immowusi department. HOW THE TURK AWOKE. James Turk, a guileless citizen of De- * troit was ambliDg around St. Louis the other day, when a stranger stopped t< him, offered him a cigar and said : j "You have a frank and honest face, tj and I appeal to you to do me a ] favor." ti "Well, I reckon I will, unless you want to borrow money." ' "Oh, no ! no! You see that clothing store over there? Well, on the ' left as you go in is a counter full of 8 overcoats. I want one the worst way, 1 but the price is $20, and I don't want w to pay over $15. I could have beaten a him down, I think, except that we I both got mad and I left." n< "Well, what do you want or me?" ? "Simply go in and offer him $15. j If he accepts bring the coat to me on pj the corner below. If he refuses, you w will have my gratitude all the same." j James promptly consented, and o] when he offered $15 for one of the je coats the dealer promptly accepted. It j was done up in a neat bundle, and Mr. ^ Turk carried to the corner for delivery ^ and payment. The other party was not there. Mr. Turk waited half an ' hour?three-quarters?over an hour, J" and the idea crept through his wool that he had been sold. He returned 1 to the clothier and asked: "What is your asking price for these '8 overcoats ?" J "Eight dollars." ri "But I paid you $15!" w "Oxactly. Vhen a man comes in k< und likes to pay me dot price I vhas 1 foolish to drive him avhay 1" g< Mr. Turk reached home with two b< overcoats, and he is so pale and quiet in and sad-appearing that his friends j whisper their fears of consumption. w af Had Suspended.?"Ah 1" he said, w as the door opened, "but do I address j the lady of the bouse ?" p< "No, sir," replied the girl, as her pi face melted a little. "I am the house- n< keeper." j "Urn. She is out then ?" ? "Yes, sir. Gone to the skating rink." m "And the gentleman ?" je "He's gone off to a raffle." "Um. Any daughters ?" "Two of 'em, sir. The oldest, which ^ is Fannie, is across the way learning r{ how to play eucher, and the other, which is Susie, has rigged up as an actress, and gone down to have a statuesque photograph taken." "Um. No sons ?" m "Only one, sir, and this is the hour J when he takes his boxing lessons. Did you wish to see anyone in partic- tr ular ?" tr "Well, I'm taking in orders for the 1 Family Bible, and I was in hopes to tb secure a subscriber. Perhaps you n< could?1" . cr "Oh, it's no use talking, sir," she sp interrupted, as the door began to close, j "My beau brought me in 15 dime nov- of els last night, and I go to three dances le a week, and I'm just catching on to su the old sledge, and, really, sir, you m had better hit the family next door. I j think we have suspended business in 3, your line of goods." hi m Why They Joined the Church- sa "How does it happen that you joined | the Methodist church ?" asked a man m of a dealer in ready-made clothing. at "Veil, pecause mine prudder choin- m 1 _ -r* L?i. : T ea aer Dresuyienaus. j. v? uui mui ^ der let heem git der advantage mit me." "How get the advantage?" "Mine brudder noticed dot he vas 1 ein shoemaker und dot der Bresbyte- vj rians shtood oop ven dey bray. He ^ see dot dey vare der shoes in dot vey, unt he choins dot church to hold dot ' trade, unt prospers; so I choined der Vl Methodists." "What did you gain by that?" ^ "Vy der Methodists kneel down unt vare der pritches at der knees out ven der bray, unt dey bray long unt I vare pig holes in dem pritches. Vel, ci I sells clothing to dem M'ethodists unt B? makes monish." m "But don't you have to donate con- E siderable to the support of the Ei church ?" I "Yah; I puts much money in dot a church basket, but efery time I do- as nates to dot shurch I marks pritches be oon den Der cent, unt eits more as ht often." a ? I Just Like Him.?"Husband," said ea Mrs. Smith the other night, fixing her he ^ eyes significantly upon the 7-year-old Gi prfde of the family. "I am afraid you wi will have to correct Johnny, he has of been a bad boy this afternoon." in Husband (glancing over his paper)? | What has he been doing ? ds "He took his Shawlneck rooster c]j over to Mrs. Jones's, and Tom Jones ,8 got out his Black Spanish, and they let the poor creatures fight for more it than an hour." vc Husbaud (straightening up)?Which ^ whipped ? j0 ro A Scriptural Panorama.?The regular lecturer to the panorama being hi ill, his assistant behind the scenes, a tb Hibernian, officiated in that capacity th one night. $1 Lecturer?This raovin' scane gentle- t meu aud ladies, represints 'Daniel in cj the Lion's Den.' This is Daniel be- to twixt the lions. st Auditor?Be them wild lions or cir- sh cus lions? T Lecturer?I pity the ignorance of w the like of yez, sor. This was B. C., pt before circuses. w B&T An insurauce agent applied to a In a woman in Austin to induce her to in get her husband's life insured. "Will fa I be sure to get the money if he dies in right off?" "Certainly, madam." as "But will you give me the assurance m that he will die right off?" "No, lo madam, we cannot do that." "Well bt then, what good will it be to me to w get his life insured if he doesn't die ?" j I knew there was some catch about h, this insurance business."?Texas Sift- jr ings. tc ? ? rt "Run for the doctor, quick ! w Help! Help! Dot baby has swal- e: lowed a nickel!" exclaimed Mrs. si Schaumberg. "Grade schmoke, you li make so much fuss as if it was a $20 fc gold piece. Be calm Repecca!" replied " Moses. c< Waystdt (gathmttfls. 98T A sneer is the weapon of the m' 'eak. A. t@T It is easier to tell a lie than it is ) catch a fish. LE! 8?* Where religion is a trade, morali} is a merchandise. I?" A man who abides in a peniten- t? ary is a law abiding citizen. o A man who is a poor liar finds it x mvenient to stick to the truth. 8 VST The way to make an overcoat g ist is to make the undercoat first. wo mA arvff ononror tllPnofh ftWftV XXfh PW CI oviv nuonvi j *? ? rath, but a club keeps it turned tw< way. 'nS VST It ia an odd excursion that does ot yield $5's worth of misery for the aD( 1 planted. ooc }&* It is not safe to judge a man's cry iety by his facility in using a set of ell-sounding phrases. ^ VST In South America there is a race oor F cats to which "meowing" is an un- for arned accomplishment. of J VST A wicked little boy says t hat 8 ome without a mother would be a ^ did picnic all the week. tho PST Thirteen has always been an un- ant icky number. Adam's 13th rib was Ma le cause of all his troubles. xxl Make yourself an honest man, id then you may be sure that there Hli one rascal less in the world. bo. A newspaper published in Mad- Hit d is printed on linen, which may be the ashed and used afterwards as a hand- 8 srchief. 9eS" The farmer who lets everything rld, > to waste about him will generally UD( j the one who complains that " farm- lab: icr don't Dav." Ho A man may be loaded to the eyes ith philosophy, and yet be as helpless Q?h 3 a child when he tries to get the last ^ ord with a woman. 8 Leading citizens of Virginia pro- Jev ose to establish a national battle-field Qk< ark on the sites of the famous battles !?1( ear Fredericksburg. I6T One of the hardest of all crops as to raise " in the financial sense, is a Lot lortgage, but it is easy to plant. The sar 8s one plants the better. los( PS* Only one in 100,000 reaches the ^ ;e of 100 years, one in 600 reaches ?rjj le age of 90 years, and one in 100 Hii :aches the age of-60 years. and PS* "Few men have honest con vie- ^ ons," says some one. This does not Wft) ouble us as much as the fact that so ^ any men have dishonest acquittals. cru tQT He that is habituated to decep- Kii ons in trifles will try in vain to be Kir ue in matters of importance; for out uth is a thing of habit, not of will. " em vnr PS* The adage (and it is older than an<3 te Christian era), "No grass no cattle, nos > cattle no manure, no manure no , 8 ops," is as true to-day as when first *701 token. *h0 Bot Killing time is one of the worst thl( murders. We have only a short trm ase on life, and he who kills time is a con licide to the extent of hours thus and urdered. P?11 1^" Three-tenths of the earnings of a ^ elgian convict are given to him on waf s release. The majority save more 4 oney in jail than they have ever tho ,ved before. Wh (6T A good man and a wise man ay at times be angry with the world, ^ times grieved at it; but be sure, no ope an was ever discontented with the mo: orld if he did his duty in it. oln I&* "The tendency to do wrong in- ^ eases toward night," says a well- * aown clergyman. I think this is ^ sry likely to be true, for when Adam evl( ,e the forbidden fruit it was near bin ve. can I?* You might as well undertake to ?(M irnish a rainbow or try to stampede Got anger with a dime with a hole in it, 1 expect to prevail on a man to Kn vn up to his wife that he has been in to t ie wrong. ThJ ?? ? * ? ii . t i i'tf 1 lor it is said tnat toe longest arunal water course in the world is the ei gngal canal, in India, which is 900 iles long. The next longest is the xjj rie canal, which is 363 miles long, thk ach cost nearly $10,000,000. tho "Which would you rather have? little brother or a little sister?" 4 ked Mrs. Simpleton of her little ^ >y, Tommy. "Oh, ma, don't let us ^ ive either of them, children are such Buf nuisance about the house." day (?* The first house built in south- mo' .stern Indiana, and now the oldest Th( >use in the State, is still stauding at reensburg. It is the log cabin that as built by Thomas Hendricks, uncle "a the late Vice President Heudricks, Lor 1811. 6uyi Sugar is fed to cows on a large ^ot iiry farm near London, England, it is aimed, with good effect. The sugar scattered over the feed in the man- jtfa ir to induce the cattle to eat it all. His is said also that it improves the tla- was >r of the milk. 4 ST In adjusting the fire insurance ss caused by burning of its sales- at oms and stock of wheels on hand of tho le of the largest and most popular tho: cycle manufacturing companies in prli ie United States, the fact developed was at the cost of $100 machines was but 4 .9 at the factory. The latest whim of women wa5 relists is to have their wheels painted was match their dress. In the London ons reets are seen cycles in various Ho lades of green, brown and terra cotta. eha he fashion was started by Lady Warick, who in summer had her wheel ge tinted white, and who dressed in wa, hite from head to foot. flea The largest photographs that *ul] ...a nam. knnm a..AM., t K.aOa Mtjaft tllO IVC CVCl l/CCU UJttUC WC1C bUUOV/ uovu Baltimore's Columbia parade, in the * 11 of 1892. They represented scenes the life of Columbus, and were used utt( i decorations for a float in the parade be t eutioned. The largest one of the Th< t, a copy of Gribayedofrs " Colum- and is Before Ferdinand and Isabella," ^ as nine feet long and six feet wide. HaT" It is related that a confessor once eve id much difficulty in getting an old bod ish woman, a regular penitent of his, > recollect any sin. She could not smember that she had done anything |? rong at all. At last, after a severe and caminatiou, he asked her whether Sm le could remember a sin of her past def fe. No. Anything she was sorry wai >r? "Sure, father," she answered, hin I'm sorry that I ever came to this "Y juutry!" ion .far the 2tamc (Circle. HE SUNDAY SCHOOL. 2__ t- * ? # 5SON XI, SECOND QUARTER, INTERNATIONAL SERIES, JUNE- 14. rt of the lesson. Lake xxiil, 83-46 -Hen. ' tj Tenet, 44-40 Golden Text, I Cor. v, 8?Commentary by the Rev. D. M. teams. 18. "There fchoy crucified Him." Four rds, but bow unutterably significant, 0 can measure ltf Thou the events bejen tho passovorand supper of the oven; before and this last and crowning nt: Gethsemano, the betrayal and art, Poter's denial, the long and weary 1 awfui night and morning before the mcll, and Horod, and Pilate; the mookand the scourging, and now tho cruel ion, and that between two malefaotors If He, too, was one. Truly He was mbered with tho transgressors, and He aplalned not. Ob, my soul, It was all thee! What thickest thou of It, and Sim who was oruoiflod on thy aocount? >4. "Father, forgive them, for they jw not what they do." This was His t utteranco from tho oross. If we tako i seven in order as wo find thorn here 1 in verso 48, then John xix, 25-37; th. xxvii, 46; John xix, 28, 80; Luke ii, 46, wo have suggested to us the at facts of forgiveness, glory, all that need between forgiveness and glory, i boing forsaken that wo might never His thirst and all that is implied in it, i finished work and then His exit from body to His Father. 5. "Ho saved others. Lot Him save nsolf if He bo Christ, the chosen of 1." Thus the people and the rulers desid Him. They were natural men, they lerstood not, therefore they talked foolly. He oould have saved Himself, for said, "No man takdth My life from , I lay it down of Myself" (John x, 18), ; He oould not save Himsolf and save ers too. Ho laid down His llfo volunlly that He might save othors. 6, 87. "If Thou be tho King of the 1? ?' TIimb th. VU, tWVU lil/DUll. JL it uo DUO nuiv4?v*u ) inookod Him, not knowing what thoy 1. He woald not savo Himself, but would bavo them if thoy would lot n, for had Ho not prayed for thoni oven they drovo the nails into Bis hands? ; us lay to heart His words, "Ho that oth his life shall loso It, but ho that )th his lifo for My sake, tho same shall 0 it (Luke ix, 24). 8. "This Is the King of tho Jews." us Pilate caused it to bo written over u in the languagos of the world, Greek 1 Latin and Hebrew, and ho would not jr it even to please the Jows. This 3 doubtless of God, for tho timo will io whon all the world shall soe and aomlodgo that this same Jesus, once olfled at the plooo of a skull, is the )g of tho Jows. Then shall Ho also be ig of Kings and Lord of Lords. WlthHlm all the things of oarth aro as pty as a skull, nothing to them, all lity and vozatlon of spirit, but in Him, I with Him, all is peace and rlghtcous8. 9. "And one of tho malefactors which *o hanged railed on Him, 6aying, If n Ha PihiHafc. asvfl t.hvsnlf and ua." ;h Matthow and Mark say that the wos revllod Him. Luko does not oonlict that, for if both at first did it, ho is reot in saving that one of them did so, I ho doubtless refors to the ono who alsted in doing so. To save Himself I them was impossible, but to givo His in order to save thorn was what He i doing. 0. "Dost not thou fear God, seeing u art in the sanio condemnation?" on a malefactor turns preacher, somoag has happenod to him, and in a rt space of time something remarkable come to this thief. His eyes have been ned to soe that the One in the midst is re than He appears to be, and bo bfts tady in his heart believod upon Him I received Him as Lord. 1. "And we indeed justly, for we rere the duo reward of our deods, but this u hath doue nothing amiss." Here is fence of the new birth. Ho condemns isolf and justiflos tho Lord, wheroas the al mind, which is enmity against 1, always justiflos Itself and condemns 1 (Bom. vill, 7; Luke zvi, 16). He ifesses his sins and acknowledges that is suffering only what he justly deres, while at tho 6amo time ho testifies be holiness of the Ono in the midst, s is tho work of the Spirit of God. 3. "And he said unto Jesus, Lord, rember me when thou comost into thy gdora." No man can say that Jesus is Lord, but by tho Holy Spirit (I Cor. 8). Seo, then, the Spirit's work in ) man's heart. He bolloves that Jesus, ugh crucified as an ovildoor, Is the d of glory, and that Ho has a kingdom. 8. "And .Jesus said unto him, Verily I unto theo, Today shalt thou bo with in paradise." Whnt a joy to the ponit thiol, his sins all gone, his bodily .'orlngs so soon to bo ovor, and that very in glory with his Lord 1 Lot us not 3ify or seek to alter the proclous words. it communicates the following about I curing sore throats: One ounce of camphorated oil, and five cents worth I of potash. When any soreness apl pears in the throat, put the potash in . a half tumbler full of water, and with , it gargle the throat thoroughly ; then I. rub the neck thoroughly with the camphorated oil at night before going a IwasJ on/1 olon ntn ornnnH tho t.hrnat V\J UtUj Uii\4 OIOV ^/IU WUUV? wuv VM?WM? . a strip of woolen flannel. This is a r simple, cheap and sure remedy. i . > The Flour Barrel.?Keep the i flour, if possible, in a cool, dry, airy i room, where the temperature will be ) equable, not above 60 or 65 degrees. ! i Like butter, it will absorb odors readii ly, and for this reason there should be a separate place made for the accom modation of the flour barrel where it , will not be near fish, vegetable nor i onions. Always sift before using. Remedy For the Hessian Fly.? The following is said to be an efleotive i means of destroying the Hessifta fly ( ) on melon and cucumber vines: One ' pound of whale oil soap dissolved in - four gallons of water by boiling. Then ' apply the liquid with a small straw s broom by sprinkling over the vines, 1 f then gently turn the vines over so as * to get liquid on the underside of the leaves. ROYAL Baking Forwder Abftolntoff Pure ' ROYAL Baking Fowder Ab?olaT?ff Fur? THE ELECTROPOISE. HAS passed the experimental stage and is now endorsed in all sections of the country by intelligent people. Appended are a few testimonials from South Carolina people: Nervous Prostration. Summerville, S. C. Sept. 19, 1896. Dear sir?I am very much pleased with the Electro poise. I used it by your directions and my nerves have greatly improved as well as my digestion. Can now stand twice as ranch mental work and am growing in physical strength daily. > Wish I had gotten an Electro poise at an earlier date. Yours truly. (Rev.) W. ASBURY WRIGHT. A Cure All. Orangeburg, s. C.. June 17,1885. i Gentlemen?We purchased one of . your pocket Electro poises in December, ' 1893. We have tried it on every member , of our family and found itall that isclaimed for it. We have treated successfully . with it, severe cold, chills, fever, diarrhoea, etc. Its effect on teething children is wonderful. Our family numbers seven and we have not used a dollar's worth of med, icine since we had the 'PoiM. P Respectfully, Mrs. L W. BOMAN. Catarrh. 1 Lancaster, S. C., August 1,1891. 1 I consider the Electropoise a most won- j derful discovery. I have applied it in mr 1 family for la grippe, acute sore throat, . . neuralgia and nervous headache with perfect success. I am also treating a severe case of chronic catarrh with the Electropoise as the agent, and it has given great relief, and if treatment is continued . I believe it will effect a perfect cure. An intelligent use of it carries oonviction with it. Yours truly, j B. J. WITHERSPOON. ] I For All Ailments. McClellandville, S. C., Aug. 14, 1896. j Dear Sir?I purchased a 'Poise in February '93 and it cured me of a chronic bad i cold, and now I hardly ever take cold. It also- cured me of lumbago and a dis- J ordered liver. I use it in uiy family num- ' boring nine persons for all ailments. ; Have only paid in physics and physi cians fees during the time $1.60. Would < not be without it for manytimes its cost. ' Respectfully, A. W. LELAND. I Rheumatism. Yorkville, S. C., January 15,1802. Dear Siiwn reply to your inquiry win say my wife is delighted with the effects ' of the Electropoise, and has Improved very much from the treatment. The , rheumatic pains have been very much reduced, and the swelling in the limbs disappeared. She had no faith whatever in the Electropoise when she began, but i is now fully convinced of its benefioial powers; ana eventually looks for a per- ' 1 manentcure. Yours very truly, J. E. LOWRY. Catarrh, Piles, Dyspepsia, Etc. Millettsville, S. C., Feb. 14,1896. * Gents?The Eleotropotse has done all ! that you claimed for it. -1 bad a compli- , cation of disease^, catarrh, rheumatism, piles and dyspepsia. I was nearly gone ! up, bad the knife used on the piles, and ! soon after got the Electropoise, need ac- j cording to directions and am still using it. J I was without energy or appetite, and am \ now a new man. Can eat three hearty : meals a day, enjoy and digest the same. ; Almost relieved of catarrh. I cannot say ( too much for It and recommend it to all J that are sick. May God aid you in reliev- k ing the afflicted. I have been a great 1 sufferer and know how to appreciate the 3 Electropoise. Very truly, . J HENRY BLACK. " For further particular, apply to W. M. PROPST; Agent, Yorkville S. C. vnfi i.n&F. JL vr %/ m~m ' **. A great deal of pleasure and comfort by not -being a subscriber to The Ladies' Home Journal?the Monthy published by Curtis Publishing Co., of Philadelphia, at $i a year. The Journal has between 700,000 and 900,000 subscribers who read and enjoy it every mouth. I Receive I Subscriptions for all Newspapers and Magazines published in the j A Tf irnn fa cotjcx WUiiU, 11 J'VU YVaill I.\J OCA V V, L/V CIA ? time and money it will be great- j ly to your interest to send me < your name and money. 5 REX M. GRIST, Sub. Agt, < i Yorkville, S. C. J i | Everything Lovely But there is much besides billing and cooing in this love story?some mighty odd and interesting incidents and complications, all of which are told in charming style in The Fittest Survives A serial story of modern life by J. H. Connelly, a master of entertaining fiction. Begin at the begin ningand ItAM't Micte ?fi Tnc+oltmpnt LFUU I i'UN an uwiaiiiiivm GARRY IRON RO MANUFAC ALL KIND8 OF ?1 IRON ROOFING. CEIIPRD AND C9BKU6ATBD Iron Tile or Shingle, FIRE PROOF DOORS, SHUTTERS, ETC. rTr'v . fggji THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS ^0F* Orders received by L. M. OR THE AU' A BEWITCHING MU! EASY TO PLAY! EASY Tl iny knowledge ot music whatsoever can piece of music desired. All the' latest i ire arranged in the Zimmerman System jan be read at sight and does away entirel The simplicity of the Autoharp is its mo if Htif nf. fha name time it in f> sf Rochester, N. Y., we are enabled to bel jo. The above picture represents what is ind is especially udapted to amateur phot< 3d for 24 exposures is $10. It is fitted with <1x4 inches in size. In size this camera is ) ounces. It is handsomely finished in na ;urn and pay for THIRTEEN ANNUA 3ameras as above described. A complete pictures will be furnished for $1.50 aduitioi TUNISON'S NEW TOWNSHIP, COUNTY, RAILWAY, DISTANCE, STATE MAP OF SOUTH CAROLINA. THIS new Map of South Carolina has just been completed and baa no equal. It was constructed by the most accomplished draughtsmen and engravers; is nased on government surveys, official railroad information and other authentic sources. Unequalled in accuracy, it is newer in design than any other, ana is the only may of the State sold at a reasonable price. Each township is colored separate jy in sea snen tint colors oy ine nana ana stencil process and named. The counties, including the new county of Saluda, are plainly outlined and the principal wagon roads all over the State are shown, also * the canals. This is also the most complete railroad map of South Carolina ever published, as it gives the entire railroad system oi the State with the correct distance between every station marked with figures from official railroad guides. The names of the railroads are printed on them; thus we can tell what railroad to take to go to any town or place, aud the correct distances, shortest road, and cost of travel between any two places. This map locates each postoffloe, includ- - 4 ing those most recently established. It gives the population of towns and oounties, also of the State according to the last census and a brief historical sketch of the State with views of Charleston and large scale map of Charleston Harbor from recent government survey, making it the latest and most valuable map or South Carolina ever published. Size, 2 feet 4 inches by 3 feet. Colored, varnished, bonnd with tape. Will he given aWay tree for a olab it TWO PAID SUBSCRIBERS TO THE YORKVILLE ENQUIRER at |1.75, or * will be sent, postage paid, to any address upon receipt of $1.25. Address, ?j L. M. GRIST ASONS, FTNXEY * BRICE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, YorkvlUe, 8. C. ALL business entrusted to us will be given prompt attention. * OFFICE IN THE BUILDING AT THE REAR OF H. C. STRAUSS'? STORE. OPING COMP'NY, TURERS OF a IRON ORE PAINT And Ceineo't. 163 U 168 MeHrla. St, ^ Cleveland, O. p&~ Send for Ctrcular and Price List No. 76. OF IRON ROOFING IN THE WORLD. 1ST. rOHARP. SICAL INSTRUMENT. J LEARN! EASY TO GET I The Autoharp Is one of the most novel inventions of the I age, representing perhaps more than any other the triumphal progressiveness of A merican inventive geniua. In size and shape the Auto- *h harp resembles the zither, bat I the scale is similar to the j) grand harp. Padded mutes or % dampers which are called chord-bars or manuals,, are placed over the strings. By ESg pressing one of these bars ana Bk running the fingers across the mw; strings, a perfect chord is proWy dnoea?soft and sweet or loud ? aad-strong.?as one may desire. It is so . thoroughly musical, and yet so thoroughly "simple, that it seems to almost contradict the statement that there ia no royal road to learning.' The Autoharp is so constructed that, with the use of the chord bars, those without produce beautiful harmonies and play any music, sacred,. operatic and popular songs i of Figure Notation for the Autoharp. It y with the complicated system of notes. ?t remarkable feature. Any cbild can play instrument for the magician, as is evinced its as Richard Arnold, John Cheshire, Vio- V ["ballon, and others are showing in the insitions aa a solo as well as an ensemble in p f ;?,, i", 'a V' sizes, ranging in price from. 94 to 925, and ?tH ItfTT, fr"m tha 1 Autoliarjv which irfect chords, up to a No 6, which lyw producing 16 perfect chords. If you are , know more about tt, write to ALFRED th street. New York, Tor their book> '-'The nily." With every instrument thdgfcii an t g key, music rack and two picks. X AN AUTOHA.j0tP L For SEVEN YEARLY subscribers at irp, worth $4. For NINE subscribers, we ^or THIRTEEN subscribers we will give ? rEEN subscribers we will give a No. a Aumbscribers will be given a No. 4 Autoharp, tobarp. It will pay you for your time and HE ENQUIRER. THE ENQUIRER, YorkvlIIe, a 0. NIVES IE GIVE NAWAY. A THREE jfira BEADED fllS^ara KNIFE . , for only y HH TWO SUB* SCRIBERS largest Knife manufacturing concerns In osition to offer as premiums lor subscribers Pocket Knife, that will we believe, meet [RST-CLASS, HIGH GRADE POCKET ed by the MOST SKILLFUL WORK!EL, and are represented by the manlar. The Knives are gotten up with a fancy, ill be inscribed : "Compliments of Thb :ne.) On the reverse side will be placed In other design desired by the receiver, or for otograph of the receiver inserted. We are a4-bladed Knife. The3-bladed Knife,re3UBSCRIBER8, OLD or NEW, at fl.75 u Each subscription to be paid for when ir 91.80, and will be given for THREE ins as above. These Knives are mannfkct >n, Ohio. If you want a Pocket Knife, < ocure two or three subscribers for THE H" A' I There are perhaps no young people in York (flinty who are not familiar with the popular phrase, "Yon press the button; And we'll do , the rest," And many of them have no doubt had a growing desire to get into such a position as to be able to "press the button." but have forees Involved. Butthe desire is there all the 1QUIRER and the Eastman Kodak Co., p those who wish to press the button to do known as the B ORDINARY KODAK, >graphers. The price of this camera, loadi a rectangular lense. and makes a picture 4Jx4jx()J inches, and weighs 1 pound and tural wood. To any person who will reL subscribers we will give one of these i outiit for developing, and printing the nal. * . .*>