Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 06, 1901, Image 3

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to existence, however, it is safe to assume that there will be but little opposition to its passage. PEOPLE. L--MTss Kate Cody is visiting friends in Gastonia. ?^,_JHiss Dolly Ford, of Bethel, is visiting Misses Willie and Lee Williams. Mrs. J. C. Blair, of Blairsville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Grist. | ^JUrs. Lula Rowell, of Lancaster, is visiting the family of Mr. Mackorell. I Miss Aurelia Parish is visited her sister^ Mrs. Cauthen, of Blackstock, S. C. (^Deputy Sheriff Harshaw is able to be up again after a severe attack of grip. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cloaninger have returned from a visit to Mooresville, N. C. Misses Willie and Lee Williams vis- j ited relatives in Bethel township lasj^, week. iMr. John Williams, of St. Matthews, TSTc., is in town for a few days wit.i relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Grimes leave I? day for a visit to relatives and friends in Georgia and Alabama. Mr. W. B. Williams has been appointed auditor in accordance with the recent primary election recommendation. I L?iimtations are out for the marriage of Miss Emma Jeanette McDill to Rev. -eon Taylor x-ressly. o.ne ceremony is to take place in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church at Hickory Grove on February 20. L^ W. B. Wray, of Yancey county, N. C., was in town this week stopping with his brother, Mr. J. Q. Wray. He i??ir.no- o nnarter of venison Uiuugui. aivug u. vjwv*. ? from over the mountains and left it with Mr. J. Q. Wray, who divided the, to this section, rare luxury among his friends. Mr. W. B. Wray says there are plenty of deer up in Yancey county and bears are also to be found without difficulty. 1 Dr. Miles Walker reports a narrow escape from serious injury Monday night. Having Deen called to attend Mr. J. R. Stephenson, he set out on horseback at a gallop. On the hill near the waterworks, he ran into a loose hanging telephone wire, which struck him on the forenead and knocked off his hat. He considers himself lucky that the wire was not two or three inches lower, for otherwise he would have been badly in need of a doctor, if not an undertaker, himself. Mr. J. R. Stephenson met with a serious accident last Monday night, as the result of which he will be disabled for several weeks, if not permanently, lie had been in Yorkville all day and '"'i nnt loiivp for home until after dark. It was very cold and shortly after leaving town he pushed his mule into a gallop. On the hill, near Mr. Claude Inman's, the mule stepped into an especially rough place in the road and fell forward with Mr. Stephenson partly underneath. Mr. Stephenson's right arm was broken at the elbow and badly shattered. Mr. Inman telephoned in for Dr. Walker, who hastened to the scene of the accident as rapidly as possible. He found that he could not give Mr. Stephenson proper attention at Mr. Inman's and had the sufferer brought back to his office in Yorkville, where, after a lot of skillful work, he succeeded in getting the fracture dressed in a satisfactory manner. Mr. James E. Carroll assisted Dr. Walker with the setting and bandaging of the broken arm, and when the dressing was completed took Mr. Stephenson out to his home, four and-a-half miles northwest of Yorkville, in a buggy. At last accounts yesterday morning Mr. Stephenson was resting as comfortably as could be expected. WITHIN THE TOWN. ? The people in charge of the operation of the electric lights are now pretty well satisfied that the recent troubles with the new dynamo were due principally to too mucn speed. The trouble has be<?n corrected, and the good results of the past three weeks give reason to believe that It will not devejpp again. /^^Tessrs. J. J. Keller & Co., have ^ ^jeen so crowded with orders for lumber of late that they have arranged to put in an additional dry kiln. The kiln has been purchased and will be made ready for operation as soon as possible. At the same time the new kiln is being put up, the present mill house will be enlarged and new machinery will be added. ? The entertainment given by the Bon Ton Dramatic club, of Yorkville, for the benefit of the Coward Literary society, of the King's Mountain Military academy, was an unqualified success. socially, financially and artistically. The opera house was crowded to its utmost capacity, and the audience was one of the most representative that Yorkville has turned out on a similar occasion for years. It was a great compliment to the K. M. M. A. Most of the people went because of their kindly feeling for that institution, which is generally conceded to l.o deserving of all the good things that can be done for it. But the benefit was not a one-sided affair. The dramatic club gave value received in an entertainment of an unusually high order of merit. The programme consisted of a pantomime illustration of Tennyson's beautiful poem, "The Lotus Eater3," and the rendition of the intensely amusing comedy, "The Man in ihe Case." The poem was read by Mrs. R. T. Stevenson, and illustrated by Misses Amanda Clawson, Rose Hunter and Rose Lindsay, a "bunch of beauties" that could not possibly fall far short of the poet's dreamy conception of the influence produced by eating the fabled ilowers. The comedy was full of wit and humor of a very high order and was presented by these young ladies: Misses Blanche Lindsay, Mary Hart, Rose Lindsay, Claude Moore and Daisy Hart. Ail acquitted themselves with much credit, the work of Misses Moore and Daisy Hart being especially complimented. The net receipts amounted to about $50, this satisfactory result being in a measure due to the business management of Dr. llanahan. Mrs. It. T. Stephenson, who had general direction of the production, merited the hearty congratulations that she received on all sides, and the Bon Ton club may rest assured that the announcement of its next entertainment will be received by the Yorkville public without the slighest misgiving as to its ability to give the value of the price of admission. LOCAL LACONICS. On\y two registration certificates were issued last Monday?registration day for February. IiiHtullatiou of i)lr. Hiifiner. The installation of Rev. W. A. Hafner as pastor of Allison Creek and Beth Shiloli, is to take place Saturday, the 16th instant. The services at Allison Creek will take place at 10 a. in., and at Beth-Shiloh at 3 p. m. SalfMlity. There were no auction sales by either tne clerk or sheriff last Monday, salesday for February. The sheriff had advertised one piece of real estate; but the proceedings were stopped by settlement of the indebtedness and costs in iul). friiXiMTtibltt With Uncle Sam. ""united States Deputy Marshal R. H. Dobson left Yorkville Monday for Norfolk, Va., having in charge, N. L. McAteer, who was arrested at Rock Hill a few days ago on the charge of sending obscene matter through the mails. The offense is alleged to have been committed at Newport News, Va. McAteer declares that he is not guilty. Appointed. Governor McSweeney has appointed the various York county magistrates in accordance with the recommendations at the recent primary as follows: R. M. Anderson, Ebenezer; T. C. Beckham, Catawba; S. N. Johnson, Bethel; J. A. McMackin, King's Mountain; W. S. Plexico, Bullock's Creek; G. C. Leech, Broad River; J. A. Barron, , York. HAM8RIGHT-WHITESIDES. Marriage of Popular Young People at Smyrna Last Wednesday. ' Correspondence of the Yorkville Enquirer. ' Smyrna, February 5.?On Wednesday afternoon the hospitable home of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Hambright was throng- t ed with the invited guests to be present at the marriage of their daughter. Miss Isabelle to Mr. Warren W. Whitesides. 1 It was one of the most pleasant social i events our citizens have enjoyed for 1 sometime. 5 The spacious parlor was tastefully i decorated with evergreens for the occa- I sion. Mrs. Warren Whisonant presid- i ed at the organ, and as the soft sweet I notes of the "Wedding March" pealed i forth, precisely at 4.30 o'clock, step by J step the attendants entered. They were Mr. Edward Whiteside, with Miss i Etta Whiteside. Mr. D. A. Whisonant i with Miss Mary Whiteside. Then came s the bride, leaning on the arm of the 1 groom, and never did she look more charming. She was attired in a lovely traveling suit of gray. Rev. J. L. Oates ?? imnrooanre manner reneated the words which united the two lives forever and two hearts beat as one. They left immediately for the depot and amidst a shower of rice and good wishes they boarded the northbound S. C. & Ga. Ex. train for Newberry, where they will spend a week with relatives, after which they will return home by way of Columbia. Owing to the universal popularity of the couple their presents were numerous and beautiful. We extend our congratulations and wish them a smooth voyage over the sea of life. AT THE CHURCHES. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. | REV. A. N. BRUNSON, PASTOR. Prayer meeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. REV. B. H. ORIER, PASTOR. Prayer meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock. I BAPTIST. REV. J. B. BOZEMAN, PASTOR. Prayer-meeting Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. O. NEVILLE, PASTOR. Prayer-meeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Services Friday evening at 7.30 by Rev. S. H. Hay. Saturday morning at 11 o'clock and Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7.30 p. m., with communion after morning service. THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. REV. J. C. JOHNES, RECTOR. No services this afternoon. $petiat Notices. Bethel Presbytery. Editor Yorkville Enquirer: Please publish that there will be a called meeting of Bethel presbytery , held in the First church of Rock Ilill, i on February 13, at 11 o'clock, a.m. 1. To receive and examine with a j view to his ordination, A. C. Under- ( wood, licentiate, of \Vest Hanover ! presbytery . 2. To dissolve the pastoral relations ( between Rev. J. W. Dixon and Calvary i and Woodlawn churches, and dismiss 1 him to Mecklenburg presbytery. 3. To dissolve the pastoral relations ( between Rev. Alexander Sprunt, of Rock Hill, and dismiss him to Charles- 1 ton. 4. To elect a stated clerk. W. W. Ratciikoud, Moderator. Walkup, N. C., Feb. 2, 1901. wtd Catarrh Cannot be Cured willi i.oca i, applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is j a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Ilall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for y ars, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. fHMNKYA CO., Props., Toledo O., Sold by all druggists, price 75 cents. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ?Iu4 yorltiille (Cofton Jflarhet. Correct oil Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latin Bros. York vii.i.b, February 5 - p. in.?The local market stands: Middling 9 Fully Middling 9A flood Middling 91 Fully tlood Middling 98 I.atta Bitos. PAY CP. >TOTICE is hereby given to persons 1 whose names have been returned by me as subscribers to T1110 YORKYILLE ENQUIRE it, that payment I must be made either to myself or at I THE ENQUIRER otlice, on or before the 1st day of March. 1901. W. Met J. BAILEY, Feb. 6 tf Olive, S. C. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. The regular examination of applicants for teachers certificates, will be held in the court house at yorkville, on friday, february 15. beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. Applicants will provide themselves with pencils and "legal cap" paper and be on hand promptly at the appointed hour. JOHN E. CARROLL, County Supt. of Education. Feb. 6 w 2t APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE. Estate of J. Ed. Jeflferys, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator of the estate of J. ED JEFFERYS, deceased, has this day filed his final return with the Judge of Probate for York county, and on the 6TH DAY OF MARCH, 1901, will apply for a discharge from further liability as administrator of the said estate. JOS. F. WALLACE, Adm'r. Yorkvllle, S. C.. Feb .6 1901. w5t ! UADC mini C Q T mv/rib mviiNiii MORE HORSES ! WE have just received another car of Mules and Horses that are well-broken and ready to put to work. They were bought to sell and we will make it to your interest to see us before you buy. REMEMBER We are offering to wager that he have sold more mules this season than all other York county dealers combined, which convinces us that we are more than meeting competition and must convince you we know wnere to buy. Buggies. Harness and Wagons. Always a full line of each on hand. Remember that we stamp every article we sell with our personal guarantee. GLENN & ALLISON. If Testimonials Count for anything, THEN I ^handle the BEST PIANOS and ORGANS ever brought to Yorkville. One gentleman, who lives below Yorkville. told me that the or?an I had sold him was "more than I cold him." and that he would not take 1100 for it. Well, I don't ask $100 for them by a good deal,* but they are actual y worth it; then, when you consider that I am a "home man," and stand ready at any moment to protect Tiy guarantee, you know that you are safe. My long experience as a professional musician guarantees to you a perfect nstrument?an artistic instrument? superior to all others in sweetness of tone, durability and fine workmanship. R. J. HERNDON. Piano and organ tuning a specialty. We sell the OLD HICKORY WAGON. They are known to be the BEST 011 wheels. See ns before you buy. Riddle & Carroll. New Spring Goods. WE have just received a supply of NEW SPRING GOODS and incite all who need anything in our line to call and see them. We have a lot of PIRST-CLASS Wheelbarrows, Garden Plows, Oliver Chilled Plows, Hoosier T'orn Planters?the best implement of the kind on the market. We started to say that the Hoosier Planter was the best of its class; but that would not do, as it is in a class all alone. It is iway ahead of any planter yet demised and the first one was made more than 30 years ago. It is like the Oliver Plow and Hoosier Grain Drill in one respect, and that is that it has lots of cheap imitators; but no competitors, where Quality, Efficiency and Merit count for anything. Call and see it. We Have a ('heap Planter, Made somewhat on the style of the lloosier, that we will sell for several dollars less than the Hoosier. It cost us less; will cost you less, and is worth I.."' nut ic >? cnftrt nnv tiheaD Dlant er. YORK IMPLEMENT CO. As an arc liglit is to an incandescent lamp the B. & H. lamp is to other oil lamps. Speck, the Jeweler, sells the B. & H. MONEY TO LOAN ON KARMINU LANDS. Longtime. Easy payment. No commission, lh.rrowei* pays actual cost of perfecting loan. * E. K. PALMER, Central National Rank Rtiilding, CoMTMHIA, S. ('. GEO. \V. S. I1ART, Attorney, ti Law Range, YOKKVIM.K, S. C. i THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROILNA County of York. COURT OP COMMON PLEAS. P. M. Brown, as Trustee, and Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiffs, against Milton C. Curlee, Margaret C. Curlee, J. M. Cross, M. Ogles by, and C. H. Duls, as Trustee, and John N. McElwee, Defendants?Summons for Relief?Complaint Served. To the Defendants: Milton C. Curlee, Margaret C. Curlee, J. M. Cross, M. Oglesby and C. H. Duls, as Trustee, and John N. MeElwee. YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his office in Yorkville, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service: and If you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated January 24th, A. D., 1901. THOS. F. McDOW, Plaintiff's Attorney. January 24, 1901. NOTICE. To Milton C. Curlee, J. M. Cross, M. Oglesby. and C. H. Duls, non-resident defendants: Please take notice that tne summons ana compiami in me above entitled action Is this day filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for York County, State of South Carolina. THOS. F. McDOW, Plaintiffs' Attorney. January 29, 1901. January 30 w 6tMar 6 ?T VALENTINE BEANS AT THE YORK DRUG STORE. KEYSTONE CORN PLANTERS SOLD only by W. B. MOORE & CO. in York county, are the most complete success and the greatest labor saver that was ever introduced on a farm. It can be made to do the work of two horses and four hands, with one mule and a boy. We have contracted for a goodly number and want you to try one. BARGAINS FOR CASH. LEATHER Collars, Hames, Chains, Backhands, Plows, etc. WANTED PURCHASERS for Clothes Washing Machines that save the back, hands and hard work. Sold at sacrifice prices at W. B. MOORE & CO.'S. PURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. Sideboards, extension tables and bedroom sets, a carload just received. a dozen different patterns of Sideboards to select from at prices never before made on such goods. Mattings, Carpets, Rugs, Window Shades, Rockers and Chairs now In. just as large a siock as 11 u was ten days before Xmas. W. B. MOORE & CO. PLOWING. YOU will want to do some plowlne yet. Remember, we sell the best Turn Plows made, and have a Disc Plow that we will guarantee to be 1-3 to 1-2 lighter draft than any Disc r-iow made. Has two discs. See us. ?#* CLAUSS SHEARS are warranted, and RAZORINE will sharpen any razor. W. B. MOORE & CO. WHISONANT,. CASTLES & CO., THE LEADERS. Hickory.Grove,"H. C. MULES AND MULES! WE have on hand a FINE LOT OF MULES that we bought to sell for CASH or ON TIME. The mules are to be seen at our stables here, and with every animal goes a POSITIVE GUARANTEE that It Is JUST AS WE REPRESENT IT TO BE. Our guarantee means that if we have been mistaken in our representations, its no trade. Prices are as low as the lowest. BUGGIES AND BUGGIES I We have on hand a fine lot of Buggies?low-priced Buggies and higherpriced Buggies; but all the best possible values for the money. Come and see us before you buy. WHISONANT, CASTLES & CO. S. II. MeXEEL, <1. H.0 LEAKY, W. P. HAKKISO.N, President. Vice President. Cashier. 5?<mn and j&u'ings flank, Yorkvllle, K. C. E-ORGANIZED WITH AMPLE 11 CAPITAL for the protection and accommodation of customers. ACCOUNTS of Individuals and Corporations solicited. It gives us pleasure to extend every courtesy and accommodation that is consistent with SOUND BANKING. 8. M. McNEEL, President. W. P. IIARKISUN, Cashier. Banking Hours : 9 a. in. lott p. in. Don t FORGET ME. PLEASE bear in mind that your humble servant is prepared to write your FIRE INSURANCE in OLD. STRONG and RELIABLE companies, and that he will attend to the matter properly, give your business prompt attention and appreciate your business as much as any other agent. Don't forget me when you get ready to .. .... nAiifv that will soon expire, ICHCH UUii or if you want some insurance on property not now protected. I WILL ADMIT that there are other agents who can give you just as good fire insurance as I can, but I will not admit that there is a Life Insurance company in business today, that writes as liberal, all-round contracts as the MUTUAL RENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, N. .T. I can prove the foregoing assertion to your entire satisfaction, I am always ready, willing and anxious to compare policies and records with any company and leave the case with the man who is to pay for the insurance. Call on me or write for particulars before accepting a policy in any company. SAM M. GRIST. XO- VALENTINE REANS AT THE YORK DRUG STORE. AFTER THE FIRE EVERYBODY wishes they had carried Fire Insurance, and still we frequently read of fires and consequently losses, and NO INSURANCE, and almost everybody will join in saying: of the unfortunate person, that he was a ! for not carrying some insurance, and sometimes express it pretty strongly. We Have This to Say, That according to our judgment, no one should go without Fire Insurance, when the cost is so small in proportion to the risk one takes without it. All progressive business men now count at once the cost of Fire Insurance as one of the NECESSARY items of expense, just as they count their store-room rent, and provide accordingly. We Pay All Losses With the same grace and pleasure that we accept your premiums?no matter whether large or small, and the only question we ask is, SHOW US HOW MUCH YOU HAVE LOST, and when f Vitn In /1/\nA ti r a m atrntt Kn #a II a/1 a l in o 10 uunc yy c lie v ci nave LailCU iv make a satisfactory settlement. The Companies I Represent Are some of the LARGEST, STRONGEST, and have the BEST OF RECORDS for fair and honest dealings. 1 name some to show you that this is correct: Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Manchester Assurance Co.. Manchester, England. Hartford Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford, Ct. Equitable, of Charleston. Insurance Co., of North America. Georgia Home Ins. Co. Phoenix Ins. Co., of Hartford, and many others, aggregating a total of MANY MILLIONS, and a SURPLUS even of many millions. When I Accept Your Premium And see that you are not overinsured, and place a valuation on your property, after agreement with you?I have DONE MY DUTY TO MY COMPANIES, and if you have a fire and consequently a loss thereby, I use my utmost efforts to see that you get a fair and honest settlement?thereby discharging My Duty to You, If you entrust your business to me I will see that you do not pay for any TOY OR PLAY-LIKE INSURANCE; but that you get what you pay for? PROTECTION and INDEMNITY in case of loss. C. M. KUYKENDAL. Office in Kuykendal Building,? "In it every day." A KEW MINUTES OF YOUR TIME. TIME is money. You will likely save money by reading our ad. A WORD ABOUT TOBACCO. SINCE the first of January Tobacco has advanced two to three cents a pound. We expected this advance and bought largely before hand. We have a splendid stock of the weed on handsput up in 10 and 20 pound boxes. It runs 4, 4J and 5 plugs to the pound. We sell by the box at a price the farmers can make a nice profit by selling it. We will be glad to have you call and examine our Tobacco and get our prices and if you need any of the weed. we will surely sell you. PLEASE BEAR IN MIND. "P>LEASE bear in mind we have In jl siock a iun aasorimeni ui uarden Seeds?LANDRETH'S. Every paper FRESH. BEANS and PEAS in bulk. Price, 5 cents a tin full. Also Landreth's Onion Sets. tir Coughine will cure Colds, Coughs or Croup. JAMES M. STARR & CO., Leading Drugists. NEW GOODS. WITH the approach of spring our new spring goods are arriving in large quantities. Among other things that have been received are: PERCALES in plain colors and stripes and figures from 8 1-3 to 12Jc. CHAMBREY in all e latest shades at 8 1-3 to 12J cents per yard. DRESS DUCKING in all the standard Colors. WHITE P.K., stripes and cords. A big lot of Spring Prints and Ginghams. HOSE?Fany and plain for ladies and gentlemen. By picking up a job lot we are able to offer the greatest values in Umbrellas ever raised in this country. The price is 50 and 75 cents. More goods for same money?same goods ror less money. H. C. STRAUSS & CO. 20 Per Cent Discount Q N all WINTER GOODS named below during the remainder of our MidWinter Clearance Sale. These goods are new?bought for this season; but we must move them to get the room, as we need it in our business for the immense stock of Spring Goods, including a mammoth stock of Millinery that will begin to arrive now very soon. At this great reJuction, every article sold must be for CASH OVER THE COUNTER at the TIME OF SALE. No goods will be laid aside for anyone. We cannot afford to do business during this sale that way. But if you are looking for BARGAINS AS ARE BARGAINS, now is your time, and the opportunity may not come again to you soon. The goods affected by this cut uie iio luiiuiio. ALL READY-MADE CLOTHING. GENTS'. LADIES'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR. RLANKETS?WHITE AND GREY. RED FLANNEL. LADIES' CAPES AND JACKETS. LADIES' TOP AND UNDER SKIRTS. " WOOL TOP SHIRTS AND SWEATERS. MACKINTOSHES AND RUBBER COATS. We have a job lot of Gents' COATS anil VESTS, at HALF PRICE. We mean that a Coat and Vest that sold for $5 is now going for $2.50, and they are good goods for the former price. Men's $1.00 Heavy English Ties, 89c. Men's $1.25 Heavy English Ties, 98c. Men's $1.50 Heavy English Ties, $1.25. Come at once before your size is sold, because these goods won t last long at these prices. They are too tempting. i V Our Crockery has arrived, and everyone who has COUPONS are urged to bring them in at their earliest convenience and have them redeemed. H. C, STRAUSS & CO, foreclosure: sale. PURSUANT to the decree of the court of common pleas, made and filed on the ? day of July, 1900, In the action of J. M. SHERRER, plaintiff, against DEBORA CHILDERS, defendant, and the judgment of foreclosure ' signed and entered in said cause on the 26th day of November, 1900, I will expose for public sale, AT YORK COURT HOUSE, on the FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY, next, within the usual hours of sale, the following tract of land, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Bullock's Creek township, in York county, known as the "Richard Sherrer place," bounded on ( the north by "Hugh Sherrer place," west by lands of Mrs. Pratt; south i by lands formerly owned by Matthew White, the lands of J. W. Carroll; and on the west by same, containing ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN . ACRES, more or less. ; Terms?CASH. Money must be paid . within thirty minutes, or land will ba resold at the risk of defaulting purch&S6r? JOHN R. LOGAN, S. Y. C. Jan. 16 w 3t SEE OUR WINDOW. WE call your special attention to our south window. There you will notice an elegant assortment of all sorts of Crackers and Fancy Cakes, , the product of the National Biscuit company. The goods put up by this , concern are as reliable as the cookery that is produced by the most expert r\P f Vilo onntl Ar\ fo 11 r% r? r\ on/\ tVila twivo ui lino ocuiiuii. van anu occ tuio line and if you are hard to please in [ Fine Crackers the better we will like it. ' We are sure you can be pleased from I our assortment. Canned Goods. In our north window you will find an assortment of Canned Goods. Our reputation on this line of goods is equal to anybody's and our prices are right. S. L. HOBBS & CO. CAMPBELL'S CONDENSED SOUP. i WHEN you are looking for a delicacy for your table we would ask you to try CAMPBELL'S CONDENSED SOUP?Chicken and Tomato. This is a standard delicacy almost all over the world, and if you will try one can of it, you will he a continual user. It is composed of the very best ingredients, and flavored to suit the king's taste. The price is 10 cents a can, and each can will furnish plenty of soup for one meal for six persons. It is easily prepared for the table and is delicious when put on the table. LOWRANCE, WILLIAMS & CO. WaShc IS MADE BY 5 company % CHICAGO. ^^^^VELIABLE FABRICS. AREST WORKMANSHIP. EN OWNED riTS. m. EA50NABLE PRICES. W. M. KENNEDY, Agt. STATIONERY AND BOOKS. WE have a fine supply of Pencil and Ink Writing Tablets, Envelopes, Inks, Slates, School Supplies, etc., i at very low prices. We have arranged to sell B. P. JOHNSON'S Readers and LEE'S Histories and GINN & CO.'S Books, adopted by the State for the public schools, at contract prices. Publishers' price Is printed on each book. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. G. H. O'LEARY. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! | JUST received two car loads of Fur- . nlture. Knowing what the , trade needs and having bought right, ( under these conditions It Is no trouble ( to please and sell. Here you will find everything that is found In a FIRSTCLASS Furniture Store, at prices that take. G. H. O'LEARY. , STOVES! STOVES!! WE are still agents for the NOBLE r?nr moat nODUlar sellers are the IRON KING, ELMO and COTTON KING. These Stoves have been sold here for over THIRTY ' years. Praise is unnecessary, as they * are already too well known to require it. We also keep a line of good, cheap- < er stoves. G. H. O'LEARY. CARPETS, MATTINGS AND RUGS. ' C1ARPETS, MATTINGS, RUGS, < J FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, EASELS, PICTURE FRAMES, MIRRORS, etc. A large stock of the above named goods. G. H. O'LEARY'S. SADDLES AND HARNESS. WE have on hand a full stock of Saddles, Harness, etc., of our own manufacture, which is a guarantee as to quality, and keep a full stock of goods of the class, all of which will | be sold cheap, at ! G. H. O'LEARY'S. MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES. HAVING recently removed to JR /ttV York villa, I am openiDg up my ' i| | Marble Works in the rear room . fWjT1 1 of the KENNEDY BUILD ING, opposite the postoffice. Call and see me and get an estimate on any kind of IF .4 MONUM ENT c or TOM BSTONE that you may desire. My prices will be reasonable. I am in position to furnish all styles of Iron Fencing. I am Yours Very Respectfully, FRANK HAPPERFIELD. IF YOU WANT AN elegant PIANO or ORGAN, I have them. There Is no good ex- , cuse to hunt a foreign dealer. In buy ing, you have to put confidence In somebody. I beg mat connaence. ? am a "home man," and stand always : ready to protect my guarantee. My < Pianos and Organs are better than ever; I have them made that way. My purpose has always been to give the best possible instrument I could; quality above all things, and my prices are lower than those of any outside dealer. I give any reasonable time on payment. R. J. HERNDON. ?&" Piano and Organ tuning and repairing. Expert work. NOW IS THE TIME To paint your house, and Hirshburg, Hollander & Co.'s STAG BRAND PAINT is the l'alnt to use. We have it, and guarantee it, and the price is right. t YOKKVILLE I BUGGY COMPANY. . Professional Awards. JAMES F. HART, ATTORNEY AT LAW, YORKVILLE, S. C. Office in the McClain Building, over H. C. Strauss's Store. Telephone No. 69. wtf. J. H. WITHEKSPOON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 6 Law Range, r YORKVILLE, S. C. Prompt attention to all but-luess. Jan. 9 w 3m PHONE?Office 116 Residence 60. THOS. F. McDOW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 4 Law Range, YORKVILLE, S. C. Negotiates Loans on Approved Security. January 1 w ly GEO. W. S. HART, ATTORNEY AT LAW, YORKVILLE, S. C. Office No. a, LAW RANGE. 'Phone 58. No. 5, Law Range. 'Phone 67. W. W. LEWIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, YORKVILLE, S. C. Prompt attention given to all Business. Loans Negotiated on Improved Real Estate. W. Bratton de Loach. Frank P. McCain. de LOACH & McCAIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, YORKVILLE, S. C. Office over H. C. Strauss's Store. FINLEY & BRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, YORKVILLE, S. C. Office in the Building at the Rear of H. C. Strauss's Store. 99" All business entrusted to us promptly attended to. A. Y. CARTWRIGHT, SURGEON DENTIST, YORKVILLE, S. C. OFFICE HOURS: 9a.m. to i p.m.; a p.m. to, p.m. Office in upstairs rooms of Cartwrlght Building, opposite Telegraph and Express Offices. J. J. KELLER & CO., Contractors and Manufacturers of Building Material. WE furnish estimates on any and all kinds of work in WOOD, IRON, BRICK OR STONE, within 26 miles of Yorkville. We do what we say according to specifications and within the time specified. We keep on hand a big supply of Dressed and Undressed Lumber. Also Nails, Builders' Hardware, Lime, etc., and manufacture to order scroll work, Balusters, Stairs, Columns, etc. Both large and small orders filled promptly at prices that are right. We furnish plans of buildings and information of value to builders. J. J. KELLER Sc. CO. Yorkvllle, S. C. Sept. 19 w ly . OUR persona] attention, with lone: experience, given at all times. All grades and priced goods in COFFINS and CASKETS. Latest equipment in trappings, etc. Robes, Gloves, Slippers ina Stockings carried in stock. Fine Hearse for town and country use. W. B. MOORE A CO. Y ork Brick W orks. W. N. ASHE, Proprietor. We are now making millions of Brick, rnd are ready to meet all demands wholesale or retail, at figures that are right. For first-class Lime in large or small quantities, call on us. W. N. ASHE. Yorkville and Rock Hill. News and Opinions OF National Importance .She-JSun: ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, $6 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price, 5c a copy. By mail, $2 a year Address THE SUN, New York. She itjorhvillr (Enquirer. PUBLISHERS : L. M. GRIST, VV. D. GRIST, 0. E. GRIST and A. M. GRIST. Published Wednesday and Saturday. TJEHMS OF S V KSCJt / FT I OA: Single copy for one year, $ 'i <><? line copy tor two years, 3 SO For six months, 1 OO For three months, 50 fwo copies for one year, 3 50 Ten copies one year, *7 50 And an extra copy for aclnli often. ADVEIITIS13MKIVT8 Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first Insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. A. square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type. Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twelve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must -in all cases be confined to iue regular business of the firm or Individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the office by Monday at noon when intended for Wednesday's issue, and on Wednesday when intended for Saturday's issue.