W jfoapis and partis. ? Santiago, the capital of Chili, was visited by one of the most severe fires ever known in South America last Thursday. The fire originated in a restaurant, and the loss is estimated as being over $2,900,000. The Brit ish legation was entirely consumed, including all the archives and personal property of the minister. The dispatch bringing the intelligence does not state as to whether or not the revolutionists are in any way responsible for the destruction. ? A curious slip in the new liquor law of North Carolina is the cause of no little anger and anxiety among the liquor dealers in that State. It provides that if an applicant be found to possess the proper moral requisites to engage in the liquor traffic, the board of county commissioners "may grant a license." Instead of making the matter permissive, the old law made it mandantory, reading that the commissoners "shall" grant the license. . In all counties where these officers are opposed to liquor-selling the saloons will be closed. Many dealers are already I making preparations to go into some uwci business after December 81, when their licenses expire. ? Mr. F. M. Coker, president of the Bank of the State of Georgia, had a narrow escape from death in Atlanta last Friday. Upon reaching the bank in the morning he unlocked the vault, and stepping inside he told a messenger boy to light the gas. The boy struck a match, and instantly there followed a tremendous explosion. Mr. Coker was thrown to the floor, and the boy was hurled out of the vault like a shot from a rifle, striking a table twenty feet away. It was all over in a second and both were left insensible. Upon investigation it was learned that on the night before the gas jet was blown out, instead of being turned out, and all night the vault had been filling with the escaping gas. The lighted match produced the explosion with the almost fatal results. ?Vice President Morton is reported to be desirous of succeeding himself, and to this end has been conducting a quiet but effective canvass. It is a curious fact that, with one exception, no* vice president has received a renomination since the method of naming candidates in convention was adopted. This exception was Richard M. Johnson, who was elected vice president on the Van Buren ticket in 1886 and ran with Van Buren again in 1840. Lincoln, Grant and Cleveland, the three presidents since 1860 who received renominations, all had different associates on the ticket from those named in the first contest; though in the last case Hendricks would probably have been renominated had he lived and desired the honor. Thus history seems to be against Mr. Morton. The chances are, however, that he will overcome this obstacle. ? A bill has been introduced in the Georgia legislature and passed by the house, making it a crime for prescription clerks and physicians to become drunk while practicing their respective professions. The bill provides that on conviction for the first offence, the guilty practitioner, shall be liable to a fine of not less than three nor more than five hundred dollars, and shall also forfeit his license. Upon the forfeit of a license, however, if after the expirat ion of two years, the practitioner, can establish, upon the evidence of "five of the most upright citizens in his county," that he has reformed, he will be. given back his license. On a second conviction of the excessive use of liquor or opiates, he will forfeit his license forever, and in either the first or second conviction, he is liable for damages at the hands of his patients. ? A singular discovery is reported to have been made in Edward county, Texas. It is known as the "Devil's Sink Hole." Recently it was partially explored. One man was let down by a rope 150 feet. Here he found a ledge and passageway leading from it seven feet high, wide enough for three men abreast,, and running at a steep incline down ward. He followed it three hundred feet and came to an immense lake of water, ice cold. He bad no means of determining its extent, but a stone hurled with all its force splashed in the water fully seventy yards away. The bank of the lake was covered with rock, looking as though it had been blasted. Some were brought to the surface and assayed about thirty ounces of silver to the ton. All that region is rich in silver indications, and it is supposed that the mys terious cavern is an abandoned spamsn mine and has other exit entrances. ? If you should happen to get a whisky barrel for any purpose from a barroom, be sure that you examine it carefully before using. If you do not, you may get into trouble. A Mr. A. B. Brown, living in Talladega county, Ala., a few weeks ago, made a quantity of blackberry wine in a barrel that he had procured from a neighboring barkeeper. Last week, during the sickness of Mr. Brown's daughter, the physician recommended that she should have some blackberry wine. The wine was procured and given to the.young lady. She suddenly became very much worse and the physician was at a loss to know what to do. He finally administered an emetic, and the patient was relieved, though still left in a dangerous condition. The barrel containing the wine was burst open and about two pounds of tobacco, together with various other narcotics and poisons, were found in it. It is supposed that they had been put in there by the saloon keeper to flavor his whisky. ? The census bulletin relating to the production of gold and silver in the United States, was issued last Friday. The production during the year 1889 was: Gold, ounces 1,590,000; coinage, $32,886,744. Silver, ounces 51,354,851; coinage value, $66,396,988. Total value of both $99,283,732. In gold, this is nearly 28 per cent, of the world's product, and in silver, 41 per cent. The expeuse of production during the year was $63,451,136. The table of approximate distribution of the gold and silver product shows the following value in the South: Alabama?gold, $167,605; silver, $100. Georgia?gold, $167,605: silver, $464. North Carolina?gold, $164,795; silver, $3,879. South Carolina?gold, $46,853 ; I silver $232. Virginia?gold, $4,100; silver I $13. California produced the greatest amount of gold and Colorado the greatest amount of silver, and Colorado is second in gold production, while Montana is second in silver. Nevada is third in value of gold pro- j duction and Montana fourth. Utah is third in silver value ami Nevada fourth. Next in , the order of value of the production come | Idaho, Dakota, Arizona and New Mexico. ? The official figures of the immigrants landed in New York during the fiscal year ended June 30th, bring up again the question of turning some of this valuable stream j southward. Out of the 405,664 immigrants, only 18,270 went to the Southern States, and of these more than half went to Texas and Missouri. The lertue, promising pum- u? North Carolina, for instance, only got 407 of the whole. What a desirable sort of citizens the new comers were is shown by their occu-1 patious. There were 155,936 laborers, 40,449 farmers, 8,612 tailors, 6,(582 miners, 5,401 shoe makers, 3,484 carpenters, 2.446 bakers, and 2,371 blacksmiths. The uninviting swarming city of New York got 169,841 of the big crowd, 55,226 went to Pennsylvania, j 17,969 to New Jersey, 13,378 to Massachusetts, and 10,483 to Connecticut. Among those landed were 77,776 Italians, only about one-fifth of whom were women ; 35,424 Irish; 29,381 English, Scotch and Welsh; 49,390J Norwegians, Swedes and Danes; 74,832 Germans; 4,388 French ; 33,504 Russians ;) 24,256 Poles; 26,493 Hungarians; 26,539 Aus- j triaus; 9,043 Belgians, and 8.408 Bohemians, j Most of the Poles, Russians and Austrians j were Hebrews. Of the 501 persons debarred, j 301 were contract laborers. ? The people of North Louisiana do not pro-1 pose to stand the Louisiana Lottery any long- i er. If they cannot put it down in any other | way they propose to do it by a revolution.' At a mass meeting in Lincoln parish, one j day last week, the following preamble and ; resolution were adopted: It is said that j the sentiment as here expressed is spreading' over the State: "wnereas, \\u mui mv worshipers of Mammon, the scoffers of re- j ligion, the bribe-giver and the bribe-taker, j and believe that this is a government of the I people, by the people and for the people,1 and recognize the right of the people to take , the helm of government into their hands,1 either by revolution, as our forefathers did, | by a resort to arms, or, as Cromwell did, by | dissolving parliament and beheading the! king, or as the people of New Orleans did in j destroying the Mafia: therefore, be it Ke- j solved. That we, the people of Lincoln par-1 ish, in mass meeting assembled, solemnly de-j clare our opposition to the Louisiana State j Lottery, company, and look upon its advo-1 eates as men dangerous to the community and disloyal to the best interests of the State; j that we consider that its crimes have been so great and its menaces are so dangerous, that we arc justified in pledging ourselves in every line of defense open to free men against the briber and perverter of good government." ? A San Diego, California, dispatch of last Wednesday, says a serious riot occurred at that place on that day, growing out of the attempt of United States marshals to arrest eleven sailors of the United States steamer Charleston, who had overstayed their shore leave. The sailors were carousing in a saloon when Deputy Marshals Webb, Wilson and Grether entered and arrested one of the number. Other sailors immediately closed in and attempted to prevent the officers from >nn.mnn>Y mon PllltvS fl DIW11 1)V I^UJUVIII^ VtIV lUMiii - . the deputies and a free tight ensued. It looked for a time as if the officers would be killed, but a patrol wagon arrived with reinforcements and arrested a sailor, who was taken to jail. When the patrol left, the crowd again attacked the officers with pick handles, gas pipes and other weapons. The officers got away and wounded Robert Brown, a sailor on the Charleston, who died in a few minutes from the effects of a blow on the head with a club, said to have been inflicted by Deputy Wilson. Another Charleston sailor, Paddy Burns, is dying with a fractured skull. Deputies Bradlove and Grether were badly bruised about the head and a number of other persons are injured. There is great excitement and threats of lynching all the deputies concerned in the trouble were freely made. The sympathy of the community is with the sailors, as it is said the officers were too officious, and for the sake of a reward arrested men whose shore leave had not expired. Warrants are out for the deputies' arrest. %tlmUe #nA>u "vro piece of advice for all. It is this: Don't a condemn the Alliance demands simply he- r cause they are Alliance demands; don't up- t hold the Alliance demands simply because c they are Alliance demands; but accept the a issue as a condition, which, though iyaybe it is not as we would like to have it, is as it c is, and we must make the best of it. Sober v reason is the only thing that will stand the 1 people in good stead at this time, hut we t confess that the water has already been made c so muddy that it is difficult to see the hot- ? torn of it. 1 , t , n REBELLION IN TENNESSEE. East Tennessee is in a state of rebellion. s All the miners, farmers ami merchants 111 tne ' ? vicinity of Coal Creek are in arms against j the State government, and all the volun- ( teer troops of the State are gathered about c the spot to put down the insurrection.- r The trouble is the result of the convict lease system. Some time ago the miners near Briceville went out 011 a strike. Busi- ^ ness was dull, and the owners of the mine ( resolved to quit work rather, than make j terms. Matters remained in this shape until 8 last week, when the mining companies he- ^ gan to make arrangements to work their mines with convict labor. (As soon as they go^ information of what 1 was going 011, the miners armed themselves r with Winchester rifles and shot guns, and c assembled at the convict camp to the num- s ber of about f>00. There were fifty convicts * in the camp at the time (last Wednesday.) r The miners overpowered the guards and t sent the convicts back to Kuoxville on a s special train. By the same train they also 1 sent the following message to the governor: J "To Governor Buchanan, Nashville : We, the miners, farmers, merchants and property f holders ol\briceviue ana uoui v-rccK uuu vicinity, assembled to the number of 500, who j have come together to defend our families ^ from starvation and property from deprecia- t tion and our people from contamination from t the hordes of convict labor being introduced f in our works, do hereby beg you to prevent ^ the introduction, and thus avoid bloodshed, ^ which is sure to follow if the taking of our t livelihood from us is persisted in. Answer. (Signed.) "A COMMITTEE." t The governor immediately called out sev- f eral companies of the State militia and went c to Coal Creek at their head. When he got i there he told the angry mob that he did not ( come there to discuss the convict lease systern, but to see that the law was not over- ^ ridden. f The miners took the governor's announce- c ment respectfully, but gave him to under- t stand that those convicts had to be removed or there would be trouble. Furthermore, 4 referring to the militia, they told him that j he had better take his "cigarette smoking, spider legged dudes" back to Knoxville, as t they did not want to hurt the poor things, j This the governor finally deemed desira- { ble to do, and returned to Knoxville with- f 1 # ( out having accomplised the object of his going to the mines. ' i In the meantime, the miners persisted in j not allowing the convicts to do any work, r and the governor has taken the responsibili- ^ ty of calling out the entire State militia to ^ put down the rebellion. At last reports J (Monday night) he had about five hundred j militia at the mines. These were confronted by over two thousand miners. c The miners are said to be cool and sober, 1 7 r but desperately resolved to resist to the lust ' the law that takes the bread out of the j mouths of their wives and children. The j State is thoroughly aroused on the question, r and fully half of the population of East Ten- t nesee sympathize with the miners. It is f thought, however, that there will be no * ' ? 1 l-_. il.. * bloodshed unless the crisis is iorcen uy me ^ militia. In that case, it is the general opin- c ion that the result will be a massacre. > THE OHIO CAMPAIGN. ' J Governor James E. Campbell, of Ohio, j was renominated in the Democratic conven- > tion at Cleveland last Wednesday by an ] overwhelming majority. On the first ballot 1 he received 508 out of a total of 705 votes, 1 7 \ but a resolution to make the nomination r unanimous was bitterly opposed by the j Cincinnati, (Hamilton county) delegates. ^ Majority and minority reports were sub- t mitted by the committee on platform. The majority report is embodied in the follow: 1 i?g: J That we most heartily endorse the honesty ( and economy of the administration of Gov- , emor James E. Campbell and commend the f Sixty-ninth general assembly for its business j cpialifications, economy and reform, and especially for having provided for a secret ( ballot, by which every voter in Ohio can t cast his ballot in secret, as he desires, and { have his vote counted as cast. f "We are opposed to all class legislation ( and believe in a tariff levied for the sole \ purpose of producing a revenue sufficient to , defray the legitimate expenses of the gov- l eminent economically administered. We , accept the issues tendered to us by the He- , publican party on the subject of the tariff , as represented by the so-called McKinley tariff act, confident that the verdict of the people of Ohio will he recorded against the ] iniquitous policy of so-called protection, championed by the Republican party in the interest of.favored classes against the masses. We favor a graded income tax. i "We denounce the demonetization of sil- i ver in 1873 by the party then in power as l an iniquitous alteration of the money stand- < ard in favor of creditors and against debtors, f taxpayers and producers, and which by j shutting off one of the sources of supply of < primary money, operates continually to in- 1 crease the value of gold, depress prices, < hamper industry and disparage enterprise; t and we demand the reinstatement of the ] constitutional standard of both gold and ; silver, with the equal right of each to free and unlimited coinage. We denounce the Republican billion dol- < lar congress, which by extravagant expen- ( diturc, exhausted a surplus in the national { treasury, left there by a Democratic admin- j ist rat ion, and created a deficit; which sub- i stituted despotic rule for free discussion in , the house of representatives, and we eon- ] grata late the people on the defeat of the ] odious force bill, demanded by a Republican 1 president and championed by the Republi- ? con party for the purpose of perpetuating ] its rule by perverting the constitutional pow- I ets of the government, destroying free elec- 1 tions and placing the ballot box in the hands j of unscrupulous partisans, in order, as de- ] dared by Speaker Reed, "to register the voters, supervise the elections, count t lie j ballots ami declare the result." < The minority report, signed by eight mem- ' hers of the committee, was as follows: 1 The undersigned members oft be committee < on resolutions recommend the adoption of ; the following resolution as a substitute for ' (lie plank in the platform, the free and un- < limited coinage of silver: t ' We believe in honest money, the coinage 1 of gold and silver, and a circulating medium < convertible into such money without loss, ? and we oppose all legislation which tends to 1 drive either gold or silver out of circulation, and we believe in maintaining the coinage of both metals on a parity. "We also recommend that the resolution ' declaring for the graduated tax on incomes ' be stricken from the platform." 1 The minority report was rejected by .'IbllA . nays to .'1001 yeas, and so the Democrats of , Ohio stand committed to the support of two ' of the most important demands of the Farmers' Alliance. The issues in the Ohio campaign are near- J ly all national, and the result of the bitter j light that is shortly to be waged on them , will be awaited by the entire country with the dee j test interest. It is MeKinley in 1 support of bis iniquitous tariff law on the 1 one side, and Campbell, one of the most j powerful advocates of tariff reform in the country, on the other. The people of Ohio ( are to decide the issue, but its bearing on the coming national election is so great that t a most tremendous outside corruption fund * will also play a prominent part. The money interests of Ohio and of the country, will undoubtedly be on the side of | the Kepublicans, not only on account of the t graded income tax plank and the free coin- | m\vV.?\wuttw \\rnw?w?v gc plunk, but also on the question of tariff eform. On the other side is arrayed all he agricultural and laboring interests if the State, and the fight will no doubt be i clear cut issue between capital and labor. Tbe results cannot be predicted with any ertainty. It is a matter of doubt as to vhat extent tbe Third Party idea exists, and iow far the Third Partyitcs will be willing o support the Democrats. Another element >f doubt that can only be settled by m actual test, is to what extent corruption uoney may overcome tbe safeguards thrown tround the polls by the secret ballot system. Tf flio sprect ballot svstcm works as it hould work, the Democratic platform will vin; but if the Republican corruption funds an be made available in spite of the secret ?allot, and it is altogether probable they ;an, High Tariff McKinley is the next govirnor of Ohio, and tariff reform, free coinage, md income tax are still further in the future. A REPUBLICAN ADDRESS. J. Hendrix McLane has commenced operaions for the next campaign. The executive ommittce of the "State Republican League" icld a meeting in Columbia last Thursday, md on Friday issued the following address o the public: The Republican League of South Carolina leems it proper to publish a few brief statenents, which will refute certain slanders vhich have recently been published and rtherwi.se circulated by those calling themiclves Republicans, but who are unfriendly o the new movement. The extravagant ind unwarranted charges that have been nade both in print and in a private way tgaiust the colored clergy, as well as against iome of the men who are pre-eminently conlected with this Republican club organize^ ion, both in and out of the State, impels us o this action: First. We wish to state that there was 10 fund raised in Boston last year or any rther time and put into the hands of Mr. tlcLane or any other member of the League, o help the Fanners' Alliance in this State. Second. In consequence of the foregoing, he wholesale charges of corruption, made igainst the colored clergy, falls powerless at he feet of these people, but the election last all fully demonstrated one patent fact, that he colored race is not hereafter to be traded in by a mere political speculator. No furher proof of the impotency of those who, or years, have claimed to be the custodians >f the colored vote, is needed. They could * ' rryy A ... l,rt lot deliver auytnmg. mis iurce um uc arried on no longer. Third. Never before have we known ieneral Clarkson branded as a corruptionist. )n the contrary, we know him to be a pure md upright man, and one whom any State >r party could well be proud of, and we hink the Republican League of the United >tates is to be congratulated on its choice of io able and efficient an organizer. Fourth. It iti, however, very easy to deine the reason why that element in this *tate, who have formed the habit of thinking hat they had a monopoly of the name Rcniblican, would be greatly agitated and con:erned on account of the League movement >f this genuine Republican organization, or loes not present any such rose-colored inlucements to such a class, but intends that n the future the doors of the Republican larty shall be wide enough open for the adnission of all the worthy people who may vish to enter. In the support of this view ve quote the following extracts from a re>Ort which has been published and sent out ill over the country by the officers of the National league: "When the League undertook the work of irganizing the party in the South, they felt he task was one of no small magnitude. There is opposition within as well as without he party. Men who have controlled the federal patronage for years and kept the >arty organization in their own hands, dicoting it solely for their own benefit, view lie League movement with more alarm than avor, and secretly throw all the obstacles hey can in the way of its development, iowevcr, one of the most satisfactory feaures about the League work in the southern states is found in the character of the men vho arc taking hold of it. They are not nere enthusiasts or politicians who have mtlived their usefulness, but men of staining and influence, who want to see the party x i,?? voric on a uinereiu jnuuu man a ,.?? ... last. They talk plainly about the clifficulies in the way of building up a successful mrty organization such as the League bos indertaken to form throughout the South. They ore thoroughly in earnest, loyal to the mrty, and perfectly willing to asisist in the vork, but they want the efforts they make o be of a practical and effective character." From the foregoing it is plain to he seen hat the league or organization does not hold >ut any hope to mere place seekers! or cor uptionists of either race. Hence, realizing hat they will he unable to manipulate this lew Republican organization, it is hut rationd that some of them should try to ignore it >y slandering its prominent members. The absolute necessity for a clean and 'ffieient party in the State to oppose the egular Democratic party, is our justification or having .entered upon this work. We ire getting encouragement from all direcions from the right-thinking element of ioth races. More than sixty clubs have already been reported, some of them having i membership of more than fifty. We invite lie active co-operation of all good people ,vho are in favor of a Republican form of government. Simeon Corley, President. V. P. Clayton. Secretary. By order of the State League. Columbia, filly 16, 1891. > ^ Governor Campbell, ok Ohio.?Govcrlor James E. Campbell, who has just been cnominatcd, has for several years been cnown as an active worker for the reforms if the tariff which have been advocated by he revenue reform wing of the party. Durng the Fiftieth congress lie was an advocate if the Mills bill, and was opposed to a large >ody of his party in Ohio, who were inclined o follow the lead of the Democrats of Penntylvania. He accepted the political princides of Judge Thurman rather than those of Senator Payne. He was born in Ohio, in Butler county, Inly 7. 1848. After he had obtained what mIucation he could in the common schools of >f his neighborhood, lie began teaching, and lie war found him engaged in this oceupa:ion. In 1S62 he entered the navy as a volunteer, and he served on the gun-boats of \dmiral Porter's fleet, and during the Bed Itiver campaign of 1868-64. After the war ic resumed the study of law, which be bad legun while he was a teacher in a common school, and was admitted to practice in 1S6"?. lie opened his first office in Hamilton. His ,,! ?.? unwai.titniir llnrnev irsi (nun: w?i?> iiuii u? |?v,^.u.,.,r v. lie was elected to that in 187:5. and again 11 1873. In 1882 he was elected to congress. He was re-elected in 1884 and lS8(i. He has a wonderful personal popularity. He has been called the most popular man in Dliio, and he is especially strong with the kvar veterans of the State, who are proud of liis record and devoted to liini. He can loubtless poll more Republican votes than my member of bis party in Ohio. He is a remarkably handsome and active man. and his ampaigns have always been marked by [lie infusion into them of his intense vitality. He travels from one end of the State >r district to the other, constantly speaking ind invariably winning support.?New York Herald. AXOTIIKK Sru-AI.I.IANCK KmioUSKS TilllioVKKNou.?Lisbon sub-Alliance. Laurens county, Williani'Wight president and A. R. Holmes secretary, on last Saturday unanimously jiassed the following resolutions: ' Resolved. 1st. That this Alliance renews ts allegiance to the principles of the farmers' movement, and to its leader, (lovernor R. R. Til Ilium. "2nd. That we do not believe (lovernor Tillman has been, is. or ever will be, dislovil to the Alliance or the farmers' interests in Ninth Carolina, notwithstanding the efforts )f certain coattail politicians to persuade the numbers of the Alliance to the contrary. ",'ird. That we favor the Ocala demands, nit this Alliance accords to (lovernor Tilllian the right of free thought and free speech, md that the time has not come to sacrifice [lovernor Tillman for the very doubtful bailee for getting the sub-treasury or any itlier scheme. "4th. That if it is the purpose of the lead rs of the Alliance to deliver our organiza:ion to the third party, wo would like to enow it at once. "5th. Any scheme of legislation that is lot strong enough to commend itself to the Democratic party of this State, is too weak o command our support, for the Democratic >arty is still good enough for us." LOCAL AFFAIRS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mfs. General Jenkins, Asheville, N. C.?Notice. W. H. McCorkle, Probute Judge?Citation?J. C. Toms, Applicant?Otis Toms, deceased. R. B. Lowry?Dry Goods and Groceries. G. T. Schorb?"New Modem Hall" Typewriter. Lowry it Starr?More Bargains. Mrs. T. M. Dobson?Dobson's Racket. F. A. Gilbert, Cashier?Statement of the Condition of Exchange Bank. Kennedy Bros. A Barron?Attention, Schools! CHEROKEE INN. During the past month we have heard a great deal of talk about "Cherokee Inn," that splendid new hotel at Blackshurg. Nearly everybody who has come to Yorkville by wav of Blackshurg, have had something to say about it, and all are enthusiastic in its praise. Some say that it is the best hotel in the upper part of the State ; others omit the sectional qualification and take the broad ground that it has 110 superior 111 South Carolina. The proprietor of The Enquirer had occasion to stop at the Inn one day last week, and, of course, in view of all that he had heard, he was not surprised, but he was delighted, and fully endorses all that has been said. Nothing, even to the most trifling attention, that can contribute to the comfort, pleasure, or convenience of the guests, is omitted, and no one who stops there can help talking about what a nice place it is when he goes away. RAILROAD EARNINGS. The railroad commissioners have issued their tabulated statement of the earnings of the railroads in the State for the month of April last, as compared with the same month last year. |r Of the thirty-five roads included in the statement, thirty show a gross increase of $105,993.92, and five show a decrease of $1,490.40, leaving the net increase $104,503.52. The South Carolina shows the largest increase?$28,279.73, or 33.47 per cent., and the Central of South Carolina shows the largest decrease?$1,248.23, or 15.39 per cent. The Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line shows an increase of $8,969.20; the Char* 1 1 ' 1 * ltno tnaranaorl lotte, coiumuia aim au^udlu huo mwviwvu $5,000.70; the Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago has increased $2,395.48 ; the Chester and Lenoir lias increased $310.62; and the Georgia, Carolina and Northern, $2,879.12. The total passenger earnings for the month was $205,917.78, an increase of $28,776.11; and the total freight earnings was $368,983.88, an increase of $74,748.97. DEATH OF MR. F. H. LONDON. Mr. F. H. London, of Rock Hill, died suddenly at his home in that place, last Monday night, of paralysis. His death was a severe shock to the community, as it will he to the large number of friends that he has all over the county. Mr. London, at the time of his death, was in his thirty-sixth year. He was born at l'ittsboro, N. C., on December 16, 1855, but has been living in Rock Hill since 1871. In that year he liccame a salesman in the store of London & Jones, and afterward went into the mercantile business for himself. This business, however, he soon abandoned, and engaged in insurance and brokerage, in which he continued up to the time of his death. F%or the past six years Mr. London has been the Rock Hill correspondent for The Enquirer, and his efficiency and reliability in that position is well known to all our readers. During that time he has missed sending his weekly letter to but one issue, and has always kept his readers accurately and fully informed as to all matters of public. interest happening about that town. Mr. London leaves a wife and several children, who though amply provided for so far as this world's goads are concerned, have our sincerest sympathy in the loss of a loving husband and kind father. TAKEN BACK TO KNOXVILLE. Joe Shudan, the young German who was arrested near Yorkville last week on the charge of murder, has been taken back to Knoxville. The Tennessee officer reached here last Friday on the south bound Three C'8 train, and started hack with his prisoner on the north bound about twenty minutes later. Upon his arrival, the officer introduced himself to Policeman Bell as Irving Richmond, and stated that he had come after Shudan. "All right," said Mr. Bell, "here he is ; but there is a twenty-live dollar reward to be paid, you know." "How's that? I don't know about any reward." "That is what the telegram says," said Mr. Bell. "But I know there is no reward. I know my business," returned the Tennessee official. "Yes, and we know ours," said Sheriff Crawford, who was also present, "and when ' you pay that reward and my jail fees, you'll get your prisoner. If you don't pay it you won't get him. That's all." At this the officer came to the conclusion that he was not so certain that he "knew his business," and on being shown the telegram offering the reward, admitted : j "Yes, that is what it says?twenty-five ..dollars reward?and I'll pay it, but under i protest, because it ain't right." "Well, we dont know anything about that," put in the sheriff*. "All we know is that the telegram calls for this reward, and we may as well have it as anybody else." Time was getting precious just then, and ; the officer forked over the cash without fur11 her parley. I le was given receipts for pay! mcnts in full and went on his way convinced that there was nothing to be made by monJ keying with Yorkville officers. As to Shudan's crime, we are still in doubt. I Officer Richmond said to Policeman Bell ' before getting charge of the prisoner, "Oh, | its nothing hut a trumped up charge and they'll turn him loose as soon as I get him back to Knoxville." To the representative of Tub K.vtirikkit he told a different story. J With great seriousness lie said : "Why. he'll hang as sure as tiled?1. He had been nursI ing John Turner, and poisoned him to get possession of his money. He gave Turner I 'rough on rats' and skipped out. Turner died the next day after he left." | CA 1?TAIN' KAMSKL'Ii'S KXCt'RSIOX. Captain W. H. Ramseur's big excursion to Charleston, last week, was a huge success in every particular. The crowd was probably j the largest ever carried on any one train in | the up-country. It was made up of people from Knoxville. Tcnn., and Ashcvillo and , Marion, X. ('., and from all the stations down | the Three C's, until the sale of tickets had . to be stopped because there was room for no I more passengers. And with all this crowd there was not a simrle accident. The best of order prevailed on the long train of thirteen coaches, and i everybody was delighted with the whole trip. Hut they crowded things in Charleston. The 'News and Courier of last Friday describes 1 the situation as follows : "For eleven hundred people to suddenly fall into the lap of a city, even of the size ol Charleston and with all of its accommodntions, is no small matter. The excursionists, ; soon after leaving the Line street station, completely paralyzed the hotel men. They had not anticipated such an onslaught, although they knew that an excursion from along the line of the Three ("s road was coining to the city. There was not a hotel 'clerk in the entire city who had a moment's rest until about .*> o'clock this morning. "The Charleston hotel, which was already pretty well filled, awoke its slumbering chambermaids and had the rooms that were I resting for the summer hastily prepared for guests. Hefore morning about two hundred (of the visitors had registered at this hotel. The Osceola, New I'avillion, National and every other public and private boarding . house was soon "chock-a-block." There were many who. either through preference J or force of circumstances, walked the streets. Those who could find no hotel accommodations spent the night on the battery enjoying the beautiful moonlight and Bleeping on d benches under the shadow of Jasper. v Captain Ramseur, we are glad to say, I pocketed something over $1,000 as the prof- P its from his enterprise, and he deserved it, every cent. He has been working up the ^ matter for months, and after getting his big ^ crowd together by the most liberal and in- t telligent means, faithfully complied with h every promise he had made as to the safety s, and comfort of his passengers. But we were fj sure that he would do this. There are few ^ conductors in this country who better un- j derstand how to handle a train load of pas- ii sengers than Captain Ramseur. ? 2 sunday-school conference. t The opening sermon of the York County a Methodist Sunday-school conference was n preached in Trinity M. E. church by Rev. p J. Walter Daniel, of Chester, last night. I The sermon was an excellent one, such as F p Mr. Daniel always preaches, and was listen- ? ed to by a full congregation. B Up to the hour of going to press, (7 o'clock) t only six delegates are reported in attend- g ance. They are as follows: I. M. Carothers, t W. S. Garrison, S. L. Garrison, India Hook ; * Rev. J. W. Isom, Rock Hill; Rev. J. B. J Humbert, Blacksburg, and Rev. J. Walter c Daniel, Chester. The conference will#con- e vene this morning at 9 o'clock. About 1 twenty other delegates are expected to ar- 1' rive to-day. | church'notices. a Episcopal?Rev. K. S. Nelson, rector, a Sunday-school at 5 p. m. t Presbyterian?Rev. T. R. English, D. D., * pastor. Sunday-school at 5 o'clock p. m. Union services will be held in the Presby- j rian church next Sunday evening at 8.30 s o'clock. a Associate Reformed Presbyterian?Rev. J. ^ C. Galloway, pastor. Yorkville?Sundayschool at 4.30 o'clock p. m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal?Rev. G. H. t Waddell, pastor. Preaching this even- ] inor at, 8.30 o'clock. Services next Sunday at c 10.30 a. m. Sunday-school at 5 o'clock p. m. ] Baptist?Rev. Robert G. Patrick, pastor. 1 Yorkville?Prayer-meeting to-morrow even- t ing at 8.30 o'clock. Sunday-school at 4.30 t o'clock p. m. Union?Sunday-school at 2 j o'clock p. m. 1 about people. ( Mrs. J. Ed. Jefferys's condition is un- ( changed. - i Miss Lizzie Anthony left yesterday for her ( home in Maryland. Mrs. J. B. Pegram and children are visiting at Lowrysville. J Mr. Thomas Hyndman, of Shelby, N. C., j is visiting relatives in Yorkville. I Mrs. R. B. Riddle and children, of Zeno, I are visiting relatives in Yorkville. 1 Miss Laura Parish has returned home ^ from a visit to Lawrenceville, Ga. j Miss Maggie Moore returned home on last 1 Saturday from Cleveland Springs. < Rev. J. C. Galloway will leave to-morrow j on a week's visit to Louisville, Ga. Geo. W. S. Hart, Esq., is visiting relatives 1 on Wadmalaw island, near Charleston. ; Mrs. J. J. Hunter, who has been quite ] sick for the past two weeks is improving. , Miss Hallie Thames, of- Charleston, is j visiting the family of Dr. John May, Sr. i Mr. Charles R. May, of Bamberg, is on a < week's visit to his parents in this place. Miss Georgia Jackson, of Charleston, is in Yorkville, the guest of Mrs. A. S. Withers, j Mr. John A. Barron resumed the exercises j of his school at Bethesda on Monday of last 1 week. Rev. Thomas E. Gilbert, of West Haven, ' Conn., visited relatives in Yorkville this j week. i Mrs. Joseph W. Carroll and daughter, Miss i Fernie, of Bullock's Creek, are visiting Mr. j and Mrs. Brooks Inman. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Land, of Mountville, | Laurens county, S. C., are visiting relatives j and friends near Yorkville. i Messrs. Frank McElwee and John Hart ] returned home last Saturday from the South 1 Carolina Military academy. Miss Heloise Coward and Master Asbury ( Coward, of Charleston, are in Yorkville, visit- i ing their sister, Mrs. Paul R. Bratton. Mr. John Thomasson, son of Mr. M. L. Thomasson, is seriously sick with fever at 1 the residence of his father, near \ orkville. | Messrs. W. Brown Wylie, J. B. Pegram, ; W. H. McCorkle. and J. S. Brice, Esq., returned home yesterday from a short visit to Cleveland Springs. Mr. J. A. Tate left yesterday afternoon for Anderson for the purpose of attending the State Teachers' association, which convenes in that town this afternoon. Mrs. M. J. Clark was summoned yester' day morning to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. M. M. Wilson, who is dangerously ill ' at her home near Begonia, N. C. ; local laconics. ? The first country watermelons of the season were brought to town on last Saturday. ? We are requested to announce that there will be a big Alliance picnic at Ebenezer next Wednesday, the 29th instant. Hon. W. J. Talbert, J. R. Jefferysand other speakers are expected to deliver addresses. ? John Pharr, colored, was convicted be| fore Trial Justice Blair, of Bullock's Creek township, last week, of "larceny of a waterj melon" and sentenced to pay a fine of $5 or be imprisoned in jail for ten days. He is now serving his sentence. ? Sam (Jill, Morrison Gwin and Cass I Thompson, all colored, were lodged in jail j ! last Saturday on a commitment from Trial, | Justice Blair. They arc charged with gam-1 ! hlinor and will await trial at the next term 11 I ^ | of the sessions court. j ? Mr. W. H. (Yossley, of Yorkville, brought a monster hen egg to this office last Friday. ! It weighed three and a quarter ounces and measures six inches round at the large end. i The egg was laid by one of Mr. Crossley's 1 line Plymouth Uocks. j ?The following letter, signed by S. T. Krandon, Es(j., Scnev, tin., and dated July ' ! 17, was received at this office last week : "I J 1 have tried doing without Thk Enqi/irkr for! j about four weeks aud I find myself not satis- j lied. So please find enclosed $2.00, for which ! j please renew my subscription at once." j ? "Old Kit" is dead. She died last Thurs- j | day and was buried on Friday by her owner, , i Mr. Frank E. Smith, with appropriate cereJ monies. Kit was a mule, and if there ever was a good mule, it was Kit. Everybody , knew her, and everybody thought better of her kind on account of that knowledge. Mr. I Smith got possession of her in 18(15. She ! was then seven years of age, and consequent-, j ly at the time of her death was thirty-three.1 She has done more work and made more 1 . money for her owner than is generally laid , I against the record of a mule. "Why." says J - - - . . i. I ! Mr. Smith, "in her time sue lias mane me, ;, over two thousand dollars, and she never I played out until last spring. Since that i time she hasn't been doing anything hut eat.! and I would ffave been glad to have nurseeing prosecuted in the case. A Tope;a, Kan., dispatch says that with one ex- ^ ;eption?S. M. Cott?all the Farmer's Alliince lecturers of Kansas have declined to R( nstruct the people in the principles of the ub-treasury scheme. They say the people y ire opposed to it almost unanimously, and ,. i vote is now being taken in the sub-Alli- ' inces on the question of dropping the scheme a rom the Alliance platform France has jl1 >rdered wheat in Baltimore so far this year o the extent of about $5,000,000. Nat . . Jones, son of U. S. Senator Jas. R. Jones, tj. >f Arkansas, was shot and perhaps fatally w vounded at the home of his father at Washngton, Ark., last Saturday, by a school teach- m >r named J. F. Shepley. The shooting was y he result of a row that had taken place up . j own. E. T. Mason & Co., wool irajorters of New York, are fighting the McKinley bill on the ground of unconstituionality. Nearly all of the saw mills ? )f East Texas have shut down on account ai )f overproduction The French governnent has rescinded its prohibition of Ameri- , ?an pork. Georgia has sold her first >ale of new cotton. It was marketed at Al>anv last Saturday and brought 9} cents a )ound at auction. vJaraes McCormick, , )f Crystal Falls, la., died last Saturday from ? njuries received in a prize fight the night n )efore. His antagonist, Wm. Daniels, has )een arrested 011 the charge of murder. A jronze statue of Stonewall Jackson was un- ? veiled at Lexington, Vu., yesterday. The ' sheriff of Fayette county, Tex., has been ar ested for unlawfully interfering with the LJnited States mail. The indictment is based )u the custom of the sheriff to open all letters and packages passing through his hands to and from prisoners Nina Van Zandt, who t will be remembered, a few years ago, married by proxy, August Spies, the head and . front of the anarchist massacre of Hay market Square, Chicago, was wedded last Thure- gj lay to Malato Stephano, a.young Italian ournalist. Thomas Crystal, the oldest . man in Ohio, died at Ironton last Satur- p lay, aged 111 years. Five men took tj refuge from a stoim in a gin house in the g Hopewell section of Mecklenburg county, N. C., last Saturday. Lightning struck the building, killed one instantly and fatally injured two others. One of the injured men was Mr. Neal Sample. An unknown j] white man was found in the woods near t] Birmingham, Ala., last Sunday, hanging by j the neck to a tree. He had been there so long that decomposition had set in. It ^ is reported that Senator Quay is to resign $ the chairmanship of the Republican Nation- ^ al Executive committee. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2,092,- jf 842 bales, of which 1,577,842 are American, q against 1,389,007 and 791,607 respectively n last year. Thomas Bocock, ex-speaker in ^ the Confederate congress, is seriously ill at his p home in Appomattox county, Ya. He has c been an invalid for several years. Accord- a ing to the weekly statement issued last Saturday, the New York banks now hold a re- g nerve of $18,489,675 in excess of the require- j. meats of the 25 per cent, rule required by a taw. A United Press dispatch of last a Monday says that Ex-President Cleveland u has promised Governor Campbell to make j, iix speeches in Ohio. One will be made in s; Dayton, one in Cincinnati, but the other sj four are not decidted as yet. LETTER FROM SHARON. " The Half was not Told?Poor Outlook for Bot- j torn Corn?Other Matters. r Correspondence of the Yorkville Enquirer. gi Sharon, July 20.?After reading the ac- s count of the rain contained in my last letter, ii a gentleman from Blairsville, who has property at this place, came over to look after his . pasture fence. The fence is of wire, arid he " did not know but what it might have been ^ washed away with the other debris. Upon ^ a thorough examination of the destruction that was wrought by the water, he is of the opinion that I did not tell half the story. Most of the corn on botton lands, especially on the larger creeks, is a total failure. ^ Instead of corn, the bottom lands are covered with Means grass almost as high as a man can reach. This, of course, would have jj made valuable roughness if it could have been cut at the proper time, but owing to the ^ push of farm work this was out of the ques- j. tion, and it is too late now. It has gone to j seed and to cut it and feed it would cause j endless trouble. ^ Notwithstanding the gloomy outlook, . our little town has picked itself up, shaken ^ out a few more wrinkles, and is engaged in ^ a lively dance on the way to progress. Mr. C. W. Fuller has sold his interest in ^ the wagon shop to Mr. John A. Graves, and ^ the business will be continued by Messrs. Graves & Garvin. *, Another store has been opened here with Messrs. Ellie Russell and Sam Brown in j, .a,.,,?i ?tiii other business schemes are v on the road to maturity. 2 I have heard of only one person coming . to this place to take in the excursion to Charleston last week. But from the fact that the cars were already crowded and the train did not stop, he concluded not to go. .. Mrs. Steele and children, and Miss Sallie j. Adams, ofC'harlotte, are visiting their sisters,; .j Mrs. Jno. Boss and Mrs. John Byers. I learn that I)r. Edwards is unahle to he i j here as soon as was expected. j' Farm work is nearly all done. J. j JJ THE UNION PICNIC. ii One of the Participants Describes the Pleasnros ol' the Occasion. j n For the York v I lie Kiuiulrer. fl Last Saturday dawned dark and gloomy. N The sky was overcast with hlaek, heavy ? clouds. Heavy rains had fallen during the p night and indicationspointed to a continu-ja anec of rainy weatfler. Very naturally I il expected the picnic at 1'nion to he a failure, j t< However, later-in the day the clouds partly j e cleared away, revealing the beauteous ''silver i a lining," and I set out at once for the picnic- j Arriving on the ground, I found a large p crowd already assembled in the beautiful1 o grove which surrounded the church. I observed that all classes were represent- 1< ed. Several old, grey-haired fathers, con-1 } neeting links between the past and present,, f< whose nearly four score years have brought 1 them almost to the verge of the dark river j r ' " " ? > i.,.c <1,,, 1 beyond widen me "goiucn mmiv.-> u. .... Celestial river ever shine, gave dignity to the v occasion hv their venerable presence. There i u were present quite a number of small boys, j s onr embryo men of the future, whose happy i faces reminded us of the half sad lines? j e "How soon the bliss of boyhood fades, ?> And manhood's cares oppress the soul." i / The middle aged of both sexes were out 11 in large numbers, and their presence and t hearty interest and co-operation contributed, in a large measure to the success of the oc- j r casion. Last, but not least, the young peo- a pie, the beaux and belles?the "beauty and a chivalry"?of the surrounding country, sup- c plementcd by several representatives from il the neighboring towns of Yorkville and I ii Clover, were present in plentiful numbers, t And if these were not happy, in the full i fi sense of the term, physiognomy is not a sei ice, but a fraud, and your correspondent's )tical organs are sadly defective. The Allison Creek Cornet band was " -j oraptly on the ground, and at intervals . .W iroughout the day delighted and thrilled the ^ idience with the .fweetest of music. And lis, too, was the first public entertainment ven by the band. As we listened to the ichanting music we realized the truth of le words: . J The man that hath no music in himself Nor is not moved with concord of dweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, strateeems and spoils; ' The motions of bis spirit are as dull as night And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted." 9 Yes, watch such a man; he'll bear it. The hour for dinner arrived. The long ,ble was soon covered over with the choicest ? lioi ow>r delighted the eye, or "UVIBIUIIO IUHV u.v. D rapted the appetite of a hungry mortal, id the sight was well calculated to refute the ea that anybody's "lien's out," according to le legend painted on a country wagon that as driven through the grounds, and made ? uch fun for the crowd. All drew near and d ample justice to the dinner, fully oneurth of which was left after everybody id enough?and more. Ice cold lemonade as served in the grove. To sum up briefly, the picnic at Union lurch was in every way a success. There as no intoxication, no rudeness, no rough or >isterous language, but everybody seemed i be on their good hehavior and in the very st of humor. Nothing occurred throughit the day to mar in the slightest degree ie pleasure of the occasion, and everyone ent home happy, feeling that they had had good time. I think I voice the sentiment * the crowd when I meekly venture the mark, I'd like to attend another such picc under similar circumstances, w. 8. G. YORK COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. h Recent Pleasant and Profitable Meeting ' at Port Mill. jported by the Secretary. The regular quarterly meeting of the ork County Medical aud Surgical associaon was held in the splendid Masonic hall i Fort Mill, on Tuesday of last week. Our esident, Dr. J. F. Lindsay, being absent, ie meeting was called to order by Dr. Thos. . Crawford, first vice president. The call * the roll showed a full quorum present and te reading of the minutes was dispensed ith. The names of Drs. T: S. Kirkpatrick and . 8. Bratton were proposed for membership, hey were unanimously elected members of ie association. Dr. W. G. White, one of the committee on ie investigation of Dr. Koch's treatment, ive in a report that showed much thought [id reading on the subject. Through the kindness of Dr. J. E. Masse}*, ie members were afforded the opportunity F seeing a very interesting case of abdomio-intcstinal fistula, and a report cf the same as given to the association. Dfs. Crawford* and White reportea cases F typhoid fever with complications, which rought out considerable discussion by the lembers, proving of benefit to all. A communication from the Inter-Contiental American Medical congress, was anded in by a member of the auxiliary )mmittee for the medical profession ofYork junty. The communication was received i information. Dr. Joseph H. Saye tendered the hospital-, y of Sharon to the association for its next leeting. The invitation was accepted, nd there being no further business, the leeting adjourned until the 2nd Tuesday i October. The comfort and pleasure of the memberlip of the association was taken in hand by le local members, joined in with that of the itizeifc of our go-ahead, thriving sister town, ort Mill, with that quiet, easy hospitality iat made us feel and believe "The Old outh" is not dead yet. R. Andral Bratton, Secretary. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. ? Sixty-four carloads of watermelons passed hrough Columbia last Saturday en route for be North. They were all shipped from teaufort county. . ? Honorable Samuel Y. Tupper, ex-presient of the Charleston chamber of commerce, ied at his home in Charleston last Saturay morning after a protracted illness. ? It is currently reported that Columbia * i to have still another daily newspaper, rovernor Tillman is said to be the prime lover in the enterprise, and the object of be paper will be to show and uphold the rinciples upon which his administration ame into office. Its publication will probbly be commenced at an early day. ? An Edgefield special to the Columbia tate, dated last Saturday, says : Everett look, a young man about .nineteen years of ge, a son of Mr. J. Hook, fell on a circular aw this morning at his father's sawmill, two liles from town, and was literally cut in wo?one portion of the body falling on one ideof the saw and the other on the opposite ide. Death was almost instantaneous. ? Newberry County Alliance held its annual leeting last Friday and passed a resolution nanimously adopting the Ocala platform, * * 1 n nd "particularly the suu-ireasury scneiuu. t is also said that a resolution was adopted equesting Liberty Hall sub-Alliance to remind its recently adopted resolution pledging upport to the Democratic party and endorslg Governor Tillman's views on the subreasury scheme. ? A riot took place among negro baseballits, at Cheraw, last Thursday. A number f negroes came down from Wadesboro, N. to play the Cheraw club. Before proeeedjg very far into the game, the Wadesboro egroes, who were being badly worsted, barged that they were not being treated lir and quit playing. A quarrel ensued, nd later resulted.in a fight in which brass nucks, boards, brickbats, baseball bats, etc., fere used freely. No one was killed, but uite a number on both sides were badly eaten up. ? An Edgefield special to The News and 'ourier of last Saturday, says: "Senator lutler has received a challenge from Presient Stokes, of the Alliance, to meet him at 'rosperity, on the 29th instant, the day of# he Alliance picnic at that place, and enter lto a joint discussion of the sub-treasury ill. The challenge has been accepted, 'lie senator, as I believe, is generally known s strong in his opposition to the measure,. ut says that it is proper that the bill should e discussed freely and fully before the peole, and he is ready to meet any of its advoates in debate upon the subject." ? The trustees of the Columbia canal, on ist Wednesday, sold that property to G. R. V'allace, the representative of a syndicate of loston capitalists. By the terms of theconract, the syndicate guarantees the payment f the interest and principal on the $200,000 f bonds now outstanding as the same beomcs due, and in addition agrees to pay GO,000 in cash, in four equal payments, the rst installment to be paid on approval of he titles. The city reserves to itself ceruin rights and franchises, and the purchasers do not bind themselves to make any imrovements, except such as they may deem ractieablc and profitable. Can Takk CahkofHimself.?Last week, 1 connection with the statement that Anchor C. S. Johnson, of Beaufort county, had ot as yet drawn any portion of his salary rom the State, the idea was suggested that Ir. Johnson needed a guardian. But it reins that lie does not. 11c lias sent the romiscd wine to the comptroller, and from placard that was wrapped about the liottle, : seems that the auditor is abundantly able o take care of himself. The placard was vidently struck for use around his vineyard nd is as follows: "Hands oil"! On and after this* date no erson will he allowed to visit my farm witliut a written invitation signed by myself. Co fruit to give away. Cash, or its eqtiiva jut, will be. required for all fruit disposed of. Cone gathered except by myself, and none jr sale at the farm at any price. ".The above regulations are made nceessay: "First?By the persistent efforts of those dio refuse to regard fruit as property, but nliesit:itinirlv MDiironriate to their own elfish purpose the labor and toil of years. ' Second?The impossibility of the propritor getting his pants on in time after the rrival by a raid during the warm season. Lnnoyanees under this head have caused me audi improper language and serious relleeions. "Third?A desire to evangelize the human ace. These rules will be strictly enforced ml fraudulent affection, bogus friendship, nd other transparencies vanishing with the lose of the fruit season, will secure no privileges. and the same is hereby abolished, as aiaginary verbal invitations. All violaions settled in court. Keinomher what heel 1 Adam and Eve. S. Johnson. "Heaufort, S. June 1, 1870."