Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, December 09, 1896, Image 3

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* this country, the president intimates that he is aware of a very strong feeling. He is aware of the fact that it has been suggested that a war with Spain should be neither large in proportions or doubtful in issue ; but of this, he says, there is no need to express an opinion. The fact remains, however, that the United States has a character to maintain, and that it must not fall into the error that might makes right. In concluding this subject, the president gives utterance to. some expressions which might be construed as sounding rather warlike. He says: "Deferring the choice of ways and methuda until the time for action arrives, we should make them depend upon the precise conditions then ex isting ; and ibey snouia uot oe aetermined upon without giving careful heed to every consideration involving our honor and our interest, or the international duty we owe to Spain. Until we face the contingencies suggested, or the situation is by other incideuts imperatively changed, we should continue in the line of conduct heretofore pursued, thus in all circumstances exhibiting our obedience to the requirements of public law and our regard for the position we occupy in the family of nations. A contemplation of emergencies that may arise should plainly lead us to avoid their creation, either through a careless disregard of present duty or even an undue stimulation and ill-timed expression of feeling. But I have deemed it not amiss to remind the congress that a time may arive when a correct policy and care for our interests as well as regard for the interests of other nations and their citi?. zens, joined by considerations of humauity and a desire to see a rich and fertile country, intimately related to us, saved from complete devastation, will constrain our government to such nnrinn as will subserve the interests thus involved and at the same time promise to Cuba aud its iubabitants an oppartuuity to enjoy the blessings of peace." *? Brief reference is made to the condition of affairs in Turkey, and the president expresses the opinion that he does not believe this country will be allowed to much longer offend the sight of all Christendom. There is quite a chapter on trusts, and although there is little effort to explain why existing laws on the subject have not been enforced, the president expresses the opinion that the % trusts should be promptly crushed. He does not think that tbv. Federal government has sufficient authority in the premises; but thinks that if the various state governments would take hold of the matter, their united efforts would accomplish the desired end. On the financial question, the president, discourses as follows: "I am more convinced than ever that we can have no assured fiuancial peace and safety uutil the government curiency obligations upon which gold may be demanded from the treasury are withdrawu from circulation and canceled. This might be done, as has been heretofore recommended, by their exchange for long term bonds bearing a low rate of iuterest, or by their redemption with the proceeds of such bonds. Even if only the United States notes known as greenbacks were thus retired, it is probable that the treasury notes issued in payment of silver purchases under the act of July 14, 1890, now paid in gold when ? j 1j u ,i;? demanuea, wouiu uui uicmc muuu uw turbance, as they might, from time to time, when received in the treasury by redemytion in gold or otherwise, be gradually and prudently replaced by silver coin. This plan of issuiug bonds for the purpose of redemption certainly appears to be the most effective and direct path to the needed reform. In default of this, however, it would be a step in the right direction if currency obligations redeemable in gold, whenever redeemed, should be cancelled instead of being reissued. This operation would be a slow remedy, but it would improve present conditions. National banks should redeem their own notes. They should be allowed to issue circulation to par value of bonds deposited as security for its redemption, aud the tax on this ftk/v.il/1 Ka nnti<l tn nnp. CirCUiailuu auuum wv ?vv*v*vv?i fourth of one per ceut. "Io considering projects for the retirement of United States notes and treasury notes issued under the law of 1890, I am of the opinion that we have placed too much stress upon the danger of contracting the currency and have calculated too little upou the gold that would be added to our circulation if invited to us by better and safer financial methods. It is not so much a contraction of our currency that should be avoided as its unequal distribution. This might be obviated, and any fear of harmful contraction at the same time removed, by allowing > the organization of smaller banks and in less populous communities than are now permitted, and also authorizing existing banks to establish branches in small communities under proper restrictions. The entire case may be presented by the statement that the day of sensible and sound financial methods will not dawn upon us until our government abandons the banking business and the accumulation of funds, and confines its monetary operations to the receipt of the money contributed by the people for its suparts) tr\ tVio avnon^ifttro nf QlU'h money for the people's benefit. Our business interests and all good citizens long for rest from feverish agitation and the inauguration by the government of a reformed financial policy which will encourage enterprise and make certain the rewards of labor and industry." In conclusion, the president make3 an apppeal to congress for the most rigid economy in the matters of expending public money, and hopes that after all of the recent political differences have been forgotten, there will be no other recollection than that of official duty well performed, and the memory of a "constant devotion to the interest of our confiding fellow countrymen." Might Recover. John Buzzard, the Edgefield, desperado who was so horribly shot, stabbed, and stoned by the Hendersons about a week or ten days ago, was not killed after all. He is said to be getting along first rate and it is given out that, after all, he may recover. AT THE CHURCHES. trinity methodist episcopal. Rev. A. N. Branson, pastor. No prayer meeting this week. Sunday Services.?There will be no preaching morning or evening. Sunday school at 4 o'clock p. in. presbyterian. Rev. W. G. Neville, pastor. Prayermeeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sunday Services.?Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. Sunday school in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Preaching in the evening at 7. baptist. Rev. D. C. Freeman, Jr., pastor. Prayer meeting Thursday Qvening at 7.30. Sunday Services.?YORKVILLE? Sunday school at 10 o'clock in the morning. CLOVER?Preaching in the morning at 11 o'clock. UNION?Preaching in tho afternoon at 3.30. associate reformed. Rev. Boyce H. Grier, pastor. There will be prayer meeting this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Sunday Services.?YORK VILLE? Suuday school in the afternoon at 3.30. TIRZAH?Preaching in the morning at 11.30 o'clock by the pastor. episcopal. Rev. R. W. Anderson, rector. Evening prayer every afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. On Holy days there will be holy communion at 10 a. m. Sunday Services.?At 7.30 a. m. there will be holy communion. At 11 o'clock there will be morning prayer and sermon. Sunday schooliat 3.30 o'clock p. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7. There will also be a celebration of the holy communion at 11 a. m. on the first Sunday in every month. gRaitftiit gcportsi: YORK VILLE, December 9.?Cotton 6J to 7. NEW YORK, December 7.--Cotton 7 9-16. Futures closed steady; January, 7.33; February, 7.40; March, 7.48; April, 7.53; May, 7.59; June, 7.63; July, 7.65; August, 7.67; December, 7.27; sales, 209,200. Jfyqial JJotices. Preaching at Clover. There will be preaching at Clover Baptist church Saturday at 11 a. m., by Rev. D. C. Freeman, Jr., Pastor. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whon this tube gets inflamed you have ~ onnml <vr inmerfeet hearing'. a luuiuiiug ovum\% w. ? , and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Seud for circulars, free. P. J. Cheney <ft Co., Toledo, Ohio. hymenealt Married?By Magistrate H. E. Johnson, on Sunday, the 6th instant, W. F. ARMSTRONG and Miss LOU GUNNELL. All of Bethel township. qbituaryDied?Near the Chapel, four miles north of Yorkville, on the 6th instant, Mrs. NANCY PACKARD, widow of L. L. Packard, aged about 70 years. Near the Chapel?four miles north of Yorkville?on Decemner om, isyo, miss JANE B. WALKER, aged about 68 years. $1.50 A CORD. WE want AT ONCE 100 cords of large pine wood, for which we will pay $1.50 a cord. Come and see us and make a trade right now. YORKVILLE ROLLER MILLS. Pblham Mokrow, Manager. BRICK; BRICK!! BRICK!!! Qnn A round OUU,UU\J FIRST-CLASS BRICKS are on my yards in Yorkville, and for sale. Call on or write to T. B. McCLAIN. November 4 89 w tf JERSBV CATTLE, BERKSHIRE HOGS, A. H. WHITE, Bbkkder, STOCK FOR SALE. Rock Hill, S. C. August 19 67 6m HOUSE AM) LOT FOR SALE. A ONE ANI) ONE-HALF ACRE t.ot. with tine TEN ROOM HOUSE and outhouses, located in a desirable neighborhood in the town oi Yorkville, for sale cheap. For terms and other information apply to the undersigned. W. W. LEWIS, Attorney. November 25 {15 wtf ESTATE OF L. C. BLACK, DEC'I). ALL persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. LAURA C. BLACK, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Persons having claims against the said estate are | requested to present them, duly authenticated, within thejtime prescribed by law. WM. ANDERSON, I v . TIIOS. L. BLACK, j Executors. Blacksburg, S. C., Nov. 18,18tMi. w.'lt COUNTY CLAIMS. ALL persons holding claims or demands of any kind against York county, not heretofore presented to the board, are required to tile the samo with the secretary of the board, or the supervisor, on or before the 15TH DAY Oh DECEMBER next, in order that the LA im/Jilo/1 SUII1U JIIit v wo nuuiw... J. S. BRICK, Secretary of the County Board. November 25 95 w4t SIXTEEN TO ONE THAT you can find the nicest line of JEWELRY and SILVER NOVELTIES, suitable lor CHRISTMAS, BIRTH IiAY and WEDDING PRESENTS in Yorkyille, at TOM SPECK'S, and at the most reasonable prices. His stock of Cull' Buttons, Collar Buttons, Shirt Studs and Ladies' Jewelry is very complete, and his stocks of Finger Rings and Gold Watches is exceptionally attractive. His stock of Nickel Alarm Clocks is full up and his prices at the bottom notch. In short, he has a nice line of the class of goods you would expect to find in a jewelry store and the articles are just what the recipient would appreciate most. See TOM SPECK before you buy. THE (iRAND FINALE!j My Clothing Sale at Slashing I Prices to Remain of Force J Only 23 Days Longer. th w IN HOSIERY, I AM IN IT! g fO! Full Line of Children's 2-Piece t Ribbed Cotton Snits. if SI NEW DRESS GOODS JUST IN. C 80 frr Ladies' Wool Hose at 10 Cents, and ^ a Full Line of Ladies Flannel . ? Lined Oil Grain Shoes. D] If you have not already avail- w ed yourself of the opportunity of ^ buying your clothing, gentlemen, ^ at my slashing prices you now 10, have only 23 days in which to make up your mind and make Pe your selections. While my stock Bc is large and my numbers are yet complete, it is the early pur- = chaser who will likely get the \ best and choicest bargains. I ? have Overcoats at bargains that cannot be duplicated, and my y clothing is entirely out of the reach of all competitors. I have made great claims on ft 1 my stock of Ladies' and Children's stockings, and I have ^ neither. seen nor heard anything J to discredit my -claims. I am c simply leading the market on tViic 1in#? onr\ pvprvnnp seems tolCA realize that Strauss's is the place V<J to buy stockings. wi] If you have never examined 1 my 2-piece cotton suits for children you should do so at once. At They have just come in and must go with the balance in the next the 33 days. " MY FOURTH ORDER for "1 CAPES THIS SEASON has J just arrived and are now to be I*? found on my slashing counter, any one of which is a great bargain. Make selections quick. I have just received a nice line of Ladies' Wool Stockings and ^ the price is only 10 cents. dr< Ladies' Oil Grain Flannel n; Lined Shoes. ser And last but not least don't d forget my stock of Corsets. .H. C. STRAUSS. 688 ?i Kif X.. G. GRIST. S. M. GRIST. a GRIST COUSINS. P?, vel ARE YOU WILLING. ^ WE want to f sell you your Raisins, Ur Citron, Currants, wil Icing Sugar, Extract of Lemon, issi Extract of "Vanilla, Whole Cocoanuts, * car Shredded Cocoanut, Baker's Premium Chocolate, the Mace, ? Ground Cinamon, b Ground and whole Cloves, Gelatine, etc., for your nis Christmas Dinner. You will find 0f that our goods are of the best I quality and-our prices right. We have Evaporated Apples and Peaches, White Beans, fT Irish Potatoes, Extra Choice Cabbage me and Mackerel that - bus will come in very cor Nicely before Christmas. has Northern Apples?10 cents a cus dozen or 25 cents a peck. grf We want to buy ab] 1(0 dozen Eggs. GRIST COUSINS. " Ph ~ enl GRADED SCHOOL BONDS. ab< Election on the Question of Issuing Four Thousand Dollars of Bonds. ^yj UNDER authority given to the board an; of trustees in Section 7 of an act entitled "An Act to create the school district of Yorkville in York county and enable it to organize a system of free f? schools and to levy a tax in support of Pl the same and to purchase and hold prop- y?' erty," AN ELECTION will be held at the COURT HOUSE IN YORKVILLE, =* on TUESDAY, the 22nd day of DECEMBER, instant, to give the qualified voters of said school district an opportunity to ? ?nnn tho nnfstion as to whether or 1W not said trustees shall be authorized to r-r issue FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS I worth of BONDS to iun for TWENTY j0( YEARS and bear 7 per cent, interest pay- jjr able annually, the proceeds of said bonds far to be used in purchasing or erecting suita- pin ble school building and in providing suit- j3a able furniture and apparatus for the same. to Polls to be open from 12 o'clock, M., to ^j)( 5 o'clock P. M. By order of the Board. !? J. F. WALLACE, Chairman of the Board. j December 9 99 w2t WRITE EASY! *e< JUST as easy to write with a RAPID ,?f. WRITER FOUNTAIN PEN as it is UL to "scribble" with a pencil and you know _ how easy that is. The Rapid Writer Pen w has no superior and lew equals on the American market. It is guaranteed to ' last you 10 years. Any defect or break- T age not caused by neglect or misuse will be X made good by the Company. There are sli about six or eight dozen Rapid Writer set Pens in use in tiiis county anu'they are all giving perfect satisfaction. For prices ho n..,f r.iritu.r intVirmaiinn. ??11 on or write to PC " '"OLIVER K G RIST.Lock Box 8, be Yorkville, S. C. rai CLUB FOR THE RNQ.UIKEK. JJl I AM engaged in making a club of sub- Cr scribers for THE ENQUIRER. Per- sti sons who r&side on the mail route from tet Yorkville, by way ol' Zadok, Bethany, 821 Clark's Fork, Carp, etc., are informed foi that I have made arrangements with the ha mail contractor on that route to deliver tin Til E ENQUI HER free of charge for car- nil riage, to persons who enter their names on my club. R. L. WALLACE. ? November 21 91 tf L too CORDS WOOD WANTED. ^ WANTED immediately at the York Pi Cotton Mills, 100 CORDS of large es size sticks of DRY PINE WOOD, for va which the market price will be paid in go CASH. W. N. ASHE, JR. so September 5 72 s&wtf '. M. STARR & CO. LEADING DRUGGISTS. PORK AND HOMINY. > ARTIES killing pork, will find all the Saltpeter they are looking for STARR'S DRUGSTORE. A small lantity of Saltpeter put on the meat at e time you salt it away, makes the meat >ep better, and it is firmer and sweeter, e also have a quantity of Ground Sage r Sausage meat. We have the same nd that your grandmother used to grow . the garden. Pull strength and ready r use. JAS. M. STARR & CO. AXATIVE-BROMO-QUININE is , J guaranteed to cure a cold in 24 hours, ' taken according to directions. Sold at < 'ARR'S DRUGSTORE. ] )UR Kentucky Horse and Cattle Pow- f ders is the best thing we have ever j Id, to clean horses of worms. We speak ' >m what reliable men who have used it J v. The powders sell for only 25 cents a 1 ckage. STARR'S DRUGSTORE. IIMMONS Liver Regulartor, all kinds, l 1 Powder and Liquid, sold at STARR?S , 1UGSTORE. Soothing Syrop and ' ?s- ' u:i _ Siurm lUf uuuuipu. 1V1 wuguawj UUI } hite Pine Cough Syrup. A splendid * ;icle. J AS. M. STARR A CO. ^ I7E are in the Stationery business and V keep a first class line. Box Paper, ^ 15, 25,35, and 50 cents per box. Some . auties. Note paper from 5 to 20 cents I r quire. An elegant line of Tablets, t ma, Holders, Pencils, Inks, Blank loks, Memorandums, etc. t JAS. M. STARR & co. i Leading Druggist. 1 V. B illOOKK & CO. j MALE BIRDS. J |TE have half a dozen MALE CANAY RY BIRDS?good singers. Reimber that you can find them at the Iverything Store," and what would be licer Xmas present for your best girl ? . FRUIT CAKE. iVhen you want fruit cake materials, * u should keep us in mind. We have c isins, Citron, Currants, Cocoanuts, etc. Jhristmas is near at hand and we are s ily loadiug up for its coming, and are r w showing TOYS, FRUITS, NUTS, , .NDIES and fancy goods in endless ? rieties. a )ne Crescent Bicycle in stock that we II make inducements on if sold before nas. Call and see it. GUNS, PISTOLS, i JD CARTRIDGES, Dishes, Knives t 3 Forks. Spoons, Silverware, etc. f cing Heating stoves will more 1 in pay for themselves in the saving of a od, to say nothing of the comfort, cheapis, etc. d i'ine Coal Grates and Tile Hearths, lest Cream Cheese 15 cents retail, and Merchants at N. Y. wholesale price, a the freight. We bought futures last c ly. W. B. MOORE & CO. w 'ile, Well Curbing and Shingles. *] A HOLIDAY FEATURE. \ T each Christmas season many hnn- ^ L r ids of THE LADIES' HOME JOURreaders order subscriptions to be J; it as presents to friends. To relieve the a nor of the somewhat unpleasant nec- ^ ity of writing to the recipients of these ^ ts, telling them of the remembrance, _ eautiful Christmas card has been pre ed wliich will be sent in a sealed en- ope to each person for whom a sub iption is thus ordered, informing her the gift and the name of the donor. iless otherwise directed the subscription ^ 11 be commenced with the Christmas tl v ue, and the first copy, as well as the C d, will be mailed so as to be received b tl i day before Christmas. j uch a gift is appropriate in character, w derate in cost?only $1 a year?and fur- ^ hes the recipient 12 pleasant reminders ? the friend ordering it. Send orders to si o tEG. M. GRIST, Subscription Agt., n Yorkville, S. C. WHEN YOU WANT 10 have your PHOTOGRAPH taken, a you should not fail to come and see s i. I have been in the "picture taking" n siness for a great many years, and am 8 liident that I know my business. It d i always been my desire to please my p itomers. I am prepared to take Photo- a iphs in the latest styles and at reason- E le prices. . a TTAvrc vnrr any ] w * o lotographs tbat you would like to have v arged ? If you have, come and see me c jut it. I can do the work. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW J here my Photograph Gallery is, ask ; pone in town and they can tell you. DURING THE WINTER, iu will find my Gallery warm and sasant. Come and see me whenever 11 need photographs. Respectfully, J. R. SCHORB. LEM&ALUm IULES, HORSES AND BUGGIES. HIE time has come when every man that needs a HORSE or MULE is >king about for a good, young, well- 1 oken animal. Well, you need not look ther, for we have on hand some of the est and best horses and mules tbat ve ever been in Yorkville and c:- ret continue to handle them throughout ) season. If you have not the money , pay cash, see us about getting one 011 ie. Another shipment will arrive J ortly. B [I you need a buggy, we will only liave c say that you will regret it if you don't i i us before you buy. Also harness. * e us about both. Will sell either for sh or on time. Respectfully, 1 GLENN A ALLISON. Ill \ YOU HEAR THE TERROR- } ZING TONE OF THE BIG BELL N the court house tower, it is needless to ask its meaning, for the unconscious udder which has all but paralyzed your ises, makes you involuntarily scream 'IRE!" '1 hen you think ol your own me and your FIRE INSURANCE 1 )LICY, a matter which should have e en attended to long before the big bell j ug. If you have no insurance see us at \ ce and let us write you a policy in the t d Reliable Continental Insurance impany of New York, one of the ongest insurance companies in the Utii1 States, having gross assets of $2,51(1,- f 1.25, and reserve for re-insurance in ? ce of $4,191,020, and it costs no more to ve your insurance written in the Uonlental than in a smaller company. The les are the same. See us. S. M. A L. GEO. GRIST, Agent. { OFFINS ROBES ANI> CASKETS. X7E now have probably the largest T stock in the county to select from, ices to suit customers, from the cheap- ? t to liue Oaks, Walnuts, Broadcloth's of ( rious qualities. Metalic and White \ ods in infants and adults sizes. Per- J nal attention. New Hearse. W. B1 MOORE A CO. ] EARLY CHRISTMAS BUYING Has a two-fold advantage, viz : You are more apt to get precisely what you want and 3an make purchases with much more comfort and satisfaction, because, nearer bo Christmas, DOBSON'S RACKET is always crowded svith eager and enthusiastic customers, selecting and tmying Holiday presents for [heir friends. To get what .?i. ^ twamt CUU V\<111L, UU1I1C nun. WE DON'T WANT ifou to forget about our beautiul stock of Dress Goods for we lave the best quality and most astefully selected stock that we lave ever before been able' to purchase. Come and see for yourself. We have lady clerks hat will willingly help ypu seect your dress pattern, trimnings, etc. WE WANT YOU To remember that we have in itock a few more pairs of those 52.50 Shoes for Ladies. You :annot buy a better Shoe for the ;ame money anywhere. Chillren's and Misses', Men's and Soys' Shoes in endless variety md at different prices. CERTAINLY, Ye have Jeans. Why you ought 0 know that we have Jeans at roin 10 to 33 cents a yard. We ilways sell Jeans just as cheap as inybody. .Qinr issues. . ? ? ? ? ? 7 >uch as Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Bluing, Soda, Starch, md several other articles of genial use at the low prices we ofer them, keep moving. Custoners should always watch Dobon's prices. It will make you lealthy. Sell you loid Starch ,t 5 cents a package. It beats a Chinese laundry. Try it's glisening power, T. M. DOBSON & CO. CAROLINA BUGGY CO. rHE CINCINNATI! BUCCY 3F TODAY has its friends just as it had 10 years ago, and they seem to link that none can take its place, and re believe that they are right. We keep Cincinnati buggies on band and for sale. Ve do it for the reason that it is our usiness to sell buggies, and knowing hat everybody cannot afford to buy our 'AMOUS CAROLINA BUGGY, and bat the Cincinnati buggy is worth all re ask for tbem. we aiso Keep mem 10 ompare and contrast with our own work, yhen you put our work side by side dth other vehicles, it does not take any rguinents to convince purchasers of the uperiority of the CAROLINA BUGGY ver all others. But we want you to relember that we sell the CINCINNATI 5UGGY at almost any price. OUR OWN WORK. When it comes to our own work, we re prepared to furnish customers on hort notice with any kind of vehicle they nay want and at the lowest prices conisteut with good work and material. We o not slight our work or cover up defectve material by the use of paint. It is , pleasure and a pride to know that we are naking the best vehicle on the market ,nd we assure you that no expense will >e spared to keep it up to the reputation o honestly and justly won. When you rant any kind of vehicle you should be ertain to see us. CAROLINA BUGGY CO. (\ A. ABERXATHY. PEOPLE APPK EC IATJE ITY low prices and give me their paLtJL tronage, for which I am very much gratified. They realize that I sell my ;oods at a profit; but don't try to get rich >tf of one customer. When you want a BOOKING or HEATING STOVE, TINVARE of any description or anything in hat line, be sure to call on P. A. ABERNATAY. IV. ?. FERGUSON. rnnmeii rat t.s WA-'JL JL KJ M JL A/1AAMJK/ fTTIIEN you want something out of VV the usual order, and not always to >e found on the Yorkville bill of fare, ome to WILL FERGUSON'S and get a saekage of Shredded Codfish, out of vbich to prepare "codfish balls." I)ireeions on every package. Price 10 cents. NEW CROP MOLASSES. I ant now supplied with choice new rop New Orleans Molasses, and will be dad to furnish your tables. FRESH CANDY. I have just opened a splendid assortncnt of Candy right fresh from the facory and you are invited to inspect it. CORN SHELLERS. When you want to buy the best Corn sheller on earth, come to WILL FERiUSON and get the Black Hawk; and ,vhen you want Gold Dusf or JLaundry Soap, he's got that too. Will Ferguson has just received Oat Flakes in bulk. J. J. HUNTER. IT'S A FACT That we are handling the yery BEST all round stock of Merchandise for fall and winter that we have ever had, and are quoting the very Jowest prices. OUR sstho?cek For Ladies, Misses, Men and Children is unequaled. STROUSE & BROS.' High Art Clothing. A 1?-\TTTT_ niau uiuci :iucO) mcuium anvt ivwpriced for boys and men. niin LINE OF BLACK UUn DRESS GOODS From 5 cents to $1.50 a yard is simply superb. UNDER = Wear, Notions, Etc. Come and see us. J. J. HUNTER. RIDE A MONARCH AND KEEP IN FRONT ! TOM COOPER IS the champion BICYCLE RIDER OF AMERICA. He achieved this distinction while riding a MONARCH. The Monarch is built for speed and service. It has stood the test in competition with scores of so-called high-grade wheels and is the acknowledged champion. As an undisputable evidence of the fact that Monarchs are in front of the front rank, we will say that during the past year, when almost every other concern in the United States was demoralized and cutting prices all to pieces, the Monarch people stood by the prices at which they commenced the season, and notwithstanding this fact, sold more wheels than ever before. People who know a good wheel always prefer the Monarch. GRIST COUSINS. .1. II. RIDDLE. N. C. N. O. M. TTTE desire to call your attention to Y Y the fact that we have just received a barrel of New Crop New Orleans Molasses which we are retailing at 50 cents a gallon. Come and get some. BELTING. We keep in stock a large supplv of Leather and Rubber Belting, and to anybody whose good or ill fortune it may be to need anything in this line, we would say you can't afford not see ns before buying as you will save money and we guarantee every foot we sell. j SHINGLES AND LIME. We keep on hand a large supply of Shingles and Lime and to all who wish to buy in large quantities or carload lots, WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES. FLOUR AND HAMS. We have just received fresh arrivals of these indispensables and when bought of us and freely used, we guarantee the most blissful domestic happiness. WE HAVE IN STOCK The finest Canned Goods on the market, also Bottled Pickels and fresh Lemon and Vanilla Extracts. Washtubs and Foottubs of different sizes and prices. TOBACCO!! TOBACCO!! The enormous stock of TOBACCO that we have on hand must go, and if we can't get our prices we will take yours as we care very little what prices we get so WE PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS. J. H. KIDDLE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rock Hill, S. C. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. ORGANIZED JANUARY, 1887. Capital, $75,000 Snrplns and Profits, - - - 30,500 Diyiflenfls Paid, - - - - 51,750 OUR very progressive town has continued to move onward and upward, and is today, the financial centre of York county ana of this section of the State. The First National Bank has built up a business large in volume, and gratifying to its owners. We realize that human nature is never satisfied. We still want good customersMerchants, Manufacturers, Capitalists, Farmers, Public Officials, Savings class and others. We otter absolute security; resources and facilities unsurpassed ; rates to correspond with the change of times. Our customers are our true friends and we always look alter their interests. W. L. RODDEY, President. W. J. RODDEY, Vice President. J. H. MILLER, Cashier. L. C. HARRISON, Teller. PAUL WORKMAN, Bookkeeper BROTHER BILL. ABOUT a year ago we stated in our advertisement that we had engaged our Brother Bill to work in our wood shop. We were disappointed. We thought ho was coming, but another fellow got him. We are pleased to announce that he will be with us after next Monday and will be pleased to operate on you phaeton, surrey, carriage, buggy, wagon or any other vehicle you may own that needs the attention of a skilled artist in wood. Brother Bill sure knows his profession. Tom Walker is our metal artist and is the best on horse and mule footwear of which we have any knowledge. Bring us your repair work, and let us do youi horse and mule shoeing. CICERO MOORE. NOW IS YOUR TIME. W. Fi MARSHALL'S ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S t BOYS' CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS, GENTLEMEN'S FINE UNDERWEAR, LADIES'FINE SHOES, A I UUO I. Having decided to go ' out of the business on January 1st, 1 will sell entire stock at COST. COME EARLY BEFORE SIZES ARE BROKEN. W. F. MARSHALL. G. H. O'LEARY. I HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK. OP FURNITURE OF all kinds demanded in this section of the country. Goods bought right are half sold, and we believe we have bought right. If you need anything in our line, we can begin at the front door and supply yon with "everything needful, hall, parlor, library, bedrooms, diningroom and kitchen complete. My wnrehniiNA. twir>? tha size r.f mv store, is packed fall; so if you do not see what you want, ask for It. . G. H. O'LEARY. CARPETS, RUGS, ETC. ANEW line of All Wool Carpets. Cotton Chain Carpets, Rugs in all grades. Art Squares, Mattings, Brussels and Moquette. We soil by Samples. Window Shades of all shades and grades. G. H. O'LEARY. aToin?e TX7E are stiU selling the STOVES, yy. Noble Cooklng Stoves, Ranges, Iron King and Elmo Heating Stoves, and a large line of cheaper Stoves, Grates, Stove Repairs, Stove Ware, Pipes, etc. G. H. O'LEARY. SADDLES AND HARNESS. WE still keep on hand a large stock of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Whips, etc. In all the above lines our facilities are the best for handling these goods, and we are prepared to sell as low as any market G. H. O'LEARY. -: THE: SAVINGS BANK OF ROCK HILL, S. C. Capital, - - - - 350,000. Surplus and Profits, 31,000. "^^ITH ample resources and every facility for the transaction of the Banking business in all its branches, this bank solicits the business of corporations, firms and individuals, tendering all the courtesies and accommodations that are usually extended by a WELL CONDUCTED AND OBLIGING BANKING HOUSE. Correspondence or a call solicited from those contemplating a change in their banking arrangements or the opening of a new account. Interest bearing certificates of deposit issued under special agreements. D. HUTCHISON. President, J. R. LONDON, Vice President. R. LEE KERR, Cashier. MASE FERGUSON. ROCK SALT TS the best way of any to give horses salt. You lust Dut the rock where the horse can get;to it, and when it wants salt, it can lick the Rock Salt which will 'ast a long time. Try it. FLOUR-SWAN'S DOWN. There is no Flour on this or any other market that is superior to Swan's Down. It makes delightful loaves and biscuits, and has all the nourishment in it that can be had in any Flour you can tind. Some say that Swan's Down is the housekeeper's delight. One sack will convince you of its merits. RAISINS AND CITRON. I have Raisins at 15 cents a pound and Citron at 20 cents. J. M. FERGUSON. Fresh Mackerel at 10 cts. Also have Mackerel in kits. THE OLD RELIABLE'S Ringing Words from Western York. WHISONANT & CASTLES, the reliable hustling merchants of Hickory Grove, never complain of the disadvantages in freight rate that they have to contend with; but sing out in no uncertain tones that they meet competition in every instance and from every source and quote prices to prove it. They want you to examine their Men's Shoes at 98 cents, and also their 89 cents Shoes for Ladies. They carry a nice line of gentlemen's clothing and quote a whole suit at $3.90, and assure you that no one can beat the suit or price. They boast of their square business methods and low prices and prove their claims by example rather than precept, and parties who need goods in their line can ao no better anywhere than at Whisonant & Ca?tlea. They still have on hand a FEW HORSES, and anyone who knows theua, would not hesitate to advise you to buy from WHISONANT & CASTLES. THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF The Ladies' Home Journal is a fair sample of what The Journal is going to be during 1897. It is the beet magaziue in the world for women. Send me yotfr * renewals. Only $1 a year. Now is the time for new subscriptions to commence. REG. M. GRIST, Yorkville. S. C.