a new church, Mr. Wylie presente< them with a most suitable site an< contributed most liberally to the build ing fuud. Not only has his immediate religious sect felt the blessings of hii generous heart; but the city of hit home has always received its fullsban of his generosity. Only two years ag< he presented Chester with a beautifu piece of property for a public park This park bears his name, as also doef the new Wylie mill, of which he was a large stockholder. VJoseph Wylie was a citizen whose tieath the whole state may mourn, His influence for good and his noble deeds were felt in other sections of the state besides Chester county. His remains were interred in Evergreen cemetery this afternoon, the funeral services being held from the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church, of which he was a devoted member. NJT LOt'Ali LAUU?IUS. U^aflKNear Fort Mill. Mr. L. R. Wilson, who lived four miles north of Fort Mill, died last * Monday. No Auction Sales. There was no auction sales either by the clerk or sheriff last Monday, salesday lor July. County Commissioner*. The county board of commissioners held its monthly meeting yesterday instead of today. Cntll January 1st, 1901. The Twice-a-Week Enquirer, filled with the latest and most reliable news, will be furnished from the date of tbig issue until January 1, 1901, for $1.00. " JJIe Catawba Bridge. /Vrhe contractors who are to build , the bridge over Catawba river and the approaches thereto, expect to begin ' . laying down material about the 10th of the present month. The Chaiogang. The chaingang is now located within about two miles of Clover. The uext move will be to the Charlotte road, and thence across the Catawba into Fort Mill township. At thisjjme there are 28 convicts on the gang. Registration. Registration was quite free last Monday, principally on account of the approaching school district election at Hickory Grove. The last day upon which registration certificates will be issued previous to the next general election, will be the first Monday in October. The First Monday. There beiDg nothing of especial importance to bring them, there were not a great many people from the r surrounding country in Yorkville last Monday, salesday for July. The visitors though, as usual, included a number of candidates for the various offices, and these did what they could in the circumstances to push their respective fortunes. Something of a Wheat Crop. Captain Samuel E. White, of Fort Mill, gets 366 bushels of rent from the 100 acre wheat field belonging to hiua and mentioned last fall as having been sowed down by a number of parties or shares. Measurement of the field foi the reaper developed that there wert less than 90 acres, instead of a full hundred, and the total yield was 1,098 bushels. The Bicycle Contest. VThe York Drug Store's bicycle con-test, which has been in progress during the past few months, came to a close last Saturday, when the wheel wa? awarded to Miss Rose Lindsay, ol Yorkville. Miss Lindsay received 1,862 votes, and her nearest competitor. Miss Louise Lowry, received 1,260, In all, about 7,000 out of nearly 10,000 votes given out, were cast in the contest. Over 17 Bushels to the Acre. A fraction over 17 bushels to the acre is the yield of the wheat crop that Captaio J. R. Lindsay raised on the "Dr. J. F. Lindsay place" on the outskirts of Yorkville this year. The wheat was threshed last Saturday. Af nearly as cau be estimated, there wert 30 acres of it, and the yield was 515 bushels. Taken altogether it was au unusually fine crop of wheat. A portion of it yielded over 25 bushels tc the acre, and some of it, of course fell lower. The average for so large a > patch is very good. Fort Hill Light Infantry. Columbia State, Tuesday : On Sunday Assistant Adjutant General Frost returned from Fort Mill, where, on Saturday evening, he mustered into the service of the state a new military company, to be known until assigned to one of the regiments of the state militia, as the Fort Mill Light Infantry. The company was mustered in with 79 members exclusive of officers, and Colonel Frost says it is composed of excellent material. Captain W. R Bradford commands the new company * This is the only company except the Governor's Guards of this city to be mustered in since the reorganization. OB For Kantian City. All of the members of the Soutl Caroliua delegation, except Captain I H. McCalla, who was sick, left foi Kansas City last Saturday. Senatoi mill K.?sl alfou/lo irono t<\ Stunt) 1 HJUJttil uau ai J Vttuj gvuv vv K/vuvt. Dakota, with the intention of going t< Kansas City from there. Capt. Me Calla's alternate was unable to tak< k bis place at such short notice, and tlx vacaucy will be filled by some Soutl Carolina visitor. Fire In Greeuvllle. The Chemical works of the Green ville Fertilizer company were destroy ed by fire last Friday, the loss beinj about $70,000. The sulphuric acu tank burst from the heat, and the acit ran over the ground in a great blacl stream, burning a number of peopli more or less severely, but none seri uusly. * i ^ V. i AT THE CHURCHES. 1 BAPTIST. 3 rev. j. b. bozeman, pastor. 3 Prayer meeting on Thursday afternoon 3 at 5 o'clock. 3 TRINITY" METHODIST EPISCOPAL. , rev. j. m. steadman, pastor. Prayer meeting this evening at 8.30 o'clock. i PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. g. neville, pastor. ) There will be prayer-meeting this evening at 8.30 o'clock. ' THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. rev. j. c. johnes, rector. Services this afternoon at 6 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. rev. boyce h. grier, pastor. Prayer meeting this afternoon at 5.00 o'clock. Sunday Services.?AT TIRZAH? " 11 i i i Fifth Sunday Meeting. By arrangement of the Baptist minis> ters, there will be a Fifth Sunday meeting I of York association, at the Baptist church ; of Yorkville, on Saturday before the fiftci Sunday in July. Rev. A. Finch will preach the introductory sermon on Friday at 8.30 p. m. Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, organir zation and report of churches. After , which the following propositions will be discussed: 1. The need in our Sunday schools and f how to meet it??J. D. Scruggs, Prof. R. A. Dobson. 2. Causes and remedies for lack of inter1 est in missions in our churches??J. J. ' Waters, A. Finch. 3. What relation should Christians and t ministers in particular, sustain to social questions involving moral phases??AL. Stough, W. E. Thayer. 4. Can these Fifth Sunday meetings help the churches of York association? 1 If so, how ??S. M. Grist, W. B. de Loach, i Sunday morning, addresses by visiting . brethren. Missionary at 11 o'clock by , W. E. Thayer, of Kock Hill. Preaching at 8.30 p. m., by A. L. Stough, of Flint 5 Hill. All churches in York association are 1 requested to send delegates for this nieeting. J. B. Bozeman, For Committee. July 4 was td i Arnica Salve and Witch Hazel for PIIcr, Cuts, Etc. YORK DRUG STORE. ' ??????? ? ? k v/ OBITUARY. T>ikd?Near Fodder, on June 15,1900, of . meningetis, RAYMOND THOMAS, infant son of Mr. O. W. and Mrs. M. C. ' Hartness, aged 1 year, 7 months and 23 days. At the home of his parents, on the ont1 skirts of Yorkville, at 4.30 p. m? July 1, - 1900, CARL HOPE, infant son of Mr. and I and Mrs. Samuel W. Inman. ! LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, WEDNESDAY, June 28lh, oue medium size lemon and white, or tan and white colored DOG named YOUNG. , Finder will be rewarded for return to W. 8. NEIL, Yorkville, S. C. July 4 w It TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. The county teachers' association will meet in the graded , school building, at Yorkville, on thursday, July 5, at 9 o'clock p. in. All teachers are urged to be present. JOHN E.CARROLL, Chairman of Executive Committee. July 4 w It THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, York County. . By W. H. McCorkle, Esquire, Probate Judge of York County. WHEREAS J. H. RIPPY has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the i goods and chattels, rights and credits of j. t>IVA rwnu, lilttJ IH IHtJ niuillj " aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 17th day of JULY, 11)00, * at 10 o'clock a. m., to shew cause, if ^ any, why the said Administration should i not he granted. . Given under my hand and seal, this 2nd * day of July, in the year of our Lord t one thousand nine hundred, and in p, the 124lh year of American Indepemleuce. W. H. MeCORKLK, Probate Judge of York County. July 4 w 2t HURRAH i FOR i OrpB A TTOO OIIIAUOO THE FOURTH OF JULY! 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 I Have Finished TAKING STOCK AND find that I have too many goods for this season of the year. I will be in the Northern Markets next month looking after fall purchases, and in order to make room for these goods that are to come, the GOODS THAT I HAVE ON HAND MUST BE CLOSED OUT. In order to close them out I shall make some interesting prices. Come and see! My fall stock of Shoes are now arriving. Among them you will find a full line of The Celebrated .... 5tlOE(il'S. pa Own# v \ FOOIEN^^I^ in all styles. Come and see me and you will be pleased with your visit. You just remember that NONE UNDERBUY ME and NONE SELL GOODS FOR LESS MONEY. Yours For Trade, H. C. STRAUSS. TORRENT CUTAWAY. WE have just closed a contract with the manufacturers of the celebrated TORRENT CUTAWAY, to handle the TORRENT and other Harrows of their manufacture, including the CLARK CUTAWAY, in York county. We have made a practical test of the Torrent Cutaway in the field, and find that when drawn by three mules, it will cut a furrow 8 inches deep and 24 inches wide, which is equivalent to at least four mules, four hands and four ordinary one-horse plows, with the advantage that the Torrent goes at least twice as deep as the plow, and does not turn the sub-soil up to the sun. It is an ideal labor-saver, and is just the tool needed to sow pease on stubble land and also to break land for wheat and oats. It is immensely popular wherever introtroduced, and we hope its merits will be investigated by the farmers of York county. 4 York? Implement 4- Company. L. R. WILLIAMS, Manager. Easy to Realize. OF course it is! What? Why the pact that THE PARLOR GROCERY is growing more and more popular every day, and that the housekeepers are now fully realizing that whenever they want something nice and fresh for the (able, they can almost always find what they want at our establishment. FACT VS. STATEMENT. A fact can't be changed or doubted. A statement, without proof, is a very shaky thing, and oftentimes dwindles down to insignificance and proves to be one of those hallucinative visions. FACTS We have a complete line of choice Staple and Family Groceries. We sell at prices within the reach of every customer. We guarantee every article to be (list as represented. We sell ICE noted for its purity. [ We are wholesale agents for the Standard Oil Company, and their Oil is without a rival. We promptly deliver, free, all goods bought by "within the town" customers. S. L. HOBBS & CO. Kum 'er Runnin'! We've Got Fruit Jars, RUBBERS for Fruit Jars, and JELLY TUMBLERS. Wo have the Slates, Pencils, Crayons, Inks, Pens, Tablets, Composition Books and Stationery for the public schools. Fresh Choice Lemons just received. Lamm & Co.'.s Clothing. I desire to call the attention of those who are particular as to quality, style and tit of their Clothing, that I still represent Lamm A Co., Merchant Tailors, ol Chicago, and am prepared to show a line of samples that are unsurpassable, and to guarantee absolute satisfaction in every particular. W. M. KENNEDY, Agent. WANTED! I WANT to buy for CASH at once, ONE THOUSAND CORDS of DRY PINE WOOD. I will pay the highesl market price. Bring your Wood and gel the CASH. T. B. McCLAIN. Blackberry Balsam, 25 Cts., for Summer Complaint. YORK DRUG STORE We Have ^rrx Buggies, Harness, Wagons, Whips, Robes, Mowers, Rakes, Harrows, Plows and Shingles. They are being sold cheap for cash or on time. Come and see them. YORKVILLE BUGGY COMPANY.... ....The Plametto.... Grocery Sells only the BEST grade of i goods and their store is the place to find the most choice and 1 complete line of STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. When you are in town come and see us. We will treat you right, and you'll be welcome. 4'That's proper," as Forrest Williams, the crack 'o jack short stop of the Yorkville baseball team would say. Cordially Yours, lowrance, williams &, Co. Now That the l Mule Me -2C-? Is Over. "VT"0 firm ever carried a .1^1 richer array of exWe have elusive styles in Buggies ffl j and Harness. Our stock settled an(j variety equals that of down the large establishments of the larger cities, and we expectant are constantly offering you ? . . the best values for the 01 enjoying money. We are today tho Hicrcracf what we were in our betue uiggest ginning an(j intend to actrade ever complish by direct adherence to business principles, done in the possession and maintainance of your good will, BUGGIES. y?ur supp?rt and y??>r I patronage. HARNESS ?m? AND WAGONS. 1 glenn &. allison. APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE. Estate of J. C. McCnlly, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the estate of JAMES C. McCULLY, deceased, having filed his final return with the iudge of probate for York county, on theTTH DAY OF JULY, 1900, at 10 o'clock, a. m., will apply for a discbarge from further liability as executor of said estate. T. N. DULIN, Executor. JuneG w 5t* York BrickWorks. W. N. ASHE, Proprietor. We are now making millions of Brick, and are ready to meet all demands, wholesale or retail, at figures that are right. For first-class Lime in large or small quantities, call on us. W. N. ASHE. Yorkville and Rock Hill. STENO ORAFHT AND m TYPEWRITING. Miss Rose Hunter, In the Office of Thos. F. McDow, Esq., Offers Her Services. Prompt and careful attention to legal and other copying. Will take testimony in referee and other civil cases. w3m WANTED. LIVE, HUSTLING AGENTS and men of ability, can secure first-class contracts with the largest stipulated PREMIUM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY in the world by addressing MANAGER. Box 558, Greenville, S. C. References required. June 27 was 4t WANTED: A FILE of the YORK VILLE ENQUIRER from January 3,1884, to May 8, 1884, containing the "REMINISCENCES OF YORK." For a complete file we will send THE ENQUIRER for one year to any person who will furnish lis the papers we want. L. M. GRIST & SONB. CORN MILL FOR SALE. SEE me at once! Prices low and terms to suit. T. B. MoCLAIN. January 10 w tf Blackberry Balsam for Diarrhea and Cramps. YORK DRUG STORE. I King's Mountain ! YOEKVI A High Grade Military EST A15 LI: Classical, Scientific, Commerc I SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER COL. BEVERLY j COL. W. G. STEP W. B. MOORE & CO. Geiser Threshers ARE the best made, on earth, and we have them on band. Now is the time to close your trade for one, and not be disappointed at the last moment. W. B. MOORE & CO. Fruit Jars?Mason's, The standard. In guartsand half-gallon, in stock, at 75 ana $1 a dozen. Extra Rubbers at lowest price. Jelly Tumblers Just received. 50 dozen pints and halfpints, tin tops, at 35 and 50 cents a dozen. Better save your fruit now that you have it. In larger quantities we will make lower prices. See us on Jelly Tumblers. Refrigerators. Now that you can get ice so cheap, why not have a Refrigerator that you cau put vtlll* rtt/i in on/) your menu*, uuttur, imitv, on;., 1U aiiu have ice water from water tank in the Refrigerator all at same cost you now pay for ice. A bargain. Ice Cream Churns. 1, 2, 3 and 4 quart sizes. Five-minute Freezer?the simplest and best on earth* Call and examine one of them. Ice Picks, Lemon Squeezers, Hand Ice Shave for one or two glasses at THE EVERYTHING STORE. Draw Cut Mowers and Wabble Gear Hay Makers. Now , tbat the binder season is oyer, we are on hand with a CARLOAD of these Mowing , Machines ana Thomas Hand and Self- j Dump Rakes. Parties desiring this line of goods will do well to call on us. \ Superior Grain Drills ! We believe to be just what the name implies?SUPERIOR. to all other makes. We refer you to Messrs. Wade H. Hicklin, Robt. Caldwell, W. Meek Faulkner, ; Elias Ramsey,1 Sam Parsley, J. 0. Walker, or anyone else that we have sold a Superior Disc Drill to, and you may be governed by what they tell you. We have not bad a complaint. , Bargains ! In some large Hanging Lamps for church, ' schools or halls. Also some smaller Hanging Lamps. Show Cases at low , prices. We have too many. Hardware, Furniture, Cook Stoves, Paints, etc., in . endless variety. W. B. MOORE A CO. A Large Line of Cutlery, j We have a large line of Cutlery that we j warrant in Table and Pocket Knives. f Can you get one often ? Also a Razor we ] warrant absolutely. Has "W. B. Moore < A Co." on the blade. That makes us responsible if it is not good. , W. B. MOORE & CO. whTsonantTcastles & CO., THE LEADERS, HICKORY GROVE, S. C. We Have Everything THAT one could expect to find in a 1 first-class general store, and at prices ' that will compare favorably with the same class of goods anywhere. Crockery With Cash Purchases. ( We are giving away to cash purchasers, handsome Tableware. With each cash j purchase we give the customer a ticket. Each of these tickets represents a value, and enough tickets will secure the customer any desired piece of first-class Ware. 1 Ask about the matter and let us explain , it to you in more detail. Don't forget that we are prepared to furnish almost anything you want in iJry Goods, Millinery, Hardware, Groceries, etc., and that our prices are right. WHISONANT, CASTLES & CO., Hickory Grove, S. C. Pease! Pease! Pease! WE have just received TWO HUNDRED BUSHELS of nice, clean Clay Pease that we will sell at prices that will Dlease. Also carload of TIMOTHY HAY, Al, the only kind we handle. Don't forget that we are headquarters for Flour and Heavy Groceries. We are selling Flour at from $3.00 a barrel up, and if we sell any that does not iuo will rofunH vnnr monev. Don't spend your money without coming to see us. You will always find a hearty welcome at the same old stand, whether you buy anything or not. Give us a chance is all we ask. Just received a case of Sauer's Extracts. Every bottle guaranteed, Money refund- | ed if not satisfactory. We have some Flour that we will sell at $1 per 100 pounds for hog feed. RIDDLE & CARROLL. i ' 1 ~ {ArtjtmfAtr t*f Co " Military Academy, 1LE, S. C. 1 and Preparatory School. SHED lfctfct :ial and Stenographic Courses. ! 5TH. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. A. DAVIS, ) _ . * . _ HENSON, j Supenntendents. THE DR. LINDSAY PLANTATION / FOR SALE. 1 A 321-Acre Highly Improved Farm, ? Adjacent to Town Conveniences. -FOR cash, or upon satisfactory terms to \ the right party, I offer at private sale J1 that tract of land on the southwestern 91 outskirts of Yorkville, known as the Dr. J. F. LINDSAY PLANTATION. This plantation includes 321 ACRES, ? lying on both sides of the Pinckney road, T which runs nearly through the centre. The S. C. KVILLE M BUuGY COMNPAY. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ELECTION', TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1900. won CnirMTY TREASURER. A WE are authorized to announced H. as A. D. NEELY as a candidate for da recommendation for re-appointment as F< TREASURER OF YORK COUNTY, cb subject to the result of the Democratic th primary election. May 30 w te ? FOR MAGISTRATE, ^ Ebenezer Township. WE are authorized to annonnce R. M. A ANDERSON as a candidate for J?. recommendation for re-appointment as p MAGISTRATE IN AND FOR EBENEZER TOWNSHIP, subject to the choice of the voters in the Democratic primary election. w2t D / iMOVNCEMENTS. ELECTION', TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1900. FOR SOLICITOR OTH CIRCUIT. WILL stand for re-nomination to the . office ol SOLICITOR OF THE OTH LJDICIAL CIRCUIT, subject to the relit of the next Democratic primary. J. K. HENRY. June 9 w te HEREBY announce myself as a can. didate for SOLICITOR OF THE IXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, subject the rules governing the Democratic rimary election. W. C. HOUGH. June 2 w te JI7E are authorized to announce THOS. I f F. McDOW, Esq., as a candidate r SOLICITOR OF THE SIXTH JUICIAL CIRCUIT, subject to the result tne Democratic primary. April 28 w tf FOR STATE SENATOR. 'T7E are authorized to announce J. S. r BRICE, Esq., as a candidate for the TATE SENATE, subject to th'e result ' the Democratic primary. April 28 w tf OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1|7E are authorized to announce HORfV ACE E JOHNSON for renominain as a candidate for the HOUSE OP EPRESENTATIVES, subject to the loice ol the Democratic voters of York mnty in the primary election. July 4 w te YTE are authorized to announce J. E. ty BEAMGUARD as a candidate for e HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ibject to the action of the Democratic imary election. % June6 w te XTE are authorized to announce THOS. 11 P. McDILL as a candidate for reaction to the HOUSE OF REPRESNTATIVES, subject to the result of e Democratic primary election. June 2 w te \7"E are authorized to announce J. R. r T HAILE as a candidate for the OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, bject to the result of the Democratic imarv election. May 30 w te* TTE are authorized to announce W. B. 't de LOACH, Esq., as a candidate r the HOUSE OF REPRESENTA[VES, subject to the action of the Demratic party in the primary election. May 23 w te , FOR CLERK OF THE COURT. HEREBY announce myself a candidate for the office of CLERK OF )URT OF YORK COUNTY, subject to e result of the primary election of the amocratic party. J. A. TATE. April 11 w 3m* 1UBJECT to the action of the Demo- g ) cratic primary election, I hereby anmnce myself as a candidate for the See of CLERK OF THE COURT FOR ORK COUNTY. J. J. HUNTER. April 7 w 3m* 1TE are authorized to announce W. T BROWN WYLIE as a candi- . te for re-election to the office of CLERK F THE COURT FOR YORK COUNif, subject to the result of the Democratic i uimry ciauuu, A.pril 7 W . . tf HEREBY aDDOunce myself a candidate for the office of CLERK OP )URT OF YORK COUNTY, subject to e action of the Democratic party in the iraary election. W. H. STEWART. April 4 w 3m* FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. IlEREBY announce myself as a candidate for recommendation by the iters in the Democratic primary for repointment as COUNTY AUDITOR. W. W. BOYCE. May 16 w te ? FOR SHERIFF. X7E are authorized to announce Capt. ' V E. A. CRAWFORD as a candidate r SHERIFF OF YORK COUNTY, bject to the result of the Democratic imary election. May 12 w te X7E are authorized to announce JOHN 'j R. LOGAN as a candidate for reaction as SHERIFF OF YORK COUNY, subject to the result of the Demoatic primary election. May 12 w te FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. XTE are authorized to announce R. W. 1V WHITESIDES as a candidate for JPERVI80R OF YORK COUNTY, ibject to the result of the Democratic Imary election. June 13 w te* HHE ENQUIRER is authorized to anL nounce Mr. J. ED. LEECH, of Broad iver township, as a candidate for the emocratic nomination for SUPERYI)R OF YORK COUNTY, subject to ie result of the primary election. June 9 w te T7E are authorized to announce T. W. 1V BOYD as a candidate for the office SUPERVISOR OF YORK COUNTY, bject to the result of the Democratic imary election. June 2 w te Y7E are authorized to announce T. it GIB CULPas a candidate for reaction to the office of SUPERVISOR F YORK COUNTY, subject to the reIt of the Democratic primary election. June 2 w te HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for the office of SUPERVISOR F YORK COUNTY, subject to the oice of the Democratic voters in the imary election. Respectfully, J. FRANK ASHE. May 9 w te X7E are authorized to announce JOHN ' F. GORDON as a candidate for JUNTY SUPERVISOR OF YORK )UNTY, subject to the result of the jmocratic primary election. May 23 w te_ 'OR COUNTY SUPERINTEDENT OF EDUCATION. HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for re-nomination for the office SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCAl'ON FOR YORK COUNTY, subject to e action of the Democratic voters in the imary election. JOHN E. CARROLL. May 30 w to FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. EDITOR YORKVILLE ENQUIRER: u Please commend to the voters of [>rk county, the name of Mr. W. S. TLKERSON, of Broad River townip, as a proper one to recommend to e governor in connection with the office COUNTY COMMISSIONER. We ink that the county will do well to conlue to avail itself of such services as r. Wilkerson has been giving. VOTERS. June 27 w te mrs * icumn a rrn r"H AlAUISinAICi, (York Township.) T7E are authorized to announce J. MARTIN BRIAN, of Yorkville, a candidate for Democratic recommenition forappointmentas MAGISTRATE OR YORK TOWNSHIP, subject to the loice of the voters of the towuship in e primary election. June 20 w It* JCTE are authorized to announce D. C. rY CLARK as a candidate for recommendation for appointment as MAGISRA1E FOR YORK TOWNSHIP, subct to the result of the Democratic rimary election. May 2G w te Blackberry Balsam, 25 Cts., for ysentery. YORK DRUG STORE,