Both Factions Nominated.?The Melton and Webster factions of the Republican party held their state conventions in Columbia on Thursday, j v- and although the Melton people made an overture looking to fusion, it failed. The Webster people were not willing. Both sides nominated full state tickets. Here is the Webster ticket: Governor, R. M. Wallace, of Sumter; lieu- j tenant governor, Dr. J. P. Latimer, of Greenville ; treasurer, George I. Cunningham, of Charleston ; attorney general, E. F. Cochran, of Anderson ; su- i perintendent of education, E. B. Bur- f roughs; secretary of state, Abial La- , throp, of Orangeburg; comptroller * gsneral, F. M. Butler, of Anderson. 2 All the nominees are white except Bur- \ roughs. s Melton ticket: Governor, Sampson ; Pope, of Newberry; lieutenant governor, W. W. Russell; secretary of state, ? B. K. King; comptroller general, V. P. Clayton; attoruey general, L. D. j Melton ; adjutant general, A. T. Jen- r ?J Tk T Vnnttc annur. mugs j ircncuict, ?s. v. intendent of education, M. A. Dawson, ? All the nominees are white. S Both conventions denounced the { % registration law provided by the new c constitution, and signified their intention of fighting it in the courts. 8 Charleston Brewery Sold. In pursuance with a decree of the United States court, rendered by Judge Simonton on July 1st, the Palmetto Brewery was sold in Charleston on t Tuesday to J. H. Dosher, the former e president of the company, for the up- a w set price of $85,000. There was much , litigation regarding the brewery in the spring and early summer. Receivers ? for the property were appointed both t in the state and federal courts, and considerable bad feeliDg in and out of b court was aroused among the stock- j holders of the concern. Mr. Dosher says that in the purchase today be represents a stock company, which will c reorganize the property under the name of the Germania Brewery of h Charleston. c AT THE CHURCHES. * EPISCOPAL. j. Sunday Services. Lay services in S( the morning at 10.45 o'clock. Sunday school at 5 d. ra. trinity methodist episcopal. t Sunday Services. Preaching Sun- p day morning at 10.30 and in the evening 6 at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 p. m. C presbyterian. s Sunday Services.?Preaching Sun- i, day morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 o'clock p. m. a associate reformed presbyterian. 0 Sunday Services.?YORKVILLE? s Sunday school at 5 o'clock in the after- fi noon. No preaching until further notice. n TIRZAH?No preaching next Sunday. ^ baptist. v Sunday Services.?YORK VILLE? i( Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Preaching Sunday morning at 10.30 and in the even- d ing at 8 o'clock. c geprts. YORKVILLE, September 19.?Cotton i 7i to 8. } NEW YORK, September 17.?Cotton 83. < Futures closed steady with sales of 167,700 bales as follows: September, 8.00; i October, 8.04; November, 8.07; Decern- ' ber, 8.17; January, 8.30; February, 8.30; March, 8.34; April, 8.38; May, 8.42. SCHOOL BOOKS. CIUIUJCj U> lilt) U1U SUtHU ill ivoiiucu.y / Bros. papers. JOHN F. OATES, Executor. September 12 74 s4t v CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. ft State of South Carolina?County of t] York. fi m in the court of common pleas. j William H. Herndon and Robert J. ji Herndon, Copartners, Plaintiffs, against John C. Jackson and others, Defendants?Foreclosure sale. BY virtue of a decree of sale made in the above stated cause, I will expose to public ssde IN FRONT OF YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, during the le- 0 gal hours for side, on the FIRST MON- c< ^ DAY IN OCTOBER next, lKdi, (sales- C day) the following described real prop- 1 erty. to-wit: tl All that certain piece, parcel or tract of 1 land situated in the county of York, state aforesaid, al>out four miles from I York court house, on the Adair's ferry m ,u,nluiiiin(r()\E Hl!NT)ltEI) A \I) EIGHTY-ONE (181) ACHES, more or ^ less, bounded by lands of Jane E. Evans, b ? -0 Win. Dickson, D. C. Clark and others. y fr Terms of Sale.?One-ball" cash and n balance on a credit of twelve months with interest from day of sale, credit por- tion secured by purchasers, bond and a mortgage of the premises. Purchaser 1 has privilege to paj* his entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers. si W. BROWN WYLIE, u '* Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. C September 10 76 3t THE WHEELS ARE TURNING i.nd the Great Fall and Wintei Traffic Is Coming My Way ! ENTHUSIASTIC OPENING!" to More Clocks or Pictures Will Be Given Away After October 1. Never before in the history oi ny mercantile career have I >pened up a stock of goods at the jeginning of a season under such luspicious conditions?the very >est quality and at prices which ire heart rending to the old 'goldbug" manufacturers of the p'eat Yankeedom ! MY DRESS GOODS depart nent is a perfectly bewildering nystery of overpowering bargains ! Like the rumble and putter of the volcano, the shop>er wonders if the lava of bargains will never cease to flow. See my all wool black dress goods at J cents to 33 cents per yard. Also the ntire stock. MY CLOTHING is a grand xhibition in itself?displaying he highest arts of the manufacurers of the fabric aijd the skilled workmanship of the tailors :like, and at prices hitherto un:nown to the most skeptical bar ^ain hunter. This is all for genlemen, boys and children. See my stock of men's clothing at $3.50 ; oy's suits at $2.50 ; aud children's at 69 ents. All wool suits for men at $5.00. |"iner suits at $6, $7 and $8. MY CORSET department is >ne grand array of dazzling fairyike shapes, bewildering to the learts of all women who appreiate a healthful form and perect figure. Corsets at my store at front 17 cents up. lope to have a full line of Warner's corBts in a few days. ;MY SHOE department for ?oth sexes and all ages is1 one ;rand collection of ingenuity, omprising the daintiest, most ymetrically shaped boot for adies, down through all sizes nd styles to the commonest browns, and all at the lowest prices. Shoes for children from 25 cents up. A rst class shoe for men at $2. MY HAT DEPARTMENT, /hich is a feature of itself, is no sss attractive than either of the epartments mentioned above, ontains manv rare bargains. H. C.'STRAUSS, Corner Fountain Square. iV. B MOOKE & CO. \ REAL BARGAIN IN BICYCLES. [T7E have three or four wheels. We T will sell them at real bargains?one >r 312.50, one for 320.00 good, and our ew one for 350.00. See them now before ley go up. BAGGING and TIES.?We have a big ;ock of second hand at a low price. See s before you buy. Iteelyards and Cotton Balnces in stock, and another ot of cotton sheets coming o take the place of baskets. SPORTING GOODS. Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Leggins in large quantities. You may be pleased at the EVERYTHING STORE. KH RSH CREAM CHEESE AT 15 :ents a pound. W. B. MOORE & CO. HDOBSED BY WIHTHBOP. . R. BARRON, W. M. MJXLAP, President. Secretary. THE IANCHESTER COTTON MILLS. M'f'r's of Fine Cotton Goods. Rock Hill, .S. C., June 4th, 18JK5. Ir. Geo. T. Schorl), Yorkville, S. C.: Dkar Sir?I am very much pleased ,-ith the Lester Piano I bought from you, nd evervone who has tried it, pronounce . the BEST IN THE COUNTRY. Miss and other college girls of the Winbrop college who have tried it, say it is ir superior to any at the college. Hoping that you may be able to sell the ,ESTER to anyone contemplating buylg a Piano, I am yours, very truly, J. R. Barron. TVioro To a. trnnH Nnmhfvr XUUX V XV w VI WM if different makes of Pianos at Winthrop nllege, some have a high reputation, all on me and I will give the names, 'he Lester stands equal to any piano in lis country, and is tully warranted to be IIGII GRADE. I have other line testimonials for the ,ester from competent judges and persons rellknown around here. I can furnish LETTER INSTRUIENTS FOR LESS MONEY than can e obtained anywhere else. It will pay on to see me and the Lester Piano before Hiking a purchase. GEO. T. SCHORR. r,0O CORDS WOOD WANTED. [T7 ANTED immediately at the York v V Cotton Mills, 500 CORDS of large i/.e sticks of DRY PINE WOOD; for hich the market price will be paid in ASH. W.N. ASHE, JR. September 5 72 sAwtf mm PIONEERS B KING 01 THE BUSIEST S Two years and a have been in yoi tend our sincer confidence an<] prouder, more appreciativ CITIZENS Tr? OCO IlFA JLJL1 lIIt/OV> t?T v j vi grown into grei BUSINESS MI levers for trade, UNDERBUY! Others ape after us ar forts, with a few litt significance before 0 throughout our im every item. Cour counterfeit coin. Hon GANSON'S GRE. iviunun $80,000 worth of valuat Auction Sales and carefi and domestic goods wil caster. Come early The prices are onl large now, it w 10,000 yards High Color Dress Outings, worth 8 cents, at 5 cents. SI 7,500 yards Dreas Ginghams, worth 5 i cents, at 2J cents. ra 3,700 yards Dreas Ginghams, worth 10 pi cents, at 5 cents. 25,000 yards Domestic Plaids, worth 5 35 ppntu uf *11 pontq 3,200 yards Indigo Blue Calico, worth 5 cents, at 4 cents. 500 Ladies' 15 cents Jersey Ribbed Undervests at 5 cents. ! - r 1,UUU ladies 00 cents jersey iuuucu Undervests at 20 cents. 1,000 pairs Ladies' 25 cents Fast Black dt Hose, "THE QUEEN'S OWN," at 13 el cents. si 800 pairs Ladies' Fast Black Hose at 5 In cents. is 1,500 pairs sample Hosiery, among sli which are a lot of Silk Hose, at half price, tli $1,000 worth sample Hosiery, Gloves, pi Umbrellas, Towels, Handkerchiefs, Belts, B Chenille Goods, etc., at half cost. B 200 pairs Lace Curtains, 50, (15 and 75 F cents, 81, 81.25 and 81.75. lis 100 Featherbone Corsets, worth 75 cents, B at 50 cents. . B 300 pairs Gilt Side Combs, 10 cents F quality, at 5 cents a pair. 500 Linen Huck Towels, 18x3(1 inches, ei worth 19 cents, at 10 cents. in 000 pairs Men's High Cut t'reedmore ai Shoes at 90 cents. se GANS We have twice as much Clo everything from a Boy's Suit at substantial in both Boys' and I SCHLOSS BROS. & CO.'S Su Suits at $9.00. Their $15 S and vests, from $8 to $12 Suits a stuff?which we will sell at $1. CHEAPEST TO THE FINE COME ONE, COI Satisfaction guarant people engaged for t LADIES EMPLOY GAJ i DRY (101 x-x-x? OF REFORR I IS I NESS II V m m FTowl X?? ITORE IN SOUT x^? half?five busin< ir midst and we i e thanks to the pi I most liberal pat energetic, highly p neonle live t OF YORK ( irs and a half, ou it. volume, all du 2THODS and mi viz: UNDEBSELI ? - . j id try to copy our met ;le "catch penny" leat ?UR GREAT UNDER mense stock in every iterfeit methods are i est methods are the safety-i AT OPENING Y, SEPTEMEF >le merchandise, purchas illy selected from the lea 1 be thrown on the markei and get your share or ? i.1 ?A 1_ 1 ? y gooa wniie me siuujl ia ill not take it a great 72 pairs Men's Yeal Kip Creedniore do loes at 75 ceuts. pe 300 pairs Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, m( nging in price from 75 cents to 81.25, ail 1 it up in job lot to sell at 50 cents a pair, th 72 Ladies' Pearl Shirt Waist Sets, worth RICES! ] H CAROLINA! T i 1 ? 3ss seasons?we; are glad to ex- < ablic for their ronage. No ! honest and < han the JOUNTY! | ir business has e to HONEST < i ir three great I c 1 L! CASH! i BaUBBH hods ; but their ef- * lers, pale into in- .VALUE PRICES department and is injurious as 1 ralres of business. SALE BEGINS, i 21ST. : jed at the Great N. Y. 8 ding lines of foreign 8 tsof YorkandLandon't blame us. c ,sts and though I while to go. fi ? i< ue lfss than you have a right to er- e ct ol' us If we don't save you big iiiey. \ In DRESS TRIMMINGS, we show e latest and most desirable in Cut ts, Spangled and Jeweled Trimmings two ana threetoned effects. Velvets, I -aids, Silks and Buttons. Everything I beautify and adorn the beautiful. o NOTION SURPRISES. Never were e cheap. Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, I mdkerchlefs, White Goods, Table nens. Towels, Embroideries, Laces, bbons, Caps, Knit Goods, Stationery, irfumeries, Toilet Articles, Neckear and Veilings. . GENTS FURNISHINGS bought at i cents on the dollar from a bursted | ncern. -J Hen's Heavy Iluckskiu Shirts, burst- y price .19 cents. Hen's Heavy Negligee Shirts, burst- ? price 25 cents. I' Hen's Laundred Imported Percale Q ilrts, worth 75 cents, bursted price v > cents. . Heu's Laundred White Shirts, worth J) cents, hursted price 45 cents. Hen's lO cents Black Hose at 5 cents. / good 15 cents black one at lO cents, good 25 cents one at 15 cents. j Suspenders worth 25 cents at 10 cents, g 35 cents one at 20 cents.' Gents Underwear world without end. tj CLOTHING ] SALE! f aA cfnolr pmhmppt; 11 ULUSAKA. 1UV uwvv?k y .75 to the nobbiest and most ,000.00 worth of the famous 3 can sell you their $13.50 c g attraction is 300 fine Coats s p 500 odd Coats?brand new :k is berwildering, from the IE BIG SALE!, led. Extra sales- * ENCED SALESTHE LADIES. { I S COMPANY. 1 J. H. RIDDLE. RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING. WE keep in stock a large supply of Leather and Rubber Belting, and to inybody whose good or ill fortune it may oe to need anything in this line, we would ay you can't afford not see us before buy- . / ng as you will save money and we guarantee every foot we sell. SHINGLES AND LIME. We keep on hand a large supply of Shingles and Lime and to all who wish to auy in large quantities or carload lota, WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES. FLOUR AND HAMS. We have just received fresh arrivals >f these indispensables and when bonght no on/1 110a/1 ii'A miaMfitAA f ho ja uo aiiiu iiooij uocu) r? c guoiauwo vuu nost blissful domestic happiness. FRUIT JARS. Don't forget THE SLAUGHTERING PRICES at which we are selling these irticles. rOBACCOM TOBACCO!! TOBACCO!! TOBACCO!! (The enormous stock of TOBACCO that ve have on hand must go, and if we an't get our prices we will take yours as ve care very little what prices we get ? WE PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS. J. H. RIDDLE. j. G. GRIST. 8. M. GRIST. GRIST COUSINS. "IT'S A DAISY." f^VNE day last winter Mr. Jas. D. Land LJ called at our place and stated that he vanted to see one of our $1.50 Warranted itazore. The Razor was shown and Mr. land bought it. Mr. Land told us one lay this week that it was as good a razor is ne ever owned and did its work in an entirely satisfactory manner. He was es>ecially enthusiastic in his praises and imong other things said "Itfs a daisy," vhich means that it came up to the guarintee. If you need a good Razor you ihould not fail to get one of ours. Re- . nember that it is sold for $1.50 and on an inconditional guarantee to give satisactition. Mower Repairs. Owners of Buckeye, Wood and Mccormick Mowers will please bear in nind that we cariy in stock a full stock >f Knives, Knife Sections, Knife Heads, iuards, Rivets and Sharpeners for each of be above named styles of machines and an furnish repairs on short notice for INY style machine in this section. We Are Positive Chat we can and will offer you a better, landsomer, finer and stronger Surrey for h? mnnev than anv other dealer in . 1 his section. We know what we are alking about and you will come to the lame conclusion if you will come and see is. GRIST COUSINS. LATIMER'S BAZAAR. MILLINERY. Forced by a Popular Demand to Order a Select Line of Stylish Headwear. rHE highest testimonial of our ability to please our customers was a popuir demand from them about ten days go to put in a select stock of Millinery, nd in a measure we yielded. Our stock, bough not the largest ou earth, is unique nd varied, and is comprised of the very itest designs and shapes including the nost popular shapes in Sailor Hats. Our Flowers and Ribbons come up to be requirements of the most exacting riticsand at prices only commensurate nth the quality of the goods offered to be old. Besides the above, THE BAZAAR, rom the standpoint of the ladies, has a jvely line of Silk and Kid Gloves for vening dress. Remember to see us when you want VALL PAPER. DRESS MAKING s Btill a feature at- LATIMER'S FASHON BAZAAR, and the work and finish f the gowns at our establishment are qual to that of aay establishment in the Jnited States. U C MARSHALL BEFORE you buy a pair of SHOES. He has received a shipment of the ery latest styles and if you want a compilable, 3tyhsh and well-fitting Shoe, he i the man that has it and also remember bat he will sell vou Shoes of the highest uality just as cheap as anybody. If vou rant a bargain, call at once. fly Fall and Winter Goods ire arriving daily. New, stylish and eautiful NECKTIES and CRAVATS. Iverything in Men's and Boys' Clothing, hoes and Hats. If you do not come ana ee my stock before making your selecions, you will certainly regret it. Ladies' and Misses' Shoes. We have in stock, a nice assortment of ..adies' and Misses Shoes and should our wife or daughter be in need of a new iair of shoes, don't forget that W. F. MARSHALL can supply the need at as mall cost as anybody, quality considered. ' Boys' Clothing. Does that boy of yours need a new and omfortable suit of Clothing? If so, I an furnish you with a suit for him at a mall cost. W. F MARSHALL. 3ihr Atorkrillr (Enquirer. hiblished Weekly and Semi-Weekly. UTHER EDITION AT THE SAME PRICE. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: liugle copy for one year, $ 2 OO )ne copy tor two years, 3 50 'or six months, 1 OO tor three months, ;. 50 'wo copies for one year, 3 50 ton copies one year, IT 50 t.nd an extra copy for a club of ten.