change in the Liverpool market, with sales for the wj k of about 15.000 hales. /; -mo.?No late arrivals?market quite bare?the Uti.1:1 hauls readily commun is lij f/?\ 18e. 20c; D?c\ictst 25c; Ejj9, 53c; Fvathert, ' 28 ' !. ! ic. | Supply about c.jmh! to the demand.? S. Sl.75; Uarrcls. SO.75c. h'r.'i. .?Market quiet "though very firm at SI.95 I'm- lie 1 Wheat, an 1 S2.10 for White. Receipts this work. 21.000 bushels. Exports l'or same period, "V) bushels. O-t!*. on (p. 5.?j;ir scarce and woi-ili 5.1 (??; CJ. Molauea.?New j h loans, 32 ( years and two months, lie was a uNitig hov, a favorite of many friends; his fathi. h )jH*, his mothers joy. But the great Giver has i tit in His good providence to remove him ere j heart had known sin and sorrow, to that world i v'. e there is nothing known hut perfect bliss.? ; M iy wo not hope that the prayers of righteous 11-; a Is may be w'uh his sorrowing parents, that they v be enabled to bless the hand that holds the afi;., ting rod. I Nor shall our bleeding hearts arraign, I That God whose ways are love; I O.- vainly cherish anxious pain, I'or him who rests above. special plotters. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. Executive Depaktmext;. 1 Columbia, December 3d, 1S3"?. / V. .K'rea*. it is the duty of every people to aeknowl their dependence on Almighty God, to express t gratitude for His mercies, nud devoutly implore U:? blessings for the future, V -'.v. therefore, I. James II. Adams, Governor of i! State of South Carolina. >lo in conformity with , i'. established usages of this State, appoint the .'list lay of December, to be observed as n Jay of Thanks. iv:,!jr. Humiliation an 1 Prayer?ami invito, ami e\l.-'it t.uv citizens of all denominations to assemble at 11 i:* respective places of worship, to offer up their d to Almighty Go J, the giver of all g 'Ot'. i en under my hand, and the -cal of tit" State, in Columbia, tills "rd Jay of December, in the year i f our one thousand eight humirr 1 end tifty-five, and the seventy-ninth year of Alacricin Independence. .1. 11. ADAMS. J. Patterson, Secretary of State. PipOWX COI'XCIIj.?All pei-s..nsowning Ileal fl. E-utc withiu the Incorporate limits of York. ville, will please call on the Treasurer and pay their l'"wn Tax mi the same, on or before the 2-~tu day ot Do .-ember, instant, at farthest. JAM US JEFFERVS, c. a r. t. c. Dec G 4S ? "'V \TOTSCE.?All TKAt'II11 US of Free Srlmols at are hereby uotiticd to present their accounts 1 -rupet-iy proved to me. on or before the 2nd Monday in January next, or their claims v. ill be barred. GliOUt.K STKKI.K. Treasurer. Dec G IS 2t YDKKV1LLI-: Male Academy am! Classical School. A X K X A M 1 X ATIO X ^t:." pupils f.r tins I us t it tit ?ii will take place ' ' ' 1 - - : - ...........-Mi.f -i r H y ?? dn\ and c\filing. \'l ?|io?f,? iutciv>:ed ii: the welfare ot tbi:?:i 1 similar institutions: nl- . the public generalA nre rc-pcc tl'ullv ff!K*:t("! io utiei J. It. SCHORR. 1'. S.?7^ho n.'xi ot thi< >Yho.,i will commence on the fii.-t Moii lav in January next. D o (J ' JS ' It PREPARATORY MILITARY SCHOOL. ?, TIIK exercises of tiii.- Institution will l?c* resu*ihl mod on FIRST of JANUARY 18"J>. Tim as^i*tanoe of a distinguished and ae ou tho 14th day of DECEMBER next, to shew cause, if nuy, why the said administration should not be grauted. Given under my hand and Real, this 30th day of November, in tho year of our Lord out thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, and in the eightieth year of American Independence. J. M. ROSS, 0. Y. D. j D*C C 48 2t South Carolina ?York District, 'j Ilobt. Campbell, ct. al., Applicants, vt. David Catnp- i boll, ct. al. Defendants. j f IT appearing to my satisfaction tln.t David Camp- ' j bell, Thomas Campbell, Andrew i$ avnett and f. Wife, Eliza. J.nnes C. Latimorc, Calvin L'ndsay, vi Franklin Lindsay, Gcfirge Martin and wife Sarah J., :1 defendants, reside without this State, it is therefore ! Ordered, that they do appear and object to the sale j p or division of the real estate of William Campbell, ' T deceased, on or before 1st February next, or their : is consent to the same will bo eutered of record. Oc- t tl tobcr 30th, A. D., 1S00. a< J. M. ROSS, o. y. d. ni Nov 8 44 8m a POMARIA NURSERY. I 8UMMSR AND CRAMMOND, s. HAVE for sale ft 1 nr|?e and fine collection of the 1> best varieties of FRUIT TREES, consisting of tt Til - i - . x i witucj, iiuai?, .\j>ric. 7.\ ?f Ancient t, Free Masons, will ?~-:i the ivri.ii:; of the ???a PMt'EM milt t. at tin' Ma-..:dc Mill. publicly IN- i; j STALL tli" Oiiieer- elect, 1-r the ensuing term.? tl 1 The ccremouy will eomnu i ic it 7 o'clock. p. m., an 1 ;l every preparation will he i..ade. the public, aud p tiie Ladies, c-pcelallv, nie invited to attend. |V. P. DA IIM lN. I ui J. K. .1111 FEU VS. tl. in. O. 1?. CilANToKP. J I Nov 21) 17 It 1 Limestone Springs Female High S5? L::"H ? Exorcises ?.f ti?i< I:otitut'o.n ;?.? tlii- T-rtn. : a will clo.-o on Tnv 'ay the 11th lh-ceinber. One , of the Principals will leave on WedncMhty tor \ork- | -:n.? ....i i. i\.i?,.... ri i... ... .ii ? ' * y.v .. x j ton oa Fji !:iv accompanying -itch Y>>ut,g - a- '* . their friend" may desire to avail ihi-m-clw- t.f ihh . lj ! opportunity. J " j The School v ill re-'pen on,c-lay. Fcbntaiy : -Otli, ]> *> ' . i> i*j rf ilit* lVii:i'ij.a!> will leave Char- . : le-t -n the Monday previ-.t:*, :m!uinl,irt on Tuc-- ' ; day. to take charge of mi.-Si Y'.ung La lien a- may ' j do-iiv to ret in n. I N 'v 17 2t ? Removal. 3 ESSRS. LINDSAY x TU( ?.M.\SS(?N announce j to their cu?tumers :<:i I the public that the\ ( have removed their cstablDiimoni ti mpirarily t-> the ' *f->re formerly occupied bv them, one door N ?i-tii < ! 1 j WALKER'S HOTEL. where they are prepared t<> | serve their friends as u>ual. They have now ?.? i | hauil a good assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Dye-Stufts, &c., j ami all article- in their line of the bc-t jn:.!i;y. ami i I at roast nab].? pUces. J. F. LINDSAY. L'. If. TIlu.M.vs.MN. [ Yorkvillo. Mar. 1. 8 if BEUlllL, ACADEMY.?Tin- l'ati.-t.s -t ' llethel Aemkit y are li.appy t> i:it\.ri.i the pub J 11 j lie that they have engaged the services of Mr. J. i HARRY for this Institution. Mr. II. e. me-high y I recommended a? tin exnovienccit Teacher. Young I 1 g tie;uen can ' < prepare 1 for a Imi-sion to any i 'Oil (' Ilege-. Tito KeXt Sessj.,1) of Fiw M it- wilt j i.mnience on the I t ,M< inlay in JANUARY, lS'-o. 1 II - it i fruit i) P? S7 per tumuli. ami Tuition f av j ; .-'" to S 1:1 "in per h n. N- admis-h n for I*than l ? It iff a Si -don. an! i:e i!e htct'on f<>r ah-i-nee ut.L - I j iti ft-" of \oi'it Di-ir.i t. S. (l( N.'V. 2'J, 1P.M. -ji Jin i c-iifsjiff's s ;cs: of n:?i: Rn s:u ! , v r LANDS.?I'y virtue f -it iiy Wim- Fi l'a 1 to me directed. t will "oil ?jj ||u. ?j:>t Monday ii. i r .' J m \t. h-f.ip' ti; (' art 11-n-e 'l-ior In ti,. ; Town of Ohest, A U.lan:iti<.n or Tract ? ! l.-.ud. containing a- it Twelve ID;- ml Aeto-. ht.utnh*' i j by la::.I< of the estate ot (!em ral l> ivie. It. II. Fudge. Ai:?!r?-w Cr >( ? ami others, lcvieil < ti as the property of the estate of Co'. F. IV. Davie, at the suit of (*>'. L. A. lii'ckhatn, lix'r.. vs. \V. 1). DeSaus- ' ii ? I sure. h\ r. V,. 11. LILI.EY, f. c. n. X V !>'.? 17 ft 4 DMIXISTRATOR'S SALE.?The >u:. v ^ sei ih 'j. will expose to pitfilic sale ot? '1 FKSDAY. 1 >' , t:?c lltli of DKCKMUKR. at the t'ourt ID use it. j Yofkvi'le. all the |ieis,,j;?; property if I'LTIiil VL . | | ('. RILEY, ileoea.-O'l. eor.-istit:g of Catjieutir's j T-iols. 'foul t'!ie-t. Hooks, Wearing Apparel. v\e.? i 1 Ti-nas lua-.le known on the ilwv i' sale. O. 1?. CRANFURD. A'lm'r. j L i All person* having ueniaiuls against the above os- : . tate. are requested to present theut properly attest- (l i cd. U. T. C.. Adtn'r. 0 1 Nov. -J7 Hi IMSK'SMETlLLIClirRIALCASES. .1. TH ESK COFFINS, ?t"v; coming into general use in many sections of our country, are of Metal?on- j anreled inside ami out?are air-tight?lrc<- lYoin the j 1 introduction of dampness and water, or the escape r of effluvia?are portable?highly ornamental, and cost . ' no more than the best wood-cotlius. ! 7 These Cases will be furni-lied by the subscriber at ' his Work-shop at short notice. lie also makes the j (] ' ordinary WOOD COFFINS as heretofore. i TllOMAS II. SMITH, i Yorkvillc, July o, 1S53. 2-1 tf i y> Notice to Creditors. i j Wallace & Davis "j Dill for ! v.*. Sale of Latnl to | Elizabeth Durnall and pay debts. c( Susan Darnall, ct. al. J Cl k LL persons having demands against the estate ot h ; j\ Elijah C. Darnall, deceased, are hereby notified j i to present and establish their demands before me, on or before the first dav of June next. JNO. L. MiLLKR. C. E. Y. D. | H Yorkvillc, Oct. 16, 18oo. [$6] 41?3m *** Charlotte Whig copy 3 months and forward . account t<> this office. FOR PIANO FORTES. | f ,'-'7T ~1-- THE largest and best assortment of : PIANOS ever offered in Columbia, is to ! / J J W J U be found now at tbe MUSIC STORE of ' s< , WM. RAMSAY, 178 Richardson-street. Every l'lANO lias the latest and bc>t improvements, are of the latest style, and guaranteed superior in '[ I tone and finish?and n resold at prices to suit the times. ; I Parties wishing five, ten, fifteen or more, can have j r( i them at a liberal discount. I I i Jail. G 1 tr | ! 1 I F WILLIAM ill. TIKKO, ! FACTOR ID COMMISSION UlflUTj' FOR FLORIDA COTTON, i North Commercial Wharf, Charleston, S. C., with a munch, 97 Bay-Street, Savannah, Ga. Oct 11 40 Gtino Ta^miGMS 01353, "! t Ir DR. B. HI. COBB, j v" j IWriLL he plea-ed to receive Professional Calls in : vi ' * ? the departments of MEDICINE nnd SURGE- i R i RY. Unless professionally absent, lie may be found i at 1 at his residence, Fort Mill Depot, York Dist., S. C. ! S< i Oct 11 40 ly j e< i "V^O'ITCE.?All persons indebted the undersign- J js | A. N ed are earnestly requested to call and settle.? i , Our Rooks must be closed either by CASII or NO'l E ' and we hope our friends will recollect a little of the red earth" is absolutely necessary to health and comfort. LINDSAY \ TIIOMASSON. _ Nov 29 47 :?t A, SINGLE A!ND BOl'BLE TRESSES, for adults, children aud infants ; Gents r made by Okorgf. Piute. of xew York, in l^ll, z: chfjjK /?"'/?', tfimanaged, and capable of irotTing oh" at least shoots per hour. This Press will throw off from ~?f?0 to 800 sheet? er hour, doing the work equal to tiny Cylinder l'ress. ho bed stands about 30 inches from the floor, and the most convenient of all Presses to make ready le form on. It is adapted to jobbing, or hook work, 5 well a3 newspaper, and will register as well as ny other Cylinder Press. It requires, to wo-k it, man to turn the fly wheel and a boy to feed the lects. The Inking Apparatus is very complete, and dif- : :rs from the apparatus used in Cylinder Presses fnerally, being more like that u.?ed in tho Power j laten Pre?scs. 1 wo roller s p iss over the form ; vice to each impression, taking ink for each sheet, i A Press of this description for n w? pit per and job- j ing, bed 44 by 28^ inches, with roller mould, roller ocks, blanket, flying nr.d ic-gistcring apparatus, j c., complete, will be furnished for ."?">0O. Il'inten- ' ed for Look work chiefly, an extra ink fountain will e furnished for S20. The pre-*, fly wheel, &e., ill weigh about 2000 pounds'. The sides, etc., are on. Length of frame, seven feet?height, to fr uit Ige of feed board, three feei ?ix inches. Any size uide to order. The following is the list of SI/os arid I'riecs a:; fir ] s established: Bed 28 by -0, $100. Ilcl !* by CI, sdSI. " ?V? l' I. ;.n ' j'.j, r.ito. ** 11 as1,, "j-j :jj. "40 Co" y lo. The beds will tnke chases their fall breadth: ar.l ithin two inches of the length., cash: one half, nrio, at 1 ninths, with approved security; or-1, per cent disnuiit for c a.-h. li 'xing :ui'i faitngo. si;'. For more than three year- the iiiw-miv of the nove I're?- h i> boon improving it. working it n'l I ?i*s !?:! . :i!i 1 a-.vitaitiir.g, with great vaiv a:: I cv. :i.---?, :e b '-t tn .;!>> i-f carrying out aii inch ?:? ? i he itter hi'iiM-lf h tto\v manufacturing the I'ic-v- h'nwlf. X.? 're-- wiT-cavo h's-'prroii-e- without being tIi--r iiigh; te-ted. and without i; j '-it ,u.. t ?!,o entire . . : tctiosi of the pnseha-cr. .IttilX T. lMtniXStiX. Princeton. X. !.. X"V. ls""?. I'". Sni READY-MADE CLOTHiNG! NEW FIRM! HEW GOODS!! Daniel trwiiliams, J S AVINt; pure ha-ed the hiteiv-t of 11. F-iillugII. .vCo. in C!.t>TiilNti lisYAI'.Usil M! AT t F. II. Silitril ?\ Co.. tS.o ! ...'! hewtlV-f lw on inotc ! !?\ ti.e i:u ler?:gue?1. t!. . 11 -Mitd. uui-r the title !' sritiir cV. IVIMJ Tim store Irm nei iitly b*. n ?i.i iigt-d. an 1 r died with a new .-took of UMAItY-MAldri t'!.'?'l I!Ntl of every variety, tsi.?i,;;! ? tI .a i it.* t tylcs, aa I pu.clia-'.-d i:i X ".v \ I.y the* ? i. r 'artmr cxpr.-.-dy f- . this m.irket. Y?V are ?. v. i iving dai y, and < pealng ?!!'.!: rial .ii; - of leu;), a. mi's EE. HiA BSiHiiit; : 'in? P.<--. I>n?ine?? ati-l ii:v:tt (' '!-: i* .. :n> i ' ar.-e Pants; W-tv. Siii.t-. (tl .vc?. l.h.ivuts. H*?-i it: I"! ?'> .ui'i Trunks: :ii ! < wry variety ani unlitv ut t? we arc-Ut toniiiiei :> --.11t-> y< 1 -sit- UTS Hi till' LOW E.ST I'OvMKLi; I'HK i:s ; u 1 wo ro!icit.-iti i !i ]> . ! y t*i:i w ]ivic-"--, nit'l the ? ?:r v --.a' ii haunt. OH at it- i.l'i -tan l. Jioiiur very ili>ii\.ns io el .?< tin iiu? nh'iir. . l !i oM firm. w.' nm>t earno. :!y reijiii-t aii j ?l lchtoil tv) e i:l uiul ii.ihe svtu.nn'iit. I'. II. SIMRIL. P. 0. WILLIAMS. Ta.^_ ^ a B ^ ? E> C 5S. E G = a I i i- . < .i wall the Civil hintr tit tui l< iyiicl wi'l CMiitinm- t" e u itiet his T-i:!- :SI: : I will he pr-paro I : > x>ito all r h is it: hi - !:*:> it!i 'L-s, atcli an-l in the ? e.?: -tvlo. ' F. II. SIM nil.. n. til 40 J!:ii ' ?\ ; 2 .oji.^' CHESTER, S. C. J HIE e parti.'-:.- lip r?T, nt'v xi-'i:.-; It'w- n t". . N liMF aii'l SAM'I. M-XlVt'lI ha via- 1..-n I - '.Vol. til- u:. |i-i>i;M '1 10-j 1 tii'iy 1;:.:. t.? t citi/eiss "t' ? ? ' - ? ' S 51UIV 1 *i 1 # 5 i.n, n 1 the >urroiinditig Distiieis, tin- bu n- .- > will | i future be imaicd o:i in hi.- own muiie. at the lor- | icr j STA\E) XE4R TflIE Ho is prepared to ox rot'.; - nil ph : in his lit:'1 o! u-ii'o--. mic'i :i- Hai-i and i>: imnvntal MAlllil.iik'it.k. o'.;:: : 'i: p <1 m t->i.ih., !! . !tones. Tab!. \iu:tvl-lVc<- Nc. I'-.- will l;..v j. n and the host ?!?*?oriof & Di^iurn M %nni.i:. ti I li.i- -ecurod tiio services of experienced and i-tcful workmen. All orders addce.--od l" liim. ill 'he-tor. will moot with prompt utteiition: and will IsC E'UliED l\!) i'OHWARULU itii the utmost cave and despatch. The terms will o made as accommodating as tluy can ho obtained ithcr North ox* South. j SAM'L McNINTII. j Chester, Oct. 16 112 ly PALMETTO HCTEL7 Ycrkville, S. C. additions to this establishment are nor.* o-inSL [dote I. affording ample accommodations l -r he- i ween thirty and forty extra hi ardors. In making his ; nnouncement to the public, fi e proniictorhegs torc.tra his thanks for the liberal patronage lierctofcro xtondetl to the "Palmetto Hotel,'' and assures his i iend- and the public generally that no excrth ni!l he spared to make his house one of the Best in the Up-Country. Excellent Stables are attached to the establish- i lent, with an abundant supply of Provender, and a ! umber of Carriages, Buggies and other Coiivcyan?s, which will he furnished with safe horses and j ireful drivers at the shortest notice; also, saddle- i orse> for hire. The Omnibus, tdonging to the Palmetto Hotel will he in constant j tter.dnnee at the Depot, to convey Passengers and icir Baggage to and from,the Hotel, free of charge. ( W. E. TiOSE, Proprietor. i Nov 8 44 3iu rlfE Subscribers have received their full stock of j FIREWORKS, comprising one of the largest as- i ntments ever brought to this city, which will be 1 jhl nt low prices for cash. Country merchants would do well to forward their cdors in time, which will be put up with the great- i it care. Assorted cases, ranging front $25@$50, always j sady on hand. THEIR STOCK COMPRISES: IRE CRACKERS, gold chop, A No. 1. oniau Candles, 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, up to 15 balls, white. : oman Candles, colored. kyrockets, l'inwheels. Triangles, Flowerpots. A variety of large pieces, suitable for exhibitions, i VON SANTKX k BAR 1*0, JOS King-street, Successors to S. Willie. Charleston, Nov. 22, 1855. 40 3t j For Sale or Kent. L UGVSTUS OUYXEMKR, etfers to Sell or Rent, m, to an approved purchaser or tenant, the premis in the Town of Chester, lately occupied by Mr-, uynemcr and Daughter. They arc situated in n 1 :ry eligible and desirable portion of the town, ha- ; ng on them an elegant Cottage, Academy School i ooms, and a fine well ot Free Stone Water. To i iv one desirous of conducting a PRIMARY or HIGH ! 1 > 1- . II ! JHOUL, tliest' premises wouiu ue very wen ;iunpi- i I, ami, as a cottage la mil y resilience, they offer the I ;rv best inducements. Possession to be given on | t January next. For further particulars enquire J the Standard office, in Chester, or of the under- j gned in Charleston. A. GUYXEMEE. July 12 27 'tin rlCllD P. OAMLHoN. JOS. JOUNsOX, Jit. j ( AJIEROK &, c:o., PHCENIX IRON WORKS, CHARLESTON S. C., anufaoturcis of Marine and Stationary Engines; Rice Pouuding and Threshing Mills ; Machine-*ry for Saw-Mills; Castings in Iron and Brass, daily; Boiler and Wrought Irou Work, done by steam-power with Machinery of their own construction. Nov 22 46 1 j VALUABLE CATAWBA LANDS FOR SALE. ON Tuesday, th?8LTI L'Ai" of J.AXUAitY aei G ;r?. A. YUUXG, as my agent, will sell up the pivnire?, my Land, lying on the Catawba Iliv and Cat hey'a Creek, in Mecklenburg County, 01 mile below Beattie's Ford, known as the Cath< L n:d. TJc tract contains about 550 ACRES, about 17"> Acres of wliich is river and creek bottoi About Acres of the tract is cleared and in cul v.ith.n, the balance is the first quality of V7EI.E-TIMBERED IPLAKD, lying .hvnnb'e for cultivation. Mr. Joseph Wilsi uv'.i .r i :i ;ho river uue mile below the land, will Anytime show the premises to any one wishing purchase. This has always been considered oue the most on the Catawba or in MtckK*'''? r : >. ? r.t on on account of the quality of the v.ji. bo. . i-o I cause of ils bein" i.uatid on r. I.tai ! ioniity at in a most <> Al'Htl!-. !vi:? <.n Dry Creel: in tnis I):.*;r;<:.. iv' t: iVcia Che-tcr, C. II., tut i sixteen Ir an Y.?rfcville.. Ah .at ije half of t!ii* tract ?s . -i. an-1 in a ir... of C'lihlv.tti-.'U, very proline 1-.v. \\> li ieij v.lth a CO.*arORT4S55.g: E>V; ilJ.lJVfi, , (l!a II. N ::- It .use ollr ?.!tihtiihlius?. lie i !-,? .! u* of s i!<"> !>i'KD Af I'.KStwenty-fiie or iliirty Am ? wiiie'i i at an ' ?.ii11' in tiia' cr :>i- i the inn* !. !;* in ?n tlt.i'i' Th: int-- on it f " v.= an-1 '"l iv r pi! ;!< ?u: I*:;:! lit;;- e-: I, rn.uli fani..-. T!ie?c 1 which !..? ] i. i : :?.*:**!..-? fn tla-r tl a:i a iMiofi:' 1:?-] I n-M oii tl in-. : r:lc terms. fnr further ji.'! Soli* III ?* 1' III :? ! t ? ?-:il5 !:!': -uV.-vrihir at h r -i le;,. c. a! . ut i .vo t:iiii-.- ::I: : liu.Iocli's Ct'd';. A. .1. ItuUERT-S. rt.-tf.o tr !-. ./* ? "s.'*tc:* i -r i < t Ifot-'-il, nii'l fo ;? in! ant to ti l* oilicc. mmik'mmwwm Honso and Lot in Vorkvillo. ? ii " : Off ; r UOl'gK a: iL I '. n L:! : r.. Sir it. ^ kvilV. Tl.e I. '.tali. * o." A re. a: I : ! tl. i. : ? !: ; ' V .' a a i 'oj, - i:: ; .M ; ?"?:. .-.its roziTY (i:w: a< res. t!i! :;. live A . . > in hi >' .i. 'I. i- V-.' v ! !r.* a li.. ; ! MKAl'l) l; lit il'N Ji. u. .- . i!.<-: i::i. \ i * ,-t- ;i.<7I5J iD'J vV TR KT. 0 .1 J m i N!\T. AI i::>. 'i.. : 1 M i ! '> ia f. I, \.... y. _ ;.. , \|.-in.t\ : I- : . * ' :t!.-l 1 ma ? i* t !;?'.* ?' ! ' 'ii. i ::?I. J. SN'IIiKfl. ??' : "1"Commissioner's Sale. Ai .::v;ia *f II 1 .t I ) a . j >1.1 1'i.rtitivn. .1 1,1. M :y i J | N i'.- . . .* ' r .! i! jii.t 1 | >* ! at CliMin'tO. 1 if ill o t ' s!.: so ?n V-k i' a: I.' . a I'ii. T M'.?Ni' \V i .IAMAKV, 1S*?0. i- *- .i !> : T.: .ffn ?!: !} .. 1' . > . ' i it: : -v; l'-j At I'.IX (i . :ju: :i kc.'WTi flc : i . T. * v . i i. .mrs. ; v ii i- i..v- *"M I v.l'Ii "i:h:, o.'i.i i:ii! Ill At.'i'.SX T..o :.. - ; : I',., i' imi i !va. . ,!i> he i . V.S May. -1 * o?*.i .i. Tl M-. ? t'a It -i:lii^r- I.I ; I th'r o. -t rtt' t! (!.- l?i' : a aoi- : 11 t 1. ll. .; ! :J y. ai I witli ii-t.ia I:r . sli.- ) : i jiivo h.a t a:: i u ? > I Mi'.yti. - tVi- tl.' ? ;*%*? ' !' i!*" j-nroiia in";!.--.-. .1 NO. I.. SiliA.liK. r. k. y. i?. C .Mia'?:. ^ V i!\villo. S. t".. N' v. ?i. h ">">. j ?7 'i RIVER LANDTOR SALE. rpm: u:t-Ur . li- i. .. I .: t H '.!! ' I' ' I. : M . ' ;! 1 . . V. i V i .Ml:.-1 .. t j' Hi- I> : -.i-(" Ua'.vi. i IV: i*? a ijiiiiiiitj; ti;<' S-.i < ? ia. i I! II. ill 'lit i. r !. I. P. W iii:oi rj.'.i.ii, iiiiil h.MWiiiit ; -...a. o B050 AC uc:s: 1 a', u; fiuo-lia't'tlu- * ii-1 lar.'U :t'?- ninli-r I'^nc*, ai in a -t a to t.i* f. ! ' I'.ilivaii :t. tin* I'aiaitoc in w. ml woil tiiult'-rfi. '.or witli ::M i.oo>-aty ouil tn! ; in.i<, C' <1 a l'-.> i ilwi-liin^ i.ctf !||^ t V'.l '1.11 - f - f- ;V | ! i l.aill. >t i bios, \e. Those i arc wcil vlnptc-d ?o the ci tivntioh < f r?.tt?'ii at; ! grain, aii>l can ho divided >-uit pui chasers. 's< . I will sol. < -l I ?Ii of t!tc above h.nds.) snllicic!.! i-l"-t- ck and pr vender l">?r tin1 place. A sv pirs u ile>ivoits- < (' pr, cln-inp the al., v-' plantation v.-, r.l! *?. well to rail i the sub. criber::! Lancaster, C. II. S. J. E. CURETOX. X..Y 2d 17 Gt ADM i N13T7A TO R &' S ALE7" 27 Likely Xcgroes. rgHIE under. igned, Admiiiistrnt -rs el the estate JL WILLIAM PETTTS, dceens'd, will expose public outcry, at the residence ot S. P. Sutton, fi' miles North of Port Mill Depot :n this District, < THURSDAY, the 27th day of I'ECEMDEK nex the Library and IIOISEIIOLD FinXITIRE belonging to said estate, together with 20 or *27 YA1 UABLE NEGROES, men, women, boy?, girls ar children. Terms.?All sums under five dollars, cash; for a sums over five dollars a credit of twelve months wit interest from the day of sale. T. P. PETTUS, S. I'. SUTTON. York Dist., Oct. 11, 1335. 40 12t lands7or"s(4ll PEHIIF, Subscriber offers for sale his plantation i A York District, lying on the main road froi Lancasterville to Yorkville. via. Cu-cton's Ferry, sc: . n miles of Rock Hill Depot. T.ierc is about on* half in cultivation, with convenimt improvement! such as DWELLING HOUSE and lecessary outbui dings, c utaitiing 2321 A'MIES, f ell watered. A! so l')2 Acres, ALL WOODLAND, about one mil from the latter place. I will, in a few weeks, hav a dwelling put up on it, and some fifttcen Acre cleared. Said lands are good for cotton or corr and bargains will be given, n? 1 nnj anxious to sell. W. P. MeFADDEN. Sept 27 38 tf RIVER LAND FOK SALET" HAVING determined to move West, I otfer fo sole my PLANTATION, sitoited in York Di> trict, between the waters of Catawba River anil Su gar Creek, containing 375 ACHES. .Seventy Acres i which is number one River Bottom, which is in high state of cultivation. On the premises is a goo Dwelling atul other outbuildings. Those wishing t a good plantation upon easy terms will do wel to call upon the subscriber, five iiules cast of Foi Mill Depot, as I am determined to sell. JOHN P. STEWART. Nov 22 40 ly Tale of nesrjesT ON the l?t of JANUARY next, I will sell in th town of'Charlotte, FIVE LIKELY Y0UN1 NEGROES. G n. John A. Young is authorized t act as my ageut iu regard to tLc same. Term made known oil the day of sale. A. II. GRAHAM. Nov 22. 40 fit rpAEiE NOTICE - All persons who arc i I any manner iun lcbted to tliec-taie of JAME JOHNSON, deceased, arc hereby notified to mak payment immediately to the undersigned; and thos who have claims against the estate will present thei without delay. SAM'L M. JOHNSON. ) STEPHEN JOHNSON, / Yorkviile, Nov. U, 1865. *6 it ! LIV2R1T AND SALE STABLE. ' fjpiiE undersigned has purchased the struck here? JL tot'.uv ??inj...?ye?I by t'ol. L. 1\ S VDLCR, and ; resp-ctfully informs his friends in this vicinity and TilE TRiTELLOG COH9HrXlTT ,0, generally, that he will carry on. at the old stand in the rear of 0. R Ratchford's Store, the business of I|J' ii Li wry iui.i Sale Stable, in all its department*.? lie !- fully prepared with . : A c;ooi> STOCK he *> ft * niJ'h accommodations at a moment's warning; and -. ill hire hordes and vehicles by the day or conv?y travellers hy experienced and i CAREFCL DRIVERS, Ditsiitfss lloiiffs. ?| MtsOMG JU& siNSS. ~ lie ! V A/ PHILANTHROPIC f ODr;E, " jy . W 73, A.*. F.% tf.\ meet* regularly on i | ^ THIRD MOXDU EVENING of-ain mom L. M GKHT. Secrearv. n \fACKEY CHAPTER, No. 15. R.\ A ! J. M.\ holds its rt'iru'ur Communications on t FIRST MONDAY EVENING of each month. L. M. GRIST, Secretary. in Ht i r< iusorv COUNCIL, No. ?. Ji.iM* its reto ! YX lar meetings on the FIRST TVRSDAY Evoni 0f ' in each month. L. M. GIllST, Recorder. I July 26, 1855. 20 ly | OH. ALFRED CRAVEN, iirsiiinit si'.rticoii Dentist, ^ yorkyi r.i.i;, s. c. I i?r G:i tii'." !!;?f *:.|e of the Main Street. S"iv!i the -Palmetto f'-t -l." % Jan 6 1 tf J. C. CHAMBERS, Attorney at La-,7 and Solicitor in Eauitj ygiikvim.I; s.c. | tx '1 ir t: in vhs n.nsT iK?vsr. <> :. 'jr.. .< ) tf r-kAiii -r- nil 1 rmni ir :i. rnuL i. viLLcriuuc, factor and Commission and Fcrwaiding Merohai ACCOMMODATION WllAKF, CHAUI.K2T0X, 8. C. ' Jan 0 1 1y EDWARD MOORE, .. Attorney at Lav; and Solicitor in Equity I. j YoKKYLI.LK, S. O. Gnic-o fronting the Court House, in tho Jail Euiltlin Will pi.uCee in tL>i?t.-ict>-?.!' York, Lancaster, .C'ho.-ter, Union au?l Fairfield. - ; Jnn 21 ' J! ly j|;' W.B.WILSON, Attorney' at Law and Solicitor in Eqnit r- 1 YOltKYII.I.K, S. to oi'Fi<"5 !X fiiK < (?; i. r nor ?;. riioxTixo the ! r* |'.- r-ri icr. ;* ; March 20 12 ly JOHN L. MILIEU, ATTOHXEY AT LAW, ... . YoitKVILI.i:. 8. C. O.'iico in tho Court-House. ? ?-"*f* \VJ1! J . ; r:0" in ti C- nrfs r>i Vork. Chest T i an I L it.< * Jan i> 2 tf WILLIAM C. OWEN, FASH10H3LE TAILOR, ' Libel ty-Strect, 2 Loovs I' -.ot of the "Adickes Building !; YOliKYil.I.i:. s. c. ft -,T" att'Ti'h'M to. .l i:i 2:! ly . l^E^S WEV^HOTEL, o>i:snt or . TI1A1H-: AND THYON STHF.ET! H I'll ARLOTTK. X. C. March 2r? 12 tf Tt do i" '2 ^ S *2. EL?2 EZC. g > , SOOT AND SHOE-MAKER VOltVfLLK. S. 1 Sfir.p. m ?he re n- <4 tV C-mrt-Jlonsc. frij Feb ]'< 0 ly FRITCHARD &, CALDWELL, v.\iz dealers in MR IBIS. mm (US v. : Taints, Oils, &c., X O 3. GRAXITE ROW, L>; OW?'>I i'K .SAI>I.LR's? hotel. i CHARLOTTE. X. C. j"e ' March 20 12 ly 1' j i?. j. lowrik. .r. ii. exxis LOWBIE & EWISS, * j nr.AM.Rs in .. i ^loohs, Sdalioncnt, |>lusit, WALL-PAPER, &C., iv CUARI.OlTi:, X. c. Mirchl'O 12 ly S. XV. DAVIS, Attorney .and Counsellor at Law, Oilier 5 Doors South of Sadler's Hotel, chaki.OTTr:. x c. '! j A*' i ii- ?*i* ; b:i-!ii. . -- e ? MovUicnburg. Lincoln, Ro' R" ] n. CaboiTii- ?>r "i. wili he nt*< tided to with pie '** ! 1110. and "!i-ioo.?oii x l a- directed. ! March 2s ' 12 ly id R. W. BECRWITH, tuihfdj anb (llodi-^Halicr, 10 ' ~ w"' a. j CHARLOTTE, X. C. i;" Keeps Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Jet t? elry. Repairing promptly Executed. ** ' Aug 10 ;>2 ly T-: JOHN HARTY, coach manufacturer, College Street, immediately in rear of Sadler's IIot< : C LIA 11 J,<>TTK, N. C., j Keep- constantly on hand a splendid assortme I of Carnages Ruggics etc., of the latest styles. Orders from a distatme will receive prompt attention. *"t3a ? j Mai-ch 20 12 ly C ALDWELL, 1'AGAX & GO., :! commission merchants Will attend to the Sale of lonhlry Produce, Flour, Grain &< j- Office at the Corner of East Bay and Cumberland-Sts., 1! Caldwell, lliakely Co., "J l, r,n4;s Pagan, Charleston, S. ( .liawlev it Alexander. J Nov 8 41 ly J. N. LEWIS & CO. DEALERS IN | Fine Goid and Silver Watches, " | 'LOCKS of various patterns, JEWELRY of tb 11 j latent styles. Silver and Plaited Ware, Musical Instruments, Military and Fancy Goods, Guns, Pistols, icc., at their Store, [ YOHKVILLi:,S.C. I Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired by con petent Workmen. Jan 25 3 ly I NEW CARPET STORE. JAMESQ.BALLEY, J (lath o; the firm or iuilcy and lamdert) Direct Importers of all Kinds of iMPIIilJlfllliraUl I. | GOODS, >t ! Curtain Materials and Trimmings, &c. J| L'.'i-i KING-STREET, 0 i CHARLESTON, S. C. II ffeZT l1- S.?Orders promptly attended to. "l Aug. 2 30 lyI I WM. S. LAWTON & CO. THOS. ALEXANl'FH, J \VM. S. LAWTOX, " | Formerly of York Dist. S. C.; Formerly of Lawtonvili< Factors, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, SOUTH-ATLANTIC WHARF, j j CHARLESTON, S. C. ? i Our Senior partner Las been doing the Commissic Busiuess for twenty years, and we hope by exper ence to bo able to give satisfaction. REFERENCES: Gov. C. J. McDonald, Judge Stocks, Rev. W. J. Ha u lev, Sparta, Ga.; Col. R. J. Willingham, Maj. g S. J. Bailey, Barnwell, S. C.; Hon. J. D. Ale len, Gen. L. M. Ayer, Barnwell Dist., e S. C.; T. Willingham, Esq., Lawn tonville, 8. C.: Hon. J. D. Johnson, Dr. B. B. Sams, M. B. Sam Esq., Beaufort, S. C.; E. G. Jaudon, Esq., Florida ; Cox. M. Thomson, Washington, D. C. Jan 18 2 ly J" ; to any desired point, His lots are sufficiently large . to enable him to extend every accommodation to DROVERS, ? | and he solicits from them a call before putting up -V V> her?\ By nffi iing for the public service a first-rate stai b!e, and by the strictest attention and au earnest enlea vor to ji!ea.-e on bis part, the undersigned hopej"to deserve and receive a gnncrcu3 me.vuie ?.f j.nhof ' ?>.?-. n?.;re. i!" v:i'l at nil times be found at the Stable. 01 at Mr. i'etchford's Store. S. \V?.T.V'KSOX. - ! i). ' P. CO Cm NEW ESTABLISHMENT. ~~ j \ 3 f.SSKS. IV. 1\ BROACH and JOHN J. MIf.LS aH bavin*? purchased the interest of II. F. Broach, ; and John Ma-s.-y in the establishment of BROACH j _ : K CO., have formed a Co-partnership with 0. W. ; BROACH, and will continue the business at the old * tan.I, IT ROCK IIILL DEPOT, ; under the style of BROACH. MILLS & CO. They i | invite the attention of their friends and the former . flm>w>nf t,-? their new stock of ! GOODS, consi.-ting of , DRY GOODS, , (>f nil kinds: Lauies Fancy Goods; Hardware; Grog_ cerics; Hats. Cars, Knots and Shoes; Ready-Maue j Clothing, and every kind and variety of goods usu! ally kept in a Country Store. They have laid in a . large and extensive supply, selected especially for i the Rock Ilill market, and they are prepared to please all who may give them a call, both in price | and quality. 7? i COt'XTRY PRODL'CE ' will be taken in exchange for goods, or if desired ! purchased at the highest market rates. They res1 pectl'ully solicit for the new firm the same kind pat| image which their friends and the public have liere? ' tofore given to their establishment, and in return j they pledge themselves to use ever}' effort to give ; ample satisfaction. W. P. BROACH, JOHN J. MILLS, ' 0. W. BROACH. er! Rick Hill. Oct. 11, 1653. 40 3tu - ! NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP. FTM1E undersigned have leased the shop known as J I WALKER S OLD STAND (recently occupied by ? Steedman 5: McConnell) on Main Street, opposite the > re-idenee of Col. Wright, where they are prepared to execute all kinds of BLACKSMITHING, in the i uisf substantial manner and on reasonable terms.? Thev are also engaged in the Manufacture and sale _ ..f FORMATS PATENT IRON PLOW, the best lMnw now in ir=e, and which cannot fail to commend itself to every intelligent farmer who gives it a trial. They solicit an examination, and will be pleased to -. ! exhibit it to all who may call. They solicit a share : of public patronage. LETSON, ROTH ROCK & Co. Vorkville Sept. 20 37 tf. j CAUIIOtf !~F0fiMAN-S IRON PLOW. i IS AVING purchased of the Patentee of FORi J.X MAN'S IRON PLOW, the right to manufacture , : and sell said Plows in the Districts of York and Chester, the undersigned are determined to prose cute ail violations 01 tn^ir rignrs. iney are now ~ j entering suit in the United States Court against one j person in this place, who has assumed to manufac. tare and sell said Plows without authority; and they Si give warning to all persons who may purchase ol 1 him that they too are liable, and that suits will be ? ; entered against every person who met any Plow of : his manufacture. This notice they give that per' >-ons who clioc->e to buy his plow may do so with ;!.?-ir eye* open, and with the understanding that i thev wiil have to stand a suit in the U. States Court. I ' LETSON & ROTHROCK. _ i Vorkville. Oct. 11.1855. 40 tf s< j Notice. THE Firms of J. N. LEWIS & CO., at Vorkville, S. C., and LEWIS \ WILSON, at Chester, S. ! C.. are this day di:solved by mutual consent. The :iamns of the firms will be used at both places in settling up their old business. J. N. LEWIS, D. H. WILSON. Otcber 1st, 1833. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. J BEXXETT. J. X. LEWIS, & D. H. WILSON, have tine day termed a Co-partnership for the 1 purpose of carrying on the WATCH and JEWELRY ;js , Business, at the stand hv-rctofore occupied by J. X. tv. | LEWIS ,v CO., at Vorkville, S. C.t under the name n. ! >A? BEXXETT. LEWIS, & CO., and at Chester, S. 11.'., under the name of BEXXETT, WILSON" & CO., i it the <-tand formerly occupied l?v Lewis & Wilson. _ ! " JORDAN" BEXXETT. J. X. LEWIS, D. II. WILSON, j The old ..i-m of J. N. Lewis i Co., feel grateful for the liberal patronage -diown them on the pnrt ot ( the public, ami hope that the same may be continued i to the new firm. ' J. N. LEWIS, | D. II. WILSON. _ ! Oct 11 10 tf I MARBLE YARD, ~ rgvIIE naviug purchased the Marble j JL Yard of Col. S. X. STOWE, informs the citi' I zens of York District and the surrounding country, nf j that he is now prepared to fill all orders for plain and j Iftomintratal |Hnrb(e (Wiorfi. | He has procured the services of efficient workmen, 1 with good material, well assorted, and the lowest ~ ' prices, he will promise to execute orders to the sat| i-faction of his customers. He will always keep an I J assortment of SLABS on hand, in order that those 9 wishing a .. TOMBSTOISTE can be suited in size, lettering and finish, at the shortest notice. , tiQT Marble Yard in the rear of S. N. Stowe & Co's. Grocery and Provision Store. i Plaster of Paris and Cement for sale. RICHARD HARE. Jan 2-3 3 ly NEW ATTRACTIONS)! AT THE CORXER STOKE! t! Messrs. Adickes & Withers, ie i it VVF. in store a lanre and varied stock of Drv H Ooods, to which they invite the atteotion o1 | j their friends and customers in town and District.? : The stock consists of carefully selected ! DRESS AND FANCY GOODS 5 Ready-Made Clothing; Cloths and Cassimeres; Boots andShoesand Bonnets; Hardware and Crock_ j cry ; and every other article belonging to their line of : business. Persons in want of ill ???IDS are requested to give them a call, at their Store in the "ADICKES BUILDING," where they will find the best qualities at as low rates as can be had in I this market. - may 10 18 tf NEW GROCERY STORE. AT THE YORKVILLE DEPOT. S. J. KUYKENDAL & BRO., HESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Yorkdistrict, and the surrounding country, that ! they have formed a co-partnership in the GROCERY - 1 business, at the old stand of Mr. Estes, opposite the j Depot, where they have on hand, now, and will en- j ; deavor to keep supplied at the j LOWEST MARKET PRICES, New Orleans and St. Croix Sugars; Clarified, Loaf ! and Crushed, do. ; New Orleans and West India Mo! lasses; Rio, Laguyra, Porto Rico and Java Coffee; ! Turk's Island and Liverpool Salt; Rice, Candlea, ,n Soap, Spice3, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candies ; Gunny, Gilroy and Dundee Bagging; Weaver's and Charleston Rope, Ac., Ac. These articles have been selected with care, and being bought for cash, wo can afford to sell as low, r" if not lower than other establishments of the kind in i the up-country. A call is solicited. | S. J. KUYKENDAL A BRO. Sept 20. 37 tf s, T IN8EED AND TRAIN OILS.?A lar? I A quantity PURE OILS, just received and for sale cheap, by ADAMS A McCOR&LE. may 8 17 tf M. JOHNSON & CO. ABOARD! aaa osac figg I A T the word of command, M. JOHNSON took ; i\ passage on the Railroad for the cities of N [ Vork and Philadelphia. and purchased especially for ; this market a splendid assortment of article-, in Jii? I line of business. The firm are determined to en' large their establishment and to keep on hand h'-rci after a more extensive, cArefully selected and finer j ?tock than ever before offered in this place. In the stock now opening, will be found ever/ vaiiet;, and ! the best quality of SADDLERY HARDWARE; 1 Harness Mounting.', of various styles; Bridle-Cits, I of all kinds; Whips and Collars; Trunk*, Valise*, j Carpet-Bags, &c? &c., &c. They invite attention to i this .Stock, and are confident that they mo able, ly offering the best qualities at the lowe.-t prices, to , give general satisfaction. .\s heretofore. th'\v will ' c ontinue to fill riders for the 1IOME MAXl'EACn RE ? . V v! i.l.Iloa 11?v rnnic IM.ti.ia v r* o?..l nrn alffirj 1 : ready to do REPAIRING at the shortest notic and j in the mr,Qt workmanlike manner. Their thanks arc due ! ) their friend>? and the public generally lor a | generous patronage, and they iiope by strict atten' iiou to buMne*-. to merit and receive a continuance | of "public favor. Call at the store, formerly oceu nied by Meek N: Moore, opposite the "Adickes Builj ding." ' M. JOHNSON & CO. Vorkville, Aug. 30, 185-3. 51 Out s * 0r1)i\ahv',s ffotice.?Abnor Stewart, Jr., George Stewart, Thomas Manning and wife Jenny, Robert Evans and wife, Nancy, Joint ! Wills and wife Polly, and David L. Stewart, heirs at I law of Jno. Stewart, Sr., deceased, who reside with| out this State, arc hereby notified to be and appear | at Vork Court House, ou or before the loth day of I February next, to shew cause, if any then can, why ! the proceeds of the sale of the real estate of said ! deceased, sold by the Ordinary of Vork District for partition, should not be paid over to Jonathan N. Stewart, Administrator, to be applied by him to the payment of the debts of the deceased. J. M. ROSS, o. t. d. Nov 12, 1853. 45 3m rpailor's shop.?Messrs. T. & W. DICK1. SON, beg to make their acknowledgments to ! their friends, for the liberal share of patronage they ! have received: and inform their friends and the public that they are still carrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS in all its branches, at their stand one door South of S. Sadler k Son. They have made arrangements by which they will be able to fill all orders for the best qualities of Goods, and to make up out-fits in the latest style and the most workmanlike manner. By strict attention and promptness, and p fvth: ful execution of orders, they hope to continue to rc; ceive a goodly share of public patrona?" T. k W. DICKSON. Jan 25 3 ly Boots : shoes i : leather :! The undersigned respectfully intonns the citi' zens of Vork District and the surrounding country I that he has on hand One THOUSAND pair of BRO[ GANS ; al