Special ftotices. Visit of Bishop Capers. On Wednesday, the 18th instant, theRt. Rev. EHisnn Capers, D. P., bishop of South Carolina, will make a visitation to the Church of the Good Shepherd, Yorkville. At 11 o'clock on that day, the service of ordination to the priesthood will be held. It is expected that a number of ' presbyters of the diocese of South Carolina will be present, and join with the bishop in the laying on of hands. On Tuesday evening, the 17th instHnt, at 7.30 o'clock, there will be services at the church, and a sermon by the Rev. W. E. Evans. I). P., of Trinity church, Columbia. The public is cordially invited to fKooo uarvipPQ Ol/bCUU DUOOV ova * avvw HYMENEAL. Married?At the residence of the bride's father, Dr. J. W. Allison, in Hickory Grove, on December 4, 1895, by Rev. J. P. Knox, Mr. J. B. MARTIN, of Spartanburg, land Miss MARY ALLISON, of Hickory Grove. ATTENTION, LANDOWNERS. I AM now prepared to do all ordinary LAND SURVEYING and solicit the patronage of the general public. Address, I. B. FAIRES, Bethel, S. C. October 11 70 fri!5t BRICK FOR SALE. Ann nnn well burned BRICK for sale at retail and wholesale. For prices, apply to T. B. McCLAIN, Yorkville, S. C. October 11 70 fri3m PURE RUST PROOF OATS. BUSHELS of home-raised fj \J\J Rust Proof Oats for sale. Apply to W. H. HICKLIN, Guthriesville, S. C. November8 77 ftf SUPPOSE YOU GIVE YOUR dear friend a Rapid Writer Fountain Pen for a Christmas present. Your friend would then have something serviceable, durable, economical, a thing of beauty ana a joy iorever. i can furnish these pens at from $2 to $6, according to your taste. I can also furnish gold pens with pearl handles and gold mountings for ladies. Call and see me about a Pen, before buying a present for your friend. A. M. GRIST. | COI/XTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Called Meeting to be Held in Yorkville, December 17. Yorkville, S. C., December 10,1805. " \ SPECIAL meeting of the county j?jl board of commissioners is hereby called to be held in the office of the county supervisor in Yorkville, on Tuesday, December 17. A lull attendance is imperative. W. J. STEPHENSON, County Supervisor. December 11 80 w6, (Salesday), the following real estate, towit: One lot in Blacksburg, S. C , containing about THREE-FOURTHS OF AN ACRE, with tenement houses thereon, bounded west by York street, south by Cherokee street, west by lands of J. D. Kennedy, and north by lands of A. and C. R. R. Co. Terms of Sale?ONE-HALF CASH, and the balance in twelve months, with interest from day of sale, to be seeured by purchaser's bond and a mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to the purchaser to pay his entire hid in cash. Purchaser to pav for papers. W. BROWN WYLIE, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. December 13 87 f 3t CLERK'S PARTITION SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. in the court ok common pleas. J. R. Cook et al., heirs-at-law of Denipsey Cook, deceased, Plaintiffs, against S. Mason Wallace, et al., heirs-nt-law of Denipsey Cook, deceased, Defendants. Notice of Sale. BY virtue of a decree for partition and sale, made in the above stated cause, I will expose to public sale IN FRONT OF YORK COURT HOUSE, during the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1896, (Salesday), the following real property, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situated in Bethel township, in the count}' of York and State of South Carolina, adjoining lauds of Dr. T. W. Camphell, Mrs. N. H. Mason, L. T. Woods and others, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN (117) ACRES, more or less. Terms ok Sai.e-ONE-THIR1> CASH. The balance upon a credit of one and two years, in two equal installments, with interest thereou from the day of sale, with leave to the purchaser to pay all cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers. Any of the parties to this action may bid and become purchasers at said sale. Purchaser must comply with his bid in thirty minutes, or the land will be at once resold at the risk of such defaulting pur chaser. \v. bko?a wiring Clerk of Court of Coinuion Pleas. December 13 8t> i'3t WLOTHINC! CLOTHINC! For the Next THIRTY Days I Will Offer My Stock of NEW GOODS Bought This Fall? STYLISH, NEAT, HONEST, AT 20 PER CENT OFF. CHILDREN'S CLOTHINGatoost. Mr. Earnest Lowry Jr., is now with me in the place of Mr. Inman. Will not be Undersold. Come and try me. W. F. MARSHALL, ADICKES BUILDING. J. H. RIDDLE. ALL ARE INVITED. FOR the first time this year I respectI'l.lk' !in-ilr? .ill who are in imv wav indebted to me for supplies or Guano, cither by open account, mortgage, note, lien, or otherwise to pay what they owe me, without further delay. These promises are all due or past due, and must be paid at once. All ate better able to pay their accounts than ever before, and I hope it will be unnecessary for me to use any compulsory measures in the collecting of what is due me. If you owe me or the firm of KIDDLE A* CARROLL any money for anything in the past, that must be paid at once, too, as I wish to close up all old business before JANUARY 1ST, lSfMJ. Respectfully, J. II. RIDDLE. COFFINS AND CASKETS, WE have the finest stock in this line that we have ever carried before. Cloth and Metallic Caskets, Children's White Goods, Robes, etc. Attention at all times. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. B. MOORE & CO. Another M. WOLFSHE We Get $2, at Le tc $5,0C RED HOT I NOW on oui quick slaugli quick sales cheaper we WE SELL. as the hest B State and t] waiting: for i o speak louder Thirty-Six Men's Bla for $5.00. Eighteen $20 Overco? Fifty Slightly Damage go at $1.50 to $4. One Hundred Men's Odd Coa ONE HUNDRED AND SEA/ BEST, all wool diagonal $9 Examine the best $13.50 B We'H match it for $9.80. A Black and Blue Cheviot Suits1 DRESS GOODS SLAUGHTERED! Last month, the biggest in our career. From every direction crowds of ladies came?a struggling mass of buyers?eagerly buying our great bargains as fast as they could be measured off. This week we crowd every inch of space with the greatest values yet, and order a ILtAnlNu UUI SLAUGHTER SALE! Chamelon Wool Suitings, worth 167^ cents, for 8 cents. Double width Worsted at 8 cents, 10 cents, 12 y* cents and 15 cents. 18-inch Fancy Silks, worth 50 cents, at 19 cents. 20-inch Changeable Satins, worth 60 cents, only 25 cents. 20-inch Check Taffetas, worth 65 cents, at 38 cents. Navy and Black Storm Serges, 25 cents' quality, only 15 cents. All the finer Dress Goods at a great sacrifice. We will continue to give one New Idea Pattern with every dress costing 38 cents per yard and over. Silk Velvets reduced to 50 cents and 75 cents a yard. 5,000 yards more of Dress Calicoes at 2,/i cents. 3,500 yards 4-4 Bleaching at 5 cents. o orw~i toivTc T^t-^cc Oufmorc nf" C ;ui?g yj cents. 900 yards Red Twill Flannels at 12 Vi520 Ladies' and Gents' White Silk Handkerchiefs at 10 cents to 94 cents. SPECIAL FOR CHE Silverware, Jewelry, I Glove, Handkerchief z GA1 J j j Clothing MR & CO., ioo from the ss than Hal > Manufactu in wr CLOTHING counters; bi Lter of them and short p buy, THE W e are w argain Cash ] here are alwi is. Our gooc than words. ck and Blue Beaver O its at $8.50. d Overcoats, worth fro its, from SI to $2. ENTY SUITS (170) OF HIGH .00 Suits you can find and lack Clay Worsted Suits in ' good $8 Cheviot Suit for S3.1 worth $3.50 for $1.65. ANOTHER GREAT PILE i # . ; Of those Ladies' Capes to arrive this week. The other lot was) picked up in three days. Watch ; your chance. Ladies' Hats from 10 cents up. New lot ol .Laches' liloves ana Corsets. 300 pieces of Stamped Linens, and a complete stock of j Silk and Linen Floss. Ladies Undervests, 10 cents, 15 cents, 25 cents, 32 cents, 48 cents, 75 cents and $1.25. FROM AUCTION. Over 1,000 dozen Ladies' and : Gents' and Children's Hosiery at less than cost of production. A MAMMOTH STOCK OF.GENT S FURNISHINGS^ i Wire Buckle Suspenders, worth ISTMAS GIFTS?Will Mush and Celluloid Toi md Scarf Cases and Ms NSON DRY C Failure! BALTIMORE. iir Assignee f Cost ire! >RTH BARGAINS it we'll make ! We make rofits. The CHEAPER idely known Buyers in the ivs haroains ~?7 ~ n Is and prices vercoats, worth $12.0Q, m $8.00 to $20.00, will ART CLOTHING ! Bring the we will match it for S6.25. the market, then come to us. 75 60-Boys' Double Breasted ( 25 cents, at 10 cents and 12 cents ; per pair. Underwear too numerous to .VI 0.1 f J r?n Qr.r1.7p.t1c' llPflVV lllV-li LiV_/AJU UV-iiYVlW * j ton Drawers, only 85 cents. Four-ply Linen Collars, only 6 cents ; Cuffs, 10 cents. 100 dozen Neckwear for Xmas. SMOKING FROM AUCTION. 200 pairs of Blankets. The 1 greatest values ever in York. 100 Trunks and Valises and ; Telescopes to sell at a sacrifice. Do you want $1 for 50 cents ? 1 Then see our Hat stock. THE SHOE MASSACRE. Other merchants cannot reason | out how we can afford to sell ( | Shoes for less than they paid 1 j for theirs. Notwithstanding the I great advance in leather, we ! have been able in nearly every instance to srive our customers Shoes at the old prices, and now ' WE GIVE THEM A CUT. j Doing the great volume of business we do, we accumulate hundreds of 4'odds and ends"? ! remnants of lots. These we reduce fully 25 per cent, to move ' them out. In this lot we include : A LOT OF SHOES JUST RECEIVED FROM AUCTION. 240 pairs of Men's Creedmores j at 90 cents. Big lot of Ladies' Grain Polkas ! at 58 cents. A lot of Children's Copper Tip ; Polkas, 3s to 6s, at 10 cents. I open a great line of let Sets, Work Boxes, iniciire Sets. iOODS CO. . New Dress Goods C1AN ALWAYS be found at LATI/ M KIt'S BAZARR, and they are of that same quality that gave The Bazarr such a high standing over its competitor's in days gone by. Ladies who want nice dress goods at bottom figures had better, at all times, before buying, see the Bazarr's stock. Our Millinery Goods AND OUR MILLINER has been the talk and delight of our customers in every section, and the increasing and growing demand for her work is the highest testimonial of her talent, taste and ability as an artistic trimmer and designer. Parties wanting new hats or their old ones remodeled, should be sure to GO TO LATIMER'S FASHION BAZARR. In Dress Making It is only occasionally that you will find one who has cheek enough to deny THE BAZARR'S SUPERIORITY. The Bazar is the recognized leader of fashions in Dress-making ! It has the dress goods and it has the findings. Reed's Shoes FOR LADIES has alwavs been a standby for LATIMER'S FASHION BAZARR and it has them now. KENNEDY BROS. & BARRON. IN ORDER TO CLOSE THEM OUT IN THE NEXT TEX DAYS, We Oiler : 1 QO LADIES FELT IIATS at 15 lOO cents. They are worth from 50 cents to $1.50 each. 35 Gents' Derby Hats at 50 cents, worth $2.00 to $3.00 each. 500 Plumes, Wings, Feathers and Tips at one-quarter to one-third what they cost in the Northern markets. MUST BE SOLD. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. We have received a large lot of Glassware, Fancy Crockery, Lamps, and other things, in the last few days. Call and we can please you, if you are in need of any of these articles. ALSO, WE CALL SPECIAL NOTICE To our 15-cent Jeans?and up to 30 cents. Ducking, Cassimers, Men's, Boys' and Women's Shoes. A LOT OF CARPET WARP, IN ASSORTED COLORS. Fresh Buckwheat Flour, Oatflakes, Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits of the best grade in the grocery line, Natural Leaf, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos. KENNEDY BROS. A BARRON. A FIRST-CLASS rlAJNU IS THE BEST TO BUY. I HAVE one on hand of that kind ; the LESTER, manufactured by F. A. North &' Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., a strictly reliable company. This instrument has all the latest improvements and is pronounced by experts to be equal to any other piano sold in this section. I will of^ *!?.- - ? ?v? .?<% MMAnfln i?n/lnoo/l ier IIJJH II131I unieiii at a gicuiij uuuttu price, to suit the present hard times. It is Guaranteed to be high grade. WILCOX & WHITE ORGANS excel any other organ ever brought here and I have proof ol it. My prices are lower than can be had on any ly other organ claiming to be first-class. THE NATIONAL TYPEWRITER "gets away" with all others, regardless of price. It does any work that can be done on any typewriter, and beats them all in manifolding. One is constantly used in The Yorkville Enquirer office, and Editor Dave Grist can't keep his hands off of it. Price only SbO, and warranted first-class. See me or write for catalogues before buying a Piano, Organ or Typewriter. GEO. T. SCHORR, Y'orkville, S. C. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Rock Hill, S. C. Capital, $75,000 Snrplus and Profits, - - 28,499 Mditional Liability of Stocktioliers. - - - - 75.000 Mai Protection to Depositors, $178,499 VV. L. RODDEY, President. IV. J. RODDEY, Vice President. J. H. MILLER Cashier. It. LEE KERR Teller. I'm IS IJAA Jv oners us services 10 me . public generally and solicits accounts from Farmers, Merchants, Corporations ind Private Individuals. We shall be glad to furnish our terms .lpon application. INTEREST BEARING CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ISSUED. September 19 65 tf J. W. DOBSON. THE THINGS HE WANT TO BUY: 10,000 Fodder. 100 Bushels of Peas. 100 Dozen Eggs. 100 Dry Hides. A FEW THINGS WE WOULD LIKE TO SELL : 100 barrels of good Flour. 500 pounds of nice Stick Candy. 250 pounds of Fancy Candy. 500 pounds of Chewing Tobacco. A LARGE LOT OF Hardware, Potware, Tinware, Crockery and Glassware, Baskets, Buckets, Chums, a few nice Chamber setts, Pocket and Table Knives and many other kiuds of goods at J. W. DOBSON'S.