Yorkville enquirer. [volume] (Yorkville, S.C.) 1855-2006, May 25, 1892, Image 4

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367 H. E. Johnson, trial justice, salary, self and constable, and 2 cases in lunacy $ 33 25 368 J. P. Blair, trial justice, salary, self . and constable. 31 25 370 J. A. Shurley, trial justice, salary, self and constable 31 25 378 M. 8. Carroll, trial justice, salary, self and constable, and 2 case of lunacy 63 50 381 R. D. McKnight, jury commissioner 14 60 392 W. D. Camp, trial justice, salary, self and oonstable 37 50 t 417 W. B. Williams, county auditor, salary for July 41 66 483 W. B. Williams, county auditor, salary for August 41 66 526 W. S. Adams, trial justice, salary, self and constable 31 25 532 J. A. McMackin, trial justice, salary self and constable, and lunacy case 32 25 536 J. P. Blair, trial justice, salary, self and constable 32 25 i 456 M. S. Carroll, trial justice, salary, self and oonstable 62 50 550 John A. Shurley, trial justice, salary. self and constable 31 25 552 W. B. Williams, county auditor, salary for September 41 66 589 W. D. Camp, trial justice, salary, self and oonstable 37 50 590 J. J. Waters, trial justice, salary, self and constable 75 00 504 J. A. Withers, trial justice, salary, self and constable 37 50 Amount paid $2,ut? iu Paid orders 1889-90 4 155 36 Paid orders 1890-91 2,065 10 Amount paid $2,220 46 CORONER'S ACCOUNT. 1889-90. 4 Drs. Fewell <fc Cornweli, post mortem and dissection $ 22 00 16 Drs. Campbell <ft Pressly, two post mortems and testimony. 25 00 54 T. C. Beckham, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 60 J. W. B. Miller, trial justice, acting coroner 10 50 55 W. S. Adams, trial justice, acting ooroner 8 50 89 J. O. Moore, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 101 J. W. B. Miller, trial Justice, acting coroner.... 8 50 102 J. W. B. Miller, trial justice, acting coroner. 10 50 51 W. W. Steele, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 Amount paid $ 91 00 1890-91. 76 J. W. B. Miller, trial justice acting coroner. $ 10 50 94 Dr. W. M. Love, dissection and testimony 15 25 109 T. C. Beckham, summoning coroner's Jury 2 00 110 J. T. Thomasson, summoning coroner's jury and conveying prisoners to jail 8 75 11 Dr. W. B. Cox, autopsy, four dead bodies 55 00 112 Dr. C. M. Kuykendal, expert testimony, coroner's jury 5 00 126 W. S. Adams, trial justice, acting ooroner. ' 8 50 135 John W. Purseley, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 138 S. L. Pureley, ooroner, inquest and reoordiiig....v - 13 54 146 Dr. T. A. Crawford, three post mortems and testimony .. 45 00 155 J. J. Waters, trial justice, acting coroner 8 50 156 T. C. Beckham, summoning two coroner's juries 4 00 157 J. J. Waters, trial justice, acting coroner 8 50 163 H. Hall, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 164 Dr. T. A. Crawford, post mortem examination 10 00 170 Dr. W. G. White, post mortem examination 10 00 r t ootinir lOO %f U TTOiCIOt iiim juoww, ooroner 8 50 188 T. C. Beckham, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 259 Dr. T. L. Cornvrell, post mortem and testifying. ~ 15 00 270 G. C. Leech, trial justice, acting coroner, two cases. 21 00 273 Jno. A. Shurley, trial justice, acting coroner 8 50 282 J. 8. Glass, summoning coroner's jury. 2 00 292 Dr. J. W. Fewell, two post mortems and testimony 20 00 ' 301 W. D. Camp, trial Justice, acting ooroner 10 50 313 John W. Pursely, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 317 Dr. T. 8. R. Ward, post mortem and testimony 10 00 318 Dr. T. 8. R. Ward, post mortem and dissection 15 80 330 J. J. Waters, trial justice, acting coroner....... 8 50 . 332 T. C. Beckham, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 331 Dr. W. J. White, post mortem and mileage 11 00 363 W. 8. Adams, trial justice, acting coroner 10 50 364 J. J. Waters, trial justice, acting ooroner 8 50 366 T. C. Beckham, summoning coro- j ner?s jury 2 00 388 8. L. Purselev. coroner's account... 22 98 309 Dr. T. A. Crawford, poet mortem and testimony 10 00 *76 Dr. T. R. Carol n era, poet mortem and dissection 30 00 386 T. C. Beckham, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 393 J. J. Waters, trial justice, acting coroner 8 50 i 429 John A. Shurley, trial justice, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 442 John A. Shuney, trial justice, acting coroner 8 50 506 Dr. T. A. Crawford, post mortem, dissection and testimony 15 00 520 Dr. W. G. White, post mortem, dis- 1 section and testimony 15 00 522 8. L.Purseley, coroner's account 34 58 526 W. S. Adams, trial justice, acting coroner 10 50 549 J. J. Waters, trial justice, acting coroner 8 50 562 T. C. Beckham, summoning coroner's jury 2 00 566 Dr. J. ?. Massey, post mortem and testimony 10 00 594 J. A. Withers, trial justice, acting coroner 10 50 Amount paid I 556 40 Orders paid 1889-90 $ 91 00 Orders paid 1890-91 556 40 Total amount paid $ 647 40 MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS. 1889-90. 7 W. J. Duffle, one copy revised stat utes $ 6 50 15 Walker, Evans A Cogswell, books for clerk of the court of common 6leas. 16 25 [. Caldwell, conveying lunatic to asylum 22 99 25 W. H. McCorkle, probate judge, warrants in lunacy 19 21 47 W. H. McCorkle, probate judge, index to estates 48 00 49 L. M. Grist, printing and advertising 105 00 62 W.LBaber.. 1 50 80 J. F. Oates, conveying lunatic to asylum 31 40 18 Dr. J. R. Bratton, county physician 261 00 98 T. J. Bradford, overpaid on rent cotton 10 81 119 G. H. O'Leary, carpet for court house 39 12 108 J. Ed Jeffreys, repairing election boxes 8 75 125 Self, on postage and lights, year ending October 31, ItfiJO 60 00 114 J. E. Lowry, rent for school commissioner's office 60 00 Amount paid 8 693 53 1890-91. 92 R. M. Allison, executor, rent for auditor's offico $ 12 50 95 W. H. McCorkle, probate judge, warrants in lunacy .. 3 00 137 Walker, Evans <fc Cogswell, books for clerk of the court of common pleas 17 25 144 W. B. Allison, surveying poor house lands 14 00 147 Estate of R. T. Allison, deceased, rent of auditor's office 6 25 148 W. B. Williams, for moving office effects 1 50 101 W. Brown Wylie, recording plat of poor house lands 2 00 187 Withers Adickes, supplies for auditor's office 1 85 ltf2 Dr. J. F. Lindsay, examining lunatic 5 00 190 Walker, Evans and Cogswell, supglies for county offices 40 75 . Carroll, conveying lunatic to asylum 30 13 193 Dr. W. G. White, examining lunatic 5 00 241 M. <fc H. C. Strauss, rent for auditor's office 12 50 249 John Hunter, sheriff of Lancaster county, arrest of witness 3 55 257 E. A. Crawford, conveying lunatic to asylum 49 30 204 S. L. Steele, damages to horse and buggy, crossing defective bridgo 37 50 205 Wilson M. Huey, damages to horse and buggy, caused by bridge 38 50 208 W. B. Wflfiams, moving records.... 1 25 289 wancer, jr.. vans cc cogs wen, uuoks for county commissioners 10 00 207 J. Hannibal Heatty, cleaning county commissioners' office 75 302 J. 8. Brice, clerk, copy of accounts for board 1 57 315 E. A. Crawford, conveying lunatic to asylum 30 74 319 Withers Adickes, rent school commissioner's office 15 00 320 E. A. Crawford, stationery, habeas corpus cases 4 00 321 J. H. Holland, conveying lunatic to asylum 27 39 327 Walker, Evans & Cogswell, books for the clerk of the court of common pleas 23 00 329 W. H. McCorkle, four lunacy cases and supplies for office 13 05 351 Dr. Wm. Anderson, examining lunatic 5 00 352 Dr. D. S. Ramseur, examining lunatic 5 00 375 Dr. W. G. White, examining lunatic 0 00 , 382 R. J. Caldwell and J. D. Land, conveying lunatic to asylum 2ri GO 383 Beard & lnman, supplies for school commissioner's office 2 75 412 N. D. Glenn, conveying lunatic to asylum 31 85 419 Withers Adickes, supplies, county offices 15 15 423 Dr. J. W. Fewell, expert testimony 0 75 430 Kennedy Bros. & Barron, supplies ' for county offices 13 45 i35 M. & II. C. Strauss, rent, auditor's office ? 14 35 455 J. E. Carroll, conveying lunatic to the asylum 52 45 391 E. A. Crawford, bringing prisoners from Chester 3 9ti 486 J. J. Hull, advertising li(W: 488 W. H. McCorkle, probate judge, 11 lunacy fees, and freight on sta- _ 7 tionerv 6 35 7 537 Dr. W. A. Good, examining lunatic 5 00 555 W. H. McCorkle, probate judge, lunacy fees 12 00 . 558 T. C. Beckham, conveying lunatic to the asylum 15 03 559 E. A. Crawford, conveying two lunatics to the asylum 03 33 561 E. A. Crawford, conveying one lunatic to the asylum 28 44 584 W. B. Williams, auditor, repairs on office 75 596 Kennedy Bros. <fc Barron, supplies for county offices 3 15 597 J. J. Waters, trial justice, lunacy case 2 00 . 601 A. Y. Cartwright, supplies for coun- i ty offices. 4 90 j Amount paid f 748 59 lc Paid orders, 1889-90 $ 693 53 i Paid orders, 1890-91 748 59 i Amount paid $1,442 12 \ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND CLERIC J 1889-90. \ 20 D. E. Finley, services as attorney J and clerk of board $ 150 00 4 ... R. W. Whitesides, 011 salary 101 20 4 ... Wm. Ross, on salary 27 35 4 t Amount paid $ 278 55 { 18Qft_Q1 { *vvv t 122 D. E. Finley, attorney and clerk of J board 8 50 00 T. G. Culp, on salary 07 20 Will. Ross, on salary 22 60 T. G. Culp, on salary 19 90 i Win. Ross, on salary 30 00 T. G. Culp, on salary 51 05 Wm. Ross, on salary 55 45 j R. J. Love, on salary 44 00 ] Wm. Ross, on salary 04 75 324 J. S. Brice, clerk of board 50 00 i ..... T. G. Culp, on salary 35 10 < Wm. Ross, on salary 31 00 ...? R. J. Love, on salary 64 45 T. G. Culp, on salary, 38 80 422 Finley <ft Brice, attorneys for board .50 00 Wm. Ross, on salary 42 65 T. G. Culp, on salary 34 75 474 J. S. Brice, clerk of board 75 00 R. J. Love, on salary 40 95 , Wm. Ross, on salary 24 85 j T. G. Culp, on salary 42 90 < Robert J. Love, on salary .'... 31 25 Amount paid > 954 65 Paid orders, 1889-90 | 278 .>5 Paid orders, 1890-91 954 <55 Amount paid >1,233 20 ^ COMMUTATION TAX FUND~ RECEIPTS. , Nov. 1,1890. To balance $ 101 90 ' Oct. 31,1891. 44 20 payments at $2 each 40 00 44 payment in lieu of work 4 00 j Total receipts 8 145 90 DISBURSEMENTS. 291 Julius Phillips, hauling on Chest er and Lincoln roads, 9 3 00 ( 303 H. J. Conner, poles for Adair's Ferry road 4 00 538 T. L. Clinton, tools for roads 2 00 Amount of disbursements $ 9 00 4 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance 130 90 4 1890. CHESTER AND LENOIR R. R. FUND. 4 UPPVIPTW 4 Nov. 1. To balance .'. .$ 1,087 81 4 1891. f Oct. 31. To taxes 1889 J$ 8,296 62 5 44 taxes 1888 07 4 44 taxes 1890 306 5048,G03 19 5 (j Total amount of receipts 9 9,691 00 4 DISBURSEMENTS. ^ .. One coupon, series 17 $ 7 00 .. 341 coupons, series 18 22,387 00 1 Self, commissions 185 00 *2 Self, 22 called bonds and interest 2,202 20 3 Self, 22 called bonds and interest 2,202 20 (3 4 Self, 6 called bonds and interest 600 00 7 6 Self, 2 called bonds and 7 interest 200 20 7 5 Self, commissions 155 00 7 311 Self, 2 called bonds and interest 206 52 7 Self, 1 called bond and in terest iwb 7 8 Self, 6 called bonds and * interest 628 86 Reftind taxes ordered by comptroller general 229 80-$ 9,107 60 Nov. 1,1891. To balance $ _S83J? ' CHEROKEE TOWNSHIP FUNDS. 1 1890. 1 Nov. 1. To amount on hand for taxpay- ] ers 22 60 1 44 amount locked up by court 401 n 1 1 Nov. 1,1890. Total amount on hand f 424 87 j Oct. 31. To taxes, 1890 40 29 1 1 Nov. 1,1891. Total receipts .8 464 66 l DISBURSEMENTS. 1 Refunded to taxpayer 08 * Nov. 1, 1891. To balance $ 464 58 ^ BROAD RIVER TOWNSHIP FUND. 1890. 2 Nov. 1. To amount on hand for taxpay- 2 ere 8 21 43 2 2 YORK TOWNSHIP FUND. Nov. 1, 1890. To balance for taxpayers. J 47 48 s Oct. 31,1891. To taxes, 1890 31 19 j 2 Nov. 1,1891. To amount on hand $ 78 67 j EBENEZKR TOWNSHIP FUND. Nov. 1, 1890. To balance for taxpayers..? 14 90 \ Oct. 31,1891. To taxes, 1890 84 06 < 4 Nov. 1, 1891. To amount on hand $ 98 96 4 ) 4 CATAWBA TOWNSHIP F"'ND. Nov. 1,1890. To balance for taxpayers...? 45 13 DISBURSEMENTS. ] Oct. 31, 1891. Refunded to taxpayers 67 Nov. 1, 4891. To balance $ 44 46 ] SCHOOL FUNDS. DISTRICT NO. 1?BLACKSBURG. 1890. RECEIPTS. Nov. 1. To cash on hand ? 102 56 1891. Oct. 31. 44 2 mill tax, 1889 ? 392 00 44 poll tax, 1889 224 95 44 local taxes, 1889 682 29 44 taxes, (2 mills) 1890 15 50 44 polls, 1890 1 00 44 local taxes, 1890 80 1,316 54 Total 8 1,419 10 ( 1890-91. . j DISBURSEMENTS. 3 G. W. Allison, teacher ? 114 06 4 E. D. Littlejohn, teacher 31 50 5 A. M. Spessard, superintendent, ISO 00 6 Mary E. Gregory, teacher. 90 00 8 A. H. Pollock, teacher 41 35 9 E. D. Littlejohn, teacher ."40 00 ' .. Refund local tax, G. M. Moore 2 00 .. Amount transferred to expense account 25 00 10 E. D. Littlejohn, teacher .'12 75 11 A. M. Spessard, superintendent 45 00 12 G.W. Allison, teacher 76 00 13 Mary W. Gregory, teacher 60 00 14 Mary W. Gregory, teacher 17 40 15 A. M. Spessard, superintendent 358 75 ... 7 reftrnd polls, 81.15 each 8 05 16 Mary W. Gregory, teacher. 8 25 17 W. D. Sherer, material for house... 40 00 19 E. D. Littlejohn, teacher 37 50 20 Mary S. Clarkson, teacher 40 00 21 A. M. Spessard, superintendent 40 00 22 R. H. Bachman, teacher 35 00 ' 21 M. M. Selby, teacher 25 00 j Total amount disbursed 81,337 55 ! Nov. 1, 1891. To balance _ W55 < DISTRICT NO. 2?BETHANY. ! 1890. ; Nov. 1. To hulance 8 204 56 ; Oct. 31, 1891. To 2 mills levy 1889?8437 06 44 polls 1889 129 45 ; 44 2 mill tax 1890 24 06 ; 44 polls 1890 64 00-654 57 : Total amount of receipts 8 859 13 ; 1890-91. : DISBURSEMENTS. j Refund poll, II. Nichols 8 1 00 ! Amount transferred to o ponso ac- \ count .'W 35 ( 16 T.izzin II. Oreeue. teacher 14 00 25 A. M. Crosby, teacher 13 50 33 Florie Allison, teacher... 24 00 100 \V. F. Smith, teacher..... 48 00 108 J. T. McMackin, teacher 10 00 107 J. H. Culp, teacher 14 00 11 I). Harris, teacher 12 00 10 J. T. McMackin, teacher 10 00 120 W. S. Barron, teacher 12 00 125 W. S. Barron, teacher 12 00 143 Verna Adams, teacher 15 00 144 Verna Adams, teacher 15 00 100 Lizzie II. Greene, teacher 14 00 100 Florie Allison, teacher 30 00 194 I). Harris, teacher 12 00 193 J. H. Culp, teacher 14 00 , 195 W. F. Smith, teacher 24 00 , 215 Lizzie Clinton, teacher 12 00 ( 230 Florie Allison, teacher 22 50 , 292 G. W. Hambriglit, teacher 32 00 303 J. H. Culp, teacher 14 00 304 I). Harris, teacher 12 00 305 J. T. McMackin, teacher 10 00 300 W. F. Smith, teacher 8 00 Verna Adams, teacher 15 00 , 453 II. Wherry, teacher 10 00 450 John K. Carroll, teacher 21 (X) 400 J. II. Culp, teacher 10 00 401 J. T. McMackin, teacher 10 00 402 A. I). Harris, teacher 12 00 522 John K. Carroll, teacher 21 00 570 H. Wherry, teacher 10 00 587 W. Ham bright, teacher 32 00 597 M. B. Henry, teacher 32 00 620 A. I). Harris, teacher 0 00 625 J. T. McMackin, teacher 14 00 624 J. II. Culp, teacher 14 00 < 635 John K. Carroll, teacher 28 00 < " Total amount disbursed $ 724 .'15 1 Nov. 1,1891. To balance 134 78 ' DISTRICT NO. 3?BKTHKL. 1890. Nov. 1. To Balance 8 98 91 1891. Oct. 31. To 2 mill taxes, 1889 312.3 81 " polls, 1889 170 45 - 2 mill tax, 1890 20 43 " polls, 1890 58 00-4)78 60 Total amount ot receipts ? 777 60 1889-90. DISBURSEMENTS. >16 W. II. Clark, teacher 9 15 00 20 Minnie G. Steele, teacher 20 00 28 Willie Steele, teacher 20 00 6 Alma Thompson, teacher 2 00 4 Mattie E. Nichols, teacher 20 00 .... Refund poll, W. H. Hawkins 1 00 12 James Glenn, teacher 14 00 Amount of disbursements for 188990 92 00 1890-91. Transferred to expense account 8 31 .'15 5 M. D. Scott, teacher 40 00 19 A. F. Hall, teacher 14 00 ... Refund poll, Abe Wilkie 1 00 57 Mattie J. Barnett, teacher GO 00 94 T. N. Kendriek, teacher 3 00 24 Mattie E. Nichols, teacher 20 00 67 W. H. Clark, teacher 14 00 65 Mattie E. Nichols, teacher 20 00 110 A. F. Hall, teacher 16 00 146 S. E. Fewell, teacher 12 00 147 S. E. Fewell, teacher 12 00 583 M. D. Scott, teacher 40 00 184 Willie Steele, teacher 15 00 115 T. N. Kendriek, teacher 3 00 130 Dora Hill, teacher 45 00 138 M. D. Scott, teacher 20 00 181 Mattie J. Barnett, teacher 20 00 180 Mattie J. Barnett, teacher 20 00 145 Mattie E. Nichols, teacher 20 00 188 Nellie J. Ilobbs, teacher 15 00 189 S. E. Fewell, teacher 12 00 >02 Ada M. Hall, teacher 16 00 >27 W. H. Miller, teacher 12 00 >82 W. H. Miller, teacher 12 00 183 S. E. Fewell, teacher 12 00 513 Nellie J. Hobbs, teacher 15 00 530 Ada M. Hall, teacher 16 00 Total disbursements 9 wzo ?? Sov. 1,1891. To balance _ 149 25 DISTRICT NO. 4?SOUTH FORT MILL7~ 1890. tfov. 1. Amount transferred from old district 7 58 1891. Jet. 31. To 2 mill tax, 1889 $45 93 " polls, 1889 32 00 " taxes, 1890 4 16? 82 09 Total receipts . 8 _ 8^67 1889-90. DISBURSEMENTS. '30 J. B. Reid, teacher 8 15 00 '31 J. B. Reid, teacher 15 00 Amount disbursed in 1889-90 30 00 1890-91. .... Transferred to expense account 8 6 43 82 J. H. Reid, teacher 15 00 !87 Ava Kimbrel, teacher 15 00 588 Ava Kimbrel, teacher 15 00 Total amount disbursed $ 81 43 S'ov. 1,1891, To balance 8 24 DISTRICT NO. 5?CATAWBA! 890. Vov. 1. To balance $ 04 07 " 2 mill taxes, 1889 $931 35 " polls, 1889 478 75 " 2 mills taxes, 1890 62 80-1,472 90 let. 31, 1891. Total receipts $ ^536^97 1889-90. DISBURSEMENTS. 00 M. A. Frye, teacher 8 20 00 08 J. R. Ragsdale, teacher 15 00 [13 Albertine Harrison, teacher 15 00 tl7 Cammie Smith, teacher 22 50 [18 Albertine Harrison, teacher 15 00 56 Willie Cross., teacher 9 00 117 S. J. Johnson, teacher 15 00 >70 Cammie Smith, teacher 22 50 78 Sallie Oates, teacher 20 00 >83 Loula Simpson, teacher 45 00 182 John J. Jordan, teacher 16 00 28 J. W. Westbrook, teacher 18 00 118 Hattie L. Ratteree, teacher 10 00 '09 M. A. Frye, teacher 40 00 Amount of disbursements for 188990 8 283 00 1890-91. Transferred to expense account $ 96 15 130 A. S. Rodgers, teacher 22 50 27 Hattie L. Ratterree, teacher 8 00 41 J. H. McCauley, teacher 20 00 '35 Sallie Oates, teacher 10 00 27 J. L. Oates, teacher 22 50 36 L. R. Rodtley, teacher 25 00 38 A. K. Smith, teacher 20 00 39 Cammie Smith, teacher 22 50 34 Lizzie Pierce, teacher 22 50 33 Cora W. Reid, teacher 22 50 56 Cora W. Reid, teacher 22 50 61 Annie C. Corkill, teacher 22 50 65 J. R. Ragsdale, teacher..'. 15 00 07 L. R. Roadey, teacher 25 00 '39 Annie C. Corkill, teacher 22 50 77 J. L. Oates, teacher 22 50 90 J. H. McCauley, teacher * 20 00 20 R. B. Lindsay, teacher 16 00 21 Laura Kee, teacher. 15 00 23 Laura Kee, teacher 15 00 .31 Annie C. Corkill, teacher 22 50 32 J. L. Oates, teacher 22 50 34 Bessie Kee, teacher 22 00 35 Bessie Kee, teacher 22 00 36 Cammie Smith, teacher 22 50 37 Lizzie Pierce, teacher 25 00 58 J. H. McCauley, teacher 20 00 .71 J. R. Ragsdale, teacher 15 00 69 Cora W. Reid, teacher 22 50 '28 R. A. Ragsdale, teacher 18 00 32 J. R. Ragsdale, teacher 15 00 '42 S. N. Barher, teacher 15 00 2 Rose Eva Patton, teacher 22 50 5 L. R. Roddey, teacher 25 00 23 J. L. Oates, teacher 20 00 27 Rosa S. Graham, teacher 44 00 24 Rosa Eva Patton, teacher 45 00 149 Hattie L. Ratterree, teacher 7 00 Huttie L. Hatterree, teacher a ao 50 Annie C. Corkill, teacher 22 CO !60 Charles J. Crawford, teacher la 00 S71 R. B. Lindsey, teacher 10 00 5)7 Cammie Smith, teacher 22 50 101 L. R. Roddey, teacher 25 00 111 Bessie Kee, teacher 22 00 121 York Harris, teacher 1100 '44 A.J. Graham, teacher 22 00 '43 A. J. Graham, teacher 22 00 107 Mary Culp, teacher 15 00 116 Annie C. Corkill, teacher 22 50 119 Lizzie Pierce, teacher 22 50 118 Rosa Eva Patton, teacher 22 50 Total amount of disbursements..^ 1,462 15 Sov. 1, 1891. To balance 74 82 DISTRICT NO. 6?BETHESDA~ 1890. STov. 1. To balance % 108 44 " 2 mill taxes 1889 723 36 " polls 1889.: 384 05 " 2 mill taxes 1890 24 67 " polls 1890 7 00-1,139 08 Total amount of receipts 81,247 52 Leas amount transferred to No. 29 300 00 Total balance 8 947 52 1889-90. DISBURSEMENTS. >88 Mamie Evans, teacher 8 10 00 T.n S. C. Sturgis, teacher 2 50 J78 J. T. Jones, teacher 5 00 Amount of disbursements 8 17 50 1890-91. Refunded poll, Robert Starr..; J? 1 00 Transferred to expense account 54 ?o 138 II. Wherry, teacher 18 00 41 H. Wherry, teacher 18 00 40 Delia Wright, teacher 6 00 52 Fanny G. Steele, teacher 14 00 53 Mollie Templeton, teacher 8 00 68 M. F. Blackburn, teacher 22 00 69 M. F. Blackburn, teacher 22 00 89 D. R. Wilson, teacher 22 00 102 James McFarland, teacher 6 00 110 John A. Barron, teacher 22 0(J 117 II. Wherry, teacher 18 00 Refunded poll, John Love 1 00 141 Fanny G. Steele, teacher 18 00 149 T. A. Nance, teacher 16 00 157 J. <). Crawford, teacher, 14 00 163 Delia Wright, teacher 6 00 *12 Maggie MeFadden, teacher i;> uu ill M. A. Frye, teacher 18 00 *19 James MeFarland, teacher 7 00 *32 M. F. Blackburn, teacher 22 00 *57 T. A. Nance, teacher IS 70 259 John A. Barron, teacher 22 00 206 11. Wherry, teacher IS 00 270 W. A. Bolin, teacher 4 00 290 Mollie Teiupleton, teacher 8 00 291 Mollie Teiupleton, teacher 8 00 WJ J. F. (Hover, teacher, 22 00 1110 J. K. (Jlover, teacher 22 (X) 282 Fanny J. Steele, teacher 14 00 *08 J. O. Crawford, teacher 18 00 *22 York Harris, teacher 7 70 *2.1 York Harris, teacher 8 40 *49 John A. Barron, teacher 22 00 *50 M. J. Cray, teacher 10 00 *55 M.J. <1 ray, teacher 10 00 *70 J. O. Crawford, teacher 11 70 *82 T. A. Nance, teacher 12 00 401 D. R. Wilson, teacher 22 00 402 I). R. Wilson, teacher 11 00 400 York Harris, teacher 4 (Mi 412 John A. Barron, teacher 22 00 420 J. F. Clover, teacher 22 00 433 J. F. Clover, teacher 22 00 409 John A. Barron, teacher 22 00 4.74 Fanny C. Steele, teacher 10 00 457 W. If. Stinson, teacher 10 00 492 W. A. Bolin, teacher 4 <H) r>29 J. J. Crawford, teacher J 50 5.'!0 J. J. Crawford, teacher 14 00 >31 W. H. Stinson, teacher 10 00 >55 M. A. Frye, teacher 9 00 300 Mollie Teiupleton, teacher 7 00 390 James McFurland, teacher ft 00 391 James MeFarland, teacher 4 00 >04 Fanny (4. Steele, teacher 10 00 109 1). R. Wilson, teacher 22 00 >08 I). R. Wilson, teacher 22 00 110 M. J. Cray, teacher 0 00 Total amount disbursed 8 870 10 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance 71 42 | DISTRICT NO. 7-10MENK/KR. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance ? <>4 77 " 2 mills taxes, 1889 ?704 77 " |tolls, 1889 310 05 " 2 mills taxes, 1890 28 07 " ]tolls, 18!*) 20 00 1,008 8!) Total amount of receipts ?1,1.53 <50 1889-90. UlSlilT ItSKM KNTS. >89 J. H. Wilson, teacher ? 50 00 '21 MinnieS. Steele, teacher 2 00 9)8 Willie Steele, teacher 4 50 ro7 Willie Steele, teacher 4 00 >95 Lilly Rat eh ford, teacher 28 00 Amount disbursed 1889-!*) ? 88 50 1890-91. Transferred to expense account ? 43 7(5 20 Minnie Hunuu, teacher 10 00 15 J. II. Wilson, teacher 50 00 48 Lilly Ratchford, teacher .'to 00 50 Charles J. Crawford, teacher % 8 00 47 F. R. McCoy, teacher 15 00 46 Willie MeFadden, teacher 20 00 87 L. A. Barron, teacher 5 00 139 J. H. Wilson, teacher 50 00 148 M. C. Hanna, teacher 9 00 172 L. A. Barron, teacher 5 00 187 M. C. Miller, teacher 11 00 185 Willie MeFadden, teacher : 18 50 188 Rev. J. M. MeLain, teacher 85 00 250 Lilly Ratchford, teacher .'10 00 253 Willie Steele, teacher 7 00 252 Willie Steele, teacher 0 00 251 W. A. Holin, teacher 9 50 203 C. C. Crawford, teacher 12 50 204 Rev. J. M. MeLain, teacher 31 00 279 J. H. Wilson, teacher 50 00 298 J. A. Ray, teacher 12 00 299 J. A. Ray, teacher 12 00 332 L. A. Barron, teacher 5 00 300 F. R. McCoy, teacher 15 00 359 F. R. McCoy, teacher. 15 00 361 C. C. Robertson, teacher 12 00 357 M. C. Hanna, teacher 9 00 350 Willie MeFadden, teacher 17 25 347 Lilly Ratchford, teacher 28 00 343 Mack Miller, teacher 11 00 373 Willie MeFadden, teacher 0 50 374 C. C. Crawford, teacher 12 00 385 J. H. Wilson, teacher 50 (X) 400 W. A. Bolin, teacher 7 00 404 Rev. J. M. MeLain. teacher 25 00 411 Charles J. Crawford, teacher. 8 00 421 Rev. J. M. MeLain, teaeher 24 00 434 Lilly Ratchford, teacher 23 50 440 Charles J. Crawford, teacher 8 00 451 Dmsa Diehl, teacher 23 50 463 M. C. Hanna, teacher 15 00 572 C. C. Crawford, teacher 16 00 521 F. C. Edwards, teacher 18 00 519 J. M. Massey, teacher 5 00 523 W. A. Bolin, teacher 7 00 528 Lilly Ratchford, teacher .'10 50 533 C. C. Robertson, teacher 12 00 Charles J. Crawford, teacher 8 50 593 York Harris, teacher.... 12 00 631 Aunie Porter, teacher 20 00 Total amount disbursed $1,012 51 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance 121 15 DISTRICT NO. 8?YORK. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance 8 201 61 " 2 mills taxes 1889.....$857 87 " polls, 1889 398 45 " 2 mills taxes 1890 37 15 "polls 1890 5 00-1.298 47 Oct. 31, 1891. Total receipts $1,503 08 1889-90. DIKIiU R8EMENTH. 686 E. P. Castles, teacher 8 2 50 699 A. F. Love, teacher 12 00 Refund poll tax, W. F. Oardner 1 00 Amountdisbursed 1889-90 8 15 50 1890-91. Transferred to expense account 8 59 75 23 Delia Wright, teacher 5 00 14 Mollie Templeton, teacher 8 00 22 M. C. Hanuu, teacher 15 00 24 Rossie Ferguson, teacher 16 00 37 Maiy H. Durham, teacher 12 00 9 M. L. Huntington, teacher 14 00 45 B. R. T. Bowen, teacher 16 00 43 Eunice McConnell, teacher 5 00 59 E. P. Castles, teacher 10 00 21 M. A. Murray, teacher 9 75 06 Ed Beckham, teacher 10 00 73 J. J. Bvers, teacher 12 00 101 James Met arland, teacher 8 00 102 Sue L. McFarland, teacher 15 00 104 Annie Youngblood, teacher 7 00 140 Kate Moore, teacher 16 75 Rossie Ferguson, teacher 16 00 146 M. A. Murray, teacher 10 00 147 M. C. Hanna, teacher 15 00 151 Mollie Templeton, teacher 8 00 163 Cora Neil, teacher 8 00 154 Kate Simmons, teacher 12 00 173 A. M. Crosby, teacher 12 00 1"'0 J. J. Byers, teacher vi> w 102 Delia Wright, teacher 5 00 103 Sue L. McFarland, teacher 15 00 104 Ed Beckham, teacher 10 00 186 Mary Durham, teacher 12 00 189 B. R. T. Bowen, teacher 16 00 197 K. P. Castles, teacher 10 00 2)2 Mamie Friday, teacher 10 00 231 James McFarland, teacher 8 00 233 Corn Neil, teacher 8 00 243 Annie Youngblood, teacher 7 00 240 A. M. Crosby, teacher 3 00 236 Kate Simmons, teacher 12 00 269 W. A. Bolin, teacher 2 00 281 Rossie Ferguson, teacher 16 00 580 M. C. Hauna, teacher 15 00 ?19 B. R. T. Bowen, teacher 16 00 835 J. J. Byers, teacher 12 00 837 E. P. Castles, teacher 10 00 ."139 Sue L. McFarland, teacher 15 00 341 Mary H. Durham, teacher 12 00 342 Mamie Friday, teacher 16 00 364 Sue E. Neil, teacher " 6 00 377 Kate Moore, teacher 4 00 375 Bessie Duff, teacher 12 00 235 Nannie Scott, teacher 3 00 397 Mollie Templeton, teacher 8 00 409 Cora Neil, teacher 9 00 399 W. A. Bolin, teacher 4 50 427 Bessie Duff, teacher 12 00 449 N. C. Davis, teacher 14 00 455 Mamie Friday, teacher 16 00 450 Ed Beckham, teacher 10 00 467 W. H. Stinson, teacher 7 00 464 M. C. Hanna, teacher 15 00 479 W. O. Sherrer, teacher 20 00 477 CJ. F. Miller, teacher 14 00 480 M. A. Murray, teacher 10 00 487 D. M. Hughes, teacher 13 00 489 James McFarland, teacher 10 00 490 Sue L. McFarland, teacher 20 00 491 Rossie Ferguson, teacher 16 00 496 Addie E. Monroe, teacher 12 00 497 Addie Williams, teacher 12 50 498 C. Ella Carroll, teacher 25 00 504 James R. Kennedy, teacher 20 00 501 Mollie Templeton, teacher 8 00 512 Annie Younglood, teacher 8 00 514 W. A. Bolin, teacher 7 00 515 Nannie Scott, teacher 5 00 532 Black Jackson, teacher 8 00 524 N. C. Davis, teacher 14 00 544 W. H. Stinson, teacher 8 00 556 Lizzie Pierce, teacher 20 00 558 Mamie Friday, teacher 10 00 567 W. A. Bolin, teacher 4 00 559 W. O. Sherrer, teacher 15 00 563 Ed Beckham, teacher 10 00 564 A. J. Cansler, teacher 20 00 573 M. A. Murray, teacher 5 00 571 M. C. Hanna, teacher 15 00 576 N. C. Davis, teachc r 7 00 580 J. B. Kennedy, teacher. 20 00 581 Rossie Ferguson, :eaeher u> u<? 584 Lizzie Pierce, teacher 20 00 585 Sue L. McFarland, teacher 20 00 586 James McFarland, teacher 10 00 589 D. M. Hughes, teacher 13 00 (500 S. B. Jackson, teacher 6 00 602 A. J. Cansler, teacher 22 40 605 A. M. Williams, tjaeher 12 00 607 C. Ella Carroll, teacher 20 00 610 Annie J. Youngblood, teacher 8 00 606 Mollie Templeton, teacher 8 00 621 M. C. Simmons, teacher 4 00 638 M. E. Scott, teacher 10 00 641 Nannie Scott, teacher 5 00 Amount paid 81,241 15 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance -8 261 93 DISTRICT NO 9?HICKORY GROVE. 1890 Nov. 1. To balance 8 12 58 44 2 mill taxes, 1889 8301 88 44 polls, 1889 68 60 44 2 mills taxes, 1890 18 69 44 polls, 1890 23 00- 412 17 Oct. 31,1891. Total receipts 8 424 75 1889-90. DISBUK8KMKNTH. 610 Janie Byers, teacher 8 12 00 71H J. K. Wilson, teacher 6 00 694 Nannie Scott, teacher 40 oo 726 Millie MeCullough, teacher 3 00 696 Brownie Whitesides, teacher 2 80 604 J. R. Chambers, teacher 26 25 Amount disbursed 1889-90 8 95 05 1890-91. Amount transferred to expense account 8 29 70 60 J. K. Wilson, teacher 20 00 85 S. R. Lathan, teacher 25 00 724 Eula Cobb, teacher 15 00 204 S. R. Lathan, teacher 25 00 205 J. K. Wilson, teacher 20 00 221 Brownie Whitesides. teacher 80 267 Sudie Shannon, teacher 13 20 278 Minnie Palmer, teacher 40 00 336 S. R. Lathan, teacher 25 00 369 Mary D. Moore, teacher 75 353 Sudie Shannon, teacher 6 80 403 S. R. Lathan, teacher 25 00 I 422 Minnie Palmer, teacher 30 00 j Total amount disbursed 8 371 30 j Nov. 1, 1891. To balance 8 53 45 DISTRICT NO. 10?BULLOCK'S CREEK. 18!H5. Nov. 1. To balance 8 154 86 44 2 mill taxes 1889 81,126 64 44 poll tax 188!) 301 75 44 2 mill taxes 18!K) 44 57 " poll tax 18!50 28 00- 1,560 !Ki Oct. 31, 1891. Total receipts 8 1,715 82 1889-90. lUSHl'llSKMKNTS. (587 Belle Bailey, toucher 8 30 00 003 Ki/./.ie Smith, teacher to uw 090 A. M. Montgomery, teacher 18 00 (550 S. L. Croshy, teacher 10 00 007 Mary Sanders, teacher 1H 00 (>H4 J. J. Byers, teacher 10 00 I 085 J. J. ltycrs, teacher H 00 I 09!! Alice ldttlcjohn, teacher, 35 00 692 Eva C. .Sams, teacher IS 00 Two refund polls, Ionian and Sniarr 2 00 700 Brucella Dielil, teacher .'Mi 00 Minnie Palmer, teacher ;m? tat 710 Ivy 1). Hemic, teacher 24 00 710 W. O. Penuortfra.su, teacher 20 00 711 Ivy 1). Hojjuc,teacher 20 00 440 Hrownic Whitcsides, teacher 31 40 691 Jennie White, teacher 140 437 Hello Bailey, teacher 20 oo 438 James MeAlilly, teacher 14 00 49!) Johnsio Kcll, teacher 20 00 701 L. Crosby, teacher 55 701 James McAlilly, teacher 10 00 702 E. C. Crosby, teacher 2 NO 705 James McAlilly, teacher 10 00 529 Mary Harrell, teacher 10 00 . 722 II. K. Hood, teacher JO 00 j 098 (J. W. Myers, teacher 18 00 (H>8 Millie MeCulloujjh, teacher 32 00 (597 Brownie Whitcsides, teacher 32 00 729 W. A. Williams, teacher JO 00 447 Bessie Kcll, teacher 17 00 049 Ida Hood, teacher 18 00 006 Mary (Sill, teacher 18 00 583 Thomas W. Nance, teacher 18 00 083 Bessie Kell, teacher 13 00 Amount of disbursements for 1KS990 $ 097 15 1890-91. Transferred to expense account 3 08 35 575 James McAlilly, teacher 14(H) 32 S. W. Innian, teacher 20 (M) 02 Jeannelte Carroll, teacher 30 00 70 Kate Uatchford, teacher 20 00 NO Belle Bailev, teacher 15 00 111 James MeKarland, teacher 1 25 112 S. W. Ionian, teacher 20 00 113 A. M. Montgomery, teacher 8 20 00 190 Belle Bailey, teacher 15 00 191 Sudie Shannon, teacher 18 00 192 Sudie Shannon, teacher 18 00 1911 Sarah L. Crosby, teacher 20 00 203 Mary G. Sanders, teacher, 10 00 208 Mary G. Sanders, teacher 10 00 228 Paul Franklin, teacher 7 50 245 Bennie Hughes, teacher 12 50 254 Jeannette Carroll, teacher 18 00 262 Addie Drennan, teacher 6 00 268 Kate Ratchford, teacher 20 00 277 Minnie Palmer, teacher 10 00 302 S. W. Inman, teacher 20 00 325 Belle Bailey, teacher 15 00 321 Sarah L. Crosby, teacher 10 00 318 Alice Littlcjohn, teacher 36 00 317 Mary Harrell, teacher 40 00 834 Kate Ratchford, teacher 20 00 340 James McFarland, teacher 125 367 Mary D. Moore, teacher 18 00 368 Mary D. Moore, teacher 9 00 353 Sudie Shannon, teacher 18 00 383 A. M. Montgomery, teacher 30 00 388 Nannie Scott, teacher 6 40 389 W. H. Barnes, teacher 29 75 372 Lula Castles, teacher... 34 00 393 Alice Littlejohn, teacher 18 00 394 Belle Bailey, teacher 15 00 395 Addie Drennan, teacher 6 00 390 Bennie Hughes, teacher 12 00 410 Mary Harrell, teacher 20 00 417 Bennie Hughes, teacher 12 00 423 Addie Drennan, teacher 4 00 424 Drusa Diehl, teacher 40 00 425 Minnie Palmer, teacher 3 50 437 Lula Castles, teacher 16 00 446 Kate Ratchford, teacher 20 00 447 James McAlilly, teacher 15 00 470 Thomas W. Nance, teacher 10 00 469 Belle Bailey, teacher 15 00 471 Sarah L. Crosby, teacher 10 00 481 Nannie Scott, teacher 7 75 494 Belle Bailey, teacher 15 00 510 Ivy D. Hogue, teacher 12 00 526 James Mclarland, teacher 150 562 Fanny Moore, teacher 20 00 588 Thomas W. Nance, teacher 6 00 639 Nannie Scott, teacher 6 50 Total amount of disbursements.....$1,649 40 Nov. 1, 1881. To balance 66 42 DISTRICT NO. 11?YORKVILLE GRADED. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance 8 383 43 " 2 mill taxes, 1889...$ 755 63 " polls, 1889 150 90 " local taxes, 1889 1,141 08 " 2 null taxes, 1890... 17 93 " local taxes, 18JK) 10 " amount iroin rmhotly fund 200 00-2,200 64 Total receipts .$2,040 07 DIHBUK8KMKNTH. 1889-90. Maggie (list, teacher ? 25 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 20 00 Sarah E. Jackson, teacher 17 00 Amount of disbursements lgS9-90..$ 62 00 1890-91. W. W. Lewis, superintendent $ 80 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 20 00 Maggie Gist, teacher 25 00 Minnie Wilson, teacher 25 00 Emma Hauahan, teacher 25 00 Ella Davidson, teacher 25 00 Sarah E. Jackson, teacher 20 00 W. W. Lewis, superintendent 80 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 20 00 Emma Hanahun, teacher 25 00 Minnie Wilson, teacher 25 00 Sarah E. Jackson, teacher. 20 00 Maggie Gist, teacher 25 00 Ella Davidson, teacher 25 00 W. W. Lewis, superintendent 80 00 Minnie Wilson, teacher 25 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 20 00 Maggie Gist, teacher 25 00 Sarah E. Jackson, teacher 20 00 Amount transferred to expense account 27 75 Emma Hanahan, teacher 25 00 Ella Davidson, teacher 25 00 W. W. Lewis, superintendent 80 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 20 00 Minnie Wilson, teacher 25 00 Emma Hanahan, teacher 25 00 Maggie Gist, teacher 25 00 S. E. Jackson, teacher 20 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 20 00 Minnie Wilson, teacher 25 00 W. W. Lewis, superintendent 80 00 Ella Davidson, teacher 25 00 Ella Davidson, teacher 25 00 Maggie Gist, teacher 25 00 Emmie Hannahan, teacher 25 00 S. E." Jackson, teacher 20 00 W. W. Lewis, superintendent 80 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 20 00 8. E. Jackson, teacher i 20 00 Fanny Ward law, teacher 25 00 Emmie Hanahan, teacher 25 00 Maggie Gist, teacher 25 00 Ella Davidson, teacher 25 00 W. W. Lewis, superintendent 80 00 S. E. Jackson, teacher 20 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 20 00 Maggie Gist, teacher 25 00 Ella Davidson, teacher 25 00 Emmie Ilaimahan, teacher 25 00 W. W. Lewis, superintendent 80 00 S. PI. Jackson, teacher 20 00 .... Fanny Wardlaw, teacher 28 75 Fanny Wardlaw, teacher 25 00 Ella Davidson, teacher 25 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 20 00 Maggie Gist, teacher 25 00 Emmie Hannahan, teacher 25 00 W. W. Lewis, superintendent 80 00 J. A. Tate, teacher 35 00 Lila Peck, teacher 25 00 Maggie Gist, teacher 30 00 - " <? oo HslIlJIUt? iiauauun, ? _ A lion Alexander, teacher 22 00 Alice Tucker, teacher 12 00 W. W. Lewis, superintendent HO 00 Alice Tucker, teacher 17 80 Maggie Gist, teacher 30 00 Lila Peck, teacher 25 00 J. A. Tate, teacher 35 00 Emmie Ilunahan, teacher 25 00 Allen Alexander, teacher 22 14 Total amount disbursed $2,317 50 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance 331 57 DISTRICT NO. 12?ROCK HILL?GRADED. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance 8 73 44 " 2 mill tax 1889 $ 936 18 " polls 1889 327 05 " local taxes 1889 1,624 32 " 2 mill tax 1890 39 73 " amount from Peabody fund 400 00?3,327 28 Oct. 31, 1891. Totul receipts $ 3,400 72 1889-90. DISBURSEMENTS. ... A. R. Ranks and assistants 1,050 00 Amount disbursements 1889-90 $ 1,050 00 1890-91. ... A mount transferred to expense acct 61 50 Refund poll E. Holler 1 00 ... A. R. Ranks and assistants 1,050 00 Refund poll and penalty L. Davis.. 1 15 Refund poll Win. Boyd. 1 00 ... A. R. Ranks and assistants 350 00 ... A. R. Ranks and assistants 216 00 ... A. R. Ranks and assistants 385 00 ... A. R. Ranks and assistants 240 00 Total disbursements $3,355 65 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance $ 45_07 DISTRICT NO 13?McCONNELLSVILLE. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance 8 110 1(9 " 2 mill tax 1889 f292 30 " polls 188!) 184 45 " 2 mill tax IN!*) 15 8!)? 472 04 Oct. 31, 1891. Total receipts 8 583 03 1890-91. DISIItT KSKMKNTS. 839 II. Wherry, teacher 8 8 (X) Transferred to expense account 25 15 91 Rev. A. A. Jones, teacher 15 00 93 Lizzie Gibson, teacher 10 00 92 Essie Stewart, teacher 18 00 118 II. Wherry, teacher 10 50 145 Janie MeConnell, teacher 25 (X) 198 Lizzie (Jibsoii, teacher 10 (X) 220 Rev. A. A. Jones, teacher 15 00 Refund poll, Aaron Moore 1 IX) 242 Essie Stewart, teacher 18 00 201 Addie Drennan, teacher 7 00 205 II. Wherry, teacher 0 25 312 Rev. A. A. Jones, teacher 15 00 310 Janie MeConnell, teacher 25 00 .'148 Essie Stewart, teacher 18 00 .'184 Janie MeConnell, teacher 25 00 37!) Addie Drennan, teacher 7 00 390 Essie Stewart, teacher 18 25 405 Dorinda Jenkins, teacher 18 00 413 Addie Drennan, teacher 7 1X1 425 John A. Rarron, teacher 20 00 432 Essie Stewart, teacher 18 (X) 438 Hay Watson Smith, teacher 5 00 443 Lindsay A Adickes, rent 35 45 444 Robert Conrad, teacher 10 00 475 Dorinda Jenkins, teacher 5 00 470 Dorinda Jenkins, teacher 5 (X) 482 W. L. Hobo, teacher 40 25 507 Mary Jones, teacher 15 00 577 Mary Jones, teacher 15 00 595 M. J. Cray, teacher 9 40 594 M. J. Cray, teacher 12 50 590 <?. ! '. Miller, teacher 10 00 027 Rudolph llruiidt, teacher 20 00 Total disbursements 8 529 05 Nov. 1. 1891. To balance 54 58 DISTRICT NO. 14?HI'EE A LO. Nov. 1 1890. To balance 8 10 00 " 2 mill tax, 1889-8140 3)i " polls 18851 55 (X) " 2 mill tax 1890... 5 45? 200 81 Oct .'II, I.Sill. Total receipts 8 25.147 Dlslir 11SKM KNTS. 44ps W.O. Hightou'cr, iuapsletc....$iti (XI Amount disbursed lHSiMX) $ .'Hi (XI 1890-01. Refunded poll, Hazel Turner 8 1^ (XI Transferred to expense aeeount 7 so s W. P. Tolbert, teacher 7 50 .. Preston (Iroene, teacher 20 (XI 78 (J. H. Wylie and assistant, teachers '17 05 12!) J. J. Hlanton, teacher 25 (X) 1(M (?, H. Wylie, teacher 12 .00 .Til J. J. Hlanton, teacher 2100 .070 Kllu Little and (J. It. Wylie, teachers 00 00 Total amount (lislmrsed $ 247 45 Nov. 1, Mil. To balance 0 02 DISTRICT NO. 1.0?IKILLY HltOYK. MXI. Nov. 1. To balance 8 142 08 " 2 mill tax, JssO Sl(Xi 75 " polls, is!XI 20 (X) " 2 mill tax, 185X1 2 05? 120 05 Oct. ."11, 1801. Total receipts, 8 272 .'W 1890-91. KtSItt' IIS KM KNTS. Amount translered to expense account $ 4 SO 20 W. T. Parker, teacher 04 (XJ .'120 W. T. Parker, lonelier 01 (XI 448 W. T. Parker, teacher 3 32 00 557 W. T. Parker, teacher 32 00 Total amount disbursed $ 190 80 Nov. 1,1891. To balance 75 53 DISTRICT NO. 16?ANTIOCIL 1890. Nov. 1. To balance $ 37 63 " 2 mill taxes, 1889 $136 39 44 polls, 1889 78 30 " 2 mills taxes 5 07- 219 76 Oct. 31, 1891. Total receipts I 257 39 DISBURSEMENTS. 590 R. A. Bird, teacher 6 00 734 R. A. Bird, teacher 24 00 | Refund Poll, P. T. Savage 1 00 Amount disbursed, 1889-90 8 31 00 1890-91. Amount transferred to expense account 7 65 725 J. R. Greene, teacher 24 00 72 J. R. Greene, teacher 24 00 71 J. R. Greene, teacher 24 00 98 R. A. Bird, teacher 30 00 99 R. A. Bird, teacher 30 00 431 R. A. Bird, teacher -'10 00 440 C. C. Hughes, teacher, old claim, paid by order of County and State boards 25 00 16 Amanda Sanders, teacher 25 00 Total disbursements $ 250 65 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance 6 74 DISTRICT NO. 17?FACTORY. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance $ 35 15 44 2 mill taxes, 1889...$ 377 55 r" alls, 1889 97 75 mill taxes, 1890... 13 05 44 polls, 1890 4 00- 492 35 Oct. 31,1891. Total receipts. *_527J9 DISBURSEMENTS. 1890-91. Amount transferred to expense account $ 20 25 86 Starks L. Meacbam, teacher 13 00 88 Mary A. Legg, teacher 25 00 152 Brownie Whitesides, teacher 25 00 213 Janie Byere, teacher 16 00 214 Janie Byere, teacher 16 00 222 Brownie Whitesides, teacher 25 00 272 J. W. Byere, teacher 13 00 273 J. W. Byere, teacher 13 00 300 Mary A. Legg, teacher 25 00 329 Lena Young, teacher 50 00 452 J. C. Brown, teacher 15 00 483 Brownie Whitesides, teacher 25 00 508 C. L. N. Legg, teacher 25 00 517 Delia Carter, teacher 25 00 569 C. L. N. Legg, teacher 11 25 568 J. C. Brown, teacher 15 00 565 J. W. Byere, teacher 19 50 615 Delia Carter, teacher 25 00 614 M. E. Isebeli, teacher 40 00 618 Brownie Whitesides, teacher 25 00 Total disbursements $ 467 00 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance 60 50 DISTRICT NO. 18?SMYRNA. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance $ 34 07 " 2 mill taxes, 1890 .$168 64 polls, 1889 54 30 " 2 mill taxes, 1890 7 27 " polls, 1890 5 00- 236 41 Oct. 31,1891. Total receipts $ 270 48 DISBURSEMENTS. 533 Sue L. McFarland, teacher $ 25 00 580 Paul Franklin, teacher 12 00 581 Paul Franklin, teacher 12 00 317 Annie Steele, teacher 12 50 574 Sue L. McFarland, teacher 25 00 627 Tracy Hicks, teacher 13 00 628 Tracy Hicks, teacher 13 00 HO A T nrtrt fna/?lmr 25 00 JiO AViaijr ill Amount disbursed, 1889-90 $ 137 00 1890-91. Amount transferred to expense account 9 10 40 52 J. D. Smith, teacher 1*2 00 181 J. I). Smith, teacher 12 00 217 A. J. Cansler, teacher 20 00 218 A. J. Cansler, teacher 20 00 237 R. A. Walthall, teacher 25 00 238 R. A. Walthall, teacher 18 00 Total disbursements $ 254 90 Nov. 1,1891. To balance 15 58 DISTRICT NO. 19?McELWEE'S. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance 9 40 " 2 mill taxes, 1889 9 114 11 " polls, 1889 24 15 " 2 mill taxes, 1890 2 95 " polls, 1890 3 00? 144 21 Oct. 31. Total receipts > 144 61 1889-90. DISBURSEMENTS. 289 Minnie P. McCormick, teacher 8 17 00 18 Minnie P. McCormick, teacher 12 00 iu Minnin p xfr>fv?rmli'k. teacher 12 00 629 Tracy Hicks, teacher 14 00 350 Alva F. White, teacher 10 00 349 Alva F. White, teacher 10 00 Amount disbursed, 1889-90 $ 75 00 1890-91. 1 Brownie Whitesides, teacher 20 00 84 E. P. Castles, teacher; 15 00 152 Minnie P. MeCormick, teacher 10 00 174 E. P. Castles, teacher 11 00 Total disbursements 8 131 00 Nov. 1,1891. To balance 13^61 DISTRICT NO. 20?BYERS (SHARON). 1890. Nov. 1. To balance 8 18 53 44 2 mill taxes, 1889 8 93 36 r" lis, 1889, 17 00 mill taxes, 1890... 3 45 44 polls, 1890 1 00? 116 81 Oct. 31, 1891. Total receipts 8 135 34 DISBURSEMENTS. 357 Bessie M. Mason, teacher 20 00 526 Bessie M. Mason, teacher 20 00 259 I). M. Hughes, teacher 12 00 599 T. A. Colbert", teacher 10 00 515 T. A. Colbert, teacher 10 00 3) Bettie Caldwell, teacher 26 40 Amount disbursed, 1889-90 8 98 40 1890-91. 28 Bettie Caldwell, teacher 23 98 234 Cora Neil, teacher 2 30 408 Cora Neil, teacher 2 30 473 Bettie Caldwell, teacher 3 91 Total disbursement 8 130 89 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance 4 45 DISTRICT NO. 21?CHAPEL. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance 8 00 34 44 2 mill taxes, 1889 8202 87 44 polls, 1889 67 15 44 2 mill taxes, 1890 7 64 44 polls, 1890 6 00- 283 66 Oct. 31, 1891. Total receipts 8 .'144 50 DISBURSEMENTS. 1890-91. ... Amount transferred to expense account 8 10 05 ... Refund poll, W. C. Rainer 1 00 58 S. A. Adams, teacher 12 00 74 Si. J. Brown, teacher 18 00 109 Annie J. Youngblood, teacher. 9 00 155 Mittio Rorsett, teacher 5 00 150 Mittie Dorsott, teacher 5 00 142 M. J. Brown, teacher 4 50 206 K. K. Thoruwell, teacher 20 00 207 E. E. Thornwell, teacher 20 00 244 Annie J. Youngblood, teacher 9 00 293 W. S. Barron, teacher 7 00 313 Kate Simmons, teacher 2 00 314 Kate Simmons, teacher 2 00 21 M. ('. Simmons, teacher 12 00 495 J. F. Wood, teacher 12 00 500 ii. R. Alexander, teacher 6 00 513 Annie J. Youngblood, teacher 10 00 560 M. J. Brown, teacher 8 00 575 Kate Simmons, teacher 12 00 599 Annie J. Youngblood, teacher 10 00 601 M. C. Simmons, teacher 12 00 611 J. R. Alexander, teacher 3 00 627 M. J. Brown, teacher 8 00 632 Kate Simmons, teacher 12 00 Total disbursements 8 229 55 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance Ml.?*? ! DISTRICT NO. 22?UOWLINO (JREEN. I 1890. j Nov. 1. To balance '15 84 " 2 mill taxes, lmi " polls, 1889 49 00 " 2 mill taxes, 1KW? 8 17 " polls, 1881) 20 00 - 259 07 Oct. 31, 181)1. Total receipts 8 325 51 IUSBI* ItSKM KNTS. 717 W. 10. Adams, teacher 11 70 13 James Oletm, teacher 28 00 Amount dishurseiiients 188!) -!)() 8 30 70 1890-91 * Amount transferred to expense account 8 1150 17 Mary llrown, teacher 20 00 t 18 Mary llrown, teacher 20 00 | 7!) Mittie Dorsett, teacher 10 00 100 Fanny Dorsett, teacher 30 (X) 00 T. N. K end rick, teacher 10 00 05 T. N. Kendrick, teacher 10 00 178 T. N. Kendrick, teacher 1)! 00 ' 210 Lizzie Clinton, teacher 20 (X) 270 T. N. Kendrick, teacher 4 00 204 W. S. Barron, teacher 2 50 420 Mary Brown, teacher 10 00 | 458 Kunice Jackson, teacher 12 50 j 033 Kunice Jackson, teacher 25 00 Total dishurseiiients 8 253 30 | Nov. 1, 1801. To balance 72 21 IHSTKICT NO. 23?POINT. j 1800. Nov. 1. To balance 8 17 38 " 2 mills taxes, 1880 8171 40 " polls, IKS!) 40 30 " 2 mill taxes, 1890 4 00 " polls, 1890 8 00? 230 30 j Oct. 31. Total receipts 8 247 77 IllSIIU ItSKM KNTS. ; 002 Kliza Hill, teacher 8 10 00 001 Kliza IIill, teacher 8 (X) 477 L. \V. Louthian, teacher 18 (X) I 720 Alma Thompson, teacher 10 00 287 J. M. Hoffman,teacher 12 (X) Total amount disbursed 1889-90 8 70 00 1890-91. Amount transferred to expense account 8 7 80 44 \V. II. Miller, teacher 12 (X) 19!) T. N. Kendrick, teacher 2 00 111) J. T. Bradshaw, teacher 12 00 I 120 Lula Johnson, teacher 18 00 I 170 T. N. Kendrick, teacher 2 (X) 1177 W. II. Miller, teacher 13 (X) 174 John Wyatt, teacher 9 16 00 175 John Wyatt, teacher 16 00 201 J. T. Bradshaw, teacher 12 00 244 Lula Johnson, teacher 18 00 493 J. L. Alexander, teacher 14 00 503 J. C. Clinton, teacher 13 00 Total amount disbursed 9 225 80 Nov. 1. To balance 21 97 DISTRICT NO. 24?BUCK HORN. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance 9 190 18 " 2 mill taxes, 1889 9225 51 " polls, 1889 61 30 " 2 mill taxes, 1890 9 00 " polls, 1890 11 00? 306 81 Oct. 31,1891. Total receipts 9 502 99 1890-91. DISBURSEMENTS. Amount transferred to expense account 9 15 05 03 James B. Roseboro, teacher 12 00 64 I. K. Meek, teacher 25 00 97 John E. Carroll, teacher 25 00 127 J. B. Roseboro, teacher 12 00 200 John E. Carroll, teacher 25 00 209 K. W. Simmons, teacher 2 00 275 I. K. Meek, teacher 25 00 Kate Simmons, teacher 2 00 327 L. C. Neil, teacher 15 00 328 L. C. Neil, teacher 15 00 345 N. C. Davis, teacher 12 50 365 Sue E. Neel, teacher 15 00 465 Allen Alexander, teacher 16 00 4416 Allen Alexander, teacher 8 00 485 M. C. Simmons, teacher 8 00 488 T. E. McMackin, teacher 20 00 499 G. -R. Alexander, teacher 6 00 506 I. K. Meek, teacher 25 00 618 J. A. McMackin, teacher 15 00 561 M. J. Brown, teacher 10 00 593 Mary G. Sanders, teacher 6 00 612 G. R. Alexander, teacher 8 00 623 J. A. McMackin, teacher 15 00 622 T. E. McMackin, teacher 20 00 619 I. K. Meek, teacher 25 00 620 M. C. Simmons, teacher 0 00 628 M. J. Brown, teacher 10 00 Total disbursements 9 ?*> oo Nov. 1,1891. To balance, 104 44 DISTRICT NO. 25?CLARK'S FORK. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance $ 14 00 " 2 mills taxes, 1889.....|129 05 " polls, 1889 41 15 " 2 mills taxes, 1890... 5 83 " polls, 1890 1 00- 177 03 Oct. 31. Total receipts 9 191 03 DISBURSKMENTH. 1889-90. 719 E. P. Castles, teacher f 3 20 Amount disbursed in 1889-90 | 3 20 1890-91. Amount transferred to expense account $ 8 00 103 Mamie Johnson, teacher 20 00 159 Annie Smarr, teacher 10 00 161 M. J. Ellis, teacher 12 00 162 M. J. Ellis, teacher 8 00 258 E. P. Castles, teacher 3 00 363 Mamie Johnson, teacher 20 00 362 Mamie Johnson, teacher 20 00 509 F. D. Jones, teacher 25 00 598 F. D. Jones, teacher 22 50 Total disbursements 4 152 30 Nov 1,1891. To balance 38 73 DISTRICT NO. 26?NORTH FORT MILL. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance I 57 90 " 2 mill taxes, 1889 $351 81 r" 5lls, 1889 155 60 mill taxes, 1890 21 87 " amount transferred from No. 4 60 00- 589 28 Oct. 31, 1891. Total receipts > 647 18 1889-90. DISBURSEMENTS. 284 John A. Barron, teacher I 30 00 63 J. W. Elms, teacher 30 00 - --- ? ??? on nil 64 J. W, Hims, leacuer ? 373 Jennie Smith, teacher 25 00 673 C. K. Ormand, teacher 14 CO 674 C. E. Ormand, teacher 14 00 285 John A. Barron, teacher 30 CO 631 J. J. Parks, teacher 10 00 658 Mary E. Clark, teacher 25 00 657 Mary E. Clark, teacher 25 00 462 Mary E. Clark, teacher 25 00 J 58 W. H. Miller, teacher 14 00 Amount disbursements, 1889-90 9 272 00 1890-91. Amount transferred to expense account 32 05 35 J. J. Parks, teacher 8 15 00 36 J. J. Parks, teacher 16 00 51 C. C. Crawford, teacher 16 00 55 Alex Martin, teacher 15 00 54 Alex Martin, teacher 15 00 75 S. M. Carotbers, teacher 15 00 81 Frank C. Harris, teacher 25 00 128 C. C. Crawford, teacher 15 00 115 Mary L. Young, teacher 20 00 116 Mary L. Young, teacher 14 25 114 Mary L. Young, teacher 20 00 130 Bennie Sutton, teacher 15 00 133 C. T. Crook, repairs on scnooi house 4 00 138 J. J. Parks, teacher 15 00 170 S. SI. Carothers, teacher 15 00 7 Alex Martin, teacher 15 00 Frank C. Harris, teacher 19 00 415 Frank C. Harris, teacher 31 00 430 J. J. Parks, teacher 7 00 474 Frank C. Harris, teacher 13 00 Total disbursements 625 20 Nov. 1, 1891. To balance DISTRICT NO. 27?SHARON. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance, 3 13 07 " 2 mill taxes, 1889 $45 17 " polls, 1889 19 15 " 2 mill taxes, 1890 2 59 " polls, 1890 1 00- 67 91 Oct. 31, 1891. Total receipts $ 80 98 1889-90. DI8BURSKMENT8. 703 L. C. Crosby, teacher 8 4 45 706 L. C. Crosby, teacher 7 20 Amount transferred to expense account 4 00 31 Bettie G. Caldwell, teacher 13 61 29 Bettie G. Caldwell, teacher 15 99 Total amount disbursed, 1889-90 $ 41 25 1890-91. 180 Bettie G. Caldwell, teacher 8 7 00 229 Paul Franklin, teacher 16 50 442 Bettie G. Caldwell, teacher 8 64 Total disbursements 8 77 .'19 Nov. 1,1891. To balance _ 3 59 DISTRICT NO. 28?FORT MILL?GRADED. 1890. Nov. 1. To balance, $ 20 98 " 2 mill taxes, 1889 $355 72 " polls, 1889 151 05 " local taxes, 1889 454 45 " 2 mill tax, 1890 7 19? 968 41 Oct. 31, 1891. Total receipts $ 989 39 1889-90. DISBURSEMENTS. John Ford, teacher 8 16 00 John Ford, teacher 16 00 Lucy Belk, teacher 75 00 Etta Ardry, teacher 75 (X) J. A. Boyd, superintendent 225 00 John Ford, teacher l? oo Refund local tax, Miss Withers 5 29 Amount disbursed, 1889-90 $ 428 29 1890-91. Amount transferred to expense acfl count 8 11 76 ohn Ford, teacher 16 00 Lucy Belk, teacher 100 (X) Etta Ardry, teacher 113 75 J. A. Boyd, superintendent 150 00 John Ford, teacher 24 00 Eliza C. 11 ill, teacher 24 00 J. A. Bovd, superintendent 75 00 | Minnie E. Lee, teacher 25 00 Total disbursements $ 967 80 I Nov. 1, 1891. To balance 21 59 DISTRICT NO. 29. ! 1891. 1 April 1. To amount transferred from No. 6 8 300 00 " 2mill taxes, 1889 $24 74 " polls, 1889 1 00 " 2 mill taxes, 18!HJ 10 59 " polls, 1890 1 GO? 837 48 ! Oct. 31, 1891. Totul receipts 8 &f7 48 1890-91. MSHUHSKMKNTS. I 331 II. Watson Smith, teacher U 40 00 I 340 York Harris, teacher 9 00 ! HON \V. A. liolin, teacher 4 50 ! .*{71 11. Watson Smith, teacher 40 00 398 W. A. Bolin, teacher 2 35 i 420 II. Watson Smith, teacher 40 00 '435 II. Watson Smith, teacher 40 00 459 A. 1'. Johnson, teacher h"> 00 520 J. II. Massey, teacher woo I 525 A. P. Johnson, teacher 15 00 ! 017 A. P. Johnson, teacher 15 00 Total disbursements i 228 85 Nov. 1,1801. To balance 108 03 KXPKNSK ACCOUNT. ; 1800. ; Nov. 1. To balance 5 41 75 1891. Feb. 1. To amount transferred from the several school districts by order of the board 718 85 Oct. 31. Total receipts 8 700 00 1889-90. MSHUHSKMKNTS. j 1890. | Nov. 1. Paid Kev. K. <*. Patrick, examiner, balance 0 00 Paid Kev. L. A.Johnson, school commissioner 35 50 Amount disbursed 1889 90 gtl 50 1890-91. | 1891. ! Apr. Paid J. A. Bovd, examiner 7 50 ; Apr. Paid W. W. Lewis, examiner 7 50 j Apr. Paid .1 alliesCanslor,school commissioner 300 00 | Oct. 3. Paid J. A. Bovd,examiner 7 50 I Oct. 3. Paid W. W. Lewis, examiner 7 50 Oct. 3. Paid James Canslcr, school commissioner .'122 00?718 00 Total disbursements $ 759 50 Nov. 1, 18511, To balance 1 10, RECAPITULATION OF SCHOOL FUNDS. 1890. RECEIPTS. Nov. 1. To cash on hand 9 2,418 56 1891 Oct. 31. " taxes, 1889?2 mill levy 411,0?2 16 " taxes, 1896?2 mill levy 490 41 44 polls, 1889 4,146 70 44 polls, 1890 267 00 , 44 local taxes? Blacksburg, 1889 682 65 44 local taxes? Blacksburg, 1890 80 44 local taxes, Yorkville, 1889 1,141 68 " local taxes, Yorkville, 1890 10 " local taxes, Fort Mill. 1889, 454 45 " local taxes, Rock Hill, 1889 1,624 32 44 Peabody fhnd for York ville graded schools 200 00 44 Peabody fund for Rock Hill graded schools 400 00 44 Polls, 1889, from Sheriff Crawford 4 00 44 School taxes, by sheriff. 09 Receipts during year 420,474 96 Total 422,893 52 Total receipts $22,883 52 Total disbursements 20,746 97 Nov 1,1891. Cash balance....* 2,146 55 Respectfully submitted, H. A. D. NEELY, County Treasurer. turn POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength.?Latest U. 8. Government Food Report. Royal Bakixo Powdek Co., 106 Wall 8L, N. Y. * iimnir i vn nnnn am A DT 17 Q Livmil Aflu riiEiu oiiiuuw. I WOULD respectftilly announce to my old friends and tne traveling public that I have returned to Yorkville, and in the ftiture will give mypersonal attention to the LIVERY AND FEED STARLE8 so long conducted by me. Determined to merit public patronage, I hope to receive a share of the same. MY OMNIBUS Is still on the street, ready to convey passengers to all departing trains, or from the trains to any part of town. FOR FUNERALS. I have an elegant HEARSE and also a CLARENCE COAUH which will be sent to any part of the county at short notice. Prices reasonable. Buggies and other Vehicles On hand for sale. Bargains in either new or second-hand vehicles. HAVE YOUR HORSES FED At the Yorkville Livery and Feed Stables where they will receive the ljest attention. F. E. SMITH. linmA niksra bill Ifii UIIIBI5 Will cure You, is a true statement of the action of AYEB'S Sarsaparilla, when taken for diseases originating in impure blood; but, while this assertion is true of AYEB'8 Sarsaparilla, as thousands can attest, it cannot be truthfully applied to other preparations, which unprincipled dealers will recommend, and try to impose upon you, as "just as good as Ayer's." Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla and Ayer's only, if you need a blood-purifier and would be benefited permanently. This medicine, for nearly fifty years, has enjoyed a reputation, and made a record for cures, that has never been equaled by other preparations. AYEB'S Sarsaparilla eradicates the taint of hereditary scrofula and other blood disAiupn from the svstem. and it has, deser vedly, the confidence of the people. AVER'S Sarsaparilla "I cannot forbear to express my joy at the relief I have obtained from the use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted with kidney troubles for about six months, suffering greatly with pains in the small of my back. In addition to this, my body was covered with pimply eruptions. The remedies prescribed failed to help me. I then began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short time, the pains ceased and the pimples disappeared. I ad vise every young man or woman, in case of sickness resulting from impure blood, no matter how long standing the case may be, to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla."?H. L. Jarmann, 33 William st., New York City. iWIMfH Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, EXCHANGE BANK, YorkvUle S. C. T. 8. JEFFERYS President. JOS. F. WALLACE. Vice-President. FRANK A. GILBERT Cashier. Organized September 1, 1887. THE BANK will receive Deposits, buy and sell Exchange, make Loans and uo a general Banking Business. The officers tender their courteous services to its patrons and the public generally. jp?r~ Hanking hours from 9 A. M. to 5. P. M. January 7. 1890. 48 tf W. II. HICKLIN, OIITIIlliruVII.f.R. u. r. ! BREEDER OF REGISTERED JERSEY CATTLE. rTHIKsplcndidly-bredCoomussieRull, MAY'S ! X KINO KOFFEE, No. 20,604, stands at the head of my herd. TWO YOUNG RULLSand a few CHOICE HEIFERS FOR SALE at fair prices. All are entitled to registry in the American Jersey Cattle Club Register. Also pure-bred J ERSEY RED HOOS. Write for what you want. September 9 31 tf PAVILION HOTEL. KING STREET, C'linrlcaton, M. C. THIS HOUSE has been recently. NEWLY FURNISHED AND REPAINTED, IS i CENTRALLY LOCATED ON KINO ST., NEXT TO THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ROOMS LA ROE AND CHEERFUL. TA; RLE EXCELLENT. E. T. OAILLARD. : Rates 81.50, and 82.50 per day. j October 14 30 ly UNDERTAKING. I AM handling a first class line of COFFINS AND CASK ETS which I will sell at the very lowest prices. Personal attention at all hours, i I am prepared to repair all kinds of Furniture , at reasonable prices. J. ED JEFFERYS. MUSIC LESSONS. I RESPECTFULLY beg leave to announce to the public of Yorkville and vicinity that i I will be pleased to receive a limited number of i pupils for instruction on the PIANO FORTE, r'or terms and other information, apply to Mrs. ZORAIDA INMAN. KlJIiliKH STAMPS. I AM now prepared to funiiHh Kl'HHKIt STAMPS, STKNCILS AND SEALS, OF | ALL KINDS, at very low prices. KKti. M. tSKIST, Yorkville, S. ('. iTltc iHofltviUf (Ijuquircv. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. I T13HMH OP HP UHCK I I'TIOSi : I Single copy for olio yoar, 9 OO ' (>110 oopy tor two yours, 3 AO 1 For six months, 1 OO j For throo months AO ; Two copies for oiio yoar, 3 AO | Toil oopjos olio yoar, 17 AO | And an oxtra oopy for a elnb of ton. A OVKItTIHlJMKNTH | Insortod at Olio Dollar per square for the first I insortion, and Filly ('cuts por square for each | subsequent insortion. A square oonsists of the spaoo oooupiod by eight linos of this size type. Contracts for advertising space for throe, six, or twelve months will lie made on reasonable term.