tumorous Department. Quite Possible.?A physician had, as presiding genius in his culinary department, a Negro woman of a social disposition, but of a somewhat irascible temper. Oue night a youthful admirer, who was accustomed to make frequent evening calls upon the ebony Maria in her kitchen, prolonged his visit to a tiresome length. After Maria had worn out every topic of conversation of which she was mistress, she essayed to give him a gentle hint as to her mental and physical weariness by a prodigious yawn. TVirrmrrB crvmo miBPaleulation aS tO the stretching capacity of her mouth, however, she dislocated her jaw in the process. The doctor was hastily summoned from above stairs by the distracted youth, who stood diffidently in the background while Maria's jaw was 1 put into working order again. The first use she made of her recovered power of speech was to turn wrathfully upon the trembling visitor, 1 and say, in a tone of withering scorn : "P'raps de nex' time yo' goes a callin', and stays and stays till de lady ' gapes and sufflocates her jaws, ye'll i take it fer a hint dat it's 'bout time to be a gwine home." Sauce Fit for Both.?A geutle- 1 man has a little boy who, on account of his mother being an invalid, has been under the especial care of his i nurse. During the summer, however, 1 his mother went away for the season, | taking the little boy and his grand- i mother. Being unused to receiving orders from his mother, he at one time rebelled and she was obliged, to punish him. To this he demurred, affirming that only the nurse had a right to pun- i ish him; and going to his grandmother, he complained that his mother had struck him. ] "That was right," said she, "if you | were naughty; she is your mother, ( and has a right to whip you if you don't behave well." The little fellow, sobbing, asked? "Have mothers a ri. :t to strike their children ?" "Certainly," she replied. "Are you her mother ?" he asked. "To be sure I am." "Well, then, hit her." Mistaken Identity.?One of the regular correspondents tells the Washington Post a delightful anecdote of the reportorial days of one of the wellknown editors of metropolitan journalism. Before the female society reporter had usurped the social domain as completely as at present, he was assigned one night to report a social event at one of the swell houses in New York. 1 He stationed himself at the head of a stairway to take the names of the ladies 1 as they passed him to go to the dressincr-room to take off their wraps and C - _ prepare for their appearance on the lower floor. He had been standing there for some time, taking notes, 1 when a gay young damsel, heavily i wrapped in furs, lightly tripped up the stairway, and suddenly addressed him. j "Ah, beg pardon sir, are you the footman ?" I "No, madam," quickly retorted the i reporter; "are you the chambermaid ?" Clerical Wit.?There dwelt among the hills of Cooke county, Tenn., some years since, a man named Watts, a i "hardshell" preacher, who was also a doctor. He was thus enabled to min- , ister to bodily ailments while offering the consolatious of religion to the sin sick soul. In order to renew his own spiritual strength he sometimes found it necessary to imbibe a little spirituous liquor, and on one occasion, having drawn much consolation and vigor from a bottle which he carried in his pocket, he ascended the pulpit and held forth in his customary hardshell style. He grew very vehement, and in makiug a sweeping gesture unfortunately broke his bottle, scattering the fluid all around. Stopping short iu the midst of an eloquent passage, he exclaimed, "There, brethren, goes some poor woman's mediciue!" and then resumed the thread, etc. BaT" "A love aJi mat is ueauiuui ju art and Nature," she was saying to her a'stfcetic admirer; "I revel in the green fields, the babbling brooks, and the little wayside flowers. I feast on the beauties of earth, sky, aud air; they are my daily life and food, aud " "Maudie!" cried out the mother from the kitchen, not knowing her daughter's beau w as in the parlor ; "Maudie! whatever made you go and eat that big dish of potatoes that was left over from dinner? I told you we wanted them warmed up for supper. I declare if you appetite isn't enough to bankrupt your pa." Little Dick?Mamma, may I go and play with Robby Upton, aud staythere to dinner if they ask me? Mamma?I thought you didn't like Bobby Upton. x I* *1 ? T 1m if no T noocfi/l XjI I lie 1/1UIV X UIUU t j UU I tio X |'UOCV/U his house just now my heart softened toward him. Mamma?Did he look lonely ? Little Dick?No'm ; he looked bappy Mamma?What about ? Little Dick?He said his mother was makin' apple dumplings. flST" A coporal was drilling a squad of recruits. Impatient at their futile attempts to keep in line, he called out to them, in an angry tone: "Eyes, front! Just step out of the ranks, you set of duffers and come and see what you look like." UST George?Do you think your father would object to my marrying you. Ada?I don't know ; if he is anything like me he would. Wayside Gatherings. It will not make your heart any whiter to try to blacken somebody else. OS?* No money can buy so much as the dollar that has been honestly earned. fiST Do not lose faith iu mankind. He who doubts everybody is himself to be doubted. 6ST" Man is a good deal like a fish. You know the fish would never get into very serious trouble if it kept its mouth shut. fiSy When you go in to collect a bill, the man at the counter is less apt to inquire about the health of your family than when you go iu to pay one. 8ST English is fast becoming the polite tongue of Europe. Mullhall claims the number using the English language in 1893 at over 117,000,000. ?6?" The wretch who can stand in a pair of slippers worked for him by his wife, and scold her, is a brute, who deserves to have the gout in both feet. A health journal says you ought to take three-quarters of an hour for dinner. It is well also, perhaps, to add a few vegetables aud a piece of meat. An immense plate-glass trust has been formed in our country for the purpose of controlling the manufacture and maintaining the price of that product.. gST" It is easier to forgive everybody in general for everything they have done against us in a lump, than to forgive one man in particular for talking about us yesterday. The lady arrived a little late at the sewing circle. Servant?Excus^ me, madam; but I'd advise you to wait a few minutes. Just now they are talking about you. ?ST He?What do you think of Py thagoras's doctrine tnat a man may become a brute after his death ? She?After his death ? Plenty of men do that a few months after marriage. 82?" The man who is careless about keeping his engagements with men, cannot be depended on to keep his engagements with God, however pious he may claim to be. 86T Teacher?What is the difference between industry and luck ? Boy? One door. "Hump ! How do you explain that?" "Industry is what you has yourself. Luck is what your neighbor has." 83?""These are hard times!" sighed the young collector of bills. "Every place I went to today I was requested to call again, except one, and that was where I dropped in to see my sweetheart." fie?" What is said to be the first book made of ground wood paper was placed in the Berlin testing office for examination recently. It is said to be in good condition despite the fact that it was printed in 1852. 82?" "Mary," said the sick man to his wife when the doctor had pronounced it a case of smallpox, "If any of my creditors call, tell thepa I am at least in a condition to give them something." 82?" Little Ethel (horrified)?We've invited too many children to our tea party. There isn't enough for them to get more'n a bite each. Little Dot (resignedly)?That's too bad, we will have to call it a reception. 82?" Ladies who kiss their pet dogs are warned by no less authority than Dr. Megnin, of the Paris Academy of Science, that the little beasts are one of the greatest agencies in spreading disease, especially consumption. 82?" "Papa," said a little boy, "ought the teacher to whip me for what I did not know." "Certainly not, my boy," t+ Vio *4Wp11 " rpnlipfl l^l'UVU luv li?VUV*< ff V..J - the little fellow, "he did today when I I didn't know my sum." Father?Yes, I admit your lover has a pood income; but he has very expensive tastes, very. Daughter? You amaze me ; what does he want that is so very expensive? Father? Well, you, for one thing. B6T Squabbles, an old bachelor, shows his stockings, which he has just darned, to a maiden lady, who contemptuously remarks, "Pretty good for a man darner." Whereupon Squabbles rejoins, "Good enough for a woman, darn her." Studious Boy?What is the meaning of "market value" and "intrinsic value?" Father?The "market value" is the price you pay for a thing; "intrinsic valne" is what you get when you sell it to a second-hand dealer. fl?* "Oh, my friends, there are some spectacles that a person never forgets," said a lecturer, after a graphic descrip- | tion of a terrible accident. "I'd like to know where they sells 'em," remarked an old lady in the audience. BST Johnny Smart?Is there any difference between a duel and a fight ? Old Smart?Yes, indeed. A duel is between two people. When your mother and I have an argument it's a duel. When your grandma sails into the controversy it's a fight. BfiT The volume of water that flows through New York city every day via the new aqueduct is equal to a river 100 feet wide, and three feet deep, running at the rate of a mile an hour. If the full capacity of the aqueduct were used it would represent a similar river 165 feet wide. An old preacher once took for his text, "Adam, where art thou?" and divided his subject in three parts: 1st. All men are somewhere; 2d. Some men are where they ought not to be; and 3rd. Unless they take care, they will soon find themselves where they would rather not be. To neglect God all our lives, and know that we neglect him, to offend God voluntarily, and know that we offend him, casting our hopes on the peace which we trust to make at parting, is no better than a rebellious presumption, and even a contemptuous laughing to scorn and deriding of God, his laws and precepts. for the itomc (Civclc. ? : * MOTHER'S BOYS. Yes, I know there are stains on my carpet, The traces of small muddy boots ; And I see your fair tapestry glowing. All spotless with blossoms and fruits. And I know that my walls arc disfigured With prints of small Angers and hands, And that your own household most truly In Immaculate purity stands. And I know that my parlor is littered With many old treasures and toys; While your own is in daintiest order; TTnhA.mnH KMm tWOCl.TIPP nf hnvs. And I know that my room is invaded Quite boldly all hours of the day ; While you sit In yours unmolested And dream the soft quiet away. Yes, I know there are four little bedsides Where I must stand watchful each night; While you can go out in your carriage, And shine In your dresses so bright! Now. I think I'm a neat little woman; I like my houses orderly, too; Ana I'm fond of all dainty belongings, Yet would not change places with you. No! keep your fair home with Its order, Its freedom from bother and noise ; And keep your own fanciful leisure? But leave me my four noble boys! COMMON SENSE IN THE SICK ROOM. I have waited much iu the sick room from my boyhood days, but I have found a convenience I have never seen used before. It is so handy, so easy to get, and such a comfort that it ought to be generally known. It is a bottle. With this water, and all fluids, can be given to a patient without the trouble and pain of raising the head one inch. Try it and you will never raise the head of a sick person to drink again. I wonder if people never will learn to be quiet and gentle in a sick room. Why is it that about 9 out of every 10 persons who ? < ? ?-? unrl 1 a\t a h a n rl UUUiC in, yu lu a jiaiitui. niiu mj .. on his head and feel his pulse? This tends to keep the miud on something that ought to be forgotten. I never feel a pulse nor test a fever unless requested to do so. It is enough for the doctor or the nurse to do that. Some people out of kindness and to express sympathy, are guilty of a sort of refined cruelty. They say to the sick, "O! my you look so badly." That is the very thing of all others that no man ought to say to a sick person. No matter how true it is, keep it to yourself while in the sick room. Why talk of the other sick, thd dying and the dead, in .the sick room ? It does the sick no good?often does much harm. Such visitors are to be dreaded. All conversation in the sick room should be carried on in a low, gentle tone of voice and distinct enough for the patient to hear every syllable of it. Whispering excites a patient, and puts the nervous system on a great strain. It causes one to think something is wrong. Discussions of any kiud, any conversation that taxes the mind, are out of place in a room where the sick can hear it. The visits of some pastors are very helpful to the sick, and the visits of others are hurtful?they do more harm than good. What a gift it is, aud an art worth acquiring, to make helpful visits to those who languish on beds of sickness. A serious air and a bright face, gentle, cheerful speech, becomes the minister and man of God, A long face aud a dolorous tone should never be carried near the bedside of a sick person. A few verses, and not long lessons, should be read from the Word of God. A preacher ought to know how to find them in an instant. They should be read in a distinct, gentle, assuring, or comforting tone. The comments if any should be brief, suggestive, spiritual. The prayer should be short, fervent?not boisterous?pleading, and for those thiugs just then most needed. I have kuowu a few preachers who prayed in the sick room, and in public, as if God were a mile away, or asleep, or hard of hearing. Earnestness is best expressed in the lower tones, this is especially true of earnestness in prayer. Do not yell or scream petitions in the ear of God in the hearing of the sick. If a preacher has good sense, judgment and tact, a sensible doctor never objects to his visiting patients. His visits do good. They strengthen the mind, encourage the heart, and quiet the nerves. The sick ^re glad to see such preachers come.?"Gilderoy," in Nashville Advocate. AST" "He who waits to do a great deal of good at once will never do anything." Life is made up of little things. It is but once in an age that occasion is offered for a great deed. TVnp frrpntnpss consists in beine areat iu little things. How are railroads built? By one shovelful of dirt after another; one shovelful at a time. Thus, drops make the ocean. Hence, we should be williug to do a little good at a time, and never "wait to do a great deal of good at once." If we would do much good in the world we must be willing to do good iu little things, little acts one after another; speaking a word here and there, and setting a good example at all times; we must do the first good thing we can, and theu the next, and so keep on doing. This is the way to accomplish anything. Thus only shall we do all the good in our power. Knowing Boys.?Six things a boy ought to know : 1. That a quiet voice, courtesy and kind acts are as essential to the part in the world of a gentleman as a gentlewoman. 2. That roughness, blustering and even foolhardiness are not manliness. The most firm and courageous men have usually been the most gentle. 3. That muscular strength is not health. 4. That a brain crammed only with facts is not necessarily a wise one. 5. That the labor impossible to the boy of 14 will be easy to the man of 20. 6. The best capital for a boy is not money, but love of work, simple tastes, and a heart loyal to his friends and his God. The less a man thinks or knows about his virtue, the better we like him. |ttiscfUancous ^ratling. ; EVERY HEART KNOWS ITS OWN BITTERNESS. j Oh, heart, go out of your hiding place, And wander where you will, Through the city and through the town 1 Over the dale and hill? < Over the sea with its thousand isles, , Over the rivers?go In quest of a single human soul That never hath "known woe." < You may enter the palace of the king? ' The poor man's humble cot? i The place where great wealth beautifies, , And where it blesses not; But, should you travel for long, long years, Till centuries had down, < In search of mortals sorrow-proof, I You'd come back, heart, alone ! < r>v. t,onfla that have too much work to "do (?) And weary of your toil, That fain would change with idle hands, i Fair hands, "too white to soil Work on ! for you have the promise sweet 1 To the faithful toilers given, , As you sow good seed along the way From earth to the gate of neaven! 1 Oh, feet, that are climbing the uphill road, ' Oft pirced with the sharpest thorns, Oft tempted out of the narrow way Into the flowery lawns. Climb on, with the aid of your trusty stafl? I Up, upward toward the sun? , For the goal you seek is just in sight, And the bright crown almost won. ' MONEY THAT IS A LEGAL TENDER. i Although people talk glibly and ' wisely about the national currency, ' the vast majority of them have but a superficial knowledge of the functions < of the various issues. On account of 1 the present general discussiou on the < subject, a few facts are briefly given 1 that may afford a clearer understand- I ing of the present couditiou of the na- i tional finances. 1 The official definition of the term 1 "legal tender" is "money of a charac- ' ter which by law a debtor may require i his creditor to receive in payment, in < tne aosence or any agreement m mc contract or obligation itself." In gov- i emment transactions the gold coins of i the United States are a legal tender in 1 all payment, at their nominal value, I when not below the standard weight i and limit of tolerance provided by law i for the single piece, and when reduced 1 in weight below such standard and j tolerance are a legal tender at valua- i tion in proportion to their actual weight. Standard silver dollars are a legal < tender at their nominal value for all < debts and dues, public and private, ex- ] cept where otherwise expressly stipu- i lated in the contract. The silver j coins of the United Slates of smaller j denominations thau $1 are a legal teu- | der in all sums not exceeding $10 in ( full payment for all dues, public and ] private. ] 3Iinor coius, whether of copper, i bronze or copper-nickel, are a legal < tender at their nominal value for any j amount not exceeding 25 cents in any one payment. I United States notes, otherwise | known as ''legal tender notes" and "greenbacks," are a legal tender in i payment of all debts public or private, . within the United States, except duties j on imports and interest on the public debt. Treasury notes, issued in payment of purchases of silver bullion under the 1 Sherman act of 1S90, are a legal tender in payment of" all debts, public or private, except where otherwise expressly stipulated in the contract, and are receivable for customs, taxes and all public dues. Columbian half dollars are a legal tender to the same extent as subsidiary silver coin that is, 810 in any one payment. Columbian quarters are also a legal tender to the same extent as subsidiary silver coin. Gold certificates are not a legal tender. They are, however, receivable for customs, taxes and all public dues. Silver certificates have precisely the same standing as gold certificates. Vfitinnnl hunk notes are not a lecal tender. They are, however, receivable at par in all parts of the United States in payment of taxes, excises, public lauds and all other dues to the Uuited States, except duties on imports ; and also for all salaries and other debts and demands owing by the United States to individuals, corpora- i tions and associations within the United ! Slates, except interest on the public debt and in redemption of the national currency. Trade dollars are not a legal tender. By the act of February 12, 1873, they | were a legal tcuder at their nominal , value for any amount not exceeding ' $5 in any one payment, but under date ! of July 22, 1876, it was enacted that they should not thereafter be a legal j tender. 1 By the act of March 3,1863, fraction- ' al currency was receivable for postage and revenue stamps, and also in payment of any dues to the United States, less than $5, except duties on imports; but they are no longer a legal tender to any extent whatever. The treasury department has also decided that foreign gold and silver coins are not a legal teuderin payment ! of debts. The question has been raised ] and disputed as to whether what was 1 called the "Continental currency," is- ' sued during the war of the rebellion ] by the old government, was or was not < a legal tender. The facts appear to be 1 that while the Continental congress did not by any ordinance attempt to give it that character, they asked the States to do so, and all seem to have complied, except Rhode Island. The Continental congress only enacted that the man who refused to take the money should be an enemy of his country. This currency, as now classified at the treasury department, is not a ; legal tender. By law, treasury notes are redeemable in coin. The kind of coin employed is optional with the secretary of the treasury. Secretary Carlisle has directed their redemption in gold whenever that coin is demanded. In case the holder has no preference, he will receive silver in exchange, but such cases are extremely rare. United States notes are also redeemable in gold. There is no standard in the matter 3f government bouds. Each loan stands ou its own bottom. During the war legal tender notes were accepted in payment for bonds, but since then ill government loans have been nego:iated in gold or its equivalent?gold certificates. The recent issues of bonds were for the purpose of replenishing the dwindling gold reserve, in order to enable the government to maintaiu :he parity of the two metallic standirds of value. Consequently, no other currency was receivable in payment of the bonds. Bouds are redeemable in coin, either gold or silver, at the option of the government.?Evening Telegram. Watching the Weevil.?The department of agriculture, says a Washington dispatch, has sent an additional expert South to investigate the habits jf the new cotton weevil, which has been imported into Texas from Mexico. 1 T-? t CAOIDOlO^Ibl Hi. A. OUIIWU16 uao guuc to San Antonio and other points in Texas to make a study of the habits of this weevil. It is a semi-tropical insect, and although it may thrive in the lower corner of Texas, which is semi-tropical in character, it is believsd that not many generations can survive the climate of the States north of Texas where cotton isgrowii. All the United States cotton belt, with the exception of this small region of Texas, forming the point around Brownsville, en the Rio Grande, belongs to what is known as the lower austral region and the habits of insects imported into that region are bound to change from the habits of the same insect which are found in the semi-tropical region. These differences caused by the change in climate are to be the special study cf the etomologist who hasgoue South. One thing so far discovered is that the usect cannot fly so far in the climate north of the Mexican boundary, and left to its own exertions, it might not oe a daugerous pest. The chief cause for alarm, however, arises from the fact that the insect is being and has neen carried north in unginned cotton, lud after reaching the cotton belt, is ible to survive the climate. Sheridan's Historic Ride.?"I cnce had a talk with General Phil Sheridan about his famous Winchester - i i /-v n rii. j .1 3 i. ride," saia juage w. o. oiouuuru, iu Lhe Reminiscence club that was holding i seance at the Southern. "It was immediately after the appearance of the poem celebrating that thrilling event. I read it through to him, and be stood for a few moments switching his boat with a sprig of hazel-bush, then said slowly : 'I think if the versifier had seen that steed "as black as the steeds of night," and knew how I had to spur and whip the old crowbait to get it to go over the road, he would Dot have had the attack of hysteria of which that poem is the offspring. Once my famous charger stumbled, and I came near going over his head into a mud-puddle. Instead of his plunging with me into the thickest of the fray he played out completely, and I had to take the mount of an orderly. The rbymsters are blessed with very vivid imaginations.'" jjpp POWER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength.?Latest Lnited stntos Government Food Report. _ Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St., Mew York. ATTENTION, DELINQUENTS ! ATTENTION is hereby called to the fact that as yet the taxes of some par- I ties for 1804 have not been paid. The council will, AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1805, take steps to FORCE COLLECTIONS through the process of J law providing for such contingencies. It is due the new council that the public should know, that on entering upon their duties, they find outstanding indebtedness to the amount of some 8800.00, and that it will be impracticable to make many improvements for 1805. W. B. MOORE, Intendant. April 26 22 tf I MAY BE MISTAKEN, BUT I believe I can do as good repair work, and as neat and workmanlike work as any workman in York county. Anyway, I guarantee satisfaction every time. Sly prices are reasonable?more reasonable than the people of this section have been accustomed to pay for the same quality of work. If you have a carriage, phaeton, surrey, buggy, wagon, hack or cart that needs repairs of any kind, I would be pleased to do the work for you. I can do any kind of work needed. Can also shoe your horse or sharpen your plows. CICERO MOORE, o Old KuctOrV. D. E. FIXEEY. J. S. BRICE. FINLEY & I1RICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Yorkvllle, S. C. ALL business entrusted to us will be given prompt attention. OFFICE IN THE BUILDING AT THE REAR OF H. C. STRAUSS'S STORE. GARRY IRON RC MANUFACI IRON ROOFING, Crimped and corrugated siding, Iron Tile or Shingle, FIRE FROOF DOORS, SHUTTERS, ETC. I WE THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS < P5S* Orders received by L. M. GRI THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, York Countv? WHEREAS Dr. E. W. PRESSLEY, has applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of SUSAN C. ADAMS, late of the county aforesaid, deceased : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Prooate Court for the said county, to be holden at York Court House, on the 4th day of MAY, 1S95, at 11 o'clock a. m., to shew cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 19th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninetyfive and in the 119th year of American Independence. W. H. McCORKLE, Probate Judge of York county. April 24 21 2t W. E. FERGUSON. J. M. FERGUSON. FERGUSON BROS. FRUIT! FRUIT!! Oranges, Lemons, Apples and Ttiiiinnas! SUPPOSE that just for a change this week you try some of our Pinhead Oatmeal at 8 pounds for a quarter, or 4 pounds of Hecker's Oatflakes for a quarter. Best Buckwheat Flour, 32 pounds for 81. Our Old Homestead Prepared Flour for battereakes is getting more popular every day. It is made of wheat, corn and rice. Try it. It's good. Four pounds for a quarter. Fresh Cream Cheese at 3 pounds for 50 cents. This Cheese is made y? of the "tiuid extract of the bovine." Try our La Rosa Macaroni at two pounds for 25 cents. The finest Open Kettle N. O. Molasses at 50 cents a gallon. Chalmer's Gelatine at 15 cents a package. Nice Jellies at G1 cents a pound that will make your stomach laugh. Try us for Cigars, Pipes and Hams. We have them smoked and unsmoked. Nice line of French and Stick Candy. FERGUSON BROS. P. S.?Corn, Peas, Chickens and Eggs wanted at all times. A The beat wearing, most stylish, and the greatest value of any $3.00 Men's Shoes on the continent. Best calfskin, dongola tops, solid leather soles, with all the popular toes, lasts and fastenings, and Lewis' Cork Filled Soles. v Each pair contains a paid-up Accident Insurance Policy for $100, good for 90 days. Wear Lewis'Accident Insurance Shoes j once and you will never change. The insurance goes -for "full measure." Talk with your dealer whc sells Lewis* Shoes. For Sale By CLOVER COTTON M FG. CO., * Clover, S. C. November 7 45 ly W. L. Douglas $3 shoer!?^^. cordovan; k FRENCH A. ENAMELLED CALF. \4.s3.sp fine calf&kangarooi gf $ 3.5? police,3 soles. 'U2so$2.W0RK|NGMEt4 I 'A* -EXTRA FINE' y 52.$| 7_5 BOYS'SCHOOLSHOEi y* ' LADIES , S END FOR^C ATALOGUE^ BROCKTON.MASS. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3&$4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom shoes in style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices ere uniform,?stamped on sole. From Si to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by J. J. SMITH. Clover, S. C. H. C. STRAUSS, Yorkville, S. C. February G 6 17t ROCK HILL BUGGY CO^ ROCK IIILL, S. C. SOLOMON SAID THAT "He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand; but the hand of the diligent maketh rich." * Now, mind, the foregoing quotation is from the inspired word and is absolutely true, and we would impress upon the reader the fact that the author or writer of the Proverbs did not say "might become poor," or that "there is a probability of the careless business man coming to want," but that he is aure to come to want. ^ ow we win give you an application of the above. Say, for instance, you want to buy a buggy or ladies' phaeton, and a dealer or ? manufacturer quotes you a price exactly the same as lie sold at when cotton was worth 10 cents a pound, and our agent at Yorkville, Mr. Sam M. Grist, quotes you a price which is about $15 less, for our work, and our work is equal to the other in every particular and is backed by an ironclad guarantee. You buy the high price job simply because you imagine it is better, and the only thing that makes <* you think so is because the price is higher. Now, aren't you doing business with a slack hand if you pay more for a buggy or phaeton than it is worth when you can buy it for what it is worth ? It appears to us that way. We don't claim to sell our work for less than it is worth, but we claim that oiuers are cnarging 100 mucn, especially when the low price of cotton and other money producing commodities are considered. r. h. buggy co. a OFIXG COMP'NY, trers of Sfc IRON ORE PAINT Cleveland, O. OF IRON ROOFING IN THE WORLD; st.