LOCAL [TEMS. $.0" An ri mnrk' on a sil.scribler's pape-r denotes that his stilbsoription has expired. We'u will be glad to hivo all do linqucnt stbsori1ers settlo l).t.diues all pay up for another year. Thpre" gre at good nmany persops w~ihtn wo htvo bleen induliging forta long'Ilime. A.m we uinder go heavy expense and are compelledV to .aei CAAsMiswrs for ialtoriNl unti labor, we cannot afford to waiit longer for our jist dun. Onl the Futwr Or I'Aud i-:.Xr we proposo to erase the nanw1s of ,l' del in cluent sitbsc&ibers from our Ioolis, how. '. ever we may regret it. The Ni-:ws is onlv fouar cdollars, and~ the inothree dollars a ye1ar. Piy up your sul)1wriptis; 1us. NOT'CI. Therm will be nlo chnn tin the lbliiis.aliltl ntgens1entof the Nx:ws nd H ml.a. Jidivilulal ntd pal biorShip ' t: + N clams will he prescrtt e .1 'o W. H. ' Williain. PNowlr O"we I [o'ns.- Tlio post oflieo will be open, daily (SliLheys excepted) from 9 A. M., to 12 M and from 2 to 5. *P M. 'Nortlio'rni and Southern mail closo ti i P. M. p~rcis~ely. t3:ir Mail delivered onl Sundays from 9.to 9:30 A. M'. only. RAtI~uo.1D Sell.-nlc::.---The tr"anls on .C. C. & A. R1. R''. now leaive Winnsboro as follows: Going north 11.55, p. mn. Going south, 1.35, i im Accommodation dlay t.riis : Going north, 11.33, n. in. Going south, 12.12. Theso trains meet at WYinns boro. Ninw ADvEaTliSm:n 'rs Soiling Ont--McMaster & Brice. Shoriff's Salt--M. W: Rtuff. Notico-T. W. L eu o.: alo. Potatocs-B )lty,-Bro. & SUi. The tovn well is out of ord r. M - 1essrs. '. It. D):t'y Ca.i have just received a line 1il of nfle:;, whic the'y svill i-cl upoin rcasonai :ble toriai. Be s0tiro and call for Dr. Bull's C uigl: Syrup, if jou afe tioublo 'with a b:.d eouh.1i or c1 -. It will - give you relicf. For sao by evo. y t esp 'ctablo )riigg'smt. Ono bottle "93 cents i-: li1)itIles fr .>1.0.00 We are iin fonud 1h.11 an Oh colored wonlaIl wats irneiid to death a w dlays agro inl the southern p:art of the comity, aboeut ten mile.' from .ir1So' 1'ahvelo bea'c to gather any larticular of the OCri ocnr'nI'e. A IHlvY V WND) --The wind oni Tuesday the 1st innfaunlt .was oel of tli-i heaviest we have ever axpc rieneed. Th(e suith face of the tons n clock was ;ome whmat d-ngo l. and the hands coi iderably twisted. We have as -yet hea'd of no other dama ge to propet'y. The Charlot to (ilsre ;'r get .; off the following, which we publish fWr the1 in fortnation o.f ll inltero d ed: We hand r~hnoht for'gotten this oihd lonce'.4iuS5 until ontemporary I bigs 'ili;to o mid ain lic During leap hoe hss.untinlIh )1 ie'd he got up MUoes-r Zios S -o(f-:rv.--TbeC i ug lar amma1l1l mfeetiing of this body was hld~ on TPuscdaty the I st in'st. The old officers were all ie elected alIs follows - PrsdntJs . [an. Juni ior* W.a d' ni--A-. H. Do ud~s See~U. and1( Treas.-U.( H.2rMh~aste r (ig, Dri. TV. T1. Rerlt~tson, 'Jamles W. Law a'n d Sand. 1B. Cio wney. Ther er nto c'harges of an; sort pre'feri1l aginiist Tial Justic T.1. RI. Rotsliton at the rcenlt termi of the c'ir'cuit courit. ne hadt beeni previously bound1( over,' ini his owin recognizne,. to appoar and.. ansawer to aniy chargo that iuiht be 'boih.agains't hin ni ('m) e'Ct ion1 Swith the ivhipping of the negroes coninediC~ in the giiurd-house. We 'presumio thoro iil be0 no furthe'r eition takoc nhiea. LIvEnY AND SALEs S-r.uni.s.--Wo s Je',Q to the .adlvertisemen~lt 01 Mr'. 'George W. Cra'vfor'd, who has1 re cently talken posHssion of the stales~ aormerl'y o'cilpied1 by Mr. Hi. T. Teri'ilL Mr. Criawfor'd will keep cons8tanitly onl hand for satle ai goodl collectioni or mules0. andii hIorses, and1( wvill be)sides5 glv() atttLion to the livery Yrnchl of his business . Wo *advise al11 onr fritinols intereOsted in hiorse(-fle'sh to) give 1him a call. SA 'xNxL R'.:4'wrxa.- Wo have re~ coive d a copy of te Registor of ' Vorkvillo, S. C. It gives the stanid gI of each1 cadleltfor' tid (intire~ sclidol yoar of 1875. ThoIi exhibit is a very crecditablo 0one. This11 school is becyondi doubt one pf the very'3 bst ini thos entire d4outh. Ut de0ser'v( a lib~erafl patronago. TnE C!OLTJnnu IRxmwSrE.-We hlave r'eceived the first numnbor of *theotri-weely edition of the Column 1)1(. hi.ltRoistCI. the ,mlhldiOim or which was~ IlilU1olwed Honmc W ocks ago. ''Ic tni-weekly conltinls twen ty coluns of readling maittr, anid( 111cc the daily, is full of good road.I ing. -The Bqegistcr has boon doingI good sorvico for tho ep 1)0)0Covr into its first issmue, and it deserves it generous sulpport. i1eirs u-mtd (knerier con ta~lus the fol lowing dispatch fromi Chester, dated ;Jauary :1 - . 'l T1he' spec~ill 805'4i(1 of 1,114: court orderedl by Judge Mackey- 'for the, store of pointer Ilhrdezi cin the 23d it iIIst~iflt, Qp1eilOul 1he1o to-ChwL. JohnlIt LiAlly, former rep)reseilt'ldtive, andIt now p~resident. of the tltpioii L :tague 1 of (l~:;teri, , 11,d (Arvci t~~s a!lO C ib l4:\.l. wve fc, iuIIut ;ilty by it mnixedl :1 urvy. iily wls 9('1 tCle(A to ine 111 Vea~i S. 1111(1 Leo to thkeat years in the: 'eliit'titiary. This is the swiftest:1 j u.1 ice ov*er kown hlove. 'SI i11,ONS TLO Xot~Nu; i1hI i:x.-TheI( next eL(11 )l ill this (c()llne will 1 e . p' ('.2C(-(l by1-lhe R~ev. C. E. Chlichls tL i Lo-morr1ow 110411 ini thme l'1'CMI) rds." - *IoutoNi.J::rc.-TheIl Abbevi11 1, l'i'.. mid /(1 h4,U'P 0()li() to s t, !(n(at ly (c1lzI g l 11 ci imlproved. 1'110~ is one of the olde. ncevsp'a.f Derr; in So)uth Carolina, andl it Jias !)0011 'onstant1l~y risinig in the e~steem of thme people1. We truist its new 1 Step) forwvard wvill be lttf.Ollild withi to!'1 0 It)4~l)~t.' 'uCuitioi. the reecilpt of the ',V/nct1', *.. IIc(ld'd, jIli)lislhed Iby erfr. WV. 11 K. Blake. it is it *vely nleatly P 1Vril) tod j 'aw' r, and bids~ fliir to 1 )0Ccul)y it high and jIcflhlalilIlt j lle( : inl the j()l11'i~ali.tic arena ini Lopular stnuner resort for invalids id pleasuro scehortm. Not only mny people from the city, but a lt'g) nouther frout tilt sea-coast. encraily and not a few from the p-country, made visits, Some long; lid sonc' tiic t, to Sullivan's shald. f tut t'e war' campe on, an 1 he isl:mjd wis famous only its the 'te of Fort Moultrie, tiogether with ther fortiliceti.ins, an(l the Object f mil attentioli from Fetlera& un11 bouats There wins formerly a n' hold bildiling on the island. ut this wast destroy.ld by lire ninny cars ago, and of late yeits visitors tve been forced to content them dve:; with such accoum)dation-s$ as mre, at, hand, in the way of private + ling hilr se .. We ITa'e recently received a cir nlar settilg forth. that a coimmitt(o as been appointei to raiise fiidi 'r the ereoctioii of i .goxI hotel. 'lie (ireullar sas :, "This movemont mast com)lend itself to the citizens f this and our sister states, as it ia home eterprise calilated to istor a irel-tion'hii) with our own O)ple. and create an intimacy with 'ith .each othier, thnus seonring a cinellt to our entire South. It is r'eposed to form a sianl comnpany ihonet thiousanid s-hares at twenty uve dollars aL share. \ .1' Tes~ired iformationi niaay he obltnie 1 froml 101 ny~ immber of the followingC comi 0ttee, all1 of whom resido in rd, 'F. Ht. Murray&. lB. Boyd, A. WV. -t. Amn:iun. Thuese gen ilemuen, and be others wvhom the' represent, are our best wishes for the sucecess f their undertaking. 1 77t iso 187l -What changi.os' have Iink eni ne' I j.l hlit. periodl -/ In none have1 Li .i iiin ii more i raial than iln the I tatruer t i d.ieas'es. Ini the ohbduj timei, natunra, ro strialei with ain iandi sn Iering, wvast ut. uat t iln andu thirnt.. All t his was i, II ilh hionest Iint eleti s but w ith teribb j 'siu!la It is a ph-~sjing facvt thalt thle on. ghtenei.1 putblic ofi the pres rit day~ havei mzt ray the poiwia.I of life are' now ex. elle by' remica iaget ti"it',Ihat brace i. o- vita.! sirenagthm, wile i running itsc ('ause, *,rr in iDi. ' Ttrl's 'Macvr' :P. Livm 'ii.. si.Ty ha1i'vmve bcome~at ch'elberated '1i1 e'ath it r.:tpeii al! t ever offe~red tilt, ofi nei, Pit'Per pulling, butI by therson can use JBosemt:'s GO;nMa aliof and c'ure. 'Wo hav6i the firsi aso of Coughs, Colds or Consumnp ion,~ or' any dhi;(easo of the Thrnie mid L~ungs, yet to heair from tha' ias not tleou onerd- . We .have dis ribuod'very g'oar, for tire~o years vocr 250,0(10 iamplo Bottles b) )rtuggists in all parts of tihe Unitot tlatea-. No odh- ' Mnanufacturer 0: ded icinoCs everi gave their prepara 0ons suclh at test as tiiF. Go) tc 'our' Druggists, McMATs-ER & ICE. nd get. a buottle for '1 cents ani 13y it.--o dlosos will r'elievoe you biamplo Bai tlo;; 10 cents eceh R'E1KOVED. W'Lh now be found in that large ani ,iliatitditl store forfnerly occ0 uieL >y McIaughlin L Co. I ilo has ont hati TilEj BESTh~~ STOCK OF Iry (Goids, Notions, ,Shoon and Milliner1 n Wiitishioro, to whicoli bie Invites time at ti on of his friindu and the pulii i, duOC 11 L OND)ON Laiyer iaiins, Currants, Cil U ron Extria Cream Cheesei, Pure Itailila 4acftroni at the lowcf, enxlh price at Fran I I-A destruotivqirq.ooourrod at .Ninoty-six, 8. C., Dec ng or 21st, by whioh four stores valued qt $20,000 wore burnpd. Thio further sprnod,ef the con flagration, with probable destruction of tho,whole town and a los'of voveral hun dred thousand dollars worths.of property, anal many lives, wore prevoptod by the arrival of a Great American (,Firo Extin guishor, an Agont happening, to come in town at the nick of time. Forfull partion. lars, see the Abbeville Mediupn and Now. borrylHerald of the followingswoeek. Mr. P. P. 'Toalo of~harlesip, 8. C., is the General Southern Agent for the Great American Firo Extinguisher, and will answer all inquiries in regard to the saoe. SIERIFF'S SALE. State of South Carolina-County of Fair fil.l. Jaine. U. Ition as Ex'r. of the will of C. D Ford, doe., vs. Sallio P. S11L J'N pursuanco of an jrder of the Court o .L Conmon Plealr, mlade in thu above e.nitilecd action, I will offer Tor sale on the it Monday in M1prch next, beforo the court House door iu Winnaboro, within tIho legal hours o sale, to the highest bi.l. tier at public of tery, the following de seribed pt oporty,. to wit: All that pi -co, iurcel or tract of land, lying, being and situate'ia tho,eounlty of . nirfield, in the . tate of South darolina aforesaitd, on wak-l'rs of Tier;e Jtanoh Creek, containing one thouswanl, and ton acros, more o, less, bouindiet by iands lately belonging to the t'stat-oif C, 1). Ford, deceased, latrds of Mary Estute, henry L, E.liatt, 1 eston ition and .era. Ballio Jones; ai4d.g1lvinlg such slajipos, marti, butts an.limundarien ass are represented ion a y lvt qf. survey thereof ndi by Wi. B. Elk -, D. S., on the 1st day of Juno, 1872. TERMS OF 8ALI The puroha or shall pny In oaslh nine hune I dred and sixty-four and 19-l00 dollars;. and give his bond for the payment of ive hundred "2ped twelvo and Q1.0lO dollars. k$512.07) on the first duty of October next, with interest. fiom) the day of sale, secured av a mortgago.pf tli1 prerlgjiea. ;No id " ill be receiyed for a less num than feu 'n hundred and soventy-six and 84-100 dollars, and tnt, pnipunt blitd in excess tl,oro of shall bepra gtin.casui: aud .t)ho.purchaser is to pay for atl,uccexsatry paperA, SILAS W. ItUFa, 8. F. O, $herifrs Ollee, Winnsboro, S. C. 5th Feb. Tf76, tir2 IoRstor & rico ARE NOW 8ELLING THEIR Entir Stook OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT'EXTRA BARGvUNS, TO MAKE ROOM FOR THEIR SPRINa STOOK. 4-1 Bleachdd jlHouespuns at 9," 10 and incents, '1 Brown Homespuns from 6 to 11 centq. t Heavy ' Plaitt lionospuns at 12 Cents. Calicoon 5, 6, .7, 8.; tdd.9 .enAq. In fact, they are seliin- al-at WONnENFLIY~ LOW PRICES. Thesy wotiu a n.k esroci'.1 atte'itioni to. tteitoc~k of ] wh'lich they are :sol lung undeniably Choap. lilanuket-! , , B3lanuketa!f j-a. Blankotall! AT A NY PNiICE. Hardwa 'e I Hardwa're I A new lot of 1,3ardware just arrived, colnsistinig of Oyarything gener ailly found il1ha U.ard ware stMu. Nails, .Swedles Tron and Steel, as cheap as cain be bought anywhere: ALSO, A lot of Sti el Plowse of every description. feb 8 Ties!i Ties ! Ties T A Lot o( Bear~V Lo' k 'Tieo at 5i 3'4 c'd per lb,, at iio . ~ga FIRE IN1SUSAN CE. ~TA'dl the agent of elaven Fire Inenranoe --Coman~alieas whiose' -COmbinld asset exeed 40h milhion dlohos . .'hort rale. anmuael and I ermi policies .isnll ich ounI try dwelling risks a, speciaury (Jiln house risks taken at, reasonable rafek. JAS. W. l,AWV, agent. Q~ ECUltIT! L.ife inaonnce and A -nuity 'J Com~pany. Assets $3, 449,108.25. '.ife, Non-Forfeiture (in ton. payment..) bndowvpneat and 'Onuhity I ohicies 18ssued o'I the most, favorable tern,. JAS, W. LA W, A gent. JAV, this dtay received 6 bbla Choice new crob N. 0. MoIlas'e's. I hhd N. 0. y'ollow elauriled Sugar. 1 hhd N. 0. fancy clarified Sugar. Will not drip or get hard in the car k 'Low for enwh. Oall and s-oe. dee 14. saity, Bro. & son HAND Noc~v in Mtox'~e f" AND FOR SALE 10,000 yds. Sti'ldard 'Doxme.. tic and Y aotno Bagginig. Wede o ties. 100 11)0" bahpg T1wins. b kses 'Najigt, assorted. doze A\ea. Vk1ot of' Wo odeh Wars, Shoeo ihd a genieral assort 'iiient cif A*IP IROVISIONS,! kT "BOTThM FIGU'RES~ FOR CASH. Sept. 4 I1F.s I aser & C. Would call the. attotion of the 'ublic to their full Stpok. of (fall and Vimtoy,0oods wich th~y ado o tTer ng.tqtgroatly ro~iucod ~prcee to suit he tfr'oli, FiE:ITIIlZu U. 00o. IV. Wili11iii & (;o'8 '1' ao Iridiely's Patejnt 8upio1'pIho~ phttttte, And The "Palmet~to WOWibh Acid * t, upei'phosplate, 1_ TAVR, been uiaod by) tho pliantemp of th. J_-. South for ten 'ears with bnatahiess SUOCOsm.' Thto ~carcety aedt OIWOOIiniM1 to rocolmitz theoir .qc~nnrted" lso1. ;'Vito t stanldardl of ,thoir oxiiitlle.e.. 'iuuii~tcql to tth~evt'r~y lnitor who is atiro to hill 1 Phl1rllig No (!iher' Meiliker. t?~ ttlnlrliInge c co., Agents at W~irl11ehoro, S ('. jalil C) 8t0110 lll01tIll to Co., *CIIA UtLA'STO N,S. C. 11. Pf )I0S.ful'l; of Time l,"-55 per cen'It, 1. Ajiuo'tin 31 per con t. April Its $11. Noeier 1.1t $1i3, Cotton j()ption maid Acid. I' koispliite, (Arni liible 1JIno. Phosplutto1(it lime, 22.83 per tt~st. April 1 Kt $30), Novemnber it s m, ('teiar Option $45. ,T49 Special rates to irligers OU Casth orders. For rienlait ltPy F U. 't LLIAMS,, reasunrer, Charlcestont S U or to D R Fliuutikon Agent at W1iunboro$ C It R Doaportes &1 Co, Agent at ltidgewity :3C Jan 25 Ti" 1 ANKC COWS8 AMtMOti!AtJI1D _3 ONE SUIt'El lq'E.. H~aving 1)0611 tnpointe&4bt61o Agetfor this taoor ?o pn1.e&of th~e abovo o14 and well mnown ,' V'W'ILJ~itrElt, we shall naa keep a fnU~.sp3Ap1.' oin.. hwnu. Orders en tristed,to onr taro Kli'tl1 heel with ptOntpt e]Wb mert.vflhu.Ferilizer." are too well w i t n lteitdto eur oetotl nIotice.. WO will onily '11t(1 that each cosign mot Wisb1jectetI~ to :tho I1 atw'erest )apltysi,4. and the originlO (til ar{1 is fr'ltv buatixutnilld. Dr.: 11. . PINCh. NIX, iI~0tir travtiliflt4 flgct, tliil anry coinI ItlllhiI'It ills to its thirou";h htiim r:Ii:;ll have} every care andll louptcl. 3 Conizr~morcial WVharf', Chiarleston,, H. C jOiu Iti 2x1ici Cheap Guano, $10) P1?I T(ON. r HIS1 fly .SN was; offered ait thme ce of I last seasoul. Sotir'e :3u(13 teiis Hold n its own ni 14itst its per n1' tia Sis otf 1'rofexstimr Shlepard. As tar as Iienrdt trout resultIs of. it fpl oilaohemfm t'0 otu to balance of the ('ar'go, 1 offer it at $10 per toni cash, put tipl. in flow ia of 200 poundta .. J. N . itt 1XON, l 8 East Pazy, 1 anld 2 1. (tliic wharf,t inn 5 1 in Chairleston, H. (U. VE IILtILIZER I I'\1 nowr onihand and about to re teivu thoe following brands of well known 0 nint. 'T'hiose Aiahiu~g to jiur ehtts~ 02)i.. Bie, will dlo well to call and lelOYAI to TA() OMVUN R'6SE'NH ElM ,& C Oc. L7, 1JPEC't'FU1x. inror.sn tiro piil . J1Iicjiit gouvral that Luey hiave fitne ho~ .store ' formerly occupie~d by J. UI. '&thuart wii erethoy itendt to cnt.dIuvt r6 general ). took of suit rclatsie, eotsMdi mt-,v' GBOOTS NI) , : 1)1{; GOODSt 1V E (c UARA'' FE Emir &ud .eouar, t'1ctlai ot to go jb v.ery one that wil wIuill oi us. r'aroh 2 "JUST RECE'IXElY. *.. ...... JPvt1 o 'mtaldlct I'uintut, 21i +ioc' of Wl)4 Jew~is, 4 p~ieced ofii~n nee,( lcetof W'.hitn I Jaditel, tdoceg ti ed QI I~tnneit 'alt iiuis of beautiful lio't, dtI'iic~ atl (nlltInltIC all \\Voo1 ilet riQ ' Vigstsi lBib.t 'ieulily of, needless all izts, \Vhtilo 13 nkii $3.50 pe~r pair ILU 'pieces '('orlil Alpacai anti Lauigvr's (,loth, 2 IgiteI itijiullsuts 1112511 As~iitiuilt of Road).ul iu. I intenid to soil theui, Itp1 j~o anry id ti tlde ini anyv Ifli kil it. he counitry. I, N. Will IIlt8F. N. 1.-1)ll't fail to cousin and isoo my nov 27 L Y'p I J 1JT R1X;EY