tumorous gcpartmcnt. A Boy's Essay on Breath.?A little boy io the North Side public school recently handed in to the teacher the following communication on "Our Breath" : "Our breath is made of air. If it were not for our breath we would die. The breath keeps going through our liver, our lights and our lungs. Boys shut up in a room all day should not breathe, they should wait until they get out of doors. Air in a room has carbonocide in it, and carbonocide is poisoner than mad dogs. Once some man ivas shut ud in a black hole in India, a carbonocide got into that there hole, and afore morning nearly every one of them was dead. Girls wear corsets which squeeze their diagrams too much. Girls cannot run and holler like boys cause their diagrams are squeezed. If I was a girl I would just run and holler so my diagram would grow. That's all on breath."?Minneapolis Journal. I?* A funny story is told of one of the June weddings. The young couple were from a somewhat humble walk in life, but were beaming with happiness. At the conclusion of the ceremony there was a pause of some length. The bride looked at the groom, and he gazed at her with a happy but somewhat vague expression of confidence. At last the bride stepped for ward in a hesitating manner, and, dropping an elaborate courtesy, said : "We?we?are very much obliged to you, sir, and we hope that at some time we shall be able to retaliate." Her husband looked at her with undisguised pride in her ability to cope with a word of such elegance, and the minister bowed the couple out of the parsonage with as grave a face as he could call up. A Wonderful Elixir.?Lean Customer?Doctor, I want some medicine or something that will put more flesh on my bones. Doctor (filling bottle from large glass jar)?This will fix you. Take a tablespoonful of it three times a day, eat plenty of soup, leguminous vegetables, cracked wheat and fruits, and abstain from energetic exercise. Five dollars. Thanks. Fat Customer (five minutes later)? Doctor, I want something that will relieve me of this superfluous fat. Doctor (filling bottle from same large glass jar)?This will fix you. Take a tablespoouful of it three times a day, abstain from soup, meat, leguminous vegetables, cracked wheat and fruits, and take plenty of energetic exercise. Five Dollars. Thanks. It Doesn't Seem Possible.?Omaha Man?And you are one of the female Mormon missionaries in Tennessee? Mormon Woman?Yes, there are 25 of us Mormon women down there and we are meeting with great success. "Success ! Do you mean to say that you are making converts among the womt u ?" "Yes, indeed ; they just jump at our presentation of the case ; that is, the ! 5 J1 marneu uuc? uu, "Hampb ! I suppose you promise them gold lace gowns and diamond crowns, and?" "O.h, no! We simply tell them that a husband can't quarrel with more than one wife at a time, and it lakes a loug time to get arouud.?Omaha World. A Candidate For Heaven.?Judge Tarbell tells the following joke on himself : A short time after his retirement from the bench he happened to meet an old friend whom he had not seen for sometime. The judge, all smiles and heartiness, effervesced over his friend in such a way as to provoke the inquiry: "What office are you a candidate for now, judge?" The judge made a deprecatory movement with an outward turned palm and said: "For none at all, my dear brother; I'm simply a caudidate for the kingdom of heaven." His friend regarded him sorrowfully for an instant, and then, with more wit than politeness, and more profanity than either, said, "I'll bet you don't carry a d?u township !" K*T On the evening before the last 6olar eclipse in Germany, the colonel of a regiment of infantry sent for all the sergeants, and said to them : "TVioro v*-111 ho on onlinco r?f t.hft Sllll AUV4V " " vv vv"l?w ? tomorrow. Tbe regiment will meet on the parade ground in undress. I will come and explain the eclipse before drill. If the day is cloudy the men will meet in the drill shed as usual." Whereupon the sergeants drew up the following order of the day : "Tomorrow morning, by order of the colonel, there will be an eclipse of the sun. The regiment will assemble on the parade ground, where the colonel will come and superintend tbe eclipse in person. If the sky is cloudy, the eclipse will take place in the drill shed." Effectively Told.?Servant?Oh, Miss, that Mr. Borem do be comin' here again. There's uo use tellin' him y'r not at home, fur he'll just push past me an' say he'll wait till yez do come back. Miss Beauti?Then, for mercy's sake tell him plainly that I'm engaged. Do it in such a way he'll conclude to leave. Servant?Yes, mum. Mr. Borem (a minute later)?Is Miss Beauti at home ? Servant?Yes, sor, but she do be ingaged ; an' the felly she's engaged to do be waitin' in the parlor fur yez wid a club.?New York Weekly. Not Asking a Great Deal.?"I am afraid, Bobby," said his mother, "that when I tell your papa what a naughty boy you've been today, that he will punish you." "Have you got to tell him?" asked Bobby, anxiously. "Oh, yes; I shall tell him immediately after dinner." The look of concern upon Bobby's face deepened, until a bright thought struck him. "Well, ma," he said, "give him a better dinner than usual. You might do that much for me." Wagsidf ?atherings. t8T A fibre of silk one mile long weighs but 12 grains. 16F" Sugar moistened with vinegar is a good cure for hiccough. 16?* A cremated body leaves a residuum of only eight ounces. tST The Chinese divide the day into 12 parts of two hours each. f3T To borrow is human ; to forget all about it is still more so. nn rv\ A "\T aKkQcIt Q 10011 T11 H j A I"1 W X uc uauiu 11 gin uoum sion of the presbytery these two miu- 5 isters were arraigned for investigation. [ A special committee was appoiuted to examine them as to their belief and 1 teaching. Alter that examination 8 these preachers thought it best for c them to ask permission to withdraw s from the presbytery. Their request was granted, aud they received letters ? dismissing them ; but at the same time i commending them for their zeal, earn- 'J estness and Christian character. This ? places them iu rather an anomalous \ relation. They are now free evange- t lists, provided they continue to preach. They cannot become puators of a church. That is about the way the matter now stands. 1 lANCASTEE-Iedger, October 28: J J. D. Plyler, a nephew ol E. K. Plyler, ^ was thrown from a wagon as tbey were I starling to town with u loud of cotton 8 last Wednesday morning aud badly ^ hurt. Misses Sullie and Jane Dun- t lap, of this county, ure visiting their > brother, Mr. D. E. Dttulup iu York ? county. Dr. T. J. Strait has hauled , up a pumpkin from his patch which Timber Ridge, Va., September 14th, 1898, Rev. David Pressly Neill, for- r merly of this couuty, and Mrs. The- { ressa Gibson Olrien, daughter of Colo- r nel Jno. A. Gibson. Died, at Fort ? Mill, October 25, 1898, after an acute * illness of three days, Lilian Estelle, i youngest daughter of Mrs. Sallie F. J Downs, aged 7 years and 7 weeks. c Her father, Thomas J. Downs, died in J Fort Mill, over three years ago. Her i mother, two sisters and one brother mourn their loss. Mr. and Mrs. y H. J. Gregory have the sympathy of j their many friends in the death of 1 their infant son, Wm. Marlin, aged 7 \ weeks, which occurred at 10 o'clock ' Tuesday night. The interment took 1 place at the Presbyterian cemetery ? Wednesday afternoon. When i Messrs. Cook & Hunter came to open 1 up their market about daylight yester- ] day morning they found a Negro wait- i iug to sell them a cow. They suspicioned he had stolen the cow and * agreed to purchase it but told him he would have to wait until the bank opened before they could pay him. a He said that would suit him all right. " In the mean time they seut for Police- | man Hunter. The Negro, who gives \ his name as Wm. Johnson, admitted, after sometime, that he had stolen the cow from another Negro near Russell Place. He was committed to jail and Messrs. Cook & Hunter are keeping the cow until the owner calls for it. ^ i roval i; Baking Powder j i Made from pure cream of tartar. i Safeguards the food [ acainst alum* r : l Alum baking powders are the greatest { menacers to health of the present day. . ROYAL OAXINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. i ? COOKING STOVE FOR SALE. tj THE undersigned offers for sale a sec- r ond-band I. A. Sheppard & Co., No. a 8, six hole COOKING STONE with nec- C essary cooking utensils, including warm- c ing oven. The stove, for all practical J purposes, is as good as new. The price is C 816 cash, L. M. GRIST. I October 12 w tf MONEY TO LEND a ON IMPROVED FARMS, in York ' county. Repayable in easy annual e installments. For further particulars ap- ti ply to C. E. SPENCER, t Attorney at Law. ? June 8 w tl FINLEY & BRICE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Yorkvllle, S. C. . ALL business entrusted to us will be * given prompt attention. ti OFFICE IN THE BUILDING AT THE REAR OF H. C. STRAUSS'S STORE. rOMLLE FOR : Here Is Goc Pleasant GET UP A CLUB FOR rwo High Grade Bu 1899 Bicycle, and a to the Most Ene COMMENCE TODAY AND KEI rHIS is the season during which the * the people of this section generally ' nake selection of the newspaper they ex- j ?ect to read during the following year. ( There are a large number of people who low include THE ENQUIRER on their ists, and who expect to continue it there, ' 'here are many others who are not now ' ubscribing for the THE ENQUIRER; 1 nit who would like to have it. We want THE ENQUIRER to go as a ,WICE-A-WEEK visitor to every home ! 11 York county. With the assistance of : ntelligent and trustworthy friends in the j litferent localities, we know it can be \ ;otten into many homes to which it is not < iow going. This assistance is of much ralue to us, and it iB our purpose to pay , or it most liberally, in proportion to the J ervice rendered. The propositions we make herein are I o all responsible individuals, in each and i jvery locality. There is no monopoly in he matter. Because an individual re- , urned the name of a certain subscriber , ast year is no reason why why he should lave any claim upon that subscriber this j rear. Because one individual may aleady bo at work in a given neighbor iood( is no reason why another should lot also canvass in that neighborhood. > Svery clubmaker is entitled to get subcribers whenever and wherever be or < he inay be able to get them, and upon < oinpliance with the conditions herein ' tated, have them counted. Our plan of compensation to clubmakrs this year is on the same line as boreofore?a. competition for TWO LEADNG PREMIUMS to be awarded for the ! ?WO LARGEST clubs, and a third leadng premium for the largest club of | s'EW SUBSCRIBERS. After that the j ralue of the premium is in proportion to | he number of names returned. i The Leading Premiums. For the largest number of subscribers RETURNED and PAID FOR, at $1.75 we ifter the choice between the followiug premums: HIGH GRADE BICYCLE, 'alued at ?50; quarter-leather top "ROCK iILL BUGGY" valued at ?75, bandome SUIT OF FURNITURE valued ,t ?50. For the NEXT LARGEST 'LUB, we will give the choice between he above articles left after tirst choice, ^nd for the LARGEST CLUB OF NEW SUBSCRIBERS we will give an OPEN ;AROLIN BUGGY. The furniture nay be seen at the store of W. B MOORE t CO., and the buggies in the warerooms >f the respective manufacturers in York- ! ille and Rock Hill. The bicycle is to be i he 1899 model, descriptive catalogues of ] vbich have not yet been published. In addition to the competitive premiums Mentioned above, we also offer various other >remlums for clubs containing specined num era of names, and propose to deliver the preniums whenever tne numbers specified are cturned and paid for. Upon securing one >remlum?a watch or sewing machine, sayhe clubmaker will be at liberty to try for the ame thing again, or for anything else on the 1st, and If In the aggregate, by the bTH DAY )F MARCH, 1899, ne snail have succeeded In cturnlngand paying for thfe largest number >1 NEW NAMES, he will be entitled to the 'CAROLINA BUGGY" Just the same as If le bad not previously taken other premiums. >fow, then, read the list: FOX r,0 SUHSCRIltERS. Ve will give the clubmaker his choice of the hllowlng premiums, each valued at $25: A 'OUR DRAWER "ENQUIRER" SEWING MACHINE, together with all attachments; L "HOUSEKEEPER'S" SET OF KNIVES, rORKS AND 8POON8, made by Rogers; a WALTHAM" WATCH In coin silver, dustiroof case. FOX 40 AND LESS.THAN 00 SUBSCRIBERS, we will give the clubmaker its choice of the following, each valued at 815: .VALTHAM WATCH, In open face silver ase: set of half dozen ROGERS BROS'. vNIVES and FORKS (12 PIECES); or LOW IRM SINGER SEWING MACHINE. FOR 00 AND LESS THAN 40 1UBSCRIBERS, choice of the following, each alued at 810: NEW YORK STANDARD 1AR0LIN A&liO RTH^WEST ERN [J RAILWAY CO. G. W. F. HARPER, President. 'ime Tabic No. 7?In Effect Oct. 30,1898. STANDARD EASTERN TIME. QOINO WORTH. | No 10. | No W>. .eu\ e CRester I 7 20 am [ 9 00 a in ' -eave Lowrysvllle 7 41 a m i 9 35 a m .eave McCounellsvlllei 7 57 a m 10 05 a rr. .eave Guthrlesvllle .... 8 05 am j 10 20 a in .cave Yorkvllle 8 25am ; 1100am ,eave Clover 8 56 a m 11 48 am .eave Gastonla 9 27 am j 1 20 pm .eave Llncolnton 10 20 a m 2 40 p m XI I 11 IK o m i m nit. itJUV o X^CWtUll ? 11 w a in -a vw |/ ,eave Hickory 11 55 am | 5 65 pm irrlve Lenoir ,.... 12 52 am I 8 00 pm ' Qoryg south. | No. 9. | No 61. ieave Lenoir ...... 4 15 p m j 0 00 a n- 1 ieave Hickory 5 15 p m 8 15 an 1 ieave Newton 605pm 000am I /eave Lincointon 6 56 p m 10 20 a m ieave Gastonia 7 49 pm . 1 30 pm ieave Clover 8 32 p m ! 2 30 p n> ieave Yorkvtlle 9 01 pm 3 45 pm ' ieave Guthrlesvllle ... | 9 20 pm 4 15 pm ieave McConnellsvllle 9 28 pm j 4 30 pm ieave Lowrysville I 9 46 pm ' 5 00 pm Lrrlve Chester 10 11 pm 5 45 pm : Trains Nos. 9 and 10 are first class, and 1 un daily except Sunday. Trains Nos. ' 0 and 61 carry passengers and also run laily except Sunday. Tliere is good conlection at Chester with the G. C. A N. ,nd the C. C. A A., also L A C. R. R.; at lastonia with the A. A C. A. L.; at Lin- 1 f . o.wl ut H ir?lrnrv flnH WUItUII Willi V/. V. . UIIU uv ne year. FOR lO AND LESS THAN 20 3UBSCRIBERS. a CONCAVE WARRANTED RAZOR, SILVER PLATED GRAVY LADLE, or an extra quality FOUR BLADED I'OCKET KNIFE, with name and address on ibe handle. Any of the articles mentioned would be a bargain at 82. FOR 0 AND LESS THAN 10 SUBSCRIBERS, a "CLIMAX" WATCH, warranted for one year; an extra quality THREE BLADED POCKET KNIFE, or CHILD'S SILVER PLATED TABLE SET. Good values at 81.30. FOR 4 AND LESS THAN 0 SUBSCRIBERS, a "YANKEE" WATCH, warranted for one year: "Siren" pattern BUTrER KNIFE, or TWO-BLADED POCKET KNIFE, with name and address on handle. AND TO EACH OLD SUBSCRIBER, The Yokkville Enquirer?TWICE-AWEEK?filled with bright, fresh news from rHE COUNTY. STATE. NATION AND WORLD, interesting stories, instructive miscellaneous matters, and humorous selectlous, sxplanatory editorials, etc. The paper wiil be held up to its present nigh standard, and will continue prompt, explicit, reliable, and, in short, the best. TO EACH XETV SUJi SCR USER, The some as above except that if the paper Is COMMENCED NOW, IT WILL BE BENT UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1900, without any charge for that portion of the time between now and January 1, 180?. It is understood, however, that for a new subscriber to get the benefit of this offer, he must pay the clubmaker $1.75 at the time the name is entered upon our books. If the 81.75 is not paid at this time, then the subscription will only date one year from the time Is entered. By new subscribers, we mean those whose names were not on OUR BOOKS ON SEPTEMBER 14, 1898. except we will not count as new subscribers, cases where the subscription may have been changed from the name of one member of a family to another. This is intended emphatically to mean new additions to our subscription list. TWO SIX MONTHS SUBSCRIBERS at $1 each, will be considered the equivalehtof one yearly subscriber at $1.75 and so counted. A subscription paid for two or more years in advance at $1.75, will be counted as one name for each year so paid. Clubmakers will be held personally responsible for the payment of all names returned by them. After a clubmaker has returned and paid for any name, he can. at anytime thereafter, discontinue the sending of the paper to the person for whom he has paid, and transfer the unexpired time to any other person, provided the person to whom the transfer is desired was not a subscriber at the time the original name was entered on our books. No name will be counted in competition for a premium until the subscription price has been paid; nor will any premium be delivered until a satisfactory settlement has been made for all names returned by the clubmaker. Persons who commence making clubs will not be permitted to transfer their club to another clubmaker's list after the names have been entered on our books. It is not necessary that the names on a club should all be at the same postofflce. Names may be taken at any number of places. Clubmakers are requested to send in names as rapidly as they secure them after November 2nd, 1898. All subscriptions must be forwarded to us at the expense of those sending them. We will be responsible for the safe transmission of money only when sent by draft, registered letter or money order drawn on the Yorkvllle postofflce. T? ??JJ ?? nlolnlv onH cr\rfi in KCIluiug IIIIUICO, mile {lutmij, C- - poHtofflce, county and state. All subscriptions will be discontinued at the expiration or the time paid lor. A separate list will be kept for each clubmaker, who will be credited with each name sent, so that the number sent by any one person may be ascertained at a moment's notice. In case of a tie for either premium, two weeks will be allowed In which to "untie." The time in which names may be returned under our propositions will commence now. 2d day of November, 1808, and expire at 4 o'clock p. m., oo Wednesday, the 8th day of March, 1899. L. M. GRIST & SONS. LITTLE THINGS MOVING ! ' WHAT else could you expect of Pills? Their energy is unbounded, and while there are many species of various sizes and colors, the most industrious of the whole family are our "Black Compound Cathartic," which until we commenced selling the best known medicines, retailed at $1 per hundred pills. We sell them at 50 cents, and their effectiveness have not been altered. "The sun do move!" So, also do our Compound Cathartic Pills. We sell the very best Cold Pressed Castor Oil at 60 cents a quart. You must furnish your own bottle. Head our cut prices on medicines: Regular Oar Price. Price. Fellow's Hypophosphites,...? 1.50 8 1.25 S. S. S., (large size)..... 1.75 1.35 Hood's Sarsaparilla, 1.00 .85 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 1.00 .85 Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 1.00 .85 Lydia Pinkhatn's Compound l.OO .85 Bradtield's Regulator,. 1.00 .85 Hall's Catarrh Cure, 75 .65 Paine's Celery Compound,.... 1.00 .90 Castoria, 35 .30 We have other medicines at the same proportionate prices but do not consider it worth while to enumerate them here ; but will say that when you want to save money on medicines, call and see us. GRIST COUSINS. CHATTICI, MORTGAGES, LIENS T7IOR RENT AND SUPPLIES, Title n ?,?1 Vufufo Miirt. JBw bu xbcm iiombc nu\4 iivui uo%t??v zages in blank form for sale at THE ENQUIRER OFFICE. Ihf \'orluiltc (Enquircv. Published Wednesday and Saturday. TKItMS OF S U US CRI FT I ON : Single copy for one year, 9 2 OO 3ne copy tor two years, 3 SO For six months, I For three months, SO Two copies for one year, 3 SO Ten copies one year, 17 SO \.nd an ex' ra cony for aclnb of ten. ADVERTIS E MENTH inserted at One Dollar per square for the Irst insertion, and Filly Cents per square or each subsequent insertion. A square jonsists of the space occupied by ten lines )f. this size type. Contracts for advertising space for ,hree, six, or twelve months will be made in reasonable terms. The contracts must n all cases be confined to the regular justness of the firm or individual conracting