Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, May 01, 1896, Image 3

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AT THE CHURCHES. baptist. Sundav-school at 10 o'clock, a. m. Baptist Ifoung People's union will meet -* Sunday afternoon at 6.45 o'clock. presbyterian. Rev. W. G. Neville, pastor. Sundayschool at 4 o'clock, p. m. Services on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 8 o'clock. trinity methodist episcopal. Rev. A. N. Brunson, pastor. Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 ^ o'clock p. m. episcopal. Rev. Robt. A. Lee, rector. Services on Sunday morning, with celebration of holy communion at 10.30 o'clock. Sun^ day school at 4 o'clock, p. no. Evening prayer at 8 o'clock. associate reformed presbyterian. Rev. Boyce H. Grier, pastor. Yorkville?Preaching this afternoon at 5 o'clock, and Saturday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., services on Sunday at 11 a. m., and at 8 p.m. Communion on Sunday morning. The paster will be assisted by Rev. J. E. -Trthnnnn. Sunday school at 4 o'clock p. m. Parhet Reports. YORKVILLE, May l.-Cotton 7 to 7J. NEW YORK, April 29.?Cotton 8J. Futures closed steady with sales of 91,900 bales. April, 7.87; May, 7.87; June, 7.89; July, 7.85; August, 7.84; September, 7.36; October, 7.22; November, 7.13; January, 7.17. ?pei{iat $dires. Communion at Bethel. Rev. R. Z. Johnston, of Lincolnton, has kindly promised to assist at the Bethel .communion meeting, coming on Friday afternoon before the first Sabbath of May. Providence permitting, the , usual preliminary service may be expected on Friday morning at 11 o'clock. d. S. McAllister, Pastor. , IMPORTANT MEETING. ? ? ? m ? 1 xL- WVm?T TI lilii StOCKQOiaere OI IUW JCiAV?jjuX SIOR DRUG CO., are requested to meet at the law office of Messrs. Hart<fe Hart on next Tuesday, May 5tb, 1896, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organizing and transacting such other business as might properly come before it. A full * attendance is desired. May 1 36 t If THEY ARE NOW READY. "rpiLLMAN'S PITCHFORK" and X "One Little Girl You Know," words and music, now ready and on sale at Mr. T. W. Speck's Jewelry Shop. Price for "Tillman's Pitchfork," 60 cents. For "One Little Girl You Know," 35 cents. a Call as above indicated or address HOBBS & PLEXICO. April 24 34 2t JERSEY CATTLE, BERKSHIRE HOGS, LIGHT BRAHMA CHICKENS. A. H. WHITE, Breeder, STOCK FOR SALE. Rock Hill, S. C.' February 19 15 6m WATCHES AND JEWELRY ENTRUSTED to my care will be repaired promptly and guaranteed. If you have lost toe set out of your ring, bring it to me and I will put any kind of set in it you want, try me. If your ring is too large, I'll make it smaller. If you should happen to want JEWELRY of any description, please bear in mind that I can get it for you on short notice, and every piece of Jewelry is guaranteed to be as represented. T. W. SPECK. REFEREE'S NOTICE. State of South Carolina?County of Chester. court of common pleas. J. J. McLure et al., as Trustees, Plaintiff, vs. The Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad Company et alM Defendants. A LL and singular the creditors of the said THE CHESTER AND LENOIR NARROW GUAGE RAILROAD COMPANY are hereby notified to present and prove their claims against said Railroad Company, before me, at my office in Chester. s. C.. on or before the 26TH DAY OF MAY, 1896, or said claims will be barred. J. C. McLURE, Referee. Chester, S. C., April 14, 1896. April 17 32 6tf A HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. ** Dr. J. B. Delvaux's Great Indiau Blood Purifier Is Nature's Own Remedy. MADE from the best and most powerful medicinal and curative roots and herbs of the forest, Dr. J. B. DELVAUX'S INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER is truly a marvelous remedy for the treatment of all chronic disease in individuals who have thin blood and have lost their vitality, and as a tonic it has no equal. It invigorates the system, overpowers dyspepsiaand walks roughshod over all ailments having a tendency to depressed spirits. Within a radius of 100 miles it has nearly run an otner preparations irom me market and is emperor of all family medicine chests. It cleanses and tones up the stomach, promotes a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys, and produces pure rich blood, thus giving the patient the strength to withstand the attacks of diseases. It cures syphilis in auy stage, scrofula, old sores, piles, shaking chills, nervous prostration, general debility, and will prevent malarial fever. This great remedy has no rival. -Sold in all nrst-class drug stores, and general coun' try stores, and by authorized agents, who are now covering ever nook aud corner of the county; or you can get it direct from us by applying to Dr. J. B. DELVAUX <fc CO., rorkville, S. C. SHERIFF'S TAX SALES. ? V fVPOlTTTOVfi W 1 VlllUU VI 1 AA UaIUVV IXVlikJ vv XJ me directed, and in conformity to an act of the general assembly, approved December 24,1887, and amendments thereto, passed and approved, I will expose to public side, in front of the COURT HOUSE OF YORK COUNTY, during the legal *"* hours of sale, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JUNE, next, being the 1st day of JUNE, 1896, the following described real estate and personal property, to satisfy taxes, penalties and costs, due by taxpayers named, for the fiscal year commencing November 1st, 1894, to-wit: The Gaston Mineral company. Seven hundred and twenty-three acres and one building in Broad River township, * bounded on the north by lands of Miss Mary Wbitesides, on the west by lands of John McGilfilleu, on the south by lands of John Wylie, deceased, Frank Scoggins and others. Taxes, penalties and costs, $94.80. Jim McKnight. One lot and one building in the town of Yorkville. Bounded by lots of James McKnight and Dan Bratton on the north; Dr. White on the > east; Allen White on the south; Ned Wheeler on the west. Taxes, penalties and costs, 87.37. J. C. Jackson. One bay horse, seven years old, named Sam; one grey horse, fifteen years old, named Charlie; one sow and five shoats. Levied on for taxes for the year 1891-'92 and for the year 1891-'95. Taxes, penalties and costs, for 1891-92, ** $21.51. For 1894-95, $23.95. Total, $45.46. Terms?CASH. E. A. CRAWFORD, S. Y. C. May 1 36 f 5t THE WISE WOMAN mm wivinii warestore to buy a spring hat simply because hardware stores sell a few "springs," yet you hear occasionally that women are the "weaker sex.'' From an intellectual view, this can't be true. The Ladies know that we run a Shoe and Clothing store and they know that in a shoe store they can buy the kind of shoes they want at a price commensurate with the quality desired. Do you ? THE PARTICULAR MAN Has long since learned that to buy Ready-Made Clothing at MARSHALL'S is no experiment ; but full value for an honest dollar. Have you seen our line of Gent's Straw Hats at any price you want to pay? Our line of Shirts, Collars and Cravats can't be touched in beauty, rtunliftr nt* nrma v^uaiikjr vi W. F. MARSHALL, In the Allison Block. L. O. GRIST. 8. M. GRIST. GRIST COUSINS. It Won't Take You Long. IF YOU contemplate buying a Surrey, Phaeton, Carriage or Buggy you should not do so?that is if you wish to consult your own interest?uutil you have seen us. We believe we can sell you as fine and as good a Buggy as is sold in this section for $20 less money than any other dealer. We mean what we say ana think we can oonvince you of the truth of the statement if you will give us a chance. We can sell you a Buggy as low down as $35, and it is guaranteed for 12 months, too. The quality and workmanship of the $35 Buggy is, of courae, a little off, out the manufacturers are safe in guaranteeing it. for one year, because almost any job will run that long. See! ^ T A I I r? xxvoxx ^|J/ ^ "f We can sell you a 4-passenger Surrey from $70 on up to any price you are a mind to pay. This part, of course, is governed by the quality of the goods. HARNESS With Every Job. We can tarnish Harness with every job we sell, if purchasers desire, and prices range from $5.50 up. GRIST COUSINS. DAY BY DAY IT GROWS. gTRAUSS DON'T BELIEVE THAT there has ever been a dry goods business conducted in this county that has grown WJ auv;jj piUJJUX blUlio auu uao ujauo ouvu rapid strides to notoriety as has his business in the past twelve months. Almost with a leap and a bound the most reckless competition has been pushed aside and STRAUSS'S business is perched on the highest pinnacle of success. For miles around people are coming to STRAUSS to spend their hard earned money, knowing that their wants and necessities can be supplied with less money than any wnere eiae. People have come to Strauss's and found the store so crowded as to cause them to wander elsewhere to make their purchases, and after a few hours' stroll in other shops, fell into Strauss's durin a lull in business, and upon examination of our goods and prices, have become so dissatisfied with their trading that they threatened to take their purchases back and demand their money. We cannot wait upon our customers in a minute; but if you will be patient until we can reach you, you will get both goods and priies to satisfy you. In the past ten days I have picked up a nuuiDer 01 Dargains, aim as it is my custom to give the benefits of my experience and cash, I enumerate a few of these bargains into today's paper. They will arrive this week. Japanese Faus worth 50 cents at only 10 cents. Ladies' Black Folding Fans at 5 and 10 cents, which prices make the manufacturers rage. A job lot of ladies' and misses Colored Parasols way below wholesale cost. Gents' Piccadilly Laced Shoes at 98 cents. Less than wholesale price. Ladies' Button Shoes at 65 cents. I am satisfied that these shoes cannot be bought on any other market for double the money, and the most daring competition can't shade us. Men's Black Planters' Hats at 25 cents, worth 50 cent's anywhere. The ducks are in the fountain ; And little gold fish too. Strauss is selling the fixin's; "He is sure a huckleberry do." Boys' Fur Crushers worth 50 cents at 25 cents. H. C. STRAUSS. OVERPROD COTTON GREAT LANDSL MUCH ItlSTKEISS MILLIONS SLIIiHMII ON Prices Are Ranging Now i Reached Last Year, Wh< Cents, All on Accou The strong tend< o is to enlarged and involving heavy ex the outlook is unc inward should h Conservative buying in " us open to take advantag sales, which we believed Mirp for mir natrons tho vy V* JL V/ A VfJL V&A -W 1 ->rw w -w at abuot half their value MERCILESS MASSACI MERIT WINS. PRICES TELL! BEGINNING WITH SATURDAY, 25th of APRIL, we make the following startling prices to ONE and ALL FOR SPOT CASH, so long as they last : 10,000 yards of good 8 cents, yard-wide, bleaching at 4 cents per yard. 5,000 yards of good 6 cents, yard-wide Sea Island at 4 cents a yard. 10,000 yards of good 8 cents, 40-inch Sea Island at 5 cents per yard. ' 5,000 yards of good Checked Homespun at 3 cents per yard.' 2,000 yards of good 5 cents Dress Calicoes, at cents per yard. 5,000 yards of good 16^ cents Cottonades, at TOl/ oontc o varH JL WVUW U 2,000 yards of Fine 10 cents Dress Ginghams at 5 cents a yard. Unapproachable sacrifices in Wash Goods, White Goods and Linen values that no competitor can equal. Come, join the multitude of happy buyers who crowd our store daily and get the benefit of the great sacrifice in prices. The most approved styles of America and the Old World are here in great variety. The Jaconet, Duchess, Crepon-de-soie, Tulle Chatelaine, Cordele Marquise, Amazon Lawns, Persian Lawns, Imported French Organdies, Figured Dimities, Tinted Organdies, White Organdies, Black Organdies, Black, White and Colored Swisses. 1,000 yards of dark ground Pongees, worth 12 cents, at 8 cents. 2,000 yards 4-4 Percales, sell everywhere at 10 cents, at 7^2 cents. 1,000 yards 12^ cents Maddress Cloth at 6 cents. 1,000 yards Scotch Lawns, Persian designs, at 5 cents. 500 yards of Grass Cloth worth 20 cents, at 10 cents. 1000 yards of Iridescent Chamleaus at 10 cents. 20 pieces Bleach Linen Damask from 17 cents to 94 cents per yard. Bleached Linen Doylies at 55 cents to 95 cents a dozen. A good^bleached Cotton Towel at 15 cents. The best one on earth at! 10 cents. A great 20 x 40-inch Linen Towel, bordered and fringed at 15 cents. Shirt Bosom Linen only 28 cents ; Art Linen all grades and prices. 500 dozen Handkerchiefs, |from 1 cent to 12 cents each. 1000 vardsof checked Dimities, Piques and Marseilles at startling prices. 2,000 yards the 12 *4 cents Canvass Ducks? black, white and colors?plain and figured, at 8 cents. 2,000 yards Silk Finished Zephyr Ginghams, 15 cents quality, at 8^ cents. GANSON DR UCTION INl: GOODS! i b fi " a tl .IDE IN PRICES!' J t V AMONG FACTORIES! ; v Ti MPTIOIW BLOCK! , a I ====== t Ground the Lowest Figures' in Cotton was Down to 5 int of Overproduction. ency of the moment bold undertakings, j penditures. Where j ertain, the looking s e more persistent., February and March lefts ;e of the great slaughter ? were sure to come and se-' products of their country 1 I IE OF COTTON GOODS!: I 1 SENSELESS SLAUGHTER Of all our finest Paris Dress Patterns IN NOVELTIES. This grand aggregations embodies the I rarest in outre dress fancies, among them Persian jj Jackquards, Silk Flecked Fancies, Ombre Mohairs, o Fancy Czarina Nattes, Silk Mixed Granetes. ? TV/TaL m'r Pllor*!/orl ^1111"1 T1CTC X x auv.^ luuiiau iy^.niuv,Oj vuv.vrivvu wuiuugw) v Scotch Homespuns, etc. 50 pieces of Black and ? Blue Wool Summer Serges, embracing all prices c from 10 cents to 75 cents per yard. > THE NEWEST SILK CREATIONS. \ Receiving novelties constantly we are always in c position to show the newest things. A glance at our Silk department will be a treat indeed. Beautiful Dresden, Persian and Flowered Silks, su- p perb styles, excellent quality, just the thing for a B Summer Dress or Shirt Waist, 50 and 60 cents per yard, sells for 75 cents and $1 in all the city s stores. At 25 cents per yard the same Kaiki Silk which we sold last year at 35 cents. Checked and Striped Taffeta Silks, Black Brocades, Heavy i Satin for Skirts at 69 cents, a fine quality 38inch Habutai Silk in white, black, pink and blue, <tt T aa nor at C\f\ Ofttlfc 1 WVi HI 1pi. w Jpv. J. j aiu ak wy vvuw* A large assortment of Fancy vSilks, Ribbons, ] Laces, Embroideries, Veilings, Gilt, Spangled and < Jet Trimmings. Lisle Hose in evening Shades. ? GREAT NOTION CHANCES. j Wonderful Assortment and Matchless Prices! < ioo 24-inch Ladies' Silk Umbrellas at 50 cents. ^ The Foster Kid Glove, the pride of America. Great sale on Belts, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Col- ' lars, Undervests, Jewelry, Toilet Articles, etc. SHOES! SHOES!SHOES! ''Tis a feat to fit feet. Our Drew, Selby & Co's v Ladies Fine Shoes do it to perfection. The Ox- ? fords were late in arriving ; but they are here and ? surpassing in style and beauty. j CENTS' FURNISHINCS! 400 Samples Fine Underwear worth 50 cents to " $1 at 39 cents. Scrivin's Summer Weight Draw- 1 ers at 85 cents. A great Bargain in heavy Work ^ Shirts, worth 50 and 75 cents, our price 25 and u 39 cents. A very good White.Unlaundried Shirt ? at 25 cents. The best 50 cents Shirt to be had at s 39 cents. A good $1 Shirt at 75 cents. Laun- I dried Percale Shirts at 35, 45, 75 and 95 cents. v 300 Men's Pure Silk Club Ties, never were sold for _ less than 25 cents, our price 15 cents. More Clothing and lower prices than all the balance of the county. Yours to serve ^ Y GOODS CO.! i J. H. RIPPLE. DRAIN CRADLES )f the Latest and Most Improved Pattern, [NCLUDING the up-to-date fastenings and adjustments, which makes it tne nost desirable GRAIN CRADLE ON ?HE MARKET. These cradles have 14 ingers, anditheold "Josh Berry," which las heretofore had full sway in tne harvest ield is not in it at all. Be sure to exmine it before yon buy; it certainly will 'shock" the wheat of this section, while he price will sound like sweet music in be harvester's ears. MY COTTON HARROWS, Is the ladies' fashion books say, "will be he rage of the season!" and why should hey not be ? They have been in seasons ;one by, and are we not taught that "all bings are good in their season ?" If you vant a COTTON HARROW, remember tot only that you ought to have it, bat hat it is a labor saving implement and vill make money for its owner. I sell JOTTON HARROWS, and you wantone. t n%# aa aw j o v 0 ? nfi M I 10 i. The time is close and for this reason, f no other, you should act promptly and ,t once. Parties who HAVE BOUGHT FERTILIZERS OF RIDDLE are here>y notified that to secure the benefits if the CASH PRICES, they must settle or "them" or "it" by MAY 1ST. When you want Shingles, Lime, or iven the daintiest fancy groceries, you annot do better than to see J. H. RIDDLE. YORK MUSIC STORE, GEO. T. 8CHOBB, Proprietor, YORKVILLE, - - S. C. Everybody ES invited, and especially the Ladies, to call at my place of business on West jiberty street; opposite the courthonse, to xamine and play npon the sqperb LES?ER PIANO which I have just received, t is a high grade instrument, with all the itest improvements, and does not "take back seat" for any other piano, no mater what name or reputation. rhe Lester Piano s manufactured by Messrs. P. A. North i Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., one of the ldest and- most reliable firms in the ausical business in the United States. . Call and see me and the Lester Piano. I an save you from 175 to 1150 )n a FIRST-CLASS, UP-TO-DATE IN1TRUMENT. In addition to the warant by the company, I give my OWN PERSONAL GUARANTEE for the jester Piano. GEO. T. SCHORB. W. B MOORE & CO. 5 PER CENT. RETURNED rvvr .11 nnn nnHI Iho JI1 Oil UWU OOITO UVUi UVTT UUVM VUU 318T day of AUGUST, next. We :eep everything and sell as low as the owest, ana in addition return 5 per cent, m CASH SALES. Is this worth yoor ttention T Again, we will give you the rivilege of guessing a number for each 1 worth of goods bought of us, and some ne will receive a $40 music box free?the erson guessing nearest the stated numier sealed in an envelope. China, Glass and English 100DS. Our stock is larger than ever iefore: Tile Hearths now in the reach of everyne. Prices greatly reduced. Call and xamine our samples. Razorine will sharpen any razor. * Clause Shears warranted to be unequald, and if you have a pair that does not lease you, bring them back and get a lew pair. Everything! Everything at W. B. MOORE A CO'B. GENTLEMEN, Set Your Suits Made to Order. Ifftssrs. Lamm & Co., AY: "Nothing Is too good for our cus5 tomers. In tne selection of our trimnings for the spring and summer seasons, re have selected only the best goods and juarantee our linings to give perfect satisaction. Correct Goods I Correct Styles! Correct Prices! Correct Fit Guaranteed !'* We Are Agents, ind have a FULL LINE of Messrs. jamm & Compady's samples which we rill be delighted to have you come and xamine. You have NO express or freight harges to add, all transportation charges 'REPAID, and the price quoted to you iy us is all the cost. m GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. KENNEDY BROS. & BARRON. COME ONE! COME ALL!! VyfY gallery is located on Cleveland jJL avenue, one door West of Major J. \ Hart's residence. My PICTURES are nade by the INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS, beautifully lighted, finely retouchd and finished in first class style in every ense of the word, and at hard times rices. If in need of fine photos, give me call before going elsewhere. Exterior vork a specialty. Terms, Cash. S. W. WATSON, The Photographer. She UorHrilfc inquirer. Published Weekly and Semi-Weekly. ZITHER EDITION AT THE SAME PRICE. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : Jingle copy for one year, t 2 OO )ne copy for two years, 3 50 for six months, * OO for three mouths, 50 fwo copies for one year, 3 50 ren copies one year, IT 50 ^nd an extra copy for a club of ten.