ture that may be calculated to aid i a proper representation of the coun ty's resources. It was agreed als< that this committee be called upon t report at another meeting to be hel in Yorkville on Wednesday, June i The committee was appointed as fol lows: Bethel, Perry Fergusbn; Bethesds J. F. Ashe; Broad River, J. H. Saye Bullock's Creek, J. L. Rainey; Cataw ba. John G. Anderson; Ebenezer, J. C Wilborn; Fort Mill, C. T. Crook: King' Mountain, W. B. Smith; York, M. C Willis. Upon motion of Mr. M. C. Willis other special committees on minerals manufacturing, timber and agricultur were appointed to investigate thes subjects as thoroughly as possible an< report at the same time with the com mittee mentioned above. The commit tees were appointed as follows: Minerals?W. S. Wilkerson, W. C Latimer, Jeff Smith. Timbers?John R. Logan, U. M. Pur sley, L. R. McGill. Manufactures?W. B. Smith, W. R Carroll, John G. Anderson. Agriculture?J. F. Ashe, Dr. T. "W Campbell, H. B. Bulst. There being no further business a hand, the meeting adjourned unti Wednesday, June 5, when the commis sioners, and others interested, hop* to know definitely whether or not th< county really desires to be represente< at the South Carolina Inter-State an< West Indian exposition. LOCAL LACONICS. We Will Send The Enquirer For one year to two or naore subscrl bers at $1.75 each, provided the two 01 more names are returned and paid foi when the names are entered. Thi Enquirer will be sent from this issu< to the first of January,1902, for $1.26 ii advance. \ The Pension Matter. The question as to whether the pen sion appropriation is $100,000 or $150,000 was argued in the supreme court Mom day. The matter was taken under con. sideration, and a decision will be forth. . coming at the earliest possible moment Lflrldge Contracts Let. (J Supervisor Gordon met the supervisoi of Lancaster county on the line in Fori Mill township, last week, and let contracts for rebuilding the Bailes brldg< and repairing the Barber bridge ovei Sugar creek. The Bailes bridge is to b< 151 feet long and the contract calls foi $249. The Barber bridge is 87 feet long and the repairs are to be made for $53 The two bridges are not more than one mile apart. The expense of the rebuilding and repairs is to be borne jointlj by York and Lancaster counties, eacl county paying half . \ Not So Bud As It Looked. O Mr. W. E. Gettys, of Clay Hill, was in Yorkville Monday. He said that th< sand is washing out of the creeks anc the situation is not nearly so bad as ii looked a few weeks back. Cotton is coming up very nicely on some of th? sandy lands between here and Claj Hill; but much of the red lands wil have to be planted over. "I am afraid I am going to have to replant about 2i acres," said Mr. Gettys; "but I've goi got the seed in abundance and to spare \ I can sell a few," he concluded with s V wink. (j Equitable Pays Ashe Policy. Mr. H. G. Mcllwain, one of the gentlemanly agents of the Equitable Lif( Assurance society, was in YorkvllU yesterday to settle the claim againsi his company on account of the policj taken out by the late John R. Ashe The amount of the policy was $10,000 and it seems that payment has beer made within ten days after the filing of the proof of death. There are othei policies on the life of the late Mr. Ashe; but this is the first one paid, all ol which goes to substantiate the prouc boast of the Equitable with regard t( promptness in the settlement of its liabilities. X MERE-MENTION. Tne postomce department is considering the advisability of substituting cotton cord for the jute binding twins that has been in use for several years The jute cord is controlled by a trust and the price is going up until it is now more expensive than cotton. The government pays about $160,000 a year foi its binding twine Speculation ir railroad stocks on the New York exchange reached an average last week ol a million shares a day. .J*.. A Chicago capitalist is reported tcK-have realizec over one million dollars on 20,000 shares of Union Pacific stock that he boughi three years ago at 20 and sold last week at 131 On learning that the markel was going against him, John Kee, s New Yorker broker, fell dead last Friday Two cases of yellow fever developed in Havana last Friday, and the quarantine regulations, which had beer suspended by the treasury department were made effective at once. \ Fortune for Latimer. R. M. L., the Washington correspondent of The News and Courier, says that Representative Latimer has mads something over $100,000 by speculatior in iyi?xiciiii mining siutk. ine iuck) strike is a development of the past few weeks. There is no suggestion but thai the deal was perfectly legitimate. AT THK CHURCH US. THE CHURCH OP THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. c. johnes, rector. Services thl9 afternoon at 4.30 o'clock o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. a. n. brunson, pastor. Prayer meeting this evening at 8.1! o'clock. BAPTIST. rev. j. b. bozeman, pastor. Prayer-meeting Thursday afternooi at 4.00 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. o. neville, pastor. Prayer meeting this evening at 8.1 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. rev. b. h. drier, pastor. Prayer meeting this afternoon at 4.3 o'clock. Special Dotice. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County, | ssFrank J. Cheney makes oath that h iw tin* wninr Iisil'tlii'i' nf tin. tifin of I.' I Chen'KY A Co., doing business in the cit of Toledo, county and State aforesaid, an that said tirm will pay the sum of ON] HUNDRED DOLLARS lor each an every case of Catarrh that cannot he cure by the use of Ham's Catakkii Cure. FRANK J. CHKNKV. Sworn to before nie and subscribed i lnv presence, this lit h day of December, .A I).' 188G. ?. A. \V. GLKASON, J SKA I.. | N?ta,-V Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal! and acts directly on the blood and inucoi surfaces of the system. Send fortestinn Dials, free. F. J. CHKNKV A CO., Toledo, o. Sold by druggists, 7f>c. Hall's Family Fills are thebest. tdT TAKE COUGH EASE. It cures. YORK DRUG STORE. " t >, \ Coca-Cola. n - ----- j ? ;, # The Two Way I' \ There is always two ' e know only one way?T] I f scription is compounded - f patience of a Job and tl " 4 PREPARING A GLA: >. f KNOW THIS from ex - 4 to try it. .. J NEWPORT CREAM EVI J YOKK IDIR ? I 4 "xx}x? 5 4 3 ^ Ginger Ale. - She gorhuille Cfotton jfflarhei 3 Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs * Latta Bros. Yorkville, May 7, 2 p. m.?Th local market stands: Middling 73 Fully Middling 72 '? Good Middling 8 Fully Good Middling 8 Latta Bros. PIGS FOR SALE. - T HAVE on hand a few HIGJ J. GRADE BERKSHmE PIGS forsal to the first comers. A. H. WHITE, , w.s.2t Rock Hill, S. C. [ MONEY LENT f on Imiiroreil FarinN In York Conntj f 7 Per Cent. Interest. RE-PAYMENT easy. No broker' commissions. Only actual cost c " perfecting loan. Apply to C. W. F ' SPENCER, Att'y at Law, Rock Hill ' S. C., or to undersigned, Yorkville, S. C C. E. SPENCER, Attorney at Law. 5 > THE UNIVERSITY OF | NORTH CAROLINA 5 Q UMMER term begins JUNE 17TH i O and continues SIX weeks. 20 Uni r versity courses offered. The' Summe 1 School for teachers. Instruction givei * *?" o/?V?aa1 Tirnrlr [ in every urciuuu ui owuwi ??vi n. * v > circular containing full information ad t dress, F. P. VENABLE, President, o . M. C. S. NOBLE, Supt. Summer School i Chapel Hill, N. C. It ATTENTION! | JASPER LIGHT INFANTRY. i Order No. ? t T> EGINNING on FRIDAY evening r JJ MAY 10TH at 8.30, you will assem . ble in Armory for drill in full uniform , and at same hour and place EVER"! i MONDAY and FRIDAY EVENIN( ! until further orders. By command W. B. MOORE, Capt., ; Co. L., 1st Reg. S. C. V. I. f May 8 ."*.s. 2t 1 > W TAKE COUGH EASE. It cures. YORK DRUG STORE. PROMPT PAYMENT. Yorkville, S. C., May .6th, 1901. W. J. Roddey, Gen. Agent, Equitabl f Life Assurance Society, Rock Hill S. C. My Dear Sir: I have just received frori Mr. H. G. Mcllwain, your agent, Ne\ York check, No. 22,912, in the sum o Ten Thousand Dollars in full of Polic: No. 642,124 in your company on the lif of Mr. John R. Ashe, deceased. The proofs were mailed by me to you L from this place ori tne zvtn or April o > this year, and I am today, the tentl 1 day thereafter, receiving the remit 5 tance in full for the death loss. I d' t not see how the settlement could hav : been prompter or more satisfactory, t Yours very truly, i W. W. LEWIS. Attorney in fact for Mrs. S. C. Ashe Administratrix of the estate of Johi * R. Ashe, deceased. i L# TAKE COUGH EASE. It cures. YORK DRUG STORE. ; TWO ORGANS I AND ONE PIANO r r JUST received and opened. They ar ready for inspection. They were bough for CASH VERY LOW; that mean that my price on them IS LOW. Sol on the "time" plan with MY GUAR ANTEE on every one. R. J. HERNDON. *3-TAKE COUGH EASE. It cures. YORK DRUG STORE. 5 ?????????? s?oan anil J&tnnjjis Sank Yorkvlllc, C. 1 How to Keep a Bank Accoun 5 IS not the intricate and "red tape matter that some people who ar unfamiliar with bank method would imagine. It is easily under stood, and after a trial, its simplic ity will appeal to you. When yo O open the account we furnish yo with a Bank-Hook, or a Pass-Bool as we call them, in which we ente the amount of your deposit. This 1 our receipt to you. When you dra1 on your deposit you make a recor of the date and amount on thl same book. The difference betwee the amount you have deposited an the amount you have drawn out, i: of course, your balance in bank. p XKIIIIIK .HHtlll I IIIH nitnt I. to I'liilcrMtaiid. VJ We are always pla1M I .IH ATEI.Y, Innn cords pine wooi "" /" f for whlcli we will p;i ~ $1.f,0 a cord. YORK COTTON MILLS. April 10 w. tf Root Beer. ' ^ rQ o ways of doing everything. We HE RIGHT WAY. Your prel RIGHT, and we exercise the lie same amount of accuracy in SS OF SODA. Lots of people perience, and we WANT YOU ?RY DAY. ,TTO- STORE. ===== vs Fruit Ices. \ ' Farm Implements. 4. W E have in stock some DEERE e DISC CULTIVATORS; Which are guaranteed to do all that is claimed for ' them?which is a great deal. The implement will speak for itself when " tested. One hand with two mules 3 operating the implement, will do the e work of four hands and four mules the old way. Also have in stock a lot of WALKING CULTIVATORS that do nice work. Remember we have on ex8 hibition the well-known harvester?the if \ BUCKEYE BINDER. Any one in need 1, ;. of such can see for themselves what they are buying. We also have a good lot of BINDER TWINE, nice and L. smooth. We bought it right; and will ^ sell it the same way. r Yours to serve when in need, n r YORK IMPLEMENT CO. JOHN B. WILLIAMS. Family and Fancy Groceries. MORE ~ ' FRESH ruiunc f i niiiuui I AM everday receiving new and, I might add, strictly fresh and pure goods. It is my intention to keep only Groceries of the VERY BEST GRADE, - and if you get anything here you jnay rest assured that it is as good as the BEST. This week I have received _ FRESH SNOWFLAKE CRACKERS, CITY SODAS, IJNEEDA BISCUITS. BABY LUNCH CAKES. FANCY FRENCH CANDY. ? If you want something FRESH come ' and see me. I have it at right prices. J. B. WILLIAMS. Grist Cousins' Old Stand. f y e ' CROCKERY. o e "YTT HEN you are looking for Crock V ery or Tableware of anykind, it will be just as well for yoi* to remember that there is no place in this sec>( tion of country that you can do better a as to quality and price than you can right here. I have a large and complete stock of about everything that is to be found in any regular Crockery Store, and I believe my prices will shade any you may get elsewhere, not excepting - the "mail order houses" of the North and East, and on this line I save you freight, express or postage. Anyway it won't cost you anything to see what I have to offer you. 9 T. W. SPECK, The Jeweler, e t g (3 _ WHY SUFFER WHEN A TRUSS WILL CURE YOU? \\T E sell more Trusses probably VV than any other Drugstore In this section. We buy the BEST Trusses. We know how to FIT a Truss and fit you in the office, making CERTAIN you get the size and t kind you need. Any one can afford a TRUSS at the prices we sell them. If you need a TRUSS come in and let us help you. PARIS GREEN is a good thing to t give potato bugs just at this sea soon, if you want to save your po" tatoes. e JAS. M. STARR & CO., s Leading Druggists. u u S CONDIMENTS. IV d YTT H ION looking for the choicest of |S MM good things to go on the table to n cat or to flavor what you do eat, you d will certainly find it here. Our latest Si addition is a lot of CELERY combinations. which will help to make your meals all the more palatable. Among other things in this line you will find (1 GENUINE CELERY PICKLES, ie GENUINE CELERY SALADE, 18 CHOPPED CELERY for salades, CELERYTONE MUSTARD. This is a Celery flavored mustard, and is man? ufactured from the finest grade of im porieu xriesie mustard seen grouna in > vinegar and delicately flavored with celery. These goods are all put up by the Dunkely Celery and Preserving Co., of Kalamazoo. You will find each of them delightful. Try them. k, C. P. LOW HA NCR & CO. eI'Olt SAL 10. I HAVE for sale an EXTRA WELL HURL) BULL CALF. This calf Is individually very fine, and represents the BEST OF BLOOD known to the iy Jersey race. His dam is a heavy and persistent milker. Write to W. II. HICKLIN. Oakhurst Farm, Guthriesvllle, S. C. I I Strauss Shows Which Way the Wind Blows. 'TIS an old saying, but a true one, that straws show which way the wind blows, and we would just right here impress a fact. Ladies' Hats for spring wear are most generally made of straw in one shape or another, and if you will notice and inquire where this lady's hat or that lady's hat came from this season, you will almost invariably get the reply that it came from H. C. STRAUSS & CO.'S MILLINERY DEPARTMENT; and this fact goes to show what? Simply that the Millinery Trade Winds are bringing the bulk of the Millinery trade to our store. Yes, truly, the ladies' straw hats show which way the Millinery winds are blowing, and if you will follow the direction of the blowing wind, you won't be far wrong, because they will guide you to our store?the acknowledged center of Millinery fashions of the latest designs. Just a word to the ladies, both of the town and country. Please remember this: When you are shopping, you are cordially invited to see us. We don't mean by this that if you do come we shall expect you to buy. We don't expect anything of the kind. We don't want you to spend a penny unless you see something you want, of a quality and price that you are satisfied is about right. Another thing. Don't hesitate to ask our salesmen and salesladies to show you our goods, even if you think you will not buy at the time, and you don't wan't to make unueccessary trouble. Don't let their troubles worry you. They are employed to show our goods, and of course they want to sell, if you find what you want; but whether I you buy or not, their pay goes right on. Come to see I ? j ? ? U..-. 11 ro eViall tliiink vnn 1 US, anu WIlCLIlCi JUU uuvji uui, v< v- vjaalvi* j ? for having come. Our Millinery business has reached proportions that have eclipsed in magnitude our most beautiful air castles of last winter. We thank our many lady friends town and country for their liberal help in attaining this happy result, and we promise, in return, that they shall always find here the latest creations of the best Milliners and Designers, and at prices that will be as LOW or LOWER than can be had elsewhere. * Miss Annie Wallace is now a saleslady in our Millinery Department, and will be glad to see her friends here at anytime. Get Your Spring* Millinery Here and You'll Get the Latest That's Out. DUPLEX^ ADJUSTABLE Underskirts. The Duplex Adjustable Skirt is one of the new things under the sun. It is a decided novelty, and unlike many new things, there is nothing shoddy in its make up. It is made up in black and fancy colors. The Adjustable Skirt is made so that one skirt will fit either a large or small waisted woman, and the change can be made from large to small without making any extra fullness. The skirts are handsomely H i.MfU t-?1 oif in or with bias hands and ruchine" Luminal* ?vnn j/.uiuU6 .. ? at top. The skirt is made full from the kueedown and fitted with adjustable buttons. There is no skimping of cloth. Altogether the Duplex Adjustable Skirt is one of the richest garments ever produced for ladies' wear. The price runs from $1.50 to $3. See them. LADIES' SIIIRT WAISTS. Our new stock of Shirt Waists is elegant, individually and collectively. The price runs from 25 cents up. One of our especially nice waists is made up of percale, with separate collar, full front and box plaited back, and goes for 35 cents. Another has separate collar, all-over lace )'oke, and the body is made of pink chambray, and sells for 65 cents. See them. COLONIAL BUST FORMERS. The Colonial Bust Former is another new thing on this market?and if you'll notice, you find the new things here. This Bust Former is in summer weight, and made to wear with straight front corsets, is thoroughly ventilated and comfortable. It can also be worn without a corset. Ladies will please ask to sec this. H. C. Strauss & Co. COTTON | HOES. We have a big* stock of the Best Grade of Steel Cotton Iloes in sizes from a light hoe for a boy, up to an 8inch heavy hoe for a man. These hoes are all well riveted to the ^1 "I 1 1 uanuies, which neips to make a hoe of superior strength. See us for Hoes and we will see to it that the price fits you. Our Hoes will not rip, ravel or run down at the heel. RIDDLE & CARROLL. J. W. C ASTLES & CO., THE LEADERS. Hickory Grove, H. C. NEW SPRING GOODS. WE are ready for the Spring Trade with about the largest, stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, high and low cut, Millinery, Clothing, Dress Goods, etc., that ever came to western York. You are invited to call on us at your earliest convenience. SHOES.?Our stock of Shoes includes about all the styles and qualities that one could wish for. MILLINERY?Our Millinery is upto-the-minute, and wtll please all the ladies looking for headgear. CLOTHING.?Our stock of Clothing is immense and we are selling lots of them. Why? Our prices are right. STRAW HATS.?We have them In an almost endless variety and at such prices as will please all comers. J. W. CASTLES & CO., The Leaders in Low Prices. Tailor Made Clothing. OUR BOOK OP SAMPLES is complete with the BEST DESIGNS to be obtained. The styles for the spring and summer of 1901, do not vary much from previous seasons. The tendency tc roomy and comfortable garments appears to be marked, particularly as regards TROUSERS, which will be worn a trifle wider In the legs. The popular coat for business wear will be the three and four button Sack. The latest up-to-date styles are shown accurately in the fashion plate and you s\r\ % * 4nnf rifVi n trAii nrn r\t In f V> A ta ii rci juoi wnat jruu nam iu uic BEST CLOTHING. Come and see the patterns and get prices. We will try to suit you in every respect. FIT and WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. WE STILL HAVE ON hands a fair selection of Mules and Horses, and as the Mule and Horse season is about over, we are paying more attention to BUGGIES, HARNESS and WAGONS, and feel that that we can easily meet any requirements and readily fill any want. We have been in business long enough to KNOW Buggy and Wagon quality. We've studied value long enough to KNOW what they are worth. And we have built this business up with worthy goods, reasonable prices and courteous attention to customers. When you want anything in the above lines the safest plan for you is to come straight to us. REMEMBER OUR GUARANTEE. GLENN & ALLISON. ANSWER YOUR CONSCIENCE. IF you have no life insurance it will be in order for you to answer the following questions to your conscience: Have I done my duty to my family? Have I done it to the full extent of my present ability? If I were to die tonight, would those who are dear to me be safe from the pangs of want? Would my children have a comfortable home and means of education? Would my wife be independent of the cold charities of the world? Would my estate pay my debts and leave a competency for my family? If not, must I not obtain a life policy at once, and suDSUiuie a. ^riXiiAim i ui a. snu6 legacy at my death, for the UNCERTAINTY of my life? You can answer In the right way today. Six months I from now it may be too late with you, as it has with others. It is my business to sell Life Insurance, and the I company I represent?the MUTUAL BENEFIT OF NEWARK, N. J.?is the company that the man who wants the BEST cannot afford to ignore. SAM M. GRIST, Special Agent. MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES. _ ffiKv HAVING recently removed to Yorkville, I am opening up my jPRMfl 'n| | Marble Works in the rear room WJPV'I' KENNEDY BUILDlotWwr ING, opposite the postofflce. SsKdOlX Call and see me and get an estimate on any kind of JP -W MONUMENT * or TOM BSTON E that you may desire. My prices will lie reasonable. I am in position to furnish all styles of Iron Fencing. I "am Yours Very Respectfully, F. HAPPERFIELD. CALL TO CREDITORS. PURSUANT to the order of the Court of Common Pleas for York county, in the case of D. G. Thompson, adm r., etc., against Margaret E. Thompson and others, notice is hereby given to the CREDITORS OF E. D. THOMPSON, deceased, that they are required to establish their demands before me, at my office in Yorkville, S. C., on or before the 28TH DAY OF MAY, 1901. or be debarred participation in the funds to come into court in the said case. W. BROWN WYLIE, C. C. C. Pleas, York. April 22d, 1901. April 24 w 5t G. H. O'LEARY. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! JUST received two car loads of Furniture. Knowing what the trade needs and having bought right, under these conditions It is no trouble to please and sell. Here you will find everything that is found In a FIRSTCLASS Furniture Store, at prices that take. G. H. O'LEARY. STOVES! STOVES!! WE are still agents for the NOBLE STOVES. Our most popular sellers are the IRON KING, ELMO and COTTON KING. These Stoves have been sold here for over THIRTY years. Praise Is unnecessary, as they are already too well known to require it. We also keep a line of good, cheaper stoves. G. H. O'LEARY. CARPETS, MATTINGS AND RUGS. (CARPETS, MATTINGS, RUGS, J FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, EASELS, PICTURE FRAMES, MIRRORS, etc. A large stock of the above named goods. G. H. O'LEARY'S. SADDLES AND HARNESS. WE have on hand a full stock of Saddles, Harness, etc., of our own manufacture, which is a guarantee as to quality, and keep a full stock of goods of the class, all of which will be sold cheap, at G. H. O'LEARY'S. MARCH Generally means . High Winds. High Winds May mean FIRE! UirrVi IX7in/lo nn/1 17i'?a iiigu iv uiuo aim j. iic Always mean DESTRUCTION. The first Law of Nature, is Self Protection. PROTECTION of self in the shape of PROPERTY. I sell INSURANCE which PROTECTS you against loss. Fire, Life, Accident, Wind-Storms, Lightning, Etc. C. M. KUYKENDAL. Office in Kuykendal Building,? "In it every day." CAKPENTER ORGANS AT store prices. Remember, the Carpenter is one of the oldest makes in this country, and fully warranted. SAVE MONEY by avoiding agents of all kinds. Catalogue mailed on request. W. B. MOORE & CO. EGG CARRIER. WE have a most convenient EGG CRATE, carrying 12 dozen or less eggs?Impossible to break them. Eggs kept fresh In warm weather by turning crate over from side to side. If you sell eggs you can't afford to be without one. W. B. MOORE & CO. DIIVTS itnu viDHittura PTr nii^ ?ri V /mi? 11 uof mis vt WE are stocked as never before In Paints, carrying some half dozen makes in all colors. Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Roofing Paint, Wagon and Carriage Paint, Furniture Varnish and Stains, Bath Tub Enamels, Blackboard Paint, Hard Oil Finish, Glass, Putty, Brushes of all kinds at W. B. MOORE & CO.'S. DOWLAW COTTON PLANTERS IRON wheels at $3.00 CASH, worth $3.50 elsewhere. Avery Plowstocks at 65 cents CASH, worth 85 cents elsewhere. Two horse Turn Plows now cheaper than any one else will sell you at W. B. MOORE & CO.'S. RAZORS, KNIVES AND SHEARS WARRANTED. Our warrant means something. You get ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION o? good returned at W. B. MOORE & CO.'S. CANE MATTING IN all varieties. GAFFNEY CARPETS at the lowest prices; Rugs, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Etc., at W. B. MOORE & CO'S. J. J. KELLER & CO., ? Contractors and Manufacturers of Bnilding Material. WCj iuriiisu eauuitLiea uu oujr auu all kinds of work In WOOD, IRON, BRICK OR STONE, within 25 miles of Yorkvllle. We do what we say according to specifications and within the time specified. We keep on hand a big supply of Dressed and Undressed Lumber. Also Nails, Builders' Hardware, Lime, etc., and manufacture to order scroll work, Balusters, Stairs, Columns, etc. Both large and small orders filled promptly at prices that are right. We furnish plans of buildings and in formation of value to builders. J. J. KELLER & CO. Yorkvllle, S. C. Sept. 19 w ly YORKVILLE ROLLER MILLS. THESE mills are now being put in thorough repair by us, and from now on we expect to give the public FIRST-CLASS SERVICE or know the / reason why. Bring your wheat and / let us show you that we know how to X treat you. REED & CO. W. J. Reed, Manager. _^-"'"~>w3m ^ * (The -Hlorkvillr inquirer. PUBLISHERS : L. M. GRIST, W. 1). GRIST, 0. E. GRIST and A. M. GRIST. Published Wednesday ana oaiuruuy TERMS OF SUBSCRIPT/OR : Single copy for one year, $ 2 00 One copy lor two years, 3 SO For six months, I OO For three months, SO Two copies for one year, 3 SO Ten copies one year, 17 SO And an extra copy for aolub of ten. ADVEIITI8E3IENTH Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first Insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. A square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type. Lti' Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twelve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to me regular business of the firm or individual contracting, and the manuscript must be In the office by Monday at noon when intended for Wednesday'? issue, and on Wednesday when intended for Saturday's issue.