with other business, and the argument of the motion to dismiss the proceed^ ing and release the defendant took place this afternoon and lasted throughout the day. Judge Gage overruled the plea, and the defendant's counsel then tried to get a stay of proceedings so the plea could be passed upon by the supreme court; but this also was overruled, and the trial of Mrs. Hughes v was ordered to begin next Wednesday. Pay of Wltnetises. Greenville News, Thursday : Judge Gage yesterday made a ruling as to the pay of witnesses that is entirely new here, and it has put about 50 witnesses. who failed to pet their nav on 7 O" X W account of it, in a fighting humor. He rules that state witnesses in cases no billed or nol prossed shall receive no pay, although the authority of the court was used to compel their attendance, because the law is that only "material" witnesses shall be paid. This has acted as a great hardship on v some of the witnesses who have come here from long distances against their inclination, and will now have to pay all of their own expenses. There is some talk of bringing suit to make a test case of the matter ; but as uo single witness has enough at stake to incliue him to pay the cost of such litigation, it is likely that the suit will not be brought. V Disappeared In Greenville. The mysterious disappearance of John A. Benedict, of Athens, Ga., in Greenville, recently, is creating quite a sensation throughout the country. Mr. Benedict was cashier of the Exchange bank of Athens, and also proprietor of the Roller Cover company, nf the same nlace. He arrived in Greenville on May 23, for the purpose of visiting various cotton factories fro'n that point. He left bis hotel presumably to go to a livery stable and has not been seen since. His wife, in Athens, received a letter from him dated May 23; but bearing nothing further after that, started a search. Friends went to Greenville ; but have been uuable to get any information as to the missing man's whereabouts. The books of the Exchange bank of Athens have been examined and found to be correct. Fire In IVinnsboro. The residence of Mr. W. H. Flenniken was destroyed by fire between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock last Monday morning. The fire alarm was sounded ; but the house being built on a bill some distance from the town, the engines could do nothiug to save it. It m is supposed the fire was caused by rats taking matches to the attic, as it orijj inated there. Two of the girls sleeping upstairs awoke just in time to see the ceiling on fire, aud about to fall in on them. They then aroused the rest of the household down stairs; but the flames had made such rapid progress that they Were barely able to save themselves, a few pieces of furniture and some of the children's clothes. The family has the sympathy of the entire community, as this makes the second time the flames have made them homeless. Both the house and furniture were insured; but that will not replace many valuables that perished in the flames. * AT THE CHURCHES. associate reformed. Sunday Services.?YORK VILLE? Preaching on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock; night service at 8.30. Sunday school at 4.30 o'clock. trinity methodist episcopal. Sunday Services.?There will be . services next Sunday iu this church at k 11.00 a.m. Evening service at 8.30. Sunday school at 5 p. m. baptist. Sunday Services.?YORK VILLE.? Sunday school at 4.30. presbyterian. Sunday Service.?In the morning at 11.00; evening service at 8.30 o'clock. Sunday school at 5.00 o'clock in the afternoon. church of the good shepherd. Sunday Services.?Morning service at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 6.30. Sunday school at 5.30 p. m. fecial Jpotas. v Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain 3Iercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheny Y virtue of an order for sale, made .1. e _D in the above entitled cause, I will cc v expose to public sale in front of YORK tr f COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST . e MONDAY IN JUNE, 1899, (salesday) tr x the following described real estate : g; e All that lot of land, with the buildings " thereon, situated at McConnellsville, 01 f county of York, state aforesaid, bounded by lands of J. D. McConnell, J. O. Moore, Presbyterian church lots, and containing TWO (2) ACRES, more or less. _ Terms of Sale-ONE HALF CASH. T ', Balance on a credit of twelve months, se- J| , cured by purchaser's bond and a inort* ???ot. If You Decide U the last minute that you want a 3INDER, please give me a chance. I .ell the two most reliable machines in the vorld?the strongest, simplest, most durible, effective and lightest draft and GUARANTEE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY TO GIVE SATISFACTION. They are the Buckeye Frameless and Deering Ideal. Don't buy a machine without a reputation, >r one that has to be followed by a gang >f experts to keep it in order. SAM M, GRIST. *l~Y. CARTWRIGHT, Surgeon Dentist. YORKVILLE, S. O. Offices in Up Stairs Rooms of he York Drug Store Building. February 18 s tf FOR SA1.E AT A BARGAIN. [HAVE two second-band MONARCH BICYCLES in flrst-class condition bat I will sell cheap. The one I have been using and one belonging to another party. If you want a good wheel, you nbould see me without delay. With mv tvheel you will get two gears?77 and 88. Sow is the time to act. OLIVER E. GRIST. May 31 w tf "MONEY TO BURN !" WHEN you want FIRE INSURANCE see me. L. GEO. GRIST. She |jorfei'iU? inquirer. Published Wednesday and Saturday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single copy for one year, $ 2 OO }ne copy lor two years, 3 SO For six months, 1 OO For three months, 50 Two copies for one year, 3 SO Ten copies one year IT 50 \.nd an extra copy for aclub of ten. ADVERTI8E3IEJVT8 inserted at One Dollar per square for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents per square for each subsequent insertion. A square jonsists of the space occupied by ten lines af this size type. Contracts for advertising space for three, six, or twelve months will be made an reasonable terms. The contracts must in all cases be confined to the regular business of the firm or individual contracting, and the manuscript must be in the office by Monday at noon when intended for Wednesday's issue, and on Wednesday when intended for Saturday's issue.