Qoocooooocoooooocxxxxxxx)oooooo6ooooooooooooooooocxxxx>ocxx> I l ?838S8888?)B8S??W88KS88^ jSoOOOOOOOOQOOQOOOOOQOOCOOOOCOOOOOOQOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOCQCO awmM88m82!88a?8888S58888?8?Si8^!^!m8Sm8mS8mS8?3m8msaS^8? QSS08SOSSOS$03?SSOSSOSSO?OSSOSSO!S08SOS?OSSOSSOSSOSSOS^OSSOSSOSSOSiOSSOSSO^OSSOSiC geosso8sossossossossossossossosso!so8sosssos$ososmossossossos;ossossosso^osso!so? I Read This Carefully: | S*^)?088OS^O82OSJO8SOS?S?>88O8SOS??^O88OSOSSOS2OS^0SiO?2G^05^O?^O^ OeS08SCKSOSSOSSOSSOS$OSSOSSOKO!SOS^O?SO!^OS^OSS(^SOSSOSSOSSCKSO^SOSSC>!SO? VES, STRAUSS IS TALKING BUSINESS, AND ALL YE FRIEND' CUSTOMERS AND COMPETITORS, LISTEN ! I've got a Ion storv to tell, and it will take sometime to tell it; but there are few wh Iwill lose anything by following me through to the last word, 'There much to be learned by those who try to sell goods, and not a little h buyers. For several years I have been noticing a growing demand fc a better quality of goods than hazre been selling On this market. I hat been keeping up with that demand as rapidly as circumstances wonl > warrant. ' I appreciated fully that I could not afford to go too fast. The numbe of people who realize that they can afford only the BEST, IS LIMITED. I ha\ the satisfaction of seeing the number steadily increasing. But the time has bee when the best stock would be dead stock. There are still a large number c people who do not know that the best is the cheapest. These also must have wh< they want. This Fall I have paid especial attention to the improvement of qualities a around. When I left for the Northern markets a few weeks ago it was with full understanding of poor crop conditions; also of the fine promise of prices. Tli situation grew immensely better while I was In New York, and I was encourage to take more advanced steps than I at first intended. It is now clear, beyond doubt, that I have done the right thing. The Good Dressers of York County WILL FIND IN MY NEW FALL STOCK a line of LADIES' DRES GOODS that will be a marvel on this market. The Qualities, Quant ties, Varieties, Colors and Shades will be amazing, and the prices i which I shall offer these goods will be surprising and pleasing to m lady friends throughout the county, and paralysing and overwhelmin to all competition. The ladies will find here a selection of styles and pa terns that will be so bewildering and beautiful as to be beyond comparison, an they will almost imagine that the weaves and shades are the work of fairy fingei from fairy, mills. The texture of the different kinds of goods is as fine an soft as it is possible to produce. In other words, and summed up in one brief ser tence,?the Qualities will be the BEST that your money can buy; the price will be low enough to suit any purse. Our stock of goods contains weaves an qualities to suit all pocketbooks?the rich as well as poor?and every purchase will be satisfied with the quality and quantity received for his or her dollar. It i our earnest desire to give a full dollar's worth for every dollar that drops int our till. We zvill not take advantage of any one, be he child who is doing th buying, any more than we zvould take advantage of an expert buyer, if we coule Every one will be given fair and honest treatment. Every one will get exactl what they pay for. No less at any time; sometimes a great deal more; but the will be our loss and the customers gain. Another department that will interest the gentlemen of the county who dt sire to be well-dressed, is my Clothing Department. Here everything that is th best in quality, latest in pattern and style, the finest in fit and most desirable i color, will be found in an endless profusion and at prices that will allow any wh like to dress well, to be fitted out in all that one can desire. Among other thing for gentlemen will be found a stock of HATS, the like of which has never bee seen in this part of the state. The qualities are such as to please all, the style will please the most fastidious, and the prices will tickle the purchaser, because h never in his life had the opportunity to buy such qualities, styles and shades 2 such low prices. A full line of Gents' Furnishings will also be found here, ir eluding everything that man could wear, from the latest style Collars down to th Hamilton-Brown Shoe. We respectfully ask an inspection of our prices and quali tie?, varieties and quantities, before you make a purchase. If we cannot suit yo vou will be unable to be suited in the upper part of South Carolina. I HAVE ONLY ONE STORE. WE HAVE ONLY ONE STORE; ONLY ONE BUSINESS. That i all we feel that we can attend to as it should be attended to. In buyin our stock we alzoays study carefully the zvants of our people. It is nei essary that zvc should do so, BECAUSE WE HAVE TO PAY FO, OUR OWN MISTAKES; WE DON'T WANT OUR CUSTOMER, TO POY FOR THEM. It zvould make our customers tired. We buy in New Yor and Baltimore. When we get what we don't order, which is seldom, we ship i back, and when through a mistake of our own we are unable to get a legitimat profit, we close out ai the best price we can get. These are some of the reason why Strauss's goods are always so carefully and judiciously selected and why the represent One Hundred Cents on the Dollar. We do not believe there is a stock c goods in this section of the state which includes less shop zoom stuff or a smalle proportionate quantity of junk. CASH VERSUS CREDIT BUYING. WHEN I buy goods it is for CASH ON DELIVERY. Why? Because can buy Goods from three to ten per cent, less for cash than on credit. And as buy for cash I sell for cash. Why ? Because it is better for buyer and seller t do business on a cash basis. For instance, a man who restricts himself to buyin for cash is more economical than if buying on credit. The knowledge that on can buy "on credit" at the store is a sure road to poverty, unless a man has a pock etbook without any end filled with the coin of the realm. Credit buying tends t extravagance; extravagance tends to ruin. Just to illustrate my point: Bill Snoodle is a first-class young fellow and a hard worker. Billy has a small farr that has been given him by his father as a wedding present. Billy works har and prospers. After awhile he wants to prosper faster. He has not the mone to do what he wants right now; but if he will give Messrs. Graball, Takeit < Mortgage a lien on his crop, he can get the money, and next fall he can pay th obliging firm back. Right there Billy is making a mistake. He has enough coi to carry him through the year, at the rate of progress he has been making; a plent to dress himself and his good wife in style equal to any of his neighbors and t send his children to school; but Billy wants to get there faster. He borrows th money, puts a lien on his cotton crop that has not yet been planted. He gets th money and supplies from the obliging firm. He puts in his crop with hopeful an ticipations; he teorks hard, but drouth comes, rust comes and everything come except a big crop, and at the end of the year, Billy is able to pay only a part of hi account with the obliging firm. The firm says, "Oh, well, that's all right. Just U it stand; just give us a mortgage on your mules and we will let it go until ne> year." The same hopeful anticipations are indulged in, and perhaps the sam bad crops are encountered, and settling time comes. Billy can't pay. This tim the obliging firm says, "Well, that's all right; just pay next year; but to secure th debt you will just give us a mortgage on your farm." After the mortgage is mad out, and it will be made out, because if you don't give the mortgage, they will fore close the mortgage on the stock, and make Billy settle, and then he will be with out the means to work another crop. The obliging firm says: "Now, Mr. SnoodU WE have a mortgage on your MULES, and a mortgage on YOUR FARM, an no7t> 7i'e will not ask you to buy your supplies from us. IFe will make you do it, an charge you what we please. The first two years we lost money on our goods i order to get you by the throat, and now we propose to make it back." Buy for CASH and buy from STRAuSS, and you will not have any expe ricnce like Mr. Snoodle. This-may sound like a fiction; but there are farmers nc a hundred miles from here who have had just this experience. Buy what you nee for convenience and comfort; buy what you need for CASH; PAY AS YOU CO if you have anything to go on, don't mortgage it to get more; it isn't good polio Be on the safe side by buying your goods from STRAUSS for CASH, and yo may rest assured that you will get full value for every dollar you give him. 1 you cannot BUY TOR CASH, DON'T BUY. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY i the end. Craball, Takeit & Mortgage are looking for CREDIT BUYERS. ssss^ss^smsssssss^sssmtms^^m^ssssmsm^msmsmsssss^^ 5 ^sssmsmsssssssmsssmsmsm^smsssmsss^ssssssss^sms^sss) | GOODS, PRICES 8 2?SSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSSS8SSSSSSSSSSSSSS?SSSSS^S^SSSSSSS^SSSSSSSSSSS?SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ? 5 <3e^c as $5.00 each. Also Black and Fancy Braided Plush Capes (i1 from $1.00 up to $2.50 each. Golf Capes, $3.00 to $5.00 D, ;r Ladies' Jackets from $2.50 to'$io.oo each, in sizes 32, 34, 'e 36, 38 and 40, in Black, Grey, Blue, Oxford and Tan Colors, n I have not forgotten the little folks; but have just the thing >f to keep them comfortable. Children's Reefers, sizes 6 to 14 c" it years old, from $1.25 to $5.00 each, in Red, Blue, Green, Black UF and all the fancy shades, with Fancy Braid trimmings. Three m< 11 different stvles in collars. as 3 LADIES' SKIRTS ? a In lengths from 39 inches to 44 inches at prices from 75 cents th; 10 , dr In Black, Plain and Braided. ?0 In Plaids in all the late shades. , ~ Rainy day and Bicycle and Walking Skirts. Light, Brown and Tan Skirts, both plain and braided. th' l~ Ladies' Underskirts in Black and Fancy Shades, 50 cents uf lt to $1.50. . # wl :,y Ladies' Night Gowns, suitable for winter use, in Outings re] ? and Donet goods, both figured and plain. an t" LADIES' WRAPPERS?In Calico and Outings from 75 ?Q d cents up to $1.50. This is cheaper than they can be made at j . ? home. Call and see this line of Wrappers. d LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS?In Flannelets, Outings, lle 1_ Percales, Mercerized. In Checks, Plaids, Plain Black, Blue, de s Green and in the new shades. Prices ranging from 35 cents up go d to $3.00. This is a particularly attractive line of Shirt Waists. fa; ;r Ladies' Ties in Strings, Tecks, Bows, etc., in an almost ca: IS endless variety. >?. i OUR H OP ILLI1RP. ? y While I have not put in a full line of Millinery this season, th; I have invested in a good supply of Ladies' Hats, and many of th< my lady friends will find here just what they want in headgear. th< The prices range from 25 cents to $1.25, and the Hats are in g^ e Wool and Felt. These prices will be found to be just about 50 ^ per cent, less than the goods you will buy and have made up. o And you are sure of the latest style, because these hats were ;s bought while I was in the Northern markets, and were all "P n made up for this season. Call and see this line and I am sure S you will get just what you want. an e Also a full line of ha.cc Caps for the Infants at prices that ju it will make you smile with pleasure. an LADIES' PINE DRESS GOODS. st< CO 1- There are so many different names, shades, colors, widths, u varieties, qualities, etc., in Ladies' Dress Goods that it is almost CQ impossible to give my readers a faint idea of the immense stock cjt of Ladies' Dress Goods that I carry: and perhaps the best way CI1 for my lady friends to know what I have is to call and inspect ^ [s my stock. My clerks will be pleased to give you the opportu- no ? nity of making a close inspection and telling you the prices. pe This will cost you nothing. It will be an education on dress ^ goods in itself. At the same time it will be an advertisement OC for me, because I am sure there is not a lady in the county but -& j, who can tell more about the shades, colors and names of this 1" array of fine dress goods than I can. It is easier to show these e I goods than to tell about them, and you are respectfully invited ? s to call early and often. We have Dress Goods in Ladies' Cloth, in Black, Light Blue, Pink, Cream, Pearl, Violet, Fancy Fig- rr *f ured. We also have in these shades Broadcloths, Venetians, -* r Henriettas, Cashmeres, Serges in all wool and half wool. y. Our stock is just the place to seek ior the wedding gown if V any of my lady friends are preparing to step out on the sea of matrimonial bliss. A handsome, up-to-date trouseau can be j secured here and at small cost. ar( I also have a full line of Trimmings suitable for the above m, I goods, at prices to match, which means just as low as anybody rp^ o or anywhere, and a little bit lower. g You will find here a lull line of Bleaching, Lace Edging ws e and Inserting to match; also full line of Hamburg Trimmings t0 in Edgings and Insertings. Tucking, plain and with inserting th< between the tucks. Sheet wadding in white and gray. ha ? LADIES' UNDERWEAR. ? n Mv stock of ladies' Underwear includes everything that ag j any lady in this section could desire, from the cheapest to the I , highest. Ladies' Long Sleeve Ribbed Vests from I2| cents up ^ to all wool as high as you want to go. * Ladies' Pants and Union Suits. bn e Full line of Underwear for Children, Misses and Boys in 57 n separate garments or Union Suits in wool and cotton. tin y Full line of Knitted Goods for infants, including Sacks, 0 ? Socks, Hoods, Fascinators, etc. no e CORSETS AND BUSTLES. ? In this line we have an unusually large stock of these for :S goods. The styles in Corsets that I carry are correct in shape Hz s and from a hygienic standpoint. We have long, medium, short wc it ?.?/1 ctAiif r ?ttrlitf a ot^/1 aa! IT POtltc fin P rvrcof nof <11 iiI Mum luiscis, in wiiiic aim luiui s, nuui wmj ui./. eui sv-i sai ^ Clasps, four hooks, from 5 cents up. an Our stock of Bustles includes all that the styles of the day qu e demand. The prices are low enough to suit any one. sh< e LADIES' HOSIERY. In our Hosiery Department, the ladies can find anything sh< that they could wish for. Ladies' Black Hose from 5 cents a bu pair up to 50 cents. Also have plain or ribbed Fancy Hose. Sh , Hosiery in wool for the infant and the little folks from 5 aft cents to 25 cents. SF n O O^OKO^O^OSSOSSOSSOSSO^OSSO^OSSOSSOSSC^ gW0r^^0?80^?208S0!i0K05S0S0SS0Si05iC?8C * Go and See ?s ; Everybody? L_I L< IVI S Then See I liCjlNF r 1 ^TR ATTSS * o" n 01IIA U 00 . 5*(5 O%0^0?^^r<)!i0?50!i0!i0?0?0^0ti0^c 8 TALI _^GMd 1 Echo Answers: BSSSK8SSS?S?SS8SSSSSS?S?S^SiSSSSSSSSSiSSS^*2?SS XXdOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX !Sm?m8fcSSmsm!S?fcmS888mS **** 3m?!m&m8m!%?8Sm?38S8*28? >, QUALIT ?S^SSSS8S8SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS8SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS8SSS8SSiS 3r^r3rir*?r?3r3t3e3t3C3t3r*3t3r?3e3?3r*3e3< rENTLEMEN'S I LOTHING. i It is in this line as in my Ladies' f] ress Goods Department that I .ve put hard study and I think und judgment. The stock -inides suits for boys from 50 cents >; youth's suits from $2.00 up and *" m's suits from $2.50 up to as high c you want to go. These goods c ve been bought with an eye single jj the desires of the gentlemen of g 3rk county, and I have a stock ? at will please the most fastidious c esser as well as the man who buys e r wear alone. The Clothing I P ve in stock was made by one of ? e best concerns of Clothing man- ^ acturers in the United States, j? lose manufactured goods have a & putation throughout the length d breadth of the United States F r quality, style, fit and low price. j? bought these goods because I be- !j ved that the gentlemen of York ^ sired and wanted this class of j ods. When you get ready for a 1< II suit call on Strauss, and you o n come to this establishment with e full assurance that you are ^ ing to get quality, style and fit as ^ ill as a low price for the goods f at suits your fancy. We invite j e young men and the old men, f O ?-* / ! il?<\ 1 AMM . - m it- 1 ' c ioi men diiu me ican men, me 11 ort men and the long men to in- C ect this department. ^ Men's odd pants from 50 cents ? * as high as you want to go. k In Overcoats I have a full line, j< d when I say a full line, I mean h st what I say. When you need 1 Overcoat by all means see my ^ )ck. I will suit you in an Overat in quality, style and price. IAlong with gentlemen's Clothing J mes Suspenders. My stock inldes the well-known President li spenders, as well as the celebrated I :wood, better than which there is 5 >ne made. Wear the Atwood sus- E nder and you will be comfortable. " t F JOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' ' q [en's The f hoes Best f c hat For the ? rear ! Money !c q There are shoes and shoes. Some e made only to sell and some are 0 ide not only to sell; but to wear, le gentleman's shoe question al- ^ lys carries a perplexing problem I S the merchant who seeks to give ? ; most for the least money. I ve wrestled with the problem for sj ars. I have sold as many men's n o cent values in shoes for a dollar n any merchant in this section; but have never felt so easy on this P' itter as now. I handle the cele- P' ited HAMILTON - BROWN IOE, the BEST in the world for 1 ? money. A competitor beat me g this shoe over a year ago. I was S t willing to admit it at the time, T :cause 1 did not believe that it B is a better shoe than I was selling the same money. But since then ei imilton-Brown Shoes have been >rn all over this section with such bi isfaction that there is no longer ai y dispute as to their superior hi ality. I secured control of this ta ye on this market, and except for fc few remnants of old stocks, no e else can furnish it. It is the h] ic to buy. No man who once tl vs a pair of Hamilton-Brown k< oes is apt to wear anything else ce erward. HAMILTON-BROWN IOBS COVER THE &ARTH. $: >^OSSOSSO!SOSSO?OSSOSSO!SOSSOSSO!;OSSC !Y C. : ?8S0SSOS20SS0?808?>!8O!80!S0S808SO?i088C ?fs0?0!^!^^*0S20SS0tf0S^S0S$(* SSS?SSS8SSSS8SSSSSSSS8SS2SSS888SS8SSSSS$8S8SS >00000000000000000000000 [INS BUSH "THAT IS S( 8??8888888?S888888?8S8S88S8888SS8S??^8?S 9000000000000000000000? S8S2SS58Sm!?m8fcm888$?8?88? iSmS!?m?m?m888m8888MS IES, VAI SSSS2SS82SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS8SSS8SSXSSSSSS8SSSSSSS << not in this list, I have it just 1 ame. BUTTONS?Shirt arid Dr. ^arl, common Agate Buttons ve sizes, Rubber and Covei !oat Buttons. Pants Buttons Mn, Brass and Bone in black a rhite, also Bachelor Snap Butto don't mean to say that all bacl jrs are snappy and need that ki f buttons. CROCHET NEEDLES ? one and Steele. STATIONERY?Pencils, In lox papers, Pencil and Ink P2 rom 1 cent up, Note, Letter a 'oolscap, Legalcap and Bill paj rom 5 cents a quire up. Also f nfe of Envelopes, including lo )fficial Envelopes. Memorandi looks, Vest Pocket Ledgers, D ooks, Pens, vertical and school. GLOVES?For ladies, childn ovs and men. My stock of Glo\ > large and includes fine kicls i idies and gentlemen. Gloves fr< o cents to $1.50 per pair. Pu Varmer's for cold weather. Ankle Bootees, Ladies' Jers ,eggins, Gentlemen's Canvass a ersey Leggins. Dress Findings in whalebone, f cias, Jeans, Hooks and Ey )ress Shields, Combs and Brush teach Combs for little girls, Wh Irooms, Shaving Brushes, Bla< ig Brushes, Tooth Brushes, K ^ings and Chains, Coat Sprin: Aan Polish, Black Polish for sho iewing Machine Oil, Face Powdi nd Perfumery, Hand . Mirro Combs?Pomoadour Side Com 'ompadour Round Combs, Rou lombs, Fine Tooth Combs, Ha ressing Metal Combs, Alumini )ressing Combs, Rubber Dressi lombs, Etc. Veilings of all kinds, colors a ualities. Grenadine Sewing Silk in all c rs. PINS?Safety Pins, Pack Pii I. C. Pins, Hair Pins, Steel, Cur traight, Aluminum, Torch( lubber, Mourning, Book and V 'ins. Garter Webbing in cotton a lk in black, white, yellow, t< id, blue and in plain and fan iffled edges. Gentlemen's and ladies' hose su orters from 10 cents to 25 cents air. Armlets in Spiral Spring, Si ad Worsted. Braids and Tapes?Stay Bindir earn Braid in navy, red and whi tar Braid for skirt binding ai rimming in all shades, Bru raid, Waterpoof Braid. H. B. Cotton for fancy embroi y work. Our stock of handkerchiefs is ig as two ordinary stores cart ad in the vast stock will be foui andkerchiefs to suit any and ; istes. There are Handkerchie >r children, Handkerchiefs f lisses, Handkerchiefs for Ladi< [andkerchiefs for men, and st tere are Handkerchiefs and Han ;rchiefs from the plain white at :nts on up in price. Fancy Silk Mufflers as high [.50 each. iO^O^O^O^O^O^O^O!SOf!iO!SOfSC QTRA ^ 1 1 II 1 rSOSOSS0SSOS8O8i0!SO!S088GJC>G>e(*s and Caps from 10 cents up. Hats ray in all grades, styles, shades and iat prices as high as $3.00. We have all ^ shapes of Hats, including Crushes, ;ry Alpines, Derbys, Cubans, etc. Any iat shape or color your fancy dictates in vou can find here, and at prices nd jst that are marvelously low for the 11 quality. I have the largest Hat lnt' line I have ever carried and the :he qualities are better. 00000000000000000000000000 ?SS ?MISCELLANEOUS: ed in Sweaters in wool and cotton, in nd plain colors and fancy colors, ns. QUILTS?White Quilts, 50 le- cents and up; Bed Comforts, 50 nd cents and up; White Bed Blankets, 10-4, 50 cents and up; Grey Bed In Blankets, 10-4, 50 cents and on up. RUBBER GOODS?Children's, ks, Misses', Boys' Ladies' and Men's ids Rubber Shoes, in cheap and good nd qualities. >er Rubbber Coats from $1 on up to - - ? .1 A T . ull a man's Mackintosn mat 1 can poang itively warrant not to leak. If it im does leak, you get your money back. ay I find my store room so crowded by the immense stock of goods pursn, chased for this fall's business that res I find myself unable to handle so tor many Trunks as I would like to, )m and have decided to close them out lse at once. While they last I will sell at 25 per cent, discount. This is a ;ey big saving to the buyer. This big nd discount will last as long as the Trunks do. If you are going off oh 5e- a wedding tour now is the time to es, buy your Trunk. ,es' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I STAPLE I; GOODS: srs ' "TS Staples are about 25 per cent. ^ ' lower than they were in the spring, nJ for the same quality of goods. I jr_ struck the market when it had reached it lowest point, and bought heavily. I was lucky and you are ? lucky, because I am going to sell ncj these goods at proportionate prices at which I bought them. The mar, ket will be on the rise now shortly 1_ as cotton mills all over the country and in England are closing and tls' when the product is cut off the price ve' goes up. Some of the prices: )!?j Dark Prints at 3^ cents per yard. Indigo Blue at 5 cents per yard. , Solid Oil Prints at 5 cents. A No. 1 article of 4-4 Bleach at in' 81-3 cents per yard. . Best Feather Ticking at 12\ cts. Heavy Drills at cents. P" Wool Jeans at 162-3 cents per ' a yard. ilk CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) In Conclusion. te, In conclusion I will say that I nd have the goods, they are paid for, sh and I propose to sell them at a price to make them go, so I will be able d- to get hold of the money to buy more, as I do not think that my as present stock is big enough to meet y, the demand that is coming my way, id and also that I may have the money ill to buy a stock of goods next sea:fs son, at which time it is my present or intention to put in a stock of milli:s, nery that will be a marvel to the ill ladies of York and surrounding d- country. 5 If you have read this advertisement, read it again and save the as paper for future reference. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, 808808808808808808808808808808808808S08Q eg lUSS. I O88O88O88068O88O88O88O!8O88O88O88O88O8S?j|