Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, April 07, 1897, Image 3

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J I X I ere will, however, be required to appear before the several township boards for the purpose of classification. The boards will also have the power to erase the name of any pensioner now on the list in case it finds that that name has been improperly placed there. The board will likely get up and issue this week its special instructions to township boards which is intended to simplify and explain the intricacies of the complex act and give the board's construction of its provisions. Nothing Like It Before. "I have been here 75 years," remarked Mr. J. M. M. Cain to the reporter the other day ; "but I have never seen farm work delayed so late before by raius." Then Mr. Cain went on to give it as bis opinion that there is still no cause for especial uneasiness abouts t he crops. People will go to work with all the more energy and thoxr will cot. Mi ere all the same. WILSON AND McLAURlN. The Promised Attack Makes Its Appearance In a Newspaper. It was expected that Congressman Wilson would have considerable to say on the speech of Congressman McLaurin says the Spartanburg Herald. He had nothing directly to say in reply to Mr. McLaurin. Mr. Wilson, however, has bad something direct to say ou the speech in a letter to The New Era, of Union, in which he says: tll want to congratulate you upon your editorial in antagonism to Mr. McLaurin's proposition to tax cotton importation. You hit the nail square on the head. No possible good can come to our farmers, as it is admitted that not one bale of short staple cotton (the kind we raise) is imported into the country. Yet his proposition puts us in the attitude of appealing for protection by a tarriff, from which we can receive not the slightest aid in roicinnr the nrir?f> of cotton ! but which * " -' -fo I J attitude is a complete surrender of the Democratic platform, turning our backs upon Jefferson, Hayne, McDuffie, Calhoun and the whole proud record of our state for unfailing opposition to "protection for the sake of protection." We would be selling the birthright of our principles for a mess of pottage. The proposition is a Trojan horse to be introduced in the south to accustom the people to think of protection as a good thing, if they can get enough of it. It is Dead Sea fruit offered to tempt our people from the faith of our fathers. Our people want no such thing. The one-half that can come to them is by the destruction of the theory of protection, and not the lending of life to it, by our coming in and asking for part of the boodle which is taken from the pockets of the people by this "tariff for protection." Such ideas must be stamped out as fast as they arise. I am glad to see that you so vigorously assail his proposed amendment. When be offers it I shall fight it for all I am worth. "Stanyarne Wilson." MERE-MENTION. Colonel Fred. D. Grant "declined the position of assistant secretary of war which was tendered to him by President McKinley the other day. He wanted something better. Major General Thomas H. Ruger, of the United States army, has been put on the retired list on account of his age. General James Longstreet has been slated to succeed General Wade Hampton as commissioner of railroads. Edward G. Dougherty, who was in command of the party that captured John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, died in Washington last Sunday. A Mexican prophet is predicting that this country will be shaken up by earthquakes during the present month. The Metropolitan church of Washington was packed with a vulgar herd last Sunday, that was only curious to see President McKinley take communion. General Wade Hampton's condition is still critical. AT THE CHURCHES. associate reformed. Rev. Boyce H. Grier, pastor. There will be prayer meeting this aftemoou at 4.00 o'clock. Sunday Services.?YORKVILLE? Sunday school in the afternoon at 4.00 o'clock. Preaching at TIRZAH at 11 o'clock a. in. trinity methodist episcopal. Rev. A. N. Brunson, Pastor. Prayermeeting this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Sunday Services.?There will be preaching in the morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 o'clock p. m. presbyterian. Rev. W. G. Neville, pastor. Prayermeeting this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. Sunday Services.?Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. Sunday school in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Evening service at 8 o'clock. episcopal. Rev. R. W. Anderson, rector. Evening prayer every afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. On Holy days there will be holy communion at 10 a. m. Sunday Services.?At 7.30 a. m. there will be holy communion. At 11 o'clock, there will be morning prayer and sermon. Sunday school at 3.30 o'clock p. in. Evening prayer and sermon at 8. Social Notices. ^ f w * Fort Mill and Ebenez cr. On the morning of Sabbath, April 11, Rev. J. H. Thoruwell will preach at Fort Mill, and in the afternoon at 4 o'clock, he will preach at Ehenezer. April 7 28 It Convention at Rock Hill U. C. V. Association. Headquarters Camp Catawba, Rock Hill, S. C., April 5. 1. Paragraph VIII of general orders No. 2i>, from Major General C. I. Walker, commanding S. C. Division U. C. V. Association, reads as follows: "The commander of the senior camp in each county is charged with the duty of calling a meeting of the representatives of the camps of his county, which representatives, deciding on the method of the first election, will elect the colonel and report to these headquarters." 2. In obedience to the above orders, a meeting of representatives of the several camps of York county will be held at Rock Hill on Saturday, April 17, at 11 o'clock a. in., to organize the York regiment and elect a colonel. 3. For purposes above set forth, each camp in York county will elect and commission live delegates to represent them in this meeting. By order, T. C. BECKHAM, Lt. Commander. Ikedkll Jones, Sec. and Adjt. April 7 28 2t Special Jpotires. PreacIiiiiK at Flint Rhlge. There will be preaching at Flint Ridge school bouse, by Rev. J. S. Grier at 3.30 p. in. on Sunday, 11th of April. April 3 26 s2t YORK DRUG STORE. Paint the Town. I have just added to my stock of Paints everything necessary to make it complete, aud can furnish estimates on any job of painting. I will either furnish the Paints and you furnish the Painter, or I will furnish both and guarantee the job. I will meet all competition in prices, all things being equal. I Have In Stock Buck Lead, T>A tt \f 5 Puintc xvcauj i?j iavu a (?i Yellow Ochre, Princes' Metallic Paint, Ready Mixed Roof Paint, Linseed Oil?Raw and Boiled, Turpentine, Shellac, Japan, Hard Oil Finish, Liquid Wood Filler, All Colors in Oil. Domestic Paints Ready For Use. Epecially adapted for painting Flower Pots, Lawn Seats, etc. Brush with Can, | 25 cents per can. Enamel Paints? In several colors, ready for use. Gold Paint^liquid. Buggy and Wagon Paints. One coat makes fine finish. Pint cans, 50 cents. Quart cans, 75 cents; in several colors. Plastlco. Large lot just in, including White and a complete stock of colored. Can please OUJUVUJ. Oil Wood Stains. Walnu,t Cherry, Oak, Mahogany. Genuine "Cosmo" Buttermilk Soap. Three cakf s for 25 cents. Quinine At 25 cents an ounce. Ye9, I started this racket and still have some to dispose of at that price. Lamps At prices that will make you think you i need one. < Clarence M. Kuykendal. Par^t Reports. YORfcVILLE, April 7.-Cotton 6} to 7. I NEW YORK, ApriJ 5.?Cotton futures closed firm; sales, 121,300 bales; April, ' 7.01; May, 7.16; June, 7.11; July, 7.15; ( August, 7.17; September, 6.93; October, 6.81; November, 6.82; December, 6.85; January, 6.88; February, 6.92. FINE VIRGINIA WHEAT. WE have just received at the YORK- ! VILLE ROLLER MILLS, a car- ( load of fine Virginia wheat, and are able to furnish our customers with choice flour at the lowest market price. PELHAM MORROW, Manager. ] APPLICANTS FOR PENSIONS. CONFEDERATE Soldiers who have made application for pensions SINCE t (JANUARY last, can get their petitions J by calling at my office. They can present ...no thfl tAwnchin mmmkoinnAN when organized. J. F. WALLACE. April 7 27 wit BRIDGE CONTRACT TO LET. Office of County Supervisor, Yorkville, S. C., April 6,1897. ! ON THURSDAY, the 15th instant, I 1 will let the contract for the construe- j tion of a bridge over SUSEYBOLE ( CREEK, near Dr. Gwin's old place, in , Bullock's Creek township. Plans and specifications to be seen at the place mentioned on the day stated. T. G. CULP, Supervisor of York county. April 7 27 w It i CALL TO CREDITORS. I 1 John F. Ward against Sallie C. Leon- ' ard and Others. PURSUANT to order in the case 1 stated, pending in the court of commoo pleas for York county, I call upon . the creditors of P. D.LEONARD, dee'd, . to establish their claims before me, at my . office in York C. H., on or before MAY 5th, 1897, or be debarred of any benefit from the proceedings in said case. All j claims must be attested by the usual oath, , before they can be received for filing. W. BROWN WYLIE, ! Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. , April 7 28 w 5t CALL TO CREDITORS. I W. Jasper A derson. Executor, etc., against Martin Robison and Others. PURSUANT to order in the case stated, pending in the court of common . pleas for York county, I call upon the creditors of B. F. BOYD, dee'd, to establish their claims before me, at my office in York C. H., on or before MAY , 5th, i897, or be debarred of any benefit from the proceedings in said case. All claims must be attested by the usual oath, before they can be received for filing. W. BROWN WYLIE, April 5th, 1897. C. C. C. Pleas. April 7 28 w 5t EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. I Office of County Superintendent of Education. Yorkvii.i.e, S. Cm March 20, 1897. NOTICE is hereby given that the regular SEMI ANNUAL EXAMINATION of applicants to teach in the PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF YORK COUNTY, will be held in the COURT HOUSE at YORKVILLE, on FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, APRIL 1(5 and 17, opening at 9 o'clock a. in. and closing at 4.30 p. m. each day. All applicants must be present on the first day. Applicants will furnish their own paper ana pencils. It will be necessary for teachers whose certificates have expired to come before the board. No extensions?no renewals. Certificates issued on diplomas from colleges and universities of this state only. J. A. SHURLEY, County Superintendent of Education. March 24 24 w4t SHERIFF'S TAX SALES. BY virtue of TAX EXECUTIONS to me directed, and in conformity to an act of the general assembly, approved December 24,1887, and amend mentsthereto, passed and approved, I will expose to publicsale, in front of the COURT HOUSE OF YORK COUNTY, during the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST MONDAY IN MA Y, next, being the 3rd day of MAY, 1897, the following described real estate, to satisfy taxes, penalties and costs, due by tax payers named, for the fiscal year commencing January 1st, 1896, to-wit: C. B. Wallace?A tract of land containing 172 acres and one building, lying in King's Mountain township, bounded by lands of J. F. Smith, R. N. McElwec, O. R. McCarter, Emily Love and others. Taxes, penalties and costs, ?12.68. Mary A. Clark?A tract of land in King's Mountain township, bounded by lauds of Davis Brown, T. A. Brown, Tom Crawford, Thornburg lands and others. Taxes, penalties and costs, ?10.26. Ellen Anderson?One house and lot in Blacksburg, situated on Lime and Shelby streets, bounded by lots of Mrs. McClure and M. R. Reese. Taxes penalties and costs ?9.fj0. Terms?CASH. JOHN R. LOO AN, S. Y. C. April 3 27 s4t SAM M. GRIST. P. W. HICKS. GRIST COUSINS. DOUBLE-FOOT PLOWS. LADOW COTTON PLANTERS. WE have just received a shipment of FARMERS' PET DOUBLEFOOT PLOWSTOCKS-tho best tool of the kind on the market?and LADOW COTTON PLANTERS. COTTON HARROWS. We will handle during the present spring THE BEST SIDE HARROW FOR CULTIVATING COTTON that is made. It does the best work. Is the easiest running and most durable. It has a Double Head Block held together by strong bolts. If you need &ny Harrows, we are the folks to see. EVANS STEEL FRAME LEVER HARROWS are without exception the best and most durable smoothers on the market. We are sole agents for York county. They are the tiling for harrowing wheat and also for young corn and cotton. They are money-savers. 4 POUNDS FOR 25 CENTS. We have just received a fresh shipment of EVAPORATED APPLES of the finest quality. We sell them at 4 pounds for 25 cents. NICHOLS'S CRUSHED OATS Are the egual of any on the market, regardless of brand or price. We have a fresh supply put up in 2-pound packages and offer them at the unheard-of low price of 10 cents a package, which is 35 per cent, less than the usual charge. We sell Magic Yeast. Five cents will buy enough to make 40 loaves. GRIST COUSINS. J. J. HUNTER. I BOUQUET OP SPRING BEAUTIES. Tf ir. n** fiflo nprhiinc Lnt it i<3 an vuu nuv. j wv*?. an appropriate name for first offering of SPRING GOODS. There is an array of spring loveliness in the store that is heart warming, like the first sunburst, after a storm, you'll forget bleak winter, and forgive its frosts because it is followed by such sweets as these first harbingers of spring. We invite an early inspection of these SPRING GOODS. See our line of LADIES SHIRT WAISTS. J. J. HUNTER. W. B MOORE & CO. THEY SAY THAT some women would object to the millennium if it come on "wash Jay." So it is a very important dav, especially to those who do the washing, [t is very laborous, and no work tends to ige one and produce wrinkles and disease, and in many cases death, like the wash tub?to say nothing of doctor's bills. WE HAVE IT. Alter long deliberation, testing, etc., we have secured a WASHING MACHINE AND WRINGER, that we guarantee to give entire satisfaction. You ire at liberty to try it before investing as we did, and if not satisfactory return to as. See what one who has no interest in its sale, has to say : "Messrs. W. B. Moore A Co. Gentlemen : The washer I bought from you on trial, washes the clothes clean in half the time. It gives entire satisfaction. My family are delighted. John Caldwell." Remember the girl with a dimple in her cheek, learns to work at a remarkable young age. To preserve the dimples, secure a Machine for washing. This is pot one of the thousand patent humbugs, but it will do the work. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! New goods?lowest prices. Up stairs? isk to see it. Shingles and Laths?car load just releived. W. B. MOORE A CO. YORK MUSIC STORE. ALWAYS ON TOP! The wilcox a white organ comes out in the lead, every time it is put in competition with other organs, regardless of name or "long established" reputation, "So called." I have sold the WILCOX A WHITE ORGAN, exclusively, and no other for 12 years, and they haye given entire satisfaction. Some agents will say that the action of an organ cannot be made "Mouse Proof." If a mouse should get into the action of my organ, by carelessly leaving the lid open, or otherwise, let me hear from 3-011, and I will make it all right, AT MY EXPENSE. Do not throw away your money on a CHEAP, SHODDY organ ; but see me or write to me, and bu>* the un-excelled WILCOX A WHITE ORGAN, which is fully guaranteed, AND MOUSE PROOF. m uroiriRu U?iV/. I , Yorkville, S. C. WHICH ROUTE f IF you were sent for your family physician to go and see a member of your family who was desperately sick?sick unto death?and there weie two routes by which you could go, and one was say onehalf the distance of the other, which one would you choose? Would you go round or through ? We think you would go the nigh way. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE RAIN You have a desperate case on your hands now, in that planting time is at hand and your land is not prepared for the seed. Of course, you can plant your corn or cotton without getting your land reads'; but if you do, you will have twice as much work to do as you would have had, had you prepared it before planting, and a corresponding decrease in the yield. IT WILL PAY TO START RIGHT And go the nigh way. You can do this by using A GENUINE COKBIX DISK 11AKKOW in breaking your land. It you will call on us we will tell you how you can break eight to ten acres a day to the depth of six inches at less cost than you can break four to a deptli of not exceeding two-and-one-half inches, by the ordinary method. By our plan, you will have no clods, and by yours you will have little else on red land. GRIST COUSINS. Attention A Most Ela play of Re Dress LADIES' FINE In Endless Variety rately Trimmed \ and Most Sele FINE "I And a Big Cinderella GENTS' FINI And Underwear, T< $15,000 Worth of Goods, Including slide in Fashions I want it clisti that I "take no < i j-l- - nave me goous prices which will the most skeptic newest and late in all the best will do yourself if you buy anyth seeing' my superb st the ladies to be the seen in a Yorkville D My stock of Gentlemen' quality than is usually br since I got the whole lot on ? 1 1 A X from the nooaea aisirici < I am prepared to quote you elsewhere. Not alone th market, and is gotten up ii house that I have been d< you want to save money an per cent, below its value, j He can fix you, and do it MY CO Including Warner's have the most superb s market, and it is a rai comfortably fitted in a stock than mine. Whe that will add to the be* figure, go see STRAUSS MY SHOES Al Are a sight to behold, and the light. I have Low Cut Shoes best and most artistic shapes, derella. Ladies, be sure tha Another thing to which I de our Ready-Made Dress Skirts, for your comfort and convenier the best quality and carefully you should allow a prejudice great step in the right directi have many times said : "We the store and get any garment cle of trouble, and we have to our dresses made. It seems tl Did you ever say that, or did ] it ? Now you can come to S^ ment worn by your sex, ladies, either. When you want anyl first. His stock of Underwear must not fail to see it. And quarters for Hosiery and defy every article in my store is ma H. C. P. S.?Prince of Wales Be , Ladies! iborate Dis i\/r_ j\ _ auy-iviciue Skirts! UNDERWEAR * r and Most ElaboVith the Choicest ct Embroidery. SHOES ; Stock of , Slippers. : CLOTHING )gether With About Miscellaneous Dry r a Perfect Landable Dress Goods. inctly understood lust," and that I and will make I win over to me ml T licn/o flip jiXX. JL lilt ? V/ unv st dress fabrics styles, and you a great injustice ting without first tock, pronounced by grandest sight ever >ry Goods store. s Clothing is of a better ought to this market, and i a "countermanded order" >f the Mississippi Yalley, prices that you cannot get is. Tt, is nriantcd to this i the yery style and by a baling with for years. If d get nice Clothing at 33 Inst go see H. C. STRAUSS, right. RSETS. celebrated Corsets, I tock of Corsets on this *e thing for a lady to be Corset from any other n you want something auty and grace of your ND SLIPPERS ladies are in an ecstacy of dein Tan and Black and of the and dainty enough for a Cint you don't fail to see them, isire to call your attention is and which were bought solely ice, and since the goods are of made, there is no reason why to form and decide against this on, when you know that you 11, I declare, brother can go to that he wants without a partiworry our brains out to have :iat everything is for the men." /ou ever hear anybody else say PRAUSS'S and buy any gar, and not worry your brains out thing to wear, see STRAUSS for Ladies is superb, and you last, but not least, I am headcompetition, and will say that irked in plain figures. STRAUSS.. Its in all colors at 25 cents. J. H. RIPPLE. RED RUST PROOF OATS. We have just received a large lot of PURE RUST PROOF OATS. They are fine and are selling fast. Buy quick, as our supply will soon be exhausted. GUANO AND ACID, Cotton Seed Meal and Eainit. We, as usual, are on top IN THE FERTILIZER business. We control some of the most popular brands and therefore some of the best brands sold on this market, including such goods as the celebrated EDISTO, BERKELEY AND NAVASSA CUANOS. Consult your own interest by seeing us before buying your fertilizers. FLOUR! FLOUR! It is a conceded fact that we are always in a position to save you money when in need of Flour in any quantity or grade. J. H. RIDDLE. SAVINGS BANK OF ROCK HILL, S. C. Capital, - - - - $50,000. Surplus and Profits, 31,000. "^flTH ample resources and every facility for the transaction of the Banking business in all its branches, this bank solicits the business of corporations, firms and individuals, tendering all the courtesies and accommodations that are usually extended by a WELL CONDUCTED AND OBLIGING BANKING HOUSE. Correspondence or a call solicited from those contemplating a change in their banking arrangements or the opening of a new account. Interest bearing certificates of deposit issued under special agreements. D. HUTCHISON, President, J. R. LONDON, Vice President. R. LEE KERR, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Rock Hill, S. C. ORGANIZED JANUARY, 1887. Capital, $75,000 Snmliis and Profits, - - - 32,000 Total DiTiflenfls Paid, - - 54,750 THIS BANK is prepared to handle any business entrusted to it, and solicits the accounts of Merchants, Farmers, and private individuals. We will extend every accommodation consistent with a safeand conservative management. W. L. RODDEY. President. J. H. MILLER. Cashier. L. C. HARRISON, Teller. PAUL WORKMAN, Bookkeeper DIRECTORS I I Jno. R. London, W. L. Roddey, J. E. Roddey, T. L. Johnston,1 A. F. Ruff, W. J. Roddey, J. H. Miller. CONFEDERATE PENSIONS. The ex-confederate soldiers of the various townships in Tork county, are hereby notified to meet at the places below mentioned, in their respective townships, on saturday, the 10th day of april next, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing three of their number (who are not applicants for pensions) who are to constitute the township pension board for their respective townships. The persons elected under the amended act are to be sworn and file their oaths with the clerk of the court. Fort Mill township, to meet at Fort Mill. Catawba township, to meet at Rock Hill. Betheftda township, to meet at Bethesda church. Bullock's Creek township* to meet at Blairsville. Broad River township, to meet at Hickory Grove. Cherokee township, to meet at Blacksburg. King's Mountain township, to meet at Bethany. Bethel township, to meet at Glenn & Riddle's store. Ebenezer township, to meet at Newport. York township, to meet at Yorkville. IREDELL JONES, Chairman of County Board of Pensions. J. F. Wallace, Secretary. March 24 24 3tw ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A Year for Five Years?That Is a Very Liberal Offer Indeed, BUT that is what a gentleman offers to give the county to help macadamize the public roads. While I am not able to give $1000 in cash, I will GIVE MY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the county FREE OF CHARGE for any work on Rock Crusher, Engine, or any other piece of machinery used in road construction, when necessary, for five years, (if I be here, that length of time.) While I think of it. If you have a Steam Gauge, Safety Valve, Jet or Injector, or any other piece of machinery that is not absolutely reliable, bring it to me and have it made so. F. A. GOSMAN. Next door to Dobson's Racket. February 17 14 w 3m COFFINS HOBIvS ANI) CASKETS. WE now have probably the largest stock in the county to select from. Pyices to suit customers, from the cheap; est to tine Oaks, Walnuts, Broadcloth's of various qualities. Metalic and White goods in infants and adults sizes. Personal attention. New Hearse. W. B. MOORE & CO. THE TW ICE-A-WEEK ENQUIRER FURNISHES up-to-date news, fresh atul crisp every Wednesday and Saturday. See your nearest clubmaker. G.H. Q'LEARY. I HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE OF all kinds demanded in this section of the country. Goods bought right are half sold, and we believe we have bought right. If you need anything in our line, we can begin at the front door and supply you with everything needful, hall, parlor, library, bedrooms, diningroom and kitchen complete. My warehouse, twice the size of my store, is packed full; so if you do not see what you want, ask for it. G. H. O'LEARY. CARPETS, RUGS, ETC. A NEW line of All Wool Carpets. A Cotton Chain Caroets, Rugs in all grades, Art Squares. Mattings, Brussels and Moouette. We sell by Samples. Window Shades of all shades and grades. G. h. O'LEARY. fixnuFs T17E are still selling the stoves, yy Noble Cookinfi, stoves, Ranges, Iron King and Elmo Heating Stoves, and a large line of cheaper Stoves, Grates, Stove Repairs, Stove Ware, Pipes, etc. G. H. O'LEARY. SADDLES AND HARNESS. WE still keep on hand a large stock of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Whips, etc. In all the abo ve lines our facilities are the best for handling these goods, and we are prepared to sell as low as any market. G. h. O'LEARY. JTM. STARR & CO. leading druggists. JAS. M. STARR & CO. STILL have some Red Clover and Orchard Grass Seed. This is a good time to sow it. Also have Orange Cane Seed, Millet Seed, German, and will soon have Cattail. Millet is very fine feed for stock, and comes on at a time when needed. Sow soon as there is no danger of fro3t; or any time during the summer. Can cut it in time to sow peas on some land. We sell Landreths' Garden SeetS. Every paper fresh. Two papers for five cents. Landreths' Onion Sets, ten cents per quart. Good assortment of fresh Flower Seed. Can furnish anv kind wanted. Beans and Peas Seeds, five cents for one tin full. DO not allow the Hawks to takeoff the little chicks. Go to STARR'S and he- will sell you medicine that will sure fix Mr. Hawk. Soak your seed corn in Coal Tar. Dr. Walker says, if you will soak it, the crows will not pull up the corn. STARR sells the Coal Tar. FOR inside work?plaster or wood? Alahastine has no superior. STARR has it in white or tint ed colors. Also sells Plastico. Anyone asm mix and apply it. YES we are selling 25 plugs of Tobacco for $1. Also sells Ogburn's "Dixie," the best in town. Have about 20 different brands. THREE Clears for five cents; but we sell the best Cigar for five cents on the mark9t. J. M. STARR & CO., Leading Druggists. Carolina buggy co. NO BUCGY ON THE MARKET IS EQUAL to the CAROLINA BUGGY at the price it is sold.. It is not only the best buggy built in the southern states; but is also the best finished, in painting and trimming, while its durability is equal to almost any requirement. The painting never allows it to present a shoddy, makeshift appearance at any 1 - -- " !A- HTUJIa J f ia mnrln frt stage 01 us existence. ?? uuc ? ? ...uuu ^ sell, it is also made to satisfy the customer and represent a value equal to the price for which it is sold. It is LIGHT AND STRONG and always built of the very best material to be hud, and in all stages of its construction it is passed through a thorough, severe and critical inspection by one whose first thought is to nave it built as nearpefectiou as human skill can accomplish. We make thein to order or keep them in stock, and it will be to your interest to consult us when in need of a vehicle. THE CINCINNATI BUCCY Can always be purchased from us and at almost any price. We CAn furnish them in any style desired. When you purchase a Cincinnati Buggy you had better first get our price, for the reason that if you don't you might throw money away. We sell them at their true value only. CAROLINA BUGGY CO. MAS^FERGUSOM. ON THE LIPS OF EVERYONE Q K YEARS ago, was the name of the O great and noble Robert E. Lee, and between the lips of eveiy one now is my famous ROBERT E. LEE CIGAR, which from a smoker's standpoint, is as good as our noble chieftain was great. The price is 5 cents only. SEED OATS. I have a supply of Red Rust Proof and White Oats. PLANTATION SUPPLIES. You can find a nice supply of Plow Moulds, Backhands, Chains, Haines, etc. AXE HANDLES AND BROOMS. If you want a nice Broom or a good Axe Handle, see me. The one is a woman's weapon, while the other is the weapon of a man. You can, however, clean out the^ranch with either. BESIDES SUGAR AND COFFEE, I can supply you with Hams, Flourt Canned Goods, and all kinds of Fancv ^ vf Afir FERGUSON. \jri uuci ica. . ?? LOUIS ROTH. NICE OAT FLAKES. I STILL have on hand Loose Oat- ' Hakes at 6 pounds for 25 ceutA BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. A good quality of Buckwheat Flour at 6 pounds for 25 cents. MAPLE SYRUP. I have a fine quality of Maple Syrup, in bottles and kegs. I have nice Evaporated Apples and peach 09. DAINTIES AND NOVELTIES. I have just received a nice supply ol dainty Graham Wafers at 15 cents per pound and Butter Gems at 10 cents. Ladies are cordially invited to inspect these goods. LOUIS ROTH. ^?HMMM???? WE WANT PURCHASERS THIS WEEK for School Books, Crayons, Haley's and Stafford's Ink, Stationery and Blank Books, plain and decorated Crockeryware, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits, Tea, Tobacco, very tine Irish Potatoes and other things. Lamm & Co's Sample Clothing Book for Spritig, 1897, is now ready for inspection. If you want a good suit or part of a suit, made in the best style and guaran; teed to lit, you are requested to examine i these samples. W. M. KENNEDY. SHAFTING AND PULLEYS. FEET one inch-atul-a-half (li) SHAFTING ; 3 Hangers, 14 inches drop; 2 Cone Pulleys?one of four speed and the other of three; and two sets of Collars. For sale at a bargain. Apply L. SI. GRIST.