Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, October 30, 1895, Image 3

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erecting Rock Hill county with an area of 300 square miles, whenever the other provisions in the article in regard to new counties are complied with. The Rock Hill delegation appeared before the couuty committee yesterday, and \V. B. Wilson set forth the Rock Hill plan. The committee meets at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon to hear the apposing delegation Spartanburg is disposed to help Rock Hill to prevcut Cherokee from going to Gaff# ney. Iu the opiniou of a great many delegates the county area matter is settled aud should not bo re-opened. HOCK HILL HAPPENINGS. Recent Deaths?Two Fires?Personal Mention. Correspondence of the Yorkvllle Enquirer. Rock Hill, October 28.?Mrs. Amelia Pride, wife of Colonel C. J. Pride, died last Sunday night, altera long and tedious illness caused by a stroke of paralysis. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock,lithe services being conducted by her pastor, Rev. H. B. Browne, assisted by Rev. C. E. Johnson. Mrs. Pride was a true Christian woman, loved and esteemed by the entire community. Mr. James Sturgis died last Thursday, at the home of his father, Mr. J. A. Sturgis, who lives about six miles below Rock Hill. His remains were interred in Laurelwood cemetery on the following day. A small store room, on the outskirts of town, owned by A. Freidheim <& Bro., and occupied by Meacham A Co., colored, was burned last Friday morning. The ^ was about glOO. There was another fire on Saturday morning in the rear of the buildings of the Rock Hill Manufacturing company. The house was occupied by a family named Kenworthy. The water supply was short and the fire department was unable to accomplish a great deal. A small quantity of household effects was de stroyed. The South Carolina synod has adjourned without transacting any business of special interest. Members of the synod preached in all the local churches last [ Sunday. T. F. McDow, Esq., of Yorkville, was i in the city on 'J hursday and his friends were glad to see him. Dr. J. Miller Moore has returned to his post on the steamship Atlanta, at Newport. ^ W. B. Wilson, Esq., spent Saturday | and Sunday with his family; but returned to the convention on Monday. c. IST Every first-rate man of business can create a first-rate business. By such a man obstacles of time, situation, poverty and competition can be over WUIV. AT THE^CHURCHES. episcopal. Rev. Robt. A. Lee, minister. Service on Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock. presbyterian. Rev. W. G. Neville, pastor. Prayermeeting tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. trinity methodist episcopal. Rev. S. A. Weber, D. D., pastor. Prayer-meeting this evening at at 7.30, o'clock. baptist. Rev. W. J. Langston, pastor. Yorkville?Prayer meeting this evening at , 7.30 o'clock. associate reformed presbyterian. Rev. Boyee H. Grier, pastor. York ville?Prayer-meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock. [Announcements for Sunday services will be made in Friday's paper.] ?{jecial Hotircs. . : THE TALK IXG T Y' PES. i Are You a Licensed Pharmacist? We have Bluestone for the wheat-sow ers. It is a poison, and no person not a ] licensed pharmacist can sell it, or any other poison, under the law governing * the sale of poisons in this State. The , penalty for violation of the law is heavy ; and the informer gets half. If you are ] not a licensed pharmacist, don't sell Bluestone or any other poison on the prescrib- . ed list. No Disappointment. Dr. Jackson's Black Liver Pills never disappoint you. They cleanse the stomach, open the bile ducts and excite the liver to action, expel all effete and poisonous matter from the alimentary canal, act promptly, and always on schedule time. All iu all the best Pills we know. Jno. C. Kuykendal, Sole Proprietor. Sold in Rock Hill by J. B. Johnson A Co. "Put This in Your Pipe And smoke it:" Yellow Rose Smoking Tobacco; Lewis Beauty Mixture, a prize | taker; Clear the Track; Milton Sport; ( Cream of N. C.; Plug Cut, for chewing or ) smoking. From 25 cents a pound up. | With a 5-cent nackage of Tobacco we give j free a pipe ana stem. A Royal Smoke. The man who loves a royal smoke Should try our mild Figaro ; In truth, we are told j Every one that is sold Is stalled with fragrant Yarro. For a 5-cent piece, you get but one? You would not ask for more, When you inhale the bouquet As the smoke wreaths away, And?and?and? Sold only at the York Drug Store. The "boys" say we have a very line line of Cigars?Sabarosa, Trilby and other famous brands. A Southern Maiden. A maiden stands in the bloom of youth , While the Southern breeze caresses, And sheds its sweet magnolia balm Through her looseued, llowing tresses. To the question, "Whence this wealth of hair?" She replied in words laconic: "Not the Kenewer of Hall, nor the Vigor of Ayer; < But Walker's far-famed Hair Tonic." Cures all diseases of the scalp, removes ' dandruff in a few applications, stops the falling off the hair, gives it vigorous ; growth, does not change the color. Manufactured aud sold only by Jno. C. Kuykkxdal, Yorkville, S. C. A Grate Sale. We have a large Coal Grate, about as good as new, which we offer very cheap. We took it out because we preferred wood fires. Enquire at the York Drug Store. About O or 8 Years Ago We made a remark in The Enquirer which was as follows: "But one thing to do with a debt?pay it." This remark is as true now as it was then. Persons who owe us must pay ; can't do anything else and maintain character as honest men. John C.Kuykendal. Special flotices. $100 Reward, $100. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one nreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A* CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. March 28 9 ly HYMENEAL. Married?At the residence of Mrs. F. Eliza Campbell, the bride's mother, in Bethel township, on the 22nd instant, by Rev. D. S. McAllister, Mr. JOHN WILLIA MS and M iss S A L LI E C A M PB E LL. All of York county. OBITUARY. Died?Suddenly, at her home near Sharon, on October 23,1895, Mrs. SARAH E. ROBINSON, aged W> years 9 months and 10 days. LAND FOR SALE. ntVK HUNDRED ACRES of good farming lands lor ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, situated five miles from Ridgeway, Fairfield county. S. CM lying on both sides of Dutchman creek. Is fine for pasturage, and contains 50 or 60 acres of bottoms. We offer this bargain, as this association does not deal in land. Terms , easy. Apply to RIDGEWAY SAVING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. October 30 75 w 3mo WE ARE TRYING TO keep up with the procession in the way of doing repair work. Five men are now employed at our establishment, and we can and do do lots of work during each day. We have been crowded during the past few weeks, but nptwithstanding this fact every job has been given jus careful attention as if it was the only one we had and we expected to make our reputation on it. That's the way we'll do your work if you'll give us a trial. Our prices are reasonable, and if you have any kind of vehicle that needs to be repaired bring j it to us. You'll be pleased with the result. , CICERO MOORE, At Wheeler's Old Factory, j LOUIS ROTH. I Will Be Fully Prepared TO servo all who "may come to my Restaurant next week (court); i and intend to give them better than s ever, full value for mouey received, j Oysters every day next week. LOUIS R0T1I. J. W. DOBSON. HARDWARE. WE mention a few items we carry in 1 Hardware: , Plow Rolls, Machine and Stove Bolts, ( Carriage and Tire Bolts, Brace Bits, Hatch et Braces, Auger Bits, Screw Driver Bits, Shoe Rasps, Horse Rasps, Stubb's Files, ( Disston's Handsaw Files, Nail Ham- , mers, Lathing Hatchets, Chisels, Planing t Bits, Butt Hinges, Strap and T Hinges, ] Back Saws, Trunk and Chest Locks, t Wardrobe Locks, Knob Locks, Hasp t Locks, Try Squares, Rat Traps, Spring ( Balances, Saw Sets, Screw Drivers, Axes, Well Chains, Breast Chains, Mattocks, jfrub Hoes, Bush Knives, Fifth Chains, Log Chains, Screen Hinges, Lag Screws, Wood Screws, Finishing Nails, Trunk 1 Sails, Brass Tacks, Cow Bells, Coffee 1 Mills, Coal Scuttles, Coat and Hat Hooks. ) J. W. DOBSON. j _J. H. RIDDL,E._ , e R e J c a t ALL ARE INVITED. J FOR the first time this year I respect- f fully invite all who are in any way ndebtea to me for supplies or Guano, fither by open account, mortgage, note, ien, or otherwise to pay what they owe ne, without further delay. These protnses are all due or past due, and must be paid at once. All are better able to pay heir accounts than ever before, and i lope it will be unnecessary for me to use my compulsory measures in the collect- f ng of what is due me. If you owe me or he firm of RIDDLE ?fc CARROLL any 1 money for anything in the past, that must c >e paid at once, too, as I wish to close up all r >ld business before JANUARY 1ST, liSlW. c Respectfully, J. II. RIDDLE. ? i 1 t j a t 1 W. E. FERGUSON. j DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. \ ON the 1st day of October last, the firm I of FERGUSON BROS., doing a fan- s cy and family grocery business in York- 1 ville, was dissolved by mutual consent, 1 rhp rptirinrr nipinbpr of thp firm. J. M. Ferguson, having sold his entire half interest and good will to W. E. Ferguson, who will continue the business at the old stand. W. K. FERGUSON. J. M. FERGUSON. All person's in debt to the above firm, on open account, by note or otherwise are requested to make immediate payment to W. E. FERGUSON. TO MY FRIENDS: In entering the "ring" single handed, j I pledge my friends, and the friends of Ferguson Brothers, that no efforts will be spared to please them, and respectfully | ask for a share of public patronage. W. E. FERGUSON. i P. S.?J. M. Ferguson has bought out 1 the dray department, and his headquarters will be at my store. FINE CLOTHING. I HAVE CLAIMED, DO NOW CLAIM, and will CONTINUE TO CLAIM, to sell the best fitting, best quality, most stylish and best finished gentlemen's Clothing sold in York county and that my prices are as LOW as anybody's regardless of quality. Ask the best and most stylishlydressed men of York county where they bought their Cloth ing, and they will answer you about like this : "Why from John Hunter, of course; don't you know by the way they fit ? I'm surprised at you." Ask the next well-dressed man you see, if he got his Clothes from J. J. HUNTER, and he will say "Yes." Try it. DOBSON'SRACKET. NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK! WE HAVE A LOT of Rim and Pad Locks, also Hammers, Plyers, Squares, Saw Setts, Shoe Knives, Butcher Knives, Scissors, Screws, Knives and Forks, Clark's Patent Blued Fasteners, Bridle Bits, Try Squares, Tacks, Compasses and Key Hole Saws, also Hand and Back Saws, all of which you can buy Very Cheap. %J X We are not going to keep that class of goods any more, so if you want bargains in any of the above goods, please call at nice liefore they are all taken. Must be sold very soon to make room for other goods. Dry Goods, I HATS and NOTIONS arrive every week it our Cheap Store. T. M. DOHSON A CO. CYPRESS SHINGLES, SHINGLES OF CYPRESS. WE have never been able before to offer Cypress Shingles on this market in account of the high freight rates, but low, we have 100,000 en route to arrive his week. We will sell them at ?1.75. Everyone knows their comparative value o other shingles. They are acknowledged o be the best the world over. Give us a mil. Guns, Guns and Pistols. We have the largest stock of Guns on his market and at prices out of sight as io m pa red with any time before. $12.50 vill buy a ?25.00 Gun. We have Shells, Cartridges, Leggins, Shell .Belts, Dog Chains, Powder, Shot, etc. CUTLERY. See our line of Table and Pocket Knives, -tazors?warranted to be all you require of hem, or money refunded. Clauss Shears, aoh pair guaranteed?we mean by guarmtced, that if they are not just the best on arth, bring them back and get a new >air or your money. H AZOKI \Usharpins the dullest razor. One 15 cents packige will last you for years. PI CTUK K Pit A Hi BS made any size to irder. A variety of Frames to select from 'rices reasonable. CKEAM CHEESE, Breakfast Baoon, lams, Dried Beef, chipped to order, on >ur machine in any quantity at W. B. MOORE it CO. ARE YOU COMING rO Yorkville next Monday?salesday for November? If you are, do you lien, or uses better material than the facsxpeet to buy a Buggy, Ladies' Phaeton ?r Surry? I desire to remind you that I an and will make you inside prices on my stvlc vehicle you may want and guarintcc QUALITY. I sell the Rock Hill luggy Company's vehicles, and no beter are offered on this or any of the adorning markets. Every job is backed by m iron clad guarantee and purchasers are horoughly protected. You can't make a nistake in buying of me. No Factory in tne soutn ,rs better equipped, employes better workory at Rock II ill, and owing to tbe fact hey make a specialty of Buggies and Lalies phaetons and devote their time, energy and capital to the production of these specialties, none ?m successfully compete bvitli them. Try a Rock Hill Buggy; you ivill be entirely pleased with it. Tain Regrets. You may buy some other buggy than he Rock Hill, and not even examine itor jet prices and afterward learn to your sorow that you made a mistake, but regrets tvill not help you. The correct thing to lo is to buy a Rock Hill at the start. SAM M. GRIST, At Grist Cousins. BY THE aUAltTER UNTIL JANUAKY 1. 1896. OX 12 hours' notice, I will sell forequarters of beef at 4 cents a pound, md hind-quarters at 5 cents. Will pay ;he highest price for GREEN HIDES. G. W.SHERER. October 16 71 4tw Sta! advertisements this week will be devoted almost entirely to my Shoe department, and I'll tell you some things you didn't know before, and it will pay you to read these ads., not only this week, but all the time. First I want to tell you something of Douglas, the $3 shoemaker. A few weeks ago there was a meeting of manufaetur era who make a specialty of $3 Shoes, to decide whether or not they would advance the prieo of their Shoes to $3.50. All of them said "yep," to this proposition oxcept Douglas, and he said "NOPE," and he gently added that he had been making them at that price, and would continue it, regardless of what he lost. I have just received a large stock of Douglas $3 Shoes, all sizes and widths, in congress and lace. Try a pair ; you will like them, as 1,000,000 other people do. Below I give a few prices on goods received this week : Men's Tapped Soled, Buckled English Ties for 98 Cents; Worth $1.45 in Boston today. Men's Oil Grained Buckle Shoe, for 98 Cents; Worth S1.45. Men's Piccadilly Toe, Lace Shoes, a Leader for 98 Cents; Worth S1.75. Children's Dress Shoes, Sizes 5s to 8s, at 35 Cents. Children's Dress Shoes, sizes 9 s to 12s, at 50 Cents. i Ladies' Dongola Kid Gaiters, Sizes 2 1-2 to 8s, at Prices too Low to Mention. TVii-r^ filn'nmonf r\f H-emf's -LUi-LU. wniiiiuv/uu v,* Fur Tourist's Hats. Full Line of Celebrated New Home Sewing Machines at S25.00. See me before you buy Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ilats, Notions, Blankets, Wraps, Overcoats or anything. H. C. STRAUSS, N. E. Comer of Fountain Square. OH! YES! Certainly, The Bazaar has Millinery! LATIMER'S BAZAAR has just received a select stock of NICE NEW STYLISH MILLINERY, and it is prepared to meet any competition in that line, and the ladies are most cordially invited to call and examine these goods. And besides, The Bazaar has a line of the very highest quality of Ladies' Hosiery and Gloves, and the best and most popular Corsets. Latimer's Bazaar has no books?memorandum or otherwise?and does not charge goods or work to anybody. Latimer's Bazaar can get you up a dress in better style than ever; but it is cash on delivery. In the grocer)* department you will find a nice assortment and at the right prices. KENNEDY BROS. & BARRON. We Call Special Attention to SAMPLES of suits of men's clothing made to measure by Lamm & Co., of Chicago. Also samples of Pants made to order by the Richmond Trouser Co. You can get get them almost any price wanted and guaranteed to fit. We TTo TTA licl ? c 111 Stock Crimson Clover Seed, Axes, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Locks, Shovels, Picks, Hardware, Horse and Mule Shoes and Nails, Cow Chains, Well Buckets, Brooms, Crockery, Blacking Brushes, Mason's Blacking, Whittemere's Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing at 15 cents, Boston Liquid Waterproof Blacking. KENNEDY BROS. ?fc BARRON. COFFINS AND CASKETS, WE have the finest stock in this line that we have ever carried before. Cloth and Metallic Caskets, Children's White Goods, Robes, etc. Attention at all times. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. B. MOORE & CO. FLOWERS-PLAIN AND RARE! ANY and everybody known that there are many and various kinds of flowers. Everybody knows that flowers grow spontaneously from the earth, and that some are, by their peculiar fragrance more valuable than others. The material seems to be graded as if they were articles of commerce, and so it is with every other product of nature whether it be stone, metals, woods, or wlmtsover. A stone, may bo a stone, and there are only a very few who would deny it?still there are some?and yet there are very few who would claim that a "nigger head" was as valuable its diamonds, or that a pound of iron was as valuable as pound of gold, all articles are graded according to their quality and rarity and the value is fixed according to the supply and cost of production. BUGGIES?PLAIN AND BARE ? Any and everybody knows that there are buggies plain and buggies common ; buggies cheap and buggies tine. Every buggy has five wheels and after that is said then the difference begins. The CAROLINA BUGGY is the BEST MADE. It is a hobby of the company to make the best and they MAKE IT. You can buy buggies at from $30 up, but the CAROLINA BUGGY "is not built that way." It is made to sell at $75. It is worth $75 and it will give more pleasure, comfort and satisfaction to a customer than any other buggy built. If you want the best, before you buy, call on the CAROLINA BUGGY CO. G. H. 0'L.EARY. i have: on hand a complkie stock of furniture OF' all kinds demanded in this section of the country. Goods bought right are half sold, and we believe we have bought right. If you need anything in our line, we can begin at the front door and supply you with everything needful, hall, parlor, library, bedrooms, diningroom and kitchen complete. My warehouse, twice the size of my store, is packed full; so if you do not see what you want, ask for it. G. h. O'LEARY. eTni/ir* Y17"E ure stiI1 selling the stoves, yy Noble t<ooking stoves, Ranges, Iron King and Elmo Heating Stoves, and a largeTine of cheaper Stoves, Grates, Stove Repairs, Stove Ware, Pipes, etc. G. H. O'LEARY. carpets, rugs, etc. ANEW line of All Wool Carpets. Cotton Chain Carpets, Rugs in all grades, Art Squares, Mattings, Brussels and Moquette. We sell by Samples. Window Shades of all shades and grades. G. H. O'LEARY. saddles and harness. WE still keep on hand a large stock of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Whips, etc. In all the above lines our facilities are the best for handling these goods, and we are prepared to sell as low as any market. G. II. O'LEARY. I WANT YOUR TRADE And to Get it, I Offer You THE FINEST, NEWEST, MOST STYLISH go u\ AT LOWEST PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED, EVER OFFERED IN YORK YILLE. W. F.MARSHALL, Men's Outfitter. HICKORY GROVE RACKET, WHISOXANT CASTLES, Props. IN these hustling days, merchants have to either sell goods cheap or keep them. That we are not going to keep our goods is (lead certain, We've got a l>ig stock in the store and more coming, all bought at bottom figures, and they are going at whatever prices that may be required to move them. LOOK ABOUT A LITTLE. Shoes are high now. The merchant who did not buy a v. ay last summer before the rise is not in it.* We bought before the rise and consequently are not among the left. As long as our stock*lasts, our customers will not be able to tell that there has been a rise. Look about a little 011 the Shoe question and then let us show you how cheap we can fix you up. C03IE AND SEE US * Km,* Cldtliimr liofnro von buv. We have cheap Clothing and tine Clothing, and all of it was made to tit. As to the prices?well, we hardly think you can get any lower prices anywhere. Come to see us. WHISOXANT A CASTLES, Hickory Grove, S. C. THE STATE OF .SOUTH CAROLINA, York County. WHEREAS Mrs. MARY JANE K11) D has applied to mo for Letters of Administration on nil and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of JOHN A. KIRD, late of the county aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Probate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House on the Oth day of NOVEMBER, 1895, at 11 o'clock, a. in., to shew cause, if any, why the said Aministration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 21st day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninetyfive, and in the 120th year of American Independence. W. H. McCORKLE, Probate Judge of York County. October 23 73 w2t CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. IN TIIE COURT OK COMMON PLEAS. James H. Riddle, as Administrator, etc., and others, against H. F. Adickes and others, and W. J. Roddey against H. F. Adickes and others.?Notice of Sales. BY virtue of a decree of foreclosure and sale, made in the above stated causes, I will expose to public sale in front of YORK COURT HOUSE DOOR on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, next, (Salesday) the following described real property, to-wit: First. All that certain tract of land whereon H. F. Adickes now resides, situated partly within and partly without the corporate limits of Yorkville, in said county and State, made up of two parcels, adjoining each other, as follows : 1. A tract of TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY ACRES, more or less, with all the buildings thereon, lying on the King's Mountain road, and bounded by lands of A. Coward, Murphy, Gordon, Parish and his Kerr place, being more particularly described in the deed ofS. A. McElwee to himself, executed January 1st, 1872, and recorded in Book "Y," page 5(53 of the Register's office for said county, (less ninety-live and one-half acres thereof conveyed to J. O. Walker, and more particularly described in the deed ofT. W. Clawson to J. O. Walker, recorded in Book "F 7" page 434.) 2. A tract known as the Turner land, containing TWENTY-ONE ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of R. R. McCorkle, Gordon, and tract No. 1 above, being more particularly described in the deed of C. E. Spencer to II. F. Adickes, executed on the day of 188-; and also more particularly described in D. Turner's deed to C. E. Spencer, recorded in Book "A," page 2(58. 3. All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of York and State aforesaid, known as the "Kerr place," situate one mile north of the court house, on the King's Mountain road, containing NINETY ACRES, more or less, ana bounded by lands of Thos. O'Farrell, Ed. Thomas, J. L. Parish, T. W. Clawson and the King's Mountain road, and having such metes and bounds as will appear by reference to the plat to be furnished by T. A. Moore, to the said T. W. Clawson, / T .cqu nl nron aorno r\r* lauu nnn_ viv wu aviV/O) uiuig vi moot vwii" veyed to J. 0. Walkerlby H. F. Adickes, and more particularly described in the deed, recorded in Book "F 7," page 435.) Being the same land conveyed to H. F. Adickes, by T. W. Clawson, May 31, 1888, which does not embrace the E. P. Williams lot of three acres, more or less, now owned by C. E. Spencer, (see deed book "F 7" page 456) less the eleven acres aforesaid. 4. All that tract of land containing FIVE AND SEVEN-TENTHS ACRES, more or less, and bounded by lands of J. 0. Walker on the north, by the Kerr tract on the east, by lands of Mrs. Minnie A. Walker on the "south, and by lands of J. 0. Walker on the west, being the same land conveyed by Minnie A. Walker to H. F. Adickes, deed not recorded, more particularly described therein as follows : These two pieces or parcels of land situated and being within the corporate limits of the town of Yorkville in York county in the said State, to-wit: A part of the Thomas tract, beginning at a hickory tree and runs thence S. 51. E. 25.75 to corner in road elm pointer, thence, S. 45 W 3.05 to rock and white o. pointer, thence N. 47 W. 25.24 to dogwood, sweet gum pointer, thence N. 20 E. 1.15 to beginning, containing FIVE AND ONE-FIFTH. (5 1-5) ACRES, more or less. The second tract containing ONE-HALF ACRE, more or less, begins at rock on N. line of tract above described, thence N. 67. E. 4.40 to rock or stake at old pine stump, S. 32, W. 3.80 to rock, and stake on his line thence N. 50J, W. 2.63 to the beginning: both of which two tracts or parcels of land containing in the aggregate FIVE AND SEVEN-TENTHS (5 7-10) ACRES, more or less, and is part of the tract of land conveyed to him by Edward Thomas. Tkkms of Sale?ONE-HALF CASH ; balance on a credit of twelve months, secured by the purchaser's bond and a mortgage 01 tne premises, i-ieuve is given to purchaser to pay the entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for all papers. W. BROWN WYLIE, Clerk oi Court of Common Pleas. October 16 71 w 3t CLERK'S FORECLOSURE SALE. State of South Carolina?County of York. IN THK COUHT OF COMMON PLKAS. William Whisonant, Plaintiff, against Robert Rigney, Defendant?Notice of Foreclosure Sale. BY virtue of a decree of sale, made in the above stated cause, I will expose to public sale iip front of YORK COLRT HOUSE DOOR, during the legal hours for sale, 011 the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, next, (salesday) the following described real property to-wit: 1st. All that certain tract of land, situated in the county of York and State aforesaid, on the waters of King's creek and Broad river, bounded West by Broad river and King's creek, Nm;th by Robert Manning's land, south ajneast by Win., Whisonant's land, containing ONE HUNDRED AND.SEVENTY-FIVE ACRES. 2nd. All that other tract of land containing SEVENTY-TWO ACRES. 3rd. Tract bounded by Broad river, lands of Eli McDanicl, Jos. (J. Smith, Darwin and others, containing THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN ACRES.. 4th. Tract containing FOURTEEN ACRES. Tkkms of Sale?CASH. Purchaser to pay for all papers. W. BROWN WYLIE, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas. October 13 71 w 31. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias to me directed, will he sold within the legal hours of.Sheriff's Sale, on the FIRST MONDAY in NOVEMBER NEXT, At York Court House, the following prop erty, to wu: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in York township, county and State albiesaid, bounded by lands of John McFadden, estate lands of R. J. Dunlap, deceased, and others, containing THIRTY-SIX. ACRES, more or less, being same land conveyed to W. L. Sandifer, Jr.*. by C. H. Sandifer and others. Deed Rook "K 11" page 520, R. M. C. office, said county and State, levied on as the property of \V. L. Sandifer, Jr.,at the suit of John R. Ashe. psr Terms of sale cash, and if the bid is not complied with immediately, the property will be resold as the law directs. Purchaser to pay for papers. E. A. CRAWFORD, S. Y. C. October 15 81 w 3t NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Slate of S. Carolina?York County. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Stephen Putney A Co. and others, Plain' - - mi T-> \f .T\ lins, againsi 1 nonius r. jicliuw, assignee, and others, Defendants. To the Creditors, all and singular, of A. Y. CARTWRIGHT A CO., A. Y. CART WRIGHT and W. M. ALLISON, who are willing to contribute their share of expenses of the above stated action, and to sign an agreement, in writing, to that effect: YOU and each of you are hereby notified to present and prove your claims before me WITHIN THIRTY DAYS from the 13th of NOVEMBER, 1895, or be thereafter forever barred. W. BROWN WYLIE, Clerk of Court Common Pleas. October 9 69 wed5t