Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, October 10, 1900, Image 3

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executive abilities and fine business j qualities. He seemed peculiarly fitted r fob the mercantile business. His store was always filled with salable goods, and at the time of his death his stock was perhaps the largest stock of dry goods ever brought to Winnsboro. Few men in Winnsboro have been more ' successful in business. He was progressive, constantly adding improvements. He will be missed in the bus? iness affairs of our community. In 1 1893, Mr. Williford married Miss Addie Robinson, of Edgmoor, York county, who with three small children survive him. The entire community sincerely deplore the sudden end. Melhodlat Activity In Fort Mill. Rev. R. A. Tongue to Southern Christian Advocate: "I have just closed a very successful tent meeting at Fort Mill, where I had the valued help cf Rev. Barre Harris. As a result of bis plain, practical preaching, many souls were clearly and brightly con- ' verted. Seventy became candidates for membership, some to the Baptist and Presbyterian churches. On last Sunday night, assisted by that cyclonic, I "trash-moving," (wonder if he is goy ing to move me?) presiding elder from Rock Hill. I took into the church a class of 58 applicants, and as far as I ( am able to judge, and according to ( their own testimony, every one of them < was savingly converted. To God be all the glory. The Fort Mill church has suffered by immigration in the last 12 months as no other church I know of. In seven months I have had Ave Sunday school superintendents, and only one member of the board of stewards with which I began the year, is left to see its close. Our church membership here is largely composed of mill people, and somehow these mill people have not been running at all well. < Newer mills with newer machinery S. have offered better inducements, and more than 100 of our people have moved away. We feel this loss in every department of church life very seriously, as these were our best people. However, they are not lost to the church < at large, but only to this charge which so sorely needs them. We are hoping that the tide may turn our way again. We are moving along at our two coun- ( try churches hopefully. At Philadel- ; phia, my brother, J. C. Tongue, helped me in a Ane meeting when 18 were ] added to the church, mostly heads of houses. We hope to make a good report at conference. October Skies.?The planets which ! show so brightly in the evening skies are passing out of sight toward the v sun and the shortening days and the chilly air are no clearer signs of the arrival of autumn than is the appearance above the eastern horizon of the i-.dvance guard of the familiar winter constellations. At 9 p. m., on October 15, Taurus is ] well above the eastern horizon, to be ; known unmistakably by the Pleiades lying near the brilliant star. Almost the whole of the southeastern sky Is filled with the huge shapeless mass of j Cetus, the head of the monster marked : by an irregular pentagon of stars. The j only conspicuous object of the southern ( sky, says the Scientific American, is ? Fomalhaut, a bright lonely star, low l down near the meridian, belonging to 1 the constellation of the Southern Fish. West of the zenith are Cygnus, Lyra, and Aquila; and in the north the Dipper is swinging low, with the pointers almost under the pole. Of the planets Mercury is evening ' star throughout the month. On the 29th he reaches his greatest eastern elongation; but is not favorably placed | for observation, being very far south and setting less than an hour after the sun. Venus is morning star, rising about three hours and a half before sunrise throughout the month. She is still much brighter than any- * thing in the morning sky, though her J light is not much more than half what it was in August. Mars is also morning star, rising be- j fore 1 a. m., and gradually but surely fc increasing in brightness as the earth overtakes him. Jupiter is evening star; J but by the middle of the month he sets 1 at 8 o'clock and can only be seen In the , twilight. Uranus, too. is evening star, and on the 19th he is in conjunction , with Jupiter, and could be easily identified with a field glass were it not that both planets are very low in the twilight. AT THE CHURCHES. j ] BAPTIST. REV. J. B. BOZEMAN, PASTOR. ( Prayer meeting Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. A PRESBYTERIAN. REV. W. G. NEVILLE, PASTOR. Prayer-meeting this evening at 7.30 ' o'clock. THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. REV. J. C. JOHNKS, RECTOR. Services this afternoon at 5.30 o'clock. ? TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. REV. J. M. STEADMAN, PASTOR. ' Prayer meeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. REV. BOYCE H. GRIER, PASTOR. j Prayer meeting this evening at 7.30 i o'clock. ' j^erial Retires. ! The Charlotte Eye Specialist, i Dr. S. R. Peck, will be in Yorkville, at the Parish Hotel, Friday, October 19th. Sept. 26 w 4t " * , ] $100 Reward, $100. The reader of thi&paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded 1 <1i<uwco that, ueienee has been able to euro i *" in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's ' Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure 1 known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh 1 being a constitutional disease, requires a i constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh < Cure is taken internally, acting directly 1 on the blood and mucous surfaces of the < system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution ] and assisting nature in doing its work, i The proprietors have so much faith in i its curative powers, that they oiler One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ( I 4. OKlTI'AItY. fchED?At Lockhart Mills, on October 5,'in the 7th year of his age, AGUR, Ison of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Howell, for- I merly of Bullock's Creek township. Ito gorMIe gotten gftarkt. V Corrected Semi-Weekly by Messrs. Latta Bros. z Yorkville, October 9, 2 p. m.? The local market stands: ^ Middling 93 } Fully Middling .' 10 Good Middling 10.15 * Fully Good Middling 10.15 ~ Latta Bros. * STRAYED OR STOLEN n FROM my place, on Friday, October 5th, a BAY MARE MULE, 16 hands high, 6 years old, and weighs about ?] i inn nniin^o A nv Information con- . 1,1UV ^UUUUO( cerning her will be appreciated. P S. T. FERGUSON, Yorkville, S. C. " Oct. 11 w tf 1S 0" BERMUDA ONION SETS. YORK DRUG STORE. J LAND SALE FOR PARTITION. H ON MONDAY, SALESDAY IN NOVEMBER next, I will sell at public auction, before the court house door AT YORKVILLE, the CLINTON Mc- CULLY TRACT OF LAND, situated In Bethel township on the waters of jn Crowder's Creek, and containing 126 U ACRES, of which 65 acres are in timber, and the balance in cultivation. Land bounded by lands of Joseph Brandon, Quinn and others. Terms I of sale CASH. Purchaser to pay for all papers. For further particulars V call upon or write to me at Bethel, S. C. ^ J. M. BARNETT, Executor. P October 10 w 4t g GREAT BARGAINS S AND C GREAT CROWDS ? AT P PAT'S STORE. p ooo $ JUST BACK FROM NEW YORK, AND I got the goods at BOTTOM PRICES. The nicest line of goods ever thrown on the counters at ? McConnellsville, and I may add the LARGEST STOCK of goods that ever f came to this town. After our goods arrived we found it v necessary to open up our _ DRY GOODS ~i In a separate store room?in the JOHN * D. McCONNELL HOUSE. Here MRS. PATRICK will wait on the ladies and show a nice line of DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, LADIES* HATS, CHILDREN'S CAPS J AND LADIES' CAPES AND JACK- B ETS AT STARTLING PRICES. f Listen, while I tell you. We have r. ? P? R7f. R7n *1 rt7 11.47 UTJ to oa^/vo ivi nv| v. v, viv, T....f T? -. 15. Mr. CONRAD will show you Children's SUITS from 35c to *4. Boy's SUITS from $1.50 to $7.50. Men's ? SUITS from $3 to $10.50. Men's COATS ? from $1.50 to $3. Men's PANTS, regular price, $1.50. for $1. Just let me tell you we have the nicest line of Trousers ever offered to the public. Just come and call for our 12.50, $3. $4 and $5 pants, and we will 3urely sell you, or make you sorry if you have bought elsewhere. _ We win continue to sell GROCERIES it our old place of business, and there Ci you will be waited on by Mr. SMITH ind Mr. LOVE,, and I believe it is useess to tell you we will SELL YOU CLOSER THAN ANY ONE ELSE for 10 or 30 miles around, and if short prof- ^ ts and fair dealing will place us in the " ead, we will SURE GET THERE. II YOURS TO SERVE, m S. D. PATRICK, S D ..Palmetto Grocery.. ? ? B IT IS A HARD S ?"^QUESTION AT this season of the year to decide on something palatable and nutritious to eat. That is the question ? svhen you go elsewhere to buy your Knf tViot <o nnt the hardest T 31 Wtl ItO t UUW VHM.V AM ? ? I question here. We have so many nice jj things for the inner man it makes it a tiarder question to decide among the ?ood things. We have the following salate ticklers in stock: -y GRAPE NUTS?One of the most nu- I tritious and dainty cereal dishes ever p offered to the public. It is elegant. Try a package. It is 20 cents. Its nice. co POSTUM CEREAL?The only substitute for Coffee. Instead of weakening the nerves it strengthens and steadies them. Try it. 20 cents a package. pc FLAKED RICE?Is another elegant article for breakfast. It is easily prepared and delicious. 20 cents a pkg. CREAM OF WHEAT?Is another one co >f the most popular cereal preparations. TOOTHPICKS?10 cents a package. cc Lowrance. Williams &. Co. Jas.M. Starr & Co., w LEADING DRUGGISTS. j ~~ ' It A BARGAIN IN TOOTH BRUSHES. _ WE have lust received a lot of FINE IMPORTED FRENCH rOOi'H BRUSHES. They are the kind 1 we GUARANTEE not to SHED THE li BRISTLES. We give your money back tr if you want it. The bristles are soft ui and elastic and if properly used will not to wear down, break off or pull out. They e\ are TOOTH BRUSHES that cleanse C! and last. Those who use them like ta t?.em. They are worth 35c and that is ? what we sell them at. Brushes from 5 :ents up. We also have a nice line of y preparations for cleansing the teeth. 1 COUGHINE IS THE BEST cough ' medicine put inside of glass. Sold on fe a guarantee. . 'f-r JAMES M. STARR & CO.. h? Leadine Druererists. "w " ar - it. APPLICATION FOR HOMESTEAD, er ' in the court of common pleas. ~~ Ex parte Jane Chambers et al In re ^ Homestead. ( WHEREAS JANE CHAMBERS. widow of Oscar Chambers, has p( filed a verified petition with me, pray- n, ing that homestead exemptions be set , ipart to her and minor children out of the personal and real property of her husband and their deceased father, notice is hereby given to all parties concerned that they intend to claim such T homestead exemptions out of the prop- * erty of said deceased, and after due no- o> tice. by publication hereof according te to law, I will proceed to have such ol homestead and homestead exemptions b< set off to them, unless good cause be shown to the contrary. W. BROWN WYLIE, Clerk of Court. Oct. 3 w 4t M MONEY TO LOAN ? ON FARMING LANDS. Longtime. lr Easy payment. No commission, s' Borrower pays actual cost of perfecting loan. E. K. PALMER, h Central National Bank Building, Columbia, S. C. ir GEO. W. S. HART, Attorney, st 2 Law Range, b< Yorkville, S. 0. flj August 22 w 6m . tS" BERMUDA ONION SETS. cl YORK DRUG STORE. to PHISONANT, CASTLES & CO., THE LEADERS, HICKORY GROVE, 8. C. MILLINERY. [T7E have a large stock of NEW rV MILLINERY, Just from the reat millinery palace "of Armstrong, ator & Co., Baltimore. Miss Sallle fylie has charge of our millinery deartment again this year. She under:ands the requirements of our custolers. A ladj& dressmaker?A GOOD ONE? 1 in get information of a good business pening by calling upon us. Mr. Whlsonant picked up numerous argains in novelties and notions durlg his recent trip North. The matter i worth noting. " it is a larger and more complete stock f READY-MADE CLOTHING ^than re have ever had before that we'have ow. Most complete line of Trunks and Vases that has been seen in this section. Bargains in Furniture of all kinds. Whisonant, Castles & Company. 'elight the Sonl of Woman. ELEGANT CHINA. i PEND YOUR MONEY WITH THE i 5 PEOPLE WHO VALUE YOUR I ATRONAGE MOST HIGHLY. We Ive you more value for your dollars lan others, and In addition we give aupons that will entitle the purchasr to valuable presents of beautiful hina. It costs absolutely nothing, e sure and ask for THE PARLOR ROCERY'S FREE CHINA COUONS. ?3- WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH RICE FOR COTTON SEED. DO TOT SELL UNTIL YOU SEE US. 7E WILL BUY ALL THAT COMES O THESE DIGGINGS. See if we on't. PARLOR GROCERY, S. L. Hobbs & Co., Proprietors. 1LENW & ALLISON.1 \ HARVEST OF BARGAINS HERE. JiJ E want you to REMEMBER r V that we are the LEADERS in uggies, Carriages and Harness. If juiwant anything in this line don't ill to see us. MULES and HORSES. A few of each, either for SALE or ' TRADE. ECOND HAND BUGGIES. ? A few on hand that# we will sell at Bargains. A Second Hand GIN, CONDENSER and PRESS for sale, either for CASH or on TIME. GLENN & ALLISON. J. J. KELLER & CO., jntractors and Mannfacturers of . Building Material. ' T7E furnish estimates on any and ^ r V all kinds of work in WOOD, ION, BRICK OR STONE, within 25 ' lies of Yorkville. We do what we say J icording to specifications and within le time specified. j We keep on hand a big supply of f ressed and Undressed Lumber. Also ails, Builders' Hardware, Lime, etc., id manufacture to order scroll work, alusters, Stairs. Columns, etc. Both rge and small orders filled promptly : prices that are right. * We furnish plans of buildings and in rmation of value to builders. J. J. KELLER & CO. 1 Yorkville, S. C. 1 Sept. 19 w ly OAN AND SAYINGS BANK. ] YorMle, S. C. JE-ORGANIZED WITH AMPLE J A.PITAL for the protection and ac- j immodation of customers. * ACCOUNTS of Individuals and Cor- ( rations solicited. It gives us pleasure to extend every >urtesy and accommodation that is insistent with SOUND BANKING. S. M. McNEEL, President. 7. P. HARRISON, Cashier. 1 ?? ?- " *? 1 at U a [ ot*~ DaiiK opens iur uubi iicoo at< v mi | . i. and closes at 8 p. m. j G. II. 0'L.EARY. ? : 1 FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! ] T UST received two car loads of Fur- 4 I niture. Knowing what the ^ ade needs and having bought right, I ider these conditions it is no trouble i please and sell. Here you will find erything that is found in a FIRSTLASS Furniture Store, at prices that 1 .ke. G. H. O'LEART. j STOVES! STOVES!! ] \T E are still agents for the NOBLE i T STOVES. Our most popular llers are the IRON KING, ELMO J id COTTON KING. These Stoves ive been sold here for over THIRTY J >ars. Praise is unnecessary, as they < e already too well known to require , We also keep a line of good, cheap' stoves. G. H. O'LEARY. ARPETS, MATTINGS AND RUGS. CARPETS, MATTINGS, RUGS, J FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS, LINOLEMS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN OLES, PICTURES. EASELS, PIC- ? URE FRAMES, MIRRORS, etc. A rge stock of the above named goods. G. H. O'LEARY'S. 4 SADDLES AND HARNESS. \ TTE have on hand a full stock of r? Saddles, Harness, etc., of our ,vn manufacture, which is a guarante as to quality, and keep a full stock r goods of the class, all of which will 2 sold cheap, at a H. O'LEARY'S. CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. \ TTE have now on hands LAMB & 4 rV CO.'S FALL AND WINTER OOK OF SAMPLES for Men's Clothig of reliable materials, excellent de- I gn and attractive patterns, which g ?y n~e :->ady to supply to the fault- . 00, i; stidious and fashionable dresser 1 i iheir famous, fitting and faithful j yle. The cut and workmanship will i correct and every garment made to : the wearer. Come and see the patrns and the prices, and have your othing made for comfort and service, o. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. STRAUSS OPE And Will Give th the Opportunit; Freshet of B QOOOOOOOOOOO& mis SALE IS TO RUI Friday, Satur OCT. 12,1 OOOOOOQOCXXXXX PROFIT BIG1 Leaves Nothing Of Actual C< OCXXXXXX500000 ml a 1 ^ inis is 10 ue a suit u *ive the people of the foi the opportunity to gathe is to be one of STRAUS GAIN SALES OF NEW However, I wish you to i offered at these prices ar to secure your part you i we can't buy the goods ii offered for these three di *reat gullies will be w; few very hours. So, yoi ind get the CREAM OF THE GOODS Men's English Creedmore Ties ;hat are worth $1 in any market, for this sale only, 89 Cents. \lso full line of other Shoes ranging as ligh as $1.50. In Ladies' Shoes I will give you a Indies' Imitation Dongola Coin Patent father Tip, Button, sizes 3 to 8, WOrtll j>l anywhere, for ONLY 75 CTS. \ complete line of Ladies' Shoes up to $3.50 HATS AND CAPS?Hats from ip to a Man's Fine Fur Alpine at $ hisses and Ladies' Sailors and Walking Hats ^adies, Boys, Youths and Men from 5 Cents CLOTHING?Men's Heavy Jeans P [mported Cassimers. Gents Black ci English Cassimer at $16. Boy's twc hree-piece Suits?long pants?from $2.(K ;'M, ST-A.I=I_iEj INDIGO BLUE AND DARK PA ' 31-2 AND 4 CE 1 Cents AT THE FACTORY ; but I for your dollar. Only $1.00 worth to a < TVT,r?.w Vni?t Mills zLi Rlpflldl at, ? met* X VA? J. Standard Unbleached Drill at < Heavy Yard Wide Sheeting* at Heavy Alamance Plaids at 4 C< These goods will be sold at a 1 timer, in order to give all a cliam country who would probably buy I have the largest stock of Strictly N< leeding any Dry Goods these Three Barg'J mpply your needs. Be sure you come he dates?FRIDAY, SATURDA1 IND 15. This is your chance to ge Your's f( HI. C. ST NS WIDE THE jOODGATES ; 1 1 ie People of York i < y of Reaping a iig Bargains. j < i >000000000000 < N THREE DAYS ONLY,! ] 3 AND 15. XXXXXXXXXXXX5 WAWATi But the Subsoil; ost of Stock. < 0000000000000 < f three days' duration to? 1 *m miio t\f flip PPlinfvl II IJ^UCil lUlO VI tiiv ( r in the Bargains. This' iS'S BONA FIDE BARr GOODS?not a fake. emember that the Goods' ] e limited, and to be sure 7 ( nust come quick, because; 1 New York at the prices ; lys. At these low prices: ished in our stock in a 1 i had better come early' THE BARGAINS. AND PRICES: | a pair, including button and lace, heel and f . spring heel, with and without tips. Ladies' \ everyday Shoes in Oil Grain and Veal Calf. Kangaroo leather Shoes in plain and flannel lined. Gentlemen's Dress Shoes from $1.00 up to $5.00 a pair. Infants' and Children's Shoes from the Moccasin to Misses' School Shoes at $2.50 a pair. l a Boys' Wool Crush at 15 cents, 13.50. Also an immense line of Children's, . CAPS for Infants, Children, Misses and j i up to $1.00. ants from 40 Cents up to the Finest ay Worsted Suits at $2.49 up to a Fine apiece Suits from 50 CeiltS Up. Youth's Suit on up. See our Clothing. , GOODS= | s,ttern in standard calico t "(WITQ f These goods are 1 818 I Oi worth more than * am offering more than 100 cents 3 customer. c $ 1-3 Cents. Worth more at the mills. .c (> L-4 Cents. Worth more at the mills. 0 4 1-2 Cents. Worth more at the mills. Bllts. Worth more at the mills. [ s ? iJ- A\TT? riATT IT) fn flin />na- s 111111 UJL JLj l^VJUUixxt/ i/uv vmo- p ?e, as there are merchants in this all I have at the prices named, ew Goods in Yorkville, and if you are " ain Days will give you the opportunity to / and COME EARLY. Remember ] Y, MONDAY?OCTOBER 12, 13 a it more than your money's worth, k ei >r Big- Bargains, raR,-A.uss. AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Levies of the Town of YorKville, S. C., for the Current Year, 1900, for Ordinary Municipal Purposes, and to pay the Interest on Water Bonds, the Time for the Payment of Same, and the Penalty for Non-Payment Thereof. BE it ordained by the mayor and aldermen, the Town Council of the [ own of Yorkville, S. C.: Section 1. That a levy of five mills )n each and every dollar of real and ?ersonal property, not exempt from :axation by law, held or owned within :he corporate limits of said town on :he first day of January, 1900, be, and :he same is hereby made; three mills )f which shall be for ordinary purposes, and two mills of which shall be to ?ay interest on water bonds. Section 2. Said tax SHALL BE DUE * XTTV niTT A TXT -EX 1CTU nAV U rAX ADU?j UII llic XUAXX A DCTOBER. 1900, at the office of the TOWN TREASURER, and the books jf said treasurer shall be opened for the collection of taxes on said date. Taxes may be paid without penalty up to and including the 16th day of Novimber, 1900, after which last date a penalty of TWENTY PER CENTUM evlll attach. Up to and Including the . Lst day of December, 1900, taxes due ind unpaid on the 15th day of Novimber, 1900, will be received WITH THE TWENTY PER CENT, penalty. Section 3. After the 1st day of De:ember, 1900, execution will be issued igalnst all delinquents for the full imount of taxes due, together with the TWENTY PER CENT, penalty ind all costs of collection, including me dollar costs for every execution issued by the town treasurer. Done and ratified in Council Assembled this 19th day of September, A. D., 1900. [seal.] M. C. WILLIS, Mayor Of the Town of Yorkville, S. C. attest: P. W. Love, Clerk of Council. NOTICE. In pursuance of law notice is hereby jiven that the foregoing ordinance was luly passed and ratified by the Town - . Council of the Town of Yorkville, S. D.. and the levy of Five Mill tax on :axable property in Yorkville, S. C., tor the current year duly made. M. C. WILLIS. Mayor Of the Town of Yorkville, S. C. TAX COLLECTION?-T*K)0. Office of the County Treasurer of York County, Yorkville. S. C., September 15, 1900. IN accordance with law, my books will be opened on the 15TH DAY OF October, 1900, for the collection of the , 3TATE, COUNTY AND SPECIAL TAXES, for the fiscal year beginning January lst, and ending December 31st, L900; and will be kept open until the list day of December, 1900. I will also ecelve , VOLUNTARY PAYMENTS, it commutation road taxes for the year L901. For the convenience of tax-payers I cvlll meet them at the following places m the days named: At Yorkville, Monday and Tuesday, :he 16th and 16th days of October. At Antloch. Wednesday, the 17th day it October. At McConnellsville, Thursday, the 1.8th day of October. At Bullock's Creek, Friday, the 19th 'o? nf Ootnhpr. ? At Sharon, Saturday, the 20th day of October. At Newport, Monday, the 22d day of October. At Tirzah, Tuesday, the 23rd day of * October. At Forest Hill, Wednesday, the 24th lay of October. At Bethel, Thursday, the 25th day of * Dctober. At Clover, Friday and Saturday, the 26th and 27th days of October. At Bethany, Monday, the 29th day of Dctober. At Yorkville, Tuesday, the 30th day of October. At Smyrna, Wednesday, the 31st day >f October. At Hickory Grove, Thursday and Frilay, the 1st and 2nd days of November. At Yorkville, Saturday, the 3rd day 6t November. At Coates's Tavern, from 12 o'clock, loon, Monday, November 5, to 12 j'clock, noon, Tuesday, November 6. At Fort Mill, Wednesday and Thurslay, the 7th and 8th days of NovemAt Yorkville. Friday, the 9th day of ? November until Saturday, the 24th day it November. At Rock Hill, Monday, the 26th day it November, until Saturday, at 1 j'clock, p. m., December 1st. And at Yorkville from Monday, the Ird day of December, until Monday, ;he 31st day of December, 1900, after vhich day the books will be closed and ;he 15 per cent, penalty will be attached. H. A. D. NEELY, County Treasurer. Sept 19 w Et LANDS FOR SALE. DAVID W. McCARTER and others will sell at public auction, on 3ALESDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, Lt York court house, unless sooner sold . it private sale, the following: real es:ate, belonging: to Robert R. McCar:er at the time of his death, to wit: First. The "SUGGS PLACE," confining One Hundred and Forty-eight icres, more or less, situated in York :ounty, S. C., bounded by lands of D. w. McCarter. James Woods and others. Second. The "KERR TRACT," confining One Hundred and Thirty-four icres, more or less, situated in the :ounty and state aforesaid, bounded by ands of A. J. Sturgis, Horton and )thers. Both tracts being on the waers of Allison Creek. This tract is sitaated four miles northeast of Yorkrtlle. , On each of the above tracts is a iwelling house, and also tenement * louses and usual outbuildings. Terms of Saie: One half cash, balance >n a credit of twelve months, secured >y the purchaser's bond and a mortrage of the premises, with the priviege to the purchaser of paying his enire bid in cash. Said tracts will be lold separately. Purchasers to pay or papers. For fuller information, inending purchasers may apply to W. R. HORTON, or R. BRUCE YOUNGBLOOD. Sept. 19 w 7t NOTICE TO ROAD OVERSEERS. VT OTICE is hereby given to each LN and EVERY ROAD OVERSEER N YORK COUNTY, that they are itrictly required to put their respectve sections in a good, flrst-olass traviling condition. ? Overseers will especially see to it' hat all loose rock are removed from heir road. All male persons who are able to vork, between the ages of 18 and 55 rears, are liable to road duty. The only persons exempt from road luty are ministers of the gospel in harge of a congregation as pastor, and Confederate soldiers. In York county FOUR DAYS' WORK f ten hours each are required of the oad hands, each and every year. Overseers who neglect to put in their ull time, will be dealt with according o law. If a road section has no overeer, let the fact be known to the supervisor. T. G. CULP, Supervisor, iorK ^ouniy, ouuui ^<nuuua< Attest: J. S. Brice, Clerk of Board. Oct. 3 w 2t PLANTATION FOR SALE. ~VUR VALUABLE PLANTATION, J containing 280 acres, large 6-room welling house, three tenement houses nd other necessary outhouses. Sltuasd on the Armstrong Ford road, nown as the "Bigger Place." Terms asy. Apply to W. B. SMITH & SONS, Clover, S. C. Sept. 5 w? < 3m BERMUDA ONION SETS. YORK DRUG STORE.