Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 27, 1901, Image 4

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tumorous department. KENTUCKY GAME LAW. Mr. Frank P. Ingram has sent the Baltimore Sun, from Louisville, Ky., a card that is having a large circulation in Kentucky. Here it is: NEW GAME LAW FOR KENTUCKY. Plain citizens may be shot from January 1st to December 31. Senators, governors and members of congress may be shot during any political campaign or within 60 days thereafter. Niggers may be shot at any time. Hunters in search of this game are allowed to use a stuffed club or a butch- : er knife. If any man is caught drinking water, i it is a sign he is no gentleman, sah! i and may be executed with whatever weapon may be at hand. Colonels may be shot with impunity at any time, while a squirrel gun is recommended for majors and captains. No man shall be allowed to kill in excess of six persons a day. In case of honor this number may be increased to 10k. Every citizen who does not tote the remains of his victim from sight within 48 hours from the time the first volley is fired will be fined one (D) gallon of moonshine. Any citizen who steps on another's toes may be shot, with the privilege of apologizing thereafter. If a citizen leaves home half shot and is found on the street a short time thereafter full of buckshot, that is his fault and his relatives are not allowed to shoot more than 17 suspects in their efforts to find the guilty person. OBEYED ORDERS. One of the officials of the road had invited a party of gentlemen to take a little pleasure excursion over a part of the line on his private car. Before the appointed day he was taken sick and called in his chef and commissary. "Eph," he said, "I have asked these friends and can neither go with them nor disappoint them. I want you to give them the best there is in the larder and see that it is served as well as it would be at the best hotel in the world." Eph scratched his head and locked troubled, but simply said, "Yes, sah.' On the return several of the gentlemen congratulated the official upon having such a "man," and one or two intimated that if Eph ever wanted another position he would have no trouble in securing it. Finally Eph reported. "It wa' a great outin, sah," he assured his employer. "Yas, sah; dat's right, sah; a stupendiflcious outin, sah. De gem'men all done me proud, and I tell 'em It wa' you, sah." Then Eph showed the bill, and it was a stunner for length and amount. He stood hat in hand until the official said: "Pretty steep, Eph; pretty steep. Nothing left out and nothing but the best." "Dat's right, sah. I was fusticated mos' to deaf, sah, but I jes' says to myself, sah, dat dey was no greater epicac in de lan dan you is, and I bought and cooked and served, sah, jes' like it was you."?Detroit Free Press. Wouldn't Be Outdone.?"John," said Mrs Croesus, thoughtfully, "everybody in society seems to think a lot of geneaology in these days." "Jennie what?" exclaimed John, , Innlfinp* nn from hi<a pvAnlnc nnner ?--o ? ? w? ..?/ i "Genealogy," repeated Mrs. Croesus. "What's that?" "I don't exactly know," replied the good dame. "But I think It's a tree of some kind?at least, I've heard some ladies refer to it as a family tree." "Well, what of it?" asked. "Why, it seems to be a sort of fad, you know, and every one who is anyone has to have one." "Buy one, then," he said irritably. "Buy the best in town, and have the bill sent in to me, but don't bother me with the details of the affair. Get one and stick it up in the conservatory, if you want one, and if it isn't too large we?" "But I don't know anything about them." "Find out, and if it's too big for the conservatory, stick it up on the lawn, and if that isn't big enough I'll buy the next lot in order to make room. There can't any of them fly higher than we can, and if it comes to a question of trees I'll buy a whole orchard for you." , ?Philadelphia Inquirer. Some Childish Humor.?Here are < some specimens of childish humor from < the Chicago News: < "Oh, mamma!" exclaimed 4-year-old ] Flossie, as she observed the moon in its second quarter, "come and look at i the moon. Half of it is pushed into i the sky, and the other half is sticking ] out." j Tommy, aged 5, had been busy < whittling, and managed to raise a blister on his hand, which caused a slight j break in the skin. Running to his , mother, he showed it to ner and said, ^ "Mamma, I guess I'm beginning to ; wear out." "Did they sing any pretty songs at Sunday school?" asked a mother of her little 4-year-old daughter upon her return home. "Only one," replied the little miss. "It was something about "Greenland's ice cream mountains." Papa?Well, Willie, have you been a good boy today?' Small Willie?Did you ask mamma? "Why should I ask her? Don't you know whether you have been good or not?" "Yes, but 1 mamma's idea of goodness differs from mine, and I don't want to go back on anything she says." Sir William B., being at a parish meeting, made some proposals which were objected to by a farmer. Highly enraged, he said to the farmer, "Sir, ' do you know that I have been at two universities, and at two colleges at each university?" "Well, sir," said the ' farmer, "what of that? I had a calf ' that sucked two cows, and the obser- 1 vation I made was. the more he sucked l the greater the calf grew." Jbw' A young wife who lost her hus- 1 band by death, telegraphed the sad 1 tidings to her father in these succinct 1 words: "Dear John died this morn- t ing. Loss fully covered by insurance." < -Wayside (Sathcrings. tS' Vermont exhibits 12 living- ex-governors. &v' Potatoes were introduced into Ireland in 1589. X3T There is a village called A B C in New York state. ?& There are more republics in the world than monarchies. 2, i3T Nothing except the mint can make money without advertising. ( tsr "Learn to labor and to wait." Do nnmno fi rot UUl lUIgCl Iliac iauv? vvai?g aiiwv* tsr The output of rice for this season in Eastern Texas is not less than 30,000 tons. tsr if we have good in us it is sure to come to the surface whenever it has an opportunity. tsr Do not tell what you are going to do; if you do not do it, the people will laugh at you. tss- There was never but one original man, and that was Adam. The others are imitations. tsr The silk Industry of China employs, it is estimated, from 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 people. tsr Education is a good thing when it does not directly unfit a man for working for a living. tsr Last year 7,798 cases of smallpox were reported in the United States, as against 2,487 in 1899. ts* The use of tools does not wear them out so rapidly as do the sun and rain, rust and exposure. tsr To the end of the world the most delightful people will be those who mind their own business. tsr The leading poultry man in a thriving North Missouri town answers to the name of Henry Coop. tS' A New York man made over all his property to his wife. She eloped, and he is now in the poorhouse. t& If some men could only be convinced that it pays to be good, they couldn't be kept out of church with a e-un. *3" "Papa, "'hy do we wish people a. 'good appetite;' but not a 'good thirst?'" "Because that isn't necessary ?" S& Of the 16,000 people belonging to the Creek Nation, according to the latest report, no less than 6,000 are Negroes. t3T Chicago has a frontage of 22 miles on Lake Michigan, and a navigable frontage on the Chicago river of about 23 miles. S3r' Thomas R. Jones, a reported crank of Wilkesbarre, Pa. has applied for a divorce on the ground that his wife has cold feet. ssr Marriage seems never so much a failure to a man as when something goes wrong at home that he can't possibly blame on his wife. S3T No man need expect to play on a golden harp in heaven who only contributes to the church collection on a inuuin iiunuuiiiua uasid. 42T A fiber company at Lockport, N. Y., is preparing to manufacture gun stocks of fiber, with a view of lightening the weight of the present rifle. SST Thft Egyptian fellah is apparently the worst taxed man in the world. Even on the palm-tree, which gives him food and shelter, he pays 50 cents a year. tar There are two classes of things in the world that it is unwise to fret about: First, the things which cannot be helped. Second, the things that can be helped. tsr The editor of Burke's Peerage, London, says that he receives more inquiries about questions of precedence ' from the United States than he does ; from England. ?3T All lack of love, all difference to Dthers, all sharp, hasty, judgments, all temper, touchiness and irritation, all bitterness and estrangement, have j their root in pride. ; Chief Justice Lore, of Delaware, j tvho has had 40 years' practical experience in dealing with criminals, de- , :lares that the whipping post drives J criminals out of the state. ?3" "Hold your tongue for a fool!" ( ivas the polite recommendation of an ' Irish husband. "Sure, then, you're ?oing to spake yourself!" was the equally polite reply of the wife. tsr What do you thing of a man who | J evil 1 at the table, tell the Lord he T* thankful for the things before him, but \ as soon as he says "Amen," will begin storming about the cooking? ?5" Another new religious sect has been started in New York. They :all themselves the Babists, and follow the teachings of one Abbas Effendl, whom they hold to be a son of God. S3S" The kindly treated horse is the gentle horse; the gentle horse is the safe horse; the safe horse is the highest priced horse, other things being equal, and is the kind treatment coined Into dollars. Hyndham Spencer Portal, who has recently been created a baronet, is the head of a family which, since 1724, has had the exclusive privilege of making the banknote paper for the Bank of England. On a peace footing, the military power of Russia consists of 710,000 infantry, 42,000 engineers and 39,000 department troops. The reserves number 2,700,000. There are 74,226 troops on a war footing. There are now in operation in Italy in the cotton industry over 20,000 looms and more than 3,000,000 spindles. Italian made cotton goods are now largely exported, especially to South America. iiT No less than 140,000 homes are held free of debt by Southern Negroes. They have been estimated at an average value or $140,000,000. The holdings ' of personalty by the race are probably worth more than the realty. ?& The California orange crop is far ' exceeding the preliminary estimates. * More car loads have been shipped from the southern portion of the state up to rlntn thnr. in on 1 f 11 ' ua ic uiau m a.11 cijuai wi unit: in any previous year. Queen Victoria's childhood was much the same as that of other children, and it is interesting to note that she was the first member of the royal family to be vaccinated, having undergone the operation when a mere infant. id!' Visitor (at the jail)?Poor poor man ! May I offer you this bunch of flowers? Man behind the bars?You have made a mistake, miss. The feller that killed his wife and children is in the next cell. I am here for stealin' a :ow. 1 lotte Tt.Mt. Charlie Spencer attended mardi gras in New Orleans Miss Mary Schorb, of Yorkvllle, is visiting at Mrs. John Black's Major A. H. White visited Columbia this week on State fair business Mrs. R. Brandt, of Chester, spend Thursday with Miss Annie Stevens Mrs. John H. Hardin, of Richburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Brown Miss Carrie Neisler is at home from Spartanburg for a short while An enemy is a man that injures you and then refuses to forgive you Miss Malona Tillman, daughter of Senator Tillman. . / ^tiacctliineous grading. FROM NEIGHBORING CONTEMPORARIES. News and Comment That Is of More or Less Local Interest. YORK. Hickory Grove Sun, February 23: Air. D. J. Smith exhibited some speciments of a very rich brown ore in Hickory Grove a few days ago. He said it was worth about $25.00 per ton. Mr. Smith is very much interested in the development of the gold ore deposits in this country and expects to spend some time and money in opening mines for sale, in the near future Miss Mary Whitesides, a beautiful young lady of Smyrna, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Anna Whisonant, several days the first, of this week Dr. R. B. Hunter, of King's Mountain, N. C., was in attendance at the Pressly-McDill wedding Wednesday, in company with Dr. J. C. Patrick The 28th of February is the last day for paying taxes without the 50 per cent, penalty. nnTi't fnreet it The seating capac ity of the A. R. P. church was all taken up last Wednesday afternoon by relatives and friends to witness the Pressly-McDill marriage i^rMessrs. Felix and Daniel Dover, of Grover, N. C., were in Hickory Grove Tuesday, on business Miss Louise Barber, who has charge of the primary department of the graded school, attended the County Teachers' association in Rock Hill last Saturday... L*. Mrs. J. B. Drennan, of Richburg, S. C., spent last week in Hickory Grove, with her father, Rev. J. B. Marlon and family. Mrs. R. J. Whisonant, of Blacksburg, has been visiting relatives in Hickory the past few days. Lf.i.E. F. Bell, who is teaching school, visited his family in Hickory, recently Rev. J. H. Simpson, superintendent of the A. R. P. orphange, went to Rock Hill on Monday Miss Julia Simpson, of Rock Hill, visited Hickory this week. She was the guest of her relatives, Rev. J. H. Simpson and family J. B. Martin went to Rock Hill Tuesday, on business. Rock Hill Herald, February 23: Mr. Harrison, the smallpox patient, having recovered entirely from the disease and there being now no danger of contagion from him, was discharged from the smallpox hospital Thursday. ? J1 iir He was connneu mat uuuuaj weeks ago Every one is delighted that the street lights are on again at the usual time. For sometime the dynamo had been out of fix, and we had to go in the darkness; but now we are walking in the light....The annual report of the secretary of state shows that in connection with the York poorhouse there are 476 acres of land, valued at $5,700. Number aided last year, 58: white, 43; colored, 15. Average weekly cost, 70 cents; total net cost, $1,500. Farm yielded $1,300 Mr. T. C. Thompson will be remembered as the contractor who built Winthrop college nearly to its completion. He has the contract to erect Lancaster's million dollar mill, and has gone to that town with his bookkeeper, C. H. Hutchison, and his stenographer, Miss Love../T>>Dn Thursday afternoon, near this city, Miss Emma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Oates, was married to Mr. Wilson Huey, by Rev. J. L. Oates. There were no attendants. After the marriage Mr. Huey and his bride drove to the home of the mother of the groom, where they will reside for the present The body of the Roseborough child that was drowned in Fishing Creek, during the last fall, was found two miles below the point of drowning by Tom Knox on the 19th instant, lodged under the roots of a tree and in shallow water. The child, It will be remembered, fell off a foot log where it had been left by the mother while she went to the bank to leave her infant, intending to return for the little one that was drowned. Prolonged search was made at the time for the body; but no trace was discovered. We could not learn whether an inquest svas held or not.. ,/v^Mr. Morris Oohb visited Charlotte, Friday Miss Addie McArthur, of Gaffney, a former Win tnrop scuaeni, is visuing m iu?n Kliss Mary Joe Witherspoon, one of Yorkvi lie's most charming young lalies, is visiting Mrs. R. E. Tompkins. The Martha Washington party, at the home of Major T. C. Beckham, Thursday night, was a very delightful success A commission for a charter has been issued to the Chicora Cotton mills, of Rock Hill. The corporators named are: Isaac S. Cohen, F. Q. O'Neill and Nathaniel Israel, all of Charleston. The capital stock of the company is to be $60,000. This looks to the organization of a company to iperate the old Crescent Cotton mill, recently bought by the bondholders. We were misinformed in regard to the statement made in our last issue that the only source from which ivater could be obtained by the department, with which to fight the fire at the Highland Park mill, was the tanks m the buildings. The fact Is, no water was obtained from the tanks, but from the company's reservoir, where there was an unlimited supply of water M-ryj. S. White has secured the plan /for a brick building whose ?rection will be commenced at an early late on the vacant lot on Main street opposite the library. The building will tie 56 feet wide by 100 feet deep, and ivill be divided into two store rooms if equal width. Running back onetialf the length it will be two stories in height Mrs. W. R. Tillman, wife of the late W. R. Tillman, of Van Wyek. spent several days in town this week prospective of making Rook Hill her home.Miss Eva Butler, niece :?f Capt. R. E. Tompkins, of this city, was married last Monday in Gainesville, Ga., to Mr. John Middleton MaulJin, of Gainesville. Mrs. Mary Heath, of Fort Mill, mother of Messrs R. D. and O. P. Heath, and Mrs. Aman:1a Belk, of Fort Mill, celebrated her 13d birthday on Tuesday last Mr. [\ L. Gettys, u prominent citizen of liastonia, died Monday night from smallpox. He took the disease by gong to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Summey, to nurse her Mrs. JOa Fewell has returned from a visit to Sumter Mr. E. B. Mobley visited Lancaster county this week Miss Lottie Blake is visiting relatives in Barium Springs Miss Pauline Davis has returned lrom a visit to Char is visiting friends in the city...Miss Fannie Beckham was expected home last night after an extended visit to Florence Early gardeners were at. work this week, but the return of winter brought their operations to a close Tuesday afternoon....Miss Ada Heath, of Charlotte, passed through the city Wednesday, going to Lancaster to visit her sister, Mrs. C. D. Jones The child of Mr. Branson, sick with diphtheria, having entirely recovered, was discharged by the physicians Thursday Mayor W. H. Hardin, of Chester, was in the city Thursday, and called at The Herald office, but to our regret, we did not meet him Mrs. J. E. Parker has been sick since last Friday. A few days ago her condition was very serious, but she is now much better Travelers along the railroads say that nearly all the plowing that has been done so far is in preparation for the coming cotton crop Capt. Allen Jones was in the city yesterday adjusting the insurance losses by the recent fire. He is much otAiitar tVion rnhun wa qa w him last. CHESTER. Lantern, February 22: Mr. B. P. Miller, of Charleston, arrived in the city yesterday, to accept a position with the C. & N. W. railroad, as assistant auditor. His wife accompanied him and they are boarding at Mrs. Campbell's Rev. H. C. Buckholz returned Monday from a tour of churches in the interest of foreign missions. He delivered three addresses during the state convention of the Y. M. C. A., at Sumter. Of course this had nothing to do with his mission work Mrs. R. Brandt is spending a few days with her parents up at Sharon We learn that the store of S. T. Proctor, at Richburg, was burned this morning between 3 and 4 o'clock. Our information is that th^e was $2,000 insurance on the property.\ We have not heard what was the amount of the loss. The fire is thought to have been incendiary. .Encouraging words come from Washington in respect to the agitation for good roads. ^It is now expected that congress will authorize an appropriation of $150,000, which will be used for certain stretches of well made thoroughfares that will serve as models. Among the greatest people of history the old Romans were the hest roadmakers. It must be admitted with sorrow that the Americans have always been among the worst Some months ago we made mention of Mr. John Frazer's barn building on the Hamilton place. The Whites, Walkers, and McAlilleys are also preparing in earnest to stay in th% business of feeding an increasing riUmber of stock liberally out of their own barns. Mr. M. E. White built a large new barn perhaps a year ago, and he has built another, so as to have one for horses and mules and another for stock. We understand that the McAlilley boys?who, by the way, are taking a place among the best farmers?either have built or are about to build a spacious barn, and Messrs. Fred and Jim Walker are going to have two, one in town and the other at the Douglas place. Mr. W. Y. White is building a barn now, which he says will eclipse all the rest. Mr. J. G. L. White is also making improvements about his place. These are all adjoining farms, and the extensive improvements indicate prosperity, as well as a purpose to emphasize something else besides cotton on the farm Mr. D. W. Steedman died yesterday about 2 a. m., at the home of his daughter, Mrs. I. N. Cross, in this city. He had been suffering with grip when he came to town a few days ago, but seemed to improve until the evening before, when he became worse, and he died at the time stated from heart failure. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. T. E. Mor- 1 ids at Mr. Cross's residence at 11 o'clock i and the body was taken to Capers's Chapel for burial. Mr. Steedman leaves 1 two daughters, Mrs. I. N. Cross, of i Chester, and Mrs. J. P. Culp, or lias- * tonia, and three sons. They are all here to day except one son, who is In 1 North Carolina and could not get here 1 In time for the funeral. Mr. Steedman < is a native of York county. He lived some years In Alabama, then returned ' and has since lived near Harmony, in this county. He was in his 66th year. GASTON. Gastonia Gazette, February 21: In the death of Mr. Eli H. Withers, which . occurred last Monday night at his home, about three miles from Dallas, [the county loses one of its oldest and | [ most widely known citizens. About 78 years old, he had been in failing ' health for some months Few men ! can say what Mr. Hugh Rankin can, ! that he worked for a man five years without a bargain. Mr. J. B. F. Riddle, was the other party to the bargain that didn't exist. Mr. Rankin ran Mr. Riddle's mill for him that way in days ' long ago. and did it so satisfactorily ] that Mr. Riddle refers to him as "one . of my boys." Misses Sue and Pearl , Gallant visited in Yorkville last week. While there both of them stood the , teachers' examination. Miss Pearl is succeeding nicely with her school at Bullock's Creek A pocketbook with an interesting history is the property of Mr. J. B. F. Riddle. He showed it to us Tuesday, saying, "I'll be 72 tomorrow and it's older than I am." In the 30's and 40's the old pocketbook made trips to Columbia and had many up and downs in camp. We were happy to notice that it appears to be as fat and plump in its old age as it ever was and really doesn't appear to be over five or ten years old Through Mr. A. G. Mangum, as attorney, a colored man near Belmont, has brought suit for damages against the authorities of St. Mary's. The plaintiff alleges that the college authorities, in the t night, brought to his home and left { there a patient who had smallpox, j The plaintiff and his wife contracted ( the disease, which caused the death of 1 the wife, and greatly afflicted the plaintiff While he usually wears his shoe on his foot, Col. R. N. Wilson came to town one day last week wearing his foot on his shoe. 'What's the trouble, colonel, that you are limping?" was the inquiry of his friends. "Cut my foot with an axe," was the colonel's quiet answer. "Something a little curious about it, too," he continued, "on the 12th of February, 40 years ago I cut the little toe of my left foot and with this whack on the 12th I cut the big toe of my right foot?just 40 years apart to a day. I believe I have chopped more wood than any other man in the county and these are the only times I ever cut myself with an axe." The coincidence is a curious one and this recollection on the part of Colonel Wilson is another illustration of his well-known remarkable memory for dates Last Thursday afternoon, about 2 o'clock, Tom Johnson, a Negro working on the streets under Mr. R. L. Davis, fell to the ground and died within Ave minutes. He was seemingly in good health at the time, and had made no complaint of being sick. UNION. Times, February 22: Dolphus Gore, one night last week, heard something in his lot, and took a light to invest!-; gate. While In the lot someone fired at him with a shot gun. He ran to his house and received another load as he was running. His legs and hands are pretty well filled with shot. This is the same Negro who had a bundle of switches left at his door last summer, and who posted a notice that he could be found at home by any one who wished to see him. Dolph thinks he knows who the parties are who shot him, and he is going to see what can be done about it We think there was one act passed at the recent session of the legislature that should be vetoed by Governor McSweeney, and that was the act repealing the law against the use of free passes by the representatives and senators. Might as well furnish them with their drinks as free passes Aunt Charity Worthey, colored, living on the Mrs. A. Knight place, now in charge of Mr. W. F. Bobo. is, according to the best information, about 105 years of age. She was born in Washington county, Maryland. She came to Union in her young days and stayed several years. She was taken to Alabama where she remained several years and was brought back to Union in 1830, and belonged to th<? Wnrthv famllv until freedom. She Is possessed of an excellent memory, and without any education, can converse intelligently of bygone days. She is as spry as a cricket and appears to be good for another decade. She remembers four wars, but cannot remember the names of them all. She has often crossed Harper's Ferry while living in Maryland. Her people used to haul tobacco to Baltimore, crossing the ferry on the trip. Aunt Charity is a devout Christian colored woman, is of a kind hearted nature and a cheerful disposition, and has many white friends in the community in which she lives For several months past one of our cotton buyers has been receiving notice that his cotton was weighing up short at destination. As he shipped by weights furnished by the sworn cotton weigher at this place, lie could not understand the shortage. He began to look around for the trouble, and on Saturday he noticed a Negro with an empty basket going to the cotton weigher's platform, and decided to watch what he did. Two spotters secreted themselves on the platform and caught the Negro in the act of pulling cotton from the bales. The Negro was allowed to fill his basket and start off with it when he was arrested and carried to Jail. It developed that he was going to sell the cotton. He said that he was told to do it by the cotton truck hand, John Palmer. An investigation followed, showing that Palmer had been sellng a quantity of clotton to the mattress factory, claiming to have picked It up as waste cotton, sending tickets with weight and his signature for which he received the money. John was arrested and put in Jail, where he Implicated the cotton weigher, saying that they were both in the mess. The books at the factory showed that the tickets before Christmas did have the cotton weigher's name signed to them, and the total amount sold up to Christmas was some 800 pounds. The stealing has continued until the total amount runs up to some 1,300 pounds, as shown by the books at the factory. The cotton weigher was approached by the father of John on Monday and told that he must get the thing settled up or he would have him arrested. Mr. Turner, the weigher, found out what amount It would take to settle it. The Negro's father said he would get up half If Turner would get up the other half. Turner told him to go to Sartor's corner and wait five minutes and he would get up the money and come to him. The Negro went and waited some hours, but Mr. Turner did not show up. A warrant for his arrest was taken out and the sheriff failed to find him at his home and he has not been seen since. The Negro is out on bond. This Is a very bad scrape for a white man to be mixed up in. LANCASTER. Ledger, February 23: On Tuesday night last the residence of Mr. J. T. Funderburk, of Dudley, together with almost all his household and kitchen furniture, was destroyed by fire. Mr. ? ?- _ ?o nnn ...itv, r?r>l\7 f unueruurii a iuss ia -po.wu, mn* 51,000 insurance on the house Mr. Henry J. Mangum, of McAdensville, N. C., formerly of this county, died on ;he 15th instant of paralysis. It. was lis second or third stroke and he lived lust five days after it came on him. He was born in Chesterfield county Oc:ober 4, 1832, and was therefore a little nore than 68 years of age Major I. M. Riddle attended the meeting of listrict stewards at Rock Hill Wedneslay. He went from there to Yorkville ;o spend a few days at his daughter's, Mrs. Mackorell's Dr. Thomas C. Meal, of Mecklenburg county, N. C., 'ather of Mrs. Chalmers Moore of Heath Springs, died Saturday afterlocn, at his home near Charlotte, N. ?. His death marks the end of a life :hat was lived to good and noble purloses and accomplished much. ttv' The time to do a good thing is ,vhen you can. Unimproved opporunities never return. If you find it n your power today and here to help i struggling soul, you are guilty before jod if you fail to stretch out your land. Tomorrow will be too late. ULCERS Old Sores W Cancers Q Thin, Diseased, Impure Blood. Bil up Boils, Bating Sores, Scrofula, Knit tions, Eczema. Itching and Burning Ski Hid all Blood and Skin Humors cured. Blood made pure and rich and all sore> healed by taking a few bottles of Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.). Sold at Drug stores, large bottles, $1. Botanic. Blood Balm (B. B. B.) thoroughly tested for 30 years. Cures when all else fail*. Try It. Send 5 cents to pay ponlage on Free trial Bottle. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (ia. PAY UP. NOTICE is hereby given to persons whose names have been returned by me as subscribers to THE YORKVILLE ENQUIRER, that payment must be made either to myself or at THE ENQUIRER office, on or before the 1st day of March, 1901. W. McG. BAILEY, Feb. 6 tf Olive, S. C. || Your Commercit XT Will be just as carefully execn Tf office in the country. We are ,:4? y wui^ dim dt d pi mc uidt \ "cheap" printing?do not solici *1** you are wanting a class of wor V particular we would be please !!) work. We will guarantee to ? work equal to the best to be hi *\l fine Commercial work we solic :| Law Printing ^ *%l Law printing is one of our s lawyers that they will get pror will bring us their printing. 1 V just what they are looking for. M SATISFY YOU. l * **'* g HERE IS GOOD FOR LIGHT Get Up a Club f< Enquirer iu4 idduta Biggest Pay For tlie Every Worker Fu For All Tinn Expe The yorkville enquirer win It has been In the past, and It will 1 support of York and surrounding coun will permit. As heretofore It will contir tlonal, religious, agricultural and indust and the general welfare of all Its friem entertain, instruct and benefit, conferrli ing as little harm as possible. On th solicit the continued support of its i hope for the co-operation of all the p< along the same lines. The publishers < such a paper as is demanded by the lni be made at great expense. They realiz co-operate on an equitable basis, and t are soliciting subscriptions for the yeai As has been the custom of the publl to call upon those friends and well-wish geniality in the work of re-collecting th subscribers and adding to the mailing 1 subscribers as it may be practicable to publishers expect to pay as liberally a club system will be followed as hereto pays for the largest club will be awarde | that can be made by the Yorkville Bugg who returns and pays for the second OPEN BUGGY made by the same comi be paid with premiums apportioned to specific offers In detail: FOK GO SUBSCRIBERS. We will give the club-maker the choice of the following articles?good values at $25.00: A High Arm Four Drawer Sewing Machine, latest improvements and full set of attachments, etc; a Damascus Steel Double Barrel BreechLoading Gun; a handsome JWaltham Watch; or $25.00 worth or f urniture from W. B. Moore & Co.'s. FOR BO AND LESS Til A N 00 | Subscribers, we will give the choice of | the following articles: A T. Baker Double Barrel Gun; a Winchester or Colt Repeating Rifle; an Elgin Watch; or a Cooking Stove. FOR 40 AND LESS Til A .V GO Subscribers, either of the following: A W. Richards' Double Barrel Gun; an open face watch; a fine Mandolin or Guitar; a Low Arm Singer Machine; or an Oil Stove. FOR SO AN.I> LESS THAN 40 Either of the following: Single Barrel Hamerless Gun; a fine 4x4 Kodak; a fine Toilet or Wash Stand China Set; or a Hopkins & Allen, Jr., Rifle. "O l V/j LESS THAN SO Subscribers, we will give THE ENQUIRER and any Weekly Paper or Monthly Magazine published in the ' United States; or a No. 1 Ejector Single Barrel Gun; a Pocket Kodak; or t any three popular Cloth Bound Books that may be selected by the clubmaker; or a "Crack Shot" 22-callbre Rifle. 1 FOIt lO AND LESS THAN SO 1 THE ENQUIRER for one year: a flne , Warranted Razor; or Pocket Knife. j FOR ? AND LESS THAN 10 A Triumph Stem Winding and Setting , Watch; a 3-Bladed Knife; a copy of "David Harum," or any other book of < the !!ome price, ($1.50.) FOR 4 AND LESS THAN (i < A "Yankee" Watch; any Magazine ' published in the United States for jl. FOIi 2 AND LESS THAN 4. A Stylographic Fountain Pen; a Single \ Bladed Knife; a year's subscription to < L. M. GRIST & S CAROLINA & NORTH-WCjreiiB RAILWAY COMPANY. Schedule Effective Sept. 16, 1900. Northbound Passenger Mixed Leave Chester .... 7.40a.m. 8.30a.m. Lv Yorkvllle 8.46a.m. 10.40a.m. Lv Clover 9.14a.m. 11.30a.m. Lv Gastonla 9.48a.m. 1.15p.m. Lv Lincolnton ....10.45a.m. 2.45p.m. Lv Newton 11.33a.m. 4.30p.m. Lv Hickory 12.15a.m. 5.50p.m. Arrive Lenoir .... 1.16p.m. 7.50p.m. Southbound Mixed Passenger Leave Lenoir 6.30a.m. 2.00p.m. Lv Hickory 8.50a.m. 3.02p.m. Lv Newton 9.20a.m. 3.02p.m. Lv Lincolnton ..11.10a.m. 4.20p.m. Lv Gastonla 1.12p.m. 5.30p.m. Lv Clover 2.11p.m. 6.07p.m. Lv Yorkvllle 3.20p.m. 6.40p.m. Ar Chester 5.15p.m. 7.50p.m. CONNECTIONS. Chester?Southern Ry., S. A. L., and L. & C. Yorkvllle?S. C. & G. Extension. Gastonla?Southern Ry. Lincolnton?a. A. L. Newton & Hickory?Southern Ry. Lenoir?Blowing Rock Stage Line and C. & N. E. F. REID, G. P. Agent. I Chester, South Carolina. d Printing if&A Imro id if tirnnM Ko in ontf lilu ao ik vvv/uiu uv, 111 anj ?l ji* especially well prepared to do ?* ,vill satisfy you. We do not do ?*? t it and do not want it. But if * k that will satisfy you in every **** d to quote you prices on your \?? jive you a class and quality of ad anywhere. For all kinds of ?[ it your business. **+? pecialties and we can assure all npt and efficient service if they ?*" m \nd then, too, the price will be jfj[ Come and see us and we will *'?? <>o . M. GRIST & SONS, "ii < 0 'ft n4tMi4TTiMHMH<4^ PAY , EASY WORK. [)r The Yorkville for 1901. FOR $1.75. Best Workers; But illy Compensated e and Effort tided. continue, during the year 1901, all that je made as much better as the growing ties and the abilities of the publishers lue to devote Itself to the social, educarlal upbuilding of the Piedmont section, ds and supporters. It will endeavor to rtg all the good in Its power and causls platform Its publishers respectfully jresent friends and well-wishers, and cupie UL 11119 SCL11UU WI1U CUC VTV1 AIII5 ? Qf THE ENQUIRER fully realize that telligent public of this section can only e also the willingness of this public to his then, Is the basis upon which they r 1901. shers In the past, they again beg leave era who may find opportunity and con; names and subscriptions of all present list of THE ENQUIRER as many new gather. For this work, or course, the s they possibly can. The competitive fore. The clubmaker who returns and >d A FINE TOP BUGGY, the very best ry Company for $60; and the clubmaker largest club, will receive THE BEST >any and worth $50. Smaller clubs will their number and value. Here are the Black Cat or the People's Home Journal. SPECIAL PREMIUMS. In addltloi to the above we will make special arrangements with persons who desire to make up a club for some special article not mentioned In the above list?fixing a specified number of names for the premium desired. Any article mentioned In previous premium lists will be given upon the same terms. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. TWO SIX MONTHS SUBSCRIBERS at $1 each, will be considered the equivalent of one yearly subscriber at 81.75 and so counted. A subscription paid for two or more years In advance at 81.75, will be counted as one name for each year so paid. Clubniakers will be hejd personally reason siuie iorine payment ui un names returned oy them. Alter a clubmaker has returned and paid for any name, he can, at anytime thereafter, discontinue the sending of the paper to the person for whom he has paid, and transfer the unexpired time to any other person, pro- N ^ vidcd the person to whom the transfer Is desired was not a subscriber at the time the original name was entered on our books. No name will be counted in competition for a premium until the subscription price has been paid; nor will any premium be delivered until a satisfactory settlement has been made i for all names returned by the clubmaker. Persons who commence making clubs will not be permitted to transfer their club to another elubmaker's list after the names have been entered on our books. It is not necessary that the names on a club should all be at the same postofflce. Names may be taken at any number of places. Clubmakers are requested to send In names as rapidly as they secure them. All subscriptions must be forwarded to us at the expense of those sending them. We will be responsible for the safe transmlssion of money only when sent by draft, registered letter or money order drawn on the Yorkvllle postofflce. In sending names, write plainly, and give postofflce, county and state. All subscriptions will be discontinued at the explrat ion of the time paid tor. A separate list will be kept for each clubmaker, who will be credited with each name sent, so that the number sent by any one person may be ascertained at a moment's notice. * In case of a tie for either premium, two weeks will be allowed In which to "untie." The time in which names may be returned under our propositions will commeuce NOW, rind expires at 4 o'clock p. 111., on Wednesday, the 6th day of March, 1901. ONS, Yorkville, S. C. *