smaller adjoining additions to the mail warehouse was of course destroyed The total loss, including buildings anc contents is something over $2,600 There was insurance to the amount of $1,250. The engine house and i brick shed near by, were saved will much difficulty. New roHtoftlce. The postoffice department has order ed the establishment of a new postof fice, about three miles from Blairsville somewhat ofl' the regular mail route and to be known as Cora. Mr. John A. Graves has been appointed as post master. As yet, no arrangements hav< ' ' been made for the supplying of this office; but an effort will ne maue ? have the mail route changed so as t( take it in at least once a day. Probably a Murder. In an altercation near Mr. Williauc Carson's, five miles south of Yorkvilh yesterday morning, Tony Jaggers, col ored shot George Burris, also colored and rau away. The wound is in the abdomen and is considered dangerous Sheriff Logan went down after the shooting to see if he could catch Jag gers with a blood hound, and up tc the time Thk Enquirer went tc press had not returned. /? The Cotton Market. The Yorkville cotton market stands about the same as when last reported, The ruling price yesterday was 71 : hut as high as 7.65 was paid for a few bales. In New York Monday middling cotton was worth 7 1-16. During the day the future market effected , net gain of from 31 to 34 points ; but yesterday's opening showed a declint of 13 points. The Enquirer went tc press before the close of the market was reported. A Raid Among the Tigers. Policeman Rose eulered the Swamp town jungle last Monday Dight on a still bunt aud caught three blind tigers -? ?Ed Simpson, Lige Sutton and Pomp Beatty. The two first named were in the act of selling. The last was car rying spirits in a tin bucket, probably to fill an order. Simpsou and Sutton were sent to the chaingang for 30 days each. The evidence against Pomp Beatty was not deemed sufficient tc convict. The source of the liquoi supply was found to be in au old stovt in a yard at the rear of the tiger den. The Sorghum Crop. The sorghum crop this year is quite light. There is a good deal of sorghum ; but the stalks are small, and il takes more of them to make a given , quantity of molasses. Mr. \V. S. Wilkerson, of Hickory Grove, is makiuf! molasses this year again. The capacity of bis plant is something like 11C or 120 gallons a day ; but this year he says be is not able to average much more that 100 gal Ions daily. It is on account of the smalluess of the cane The molasses, he says, however, is ol first-class quulity and in considerable demand. Mnllln SciiteiKTil to Hang. Charlotte Observer, Sunday : Slieriir Love, of Gastou, 'phoned Mr. F. li McNiuch last evening that the jury in the Drayton Medliu case returned a verdict?after five hours?of murder in the first degree. Medliu was sentenced to be hanged Thursday, No vtmber 3. His victim was Williuui Brown, superintendent of the Gastonia Cotton mills. The killing took place June 9th. Medlin's counsel, Messrs. 0- 1 F. I. Osborne, Milam and O. F. Mason took an appeal. The prosecution was conducted by Colonel H. C. Jones and Messrs. F. R. McNuich and K. V. Webb. Home of the York Drug Store. ? * The firm of Carothers & Williams, proprietors of the York Drug store, i? to become Hatinahan, Carothers ?$; Williams on January 1, next, and the business is to be thereafter conducted in a handsome new home, to lie erect ed on Main street, between tne omci of Dr. Miles Walker and Mrs. T. M Dobson's store. Mr. G. H. O'Leary it to put up the new building. He bat already given out tlie contract tc Messrs. J. J. Keller & Co., who huvt agreed to have it ready for occupancy by December 15. The building is tc be the handsomest business house in town. It will have an iron and plate glass front, and will be 30 feet wide by (50 feet long. The interior is to be es pecially arranged for a modern druji store, and among other conveniences will include a soda water parlor a handsome prescription room, and an office for Doctors Carol hers Williams. There will be a brick ware room outside for the accommodation of paints, oils and other heavy goods and taken altogether, the whole stir roundings are to be neat and couven ient. Mr. O'Leary has agreed to least the building to the new firm for a pe rind of five vears. KXULAND AND TDK TKAXSVAAL , It Ik Kxpected That Tlicy Will Come t? ISIowk Today. The daily papers of yesterday morn in? indicate in their dispatches thai there is no longer any hope of an am icahle adjustment of the hones of eon tenliou between (ireat Britian and tlx Transvaal government. There was a dearth of news from South Africa yesterday. This is ex ^ plained on the belief that the Boer: have instituted a strict press censor ship and would not allow anything U go out by wire from their eouniry. A dispatch from Durban, Natal says that all trains from the Traiisvna are arriving 24 hours late. The r? a son of this is believed to be because tin Boers have taken complete control o Hie railroads, and are not allowing or dinary passenger trains to run except where they do not interfere with tin movement of troops. i The London papers are publishing . stories to the effect that all foreigners I in the Transvaal are very much alarmed at what they cousider a serious danger of massacre on the breakiug 1 out of war. There is a wide-spread 1 rumor giving details of the purpose of i the Boers to blow up the city of Johannesburg, and also the gold mines in that vicinity. It is said that during the past few years, President Kruger has had the city tunneled underneath, looking forward to just such a contin> geucy. > Although it is possible that the prei vailing excitement is causing more or . less exaggeration of the seriousuess of - ' 11.. I , the situation, u is gentian^ ucuovcu ' that hostilities will be commenced to' day. This is easily probable, for the ' entire Boer army has already been > mobolized and, indeed, is in the field ready for business. The British have considerable forces of troops on the ! border ; but not enough to stand much show agaiust the Boers. Jury Forswears Itself. I Two years ago a Negro named . Brown was lynched in Orangeburg. He had been arrested for arson ; but at the request of the prosecutor was released, ' there being no evidence agaiust him. ' He was subsequently cuught and > hanged to a telegraph pole au?l theu i shot. The legislature bad just passed a law making counties liable for damages to heirs of persons lynched, and ( this was made the first test case. It was tried the first time last fall, the ' widow of Brown suing for $0,000. ! The jury found for the county. The ' case was appealed to the supreme . court and a new trial granted, the rul. ing of the circuit judge being set aside. I Another trial has been held and again a verdict has been found for the de' fense. As the law is plain allowing - damages and the evidence as to the > lynching is overwhelming, the jury t, have taken the position of refusing to carry out the law. This is the only case brought under this law, and every effort will be made to get damage. I Tillman I'ay* Up. 5 Attorney General Bellinger on Fri, day received a check from Senalor ! Tillman for $109.06 in payment of the amount which the investigating committee found that Senator Tillman owed the penitentiary. i ??????i?^ ( AT THE CHURCHES. PRESBYTERIAN. rev. w. a. neville, pastor. There will he no prayer meeting this ? afternoon on account of the pastor's absence. TRINITY" METHODIST EPISCOPAL. > rev. a. n. d run son, pastor. Prayer meeting this afternoon at 4.30 , o'clock. i BAPTIST. rev. edward s. reaves, pastor. r Prayer meeting tomorrow evening at ' 8 o'clock. I THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD , SHEPHERD. REV. J. C. JOIINES, RECTOR. There will be no services in this church this evening. ASSOCIATE REFORMED. REV. nOYCB H. DRIER, PASTOR. Prayer meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sunday Services.?TIRZ AII?There will be services in this church Sunday morning at 11.00 o'clock. In YORK \ l IjIjVj?AiinuHy sruom m t.*n/ j*. m. fecial JRotices. Installation at Bethel. The installation of Rev. W. 11. Arrowood as pastor of Bethel church will take place on Saturday, October!. The Rev. Alexander Sprunt will propound the constitutional questions ; Rev. S. II. Hay will charge the pastor, and Rev. W. A. Haffner will charge the people. Elder R. M. Dnlin is also a tnemher of the cotntnission appointed by presbytery. LOST, "VTEAR the residence of Mr. W. O. Youngbhtod. in the Fodder neighborhood, a SETTER PUP, white and black spotted. Cut in back containing five stitches and a sore on left hind leg. Finder will be liberallv rewarded bv Dr. C. F. WILLIAMS, ( Yorkville, S. C. October 2 w It* MONEY TO LOAN'. ON FARMING LANDS. Easy payments. No commissions charged. Borrowei pays actual cost of perfecting loan.. Interest s per cent. For further ' information apply to JOHN li. PALMER A SON. Columbia. S. C? or OHO. W. S. IIART, Attorney, ! Yorkville, S. C. . September l.'t w (>m , SADDLE A X I) STOVE FOR SAI.E. Til E undersigned offers for sale a man's second hand SADDLE, which is in a good condition, and was made by Mr. Geo. II. O'Leary,of Yorkville. Price 87. Also a second-class No. 7 COOKING i STOVE with all necessary cooking ves, scls. In good condition. Price810. L. M. GRIST. " October 2 w.vs tf FOR SALE. iVN KXCKI>TI()NAU'Y KINK LOT ' of PLYMOUTH ROCK and BROWN ' . . \ . I LKOIIOK.N ( (I( |\KIII',I,\ Also lew PILLKTS of each breed. BROOKS IXMAN, Yorkville, S C. i September l.'J w tf , TO DFRTORS AM) ( KFDITl) KS. Ustate of Sally F. Faulkner, Deo'd. ALL persons indebted to the estate of SALLIK K. KAVLKXKR, deeLsed, are hereby notilied to make immuliate payment to the undersigned. Persians having elaims against the said estate sire requested to present the same, duly authenticated. within the time prescribed iVy law. \V. MKEK FAULKNKR, Administrator. > October 4 w .51 Til I! STA FF OF SOUTH ( A KOI.I X A, York County. I By \V. II. Mct'orkle, Ksquire, Probate) .Judge of York County. . ~\\T 11 KR KAS Mrs. MARY K.SIIAX\ Y NON has applied to me for Letters ' of Administration on all and singular, tne {foods ami chattels, rights ami credits of i TIloMAS l.t >M INACK, lateofthecoun. ty aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to lie and i appear before me, at our next Probate Court for the said county, to lie holdeti at York Court House on the Kith day i of ut'TOllKK, lNillt, at 10 o'clock a. in., I to shew cause, if any, why the said ad. ministration should not be granted. , (iiven under my hand and seal, this 'it (III day of September, in thoyear of our ' Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, and in the 124th year of i American Independence. \V. II. McC'OKKUO, Probate .lodge of York County, ' ctobcrl w *21 "Here is bread, which strengtheneth man's heart, and therefore is called the staff of Life." ?Mathew Henry. FLOUR-3? MADE at the Kiddle's Champion Holler mill makes the quality of bread of which Mr. Henry speaks. 11 read that strengthens the mind, the heart and the physical man is made from RIDDLE'S CHAMPION FLOUR. Why? Because it's made of the best wheat and ground in such a way as to give best results. We have just received a shipment of this "staff of Life" and would be delighted to have you give it a trial. a aarw# ? UMNU I We have just received the nicest lot of Penny Goods we have ever handled, and also other fresh Candies. We are selling Candy at prices that astonish the natives. Open your heart (and pockethook) and get some of this Candy for your?well get some for some one. They'll appreciate it. ETCETERAS. FRESH MACKEREL at 5 cents each. WHITE FISH at ONE CENT each. Twenty-four ounces of SOAP for 5 cts. 2 biggest bars you ever ssiw for a nickel. CALIFORNIA HAMS, 10 cts. a pound. SWEET and IRISH POTATOES, OA BRAG E, APPLES and almost ANYTHING you could expect to find in a first-class grocery store. GRIST COUSINS. J. J. HUNTER. IKIVLI GIVEN AWAY Mull Hi I SATURDAY. Keys Can Be Tried Saturday Morning, OCTOBER 7. Holders of Keys That Unlock the Box WILL BE GIVEN $5.00 AS A PRESENT. Come buy a dollar's worth of good, get a key and if it unlocks the box, $5 in Cash will be yours. "The Retina." is the name of our Ladies' Fine Shoes. They are beauties and each pair entitles the purchaser to three kevs. MEN'S HATS in Alpines and Derby's and Hoys' Caps now on exibition. J. J. HUNTER. SOW WHEAT! USE BLUE-^^ ?-^STONE. Buy the Blue Stone from STARR. Slock. DO YOU USE ^SOAP CI ASIIMERE ROUQUET is one of the J best Soaps made. STARR sells it at 15c. a cake. What do you pay for it elsewhere? If vou do not use SOAP, yon SHOULD. Do you owe us any money ? What are you doing about it? We want it PAID. JAS. M. STARR & CO., LEADING - DRUGGISTS. PORK AND BEANS PUT up in cans are all that could be wished for, longed for, hoped for, or desired. They are put up with the best quality of Tomato Catsup. If you have never tried Pork and Deans prepared in this manner, now is your chance. Only 10 or 15 cents a can, according to size of the can. flood for Hreakfast, Dinner or Slipper. FRESH HAM ARRIVALS.! I have just received a shipment of the nicest, sweetest-flavored Hams your ever "hearu' tell" of. Now is your chance. C. P. LOWKANCE. REFRIGERATED ft Meats, *ft ft Butter, ft *ft Cheese, ft ;; Eggs, ;; Of the Choicest Quality to be had in Yorkville only at FERGUSON & SNIDER'S, The Up-to-date Grocers. TO DEHTOKS AND CKEDITOItS. Estate of .las. If. MeCully, Deceased. \ 1.1, persons indebted to the estate of 1\ JAMES H. McCri.I.Y, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Persons having claims against, the said estate are requested to present them, properly an thenticatecl, witnin uie nine prt-M-riucu I >v law. ' I?<>BKKT II. MKTLI/Y, Kxecutor. Howling (been, S. Sept. 20. 3t\v |{i:i?aih\(; and i?i,u)ibix(;. riMIK facilities of the SUTHO (X)TJL TON MILL MACIIINH SHOPS are ollered to the public for the repairing of all kinds of MACIIINKKY and PLl'MBINti. Besides good workmen, will lie fmind a drill press, gearcutter and lathe, and if you have a gin, engine, saw mill or pump that needs attention it will be our pleasure to accommodate you at reasonable and fair prices. T. HAXTKK McCLA IN. September 2 s tf i iiavio h)k sai.u ABOUT 20 head of thoroughbred .Jersey Heifers, from