? President-elect McKinley, during his coming term of office, will have the appointmeut of two judges of the supreme court, three members of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, three members of the court of claims, and quite a uumber of circuit aud district judges of the Uuited States if the present incumbents retire when they become eligible to retirement on full pay. All these judge ships are for life, with the privilege of retiring at the age of 70 if they have already served ten years. Justice Field of California has been eligible for retirement from the supreme bench since 1885. He is 80 years of age and might retire and have his successor appointed at any time by President Cleveland. Justice Gary becomes eli * *? ? XT .k OA ICOfi glDie iur reiiicmcut uiaibu ^-z, iuvu.i ' Chief Justice Bingham of the supreme | court of the District Court of Columbia aud Judge Uagner and Judge Cox of the court, also will be eligible for retirement during Mr. McKinley's term. ? The case of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Castles, charged with shoplifting, on seven indictments, came up in London last Friday and occupied the greater part of the day. The defendants were charged with stealing various articles to the value of about $175. Mr. Castles plead not guilty, and as there was no evidence to connect him with the thefts, the cases against bim were withdrawn. Mrs. Castles plead guilty in each case. There was medical testimony to show that she was mentally irresponsible?that she was a kleptomaniac. The sentence of the court was that she should go to prison without hard labor for 1 three months. The poor woman was J carried out of the court shrieking and 1 struggling. Much sympathy has been ' aroused in her favor, aud Secretary Bayard has made applicatiou for a total remission of sentence. There is no doubt but that she will be speedily pardoned by the queen. ? General Fitzhugh Lee has re- j turned from Cuba, it is presumed, on j a visit. When he arrived in Washington last Thursday be was quickly besieged by newspaper reporters. He told them that he had not been called , ts\ this rnnnt.rv hv thft nresident. WheD asked as to whether the insurgents or Spaniards had the best of the situation, he evaded the question by saying "quien sabe," which, being j interpreted, means "who knows?" < He stated, however, that business was < paralyzed and such property as was left in the rural districts by one side, ( was generally destroyed by the other. \ General Lee confirms the reports of 1 the press censorship which prevails in ] the island, and says nothing can be sent out by telegraph which is not 8 first subjected to the scrutiny of the { officials. He does not think there is r any prospect of a. speedy termina- j tion of the war. i ? The state of Georgia is in an em- 1 barrassing political turmoil on account 1 of the United States senatorship. * Governor Atkinson is the logical can- j didate, and would like to have the i office. His election, however*, would 1 k render vacant the governorship. The { Populists showed more strength in s the general election than in the recent ] state election, and the state is now very close. The result of another 1 gubernalioual election would be doubt- 1 ful, and for that reason the members HPF of the legislature are somewhat duff* . bious abouc. voting for Atkinson. It is likely that one of the other candidates will be selected. * ? Here is the message that Mr. * Bryan sent to Major McKinley last ] Thursday: "Senator Jones has informed me that the returns indicate ] your election, and I hasten to extend t my congratulations. We have sub- . mitted the issues to the American f people and their will is law." Major i McKinley replied as follows: "lac- : L knowledge receipt of your courteous j message with thanks, and beg you , will receive my best wishes for your < health and happiness." * ? A remarkable story of the late election comes from Utah. In that state women are allowed to vote and hold office. It so happened that El der Cannon and wife, of the Mormon ! church, were pitted against each other ? as opposing candidates for the state senate from the Sixth district. Mrs. Cannon was for silver and Mr. Cannon . was for gold. The excitement and interest ran high ; equaling even the ua- < tional issues. The vote was a big one < and Mrs. Cannon was elected over her 1 husband by a handsome majority. North Carolina Election.?A dispatch from Raleigh dated on Monday, shows the composition of the legislature to be 68 Republicans, 58 Populists and 43 Democrats. There is a tie in one county?Jackson. A Populist was elected in Hyde by 2 majority. National Democratic Committeeman Josephus Daniels says that in at least 30 counties members of the legis' lature were chosen by less that 50 majority. Mr. Allen's Successor. Governor Evans has appointed J. O. A. Moore of Darlington, a member of the state board of control, vice Mr. T. M. Allen of York, resigned. Mr. Moore has already entered upon the discharge of his duties. AT THE CHURCHES. presbyterian. Rev. W. G. Neville, pastor. Prayermeeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sunday Services.?Preaching at 11 o'clock- a. in. Sunday school in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Preaching in the evening at 7. associate reformed presbyterian. Rev. Boyce H. Grier, pastor. There will be prayer meeting this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Sunday Services.?YORKVILLE? There will be preaching in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday school in the afternoon at 3.30. trinity methodist episcopal. Rev. A. N. Branson, pastor. Prayermeeting this evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday Services.?Preaching Sunday morning at 11 and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 p.m. baptist. Rev. D. C. Freeman, Jr., pastor. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7.30. Sunday Services.?YORKVILLE? Sunday school at 10 o'clock in the morning. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. in., and in the evening at 7. gftarM Reports. 1 YORKVILLE, November 11.?Cotton 6i to 7*. NEW YORK, Novembor 9.--Cotton r 8 3-16. S Futures closed steady; November, 7.93; KDecember, 8.01; January, 8.12; February, ? 8.17; March, 8.23; April, 8.27; May, 8.31; June, 8.33; July, 8.36; sales, 239,100. *' fecial litotes. J _ je At Tirzah Academy. There will be preaching at Tirzah acad- e< emy next Sunday -15th, by Rev. J. R. ? Peterson, Lutheran ministers of Dallas, a. N. C. w h Globe Phosphate Company?Important Notice. II In view of the early maturity and marketing of the cotton crop, the Globe Phos- ? phate company have determined to al- p low a discount of 8 per cent, per annum w to all persons indebted to them for fertil- R izers, who pay their notes in advance of the date on which they fall due. Thediscount will embrace the time between the b, date of the payment of note and the date on which it falls due. Claims may be tt found at the Loan and Savings bank or in the hands of John C. ?fc C. M. Kuy- ~j kendal. i How's This ! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe e him perfectly honorable in all business J Wai sanctions and financially able to carry T out any obligation made by their firm. West & Tmax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan ?fc Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, i icting directly upon the blood and mu- I cous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. KUYKENDAL'S SPECIALS. What About "Wheat? We have just received two carloads of A.eid Phosphate, very strong in potash? ust the manure for the wheat crop. Very ;heap for cash. Sleaned From Glenn. I D. J. Glenn, Esq., of Point, in this jounty, was in town on last salesday, and ] said to us: "I want two more bottles of pour Anti-Ferment. This makes six bot- < :>les I have gotten and here is a ?5 bill to Day for them." r "How did the Anti-Ferment do your son, Mr. Glenn?" ry "My son has been subject to singular D md serious looking spells this summer. They called it heart disease; but I suspect- i ?d.it all came from indigestion and got he Anti-Ferment for him, and it has done J lim a world of good. If he would take t after each meal, I don't think he would tj 5e troubled with the attactsany more. I " Dave been taking it myself whenever I , luffered from sour gas or pain in the J stomach, and oppressed feeling after eatng. A teaspoonful will relieve me al- t?l vays in a little while. It is the only nedicine I have taken in 35 years except ' tn occasional dose of pills. I look upou he Anti-Ferment as an almost indispen sible medicine in a family." Morphine Manacled. A Our cure for the morphine and opium labit destroys the desire for the drugs I juickly and surely. Patients can go ibout their daily duties while taking the ^ emedy, and may continue the use of the norphine and opium until they forget to ake it. Feel good enough and well mough without jt. No danger of failure2ure guaranteed if taken according to nstructions or money refunded. Address r?~ r< Vnvffcwnir T,nr?lr Rn\ 4. York riiie, S.C."*~ k Here's Hawkes. /I Just in, a beautiful assortment of Hawkes's celebrated spectacles and eye rlasses in gold, aluminium, nickel frames. G We call special attention to this alum- , nium frame, very handsome, very 10 strong and never changes color. Also to a joldfilled bent frame, warranted for 10 . rears, constant use, without tarnishing or liscoloring the skin. As handsome and | stylish as a solid gold frame. We guar- J iritee a perfect and comfortable fit in all ?ases. No peddler can buy Hawkes's N glasses, and they are sold in town only by . John C. Kuykendal. tr Ill HYMENEAL. fii Married?On King's Creek, on Sop;ember 21,1896, by Rev. J. P. Knox, Mr. R. L. WHITE and Miss MAUI) CASrLES. All of York county. OB ITUARY. ? A Dikd?Near Bethel, of diphtheria, on 2' October 18, 1896. LITTLE MINNIE, only ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hope Adams, aged 3 years and 8 months. BLACKSMITH COAL. TWO TONS Blacksmith Coal for sale Apply at the ENQUIRER OFFICE. U BRICK! BRICK!! BRICK! !! 300,000 AnRST-C1I,ASSd . BRICKS are on my yards in Yorkville, and for sale. Call on or write to T. B. McCLAIN. November 4 89 w tf ^ 10O CORDS WOOD WANTED. WANTED immediately at the York t Cotton Mills, 100 CORDS of large L size sticks of DRY PINE WOOD, for which the market price will be paid in CASH. W.N. ASHE, JR. Septembers 72 s&wtf COFFINS ROBES AND CASKETS. C WE now have probably the largest stock in the county to select from. Prices to suit customers, from the cheapest to tine Oaks, Walnuts, Broadcloth's of t? various qualities. Metalic and White J_ goods in infants and adults sizes. Personal attention. New Hearse. _ W. B. MOORE A CO. S . * d rc.i niii Mason l. Carroll, formerly of c Yorkville, who is now connected with WHITE HICKORY MANUFACTURING CO., No37 to 43 West Alabama f St., Atlanta, Ga., wishes to inform his I friends that he can furnish them vehicles 1 of any description at very low figures, having just received THREE CAR p LOADS that were bought at receiver's sale. Any orders sent him will receive y his personal attention. If you want a buggy or surrey cheap, write him. L November 11 91 It 1 : WRITE EASY! JUST as esisy to write with a RAPID WRITER FOUNTAIN PEN as it is to "scribble" with a pencil and you know how easy that is. The Rapid Writer Pen has no superior and few equals on the American market. It is guaranteed to his! you 10 years. Any defect or breakage not caused by neglect or misuse will be made good by the Company. There are about six or eight dozen Rapid Writer Pens in use in this county and they are all giving perfect satisfaction. For prices and further information, call on or write to OLIVER E. GRIST, Lock Rox 8, 1 Yorkville, S. C. S W. B MOORE & CO. 100,000 SHINGLES TO ARRIVE TODAY. J Give us a call. We are agents for THE MORGAN PAT" SPADING HARROW. A genral purpose harrow; a thorough and nequaled pulverizer; an unexcelled | lod crusher ; light draught; easily hauled. We have in stock this Harrow and ould like to talk with you ou the subot. Yes, you can try it first. CRESCENT BICYCLES are unequal- i I in style. price and quality. Sold and uaranteea by us. I PUMPS are used more today than at i ay other period of their existence and J e sell more and more of them. We j ave experimented until we know we ave the best line made for the money. ( f you want water, see us. ' CROCKERY, Glassware, Lamp Goods, ilverware, Birthday and Wedding Pres- < its, Table Knives and Forks, Carvers, < ocket Knives and CLAUSS SHEARS * ith every pair warranted. Warranted i r&zors ?tc? RAZORINE will sharpen any razor. ( nly 15 cents a package. Try it. t CORN SHELLERS at $2.50. Shells 15 . ashels in an hour. ' WHIPS of all kinds at lower prices c L-f 1J lau ever Deiore suiu. The best Horse Collar on the market? 2 sens at the bottom. "Everything Store." Q W. B. MOORE ?S CO. ~ Steam Fittings, Belting, etc. 2 ['iliHTixi; ' 'iKDMNSj On the fronier is serious bus- p iness. At least you will say J 30 if you read our new story, g mDT PD AYNT va% i%f? I?BBJ V CAPTAIN CHAS. KING, * tvhich commenced in last 1 Saturday's Enquirer. 'ORT FRAYNE i [s a Love Story in which I [JPID AND MARS Take a prominent part. 30URT E T CONTINUES, I tl ND WB CONTINUE TO j ourt the attention of the ladies y our fine stock of Millinery. ? 1W HOODS JUST IN. I Y ew Sailors, and especially at- J active the new Roses now so h inch used. In fact, you will | nd everything here to be had v i a Millinery storer. c o WE ARE SELLING I very nice Felt Hat for only 1 cents. l hildrens' Caps in Profusion. Infants Cloaks and Hoods. Losiery, both Cotton and ] Woolen. t V WE STILL HAVE I V ,ovely Patterns in Dress Goods. s n tmiflfts and Other Novel- " ties. See them be- 1 fore buying. 5 !ravats too pretty for anything? i . except the boys. r fEXT WEEK WE ; | Ihow the largest stock of Holi- ] ay Goods ever shown in the ountv. )im ONI!, COME ALL,! tnd buy an Xmas present for ' our baby or your best girl. ( Jutterick Patterns Still in Stock. T. M. DOM 4 CO. ! Leaders in Millinery. FINLEY BKICE. - A m T A W W'A"IA* 1V11 Jli l C3 A JL ?. V Yorkville, S. C. A LL business entrusted to us will be ljL given prompt attention. OFFICE IN THE BUILDING AT 'HE HEAR OF H. C. STRAUSS'S iTORE. (?A1 JACKETS. Big Bargains In Capes ^ and Jackets. a m S( GRASP THE OPPORTUNITY. * Up to the present writing, I L lave neglected to call your at:ention to my splendid line of Ladies' Capes and Jackets; but |Jj :his is no reason whv I shouldn't * Jo so now. I have these garments it from 90 cents up to $10. The )0 cents garments are not worth ?10, nor are the $10 garments ^ vorth $20?values are not exchanged in that proportion?but :hey are the greatest value for ol he money that I have ever been 01 ible to offer in this line of goods, ,n ind an inspection from you will iecure your approval, and make 1 sale for me. No living crea- p ure in or out of the sea can buy 81 foods cheaper than I. None can J lo business at a less expense, nor ire there any who can be satisfied w vith a less profit. All kinds of Dress Goods at so 'rom 2*/2 cents up. ? Gent's Clothing in endless va- ~ iety and at prices that is surely g noving it. * Big stock of Boys' Clothing ind Children's shoes to arrive his week. Gent's 25 cents Undervests at m 5 cents- . . \v The knife has gone into the nammoth bank of BLANKETS, T] nd fnr a few davs I will sell VOU th i splendid All-Wool 10-4 Blan- ^ ;et, worth $3.35, at $2.50 ; and a p< 'ery fair 95 cents Blanket at 48 $ :ents. We also have a big stock R ?f 11-4 Blankets. Bed Comforts at from 48 cents ipto$i.2? 2 I have five brand new Sewing h< Machines worth $25 each, which ^ am offering at the low price of & >19.98 spot cash. This is a bargain, pure and simple, and one 0 hat you may never be able to b< ecure again, and if you need f0 . machine this is your chance, ft am going out of the machine cj msiness. 1U Under no circumstances and n 110 department of merchandise 5= vill I be undersold. All goods narked in plain figures. H. C. STRAUSS. j I. M. STARR & CO. I LEADING DRUGGISTS. ? ] ro MORE STOOPED SHOULDERS _ f"F yon will buy a pair of our shoulder L Braces and wear them. These Braes are an improvement on the old time (race. They do not pinch under the arm. 'he pressure is on the top of theshouler. instead of bottom. The ladies'Brace JJ. olds up the skirts, thereby putting the -eight where it properly belongs; on ohnniHflrfl S?vfi vonr child's health as ell as appearance. JAS. M. STARR & CO. ? BUY BLUESTONE from STARR'S DRUGSTORE. Should you go over flji nvn hunting some medicine you want, uu ou are the loser. You should always rst go to STARR'S, where you will find |J] hat you want. ENTLEMEN of the Jury, witnesses V. JT and spectators, will find a welcome an t our store. If you have any bundles to co e taken care of, bring them to our store. T1 Ve will be glad to have you make our bi Lore headquarters, and should you need to ny goods in our line, such as Cigars, Toacco, Snuff, Cigarettes, Medicines, Glass, sa 'utty, Paper, Pens, Ink, Soaps, Starch, Si lining, Buggy Paint or Harness Oil, we Ft rill be glad to sell you. Good judges of an 'igars say we sell the best Cigar for five ents, they ever smoked, ana some say an ur five cents cigars, are as good as they pc et elsewhere for ten cents. We hope to ariics who owe us. will come up like lo< onest men and women and pay J We W eed the money to meet our indebtedness. - J AS. M.STARR A CO. Leading Druggists. 1PEX OF " BICYCL.E PERFECTION. . 1YONARCII Bicycles have, during tho 1 LtJL last two or three seasons, come to be 1" he King of Bicycles in every sense of the cr rord. It is the Lightest running, tho pi 'rettiest and the most Durable. It makes w man or woman happy to know that ho ti< ir she owns the BEST Bicycle in the rorld?the MONARCH. You see lots of ticycle dealers who say the wheel thoy ell are far superior to the Monarch and ci if course they may think so ; but it is not gi case of "think so" with us. We know hat the MONARCH IS THE BEST BIJYCLE on the market. It has been horougbly tested by the best riders of the m ountry. Catalogue for a 2-cent stamp, to Jriees of Monarch Bicycles range from 85 to $125. Ride a Monarch and you'll >e happy. THE DEFIANCE ?' w .h a cheaper wheel than the Monarch and Si s fully guaranteed. It is made by tho Monarch Cycle Co. If you want a wheel F hat won't cost much, you should buy a _ Defiance. Prices range from $10 jo$75. ~ TIRES-M. &W. ! Should your bicycle need tireing, we an furnish you with Morgan A Wright's Duick Repair Tires. Thoy are best. If rou want a Monarch or Defiance Bicycle ir Bicycle Tires, call on or write to GRIST COUSINS. i * m. w MULES AND HORSES JUST RECEIVED from MISSOURI and KENTUCKY. If we have not got what you want, give us a suggestion, and we will meet your judgment and fancy in the next lot. HAYDOCK AND COLUMI1US BUGGIES. Full line always in stock. They are perfect in material, unexcelled in finish and right in price. -i HARNESS, ETC. J Our business requires that we buy GOOD g HARNESS cheap. We have found the g place, and are willing to share a good thing o with the public. Full line on hand. C TERMS?Everything for Cash or ap- V proved paper, and guaranteed to be as tl represented. GLENN & ALLISON. J. H. RIDDLE. N. C. N. O. M. [X7E desire to call your attention to n the fact that we have just received barrel of New Crop New Orleans Molasss which we are retailing at 50 cents a alien. Come and get some. BELTING. We keep in stock a large supply of eather and Rubber Belting, and to riybody whose ^ood or ill fortune it may b to need anything in this line, we would ly you can't afford not see us before buyig as you will save money and we guaritee every foot we sell. SHINGLES AND LIME. We keep on band a large supply of bingles and Lime and to all who wish to ay in large quantities^ or carload lots, > E WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES. FLOUR AND HAMS. We have just received fresh arrivals ' these indispensables and when bought ' us and freely used, we guarantee the ost blissful domestic happiness. FRUIT JARS. ( Don't forget THE SLAUGHTERING RICES at which we are selling these ' tides. ^ OBACCO!! TOBACCO!! The enormous stock of TOBACCO that ' e have on hand must go, and if we .n't get our prices we will take yours as e care very little what prices we get WE PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS. J. H. RIDDLE. G. GRIST. S. M. GRIST. 1RIST COUSINS. WE HAVE KITS. J T7E have on hand a fresh sunplv of r V Mackerel, the superior of which do | >t ever appear on the market. We sell I em at 10 cents each, or 3 for 25 cents. re sell Mackerel in kits at 75 cents a kit. As to Canned Goods, (iere is no necessity of our saying anying about them, as everyone knows at we only handle the very best that n be found. We have Royal Baking ] iwder, Possum Baking Powder, Sal- , on, Sardines, Tomatoes, Peaches, 1 ineapples, etc. Also Warranted $1.50 < azors and Razor Straps. j TTnr fho TTnnooVinlH JL UA VUV XX V tUJVAAVAVil A few days ago we received another lipment of Household Medicines, such J are almost invariably found in every >me. We have also Fellows' Compound rrup of Hypophosphites, Hood's Sarsairilla, Tutt's Pills and Allcock's Porous lasters at 15 cents. Remember, We Sell ] ur Goods just as cheap as anyxly, if not cheaper. Don't irget to remember that we dever goods to any part of the ty free of charge to our custolers. We strive to please. GRIST COUSINS. DON'T FAIL TO READ | "ort Frayne! [t commenced last Saturday. ! IRST NATIONAL BANK Rock Hill, S. C. othing Succeeds Like Success. ORGANIZED JANUARY, 1887. * ipital, $75,000 Wins and Profits, - - 30,500 < yiMs Pail, - - - - 51,750 1 )UR very progressive town has contin- s ued to move onward and upward, . id is today, the financial centre or York 1 unty and of this section of the State, le First National Bank has built up a isiness large in volume, and gratifying x its owners. We realize that human nature is never ] tisfied. We still want good customers? erchants. Manufacturers, Capitalists, ] irmers, Public Officials, Savings class id others. We offer absolute security; resources id facilities unsurpassed ; rates to corres- 1 >nd with the change of times. Our cus- . mers are our true friends and we always 1 ok alter their interests. r. L. RODDEY, President. ' W. J. RODDEY, Vice President. J. H. MILLER, Cashier. L. C. HARRISON, Teller. i PAUL WORKMAN, Bookkeeper W. E. FERGUSON, ! CODFISH BALLS. 11711 EN you want something out of ft the usual order, and not always to 3 found on the Yorkville bill of fare, , une to WILL FERGUSON'S and get a ' ickage of Shredded Codfish, out of , hich to prepare "codfish balls." Direc- 1 ons ou every package. Price 10 cents. NEW CROP MOLASSES. I am now supplied with choice new , op New Orleans Molasses, and will be ad to furnish your tables. FRESH CANDY. I have just opened a splendid assortlent of Candy right fresh from the faciry and you are invited to inspect it. i CORN SHELLERS. When you want to buy the best Corn [lelleron earth, come to WILL FERUSON and get the Black Hawk ; and hen you want Gold Dust or J Laundry sap, he's got that too. Will Ferguson has just received Oat lakes in bulk. < ^ a ww? r \ A* AtSLKilA ini. PEOPLE APPRECIATE LTY low prices and give me their paAL tronage, for which I am very much ratified. They realize that I sell mv oods at a profit; but don't try to get rich ft'of one customer. When you want a COKING or HEATING STOVE, TINWARE of any description or anything in jat liue, be sure to call on P. A. ABERNATAY. NOW IS YOUR TIME. J W.F.MARSHALL'S ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S s BOYS' I CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS, *1 PAflCTAI'O S1 Ubll I LtlTlbll O FINE UNDERWEAR, 1 LADIES' FINE F SHOES, A AT COST.? JD Having decided to go , out of the business on ?, January 1st, I will sellyo entire stock at COST. ^ COME EARLY BEFORE SIZES ARE BROKEN. ? W.F.MARSHALL. S Nf J. J. HUNTER. 5? ? 86 Shoes, Cwfc LOTHINC, fi m i nf Dress goods. ~ Beyond question or doubt, the gt80 inest and best lines of these fin yoods that will be offered in :his market during the season. Cu PRICES WERE J NEVER SO LOW. , , ,,, we DERBY and CRUSH HATS? at fewest Fall Styles. E 40-inch SEA ISLAND. p AT WOOD ' SUSPENDERS. ? '?J BLANKETS. FLANNELS. Si J. J. HUNTER. j -: THE: - ? SAYINGS BANK'' OF a ROCK HILL, 8.C. j Capital, - - - - $50,000. I Surplus and Profits, 31,000. 3 ample resources and every faiility for the transaction of the Banking ^ )usiness in all its branches, this bank en . an( lolicits the business of corporations, W irms and individuals, tendering all the ? curtesies and accommodations that are lsually extended by a WELL CON- g OUCTED AND OBLIGING BANKING \ SOUSE. ? Correspondence or a call solicited from hose contemplating a change in their e(J, mnking arrangements or the opening of ^ i now account. . m! Interest bearing certificates of deposit ^ ssued under special agreements. J D. HUTCHISON, President, I. R. LONDON, Vice President. f R. LEE KERR. Cashier. I MASE FERGUSON. j "OH! SO NICE!" THAT is what you'll exclaim when you have tried some of my "Brownie" Salmon at 10 cents a can. CHEESE AND MACCARONI. I have on hand a fresh supply of Cheese and Maccaroni. Extra nice, both articles. I HAVE ON FILE An invoice of a supply of the finest and best Flour that was ever brought to Yorkville, and all lovers of good Flour will sav so too when I tell them the name? 3WANS' DOWN. NEW CROP MOLASSES Are to be found at my store. Something QUAKER AND HYGIENIC Oatllakes at my store?fresh and good. J. MASE FERGUSON. THE OLD RELIABLE'S Ringing Words from Western York. WHTSONANT rugr Store. Oyer's and Hood's Sarsaparil la, S. S. SM P. P., B. B. B., etc. These are fine lies -and alteratives and will tone up ur system wonderfully. We keep l11 the Reliable 'atent Medicines. iVhen you want Warner's Safe Kidney d Liver Cure, Wampole'a Cod Liver I, Radway's Ready Relief, Paine's lery Compound, Fellow's Hypophosites, Simmons Liver Medicine, King's iw Discovery, Horsford's Aeifi Phosate, Bull's Cough Syrup?we could t begin to give you a list as the names mid fill a catalogue. So call on us and i. Prescriptions n and will always be accurately filled . . ion brought to our store, having just reved a large shipment of drugs and mricals for our prescription aepart>nt, and the counter is always in charge competent clerks. ijjnrs and Tobacco quite an important feature of our ck and we can especially boast of our e cigars?having the finest line in vn. Among our brands will be found ) famous San Pedro Cigars, also Lilacs, ban Blossoms, Sabarrosa, Espanoe, lokettes. etc., and tfce Old Glory Che>ts?the nest on the market, [n Smoking Tobacco we can surely isfy you. We have Fruits and Flowi, Pick Leaf, Gold and Silver and all pular brands. In Chewing Tobacco handle only the best and our prices are the bottom. xtracts, erfumery and oaps. Everybody knows that our stock of itracts, Perfumery and Soaps is the ry finest on the market. Delicate odor d lasting fragrance are the distinguishr features of onr perfumes, temember that we have a nice line of JRE ROCK CRYSTAL SPECTA,ES. MAY & MAY. 1. H. O'LEARY. HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE rxF all kinds demanded in this section Lr of the country. Goods bought right ire half sold, and we believe we have lought right. If you need anything Id >ur line, we can begin at the front door ind supply you with everything need"1 >."11 rmflnr llhrftrv. bedrooms. uif uaiif | f liningroom and kitchen complete. My varehouse, twice the size of my store, is >acked full; so if you do not see what roa want, ask for it. G. H. O'LEARY. CARPETS, RUGS. ETC. NEW line of All Wool Carpets. L Cotton Chain Caipets, Rugs in all idee, Art Squares, Mattings, Brussels 1 Moauette. We sell by Samples, indow Shades of all shades and grades. G. H. O'LEARY. Yiiroa XylT"? ftre still selling the oves. yy NobJe Cooking stoves, Ganges, Iron King and Elmo Heating Jto ves, and a large line of cheaper Stoves, 5 rates, Stove Repairs, Stove Ware, Pipes, etc. G. H. O'LEARY. SADDLES AND HARNESS. ITE still keep on hand a large stock of V Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Whips, :. In all the above lines our facilities i the best for handling these goods, and > are prepared to sell as low as any irket. G. H. O'LEARY. fHE CAROLINA *? t n w 5UUUY IS THE MEASURE OF STANDARD for all first grade vehicles. There is no better nor can a better one be produced. The Carolina Buggy easily leads, and all others try to imitate and follow the Premium" Carolina Buggy ! The Carolina stands well not only at home but abroad and the demand is growing for them from Texas and the Gulf States. The Carolina is built in many styles, and will, when desired, be built to suit the special whiin of any customer,' provided the customer's idea is not at the expense of durability. MUNSEY'S MAGAZINE I7TLL delight every member of the T family. The subscription price is 91. >ur subscription will receive prompt atltion by REG. M. GRIST, Subscrip>n Agent, Yorkville, S. C. She ^orkviUr (Bnquim. iblished Wednesday and Saturday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ngle copy for one year, 2 00 ie copy lor two years, 3 SO >r six months, 1 OO >r three months, 30 vo copies for one year, 3 50 in copies qne year, IT 50 id an extra copy for a club of ten.