JOB PRINTING.-Our office nas eboo fitted with all materials necessary for printing jobs of every description. Bills, Letterheads, Posters, Invitation and Business Cards &a., &c. 0: Louk out for Dannuenberg & Co. Niw ADVERTISMENrs. More Arrivals-Ie.ity & Bro. Etiwan Fertiliz r-T. R. Robert son. Administrator's Sale-J. G. Hiw thorn e. Look out for Daimnenberg & Co. QUIEn, IlYIinti.-At Mr. R, fo's can be s-:en a queer anitmial-haf11 cat. and half rabbir,. 0 A bird wa.s captured in one of the street lamps last Saturday moru ing. Look out for Dannenberg & Co. Messrs. U. G. Desportes & Co., have just received a lot of new goods ,and a supply of fresh country butter. Give them a call. We are pained to hear of the death of Ida McCarley, child. of R. J. McCarley, Esq., xged one y,.ar and two mcntl. , Y Look out for Dannenberg & Co. . gy James VNick of.Rochester, N. Y. has our thanks for choice varieties pf ceed. M r. Vick is onie of the most prominent seedsmen iu the United States. The streets in several places need repairing. The drain at Mr. Jordan's corner has become filled, and the water is makiug a trench thougLi the street. A few hours' work would rectify this. e & A bill is before, the Legiol?. ure to authoriz) th '.County Comn missioners of. Fairfield to pay past in debtedes<. This is a good measuse nud -hould pass. Qf We learn from the Observer that Messrs. 11. M. Steele and V. 13. Wilavn Ji., QC YuL, laavo been arrested as Kuklux and bound over ,in .the suin of 2,000 eatch, to appear a4!. Court, in Chatleston. Messrs. Suigenahoimer & Co., have purchased the saloon formerly owned by Mussrs. Gilbert, and have thoroughly renovated it. ''lhey have on hiand eboice liljuors, and some elegant Cincinnati beer. Ot We retur~n thanks to Attorney Gee. S. W.. Mellon for his report to the L~egis'atum e. It contains valua ble informat ion, and shov's that d z ring the pat five years $4145,000 hazve beena eimblenled by Cunot~y Tlreneourerr. T'heisoe eauiite rs s ho uld be brought tu ti ial. gg Ihannenberg & Co., will in a few days receive the entire supply of their new spring stockr, consisting of the latest st.3les of Dross Goods and NotionTs. Also the ehieaipest line of clnthiung ever offered in this . market. JhTj a few da3s, and catll in anid ex. amine our s10ock. SThe odors, not. exactly of Art by, hut of 1'eru, Wando, ELi waln,&. fill the air in different paortioLs of the townt, and prochai im t hat seed time is near. We wish farmers suc cess in Fpeedil disposing .of those sw'ee tly scented articles in the ground. . ' As will he seen by an adver. tisement, Mr. J. M. 1R. Moore has becomo sole proprietor of the store of J. M. RI. Moore & Co. Ile offers his stock at cost, in order to close oult for the spring trade, lie nmeans what he says. .We advise our friends to give himi a call, exobhanging their "filthy lucre" for handsomue goods of every descripition. Egy Tuesday the l14th is Mardi Gras, "fat," or feast Tuesday. The six weeks of Lent aro hpralded by Ash Wednesday. ,To probare for Lasting, the Roman Catholie world ~ives way to mirth and gayety for a. week pi ovious. The carnival is eele brated with the greatest pomp in New Orle ins, to which city .visitors are attracted from the wh-,1e United States to witness the deeds of the Nystic Krew of Cumus ou Mardi Gra8. ggr' Dannon berg & Co., have re oeive~d their full suj ply of samples for thep nierchant tailaring trade. Will be prepared to take measure mnents at one for the spring styles. Come and examine thoem, as they are not to be comnp..ed with. Will suit the most fastidious. ft 22 It is reported that there aro bo careful before trading for certifi cates, to see that they are genuiuo. J Tho Treasurer is not yet ready to pay any certilioates. As the trustees have been more careful of late, the certificates of 1873-4 will probably be- paid dollar for dollar. Old certi ficatos can only be paid by defliconcy uppropriation. A bill has been in. troduced into the Legislature to pro vide for these, but has not been not.. ed upon. lereafter, County (Com im issioners'warrants, certified Sheriff's aceounts, and Tiial Justicoes' costs will probably.. )e received ;n pay- . nient of county taxes. Fil.- On Thursday night at about - one o'clock, the alarm of firo.. was fi sounded. It was divoovered that tlhe r ecilar of NI r, It. N. MeMaster's house a (the old oMzclarter Hotel,) was on fire. e Water wasm spoeelily obtained, and a the liie was extinguislied without tho aid of the e-gine. The enginie c0n d pany and, th colored 10ook and L ad a der company were out promptly. b Fortunately, no great damage was fi done. A (olored man,-Robert 'Van diver, or Vanderbiltb, has been ar rested oil tho.ahargo of being an in cetliary, suspicious oircuinstances huving apparwntly connected him with the burning. H1ticinDE.-Melton Ruff, (colored) was struck in the head with an ax by Jack -- colcred, on Tuesdayniglit, and died Thursday. Jack has been arreste3. Melton is said to have been a meddlesome fellow. List il ay, he .had-a la-wsuit with his wife for the custody of kiis child, in in which it -appeared tic had treated her With great cruelty on several occasions. The couple sepai ated. Milton was making preptrations to sue for a divorce. In the mean 'time he was paying attention to a colored daiselwho possebsed another suitor, t in the person of Jack. . . These got into a fight, and Jack - Claims1 that Io struck Milton in self defenbe. LIGwT ,.A:r LAS--The streets which have been iliuminated .only by Moon-light awul Star-light for these many years, since Cornwallas had his headquarters.jn the town., .and ,since the fright.e-ed schoolbo3s dodged "iold J. W, in the dark.tess, have at last been adorned with lamps. No longer oqn the amorous swain strolling along with his dulcine-a gaze in rupture upon the sentiment-inspir ing beams of the moon. Liitinig his eyes lie will see nought but the flame I f bloning Ieruseine. J the aid of these noeturtal luminn rif.s, mud-holes and ditehts will be dteeted in time to previent serious mishap, and errant I "'Tomi Cats" cnn 1.o hiought down with chance brickbats, wi i great precision. Good lights'are a great ble-sing. And we thank the city fathers for the marked improvement in this respect. Of D. I. Durisoc,.Esq., for near ly a quarter of a century, busines umanagor andi proprietor of the Edgre field Advertiaer has disposed sof' his interest to Judge Johnl E. Bacon and~ Mr. T. J.. damp. Mr. Jas. TV. Baeon who has aivcd at the tripod for eleven years will still remiain Editor assisted by .\r. Adams. "The Ad.'-r tiarer is -y manliy years the oldest paper in tha State, and has l:'ng stiod in thle vahi of SouLt h Caroli i .Jouiralism.i Under -the .editorial ( mlanralgeijutt ~of W\ardlaw, Baco, Wigfall, LBorde, Jones, Carroll, . Siminkins -inmd I) urisee it at tai ned a ' hig h opuitt ion, whiich .repuata -, tLion is well sustauned by the' pros. aent .e'l itor. We wish this Nesit or of' the Press coat iue p11(1rospierity3. 'I he uimcaster iJ~edger has enltered ] upon its twenty-third v'dua.. ider theo mnalgement of D). J. Cart er, Esq., it is aL Iive pape r, ti-te to hion. es.t.y nd~ piinciple. 1Wo0 wish our neighbor suicce,.as IDisSoill(IOi of Par(Hler'slip. rj II i merrcant ile partnerishtip heretboo ( -1. knowa'n unde11r tihe farm nino of J . M1. It. 3100lt g & Co., is this dai y, by mutual conseti as iioll ne by lie terms of its own hi mit ation, dissolved' ( J. 31. R UTL A NID, J. 31. I. M1001tE. feb .12 . .. NOICE, SWOUh[D resipectfulhly anno unce to ny .i.. frinnds and thle puiblic ge-neri 1 thati I have purchiased the enitir-d slock of goone - belongiiig to J t1. R. 3l10011K & C(., an ii will OOnlinue the buisinik's in liy iwn - nmie. 1 solicit, a cniitiuance of lie liberal patr'onage heiretofoto a xteni ded to thle old tirm. *Very BRespecifuilly PHOTUGRA PHL, - BY BA UMGAIRTEN. N OW s yor tie, a I intend to close u~ p my Galory in the e'onrse of a short time. Photographs, -Ferreolypes, Ivorylypes, small and life slte. If you dleslir a life-like ornament, call and give mie a Trial. feb 12 ThE OARROLL$ rHOUSE, SLUACK8TOCK, 8. C, NEWL'FY BUILT and NEATLY FUR.i NI8IIED.. The public furrnishied with the 0 best the market affords. . .d .mitN Rnrr.L, ETIWAN STANDARD THE BEST IN USE. PURITY GUARANTEED I Etiwan Dissolved Bone, $85 cash, $40 ayablo 1st November 1874. Etlwan Fertilizer, $55 cash, $60 paya te 1sL November, 1874. All sales on Iimo to be secured by note 0i good endorser. T. R. ROBERTSON, Agent Winneboro, S. C. Im. C, B.E & CO., Geni'l Agents Charleston, 8. C. feb 17-lim Administaator's Sale. Y virtue of authority to me granted by the Judge of probate for Fair old County, I will sell at public anclion i I le 7th day of Maroh next, at lie lte asidence of Robert lawthorne, deceased, l1 the personal estate of snid deceased, )nsisting of houxseihold and ki tchei furAi - Ire. Plantation Utensils, Horses, Cmto n(d other articles. Terins for all sums inder t wenty dollari, asi on day of sale, nit for all sums of. Atnd above twenty (llari, (he puarclrstor will be required to > give note and approved scourity, paya le on let November next, with in'erest om day of sale. .. G. H AWTHORNE, feb 17-2tr2 Admn'r. MORE ARRIVALS. 4 hhds. Canton Syrup, 18 bbls. " 6 bbls. N. 0. Molasses, 22 Kegs Nails, assorted, 6 Gases heavy Shoes, 1 Car Load Corn, 250 bushels Oats expeoted o arrive to-day. All of which .ill be sold LOW FOlR ASHi! BEATY & BRO. fe 17 J U 8 lE CEIY ED! Etarly IRose anid Goodrich 'otatoes, 'White anud Red )nions, Pearl] Hommliy, New sugar Cured Hams, Fresh solted Meal, G ranulatecd and toasted Cofflee On hand, a selected stock >f Family and Phmntation iroceries, wihich will be sold1 heap, for CASHi and CASH )INLY. feb 12 T .R B R5N 1000 "usio..Cigars. l(000 Companiera (ugtrs. lii b 1 U. G. I)ESPORT'Es & Co. FRESII RU'l TER, 50C lbs. Fresh Country Blu ter, Cheese, Cracekers &c. U. G. DRSPORT ES & CO. feb 13 DRUG STORE BY WV. E. AIKEN, M. D. PHlE-subscriber having purchased ihe L stdiek of Drugs and Mecdicines of losers. Ltidd Drothiers, will devote his me and attention to the Drug business 1 Its legitimiate details. Promptness, are andI attention ill be given to the Isponsing of- Medicines, which 'can be ad at all tima., ando sna rd., u.. y... BARGAINS BARGAINS. am now oQ'cring my entire STOOK in every deparrnient at unprecedentedly low CLO FHlING, SHAWLS, LADIES DRESS GOODS, BLANKETS &c. POSITIVELT AT COST This is no humbug but a fact, and it is the interest ot' every one to call and examine bef ore purchasing J. M. R. MOORE, feb 14 PHOSPHIATETIIOANS T3E3T STONO SOLUBLE FERTILIZER wni.r. :1)13 436Y.4 A8 J.'kisy w a : $50 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Ti'Mmc) Price. $55 Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Payable Nov. 1 1874. Free of Interest. FR EIHT AND DILAEGI's TO 1E ADDED. This g1an11o hs bween well ( etled iU - - hia Counlty and proved A S UC E S S. STOsro ACID PHOSPHATEs FORt eOMPOSTING. .(0 A ShE P R I0E. $33 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. $38 PERL TON OF 2,000 LBS. a PAYABLIE NOVIElMit 1 1874. Free~ of Interest. FREIGhlT AND DRAYAGiE TO BE ADDED. BlAEV'S SEA FOWL GUANO WilL. lE SOJLD"AS FOLi.OWS CASES PiUCI. $50 PER TON'0] 2,000 LBS. TIEu PECE. $00 PERL TON OF 2,000 LBS. Freight and Drayage in be added. STAND)ARD) A NO 1.. Bradley's Amoniated DISSOLVED BONES. $40 PER TON OF 2,000 LBlS, Tli iI PillICE. : $47 PER TON OF 2j000 LBS. Free of Interest. freight apid Drayajgo (ebo addedl.. ii Onno is cheaper thah moat-Fertill. zere. anil is considered by inany as egnaally good. TIinissarnds of ions sold in Georgia last ye r. 4 . ORSA LE BY- - "EA.OT c C. a riJ H E Copartnr ship heretoforo eiisting* Oi bet.eIn he sa'oscribr h'i adeii,'r (lhe namec of J. .\. lloiway & Co. Jdidre~s (tis day by limtatinit.'rTho hard ware bustiness will be coptinued. by J. M. G*al. loviad, :.~. ' -40 41 (4. H. McA)AA'T-ER. - --JAS. A, IIRICE. - - FINE TR1~A FINE TEA !! .un" Powder, hpperial, Eniglih, Break. fast ant Mixed Teas, from United States Tea Compiny, -ALSO - Black, GIreen, and Japan Teas.. For Salo By McM ASTERL & BR1IC'E . TERMS FOR 1874. W.E rp s ol goods for 1874 on a ash baisis. All goods charged~ ont our books will be considered du, on .. the first day of the taonth. Following, 'and c all bills not/then paid will'bo charged in- a terest at-the rate of two (2) per cent per d m tntha until paid. -This rule will be stric tly adhered to ina.aese. where-no a ARED DOWN, MARKED DOWN 8. LANDECKER & CO-, ro offering at extremely low price N 0 IU MBUG! Best Calicoes 10 cits, Drear Goods at GREAT BAhGAINS lothiug, Boofs and Shoos Redticed to Wholesale Prices. REMEMBER THE FIRM, S. Landecker & Co. deo I1I NEW GOODS / Ne Car Load Salt, , '' " "Flour-all grader, " " " Abal, jacon and Lard, 25 lba. of EalIng and Planting Pota aes, all of which will be sol LOW FOR OfSH I 1UEATY & BRO. fe.b 12 JUST R~ECEIVED. Car Load Bluack Oat., I Car Load Corn, 1 Car Load Flour--all grades, I Car L~oad Menii, 1 Car Load White Oats to arrive in a ew days. New Orlans Miolassa), Rugnir, Bacon, tame, lhard, Bagging and Ticu, jan 15. . . ETRAYED. N Thursday 6mlt inst, 4i hay horso /ony years old. Ifo e ha- one w hite hi'nd ot, no other 'marks-'recolle'oted, except rddle miaa'ks. A ny'iiformnat ion cioncrning uim will be gladly received a&nd liberally warded, feb 11 .. ,.,. J. HI. BiI~CE. WDtNSBORLO HOTEL L S agaIn opened for't ho accomm'odat ion et tIi'e travehrg nd boaruding public. able supplied with the best, the couantry I~ords, ituid' no curie or d'xpense sh all 'be paredl in makitng my griests comafortable, ive mae a trial. A. A. M~ordsI, nov Ia. 8m , .. Prprietor. SST ABL E, eg an Fn GGOD11T.G, PFOPRIEToa. [- AVINQ disposed of my Livery Inter. est. to ii. 'T. Terrill, I will keep instainly on hand hifores andt 'mules for te. Parties in want of good stok will & Well to'givo' ino ' a call.- ' "' I have also opened a Carriage, Buggy id .Waggon- FAbtou'y. Atl work neatly racuted and wrranleA. fea ner a aul BARGAINAA BARGAINS. OWING to the low p:-ice of Cottoin and the gireat scarcity of money, we now offer our entire Stock of Goods at ex tieniely low prices. Especial attention is clled to our very large Stock o Dress Goods, Showls, Ready Made Clothing, Gents Furnishing . Goods, boots, Shoes, ,Hats and Caps, and a splndid line of Cassiieres, all of which we offcr at panic prices and to suit the times. Come with the CASH and get BARGCAINS! ALL those indebted to us are ur'gently requested to come forward and suttle u), as we are greatly in need of money. McMdASTER & BRICE. oct 2 WAN THLD l VElY lo'know thal. 1 hnve just rec ived a full asnortinent of FRENCH CANDIES! A LS0 P ;:. m , '~ sar~din&os, . Kut~s, * Apples, - Oranges, and Lemons, at Iho Bh~kery of , e./. Ti:A'.tO . . .ntaArfnWo4 L00, H o,&C HARI.ESTO SO Thisdaenre ~.'aordngDoAci POTmd~.A.hOE4&g3 All orA .Prrnk Eye FO S.AL YC =1 vu BROWN'S ILO1i2EL. J~ViF~.:A, Itlly iii iihihiis ________ f ile31' 3 raveling piildii. tig t I lie I tj oy-.l to, I lint largo 1111. C0oiiii odiotislibioi11 l'ormnerly k nowit III I1i' 1'Fairicli iIccol "'11101. Q he will 114 Iprel..141 In ont ern in hi li a4 hlero ore. i-i4. paIr g hI!io I lIly fi If) We CI i?4eli., (IfII li jImiri tot )ry wii ocii~. I-o lio l i :' i, ilt ILIIe gillar boardois))1 my tillIII' Iill 1.,, 111141 sanistaciory. Dop PrI'opviwor. LIVIERY STABLE.. (j~ lie 20111 of N ovember I1lili I,-i I imi ittires rt ,\ . i.,. ooi~~ii3g ill W ilitiiflrO loiivvr Sfikhle. All h ouiphe. 1, 11(gV hiret, nil ltortic feed Will hie CA S " 1