at the lime. While in Columbia the other day, Mr. Williams told a reporter ~ for the Columbia State that the statement was true. The beer, he claims, had been seut to bim as a sample, and bad been at the depot for a week or more without his knowledge. Governor Evans happened to learn of the fact and had the beer seized. Mr. Williams claims that the governor was moved in the matter altogether by personal feeliug, for, says Mr. Williams, the governor has time and again received presents of that kind, and he has also bad released packages belonging to bis frieuds that bad been seized by constables. Mr. Williams was considerably wrought up over the matter. The Cotton Acreage.?The cot ton report of tbe department ('or May, I issued last Monday, relates to tbe progress of planting, and tbe proposed or contemplated average. The proportion of tbe contemplated area already planted on the first of May was 87.9 per cent, which approximates very closely tbe breadth usually planted at that date1, which is estimated at 88.2 ^ per cent. The estimates for the several States are as follows: Virginia 20; North Carolina 90: Georgia 90; Florida 100; Alabama 93; Mississippi 92 ; Louisiana 95; Texas 85; Arkansas 84 ; Tennessee 73. The reports of correspondents in regard to contemplated acreage, indicates a considerable increase over the area planted last year. The percentages ^ by Slates are as follows : Virginia 107 ; North Carolina 117 ; ^ South Carolina 111; Georgia 113; Florida 143; Alabama 111; Mississippi 110; Louisiana 109 ; Texas HQ; Arkansas 123 ; Tennessee 127; Indian Territory 159; Missouri 141. Tbe average for the country is 114.8. Planting has been earlier than usual in m - -? I a ?L most 01 toe cotton oraies, uui> muuu complaint is made of drought in a large ^ area in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, retarding . the germination of the seed. In a few counties in Texas, the Mexican weevil ^ is reported as doing considerable damage. Asa general thing, the plant is said to be in good condition,with favorj able season. AT THE CHUKCHE8. BAPTIST. Kev. D. C. Freeman, pastor. Prayermeeting this evening at 8 o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. A. N. Branson, pastor. Prayermeeting at 8 o'clock this evening. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. Boyce H. Grier, pastor. Prayermeeting this afternoon at 5.30o'clock. ? PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. W. G. Neville, pastor. Men's prayer-meeting 6.15 p. in. and preaching at 8.15 every night this week except Saturday. [Announcements for Sunday services will be made in Friday's paper.] IflarM Reports. YORKVILLE. May 13.?Cotton 7i to 7}. NEW YORK, May ll.-Cotton 8J. Futures closed steady with sales of 126,000 bales. May, 8.09; June, 8.10; July, 8.11; August, 8.12; September, 7.53; October, 7.35; November, 7.22; December 7.21 ; January, 7.23; February 7.26 ; March 7.30. ?pecia JJotos. w Excursions. The Chester and Lenoir railroad, with its new equipment, is now prepared to ofler good accommodations on their line to excursion and picnic parties. To persons who do not desire a special train, one to four new and roomy coaches will be attached to the regular passenger trains at very reasonable rates. This nnnnrtimitv fnr nartiftS auurus ? 11110 vp^/vi tuntvj r? ^ from Yorkville and other places in York and Chester counties, to enjoy a day's picnic at points of interset on the line north of York ville. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I -j Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is i he senior partner of the firm of F.J. Cf'eney A Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county ana State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS lor each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY, k* Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. ---?v A. W. GLEASON, J seal, j NOtary Pl,bliCHall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimoniole frpp F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. ^ ?33- Sold by druggists, 75c. * PECULIARLY PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. High Endorsement. Dr. George Walker, late of this place, now first assistant on the medical staff of the Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, says: "I have critically examined the formula of the preparation known as Campbell's Anti-Ferment, and I find that it is a scientific combination of the best drugs in the Materia Medica for the various diseases that have their origin in the stomach and bowels and other troubles resulting from a derangement of them. % The above, of course, is a theoretical opinion of the formula of Anti-Ferment; but in practice I find that the theory holds good, for in all cases in which I have used it I have had most satisfactory results. What Makes a Baby Cry. There are but two things that make an infant cry?pain and hunger. Xinetynine one-hundredths of the pain they suf fer is brought on by indigestion. The colic they have is caused by indigestion. The wind or gas that fills up the stomach and causes it to distend to the point of hurting, is the result of indigestion. So certain, no man on earth can dispute it. Now the remedy. Anti-Ferment? Yes, \nti-Ferment will core them every time. "A day old tonight baoy" can take it with j as perfect safety as it can its mother's / milk. It contains no opium, no narcotic of any kind. It puts a baby to sleep because it makes hun feel good and he has nothing else to do. We can prove this by every mother who used it. Jno. C. Kuykendal. "We Speak What We Do Know And testify that we have seen," and can prove that you don't want, you don't need anything but Anti-Ferment properly administered in the treatment of uiarrhtea, k dysentery, the summer complaints of children and all disorders of the stomach V and bowels. The remedv is sale, speedy, W certain. Don't get scared. Don't ask any advice. Follow the direction on the bottle and the fuller directions on the wrapper around the bottle. The results are always most gratifying. Jno. C. Kuykendal. S2&* fecial goiires. Another High Approval. Having examined the formula of Campbell's Anti-Ferment, I pronounce it a most efficient remedy for indigestion and bowel troubles. W. M. Love, M. D. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. MY son, ED HUDSON, who is a minor, has left my charge without my consent, and all persons are hereby warned against giving him employment or harboring him in any manner. ALEXANDER HUDSON. May 13 39 w lw CORD WOOD WANTED. WE wish to make contracts tor 1,000 or more cords of good, dry, PINE WOOD, delivered on the premises of the YORK COTTON MILL COMPANY, near the Three C's railroad, about one mile east of the courthouse. Call on E. B. Beard. J. R. Ashe, W. R. Carroll, J. H. Riddle, Wm. H. Herndon, G. H. O'LearyorJ. S. Briee. Delivery should mmmAnm without delav. 'May" 13" 89 w2t A COOL STATEMENT. IT has been stated by some" meddlesome individual that owing to the fact that I had a monopoly of the ICE business in Yorkville that I was charging 2 cents a pound, when the fact of the case is that I did not retail ICE at all; but furnished it to the soda fountains and other retail dealers at 65 cents per hundred and to others who only bought a block, occasionally, Icbarged one cent per pound. I did not retail ICE for the reason that I thought my retail customers should be protected, and now since my motives have been, possibly, purposely miscon strued, and I having bought my IOE cheaper than heretofore, have decided to retail ICE at j of a cent per pound, and sell any amount from ONE POUND UP. I will furnish ICE to customers who will obligate themselves to use 100 pounds a day, at 50 cents a hundred. Send me your orders. Remember that the retail price is only | of a cent. T. B. McCLAIN, Yorkville, S. C. May 13 39 wtf CAROLINA BUGGY CO. A Buggy For $27.00! A NICE CINCINNATI BUGGY for ?27. Just think of it! It is good value for the money, and it is worth your while to.qril ana examine it. Our Own Make of Buggies Are the best that skilled workmen can produce. They are made of the best and most carefully selected material, and under the eye of a superintendent whose interest is identical with the prosperity of the factory. We never under any circumstances covers up defects with paint, but we require that under all circumstances that the CAROLINA be what its finish and appearance make it appear?the finest and most durable buggy on earth. "OLD HICKORY" WAGONS are the best on wheels and can always be found at our factory at prices to suit the purchaser. Remember the Old Hickory. CAROLINA BUGGY CO. GENTLEMEN, ^ /n < -mm- i Wet \ our Suits Made to Order. Messrs. Lamm & Co., SAY: "Nothing is too good for our customers. In the selection of our trimmings for the spring and summer seasons, we have selected only the best goods and guarantee our linings to give perfect satisfaction. Correct Goods! Correct Styles I Correct Prices! Correct Fit Guaranteed 1" Wo ro A oonffi I T V>> JLJLJL Vv jlJL^V/JLJ. And have a FULL LINE of Messrs. Lamm A Compady's samples which we will be delighted to have you come and examine. You have NO express or freight charges to add, all transportation charges PREPAID, and the price quoted to you by us is all the cost. FIT GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. KENNEDY BROS. A BARRON. ITS ON A BOOM ! ITS HUMMING! ITS GROWING! ITS APPRECIATED! YOU probably don't understand the above four lines, so an explanation is in order. First, we have "On a boom !" Well, that simply means that I have ICE, and the people realize that it is about 00 per cent, cheaper than they have been paying for ice that wasn't aqy colder. 2d. "It's humming!" simply means that as the people can buy ice from me at I cent a pound, they buy from me. 3d. "It's growing!" Yes/it surely is growing daily and I certainly thank you for your patronage and hope that you will continue to get your ICE l'rom me. 4th, "It's appreciated !" simply means that the people of Yorkville and vicinity will patronize me because it was I who tirst reduced the Krice. You can find me at my place of usiness in the Parish hotel. Guttering, Roofing and repair work done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. 5 lbs. of Ice for 5 cents. For Ice, go to P. A. ABERNATHY. DO YOU WANT SATISFACTION ? YOU can get all the satisfaction you want if you buy your groceries from ute. That is exactly what I wish to do, give all my customers satisfactory groceries at satisfactory prices. YOU'LL FIND FLOUR, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, RICE, GRITS, SALT, PEPPER, BAKING POWDER, QUAKER OATS, HAMS, BACON, LARD, LIGHT BROWN AND GRANULATED SUGAR, LEMON AND VANILLA EXTRACTS, MEAL, CANNED GOODS, ETC., at my store. Call and see me, and if there is anything in my line that you want not mentioned above, please ask for it. J. M. FERGUSON. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ELECTION ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 2S, 1896. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. WE are authorized to announce JOHN A SHURLEY, of Ebenezer township, as a candidate for nomination for re-election to the office of COUNTY [SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION, subject to the action of the Dem- I ocratic party in the primary election. 1 May 13 39 wte I - ( FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. | HAVING confidence in the experience < and executive ability of T. G. CULP, j of Fort Mill, we hereby announce his < name as a suitable candidate for the office of COUNTY SUPERVISOR, feeling that he will discbarge the duties of that office in a competent and creditable manner. ( His candidacy, of course, to be subject to , the action of the Democratic primary. , VOTERS OF YORK. j May 15 39 wte* , FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. 1 HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for recommendation for ap- ] pointinent as AUDITOR for York coun- { ty, subject to the approval of the Demo- J cratic party in the primary election. R. L. SCOGGINS. May 13 39 wte t WE are authorized to announce W. J. t WATERS, of Yorkville, as a can- ? didate for recommendation for re-appoint- { mailt to t.h? office of COUNTY AUDIT- { OR, subject to the action of the Demo- 1 cratic party in tLe approaching primary s election. < May 6 37 wte t : \ FOR CLERK OF COURT. WE are authorized to announce JO- ; 8EPH M. SIMS, of Bullock's Creek township, a? ? candidate for nomination tor the office of CLERK OF THE COURT, subject to the action of the Democratic party of York county in the primary election. May 6 37 wte WE are authorized to announce W. BROWN WYLIS, of Yorkville, as a candidate for re-nomination for the office of CLERK OF THE COURT, subject to the action of the Democratic party of York county in the primary r election. May 37 wAfte. j WE are authorized to announce W. J THOMPSON JACKSON, of King's f Mountain township, as a candidate for v nomination for the office of CLERK OF ? THE "COURT, subject to the action of the J! Democratic party of York county in the 1 approaching primary election. , May 6 37 w te* J I HEREBY announce myself as a candidate for CLERK OF THE COURT, subject to tbe action of tbe Democratic party in theapproachin^priniarydwUon. May 6 37 wte q t' FOR SHERIFF. S WE are authorized to announce Cap- , tain E. A. CRAWFORD, of York- 1 ville, as a candidate l'or re-noimnation for , tbe office of SHERIFF, subject to the J action of tbe Democratic party of York county in the primary election. May 6 37 w te < WE are authorized to announce JOHN R. LOGAN, of Bethesda township, as a candidate for the nomination of SHERIFF of York county, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. May 6 37 w te* FOR COUNTY TREASURER. IHEKEBY announce myseu as a candidate for recommendation for re-ap- ( pointment to the office of COUNTY TRE ASU RER, subject to the action of the a Democratic primary election. I HYDER A. D. NEELY. I May 6 37 wte t DOBSON'S RACKET. } t t r JUST RISK ONE EYE j c t AT J THESE LOW PRICES, ! 1 Ticking, 5 to 12* cents. Cottonades, 10 to 25 cents. Prints, 3 to 7 cents. < Muslins, 5 to 15 cents. c Lawns, 5 to 35 cents. Ribbons, 2 to 75 cents Veilings, 10 to 50 cents. Spool Cotton, 1 to 4 cents. Pint Tins, two for 5 cents. Dippers, 5 to 10 cents. Baking Pans, 5 to 15 cents. Sprinkling Pots, 25 cents. 1 Tooaccn, ?k>iu cenis. Machine Oil, 5 cents. : Blacking, 1 to 5 cents. Stove Polish, 5 cents. Thimbles, 1 cent. Pocket Knives, 5 to 25 cents. ^ Knives and Forks, 49 cents. Tacks, 3 cents. , Saw Setts, 10 cents. Claw Hammers, 10 cents. Tack Hammers, 10 cents. Fine Combs, 5 cents. ] Coarse Combs, 5 to 25 cents. J Visiting Cards, 10 to 25 cents. Knobs Lock, 25 cents. 1 . Blind Hinges, 8 cents. Wash Pans, 5 cents. Baby Caps, 10 cents to $2.00. Silks, 25 cents to $2.00. ! Dress Goods, 5 to 75 cents. Ladies' Sailors, 10 cents to $2.00. < Stick Candy, 10 cents. j French Candy, 25 to 35 cents. Gents' Shirts, 28 cents. ( Ladies' Under vests, 5 cents. ' Large Box of Matches, 1 cent. Shears, 10 cents, ] Spectacles, 10 cents. 1 Baby Dolls, 1 cent to $1.00. O IA 9n rmntu , HjIII HIWIUCIV I id W MV \,W*VW. Laces, 2 to 75 cents. Umbrellas, 50 cents to $1.00. Parasols, 50 cents to $1.75. Looking Glasses, 10 cents. Vanilla, 10 cents. , Lemons, 10 cents. Good Luck Baking Powder, 5 cents. Soda, 5 cents. Mucilage, 5 cents. Ink, 5 cents. Base Balls, 5 cents. Base Ball Shoes, .35 cents. Picture Frames, 10cents. Slippers, 48 cents to $1.50. Button Shoes, 75 cents. Note Paper, 3 cents. Towels, 5 to 35 cents. Shoe Brushes, 10 cents. Hair Brushes, 10 cents. Whitewash Brushes, 5 cents. Razors, 40 cents. Razor Straps, 15 cents. Shaving Brushes, 15 cents. Soap, three cakes for 5 cents. I EVERYTHING^ j A.T DOBSON'S IS LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. / 1 L. O. GRIST. S. M. GRIST. GRIST COUSINS, | Buckeye, McCormick, Walter A* Wood. WE have just received a large lot of Knives, Knife sections. Knife Heads and Rivets and Guards for Wood and McCormick mowers, and would call the attention of owners of mowing machines of either of the above makes that we are preiAtW! ir? furnish them with these trooas at S jottoni prices. We want the patronage >f everybody and would say that these foods will be sold for spot cash only. No :harging till fall. Button Grinders. We also have in stock a few of the eel- "" jbrated Dutton grinders?the best in the . ivorld. It is a Tittle machine that will \ tharpen your reaper or mower knives-in a c n a very short time and do the work ex- a ictly right. It is worth f5.50 t Dollar Knife Sharpeners. I We have a supply of Dollar Knife Shar- t leners and this device will be fouud es- a socially valuable in keeping knives in v sroper shape. t rnhular Steel Singletrees. I The Tubular Steel Singletree is somehing new in this section, but it has been j horoughly tested in the North and West * ind found to be the best device of the kind d >n the market. They are worth 50 cents ? *ach and it is cheaper than the ordinary * vood singletree at 15 cents. If you buy ^ ind use them you will never have any ? >thers to buy because they will last a life 11 ime. They can't break or wear out and ' vill serve you as long as you need single- & rees, unless you lose them. c GRIST COUSINS. J ?. ???? n ? OUR NEW 1 SHIRT WAISTS, TIRADE WINNERS, we call them, we 1 would like to say money makers, but hey are not in that class, all our fault, lowever. We have priced them to make .. tfends, not money. We've a notion that !r vhen we (rive a bargain, it pays to give 3 me that will please everybody; no others n town like them. Varioty so large that here is scarcely two alike. 2 LINEN DEPARTMENT." The Linen department of this store tells 2 n interesting story. It tells of larger . quantity, greater variety and finer quali- x< ies than has graced our shelves before. lold at prices of common grades. A ilpaca Coats, t Serge Coats and Vests, g \lpaca Vests. p J. J. HUNTER. " I - ? I COOLING AND REFRESHING. 0 STARR'S soda apparatus is now fizzing i ^ that delightful and cool beverage? 2 oda water. You will find at our store ? jenionade, Coca Cola, (for headache,) ? ces, etc. We keep everything clean and 11 leat. You will find yourself always wellome at our store, and will furnish you vifcb seats and fans to make yourself com- r brtable. We sell ice in any quantity from c wo pounds up. Also sell Lemons and hey are fine. J AS. M. STARR e of the best quality. Summer Cheese ; )f a good quality. Come and get some, j Mackerel aud other fish on band. 200 Chickens WANTED IMMEDIATELY by W. E. FERGUSON, for which he will pay " ;he highest cash prices. r STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j County of York. 8 COURT OF COMMON PUEAS. i W. Jasper Anderson, executor of the will ' of B. F. Boyd, dec'd, Plaintiff, against . Martha Robison, Rachel C'urrenee, * Nancy Jane Brawley, Mary Louisa Forth, (or if the two last named be deceased, then their heirs?names, ages and residences unknown to plaintiff) Franklin Boyd, John Boyd, Elizabeth Richardson, Harriet Walker, Joseph A. Boyd, Win. F. Boyd, Z. D. Boyd, . David F. drier, Wm. E. Smith, Mary R. Herron ; and Stanhope A. Sitford * and (ieo. W. S. Hart, executors of the , will of Joseph S. McKenzie, deceased, -I Defendants.?Summons for ReliefComplaint not Served. To the defendants above named: YOU are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which is today filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas for the said county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint ^ on the subscribers, at their office in York- ^ ville, S. C., within twenty days after the ^ service hereof, exclusive of the day of f such service; and if you fail to answer the f complaint within the time aforesaid, the s plaintiff in this action will apply to the j court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Yorkville, S. C., May 1st, A. D. 1896. HARf & HART, Plaintiff's Attorneys. May 6 37 w6t ( Special ? TODAY AND TOMORROW. I Stranss was Frightened and Fell I from the Tree and Prices vi: Tumbled After Him ! ^ VfOW stand around and look as wise 1 L3I and complacent as an OWL, tell vhat you would and would not have lone had vou been in a tree with a tiger 1] ifter you; but remember the advantage hat you have?that it was STRAUSS in he tree, and not yourself. Things are aid to look somewhat different "to a il nan up a tree," from what they really ,re and if STRAUSS had someone who vas willing to persuade and coax him he \ hinks that after he gets over the jar and care that he would be able to accept he hypothesis. However, as I was about ?-i o remark that it was STRAUSS IN THE ml ^REE, and he became frightened and ell senseless to the ground. STRAUSS lon't make a business of being scared nd the prolonged tension was too much or his nervous system, and like Ike New- 101 on's horseapple, after the connection y? vas broken, STRAUSS "hit the grit." If t had been you, I guess you would have A tended your way into midair; but 1TRAUSS didn't. He got up and ran, ?] rying SPECIAL SAIJE MONDaY, * 1AY 18TH, commencing at 8 o'clock, a. a., and here was some of the prices he rave: No. 100 White Lawn at 2} cents. p1 Rosebud Printed Lawns at 2} cents. Alamance Plaids at only 2 cents. Pr Standard Shirting Prints at 3 cents. Standard Blue Prints at 3 cents. 1 Standard Sheeting, one yard wide, Sea sland finish at 4 cents. Z*. Standard 61 cents Ginghams at 4 cents. ^ Wash Linens for Dresses at 5 cents. 61 cents White, Striped and Plaid P. K. 14 cents. Colored Crepons, worth 25 cents, at 12}. Ca 35 cents all-wool Challies at only 15 eta. wl 25 cents all-wool Challies at 25 cents. cei Ladies' Corsets for 17 cents. cb The most magnificent line of Dress m< foods and Trimmings ever shown in of Torkville. Malaga Straw Hats at 8 cents. Rush Hats at 5 cents. Misses Trimmed Tourists Hats, worth 5 cents, for 10 cents. Ladies, $1 Button Shoes for 65 cents. J*1 Ladies' Black Slippers for 35 cents. pn Ladies' Nice Tan, Oxford Tie, worth $1 J?1 a any market, at only 75 cents. A Gents' Laundried 50 cents Shirt at ~u 5 cents. 8n 50 cents Cottonade Pants, well made ro< ar 25 cents. j Gents' Stripped Summer Coats for only 5 cents. ers Strauss is selling great Piles of P? llothing and it's Qnality and Prices w'e hat does it. at Let everybody attend STRAUSS'S PECIAL SALE NEXT MONDAY, at J} is salesroom on the corner of Fountain quare. Long experience and a long tj urse makes STRAUSS THE BOSS. * S REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF 'TRST NATIONAL BAM E] Of Rock Hill, S. C., 7 an May 7, 1800. inj RESOURCES. pj joans and discounts, 8198,747 73 rn iverdrafts, 2,369 41 Inited States bonds, 18,750 00 = tocks and bonds 6,500 00 'urniture and fixtures, 1,587 98 i : o snn m reuiiuiutt atuuuuii, ??r/vv w tedemption fund with U. S. T treasurer, 843 75 X cash reserve. )ue from banks, 832,206 69 !ash on hands, 9,061 91 41,268 60 8272,567 47 LIABILITIES. " lapital, 8 75,000 00 ;P urplus and profits (net) 30,763 17 ^ Jirculation 16,835 00 ff, tediscounts, 10,000 00 an deposits. "W ndividuals, 8 128,255 26 ea Janks, 11,714 04 139,969 30 8272,567 47 TOTAL DIVIDENDS PAID7^8J5OT ' Your business solicited. J. H. MILLER, Cashier. . 18 W. L. Roddey, President. of 1SATIIKS BAKK OF BOCK HILL. STATEMENT of the condition of the ici 5 SAVINGS BANK of ROCK HILL, I. C., at the close of business MARCH 1st, 1886, published in conformity with n act of the general assembly: RESOURCES. voans and Disconnts $186,803 27 Stocks and Bonds, 12,300 00 d? )verdrafts, J,831 23 fa tanking house, furniture and nt fixtures, 5,000 00 p? )ther real estate, 1,342 48 se )ue from other banks, 11,500 93 E /ash on hand, gi $231,853 46 1 ? ? in LIABILITIES. it. lapital stock, $ 60,000 00 lurplus, .. 10,000 00 Jnaivided profits, 21,159 57 le-discounts, 16,500 00 M Cashier's Checks, 21 08 lenosits I Individual, 123,09760 ru Jeposits, jBanka 11,175 21134,272 81 cc $231,953 46 It ??? or Yqpr business solicited. We extend to b< ur customers every accommodation con- h listent with sound, legitimate banking. ci D. HUTCHISON, President, n< T. R. LONDON, Vice President. R. LEE KERR, Cashier. April 8 29 ly NO WATCHES AND JEWELRY. fllTE do lots and lots of repair work in sa tt our line; but we don't repair jewel- of y and watches. We haye maaea"rep" v< >y doing our work right and our prices rt ire just like cotton, low. When your re loree needs shoeing, fetch him along, we dl inoe norses ana mines anu guurauici; he shoes not to make "corns" on their is eet. When your buggy, phaeton, wagon, P< urrey, cart, wheelbarrow, trucks, etc., m ;et so they need fixin' don't fail to call on is. We will paint your buggy for you it a reasonable price. Our motto is plain ind simple and easy to learn. It is: "Do your work promptly, don't delay, And on delivery, demand your pay." CICERO MOORE, ^ At Wheeler's Old Coach Factory. pj kT J. W. DOBSON'S 2! FLOUR, HOES, SWEEPS, f HAMMOCKS, LINSEED ?i OIL, BARBED WIRE and ? th BLACKING. in 811 [F you want Flour, J. W. Dobson's is E the place to get low prices. If you vant a 10-inch Hoe, .1. W. Dobson has ? hem. If you want Solid or Heel Sweeps, n. ve have them. We have 25 or .'10 gallons r T : /lil Ufhinli U'O tviull to (OoSU >1 iJlUSCCU V/II| nuivi. ..V ...... ?ut cheap. Barbed Wire at J. W. Dobion's. Don't forget that we sell the best shoe Blacking for the least money. FIRE INSURANCE. J FOR reliable FIRE, CYCLONE, ACCIDENT or LIFE INSURANCE T! il 1 on SAM M. & L. GEO. GRIST. S1" M MAY & MAY, ^ ft DRUGGISTS. Ok rhe Finest rubber Goods n Yorkville. /TAY ?fc MAY have just received the KJL largest and most complete line, of UBBER GOODS ever brought to Yorklie, consisting of Syringes, Teething i incrs. and everything for which rubber used. Fhe Best Blood 'uriffers Can i ilways be Found it IBay & May's trugr Store. Oyer's and Hood's Sarsaparilla, S. 8. 8., : P. P.. B. B. B., etc. These are fine ! nics and alteratives and will tone up ; ur system wonderfully. We keep J1 the Reliable 'atent medicines. When von want Warner's Safe Kidney ! d Liver Cure, Wampole's Cod Liver 1, Radway's Ready Relief, Paine's lery Ccmpoundj "Fellow's Hypophos ites, Simmons Liver Medicine, King's iw Discovery, Hereford's Acid Phosate, Bull's Cough Syrup?wo could t begin to give you a list as the names >uld till a catalogue. So call on us and Prescriptions . n and will always be accurately filled ion brought to our store, having just roved a large shipment of drugs and emicals for our prescription aepart3nt, and the counter is always in charge competent clerks. 'igars and Tobacco quite an important feature of our ck and we can especially boast of our . e cigars?having the finest line in j ,vn. Among our brands will be found 1 3 famous San Pedro Cigars, also Lilacs, ( iban Blossoms, Sabarrosa, Espanos, 1 lokettes, etc., and the Old Glory Che- | >t8?the best on the market. [n Smoking Tobacco we can surely ' isfy you. We have Fruits and Flow- 1 >, Pick Leaf, Gold and Silver and all J pular brands. In Chewing Tobacco 1 ) handle only the best and our prices are * the bottom. Sxtracts, 'erfumery and oaps. Everybody knows that our stock of t ctracts, Perfumery and Soaps is the < ry finest on the market. Delicate odor ) ns and my nerves have greatly improvas well as my digestion. Can now ind twice as much mental work and n growing in physical strength daily, ish I had gotten an Electropoise at an rlier date. Yours truly. (Rev.) W. ASBURY WRIGHT. ? v A Cure All. Orangeburg, S. C.. June 17, 1895. Gentlemen?We purchased one of tur pocket Electropolses in December, 93. We have tried it on every member our familyand found itall that isclaimi for it. We have treated successfully ith it, severe cold, chills, fever, diarrhoea, 3. Its effect on teething children is wonirful. Our family numbers seven and e have not used a dollar's worth of medine since we had the 'Poise. Respectfully, Mrs. I. W. BOMAN. Catarrh. Lancaster, S. C., August 1,1891. I consider the Electropoise a most wonjrful discovery. I have applied it in my mily for la grippe, acute sore throat, suralgia and nervous headache with irfect success. I am also treating a vere case of chronic catarrh with the lectropoise as the agent, and it has given eat relief, and if treatment is continued believe it will effect a perfect cure. An telligent use of it carries conviction with Yours truly, B. J. WITHERSPOON. For All Ailments. cCeellandville, S. C., Aug. 14, itsyo. Dear Sir?I purchased a 'Poise in Feblary '93 and it cured tne of a chronic bad ild, and now I hardly ever take cold, also cured me of lumbago and a disdered liver. I use it in my family numjring nine persons for all ailments, ave only paid in physics and physians fees during the time $1.50. Would >t be without it for many times its cost. Respectfully, A. W. LELAND. Rheumatism. Yorkville, S. C., January 15, 1892. Dear Sir?In reply to vour inquiry will y my wife is delighted with the effects ' the Electropoise, and has improved )ry much from the treatment. The leumatic pains have been very much duced, and the swelling in the limbs sappeared. She had no faith whatever , the Electropoise when she began, but now fully convinced of its beneficial nvers; ana eventually looks for a peranent cure. Yours very truly, J. E. LOWRY. Catarrh, Piles, Dyspepsia, Etc. Millettsville, S. C., Feb. 14, 1895. Gents?The Electropoise has' done all lat you clai ined for it. I had a compli.tion of diseases, catarrh, rheumatism, les and dyspepsia. I was nearly gone 3, had the knite used on the piles, and on alter got the Electropoise, used acirding to directions and am still using it. was without energy or appetite, and am >w a new man. Can eat three hearty eals a day, enjoy and digest the same. -oiini-oS r>?' nnfMrrh I aannot sav iIIIUOi> 1C1IVTVU - ?? ? ? o much for it and recommend it to ail at are sick. May God aid you in reliever the afllicted. I have been a great ifferer and know how to appreciate the lectropoise. Very truly, HENRY BLACK. k. j. 8. brick. PINLEY & BRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Yorkville, S. C. L LL business entrusted to us will be V. given prompt attention. OFFICE IN THE BUILDING AT HE REAR OF H. C. STRAUSS'g rORE. J. H. RIPPLE. GRAIN CRADLES Of the Latest and Most Improved Pattern, INCLUDING the up-to-date fastenings and adjustments, which makee it the most desirable GRAIN CRADLE ON THE MARKET. These cradles have 14 fingers, and the old "Josh Berry," which has heretofore had full swav in the harvest field is not in it at all. Be sure to examine it before you buy; it certainly will "shock" the wneat of this section, while the price will sound like sweet music iu the harvesters ears. ~ N ? MY COTTON HARROWS, As the ladies' fashion books say, "will be the rage of the season!" and why should they not be 7 They have been in seasons gone by, and are we not taught that "all things are good in their season 7" If you want a COTTON HARROW, remember not only that you ought to have it, but that it is a labor saving implement and will make tnoney for its owner. I sell COTTON HARROWS, and you want one. BY MAY 1ST. The time is close and for this reason, if no other, you should act promptly and at once. Parties who HAVE BOUGHT FERTILIZERS OF RIDDLE are hereby notified that to -secure the benefits of the CASH PRICES, they must settle for "them" or "it" by MAY 1ST. When you want Shingles, Lime, or Bven the daintiest fancy groceries, you cannot do better than to see J. H. RIDDLE. JUST 20 YEARS AGO The wilcox 4 white organ CO., was established in the city of Meriden, Coon. Then it was a small af'air, as such concerns usually are in infansy ; today it is one of the' largest Organ nanufacturing companies in the .world, producing nearly TEN THOUSAND JRGANS each year. Mr. H. K. White, he senior member of the firm has been nanufacturing Organs for 47 YEARS, tnd Mr. White, being a workman or he old school, is giving his personal lupervision to the Wilcox A White factory t is only reasonable to suppose that every nstrument sent out is perfect in every deail. even down to the trivial matter of naking their Organs absolutely "mouse jroof." With the production of the first Jrgan, the Wilcox A White Organ company began growing in popularity, and it iaa "grown and expanded until today the iweet and powerful strains of the Wilcox ft White Organ are beard in every coun:ry ON THE FACE OF THE GLOBE. 3n one single order tbiB company shipped 141 ORGANS TO AUSTRALIA. W. & -W'S. GUARANTEE. Every instrument that this company tarns oat is guaranteed for SIX years; but in view of the fact that before shipment, every Organ must have the approval of Mr. H. E. White and his three sons, who are experts, this guarantee is merely Et form, as the Wilcox & White Organs sire manufactured for a lifetime, not merely for six years' use. If you are thinking of purchasing an Organ, you will do well to write to the WILCOX A WHITE ORGAN CO., Meriden, Conn., or to GEO. T. SCHORB,-General Agent, Yorkville, 3. C. G. H. O'LEARY. I HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE OF all kinds demanded in this section of the country. Goods bought right are half sold, and we believe we have bought right. If you need anything in our line, we can bajin at the front door and supply you with everything needful, hall, parlor, library, bedrooms, diningroom and kitchen complete. My narahnnu t.wiffl thft frizfl of IDT gtOF?. IS packed full; so If you do not see what you want, ask for It O. H. O'LEARY. SADDLES AND HARNESS. WE still keep on hand a large stock of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Whips, etc. In all the above lines our facilities are the best for handling these goods, and we are prepared to sell as low as any market G. H. O'LEARY. CARPETS, RUGS. ETC. ANEW line of All Wool Carpets. Cotton Chain Carpets, Rugs in all grades. Art Squares, Mattings, Brussels and Moquette. We sell by Samples. Window Shades of all shades and grades. G. H. O'LEARY. flT/tws E are stiU selling the si ives. yy Noble cooing stoves, Ranges, Iron King and Elmo Heating Stoves, and a large line of cheaper Stoves, Grates, Stove Repairs, Stove Ware, Pipes, etc. G. H. O'LEARY. W. B JHOOHE & CPs 5 peeTcent7 RETURNED ON all cash sales from now until the 31ST day of AUGUST, r.oxt. We keep everything and sell as low as the lowest, ana in additioc return 5 percent on CASH- SALES. Is this worth your attention ? Again, we will give you the privilege of guessing a number for each 81 worth of goods bought of us, and some one will receive a >40 music box iree?me person guessing nearest the stated number sealed in an envelope. China, Glass and. English GOODS. Our stock is larger than ever before. . ? Tile Hearths now in the reach of everyone. Prices greatly reduced. Call and examine our samples. Raz-orine will sharpen any razor. Clauss Shears warranted to be unequaled, and if you have a pair that does not please you, bring them back and get *. new pair. Everything ! Everylh ng at W. B. MOORE A CP'S. ?lw ^orluiUe inquirer. Published Weekly and Semi-Weekly. EITHER EDITION AT THE SAME PRICE. . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single copy for one year, $ 2 OO One copy for two years, 3 50 Porsix months, IOO For three months, 50 Two copies for one year, 9 50 Ten copies one year, 1%50 A nd an extra copy for a club of ten. r-r'