han took the matter In hand, and after invstlgation and consultation with the attorney general, tried to do what he could to rectify the mistake that had been made. There is a statute which provides that trustees cannot spend district funds in anticipation of their receipt. This had been done in nearly f every case, the pay warrants having been made to iall due in November | t and December of the following year. \ On the strength of this statute, the attorney general ordered the treasurers of several counties, York among them, not to pay the chart warrants upon presentation. In the meantime, however, before there had been any question in regard to the matter, the school chart agent had discounted all* of his York county notes at the National Union bank of Rock Hill, and when the paper became due that corporation brought suit against Treasurer Neely for its payment. The case was heard at the November term of the court of common pleas for this county, and Judge Klugh's order in the matter is as follows: Upon hearing the verified petition of tne National Union bank in above stated cause, and the return thereto by the defendant, H. A. D. Neely, county treasurer, and after hearing argument of the counsel, I find that the allegations contained in said petition are true, and that tne National Union bank is entitled to the relief therein prayed for, except as the same relates to the order or warrant claimed to have been made by O. J. Gwinn and J. T. Burris as a majority of the board of school trustees of school district No. 16, and as to this warrant, I find that the said National bank is also entitled to have the same paid, unless it can be shown that the same was illegally issued, (as hereinafter provided for). It is further ordered and adjudged ! that the said H. A. D. Neely, as coun ty treasurer, pay unto the National J Union bank, out of the funds in his hands, belonging to the said school dis- ' tricts respectively, all the several warrants mentioned in said petition, (except as to the said warrant purporting ' to have been issued by O. J. Gwinn and ] J. T. Burris, as trustees of school dis- " trict No. 16, above mentioned), together with interest thereon from the date of maturity of said warrants as fol- , lows; to wit: For school district No. 1, the sum of $37.50 and interest, from November 10, 1899. For school district No. 4, the sum of ' $37.50, with interest from November 10th, 1899. For school district No. 7 the sum of $75, with interest from July 10th, 1899. For school district No. 14, the sum of $187.50, with interest from 10th July, I 1899. For school district No. 15, the sum of $335, with interest from July 10th, 1899. For school district No. 21, the sum of $112.50, with interest from July 10th, 1899. For school district No. 23, the sum of ( f $75, with interest from July 10th, 1899. < For school district No. 26, the sum of | $150, with interest from December 1st, i 1899. j For school district No. 30, the sum of ] $37.50, with interest from July 10th, ] 1899. i For school district No. 33, the sum of I $37.50, with interest from December 1st, 1899. ] For school district No. 34, the sum of < $37.50, with interest from July 10th, 1899. 1 For school district No. 38, the sum of < $150, witn interest from July 10th, 1899. It is further ordered and adjudged, i that as to the warrant issued by school ] district No. 16, above mentioned, that < the said sJhool district be allowed 30 days from the date of this order to con- i test the same upon any grounds that it J may be advised, and that it be referred 1 to W. W. Lewis, Esq., to hear and determine any and all issues that may be i raised in regard thereto; and that said ] referee report his findings to this court. .Provided, that said contest shall be , without cost or expense to the said H. A. D. Neely, county treasurer. In case the s^id contest shall not be brought on for hearing within 30 days from the date of this order, then the said H. A. 1 D. Neely, county treasurer aforesaid, ' is hereby ordered and directed to pay j unto the National Union Bank of Rock Hill, S. C., the amount of said war- 1 ranis, 10 wu: The sum of $75, together with inte?st thereon from the 10th day of July, 1^19. , The exception in the case of the order : or warrant, alleged to have been made by Messrs. O. J. Gwinn and J. T. Burris, in school district No. 16, is because F of a claim of forgery. Mr. Gwinn admits that he signed the order or war- ; rant, as a trustee, while Mr. Burtls claims that he did not sign it, leaving the presumption that his signature was forged b^Ae school chart agent. ^ \ ' LOCAL LACONICS. vCWjr'filU 1'imt Office. 'Mr. W. L. Plexico has been recommended for appointment as postmaster at Clay Hill, vice Mr. W. J. Neely, moved away. Upon the appointment of Mr. Plexico the office will be established at the mill, about half a mile west of its present location. , "ij January Kohch. The Enquirer is the recipient of a box of beautiful roses sent by Mrs. W. B. Good, of Bullock's C*>ek, on Monday. Mrs. Good explained that the roses developed in her yard, out in the weather and without the slightest effort at protection from the winter. The box contained about two dozen buds and full grown blossoms, constituting al* together a remarkable production for - January. Tax Time Fxtended. The time for the payment of taxes has been extended to February 1. The extension was made by the comptroller ' general and state treasurer, who have the power under the law, to take such action. Both officials were very much opposed to the idea of extending the time for the reason that they knew i..ere was no practical necessity for an extension. Upon the passage by the house of the Ashley resolution, extending the tax time to March 1, the comptroller and treasurer acted, fixing the date at February 1. They hoped that this compromise will be accepted antf that the Ashley resolution will not be pushed in the senate. The extension will be of but little accommodation to taxpayers; but it will give treasurers more or less annoyance in having to refund such penalties as they may have collected up to the time the extension was made. 9100,000 For the School*. At the session of the state board of dispensary directors last Friday afternoon, Chairman Williams stated that the financial condition of the institution now warranted the payment of $100,000 into the school fund, and a resolution to this effect was immediately offered by Director Dukes and unanimously adopted without discussion. Chairman Williams also stated that the dispensary would be able to pay into the school fund $50,000 within the next 30 days. MERE-MENTION. A German physician who recently examined President Kruger, pronounced him to be desperately ill, and scarcely likely to live a fortnight...:. ..Railroads entering Jackson, Miss., are being troubled by high water It is officially reported that 400 Japanese fishermen, belonging to Yokohama, are missing. They are supposed to have perished in a storm of January 10 The Odessa correspondent of the London Dany News wires that 120 people perished in a blizzard that raged during the past f&w days John Skelton Williams is reported to have purchased a controlling interest in the Richmond Times William L. Trenholm, formerly of Charleston, and comptroller of the treasury during Cleveland's first administration, died in New York last Friday Leading London financiers are reported to be in favor of the partition of China V. E. McBee has been temporarily appointed vice-president and general manager of the Seaboard Air L.ine 10 succeed mr. ?i. juim Senator Pritehard, of North Carolina, has introduced a bill appropriating $5,000,000 for the purchase of not exceeding 2,000,000 acres of land in the Appalachian mountains in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, for a national forest reserve, to be known as the Appalachian national park The Texas legislature has adopted a concurrent resolution inviting David 13. Hill, of New York, to visit Austin ar>d deliver an address before that body The Mexican government is very much disturbed over the drainage of its supply of silver currency through exportation Owing to the large number of- deaths from drinking poisonecf beer in England, the British government has seen fit to appoint a commission for the investigation of the matter According to tne calculations of his friends, Matthew S. Quay was to have been re-elected U. S. senator from Pennsylvania on yesterday. His commission had already been made out in blank, ready for transmission to the clerk of the senate at Washington Flour is worth $45 a sack in Circle City, Alaska The American Cigar company has been incorporated with a capital of $10,000,000 A Washington dispatch intimates information to the effect that the British cabinet will probably accept the senate amendments to the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. LOCKHART LINKLETS. Death of Mrs. Alexander?Mr. Wilburn Becomes Deputy Sheriff?Smallpox Report Unfounded. Correspondence of the Yorkville Enauirer. Lockhart, January 12.?Died, on the >th instant, Mrs. M. J. Alexander, wife jf J. S. R. Alexander, formerly of Olive, 3. C. The deceased was in the 56th pear of her age, was a member of the M. E. church at Bethany, and lived a ife consistent with her profession. She eaves a husband and six children to mourn their loss. Her remains were juried at Bullock's Creek cemetery. Since my last letter to The Enquirer Vlr. J. H. Wilburn has#resigned his position as outside overseer, and accepted :he position of deputy sheriff for Union county. Mr. E. M. Griffin, lormerly a salesman in the grocery department of Lockhart mill store, is now outside jverseer. Mr. J. S. R. Alexander contemplates moving to the country in a few days, tiaving secured the management of a arge farm on Tyger river. The health of the nlace is erood: no sickness to speak of. Lockhart's reported small pox case is a false alarm. (Ttmt Joseph T. Johnson Thinks. Spartanburg Journal: Congressmanelect Jos. T. Johnson, of the Fourth district, has been asked his opinion of the proposition to redistrict the state. Since the census figures have been given out and the attempt in "Washington to reduce the representation in congress of this state has failed, the general assembly is likely to take up the matter at this session, certainly at the next. Redistricting will make radical changes in the formation of all the districts and naturally interest is great. Realizing this an opinion has been sought from the new congressman. Mr. Johnson said: "I have no districts to propose. They are not now satisfactorily formed. The only suggestion I have to make is that the districts should be made up of counties thrown together by naturel and allied by commerce, education, association and convenience. They should contain as near 191,000 people each as possible, that being: the seventh part of the population of the state." . AT THR CHURCHES. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. rev. a. n. brunson, pastor. Prayer meeting: mis evening at 7.15 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. rev. n. h. grier, pastor. There will be no prayer-meeting this evening. BAPTIST. rev. j. b. bozeman. pastor. Prayer-meeting Thursday evening at 7.15 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. q. neville, pastor. Prayer meeting this evening at 7.15 o'clock. THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. c. johnes, rector. No sen-ices this afternoon. Serial Jtotices. State ok Ohio, City ok Toledo, | ^ lil/CAS COIJiSIT, ) Frank J. Chknky makes oath that lie is the senior partner of the linn of F. J. Chknky A: Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and State aforesaid, and that said tirm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS lor each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curb. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before nie and subscribed in iny presence, this Oth day of December, A. D. KSSG. ? ? A. W. OLKASON, K.,... I Notary Public. iSKAL;i Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials. free. F. .1. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Halls' Family Pills are the best. Allison Creek and Relh-Shiloli. Rev. \V. A. Hafner will preach at Allison Creek next Sabbath morning, 20th instant, at 11 o'clock, and at Bethshiloh the same afternoon at 3 o'clock. fecial gjotire. Knquirer Club Makers. Each of the following persons are engaged in making a club of subscribers for the Yorkville Enquirer, and receiving names at $1.75 per annum. After the 6th of March, 1901, subscriptions will be received only at $2 per year, unless in clubs of two or more names: John J. Smith Clover, S. C. J. J. Clinton ....Guthriesville, S. C. J. W. Alexander ..Yorkville, S. C. R. Banks Black....Hoodtown, S. C. J. K. Scoggins Ogden, S. C. J. K. Allison ..Hickory Grove, S. C. John S. Meek Zeno, S. C. J. H. Bigham Sharon, S. C. Miss Ella Carroll Carp, S. C. A. L. Purcell Gould, S. C. Geo. W. Knox Clover, S. C. W. McG. Bailey Olive, S. C. A. D. Dorsett Clover, S. C. Paul H. Moore Delphos, S. C. W. E. Gettys Fodder, S. C. W. T. Smarr Cotton, S. C. G. L. Suggs Enquirer, S. C. H. F. Horton Yorkville, S. C. Miss Lula Riddle ....Begonia, N. C. W. S. Lesslie Lesslie, S. C. R. E. Gwinn Yorkville, S. C. Jos. M. Whitesides ..Valdora, S. C. D. J. Biggers Ramah, S. C. Miss Sallie Martin ..Concord, S. C. A. H. Merritt ......Fo?t Mill, S. C. Miss Lizzie Wood Energy, s. \j. Tom J. Sadler Bethany, S. C. J. A. Hope Smyrna, S. C. John L. Davies ..Blacksburg, S. C. W. J. Caveny Rock Rnl, S. C. Willie Graves Cora, S. C. W. Henry Crook.... Eprt Mill, S. C. R. E. McLure T%rkville, S. C. Charley Berry Yorkvllle, S. C. Howard Riddle Zeno, S. C. R. J. W. Moss ..King's Creek, S. C. S. S. Faris Belmont, S. C. W. H. Spencer Roddey's, S. C. R. J. W. Moss ..King's Creek. S. C. Miss Sallie McConnell McConnellsville, S. C. W. T. Davidson Bethany, S.,C. J. R. Getty's Lesslie, S. C. Dr. M. W.*White ....Yorkville, S. C. J. N. Roberts . .McAdenville, N. C. J. M. Craig Point, S. C. ?hc gorftmllc Cotton gftarki. Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs Latta Bros. Yorkville, January 15, 2 p. m.?The local market stands: Middling 9J Fully Middling 9J Good Middling 9g Fully Good Middling 91 Latta Bros. CHARCOT rE STEAM LAUNDRY. MY customers will confer a great favor by having their Laundry READY ON MONDAY, as I will ship every Tuesday evening, so I can get it returned Saturday morning, in future.' Terms, CASH ON DELIVERY. Have delivered and got no cash yet. Pay me; I have to pay. KEENE DOBSON. Jan. 16 w 2t wmnii imiu Luuiuih! nun vHiniv riuir . o r.i.u?Fuo i/wu ouw*?. To Be at Opera House Thursday Night, January 17. TWENTY DuGS that do everything but talk. An interesting wonder to adults and a delight to the children. Admission, 15 cents for children; 25 cents for adults. Reserved seats, 10 cents extra. Seats now on sale at W. B. MOORE & CO.'S. wit EXTENSION OF o lliatUCO* *-> U i. ?f V C4.1 V. I?vb kiiv W...? ? pie who are talking about our Canned Tomatoes. There are dozens of our customers?pleased customers?who are also talking about them; and well they might too, for they make mighty cheap eating at the price?3 3-Ib cans for 25c. They are choice goods and our custo- ( mers have found it out and are coming for more. If you have not used any of our Tomatoes you had better move at once, as they are very choice goods and the price is very low?3 3-lb cans for a quarter. More About Coffee. We haven't quit talking about our Coffees yet, and our neighbors just go right on talking about it, and coming for it, too. They say that we lead the van when it comes to Coffees and Canned Tomatoes. Our PRINCESS Coffee is the choicest Coffee at the price ever offered here. Then our Mocha and Java Blended Roasted Coffee is a superb article, and we sell it for 25 cents less per can of three pounds than {oa iuico nv/b cuivtau^u aaa an >/viivi?o. Business is business, and should be done in a business way, I'm in the Insurance Business and wish just here to say, If you have any such business, and want it done that particular way, My office is in the Kuykendal building, and I'm in it every day. C. M. KUYKENDAL. Dec. 12 w ly COMMERCIAL PRINTING. ^ LL business men should use printed stationery. They should not use any printed stationery that is not up to the highest grade of work obtainable. It }s just as essential t send out a neatly and well printed etterhead, Billhead, Statement or Envek ->e, as it is to keep the ledger or daybook correct. Good stationery, well printed, always serves as an index to the character of the business man using it Handsomely printed stationery gives to the user a character which cannot be obtained In any other way. It also gives the recipient a good impression of the sender. It shows that the sender Is not careless of the looks of the small things that he sends out, and forces upon the mind of the recipient the impression that the sender is not careless of the large things that he does. "Cheap," shoddy printing always and Invariably leaves a bad taste. Discriminating and careful business men, who have an eye for the appropriateness of things in general and their printed matter in particular, have their work done at THE ENQUIRER office, where they know by long experience that they will get work that will be up to the highest point of perfection in QUALITY, STYLE and GOOD TASTE, and they are also aware that nrlll era* PHK A "P work without liic/ mu gvh W ..?* .. getting "Cheap" Printing. Give THE ENQUIRER your next order, and you will be satisfied with your work. Y ork Brick W orks. W. N. ASHE, Proprietor. We are now making millions of Brick, and are ready to meet all demands wholesale or retail, at figures that are right. For first-class Lime iu large or small quantities, call on us. W. N. ASHE. Yorkville and Rock Hill. NOW IS THE TIME To paint your house, and Hirshburg, Hollander & Co.'s STAG BRAND PAINT is the Paint to use. We have it, and guarantee it. and the price is right. YORKVILLE BUGGY COMPANY. MONEY TO LOAN -r-v XT * TJ HTYC T.ivns T.oner time. Uii r zi ivxti ixi vji ??? Easy payment. No commission. Borrower pays- actual cost of perfecting loan. E. K. PALMER, Central National Bank Building, Columbia, S. C. GEO. W. S. HART, Attorney, 2 Law Range, Yorkville, S. C. August 22 w 6m X3- TAKE COUGH EASE. It cures. YORK DRUG STORE. ghf ^lorki'iUf (fruqutw. PUBLISHERS : L. M. GRIST, W. D. GRIST, 0. E. GRIST and A. M. GRIST. Published Wednesday and Saturday. TERMS OF S URSCR1FTIOA : Siugle copy for one year, $ 2 <)? One copy for two years, 3 SO For six months, 1 OO For three months, SO Two r-nnifis for one vear 3 54) Ten copies one year, It SO And an extra copy for aclnb of ten. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at One Dollar per square for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. A square consists of the space occupied by ten lines of this size type. *5/' Contracts for advertising space for three, six and twelve months will be made on reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to me regular business of the firm or individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the office by Monday at noon when intended for Wednesday's issue, and on Wednesday when intended for Saturday's issue.