ri iFarfleid Her .I1~ XET"TERY WJ#bNE1)A.. How Long to leep. 'There has been a great deal of trasi written and labelled "HygienIc ;' but thoe folii ing (wq are sorr. wet40 not'kn ow 'who wrote 'it) . 'entirely ao ords with our own experience, both as 4 working, farmer and a working edi tor, that we comm d it to the readers of the Rural tow-Yorker as sensible:-Tho fact is, that as life becomes concentrated, and its pursuits %ior e engor, short .,sleep and early riding becomes impossiile. We take 6noro sleep than. our,.anoostors, and we take more because w. want moro. Six.hours' ileep will do vory well for 'a plowman and labor, or any oihor'hap who has no exhaustion but that'prouiipod by mianual labo'r, ind the aWoper lie takes it after his labor is over theo better. But for a an hok lalpor is linAntal, the ,stress c work is on his brain and nervous sys. tom, and for him who Is tired in the evening with a day of imental ap. plication, neither early to b'ed. nor early to rise is wholesome. lie needs letting down to the level of repose. I'lie longer the interval between the aotive use of tho brain and his retire. ment to bed, the better ils chance of sleep and refreshment. To him'an hour after midnight is probably 'as good as two hours before it, and even then his sljoe)will n9t so completely and quickly restore him as it will his neighbor who is physically tired lie must not only go to bed later, but lie longer. His best sleep probably lies in the early morning hour, when 11.'oboivous e'xoteliient has passed Safy, and he is in absolute rest. 8icknoss. 'Biokness takes us aside and sets us alone with God. We are taken intc bibd)U vate chamber, and there lie converses with us fade to face. The world is afar off, our relish f-r it ii one, and we are alono with God. Many are the words of grace and truth which le thou speaks to us. All our former props aro struck away, .tTI n'Ow we ItI't lean on God alone. The thiligs of carth ar'o felt to be vanity ; man's sympathy deserts us; we are are cast wholly vPi'n. 'God tMnt we mnay learn that praise aid his sympathy is enough. "If it were not for pain," swys one, "L should spend leose time with God. If I had 'not been, kept awake with pain, I 'A'hould have lost one of the aweetest experiences I ever had in my life. Tie disorder of my body is the very 1h'p i want from God s if it does ita \,ork'befo% It lays nA ini the dust, it will raise me up to heaven "--Centrai Prasbyterian. Thb PlIgrim and the Knight. In a noble tastlo once live-i a very ibi'6h knight. Il expended munch bqio'ey ih alorning and boaatitying his dwolling but he gave little Vo the poor. A weary pilgrim 'dam' to the castle and asked for a ni. hit's Idg Ing. Tholknight haughtily refused hiimi and, and said : "'Thii castle is npt nn inn." The pilgt iiii repiied "Pormit me only to ask two questions and I will depart." Upon this eon. dition speak," said the knight ; "I will readily answer you." The pil. grinm then said to him : 11id dwelt 0b thuis castle before you 1' "My f'ather," replied the, knight. "And who will dwell here after you ?" still asked the pilgrim. The knight said, "With God's will, my eon." "WeelI," said the pilgrimn, "if each dwells but his timie in the castle, and in time must depart and make away for another, wvhat are younother wrise here than guests 1 The oatle, then, is truly an inn. Why, then spjotd so mueh in aiorning a dwell. ing v*hleh j'ou will oooupy but a short season ?1 Do good, be eharitable, for hte that hiath pity upon the poer lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he bath given he will pay himi again. The knight took these wordi to heart, lie gave the pilgrim shelter that night, and the knight was eve: after wards more charitable to the poor. Mr. 0., of 8t. Louis, who is the proprietor of a large planing will was seated in his office one morning *lhen ho was aecoatod by a blear-eyec specimen of humanmity who asked foi ten cents to get a drink. "Faes is,' said lie, "I have been on a drunk, am broke and want just ofie good drinil to sobet off on." Now M r. G, was strong advobate of temperance, aind turning to the man he said i"l'm not a drink ing man, but there is m: brother Jim over there, he may ielp *hieh remark, by the way, was a decided hit on Jim, who did not, obh jeot to an oooodional smile, and knowiing how it was himself, he han, dee! the man the asked-for dime, re. mnarkinig. "That's for telling thc truth ; if feu had sai'd you wanted to buy bread, et- somothing fo eat; I wouldn't lan given it to you.' "Thank yon," said the inebriate "had I known that you wnere a~ bloody liberal, I'd boned y6'u fof quarter." "Bere is fifteen eeonti more for your' impudence," handing the man the uniount. "Good nuo'n. lng." Their visitor backed'te' th door then turning to Jim with an amusing stare he saidi, "I would like to tel you something providing you won'i get mad." "Go ahead. What is it I" was the reply. "Well, you'ro the ugliest white Rhan 1 think I ever saw I" The obituary notice iiia Westert paper contnined the touching intel, ligenee that the deceased "bad so cumulated a little money and tor A young lad with a matheruaticaL turn of wind said to .his- father, "If the snow al i'thelte off the grounid, what will b left ." His father said, "Nothing'of course." Hqpeful, Ppke boldly out. "Yo , a1ir; mud." The boy is going to the high sohool next term. The nist conediug woman 'lives in Provid noe. She went to an auo tion and knowing the prevalence of thieves at suoh piscos, asked a nice. looking man to take oare of her pooket ook, containing $80. Ile is taking care of it. The reason why a watch is called a watoh is, evidently, because it is al ways on its guard. Special Notices. Qno of the, firer 1usjineys, prioiltes to at ipen, . mnko . all 'purcihsues direct rom the mantiactrers tis saving large uta of money. For this reason we ad Aipe or readers to purchase their Win owe. Doores Blinds, &q.. from Messrs. .II. UA1"ll, &.Co., Ch'arleton, .5,. 4.. who have nt. the foictorie.. con bine-1 benefits derived from mnerinls in littit hantids, skilleik workmen, IeICht iipproved machinery, and through sy stem at ic nin, agenient. All window. glazed with hod len *ar glaiss. They nti also Agents for Aabestos',Ropfing Felt. r y.,. nid,you will b1e ploased with Its ilit If7y. t-end for price list, circulars, &c. C 1APPE D IA ns, ftco, rough tkin. pimples, ringwqrm, salt-thoum and other cutaneous affeiglans eu red, andi the .kin made soft ani seoo:hby using the Juri. PitR TAR SotP, made by Caswell, llsszsardf &-Co., New York. Ieertnin i.. gpt lhe Juilper Tar Soap, nq there nre mniwsy imsi tations Irade with counton tar which are wort laii'i, NEW ADVERtTISEMENTS'8. 6i SYCif0ANCY, or RQh . l AlRM - ING." flow either sex mny fascionte and gain the love ar-d alfeclionts of any per son they choose, insolpitly. . J his silplile mental acquirement All ean posse gp, free, hy mail for 26 ets. to ler w.itb, a mnarriage I guide, j.1'p 'n9 Qraelo,. lgreams, llinis to Ladies, We ling Niglt-1.hii:-. &c. A tit-ecr book. Address TI. WILLIX3i & CO. Pubs. Phila. AN ACCIDENTAL CURE. When death was lusry expected from contiumpi ion, all, rern(eqivs Itiving failed. and Dr. Janmes was expeimenting. he a eidently.mnade a preparntion of Itnlian help, wi c tcured hiis only ciild, anw now gives this receipe free, rn the receipt of two stamps to pay expenres llelp also cures nighli-sweals, n:tas-n at he t omacl and will break a fre-hl 'lt, jn 24 hotnes. Address Ornddoel & o. 1o. Ititace St. Plia h aming tlis paper. COLUGHS, CO1 'l,.N 81.E8. AND A4L TiIIrOAT DISE.y.8, W ells' Carbolic Tablets PUT UP ON LY IM RI.ItM IN X.4. A. TRIMD A N 1 SUIl It Vl' 1 ) V ln. Fold by all Drusegist The Highest ledlical Anth1rilies of Europe say the strongest Tonic, Priler tid Deobfstruent known to the medical world is JURUBEBA. It arrests deeay of vital forees, exhaulstion of the iervousi sysien, reslores vigor to the lebililase'l, le nses viti aed bleod, removes vesicl "'s, Eb struct inn an I es (directly on tue Liver andi ntnlsen. l'rice $1 Da.L.P.Fiva.-Beg~oi,aeR graduated at the talteruttv tiea's a .nal i ~ or'epertoneo,. fete4Dr Pitler's Vegetse Rheunasetio yrnia I guarantee i a inatble eore for N i-o td .a.Zfnietedsh'onid wrt .ttrPha Aprl or571 rs~esall Rumore~ frmthwrst efrofiii. tlata commd nBloteaorec Pim ~le; ~It'mptwo to usixabtgtls are twarant tem ~zbee S.Noalt henna retterrl~~s bPinrsgats owesarrantedoa foro h o Scofu ul o a cosmon fi ts or nderitu Femtoa pop otles areilarrrn the maa sre Sret aeor Togerin Iouain al LWeIjnfe and Bores and all Skin nd te time reurd bi any other medicine *sd is pefcly safe, losening cough, sooth. suintation, and reliovluoreness. Fjod WZE W.A.'DirT 1000 FIrst 01ass Book Agents at once to sell two of the most, popular works ever published. a recordl of prison life at Fort la-su ware, by R1ev.I1. W. K. Ilanady. NARISHALL'S LIFE 01F GEN. ROBERT E. LEE, Send for Circular at once. TURINBULL DhROTPERS, lhaltinsore Md. EDEOGRAPOY A new book on the art of writing by Sound :a complete system of Phonetic Short Hland the shortest most simple, easy, and comprehensive, enbling any one in a short time to report trials pehesermons &e. The Lord's Prayer iswitnwith 49 strokes of the Pen, and 140 words .peuEtiiut'd. ho un-employed should leiva this aY, ille by mall 60O cents. Agents wanted. .Addre4 T, E. Evans & Co., 139 s. S6. P'hila. Pa. AOENTS Wanted-$5 1o3 Si) ad .1. daily. Samples mailed froo. N.11l. WhiteNewak N.J. Q"' A week to agerits' Fastes't sol Uhlig actieles out. Three valua. blWe satnplos frtncne ,J. B3RIDE, 767 Broadway, New York,. I~ N p. .. WfNNSBORO FEMALE SEMINARY, A Boarding and Day Sohool ror Young' Ladies. MIBS. E. E. MO100i(, MISS 8ALI.; lio i1UNSON, Principals NOAnD OF TIus-Tsrs. Ilon. W. Rt. n u-o ,1'ei n. 00' M.i.l os. It. L. EC.'lo-,lsq., Capt. . s. :ATY 1un11 S. HP C.ow.n -y, J. . CCANra, Eq,1.41 \l~ saa For higher binn.-hem, inclulin.g rho nan gu n ge y r? i -t s i t' . For incrtielhime cln.ases, per mem, sion, $ -. 18. For Primary e:; "e:s. r sessioln, $12. MIesic. per .$2n bin. ;1). lo-rding. per mnmi b. inclu--ing wasih. Ing, fuel and lits . p m .111o y 1A Terms of pay ment -qti-erly inl advancee Zron in the Blood AN TOIC 0 MAKES THE WEAK STRONG .27hePertivialS /riept, a Protect ed Solution of the 1rotoxile of Iron. is so combined as to havo the character of atn aliment, as easily digested and assimilatedI Vith the blood as the simplesC food. It incrCases the quantity 3Naterc's Oan 7ital7izn gent, iron in the blood, and cures "a thousand -ills," slUmply i b Toning u), Invigoratin g and I italizing the System. The en richedl and vitaiicd blood per incates eVery part of the body, repairing lamages and waste, seaching out -morbid secre tions, and Icaving nothing for liscase to fecd 11pon. This is the Secret. of the Won derfutl success of this 'remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhea, Dolls, NervousAffcctions, Chills, and 'evers, Humors, I Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tho Kidneys - and Bladder, Femnle Complaints, end all diseases r iginating in, < bad state of the blood, or ac .coinpanicd by debility or a lotu state of the system. Bcn g frec fronm Alcohol in any form, its energizii cg are not fol lowed by corresponding reac 4 ion, but are permanent, infu aing strength, vigor, and new life into all )airts of the system, and buiiling up an Iron Con. alttution. Xr..a.wr' . ,to r/4:cbfceangets by the -ise of this 'emedy, fronb weak, sickly, stiffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot -reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Pamphlets Fhroo. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, io. 1 Milton Placo, Boston. OorD liT DntLOOIeTa Or.NERALLY, R E C E 1 V E D) A 1.*0 A freshi :supidyv of' ('i rile: i le,i ,i) Onionu hlns al4, il ol'hiebh Will het Mli low f or C.\S11. IBURDAL (CASES WATERS' JONCERTO PARLOR ORGAN8 --STOP is h' best 7 nrli 'oice4d, tenic is IAIO N - E'T R Il lD Na, - r'hie I'TN LIEIg.. TATION of the, - Itnauna Niclo Is s PS.:stu.I - E 'Sirsn, literal. roay. iar50 P ANo and4 0IItiA N S' TBrs-clrisu. ankeru,.n.. cin AT' lEENs a extrensuely low pritcca for e'nita, or part) cash, anall-rlne iiannat Ilint (lly ponn44us4I. Ne'wn 7-c.. Itave)first-classM PU AN(OS,uiII mioderia Octav'e,574). nD51Ius,E.-lE !1.:n Oil. 4.A NS,4 stopM, S14 8 o; NiopN5, 8l25. III lated m Ont niues mulled~'m. A larie discoiut toi .IlIn1iters, ('1ur44.. u, ~a-r uni i-.. 00rane4 Sooids*. ec. AGOE NTS W.ANTED. J3O0T AND) SUOE M a'n'L ?. a t or . I I.\\-rNG prouired flu t he co'iuntry, I feel war' ianl.i in iii i nlg liat I - enn lm uiieh as uneal llOOT or1 SihOE ias any Shop in llhe South .All work warranited fo give sisfac'ttltion. My Sho is nexi door to F. (Gerig's Satilrty. IO manr 19 8. M. U T IWIlT. VOTIc'E. A LLperonsindebted to us either biy N\J~yot o acont, paist diue, atrc hiereby' notifled t hat prompt CA 8II payment'ul is no0w required or ot her 14a1 isfactory setl I te. ment bie muade immediitely. Blusiness necessity compels uis tr. make I histlem~andt, andI we hiope all intereseud will come for ward at once and rave furthier Irou~ble. .jan 8 niE.t. & rnn BARGAINS I -I We now ofei'er our Stock o Dry Goods Boots and Shoes, hats, Dress C1ol, anld Clothinig, W 401L :M.A- MA " REDUCED .P RE I O E SI Specitd aftelition called to. oil Lot of Shawls oflered at COST Oine Lot of Cl mks ..ofered a coST ! 0ne Lot of Clothing ousist 'ng of I landsoue Ca'ss llere (si ,Falley Cassiline. P'11 d Black Cloth Coat A T COST '1'o CASI[ CUSTOME18 W oDWARkD & LAW. nov1 HARDWAE HARDWARE!! :0: AV E now rti:icivingv our Full and Winter Stock, which wi;l be fnt!1 ,and com. pete inl at Short ltme. Tooknnd 1m4l en ts or t ile Planle . tile it t , he Siiha-id Wo11 work-im ethr C"hiits 11nd4 Rope of llt kinlds. INIl-anlce 1101r0e andl Miule She.Wood -and Til Wnrei, Wavon 1nd I'gv \lnierb:k. &c. on hntd and to arrive. We have two ton! of Cut Nails on hind. A L IsO a nice lot of Grioe.' ics, civhracinig Sutgar.s, .. offe -, Tlea. Spc- llams, Lard, ..'ice, Fieb, a 'hem'ue. ('rackernt, Tohner.-., Monpja. C'ai.~tndl and Srch. Ol f~W f~)' tle ('it aginl 'nITi., t.n re ,.non .k.FlN B lot of 'ih (;rnceries, jn: receitv sI by Joh Dli . \let'arley. conaosisi ofi 2 bi. .Noi 1. Alesst Mhnd, 2 '.'lni llerng. 2 bhlis. No 1. Ankwl . 2 bl. Boiled liotseedl Oil andl Ptuints, jtust receiv ed.. JIMcMASTER & BR iCE. TRIU TFIANT CAROLIN.A TERTILIZEli WILL E SOLD AS FOLLOWS: $50 PER TON OF 2,000 lbs $55 PER TON OF 2000 lbs Payable Novembeil, 1874. Freiilh, 1id Drayage to bc Addrd. ITS SUCCESS'IS U NPARALLELED, AN) ITS STANDAR D IS A M~o. I ACID PHOFIIATE! WILl ,IE SoL1D AS FOL.OWS: 33 Pe'r Ton of 2,000 lbs. 338 Per Ton of 2,000 l1s, Payable Noveim.erl 1874, UIro 4E )Cu ,