Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, February 20, 1897, Image 3

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HYMENEAL. Married?At the residence of the bride's parents, near Beersheba church, on February 17, 1897, by Rev. S. H. Hay, Mr. E. MEEK HOWE and Miss ELIZA C. WILSON. Both of York county. PAU&TING, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL. I AM located in Yorkville and do PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL Painting, Paperbanging, etc. I have had 11 years' experience and am prepared to do 4 opnrr ^onnrtmPflt. of Ill Oi< Uinoo * ? i n in v? v i j > ?. v... ... my trade. Outside bouse painting will receive due attention on short notice. Call on or write me for estimates at Kuykendal's Drug Store. A. J. LEE. Fabruary 20 15 s3m APPLICATION JPOR DISCHARGE. THE undersigned, administrator of the estateS. D. STOWE, deceased, hereH by gives notice that he has made a final settlement with the Judge of Probate for York county, and on the 3rd day of March, 1897, at 10 o'clock a. in. will apply for a discharge from further liability. H. P. STOWE, Administrator. February 6 11 s 5t APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE. THE undersigned, administrator of the estate of G. M. ROBERTS, deceased, hereby gives uotice that he has made a final settlement of the estate with the Probate Judge, and that on the 1st day of March, 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m. will apply for a final discharge from further liability. M. R. REESE. Administrator. T. F. McDow, Attorney, January 30 9 s5t. $800.00 REWARD! PROCLAMATION. State or soutn Carolina?ejiccuidc Chamber. WHEREAS information has been received at this department, that MARION R. REESE and DANIEL F. LUCKIE, both convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment in the penitentiary, broke jail at YORKVLLLE, S. C., on February 13th, 1897, and fled from justice. Now, therefore, I, W. H. ELLERBE, Governor of the State of South Carolina, in order that justice may be done and the majesty of the law vindicated, do hereby offer a reward of FIVE HUNDRED . DOLLARS for the apprehension aud delivery of the said MARION R. REESE to the sheriff of York county, S. C., and THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said DANIEL F. LUCKIE to the sheriff of York county, S. C. Description of Reese.?Color, white; age, 42: weight, 185; height, 5 feet, 10 inches; black thin hair; eyes, blue-grey; mustache, dyed ; bald spot on head ; bullet scar behind right ear side of head. Description of Luckie.?Color, white; age, 20; height, 5 feet 8 inches; weight, 140 pounds: hair, black; eyes, brown; r large turned up nose; long upper lip. In' testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state to be affix-j ? r> l: eu, HI tuiuuium, IUI3 1UI/U u nj [seal.] of February, A. D., 1897, and in the 121st year of the independence of the United States of ' America. W. H. ELLERBE, Governor. Bythe governor; D. H. Thompkins, Secretary of State. February 20 15 s It L. G. GRIST. S. M. GRIST. GRIST COUSINS. THE MAS OR W0MAM~ WHO reads our advertisements is alwa\ s posted as to where to get the best goods for the least money, ana if the information is not utilized, it's not our J fault. We make low prices voluntarily, and don't wait to be forced down b> competition. We Are Still Offering TWENTY pounds of Standard Granulated Sugar for $1. (We don't handle the German granulated?it's not good enough for our customers). 6 pounds of Arbuckle's Ariosa Coffee for $1. 6 pounds of choice Green Coffee for $1. 3 dozen Heinz Pickles?the best?for 25 cents. , L 4 pounds of Evaporated Apples lor 25 L cents. r3 3-pound cans of x eiiow fie rescues for 25 cents. 14 pounds of the best Rice for ?1. A 12-inch Disstou Saw Mill File for 25 cents. An Iron Stand and three Iron Lasts for 50 cents. 3 pounds of Mixed Nuts?Almonds, Filberts, Hazel and Pecans?for 25 cents. 1 quart of Peanuts for 5 cents?fresh roasted. Lemons at 15 Cents a Dozen. We have just received a lot of extra choice Lemons which we are offering at 15 cents a dozen. Can't sell two dozen for 25 cents. We have also received a fresh lot of Oranges and they will go at 15 cents a dozen, or two dozen for 25 cents. GRIST COUSINS. Avery Ga. Ratchet Stocks are the , best. We have them. Also Boy Dixie Turn Plows. J. H. RIPPLE. RED RUST PROOF OATS. We have just received a large lot of PURE RUST PROOF OATS. They are fine and are selling fast. Buy quick, as our supply will soon be exhausted. GUANO AND ACID, Cotton Seed Meal and Kainit. We, as usual^ are on top IN THE FERTILIZER business. We control some of the most popular brands and therefore some of the best brands sold on this market, including such goods as the celebrated EDISTO, BERKELEY AND NAVASSA CUANOS. Consult your own interest by see^ ing us before buying your fertilizers. FLOUR! FLOUR! It is a conceded fact that we are always in a position to save you money when in need of Flour in anv quantity or grade. ' J. H. RIDDLE. See me when you want Lime, Shingles and Laths. \ llil M i our g sl; Buyers froi Crowded Days, 1 INO WE EXTEN] of many of thosf their friends, wl bad weather. i THE MOST LIBE Goods firm STANDS the public will have i 25 PER CENT. Dl 20 PER CENT AT COS' nels, Red an Ti J eans and ?5i CUT AWAY BE will positively can asking. Hosiery or Gloves bearing above trademark are absolutely fast black, clean,stainless, pore, bright and durable. Ask for Hermsdorfdyed Hosiery at hosiery counter. mm The Slaughter of all Staple Cotton Goods Surpasses all previous records. What will become of the manufacturers, we don't know, but their loss is your gain. Now is your time to buy. Things cannot always be this way. Good 7-8 Bleach at y/2 (cents, our "Bound to Win" 4-4 Bleach at 4 cents, the Flyer 4-4 Bleach at 5 cents, Barker Mills 4-4 Bleach at 6^ cents. 4 cents Plaids at 2 l/i cents, 5 cents Plaids at 4 cents, 6 cents plaids at 5 cents, 4 cents Calico at 3 cents, 5 cents Dress Calico at 4 cents. 5 cents Dress Ginghams at 3 cents ; 8 cents Dress Ginghams at \ l/2 cents. 40-inch Sea Island at 3^ cents; 40-inch heavy Sea Island, worth 8 cents, at 5 cents; 4-4 XX 5 cents Brown Sheeting, only 4 cents ; 4-4 6 cents Brown Sheeting at 5 cents; 8 cents Outing at 6^ cents. 25 Per Cent, on Clothing HT /^vXTT> nnTTD'r'U rkT?T? ivieans x-uuimii j. our regular plain marked prices. It means a loss to us ; but we are forced to make the sacrifice on account of expected change. CALL FOR ONE OF OUR CO your name, get it registered at amount of $25.00, YOU CAN G O-JLItTS iREAT LUGHTE in all Parts Our Store ^roving- the] lURADVE D TEN DAYS] ; who have atten 10 have been pr RAL OFFER EVER OPEN UNTIL THE iccess to our great sto< SCOUNT ON ALL . DISCOUNT ON W PER CENT. DISC4 P?Our entii d Blue Twill oad Cloths. I.OW COST?All c *y over winter ? 20 Per Cent, on Wool Furnishings Means the greatest bargains ever offered in this line. It means LESS THAN COST. Goods bought below cost of manufacturer, at auction, and otherwise are subject to same loss. 10 Per Cent, on Shoes Is equal to 25 per cent, on the present market price?that shoes have advanced 10 to 15 per cent, is no longer an idle dream. We foresaw the advance and but for our great facilities and buying so largely last summer we would never have been able to make this great reduction in the face of the present advance. At 50 Cents Per Pair. Some 500 pairs of Odds and Ends in Ladies, Glove Grain, and Dongola Shoes which we have formerly sold at 85 cents to $1.25. At 85 Cents Per Pair We will sell until the '45th day of February, a better Shoe than anv man has ever sold in York" for $1.00. Great Hosiery Sensation. WE ARE THE PEOPLE FOR HOSIERY. People buy Hosiery whether they need it or not. Prices irresitable. Think UPON CARDS?the Clerks may f< the office, and the amount of j ET YOUR CHOICE of any of these IOTT JDttlT C lfl TE] JIloi below :r sal I of the Co i During th Public's Coi RTISEME LONGER, at the ided our sale, f< evented attendii] MADE to the people 25TH DAY OF FEJ cks of goods at the fol fl OTUINO DIIPI OOL UNDER AND DUNT ON ALL SH *e stock of ( Flannels ar ?ur stock ot Winte roods. They are y< 1 THIS LABEL ON A CHILDS SUIT f GUARANTEES PERFECTION. [ of it ! Men's 8 cents Black Hose at 3 cents, Men's io cent's GreyMixed Hose, were io cents, now 5 cents ; Ladies Grey Mixed Hose suffer the same sacrifice. The Ladies 25 cents Hose for 15 cents?the greatest sacrifice of all. Think of a Heavy Ribbed 25 cents Black Hose for boys or misses at 15 cents. The Ladies' 25 cents Fleeced Lined Herinsdorff Black Hose reduced NOT from 25 cents to 16^ BUT to 10 cents. New Attractions. THE FIRST IMPORTATION OF SILKS. A JOB in Black Silk, worth 75 cents, at 35 cents. A Genuine Pean de Soir Silk, ?/ > nor irorA i>f C. T 1 C\ VYU1 111 ^U*v* Mb ys JL. , Qy. 875 yards Kaiki Silk worth 38 cents at 21 cents. 50-inch Chiffon, worth 90 cents per yard at 65 cents. 37 New Dress Patterns In the latest styles, now 011 display. Newest Tinsel Window Drapery at 10 cents. 2,000 MILES IN EMBROIDERIES at slaughtered prices. >rget you. It is worth $4.00 t our purchase punched out, and i great books FREE OF CHARGE. 3-OOIDS CO R DAYS MGER COST ,ES. unty Have e Last 15 ifidence NTS. ^ mm w ! earnest request >r the benefit of ig on account of of York by any Dry BRUARY, 1897, and [lowing discounts: 3HASES. TOP SHIRTS. IOE PURCHASES. Canton Flanid Wool Fill r Dress Goods. We >nrs almost for the Our 50 Cents Corset Beats the World. EARLY SPRING WASH GOODS. 2,000 yards 36-iiich Percales at 8 cents, worth 15 cents. New Maddress Cloths, New Bouretted Chamberg, worth 12^ cents, at 8 cents. Tailormade suiting and Print Cloths. Don't Forget the Greatest Gift Ever offered to the people of York. With every $25.00 worth of Goods purchased at our store we give any one of the following thrilling stories : "America from the Discovery iii 1492 to the Present Time,"? By James P. Boyd. "Bleeding Armenia, or Under the Curse of Islam."?By Rev. A. H. Williams. "Bible Chats With Children." ?By Rev. P. C. Headly. "Food for the Hungry."?By Julia McNair Wright. "Tales of the Frozen North." ?By Capt. Wm. H. Wharton. "The Life of Christ."?By F. W. Farrar. "The United States Secret Service in the Last War."?By Generrl LaFayette. "Stanley's Story, or Through the Wilds of Africa."?By H. M. Stanley. "Story of the Crusades."?By James P. Boyd. "Josephus's Complete Works Translated.?By Wm. Whistan, A. M. Illustrated Books of all Religious Heroes and Statesmen of America. All the books are large, we'll bound and fully illustrated and I ready tor your inspection. o yon. Have the clerk to insert when you have purchased to the The People's to Serve, AUCTION SALES. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, District of South Carolina. Louis H. Comstock, Trustee, Complainant, against Carolina Sulphuric Acid Manufacturing company, Defendant. BY vfrtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of South Carolina, passed on the 8th day of January, 1897, in the above en titled cause, and of a decree thereafter duly entered in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina, auxilliary in said suit, between the same parties, I, JOHN F. .TOVFS Qnonial maafar thorahv Hootnrna. ted, will, on the days and at the places hereinafter set out, sell AT PUBLIC AUCTION to the highest bidder, all of the property belonging to the defendant corporation, whether the same be situated in tho state of North Carolina or in South Carolina; that is to say, to*wit: All that certain tract of land known as the " Mooney tract and Sulphur Mine," situated in Gaston county, North Carolina, containing 189 acres, more or less, together with dwelling bouse, store, barns and other buildings thereon, all machinery, tools, fittings and supplies of each ana every description incident to, or thereto pertaining, and all mineral rights, rights of way and other privileges belonging or incident to the same. Also that certain thirty acres tract, be it more or less, situated in York county, South Carolina,, adjacent to the town of Blacksbure, and upon which is located the REDUCTION WORKS and ACID PLANT of the defendant company (except, however, the one and one-half acres, more or less, reserved to the R. A D. R. R. company as a pump station, and excepting the five acres tract sold to the Durham Fertilizer company, on which it has erected its factory.) Also, that certain seven acre tract, situated in the town of Blacksbnr^, York county, South Carolina, bought ol N. W. Hardin. Also, another lot of land in same town and county, containing about nine and three-quarter acres, bought of E. Blackwell. Also, one other lot containing about nine acres and three-quarters, adjoining the lot above described. Also, the defendant company's plant, reduction works, acid chambers, chemist's quarters and assaying plant, including all the machinery, furnaces, rolls, crushers, elevators, shafting, pulleys, belts, amalgamators, collecting pans, settling pans, engines, boilers, pipes and piping, tanks, pumps, steam 'exhaust and other connections, scales, implements, tools, derricks, and all personal property owned' by the defendant company wheresoever the same may be situated, including all mining machinery, hoists, engines, boilers, wire rope, pumping machinery now owned or in any way connected with the property of the defendant company herein described, together with all and singular the alleys, road& ways, wateTcourees, easements, or any other right or privilege incident to, or in any way appertaining to the property hereinbefore described. Also, all leases, options, contracts or patent rights, that the defendant compauy may own or possess. ,\11 the land and personal property in South Carolina, shall he sold at YORKVILLE, South Carolina, at the COUNTY COURT HOUSE, on the 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1897, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon : and the land in North Carolina, at DALLAS COURT HOUSE. Gaston county. North Carolina, on the 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1897, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. . The terms of the above mentioned sales in North and South Carolina, are as follows to-wiU Five thousand dollars (95,000) to be deposited with the special master in cash, or by certified check, by any one desiring to bid and before any bid be received, out of which is to be paid the costs, fees, and expenses incidental to these proceedings, together with an v sum or sums due by the receiver and allowed by the court, together with any claims that may be established or adjudged to be a preferred claim, or in any manner having priority of or to be in displacement of the mortgages of the defendant company ; and should this amount not be sufficient to pay such costs, fees and other expenses, together with any sum or sums that may be legally due and owing to the receiver and allowed by the court, and any claims that may be established and adjudged to be preferred claims or in any manner having priority of, or to be i? Ji 1 i -if iU- * ?! IUa ID aiapiai'HUJUUt UI, tut) uiurigaKW ui tan defendant company, then each deficit is to be paid out of any sum that may be bid: and the purchaser or purchasers shall pay in addition to the five thousand dollars ($5,000) to be deposited as hereinbefore provided for, one half of the amount bid by them, either in cash or in bonds or debts of the defendant company, secured by its said mortgages, and that the balance be on a credit of twelve months, with interest from date, to be secured by bond of the purchaser with mortgage of the premises. The purchaser or purchasers to have the privilege of paying all cash, or in the bonds or debts of the defendant which are secured by the mortgages of the defendant. But should the five thousand dollars ($5,000) ordered to be deposited not be sufficient to pay the costs, fees and expenses incident to these proceedings, together with any sum legally due by the receiver and allowed by the court, and any claim that may be established or adjudged to be a preferred claim, or in any manner having priority of, or in displacement of, the mortgages of the defendant, then such deficit is to be paid out of any sum bid lor the property nerinbefore described. This sale is made subject to confirmation by the court upon the conling in of the report herein. For further particulars and a full description of the property, reference is hereby made to said decree now on file with the clerks of the several courts hereinbefore referred to. JNO. F. JOiJES, c 1 opeuiui iTiiuici* Duncan & Sasdebs, Complainant's Solicitors. January 30 9 s 4t YORK MUSfc STORE. LISTEN HERE! THE Lester Piano Company says: "We guarantee that everything about the LESTER PIANO, from the strings to the varnish, and each of the seven thousand parts used in its construction, are of the highest grade. "We guarantee the LESTER PIANO absolutely. If any flaws should develop under fair usage, we will make it right without expense to the purchaser, or re place it with a new piano. "Every purchaser of the "Lester" receives a written guarantee for ten years." I HAVE THE PAPERS, Stating that the LESTER PIANO has been pronounced, by competent judges, to be superior to the pianos now used in two of the most prominent female colleges in South Carolina. IT WILL PAY VOL To SEE ME and the LESTER PIANO L)eiore niHKJiig a pureuose. .moos mo very lowest and satisfaction given everytirae. GEO. T. SCHORB. COFFINS ROBES AND CASKETS. WE now have probably the largest stock in the county to select Irom. Prices to suit customers, from the cheapest to tine Oaks, Walnuts, Broadcloth's of various qualities. Metalic and White goods in infants and adults sizes. Personal attention. New Hearse. W. B. MOORE & CO.