Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, December 06, 1895, Image 3

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AT THE CHURCHES. trinity methodist episcopal. Rev. S. A. Weber, D. D., pastor. Sunday-school at 3 o'clock, p. in. v episcopal. Rev. Robt. A. Lee, minister. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sunday-school in the afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. presbyterian. Rev. W. G. Neville, pastor. Sundayschool at 3 o'clock p. ui. Services on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock. baptist. Rev. W. J. Langston, pastor. Yorkville?Sunday-school at 10 o'clock, a. m. Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, ??? ni>on inrr ut 7 n'olAft. auu IU iuu vvcuiug uv v v?w? associate reformed presbyterian. Kev. Boyoe H. Grier, pastor. Yorkville?Sunday-school at 10 o'clock a. niM Tirzah?Services on Sunday morning at 11.30 o'clock. $Rai;hd gegorts. YrORKVILLE, December 6.?Cotton 7i to 7g. NEW YORK, December 4.?Cotton 8 7-l(j. Futures closed steady with sales of 269,800 bales as follows: December, 8.13; January, 8.17; February, 8.23; March, 8.28; April, 8.28; May, 8.37 ; June, 8.41; July, 8.42 ; August, 8.43; October, 7.99. ATTENTION, LANDOWNERS. I AM now prepared to do all ordinary LAND SURVEYING and solicit the not.?n..rro nf 11,p crpiipmI nnhlic. Address. -*i;-B7yAIRES\ Bethel, s. c. October 11 70 frilot FOR RUNT. HANDSOME, comfortable and I'onvenient 5-room cottage on Wright avenue. Terms reasonable. Call on * R. J. HERN DON. November 22 80 ftf BRICK FOR SALE. AClCl OffcO WELL burned BRICK for sale at retail and wholesale. For prices, apply to T. B. McCLAIN, Yorkville, S. C. October 11 70 fri3m PURE RUST PROOF OATS. BUSHELS of home-raised O UU Rust Proof Oats for sale. Apply to W. H. HICKLIN, Guthriesville, S. C. November8 77 ftf NOTICE. A SPECIAL meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of the CAROLINA SULPHURIC ACID MANUFACTURING COMPANY will be held January 7, 1896, (12 noon) to determine if the company will increase its bonded debt sevty-five thousand dollars. ^ M. M. FREEMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. Blacksburg, S. C., December 5,1895. December 6 85 f It Have it Cleaned! JF your Sewing Machine runs heavy, "> please remember that I can clean it up, or repair it and make it as good as new, so far as the sewing qualities are concerned. See me if you need Needles, Shuttles, Bobbins, or attachments. A. M. GRIST, Yorkville, S. C. "alctioasalesT CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. in the court of common* pleas. B. 0. Jenkins, Plaintiff, against M. C. Sarratt et al., Defendants. BY virtue of a decree of foreclosure and sale, made in the above stated cause, I will expose to public sale in front of YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1896, tSalesday) the following described real property, to-wit: One tract or parcel of land situated in York county, South Carolina, bounded by lands of Win. Gaston, Anthony Hopper, -and others, containing SEVENTY-TWO ACRES. Also another tract of land, bounded by "Quinn lands," lands of H. Hopper, "* Charles Webber and the "Sarratt homestead," containing ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES. Terms of Sale?CASH. Purchaser to pay for all papers. W. BROWN WYLIE, Cleik of Court of Common Pleas. December 6 85 f 31. v CLERK'S PARTITION SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. in the court of common pleas. W. Brown Wylie, as administrator, against Margaret D. Coekerell, et al., defendants.?Notice of Sale. BY virtue of a decree made in the above stated cause I will expose to public sale in front of YORK COURT v? HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1896, (Salesday) the following described real property, to-wit: All that tract of land situated in York county, State aforesaid, known as the "Leonidas McNeel plantation," containing 276 ACRES, more or less, being same land, assigned to Susan J. True by the award of Kobt. S. Hope, and confirmed - by the decree of this court in the case of T. ^ J. Coekerell, plaintiff, against J. G. McNeel and others, defendants, etc., on the 14th day of November, 1886. Terms of Sale?ON E-THIRD CASH. The balance in two equal annual installments, with inteiest from day of sale, secured by the purchasers bond and a mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser to pay for all papers. W. BROWN WYLIE, * Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. December 6 85 l'3t CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. in the court of common pleas. M. H. Melts, Plaintiff, against Rachel N. Riggius, Administratrix, and others, v, Defendants.?Notice of sale. BY virtue of a decree made in the above stated cause, I will expose to public sale in front YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1896, (Salesday) the following described real estate, to-wit: All that tract of land situated in county of York, State aforesaid, known as the "Hogg Tract," bounded by lands of estate of J. G. Gill, deceased, John Rainey, Morrisou Russell, Oscar Sadler, Elijah Nix, and lands of J. G. Sinarr, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO AND THREE - QUARTER ACRES, more or less. , Terms of Sale?CASH. Purchaser must jjaymr al 1 Clerk of Court Common Pleas. December 6 85 f 3t I AUCTION SALES. CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. V State of South Carolina?County of ri York. J IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. James W. Burnett and others, Executors aj of A. H. Burnett, deceased, against ag Rufus U. Whitesides and otners, Defeudants.?Notice of Sale. (>, BY virtue of a decree made in the ,Si above stated cause, I will expose to Si public sale in front of YORK COURT f HOUSE DOOR, on the G FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1S96, the following real property to wit: p 1st. "The Home Place," all that tract 'p of land situated in York county, State y aforesaid, on Clark's Fork creek, contain- j ing THREE HUNDRED ANDTWEN- h'( TY-SIX ACRES, more or less, bounded p, by lands of Needland, Beatty, Quiun and p, others, being the same land conveyed by ,si \V. M. Whitesides to R. O. Whitesides, dated February 0, lfc>92. This tract is to fi be sold in two parcels?the division line being the main road that runs through the gi plantation.' j. >..J ti.a 'PifiL'titnn trupt." All thut. 17 ~UU. X lie A J | tract of land containing ONE HUN- a; DRE1> AND FIFTEEN ACRES, more or less, bounded by lands of R. \V. t() Wbitesides, Mrs. McKuigbt, Henry Mc- si Daniel, K. W. Sinitb and others. For a f, more particular description, sec deed p from Sallie M. Davis anu others recorded r in book "G 3," page 343, R. M. (J. otlice r for York county. r Terms of Sale.?ONE-HALF CASH, ft Tbe balance on a credit of one year with ?5 interest from day sale. Credit portion ?(j secured by tbe purchaser's bond and a j# mortgage of tbe premises sold. Purchaser to pay for all papers. rji W. BROWN WYLIE, $1 Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. r December 0 35 l'3t p ?1 CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. J. \\ Slate of South Carolina?County of A York. U in the court of common pleas. '(v Alex \V. Gladden, Administrator, Plain- M tiff, against Molsey Gladden and others, Defendants.?Notice of Sale. N BY virtue of a decree of foreclosure, made in the above stated cause, 1 will ~ expose to public sale in front of YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, lS9(i, (Salesday), the following described real property, to-wit: 1st. All that tract of land situated in the county of Y'ork and State aforesaid, 011 the waters of Fishing creek, bounded by landsof James L. Guy, Mrs. Ella Wilson, J. N. Strait and others, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES, more or less. 2nd. All that certain piece of land situated in Y'ork county, State aforesaid, and known as the "James T. Gladden Home Place," being a part of the Dale and Murpliy lanu, ana containing twu HUNDRED AND THREE AND ONEFOURTH ACRES, more or less. Terms of Sale?ONE-HALF CASH. The remainder on a credit of twelve I months, with interest from day of sale, j* the credit portion to be secured by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage ? of the premises sold. ' ' Purchaser to pay for all papers. j! W. BROWN WYLIE, " Clerk ot Court of Common Pleas. PJ December 6 85 fSt CLERK'S PARTITION SALE. ?! . th State of South Carolina?County of t?1 York. ? IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. ol Allen Alexander, Plaintiff, against Robert A. White and others, Defendants.? Notice of Sale. BY virtue of a decree made in the above stated cause, I will expose to public sale, in front of YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1896, (Salesday,) the following described real property, to-wit: ? All that certain piece or lot of land situ- rr ated in the incorporate limits of the town A of Yorkville, adjoining lots of Dr. W. G. White, estate lands of Cynthia Adams, lots of Martha Davidson and Catherine McKnight, containing ONE ACRE, more or less. "I Terms of Sale?ONE-THIRD CASH. J Balance on a credit of one and two years, it; with interest from the day of sale, the 18 credit portion to be secured by the pur- w chaser's bond and a mortgage of the prem- gi ises sold. Purchaser to have leave to pay si his entire bid in cash. Purchaser must es comply within thirty minutes. a? Purchaser to pay for all papers. tli W. BROWN W YLIE, p. Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. tb December 6 85 f 3t oi CLERK'S PARTI'I ION SALE. ? State of South Carolina?County of it, IN THE COURT COMMON PLEAS. 0, W. B. Wylie, Administrator, etc., Plaintill', against Amanda M. Peoples and others, Defendants. BY virtue of a decree for partition and Sl sale, made in the above stated cause, ^ I will expose to public sale, in front of YORK COURT HOUSE, during the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1896, (Salesday) the following real property, to wit: All that certain lot of land with the buildings thereon, within the incorporate limits of the town of Blacksburg, county of York, and State aforesaid, on southern side of the Air Line railroad, adjoining the Methodist church lot, 50 feet front on litwiBl mid ilnntli of 1100 feet. Terms of Sale?ONE-HALF CASH. Balance on a credit of twelve months, , with interest from day of sale, credit por- | tion secured by the purchaser's bond and a mortgage of the premises sold. Pur- 1 chaser has privilege of paying entire bid ' in cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. J W. BROWN WYLIE, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. December G 85 f3t CLERK'S PARTITION SALE. State of South Carolina?County of Y ork. J in the cot'rt of common pleas. ~ Charles J. Miller, Plaintifl, against John J. V Miller, et al., Defendants, and S. J. Oar- |J rison, Plaintiff, against Charles J. Miller, et al., Defendants.?Notice of Sale. ? BY virtue of a decree made in the r above stated cause, I will expose to public sale in front of YORK COURT f HOUSE DOOR, during the legal hours for sale, on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1896, (Salesday) the following described real property to-wit: Y All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situated in York county, State aforesaid, containing 183 ACRES, more or less, known as the "Dr. John J. Miller Home Place," bounded by landsof Win. Barron, R. T. Oillespie, W. B. Allison and others. Terms of Sale?ONE-THIRD CASH, Balance on a credit of one and two year, with interest from day of sale. Credit portion secured by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold. } Purchaser to pay for all papers. C! W. BROWN WYLIE. Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. al | December 6 85 f 3t FOR SALE. 'ill Dispose of the Following Judgments : rHE National Collection Agency, of Washington, I). C. North Carolina?W. T. Irwin, Ashclle, ; Jones & Hancock, Beaufort, 00.00; J. T. Wright A* Bro., Candor, 0.34: S. B. Freeman, Colerain, ?73.70; L H. Wilson, Coopers, ?27.27; H. D. raddock, Creswell, ?322.72; Cooper A ivain, Elizabeth City, ?172.00; J. II. nith, Falkland, ?130.00 ; J. II. Smith, aikland, ?135.70; Sample S. Brown, reensboro, ?45.22; Leroy King A Co., niham, ?41.08; I. T. Powell, Garland, I.27; John B. Hooker, Hamilton, ?32.50; ritt Brothers, Henderson, ?184.50; W. , Cheatham, Henderson, ?130.57; M. . Mason A Co, Moorehead City, ?124.00; II.Cohen, Newlierne, ?180.45; J. II. Corn, Newberno, ?100.05; Parson Brothers, ortsmoulh, ?152.15; Parson Brothers, iirtsinonlh, ?152.20; Fuller A Hyman, li it It field, ?24.33; I., Ileilbroner A Bro., urboro, ?130.00 ; L. Ileilbroner A Bro., irboro, ?180.00; Ducker Garren, Tweed, 7.22; John F. llardison, Williamston, 00.15; J. H. Lee A Sons, Wilson, ?180.75; II. Lee A Sons, Wilson, ?121.70; Wm. arris, Wilson, ?71.07; W. J. Harris, 8.47. South Oaromna?T. B.Curtis,Charlesn, $122.14; T. B. Curtis, Chariest on, $740.* ; 15. H. Pluinmer, Columbia, $12.05; urner Weller, Columbia, $57.04; J. It. urant, Bishopvillo, $33.08; Durant A odgers, Bisliopville, ?73.111; llemu Bros., ishopville, $104.30; Julius T. Dudley, ennettsville, $105.54; K. W. Ilolman, arnwell, $77.32; C. C. Rush, Black ville, 1.35; A. F. H. Dukes, Branchville, 12.08; Jacob Spears, Cartersville, $44.05; A. Parham, Cartersville, $>5.81; Israel yers, Cheraw, $52.54 ; J. S. Wadswortli, liesterfield, $70.45; S. M. Walton, Dyson, 73.01; S. Sahlman, Darlington, $05.52; J. . Hair, Elko, $232.58; S. F. Hutching, lorenee, $21.10; Fred Burnish, Graham, 5.BG; M. L. Redd, McCormicks, $85.31; W. it P. Y. Dorn, Parkersville, $30.85; \ P. Burbagc, Pregnals, $3.3.28; Clackley Robinson, St. Matthews, $109.10; D. G. tscy, St. George's, $03.03; Herman hwerin, Sumter, $322.45 ; Kingman ?fc r>., Sumter. $011.05; Smith ?fc Johnson, rilliston, $127.89. Send bids to the ATIONAL COLLECTION AGENCY, Washington, D. C. J. H. RIDDLE. ALL ARE INVITED. TIOR the first time this year I respect2 fully invite all who are in any way idebted to me for supplies or Guano, ther by open account, mortgage, note, en, or otherwise to pay what they owe ie. without further delay. These prom es are all due or past due, and must be ?id at once. All are better able to pay leir accounts than ever before, and I ope it will be unnecessary for me to use ly compulsory measures in the collectig of what is due me. If you owe me or te firm of RIDDLE <fe CARROLL any loney for anything in the past, that must b paid at once, too, as I wish to close up all d business before JANUARY 1ST, 189(>. Respectfully, J. H. RIDDLE. 'he Oldest Agency, The Strongest Companies, The Strongest Agency! jlACTS are facts, and "figures won't J lie." Our first commission of authory to write fire insurance was dated June, (89. Since that time in our underwriting e have been more conservative than agressive; but with it all our business is irely growing. We represent the strongit fire insurance company in the world id we believe that our agency is the le strongest in this territory. We don't retend to write insurance, except where le moral hazzard is beyond question, and ir rates are as low as those of any coniiny pretending to be responsible for its ilicy contracts. We want your tire inirance business, and we will appreciate , and give it our very best attention, hen you want to protect your property rainst loss or damage by fire, lightning cyclone, see and consult with SAM M. A L. GEO. GRIST, Agents, Yorkville, S. C. P. S.?If you want Life or Accident I11irance, see us. You may never die ; but ju will get hurt s. M. a l. g. g. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! FOR NEXT 30 DAYS [ WILL OFFER MY STOCK? NEW GOODS BOUGHT THIS FALL? TM, NEAT, HONEST, O"20 PER CENT OFF. Children's Clothing AT COST. nil not be undersold. Come and try me. W. F. MARSHALL, Adiekes Building. COFFINS ANI) CASKETS, JCTE have the finest stock in this line FT that we have ever carried before, loth and Metallic Caskets, Children's fhite Goods, Robes, etc. Attention at 1 times. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. B. MOORE ?fc CO. SELL! BROT] c Could not a people thai collection o Him OP STORE EARLY AM) Great Crowds Driv in North Carolin; from the Neigi in This and I Counties t< Winter i OUR LARGE FORCE HAS TO B WE MUST HAVE LA i PVERY DAY. Since we fusilade of BARGAINS, ai prices from an oppressed, bu onr trade has increased. Cons stocks and Job Lots, and ever; tion rooms of New York, the c STANTLY POURING IN; but counters, they are gathered ui CASH BUYERS. SPECIALS TILL T $2,300 worth of ] Failure, of Hamiuei at 50 cents on the 1 rhpnnp?t lot nf Clo had. Don't miss tl HERE ARE MC From BERRY BROTHER! 720 pairs of Wire Buckle Sus-! penders at 25 cents on the dollar. ; 1,000 dozen Hose at every price you can name from 4 cents i to 25 cents. Gent's full seamless heavy half hose, worth 10 cents for 5 cents. 100 dozen Men's Heavy Gray Jersey Rib Top Shirts, laced fronts worth 65 cents, at 32 \ cents. 100 dozen Men's Buckskin Top Shirts at 35 cents. A great assortment also of! 1 gents all wool Top Shirts. 300 dozen Men's Undershirts1 at 15 cents, 20 cents, 25 cents, 32 cents, 45 cents, 50 cents, 75 ? dt t -r ss. & T r% - LCUIS) yu pi. f i. 50 dozen gents Laundried Per- j cale Shirts worth 75 cents and j $1, for 45 cents and 75 cents. 75 dozen Scrivin's Heavy Can-; ton Flannel Drawers at 85 cents, i 350 dozen Gent's 4-ply Linen Collars at 6 cents. 500 BLANKETS AND COMFORTS For less than they cost to make ( them. 100 pairs of White Blankets, bordered, worth $1.00 at 50. cents. 50 pairs very heavy White! Blankets worth $2.50 at $1.25. The lot contains a large varie-; ty worth from $1.00 to $8.00 per. vim 11 coll of frntn i jjdll W iiiv.n wv nil! ov.1 A Ui. a&vsaa* . 50 cents to $4.25. Comfortables | 35 cents to 94 cents each. DRESS GOODS BARGAINS ! j 150 Ladies' Capes fi These are Corkers. Beat It! Ladies' Capes at 89 $1.80, $2.50, $2.98 to $5.00. GANSON DR 5 EERS' ;how ttract more 1 our great f bargains! BUMS PACK Oil nnii in/LDiniv IjI I li I'jI'UjIU Uill ing from Way Up i and right away hboring towns Surrounding 3 buy their Supplies. E SUPPLEMENTED WEEKLY. iRGER QUARTERS. entered York, opened up our id lifted the shacsels of high t honest ever toiling people, 3tantly purchasing Bankrupt yday represented in the Auciream of BARGAINS IS CONas fast as they fall on our ) by intelligent, appreciative, HEY ARE GONE! Pine Clothing from mi v rsiciugii iv v/u?9 ii? * )ollar. This is the thing we have ever tern. INEY SAVERS ?' Failure, Baltimore, Md. HOW THEY DO MOVE! Fast as they fall on the counter, out they go ? The stock is ever rapidly changing and with each change every effort is made to improve. We opened this week 62 pieces of Cashmeres and Serges in black, navy and browns, worth 25 cents and 35 cents, which we mark at 12 cents and 15 cents per yard. 50 pieces of Wool Chamleon Suitings, worth 20 cents, at 8 cents. 50 pieces more of those 36-inch all wool Tricots at 22 cents. 100 pieces Cashmeres and Serges ranging in price from 8 cents to 19 cents. 150 pieces of Cashmeres and Serges ranging in pric? from 25 cents to 95 cents. 5000 yards of new style Out ings at 8 cents. 5,000 yards of Outings, rich styles at 7 cents. 4,000 yards of Outings, 8 cents goods at 5 cents. 1,000 yards of best Calicoes at $/> cents. Red Twill Flannels, 12 cents, 14 cents, 20 cents, 25 cents and 32 cents. Canton Flannel 5 cents, cents, 8 cents, 9 cents, 10 cents, 11 cents, 12^ cents. Bed Ticking 5 cents to I2j4 cents. Tremenduous stocks, Hosier}-, Underwear, Gloves, Table Linens, Towels, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, White Goods, Flannels, Rugs, Mats and Carpets full 25 per cent, less than you can buyany where else in the State. rom Auction Sale! Anything Yet. Think of Cents, $1.25, $1.50, $2.19, Yours, etc. Y GOODS CO. KENNEDY BROS. & BARRON. IN ORDER TO CLOSE THEM OUT IN THE NEXT TEX DAYS, We Oiler : 1 QO LADIES FELT HATS at 15 lOO cents. They are worth from 50 cents to $1.50 each. 35 Gents' Derby Hats at 50 cents, worth $2.00 to $3.00 each. 500 Plumes, Wings, Feathers and Tips at one-quarter to one-third what they cost in the Northern markets. MUST BE SOLD. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. We have received a large lotof Glassware, Fancy Crockery, Lamps, and other things, in the last few days. Call and we can please you, if you are in need of any of these articles. AT fin Wtl H A T.T. fiPF.fiT A T. WOTTCE To our 15-cent Jeans?and up to .'JO cents. Ducking, Cassimers, Men's, Hoys' and Women's Shoes. A LOT OF CARPET WARP, IN ASSORTED COLORS. Fresh Buckwheat Flour, Oatllakes, Syrup, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Grits of the best grade in the grocery line, Natural Leaf, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos. KENNEDY BROS. A BARRON. New Dress Goods C1AN ALWAYS he found at LATI) MKR'S BAZARR, and they are of that same quality that gave The Bazarr such a high standing over its competitor's in days gone by. Ladies who want nice dress goods at bottom tigures had better, at all times, before buying, see the Bazarr's stock. Our Millinery Goods AND OUR MILLINER has been the talk and delight of our customers in every section, and the increasing and growing demand for her work is the highest testimonial of her talent, taste and ability as an artistic trimmer and designer. Parties wanting new hats or their old ones remodeled, should be sure to GO TO LATIMER'S FASHION BAZARR. Iii Dress Making It is only occasionally that you will find one who has cheek enough to deny THE BAZARR'S SUPERIORITY. The Bazar is the recognized leader of fashions in Dress-making! It has the dress goods and it has the findings. need's Shoes FOR LADIES has always been a standby for LATIMER'S FASHION BAZA RR and it has them now. A FIRST-CLASS PIANO IS THE BEST TO BUY. IMA V IS one on nana 01 mai amu ; mo LESTER, manufactured by F. A. North A' Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., a strictly reliable company. This instrument has all the latest improvements and is pronounced by experts to be equal to any other piano sold in this section. I will offer this instrument at a greatly reduced price, to suit the present hard times. It is Guaranteed to be high grade. WILCOX & WHITE ORGANS excel any other organ ever brought here and I have proof of it. My t (irices are lower than can be had on any ' y other organ claiming to be tirst-class. THE NATIONAL TVDPWBlTrn ??raa nu-nv" with all others, regardless of price. It does any work that can be done on any typewriter, and beats them all in manifolding. One is constantly used in The Yorkville Enquirer office, and Editor Dave Grist can't keep his hands off of it. Price only ?b0, and warranted first-class. See me or write for catalogues before buying a Piano, Organ or Typewriter. GEO. T. SCHORB, Yorkville, S. C. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Rock Hill, S. O. Capital, $75,000 Surplus and Profits, - - - 28,499 Aflditional Liability of StoclcMflers. - - - 75.000 Total Protection to Depositors, $178,499 W. L. RODDEY President. W. J. RODIJEY Vice President. J. H. MILLER Cashier. R. LEE KERR Teller. ^ T T TC DAW a ourvipAQ In t.h ft ' I UllO UAH XV VllCIO oiy > xwww ? X public generally and solicits accounts from Fanners, Merchants, Corporations and Private Individuals. We shall be glad to furnish our terms upon application. INTEREST BEARING CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ISSUED. September 19 65 tf THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, York County. WHEREAS HENRY M. SHILLINGLAW has applied to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of \V. G. SIIILLINGLAW, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the 16th day of DECEMBER, 1895, at 10 o'clock, a. in., to shew cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 27th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninetyfive, and in the 120th year of American Independence. W. H. McCORKLE, Probate Judge of York County. November 29 83 f2t