Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, October 21, 1896, Image 3

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Styeipl JJotos. Globe Phosphate Company?Important Notice, a In view of the early maturity and marketing of the cotton crop, the Globe Phosphate company have determined to allow a discount of 8 per cent, per annum to all persons indebted to them for fertilizers. who pay their notes in advance of the date on which they fall due. Thediscount will embrace the time between-the date of the payment of note and the date , on which it falls due. Claims may be i found at the Loan and Savings bank or in the hands of John C. & C. M. Kuy We have just received two carloads of Acid Phosphate, very strong In potash? < just the mahure for the wheat crop. Very cheap for cash. ' Gleaned Prom Glenn. D. J. Glenn, Esq., of Point, in this county, was in town on last salesday, and said to us: "I want two more bottles of * your Anti-Ferment. This makes six bothies I have gotten and here is a $5 bill to 1 pay for them." < "How did the Anti-Ferment do your k son, Mr. Glenn T" , "My son has been subject to singular and serious looking spells this summer. They called it heart disease; but I ?uspect- * ed it all came from indigestion and got * the Anti-Ferment for him, and it has done V him a world of good. If he would take it after each meal, I don't think he would y be troubled with the attactsany more. I } have been takjng it. myselt whenever I suffered from soufr gas or pain in the ' stomach, and oppressed feeling after eat- ? ing. A teaspoonful will relieve me al ways in a little while. It is the only ' medicine I have taken in 36 years except I . an occasional dose of pills. I look upon J the Anti-Ferment as an almost indispensible medicine in a family." c Morphine Manacled. c Our cure for the morphine and opium t habit destroys the desire for the drugs t quickly and surely. Patients can eo t about their daily duties while taking the t remedy, and may continue the use of the morphine and opium until they forget to j take it Feel good enough and well c enough without it. No-danger of failure. Cure guaranteed if taken according to { instructions or money refunded. Address c Jno. C. Kuykendal, Lock Box 4, Ydrk- i ville, S.C. t Here's Hawkes. 1 Just in, a beautiful assortment of j Hawkes's celebrated spectacles Rnd eye j glasses in gold, aluminium, nickel frames. . We call special attention to this alum- I iniutn frame, very, handsome, very j strong and never changes color. Also to a ^ goldfilled bent frame, warranted for 10 t years, constant use, without tarnishing or t discoloring the skin. As handsome and 8 stylish as a solid gold frame. We guar- * antee a perfect aQd comfortable fit in all cases. No peddler can buy Hawkes's t glasses, and tney are sold in town only by s john c. KUYKENDAL. . HYMENEAL. \ < Married?At the residence of F. E. Clinton, in Bethel township, on October t 15, 1896, by F. E. Clinton, notary public, * Mr. SYLVESTER FORBES of Gaston ? county, N. C., and Miss MINNIE EL MORE of York county, S. C. At the residence of Mr. J. A. Hope, at f Smyrna, on October 19, 1896, by J. A. t Hope, notary public, Mr. CREIGHTON 1 BOLIN and Miss MARY FARMER. < All of this county. * OBITUARY^ J Died?In Bullock's Creek township, on 1 Thursday night, October 15, Miss CLE- J ONE, youngest daughter of Mrs. Dora ; and the late Dr. W. H. Smith, aged 17 years. 500 CORDS WOOD WANTED. WANTED immediately at the York Cotton Mills, 500 CORDS of large , size sticks of DRY PINE WOOD, for ' which the market price will be paid in CASH. W. N. ASHE, JR. September5 72 SAWtf COFFINS ROBES AND CASKETS. ^ TT7E now have Drobablv the largest V VY stock iD the county to select from. I * Prices to suit customers, from the cheap- ? est to fine Oaks, Walnuts, Broadcloth's of various qualities. Metalic and White goods in infants and adults sizes. Personal attention. New Hearse. W. B. MOORE & CO. OATFLAKES LOOSE IN BARK ELS. j AT 6 pounds for 25 cents. New York f state Buckwheat Flour?not the self- < raising kind?6 pounds for 25 cents. Very < fine New Orleans molasses at 50 cents a 1 gallon. Nice evaporated Apples, fresh t at 10 cents a pound, three for 25 cents. California Peaches, almost as nice as apricots, at 10 cents a pound or three pounds for 25 cents. A nice lot of all kinds 1 of Pickles. LOUIS ROTH. Octaber 21 85 wit PHILADELPHIA CHURCH. < NOTICE is hereby given to the sub- ' scribers to the fund for building a NEW METHODIST CHURCH AT PHILADELPHIA, that the Building Committee now need the money in order to prosecute the work. Persons who have subscribed to either of the undersigned, are requested to make payment as soon as possible. C. H. ImITH, ( Committee. October 21 85 wit MASE FERGUSON. ~"OH! SO NICE!" THAT is what you'll exclaim when you have tried some of my "Brownie" Salmon at 10 cents a can. CHEESE AND MACCARONI. I have on baud a fresh supply of Cheese and Maccaroni. Extra nice, both articles. I HAVE ON FILE An invoice of a supply of the finest and best Flour that was ever brought to Yorkville, and all lovers of gooa Flour will say so too when I tell them the name? SWANS' DOWN. NEW CROP MOLASSES Are to be found at my store. Something extra. QUAKER AND HYGIENIC Oatflakes at my store?fresh and good. J. MASE FERGUSON. ' ^ KKNDAL. i 1 I $100.Reward, $100. i The reader of this paper will be pleased 1 to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails ' to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., ' Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. < < i KUYKENDAL'S SPECIALS. , A hnnf WhpAt f ELECTION NOTICE For Representative for the Fifll Congressional District of Souti Carolina in the Fifty-fifth Congres of the United States and for Nin Electors for President and Vic President of the United States. AN ELECTION will be held o TUESDAY, the THIRD DAY O] NOVEMBER, 1896, at the legally estab lished polling precincts of York countj for a REPRESENTATIVE for the Fift Congressional District of South Carolin in the FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS 01 THE UNITED STATES, and for NIN1 ELECTORS for President and Vic President of the United States. The location of the polling places sha] not be nearer than ten yaras of the plac designated by the managers of the Stat and County elections for holding the lat ter elections. The following named persons have beei appointed managers or the Federal elec tion in York county, to wit: Antioch?D. L. Black, J. L. Starr, W H. Dunlap. Blacksburg?J. W. Thomson, W. F Dye, E. A. Trescott. Bethel?J. W. Jacksou, J. Hope Adams H. E. Johnson. Bethany?John A. McMackin, J. D Smith, N. A. Howell. Blairsville?C. S. Good, W. T. M. Beard W. R. Burgess. _ ^ Bullock's Creek?W. J. .Brown, j Wylie, W. E. Good. Buffalo?W. P. Tolbert, R. E. Portei W. H. Camp. Clover?W. J. Brison, J. A. C. Love, C T. Thomas. Coates's Tavern?J- R. Gettys, J. S Glasscock, W. P. Draffin. Clark's Fork-W. T. McKnight, Rob srt Moss, R. M. Wallace. Ebenezer?W. H. Edwards, W. H Stewart, S. A.*Fewell. Fort Mill?Frank Pegram.C. P. Blank snship, W. H. Crook. Forest Hill?L. B. Brown, J. W. Sim ril. W. J. Neely. Hickory Grove?T. P. McDill, R. L A.. Smith, R. L. Pursley. McConnellsville?J. T. Crawford, J. T Sladden, C. L. Moore. Newport?J. J. Edwards* W. E. Gettys T. W. Jackson. Rock Hill?I. R. Oates, Wm. Whyte F. B. Tbomasson. Sharon?Dr. J. H. Saye, J. M. Sims, Tohn M. Russell. Smyrna?J. J. Scoggins J. W. Quinn r. Meek Wbitesides. Tirzab-J. J. Miller, T. M. Oates, J 3. Sadler, Jr. Yorkville?Edward McFarland, R. R VIcCorkle, R. L. Wilkerson. In case all of the managers shall fail tc tttend at the time and place for a poll al my precinct, or shall refuse or fail to act >r in case no manager has been appointed or such poll, it suall be lawful for the voters pi esent at the precinct voting place >n election day, to appoint from among he qualified voters of such precinct, the nanagers to act as managers in the place tnd stead of the absent managers, and tny one of the managers so appointed ihall administer the oath to the otbei nanagers: Provided, That in case tne egally appointed managers attend in a easonable time, they shall take charge >f and conduct the election. The polls will be opened at SEVEN >'clock in the forenoon, and kept open, vithout intermission or adjournment, intil FOUR o'clock in the afternoon, al vhich time the polls shall be closed and he votes publicly counted. Every elector is required to vote at the >olling place at which bis registration ertificate entitles him to vote. The managers shall administer to each jerson offering to vote, an oath that he if jualified to vote at this election, accordng to the constitution of this State, and bat be bas not voted during this election, n addition to the oatb, the managers o! election shall require of every elector ofering to vote at this election, before slowing him to vote?in addition to th? iroduction of a registration certificate? iroof of the payment of poll tax six nonths before said election of any poll ax then due and payable. The proaucion of a certificate, or of the receipt o! he officer authorized to collect poll taxes, hall be conclusive proof of the payment hereof. jlSS" Within three days after the elecion, the chairman of the board of managers, or one of them to be designated in vriting by the board, shall deliver to the sommissionere of election, the poll list, he boxes containing the ballots, and s vritten statement of the result of the ilection in his precinct. ^aer One of the managers from each ol he polling precincts above named, if lerebv required to meet the Commissionirs of Election, at the court house ir forkville, on SATURDAY, THE 31S1 XAY OF OCTOBER, 1896, to receive infractions for conducting the elections or he THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER 896, and to receive the ballot boxes, /ome prepared to take two boxes. *. M. BURRIS, Ch'm., ) Commissioners p w koyd. of Fed f. E. BEAMOUARD, J eral Elections. October 21 85 2tw P. A. ABERIVATHY. MY low prices and give me their pa tronage, for which I am very mucl gratified. Tliey realize that I sell mj ;oods at a profit; but don't try to get ricl >ff of one customer. When you want? BOOKING or HRATING STOVE, TIN SVARE of any description or anything ii bat line, be sure to call on . ?. ,r F. A. AltKKflAlAI. THE CAROLINA BUGGY IS THE MEASURE 01 STANDARD for all firs grade vehicles. There is n< better nor can a better on be produced. The "Carolin Buggy [easily leads, and a] others try to imitate an< follow the Premium Caroli na Buggy! The Carolina stands we] not only at home but abroa and the demand is growin for them from Texas an the Gulf States. The Carolina is built i many styles, and will, whe desired, be built to suit th special whim of any custom er, provided the customer' idea is not at the expense c durability. ! COM E1 'AND SEE US/ f D E ooooo 5 WE ARE IN THE RING OF 6 ? LOW PRICES! OOOOO b; ALL WE ASKl i. Is to call and see our Goods and a? get our low prices. ' w ooooo G 1,000 boxes Blueing, 1 cent. M ' 1,000 plugs Tobacco, 5 ceDte. . ! 1,000 Pencils, 1 cent. 1,000 yards Prints, 24 cents. IN 1,000 yards Dress Goods, 10 cents. 1,000 yards Double Width Dress Goods, Ul . 124 cents. 500 yards Cotton Flannel; 5 cents. 500 yards Ticking, 5 cents. V< 500 yards Jeans, 10 cents. 500 yards Jeans, 15 cents. sc 500 yards Jeans, 25 cents. SI 500 yards Jeans, 334 cents. , 500 yards Waterproof Goods, 49 cents. , 300 yards Plaid Dress Goods, 9 cents. Q] 100 yards Broadcloth, 73 cents. , 150 yards Flannel Dress Goods, 49cents, til 150 yards Red Flannel, 124 cents. 1,, 500 packages of Soda, 5 cents. ' 100 packages Celluloid Starch, 5 cents. ce l,00u bars Soap, 2 for 5 cents. ' 100 Unlaundered Shirts, 49 cents. 100 Laundered Shifts, 73 cents. 1 100 Undervests, 25 cents. 100 Work Shirts, 25 cents. ' 100 pairs Men's Gloves, 25 cents. 100 pairs Ladies' Gloves, 10 cents. 500 Men's Linen Collars, 10 cents. 500 Men's Celluloid Collars, 10 cents. 100 boxes Good Luck Baking Powder, , 5 cents. > 200 pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes, 82.50. 200 pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes, $2.00. [ 200 pairs Ladies' Fine Shoes, $1.45. ; ooooo ; i ? WE MEET all competition in [ same class of Goods. NO ONE does or shall sell anything cheap- | | er than we do of same quality. 1 WE HAVE the largest stock of Dry and Fancy Goods we have carried for years, and the largest [ line of Holiday Goods ever seen ( in Yorkville. WILL be ready 1 for inspection in due time. co 1 DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR GOODS an AND GET OUR LOW PRICES. as I r T. M. DOBSON & CO. av stj A + 0 i At ' W.F.MARSHALL'S, T Best Wearables IC I For w ? r Men and Boys. i ? , Honest Values. T i ; Stylish, Durable. Hats LATEST Block. M i ti Shoes ForMen, "Wo- U] ! men and Children. ai 1 A Large Line of Children's Clothing at COST. Come and Save Money. T W. F. MARSHALL. Gi THE FIRST CHAPTERS OF Fort Frayne r SHOULD BE READ BY ALL. U ) ' Watch for them in this paper. . J. M. STARR & CO. LEADING DIIUGGIHTS. __ SPECTACLES AI^^YEGLASSES. B WE have recently received quite a a large and complete assortment of , spectacles and eyeglasses. We handle Kellam & Moore'* goods, of Atlanta, Ga. ; They have the only complete lens grind- T I? f ?- ? I? onnth A ro rocncr- Tl ing iimvuiiio in wn nuuiu. >.. n nized as the best concern in their line in the south. They do l)r. Calhoun's work, II which is sufficient evidence that they are up to their business. Many persons ruin ^ a their eyes by using glasses that do not suit. We guarantee our glasses. After _ g using them for ten days, if you find they j do not suit your eyes, you can return the glasses and get another pair or your money back. ti JAS. M. STARR & CO. u n Leading Druggists. h n a Jh ERSEY CATTLE, a) l" BERKSHIRE HOGS, a s r A. H. WHITE, Breeder, a )f a STOCK FOR SALE. Rock Hill, S. C. August 19 67 6m mm\ is now civ hat Strauss Is Selling the Best Goods at the very Lowest Prices. OUBLING ON LAST SEASON. reat Piles of Clothing Being Disposed of to Most Eager Bargain Buyers. "I'll look around and come ack," is what all men say who ispect my stock of clothing, and ion An ontno KqpI' wifVl flip ItjT UV VV111V UUWA fT A W* A Miv gnificant remark that they could not do as well elsewhere" > with us. I insist that all purchasers buy here they can buy THE BEST OODS FOR THE LEAST 'ONEY, and my sales for Sepinber in all departments are ;arly double that of the same onth last year. In ladies' Dress Goods, Underists, Hosiery, Fine Shoes, Carts, Gloves, Handkerchiefs and bawls, i am the boss of the situion, and when it comes to Boys' lothing mothers are proving eir faith by their works. I ive Boys' Clothing at from 50 nts a suit up. And ladies, when you want a 3RSET?a corset for style, or mfort, or beauty and fit,?come id see me. They are as perfect a picture. H.' C. STRAUSS. The fountain has been rolled yay; but I am at the same old ind to stay ! UR NEW SERIAL STORY, Hort r rayne 5 EXCELLANT READING. ratch for the opening chapters. J, J. HUNTER. HESE ARE THE KIND OF DAYS fhich make one think of le winter wraps?the warm tiderwear, and the other itumn wearables, All of which are here in II force. Fe are ready for the children. etting in our lines of children School Shoes, uality good. Prices low. Vet weather goods. MBRELLAS, RUBBER SHOES AND MACKINTOSHES. .T. J. HUNTER. W. E. FERGUSON. FRESH HAMLETS. HAVE just opened another lot of . those celebrated Hamlets which were popular with housekeepers last season. HOMEMADE MOLASSES. If you like home made inolases, call WILL FERGUSON'S and get yourIf some. N. C. WHITE BEANS. If you want North Carolina White eans, you can find them at WILLFERUSON'S Grocory. DO YOU DRINK EA ? If yon do, IIE-NO is the kind au want. WILL FERGUSON sells it. WANTED. 1000 CHICKENS and 100,000 dozen GGS, and I want them now. W. E. FERGUSON. WRITE EASY! rUST as easy to write with a RAPID WRITER FOUNTAIN PEN as it is > "scribble" with a pencil and you know ow easy that is. The Rapid Writer Pen as no superior and few equals on the .merican market. It is guaranteed to mt von 10 vears. Any defect or break ?e not caused by neglect or misuse will be lade good by the Company. There are bout six or eight dozen Rapid Writer 'ens in use in this county and they are II giving perfect satisfaction. For prices ud further information, call on or write to OLIVER E. GRIST, Lock Box 8, Yorkville, S. C. J. H. RIDDLE. N. C. N. O. M. WE desire to call your attention to the fact that we have just received a barrel of New Crop New Orleans Molasses which we are retailing at 50 cents a gallon. Come and get some. BELTINC. We keep in stock a large supply of Leather and Rubber Belting, and to anybody whose good or ill fortune it may be to need anything in this line, we would say you can't afford not see us before baying as you will save money and we guarantee every foot we sell. SHINGLES AND LIME. We keep on band a large supply of Shingles and Lime and to all who wish to buy in large quantities or carload lots, WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES. FLOUR AND HAMS. We have just received fresh arrivals of these indispensables and when bought of us and freely used, we guarantee the most blissful domestic happiness. FRUIT JARS. Don't forget THE SLAUGHTERING PRICES at which we are selling these articles. TOBACCO!! TOBACCO!! The enormous stock of TOBACCO that we have on hand must go, and if we can't get our prices we will take yours as we care very little what prices we get so WE PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS. J. H. RIDDLE. W.B MOORE & CO. An Earthquake. THAT is if we had an earthquake that would smash up the cups, saucers and plates of every man, woman and child in the county, we believe we could furnish the demand at once from our present stock. In crockery we have just received a line of dinner sets and other goods at the lowest prices in our experience. You can't afford to go by if you want goods in our line. CLOVER and Crimson Clover seeds at reduced prices. Overstock. MACHINE OIL.?Do you use oil on your Engine, Gin or any other machinery. If so. we keeD a eood oil with some bo'dy and' not like lamp oil or water. Try it. COTTON sheets for baskets. CLAUSS Shears. Each pair waranted. RAZORS, sold on guaranteed at $1.25 to $2.00. RAZORING will sharpen any razor for 15 cents. ROGER'S Pocket Knives, and best assortments in town with a large stock of table cutlery. Also spoons, forks, carying knives, etc. BELTING, Engine Fittings, Injectors. Ejectors, Valves of all kinds, fittings, etc. CRESCENT Wheels lead. $50.00 will buy a dandy. Call and talk to us on the subject of wheels. W. B. MOORE A CO. L. G. GRIST. S. M. GRIST. GRIST COUSINS. WE HAVE KITS. WE have on hand a fresh supply of Mackerel, the superior of which do not ever appear on the market. We sell them at 10 cents each, or 3 for 25 cents. We sell Mackerel in kits at 75 cents a kit. As to Canned Goods, There is no necessity of our saying anything about them, as everyone knows that we only handle the very best that can be found. We have Royal Baking Powder^ Possum Baking Powder, Sal mon, sardines, Tomatoes, reacnes, Pineapples, etc. Also Warranted $1.50 Razors and Razor Straps. For the Household. A few days ago we received another shipment of Household Medicines, such as are almost invariably found in every home. We have also Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, Hood's Sareaparilla, Tutt's rills and Allcock's Porous Plasters at 15 cents. Smokers and Chewers Can always find Cigars, Pipes, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at our store anytime they call. Try "King of Siam" Cigar. GRIST COUSINS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rock Hill, S. C. Nothing Sncceeds Like Success. ORGANIZED JANUARY, 1887. Capital, $75,000 Surplus aid Profits, - - - 30,500 Dmdends Paid, - - - 51,750 OUR very progressive town has continued to move onward and upward, and is today, the financial centre of York county ana of this section of the State. The First National Bank has built up a business large in volume, and gratifying tn its owners. We realize that human nature is never satisfied. We still want good customersMerchants, Mauufacturers, Capitalists, Farmers, Public Officials, Savings class and others. We offer absolute security; resources and facilities unsurpassed ; rates to correspond with the change of times. Our customers are our true friends and we always look after their interests. W. L. RODDEY, President. W. J. RODDEY, Vice President. J. H. MILLER, Cashier. L. C. HARRISON, Teller. PAUL WORKMAN, Bookkeeper. WHISONANT & CASTLES, HICKORY GROVE.8.C. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ATourstables a CAR LOAD of young, medium-sized Horses, well broken and in every respect suited to the needs of lovers of horse flesh in this section. These animals were bought for cash, and they were bought right. We bought them to sell. We are going to sell them for cash, and we are offering them right. Come and see us. We will be right here ready to wait on you. We have on hand something to suit anybody and everybody. Don't forget us. We talk pretty large sometimes; but we mean it. See if we don't. WHISONANT & CASTLES. WATCH FOR THE OPENING CHAPTERS OF FORT FRAYNE. You cannot afford to miss it. AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. State of Sonth Carolina?County ol York. in the court of common pleas. Loan and Savings Bank, Plaintiff, agains Jane E. Clinton, Defendant.?Notice o Foreclosure Sale. BY virtue of a decree for sale made it the above stated cause, I will expos* to public sale in FRONT OF YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRS! MONDAY IN NOVEMBER. 1896 (Salesday), daring the legal hours for sale the following described real property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situatec in the county of York, state aforesaid bounded by lands of R. E. Guthrie, estat* of W. B. Byers, M. W. Mendenhal and others, CONTAINING EIGHT"* THREE (83) ACRES, more or less. Terms of Sale?ONE-HALF CASH Balance on a credit of twelve month: with interest from day of sale. Credi nnrttnn nf hid to he noon red hv nnreha sePs bond and a mortgage of the premises Purchaser to ps<V for all papers. W. BROWN WYLIE, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. October 14 83 w3t CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. State of Sonth Carolina?County ol York. in the court of common pleas. The Scottish American Mortgage Com Eany (Limited), against the Blacksbur^ >and and Improvement Company anc others.?Notice of Sale. BY virtue of a decree of foreclosur* made in the above stated cause, 1 will expose to public sale in front o YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on th< FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER 1896, (Salesday), during the legal hours o sale, the following described real prop erty, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land in Cher okee township, York county, S. C., aboui two miles from Blacksburg, known a! the Charles M. Qreen land, bounded bj lands now, or formerly of Sarah Black R. M. Roark, the estate of W. W. Gaff ney, R. A. Westbrooks and others, anc containing 567J ACRES, be the sam< more or less. Terms of Sale?Cash. Purchaser tc pay for papers. W BROWN WYLIE". Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. October 14 83 w3t CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. State of South Carolina?County ol York. in the court op common pleas. J. A. Glenn, Plaintiff, against, Walkei Steele and others, Defendants. BY virtue of a decree of this court made in the above stated cause, datec 13th of April, 1896, I will expose to public sale in front of YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1896, (Salesday) during the legal hours of sale, the following describee real property to-wit: ^ All that piece, parcel or tract of laWu situated iu the county of York, state aforesaid, whereon Walker Steele now, or did reside, adjoining ltpids of estate of J. B. Lowry, A. Dilling, Robert Erwin and others, containing 146 ACRES, more or less. Terms of Sale?ONE THIRD CASH The balance on a credit of one and twe years, in equal installments, with interest from day of sale. Credit portion secured by the purchaser's bond and mortgage of the premises, with leave to purchaser to pay entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers. Purchase] to comply with bid within thirty minutes or the the land to be resold at once, at tb< risk of the defaulting purchaser. W. BROWN WYLIE, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. October 14 83 w3t CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. State of South Carolina?County ol York. in the court of common pleas. I. S. D. Jones, Plaintiff, against John F Jones and others, Defendants.?Fore closure aaie. BY virtue of a decree for sale made In the above stated cause, dated 7tt of October, 1896, I will expose to public sale, in front of YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IK NOVEMBER, 1896, (Salesday), during the legal hours for sale, the following described real and personal property towit: 1. All that certain piece, parcel or lot o: land situated in county of York anc state aforesaid, IN TOWN OF BLACKS BURG, S. 0., bounded by Peacbtree street; on the west by Whisonant lot north by the Bonnar lot; and on the other side by Peachtree street and Whita ker avenue, known as the CHEROKEI INN PROPERTY, said to contain 114,10! square feet, more or less. 2. The HOUSE AND LOT next nortl of Cherokee Inn, on Whitaker avenue bounded on the north by the Three C'i railroad cut, and fronting on Whitakei avenue. 3. HOUSE AND LOT on Mountair street, south side of said street, house formerly occupied by Pearson. 4. Also, all the remaining interest o Jno F. Jones in the "Gibson Place," a the north end of Mountain street, ant next to the Marshall place. 5. Interest of Jno. F. Jones in the place on New street, formerly occupied by one Knox, one by Ferguson, one by Webb one by Blalock. The last four places lots and bouses more fully located as fol lows: Bounded S. W. by Rudisill lot N. W. or W. by Whitaker avenue, N. E by lands of Whisonant, Jarvis and Jones and E. by New street, all situated it Blacksburg, S. C. 6. Also, all the right, title and interes a? AvfufAQ narnofo tvinHnU Ill lUt> IUIIIUUIC, UAlrUl&O, ..... hangings, kitchen furniture, silver, glasi and other ware, beds and beading, parlo and sitting room sets, pictures, instru merits books, ornaments, supplies fo house and kitchen now used as the furn ishings and outfit of the hotel, called th< "Cherokee Inn," located at Blacksburg York county, S. C., except the furniture parlor and bedroom sets, pictures, orna ments, carpets, rugs, window fixture! and curtains, trunks, books, etc., also ii j said hotel, but the property of other par ties, namely: I. S. D. Jones, F. D. A1 vord and W. Wilcox. Terms of Sale?The Cherokee Ini lot and buildings thereon for one-thin cash, and the balance on a credit of oni and two years, in equal installments, witl interest from day of sale, secured by thi purchaser or purchasers' bond, and i mortgage of the premises, with the priva lege to purchaser to pay entire bid in cash Terms of sale on balance of property described above: One-half cash, ana thi balance on a credit of one year, secure* by the purchaser's bond and a mortgagi of the property and premises sold, witl leave to pay entire bia in cash. Purchas era will be required to pay eight per cent interest, payaoie annuaiiy, anu mj iuanr the property as long as the purchase nion ey remains unpaid. Purchaser or pur chasers to pay for all papers. W. BROWN WYLIE, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. October 14 83 w3t DON'T MISS _ THE GRAND ENTERTAINMENT MANY are the lonely hours that yoi spend during the long winter night with nothing to help pqgs away the timi which seems to bang so heavily upoi you. The way to dispense with that lone someness is very simple: Subscribe fo MUN.SEY'S MAGAZINE. It will nrov a valuable companion and you will tint it to be highly entertaining. MUNSET contains ONE HUNDRED AND TWEN TY-EIGHT pages every month and thi subscription price is only ONE DOLLAI A YEAR. Subscribe for this great Mag azine and you will never regret it. Sen< renewals to me and they will have promp and careful attention. Respectfully, REG. M. GRIST, Subscription Agent, Yorkville, S. C. AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S PARTITION SALE. f State of South Carolina?County of York. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. t J. Rufus Stephenson and others, against f Pannelia E. Stephenson and othersNotice of Sale, i DY virtue of a decree for sale in parti3 JL> tion made in the above stated cause, I will expose to public sale in front of > YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1896, (Salesday) during the legal hours ' for sale, the following described real prop' erty to-wit: I All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situated in the county and state J aforesaid, and bounded by lands now or i formerly belonging to William and James r Wood, lands of J. W. Y. Dickson, W. J. atepnenson, ana josepn a. omnn, ana containing 1361 ACRES, more or less, j Terms of Sale?CASH. Purchaser t to pay for papers. I W. BROWN WYLIE. Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. October 14 83 w3t - What the Mayor of Rook Hill Has to ' Say of Dr. Delvaux's Medicine. Rocs Hill, S. C., July 1.1896. Dr. J. > B. Delvaux, Yorkville, S. C. Dear Sir: I have been very much benefitted by the use of your Blood Purifier for dyspepsia and indigestion. I shall keep it on hands for use whenever necessary. Yours truly. W. C. Hutchison. The President of the Savings Bank . of Rock Hill Testifies. Rock Hill, S. C.?Dr. J. B. Delvaux & Co.: This is to-certify that I have used your Blood Purifier for dyspepsia and . nave derived uiuch benefit I will continue its use until cured. D.Hutchison. | . -: THE: ! SAVINGS BANK . OF i ROCK HILL, 8. C. . Capital, - - - - $50,000. ! Surplus and Profits, 31,000. . "^yiTH ample resources and every fa| cility for the transaction of the Banking [ business in all its branches, this bank 3 solicits the business of corporations, firms and individuals, tendering all the courtesies and accommodations that are usually extended by a WELL CONP DUCTED AND OBLIGING BANKING HOUSE. Correspondence or a call solicited from those contemplating a change in their ) banking arrangements or the opening of i j a new aocount f Interest bearing certificates of deposit issued under special agreements. D. HUTCHISON. President, J. R. LONDON, Vice President, f R. LEE KERR, Cashier. ; G. H. O'LEARY. > ? 3 - I HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE j STOCK OF FURNITURE OF all kinds demanded in this section of the country. Goods bought right are half sold, and we believe we have 3 bought right. If you need anything Id r our line, we can begin at the front door and supbly you with everything need1 ful, hall, parlor, library, bedrooms, 3 dlningroom and kitchen complete. Mv warehouse, twice the size of my store, is J packed frill; so if you do not see what \ you want, ask for it 1 G. H. O'LEARY. CARPETS, RUGS, ETC. A NEW line of All Wool Carpets, ' xIl Cotton Chain Caipets, Rugs in all grades, Art Squares, Mattings, Brussels . and Moquette. We sell by Samples. ' Window Shades of all shades and grades. G. H. O'LEARY. ? TX7E are still selling the t stoves, yy Noble Cooking Stoves, f Ranges, Iron King and Elmo Heating s Stoves, and a largeline of cheaper Stoves, r Grates, Stove Repairs, Stove Ware, . Pipes, etc. G. H. O'LEARY. r ainniRS AND HARNESS. B TH7E still keep on hand a large stock of ' VV Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Whips, ' etc. In all the above lines our facilities " are the best for handling these goods, and , we are prepared to sell as low as any ] market. G. H. O'LEARY. j Job Printing-, During the past twelve months, has B come to THE ENQUIRER office EL unsolicited, from North Carolina j arid Virginia. Why this iB, is a e 1 matter for YOU to determine. We 0 !, may not do the finest work on earth ; but we do the work that we undertake, the best that we know how, and the quality executed in THE ENQUIRER office evidently suits some customers, while we are sure that it was not on account of a HIGH PRICE that brought the work our way. a t She IjothviUt (Enquirer. r * f Published Wednesday and Saturday. r . TERMS OR SUBSCRIPTION: e I Single copy for one year, 2 CO - One copy for two years, 3 50 i For six months, 100 t For three months, SO Two copies for one year, 3 50 Ten copies one year, IT 50 And an extra copy for a club of ten.