in the way of edibles fo Thanksgiving Day or for Christma times you will do yourself an injustic if you do not see what I have to offe you. I have Almonds, Brazil Nuts Filberts, Pecans, English Walnuts Raisins, Citron, Dates, Mince Meal Currants, Seedless Raisins, Cocoanu's White Beans, Cheese, Macaroni, Swee Potatoes and lust about anything els that you want for that Thanksgivin dinner or for your Christmas baking and furthermore what you get here i sure to be fresh of the BEST QUAL l Trr?TT7?C! JOHN B. WILLIAMS. WANTED YOUNG MEN and WOMEN to se the up-to-date publications of th PEOPLE'S PUBLISHING COMPAN1 Good remuneration to energetic pec pie. Write for particulars. T. B. McCLAIN, Manager Southeastern Department, Yorkville, S. C. . SWIFT'S * ! Premium j r an pn HAMS .is y Are acknowledged as ha] : _ , lc S the choicest Hams pur go, ' on the market by an : American packer, a We sell "Premium" i ; Hams. / gj - If you want the best v Coffee, use our blend- y ed Mocha and Java, ha 3-lb. 75 cents. ?0UC r RIDDLE & CARROLL. a Sh' 3 ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. 1 mo I WILL expose to public sale, at the late residence of J. LEE BARNETT, \ deceased, on the 6TH DAY OF DEi CEMBER, next, personal property be- \ longing to the said estate, consisting be? I of MULES, CATTLE, HOGS, CORN, no FODDER, HAY, ONE FOUR-HORSE th . WAGON, ONE BUGGY and HAR- nlc NESS, FARM TOOLS, BLACKSMITH sh( TOOLS, etc. Sale to commence at 11 - o'clock, a. m. Terms of sale, CASH. M. J. BARNETT, Administratrix. = November 13 w 3t w? i * I'vTw I VTwTwT vT wTw T w I w I VTw r w *' ??????ty = /Tl A. /T^A. A A /T\ A fTi /Ti A '# I W "VA* vA' "A. Tl/ "W "w ^ Oj7 Ml ft JuUl i If J ? ? tl01 x x our ? ? ** X ? poa Business j f: _________ I 1 re< I fan $ ? m; >dd Pants. if 1 1 as I 1 ag ackintoshes. | I st. TY DAYS. I f? 2 ? th he Public. I 1 d T I X St0 ISI, III ^ *1" 'I* ^3 **' ^3 *f* *+* ty i -#- /T\ .#. /Tl . . i ^ . .A /T^ A /ft A A . . - . /^ . . /T^ . . /T^. . iT. X rf^tiJTwTtkT' "Wt^TWVWTWTwtvTWTW*J7 JJg an UNDERTAKERS. j' ^ prl t /^v UR personal attention, with long v^/ experience, given at all times. All 1 ,? grades and priced goods in COFFINS pll e and CASKETS. Latest equipment in e trappings, etc. Robes, Gloves, Slip- ^ f pers and Stockings carried in stock. S)1 a Fine Hearse for town and country use. rec W. B. MOORE & CO. Or FOR LEASE OR SALE. 1 DICKSON House and Lot, York- I ville, King's Mountain Street. an 2. GWIN (Hope) PLACE, 100 Acres, stj Bullock's Creek township. a 3. GOOD (Roseborough) PLACE, 88 thi Acres, same township. ful 4. The J. J. WALLACE TRACT, 124 11 Acres; Bullock's Creek township. ? re 5. LAWSON WHITE PLACE, 75 Acres, King's Mountain township. C. E. SPENCER. ^ In* 1ST TAKE COUGH EASE. It Cures. SE lOHK DRUG STORE. v r. F. PURSLiEY, CLOVER, S. 0. PAINT. F your house needs Painting, yoi should not fail to give me a chanc give you prices on the Paint, as i agent for one of THE BEST PAIN1 )NCERNS in the South. While ? not going to carry it in stock, a esent, I can get it for you in from 6 days. Can furnish any color am any price from $1 PER GALLON oi . See me before you buy. GROCERIES. Don't forget me on GROCERIES, ve almost anything you want, at thi )WEST PRICES. I also carry i ad stock of SHOES for everybody. Yours for trade, J. F. PURSLEY. W. CASTLES & CO. THE LEADERS. Illolcory Grove, 8. C. hoes at Reduced Prices ^"E have too many SHOES. W< ve been selling lots of Shoes slnci r large stock arrived; but we have i many for one store to carry and t< ve them we have knocked the profit! t of sight, and those who warn oes had better see us and save some ney. Our prices will not be beaten Clothing'. Ve have Men's and Boys' Clothing t< it the band. We can fit all comers matter about the size or shape 01 ! pocketbook. If you. would have e Clothing at reasonable prices, yot juld see our stock by all means. J. W. CASTLES & CO. oun anil ?imnn$ ilank, Yorkvllle, H. O. [7ITH ample resources for the proT tectlon and accommodation ol itomers, this Bank solicits the busss of corporations, Arms and Individs, and will extend every accommoIon consistent with .safe basking 31 of facilities for handling the acints of out-of-town customers, counmerchants and farmers, cottor Is and other manufacturing estabiments. . general banking business transactand prompt and intelligent atteni given to all business entrusted tc care. ' Interest bearing Certificates of DeIt Issued under special agreement. W. P. HARRISON, Cashier. M. McNEEL. Presidiont. J. R. LINDSAY, I Fire Insurance. if our Insurance, placed in my agency, will :eive the most careful atten>n that can be given by me: d you know that I have had my years of experience. Your Fire Insurance will be itten at as low a rate by me - ? .1 can be given by any otnei ent. You can find my office upiirs in the Kuykendal buildp. J. R. LINDSAY. msm two CARLOADS?one of 4 INCE 3 one of 3 INCH?Just received anc ? prices Just right. Lounges at Cut Prices. Wees cut from ours to yours or iLDING BED LOUNGES. PLAIh iUNGES, COUCHES. We are over eked and we will turn these good! se at great sacrifices. Uarpets, Mattings, Hugs. )ur Carpet sales have been good, bu have yet SEVERAL HUNDREI lRDS of various patterns and wll itinue the cut prices. If you do no ail yourself of the opportunity don' .me us. CANE MATTINGS ANI JGS at sacrifices now. S Carloads of Furniture. 'wo carloads of various kinds of Fur ure. Stoves and Ranges. !ee us for Stoves and Steel Ranges trdware, Lamp and Glassware, Tabli d Pocket Cutlery, Razors and War ited Shears, etc., etc. W. B. MOORE & CO. I. O. MOLASSES. >EST GRADES NEW CROP N'EM > ORLEANS MOLASSES and als( tESH NORTH CAROLINA BUCK HEAT FLOUR. iVhen you want Cooking Ware yoi auld call on us. We will suit you ir Ices. fou can get all kinds of School Sup es from us at the lowest prices. V few days ago we received a fresl Ipment of Cakes and Crackers di . t from the bakers. Also choice Ful earn Cheese. AILOR-MADE CLOTHES 3e sure to come and see our sample! d get our prices when you want i dish snit of Clothes, a pair of Pants Vest or an Overcoat. We guarante< i fit and quality and you will ge II value for your money. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. FOR SALE. LARGE size CANNON COAI L STOVE, suitable for a church or i ge room. Also, a large size KERO 1NE OIL STOVE. Apply to v.s.tf L. M. GRIST. , G. H. O'LEABY. furniture: furniture:: JUST received two car loads of Furniture. Knowing what the trade needs and having bought right, j under these conditions It Is no trouble to please and sell. Here you will find Y everything that is found in a FIRSTn CLASS Furniture Store, at prices that \ take. G. H. O'LEARY. *! stoves: stoves:: 3 VV E are 8ti11 agents for the NOBLE . TT STOVES. Our most popular sellers are the IRON KING, ELMO and COTTON KING. These Stoves have been sold here for over THIRTY years. Praise is unnecessary, as they are alreadv too well known to reaulra I It. We also keep a line of good, cheapK er stoves. Q. H. O'LEARY. i - CARPETS, MATTING AND HUGS. (CARPETS, MATTINGS, RUGS, J FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, LINOLE. UMS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES. PICTURES, EASELS, PICTURE FRAMES, MIRRORS, etc. A , large stock of the above named goods. G. H. O'LEARY'S. SADDLES AND HARNESS. WE have on hand a full stock of Saddles, Harness, etc., of our own manufacture, which Is a guarantee as to quality, and keep a full stock > of goods of the class, all of which will be sold cheap, at * G. H. O'LEARY'S. Ihoosierz t w E still have In stock a few HOO. SIER DISK DRILLS, and they are for sale. We unhesitatingly say that the > HOOSIER IS THE BEST, SIMPLEST 1 and STRONGEST Drill on the market. ; and those who contemplate buying will CONSULT THEIR OWN INTEREST , by seeing us before closing a trade. , Mr. Thornwell Crawford, One of the most progressive, as well as the most successful farmers In York county, bought a DEERE DISK PLOW from us about a month ago, and he informs us that it is without doubt the SUPERIOR OF ANY PLOW on the t market, and that it Is giving satisfac. tion In every particular. The DEERE . DISC PLOW has ball bearings, runs as . light as it is possible for a Disk Plow to , run. Is easily managed and is guaran. teed to give entire satisfaction. Con. gressman D. E. Finley is also using t one on his farm, and-is pleased with it. If you want the BEST get the DEERE. YORK IMPLEMENT CO. Buggies and Buggies, Harness and Harness. Everybody is talking about our display of buggies and harness, and the sales we are making are surprising to our most loyal . friends. We make the COLUMBIA Buggy our LEADER, and don't hesitate to say that it is the best Buggy made for the money. We sold six of this make last week and placed the largest order with the factory we have ever made. If you want a Buggy, you can't afford to buy without first seeing us. We have various makes at all kinds of prices. We have for sale at a bargain, a SECOND HAND COTTON GIN and PRESS [ GLENN & ALLISON. far TAKE COUGH EASE. It Cares. YORK DRUG STORE. ? [ TAX COLLECTIONS?1001. Office of the County Treasurer of York County, ; Yorkville, S. C., September 15, 1901. IN accordance with law, my books will be open for the collection of the STATE. COUNTY AND SPECIAL * TAXES for the fiscal ysar beginning January 1st. 1901, and rnding December 31st, 1901, on the 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1901, and w.il be kept open until the 31st day of December, 1901. I will also receive VOLUNTARY PAY MENTS for commutation road taxes for the year 1902. For the convenience of tax-payers I will meet them at the following places , on the days mentioned below: At Yorkville, Monday, the 18th day of November, until Monday, the 2d day of December, i At Rock Hill, Tuesday, the 3d day of December, until Tuesday, the 10th of [ December, at 1 o'clock, p. m. And at Yorkville, Wednesday, the 1 11th, until Tuesday, the 31st day of December. After which day the books will be closed and the 15 per cent, penalty will be attached. Office hours in towns from 8 a. m., to 5 o'clock, p. m. , H. A. D. NEELY, County Treasurer, j Sept. 18 w 6t " iST TAKE COUGH EASE. It Core*. YORK DRUG STORE. PLANTATIONS FOB SALE. I OFFER the following three Plantatlons for sale on reasonable terms: * ) 184 ACRES, adjoining lands of T. L. 1 Carroll and County Home, t KELL PLACE, containing 108J t ACRES, located in Bullock's Creek ) township and adjoining lands of Ellas Ramsey and Mrs. Wylie. ROSEBOROUGH PLACE, situated on Turkey creek, containing 328 acres and adjoining lands of C. E. Spencer . and others. All of the above lands are well adapted to the production of corn, wheat, cotton and family supplies, and they are also adapted to stock raising. For further Information call upon or ' write to J. W. P. HOPE, Yorkvllle, S. C. Sept. 25 w tf (Thr ilotkvillr (Enquirrt I r Published Wednesday and Saturday. PUBLIHIIErtH s j L. M. GRIST, W. D. GRIST, ) O. E. GRIST, A. M. GRIST. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION! Single copy for one year 9 2 00 One copy for two years 3 50 1 For six months 1 00 " For three months 50 1 Two copies one year 3 50 Ten copies one year 17 50 And an extra copy for a club of tep. ADVERTISEMENTS 3 Inserted at One Dollar per square for t the first insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. L A square consists of the space occupied t by ten lines of this size type. xsr Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twleve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must In all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or indlj vldual contracting, and the manuscript i must be in the office by Monday at - noon, when Intended for Wednesday's issue, and on Thursday when intended for Saturday's Issue.