cases it is usually not at all difficult to find a sufficient pretext. The "Hellt of York" Dead. The uBelle of York," a fine race mare belonging to Messrs. Whitaker & Parish, died in Yorkville last Thursday night of colic. The mare was a most promising thoroughbred. She won second money 011 the St. Louis race track last season, and her owners immediately afterward refused an offer of $1,000 cash for her. Cliarlertou Excursion. Special attention is called to the advertisement of the Charleston Excurci/m hv V H. Kamseur in an ?"" -v ?"r other columu. The rate from Yorkville and return, as will be noted, is the lowest that has ever beeu offered. Captain Ramseur has a well earned reputation of being the most successful excursion manager that has ever taken a traitiloud of people from this section, and the individual in this section who desires to make a pleasant trip to the "City by the Sea,;' should not fail to take advantage of such an opportunity. Camping: in Columbia. The Citadel cadets arrived in Columbia from Charleston last Saturday night, and went into their annual encampment. They will remain in Columbia until tomorrow, when they will march across the country to Camden, and have their commencement exercises at that place. AT THE CHURCHES. EPISCOPAL.. Rev. Robt. A. Lee, minister. Services Wednesday afternoon at <> o'clock. TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. S. A. Weber, D. D., pastor. Prayer-meeting this afternoon at 6 o'clock. ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. Boyce H. Grier, pastor. Prayermeeting this afternoon at 5 o'clock. presbyterian*. Rev. W. G. Neville, pastor. Prayermeeting tomorrow afternoon at 6 o'clock. baptist. Rev. W. J. Langston, pastor. Prayermeeting this evening at 8.30 o'clock. [Announcements for Sunday services will be made in Friday's i?iper.J LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS. The following is a list of the letters remaining in the postollice at Yorkville, S. 0., for the week ending June 15, 1805: E. B. Ferguson, Leets Bros., John Mason, Miss Jane Pressley, M. J. Robinson. Persons calling for any of the above letters are requested to mention that they are advertised in The Yorkvim.e Enquirer. M. M. MOORE, P. M. .parhet Scporis. YORKVILLE, June 10.?Cotton 7 to71. NEW YORK, June 17.?Cotton 71. Futures closed quiet, sales 100,000 bales; June, G.00 ; July, O.iW; August, 0.96; Sep temper, f>.w; uctouer, <.wz; _>ovemot;r, 7.04; December, 7.0K; January, 7.12; February, 7.17; Mareh, 7.22. Special Notices. Church Conference. There will be a special meeting of the members of the Baptist church in this place this evening after prayer-meeting service for the purpose of electing deacons. I earnestly request that all the members of the church be present. W. J. Laxoston, Pastor. THE TYPES TALK. Lend Us Your Ear While we say something about Plastioo. This is, as all know, a preparation to apply to the inside walls and ceilings, making them fresh, bright and beautiful. It will not scale or come off; will not come off' on the clothing. It stays on and looks as well on ceiled walls as it'doeson smooth or hard finished plastered walls. You can apply it yourself. I have known ladies to put it on. It can be done at a * cost of from 50 cents to 81.50 a room. Its preparation for use is simple. Pour a specified quantity of cold water, mentioned in the directions, on the contents of a package, stir well and it is ready for use. We have it in all the beautiful tints and colors. New Buggy? Nope. Painted it? Yep. I)o it yourself? Yep. What with? Detroit Carriage Black. Got it where? Kuykendal's. Worth what a can? 75 cents. Can I do mine the same way? Isee any reason why you shouldn't. I'll make mine shine then as soon as I can get a can from Kuykendnl. Glad I met you. "So long." Samee. Scone in the Country. Hello! [Gentleman on horse at gate. Lady comes out on piazza shading eyes with hands.] Gentlemen?Good morning, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown?Why, good morning, Mr. Green? I scarcely recognized you; the sun being in my eyes. Won't you alight and come in. Mr. Green? No, thank you, Mrs. Brown, I haven't time this morning. Mary, (his wife,) asked me to ride around this way and enquire for the baby, as we heard he was quite sick. Mrs. Brown?I'm sure it is very kind of you and Mary to think about him, and I am glad to be able to say that he is very much better now. He has been quite sick. 1 >r. Black gave us some medicine for him before he went away; but it did him no good. He's getting his teeth, you know, and his bowels became uncontrollable and he could neither digest his food nor retain it. Mr. Green?lie was in a bad shape sure enough. Mrs. Brown?He was indeed, Mr. Green, and we were fearfully alarmed about him until we commenced giving him AntiFerment, and it helped him from the first ?lose. His bowels are now under control, he digests his food, is regaining his llesh and seetns to be eettitur well as fast as pos sible. We still give him the Anti-Ferment three times a day and after each time he is fed. Mr. Green?Why, Mrs. Brown, AntiFerment is really a wonderful remedy. Mrs. Brown?It certainly is, Mr. Green, and I don't expect to he without a bottle in the house. It is good for so many things. Mr. Green?Mary has some right bad spells of indigestion and palpitation. I tliink I'll get a bottle for her. Mrs. Brown?By all means, Mr. Green. It will relieve her of those attacks every time and in a few minutes. Mr. Green?I'll get a bottle the next time I go to York. Mrs. Brown?Bring Mary up and pay us a visit. Joe ami I would be delighted to have you spend sometime with us. Mr. Green?Thank you ; will try to do so. Good bye. Mrs. Brown?Good bye. John ('. Kuykknuai.. Special Dofires. "The People's Iiine." The Chester and Lenoir Railroad company will put 011 sale on the 15th to the 30th of June, special party excursion tickets from all stations on their line to Blowing Rock and return, at one fare for round trip, for parties of mor more. Tickets good returning within ten days from date of sale. The O'Clock, A. 31., WILL haveTWO SPECIAL COACHES FOR WHITE PEOPLE. KATKS FROM YORKVILLE ONLY $2.60! FOR ROUND TRIP. The train will leave Yorkville at 11.15 a. m. The refreshment ear will run between the white and colored coaches, and white people will 1 not be allowed on colored people's coach- ( es , or colored people on white people's < coaches. W. II. RAMSEUR, Manager. I June 1!) >H w aim i *i. i , TOM WALK KIR. ] OWINtJ to the large amount of repair J work that lias been sent to ine during f the past few weeks, I have been forced to turn away some who wanted horses and mules shod. I am now in a position to shoe every horse or mule that may come < and guarantee satisfaction evcrytime. I < have employed Mr. Thomas Walker, of 1 Sharon, who has the reputation of being ( one of the best shoers in the upper part of t the State. Until further notice, he will be I at my shop on MONDAYS, TUESDAYS ' and WEDNESDAYS of each week. < Please remember the days. I hope you < will give Mr. Walker a trial. I am sure ] you will be pleased with his work. I will i furnish shoes and nails for each foot i and put them on for (50 cents. i I shall continue to do all kinds of repair work brought to me. I do my work T > " ?l .1 ..In lr*?. riglll, 1 III! II |)i <|>k.if> mm <>i < jv?.. |>i iwi Send me your carriage, phaeton, surrey, hack, cart or wagon if it needs attention. CICERO MOOKK. At Wheeler's Old Factory. P It 1M A It Y I I. liCTK) X. Headquarters Democratic Executive Committee, York County, S. C., YoitKvii.i.k, S. C., June 14, 185(5. NOTICE is hereby given to each and every one of the twenty DEMOCRATIC CLE 118 OF YORK COl'NTY hereinafter mentioned, to assemble at their respective places of meeting, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 22X1), A. I)., 185(5, and elect DELEGATES TO A DEMO ? nvnn CKAT1C t'UL I'l UL\rr,ui'<.M. iv, ui be composed of an equal number of Reformers and Conservatives, which said conference is hereby called to nicest in the COURT HOUSE AT YORKVILLE, on THURSDAY, July 4h, A. D. 1??, at 11 o'clock a. ni. for the purpose of considering the best means of getting the two factions of the Democratic party in York county together in the SELECTION <>K DKLfcOATKS To THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, and taking such steps as may be necessary to carry out this end. Each member of the Executive Committee, or in the absence of such member, the president or vice president of the club, will appoint three managers to conduct the precinct election of said delegates. The managers so appointed, will open the polls at 2 o'clock p. in., and keep them open until ? o'clock p. in., on said June 22ml, INfi. All persons known to be Democrats will be entitled to vote in this election of delegates. . Each precinct will select an equal mini- J her of Conservatives and an equal number of Reformers as delegates; the delegates to be voted for to be selected in such way and manner as the Reformers and < 'onservatives of each club shall deem right and proper. Managers will furnish the chairman of each delegation with a certificate as to who are elected delegates from that precinct. r The delegates from the various precincts, to be evenly divided (between the two factions) urc apportioned as follows, Anlioch, -1 Hluckshnrg, 10 Rlairsville, X Bethany 0 Bethel Smyrna, 2 < 4 > York vil It; 20 Hy order Deinoeratic Kxeeulive Committee of York county, S. c. J. S. It HICK, Chairman. Attest: .1. J. Watkks, Secretary, pro tein. t June 10 37 2t\vumlf DOBSOX'S RACKET. OUR CUT PRICES IN DRESS GOODS LAST WEEK, CAITSKD the ladies to get a hustle on them, and I hey are moving out pretty lively. now, if vou need A Silk or Muslin dress, you had better see MRS. DOBSON before you buy. if yoi; should' need A nice Gingham dress, DOBSOX has it. if you should need A nice Cravat for a lady or gentleman, POBSOX has some beauties. SHOULD VOl NEED Any nice, fresh, clean ami pure Candy, don't fail to go to DOBSON'S. NOW, SHOULD YOU NEED Any Embroidery <>r Lace,don't buy until you see DOBSON'S prices. IF YOU NEED Any Baking Powders, why pay 40 cents a pound when vou can get just as good for 10 cents? The brand i"h "Good Luck." Try one box and see if it iH true and save 30 cents. DO YOU NEED A Kitchen Lamp? If so, see DOBSON'S Reflector. IF YOU SHOULD NEED A Linen Bosom Shirt for 45 cents, DOBSON has the beet in town for that money. In fact, you can save money anytime by buying in your goods at DOBSON'S. Get so much better quality for the same money. T. M. DOBSON A CO. LKWIS G. GRIST. SAM M. GRIST. GRIST COUSINS. SALMON?NOT STURGEON. WE have long entertained the opinion that a large proportion of the citizenship of Yorkvillc and the region round about, did not want anything in the way of eatables except the very best, and would patronize a concern that sold only this class of goods, especially if its prices were right. Entertaining this opinion as we do, we have adhered strictly to this rnlo mid linvfi never knowinelv ottered anything oxcept the I?OHt quality of goods, iuuI overybody knows wo compete in prices. We desire this week once more to call the attention of those who use Canned Salmon to the fact thai we have just received another shipment of GENl'INK CO LI: Mill A IUVHR SALMON. Some dealers sell a canned fish branded "Salmon" which is really sturgeon. Sturgeon in somewhat similar to salmon in color, but just there the resemblance ceanen. tainion isoneofthc most palatable of all fish, and sturgeon iH one of the leant desirable. Try our Salmon onetime. MILK LUNCH CRACKERS. We have just received a shipment of Milk Lunch ('rackers. They are especially palatable for lunch or tea. We also have otherdesirable varieties of Crackers. OATFLAKES. We have Oatfiakos. They are good. They are cheap?U pounds for '25 cents. I'ljcy are just as good as if wo sold them at 3 pounds for 25 cents. We have Crushed Dats put tip in packages, at 2 packages for 25 cents. We also have a superior quality of Prepared Buckwheat at 20 cents i package, or 3 packages for 50 cents. Don't forget that we have the best Open Kettle N. f call* for Allcock'a PorotiH Planters and nir supply was exhausted. Not so now, Dccause we received a fresh lot on Satnrlay. We sell them at 15 cents each, and ;hey are genuine?its good as any ever sold 'or 25 cents. We have pure Castor Oil, Turpentine, Tutt's Pills at 20 centBa box ; Quinine in bottles; Paregoric, Godfrey's .,'ordinl, Genuine Epsom Halls at 5 cents a pound?guaranteed; Ginger, Cloves, Nutneg, Sulphur, Borax, Copperas, Flavorng extracts; best quality of Black Pepper it 15 cents a pound. GRIST COUSINS, Yorkville, S. C. THE BAZAAR'S Millinery Goods. THE BAZAAR has 110 desire to create the impression that it has bought out the entire stock of the largest Millinery and Notion house on the Continent, nor even to intimate that its representatives caught the Gotham villagers asleep, or that they preceded the high sheriff in tearing down the mercantile monuments of prosperity ; but we got there all the same. We bought with judgment and in consideration of the season, and when it conies to Ladies' Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ribbons, etc., you will be forcibly struck with the idea that from the prices, they are stolen goods.' New stock of Reed's .Shoes. The Bazaar's Millinery department is in charge of most competent hands. Call at LATIMER'S BAZAAR?same old stand. W. c. GIST. GROCERY SUPPLIES. rltV Champion Corn. It is tlit? host on the market. la cents per can. Okra and Tomatoes at Hi cents a can. 1 pound package washed and picked Currants, la cents a package, or two for 25 cents. Kaisins Hi cents per pound or-'l pounds ?/.! >- ,.??tw hogget Is' Imperial 10 x tract of Vanilla and (lilt lOdgc Lemon. 1 pound package Prepared Coeonnut. Fresh shipment of French and Stick 1 Candy. W. C. GIST, Family and Fancy Grocer. PAY YOIJM ACCOUNTS. PAKTI10S indebted to our market for FRIOSII M FATS, are respectfully equested to call and settle their accounts, teef cattle are sold for cash and it is iccessary that we collect our accounts in >rder that we may he able to furnish you villi nice beef. i JAM IPS MALLARD >V SOX. PI KIP IXSUKAXC IP. FOR reliable FIRE, CYCLONE, ACCriHOXT or I.IF10 INSURANCE, all on SAM M. A L. GKO. GRIST, Yorkville, S. C. JNO. J.HUNTEH. IT ISA BIG JOKE. I Propose to Paralyze Prices on Dry Goods in Yorkville. IN the future it will he a very huge joke for any inereliant in "diggi us" to say that lie sells any Roods of any quality at a lower figure tliau I do mine ; and just remember, right here, that the quality of goods that I sell is far superior to the goods usually brought to thisseetion, and I shall certainly sustain my reputation of the past by handling only the BEST quality of "everything in my line. My prices will be such as to please the careful iutyer and make competitors gnash their guinsand tear their hair in impotent wonderment ; but I shall not object, as it will he quite a comic scene for our customers to laugh at. Now just for "a little joke that will be so amusing," I will quote you a few prices on some Dress Goods that arrived last week : French Figured Organdies, former price 25 cents, now 15 cents a yard. Figured Mulls, formerly 25 cents now 15 cents a yard. Figured Hrilliantc formerly 25 cents, at 15 cents a yard. Dotted Swiss formerly 25 cents now 15, cents a yard. Zephyr Ginghams formerly 15 cents now only 7* cents a yard. Genuine Manchester Fhambray at 10 cents a yard. Scotch I.awns at 5 cents a yard. Genui e Berkshire Lawns at 84 cents a yard. The linger nails will not cut through the Kayser Patent Finger-tipped Silk Gloves. We have them at 50 and 75 cents and $1 a pair. The latent and best thing for ladies' skirt and putt'sleeve lining ; is Fibre Chamois ; its advantages being that dampness does not atfect it and if it is crushed it tvill rise and stand forth again. Try it. Your's for amusing prices, JOHN J. IIUNTEH. Whitteniore's Shoe Polish at 18 cents a 1 Hit tic. H. C. STRAUSS. A SWEEPING REDUCTION. I Must Take an Inventory of My Stock on July 1st. IJ.C'.H.* NO REASONAIILE OFFER REFUSED. IT.CVS. AS it is my intention to take an inventory of my stock on July 1st, before I commence I wish to make a big reduction in my present stock of goods and in order to give the buying public an opportunity of helping me reduce this stock, and at the same time benefit themselves, I have made sweeping reductions on every article in stock. I can only give a few prices here; but such reductions apply to everything in stock. Read it: Summer Corsets at 48 cents, formerly 75. Thompson's Nursing Corset at 78 cents, formerly ?1. Ladies' White and Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs formerly 10 cents, now 5. Ladies' Pure Silk Jersev Mitts at 15 cents, formerly 25. All Wool Challies worth 221, now 12J cents a yard. Plain White Lawns worth 5 cents, now 3 cents a yard. White liar rod Lawns worth 5, now only 4 cents a yard. Seersuckers in all patterns and colors reduced from 10 to (>1 cents a yard. Oepons reduced from 20 to 121 cents. Satine Stripe Challies reduced from 20 to 121 cents a yard. 4-4 Bleaching from 01 to 41 cents a yard. Gent's Gauze Vests from 25 to 15 cents. Face Towels at 3, 4, 5, 0} and 7A cents. A Huek Towel, 24x50 inches for only ?l a dozen. Cotton Challies at only 21 cents a yard. Shirting Prints at only 4 cents a yard. All colors Cheesecloth at 4 cents a yard. A large number of ladies'and misses' Sailors, many wf them worth 50 cents, will give choice for 10 cents. U. C. STRAUSS. Agent for Coats's .Spool Cotton. J AS. M. STARR. YORK COUNTY TliACIIKKS? ASSOCIATION. welcome you to our town. Will ? ? lie glad to nave you mane our store your loafing place while here. We can furnish you with the best ice beverages, Sodawater, Limeades, Lemonades, Milk Shakes, Peach Cream. The different lees, Pineapple, Lemon, Chocoiate, etc. We keep everything neat and clean and only sell the best. Those of you who smoke or chew, will tiud What you want at our store. We sell the best o-cents Cigar on the market. In caseany of you arc taken sick and need any medicine, you will tind it at our drug store. If we can be of any service at anytime, our service is at your command. Hope you will all enjoy your stay while in our town, and call to see us. Yerv truly yoitr's, J AS. M. STAltR. FltUIT J ARS AM) RUBBERS. WIIEN we sell out the lot of Fruit Jars we have, we will not buy any more this season, as the price has advanced. If you need any jars, now is the time to buy, whether you get them from us or not. I also have a lot of Extra Rubbers. Hy using the Fruit Powders you save the expense of buying tiie glass jars. Wo sell the powders at 2l>cciitsn box. Wli ST1 1.1, IIA YE A FEW Harden Seed on hands. Sell one tin full of Beans forii cents. Late Cabbage Seed. Fine Watermelon and Cantaloupe Seed. PAINT THAT BL'UUY 4 NI) Urease those Harness. We have JrY the Paints in pints ami quarts and in different colors, ready for use. Also Harness Oil. We Imy the oil in bulk, Kring your liottle and get more for the money. JAMES M. STAKE, Leading Druggist. G. II. O'LEARf. WE HAVE IN STOCK /A KOLLS of Japanese and Chinese U U Mattings and we sell it at from 10 to :15 cents a yard. '50 dozen Window Shades at low prices. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums and Oil Cloths. Wo have a large stock of hedroom furniture and also a nice new line of parlor and diningrooin furniture. We have Reds 1 >y the CARLOAD. R urea us, Chairs, Lounges, Matresses, Rook cases, Cahincts, Desks, Piclure Frames, Easels, Pictures, Cooking Stoves, Repairs for Stoves, Ware, Saddles, Ruckels, Harness, Collars, etc., etc. >Ve Carry a Large Stock Of all the above goods and our facilities fordoing business at a SMALL cost are The Best, an less than the same grade of work is sold for by others. Our work stands the livery and the physician and these two are acknowledged by all to be the most severe tests of vehicles. The late K. A. Parish, who was no doubt one of the best posted men in this section 011 the relative merits of buggies in use about here, said a few months ago that the best buggy he ever owned was then in use in his stable and had been for over three years and that it was made by the ROCK HILL BUGGY CO. We are now making a better buggy than when we built the one Mr. Parish refers to, as we have had more experience. Every buggy we sell is guaranteed for 12 months, and it's no picayunish guarantee that we give; but one that is worth something. If you contemplate buying a Buggy or Ladies' Phaeton, we hope you will give our agent at Yorkville, Mr. Sam M Grist, a showing at you. He will do you right. He has some samples 011 hand and if what he has don't suit you, he can get what will in a very short time. ROCK HILL BUGGY CO. LOUIS ROTH. Dove Brand Hams. THOSE wishing something better than the common brand of Hams, I can recommend the above article. The price is 14 cents?somewhat higher than the regular kind, which by the wav, I also have on hand. OATFLAK KS and PETTI JOII X'S BREAKFAST FOOD (a nice wheat preparation) can be had fresh at my I>lace, put up in 2-pound packages, which is more suitable to the summer weather than the loose kind. DKIEI) BEEF?loose or in cans, the latter the finest brand in town. Cut Loaf Sugar. LOUIS ROTH. j. w. imiiso v. THE BEST FRUIT .I VHS. IF you want the BEST Fruit Jars, try Mason's Improved, which is the best that has ever been put on the market. We have the Jars, and extra rubbers for same. LEMONS?Fresh and good at J. W. DOBSON'S. CHAIN CRADLES.?If you want to harvest your grain properly, buy one of our 14-Finger Cradles, fitted with the very best quality of Blade. COLD DUST AND l'EAKLINE at J. W. DOBSON'S. COTTON HARROWS.?We have a lew Cotton Harrows that we would liketo close out at verv low figures. j. \v. dohsox. P. A. AJ3ERXATIIY. PRESERVING KETTLES And improvedcookin