The Fairfield herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, December 10, 1873, Image 3

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Dr,.TrH o Mn. JAMINS IAIIVEY Samnl' .-A nother printer has passod away to his long res t. James 11. Smith died in W iunaboro of consump. ti-m on the 4.1h instant. Mr. Smith was born in 1839 atind was in the U5th year of his ag,. At the age of' 17 yeals ho entered the oiied f the PW IIER vt s : au a pp-etico, and served out hit full time. 1a 1861 he enter Cd the ar my, a nd served in ('o. "D,'' (kh Icet. S. C. lI fititry. But the hud.ibip; ef wmr we:e too great for his. lhe.1te constiutition, i.d he was disiaared .jUvl the close of the War he Lte,.tumite.1 hi is Vide. For a Ilon-: tun he wasv " a p )r opI Iicto o f the 4 Chrl.tte Oc-,tver, but, his feeblte beaith eCo lle".1 1111m to red lllinquis colitrol Of it. A fter iceruiting his helth1,he1, wih tMr. *ObOe 6eigle, foiudi the lO.col (N. (.) Pogr, at att nhii wc i y. Ilia strength aggon fiiiing, ho dibposud of his inter crest ; miN hng that. hi, cud was dravWin vig2h, titermin(d to spend I cii)n days in Wint. hlob. At t Ih re.-i - 0A his ither. in-aw, Mr. T. 1). Cxuer, h- breathed his las.. lit was oudod to hiN trade, in which hewath-n1l proficient, and re fiusd t. al..ii4 it even when warn. ed to do so by his phys-ician ,. The last work le )crform1) ed wa:ls in the ]iI. lt. I.[) n llie, whwre yeais before lie had set I is first type. Mr. Smiiith WA aIloUbcr oif time Typiographical Unlion of Cohulhiliam, of \eeklenburg LOC 1. 0. M. ., almo a mumber of th bd p m tudt I lIuk & Ladder Co( pmny, of Charotte. li, n% b;'le her-ie to the tomb b-y b-i 1 ld comuodes in ornmp, to--day. .. his v i dw and child we tender eutr heart-ftiz nypath. [j:.1 i:t or J 1 . ' .l .--I is with pain, saS tih Char luc Obserar, we Chronicle( tihe death of, .lr..htes It. Smit, form Ily - lie of the proi .-i- tors of thiis ;apor. and Lie of its original found. Ha 1ruuthed his last Thursdav at \i"Lob"C, S. C., %fter a long and most di'treiug illn:s4, occanioned b theo disease of ConsUmption. 1 r. ithleave a if and one cld to n, urn his untimely emi, and h wVA" bele of friends and reb~tives. N indhearted and grcnial in dio.po i t :m, Lo riot, indu:t irb u- and st rigi t istoI iu hi, d'lalinu,., ie was get rally hhlod and ceteemcd by all who kiww hiutm- well. And many wilIl gria tht he hi thus, in the prime of Wf, be en ct down1,an d torn awty rtm f iily a.1 iriilds. Ho led the lie of a hird-working ]Ii -(r. Ma le ra t in the blesSd jeace of heavei, cmrr creafter. JON lr INTI.-l -Our office has been i til with all natcials necessarv f r Iir*in yjob -of every d esri;Lion. trd :il a .--J. & (qie I R1. .J. Nie'arley. h A rriv, ls for the Christwa, ( >p a t arsh i: No.tice.-Dann b-' & C'i. prc- 3et titday 3eeninl, cotton wam i.g at 11.', a. 13 GM eeints per' \\'oon *--I'm vi--v w ft Ihe reareity 0 li(oniiy and the. coldh writnhor, we w ii Iid.e a I w loa~ds of wooiid at enrrei Fnt~: Is (n iTt n :.--We learn tim: ton ".:(rd ay t I.e reidnice of Dr. A P'. WVylie l a Chestetr was deCstroyet by~ hir. \e (hIany hieaird nto panrticu pai f this accide).t,. 1),.rn.-\ V e atoa pai ted to liea (f the (i'n.h. ini Colui al, of' Aariai the:,un.. a chihl of' Col. .John Etig ii.h. he fo11liai anot her victini t< Wet are plea 1H. d to se evidenIces o t'own. Several buildjings are1i couraso of o)'metion-. nnoig thle n, htel, owneic:d by M ir. CarrollI. loor.e)C . & 11o (ITICUJ.-run~la r. Netm. IL ent & Co., have otn hantd: eny:l:1y of linem 'i rage's--onlly 65 ot~s a d.z.n--thtink C it - besides appici &c. Also somei extr'a fine cabbaig heads. We cn text ify to t ho extri jyiality of thtose art icles. 1)wight have boen doing a brisk traid iu) over'eoats. ''hey have brtought on ai hii it n., lot wic thu le.y ar< aol i ju at pai prices. Call an< ex .umlltc. Da iN~NasnuiI&C.~Aroeidaily ro (wiving their ntew goods. Ini a fav days)', t hey willI hav V)Ott hand a ful tassor'tment, when they will be abb to autisf'y tile mostt fastidious taste Com~tie oneO and *1ll to the l'Thetpian Hall ilt Dunnenberhatg onilI, and see w hati fall thoro has botn iln the prices o goods since the WVall stroot, aunio ha CIuncu1 MlETiNo.-Thero will be a meeting of the Congregation of Scion Presbyterian Church, this morning at 10 o'clock, at which all who are accustomed to worship in that ohurch are requested to be pres ent, as matters of importance will be brought up for their consider-ition. Thie church bell will ling at the hour d esiga.ated. 0::)- The Rural Carolinian for Do cember is full of interest. O reat in duceuents are offered for subscribers next year, cither in preniumlis or in club rates. This is a five agricultu raN oing..zine, and should be read by evey fu aiarmer. W'alker, Elvans & C".pIwell, publishiere, Charktstonl, KMT. Zaos Sencoor..--The la'tmoh of tie sessiou is passing away. At the close, (a few days beforo Chri.t. nas,) there will be an exhibition. The last, exhibition was a completo suecess, so that we look forwaid with pleasure to the next. Mr. Clarkson, the princiPd, is filIly Alive to h6 iitica, and is untirhig in his ell'orts to impait insliactui11. We recoln miend this school to all persons wib ing to educate their sony. A MiSTAixx.-We saw two or three soldiers in towin the other dry, aTd at tir-t thought that the United States hud declared mar on Cala, and that these were recruiting officers. We learned, however, that the young gentiemaun wore Cadets in King's Moutain Military School. Wo were also pleased to hear that cadets .\le-us and Mobley had done credit to old Faiirlid in thie school d uring the! past year. lM PeoVE-11.Nrs -The Newberry Hlerald h as been inuch improved in size and lapear.ance. Of late, Mr. Ira B. Jones, a gentlenan of prom i.,e, has been nade associato editor. We welcollie this evidence of prosperity on the part of our contemporary actoss the liver. The SOut hei n fIoni, of Charlotte, ha.s reuently donied a new and hand. some dress. Under Gen. ). 11. Hill, it is achieving quite a reputation. We bid it God speed in its mission against THn AM-LICAN I"AauaEn FOR D-c. -Closes the year with a number of gr eat value and intciest. Tbis old jourual while maintaining it-, 5ohi character keeps abreast of the age in everythiig CeenCeted with the iiproveuilnt of our agiiculture. Its contents are varied and --saonble anid deserves the attention of our farmers. ThIe publishers promi.e some additional attractions for he ncw year, and() offer the last three inumbers of '73 free to all new sub. scribers whose nau.cs are reocived this month. Published by Saml. Sands & Son, Bali more, Md., at $1. a year, or at $1 in club of five or mjore. S1jeci. Inc01 Ns. 5enIt fre. - AaT IS LoPs-r ny No-r :Mensein - ixa.-Tihe other day a gentlem-.m enlijed on us. lie said he hadl some thing importarnt tQ tran:'net to a citi zen of this County, and wanted to know lisa address. ie had come to our substo~,iptioni list. We iniformieid him l that that manBI didn't take our pa per, and we could not give b he in f rmhItatin, Ile wenit oflf (disgulsted. 1 nends, see what you 'lao ini not aaikiig your county paper. Lose rio in i rectifying your error ; and he reafter your namae.< will be It.und in the printers book--the coutty di reactor'y. Donu't be afraid to tell Iwhere iou live. JLI nva No-ricE.--Amoig thec mulany pr aisewor'thy efforts of thie present time is that of brinaging kniowledgo withlin the reach a.f the masses- A moirng the most promina lt benefactors in this l ine ar iT'I. B. Peterson & Bros., of Phliladeh1 hii. Tliwy have prepared a chieap euIhtieon of ~~ ikenhs' works, and ar ow en. C~ g*E'edr iran a imiilar ta. oc(f briingina WA'ilkie (ollini i- to a close acqujlailt! > ance with the l perople. Wilkio Collins a tile monst poplahr (if all Ii 'wag novelists, and his worksc - [possess a peculiar inateresit, ca1using~ f thiem to be send through without r laying aside once. VlXIof thissaeies i now% ready short stoiries of great interest. Prie 50) cents. AN AFritAY ANn IECAP'E.-Last week belowv Doko t wo coloa cd mien, .Johna Brooim ad TIoby Entzmainager h ad an affray in wii'ich .John wast seriously stiabbed in several places, Toby fled. Triaul Justico Marshall sent a special couastabhle to ai rest with several friends andI readr the wiarralit. Toby refuse~d to submit, andt his friends, both men and womien, flourished knives anid sticks, and Idared the constable to come on. The latter retiresd in good order for ro-. maforoemuents. Whieni he returned, Toby bad vanished and he sawt hiim ane more. The rescuers were arrested ont the charge of conspiraey and are on their way to jail. We hope that they will be duly puished for this in .fraction of the law. KINo's aiT. lisTrarty Senoor. Si Teut. Jajo. S. Reynolds, Instruc tor of iitory and Belles Lsettres in this institution, is ID town, whore will remain fvr a few dayo. He pro.. poses visiting the principal points in the Stnt in the interest of the inati tution with whicl ho is connected, and will be pleased to furnish any in formation that may be desired eon corning it. This Fehool has boon so long and favorably known that it needs no encomiums from us. We will, however, state that the ourriou lum ias been extended so as to make it a military college of a high grade. The instructors are gentlemen of no knowledged ability, and thoroughly prtfivent in the departmentm over which thoy presido. The sohool i, no0w equipped with aidms of the niost approvedl pattern. Wo t ake pleisure in recommending the school, and bespeak for Liout. Rvyida the courteous attention of our friends throughutit (ho State. C;atalogues may be procured at this ofliie. Tim: CrrazENs' SAVINGS ANK.-We regret to see that this ins.titutiou has gone into voluntary bankruptoy, tinder the advice of of its counsel, Mes.a No'latar .& LeConte, Pope & l1ikell, and Baclm-in & You. Ius. The bank was embarrassed iu the crasih, and being unable to col Icet it asseti immodiately bslpen'Iod )iy mernt. A cotubination was form oil to force it into bankruptcy, and to have a receiver appointed who would conzvert the assets solely for the berno fit of the Ring. To defeat this at tempt the Banak has gone into volun. tery barjkruptoy, and in this way will still have the managemnacit of its as. sets. The attorneys employed have issued anl address to the deposAitors de elarin.g their belief that the Bank will pay all claims against it in full, au-l warning depositors not to part with their claims, as they are inform. ed that there exits a most danger ouis colanbination whose oi ject is to obtain a controlling interest, to the destruction of the Bank and the dut timent of depositors." The officers of the bank will publish a statement of atybs i a ewv d'ays. We hrave the greatest confidence inl the attorneys of the Bank, and ad. vibe depositors to comply with their re quest. Ilold to your claims to the .a) and lose them rai ther than tffer the corrupt Radical Ring in Columbia to porey still more upon our peoplo. Now that our taxes have failed, they are trying to ruin our banks. Frus triate their designs by standing firmly by the Baik. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. IALTiMoRE, LDecember Ist '73. rF U1E undersigned have this dity formed .. a cupnitnership under the fitin mne of ianenburg & Co. at Wininsboro S. C. R1. (,. 1 \ N N1H".t4ciM. PHIL. DIANNENIBUIM. EGGS!! JUST RECEIVED, 100 DOZEN EGGS. A sO, A LOT 01F FR ESIH BUTTER, ATI 11. J. McCARLEY'8. etc 9 BA COT Co., ' 'l E R to t'ae public a well select edi stock of Groceries. Provisions andi G1ood Thmtos for' ihe Ch i t a !9coliC1.y-, at prices suit a bie to t-,e times, for the CA Sh AND) CASH ONL Y 1 Consisting in part of '3 t lerces Cainyuss. ed1 lams, at 15Centts pet' lb. Crus.hecd Sugiar, 7 ( lbs. for $1 O'). D)enr'. ara andi (Coffee .sutgars, 8 Ibs, for $1 00. Ilo Coff'ees, 'wardis, Sugar ifouse Syrup, 40 cents per g'allon, llavana Oranges 65 cents dozen, Pelect Northern A pples, 40 ctt per dozen, 200 Northern Cabbages at 20 to 30 cents each, Fresh Stick Candy, 25 cents per lh, 10 barrels fine eating Potatoes. at. 50 cents per peck, 50 Rolls heavy Bagging at 15) cents per yard by roil, 50 bundles Ties at. 91 cents "E~ac t4et co. IJANNENBERR & 10. ARE OPEN FOR NOW IS YOUIL TIM E FORt CALICOE'S, Ul 1 PRINTS' 10 clrN l0cU"NIs, JUTE POPLINS, 35ct's. 35cts. 35ets. S AT IN ES OF T I IE L, ATEISTi G5ets. O5cts. 65cts. worth i$1.00 $1..00. Ladies Notions at IIduced PRICES. Come and ex. amino our largo lino of M ENS' CLOTHING.; BOYS and YOUTHS' &T OLD TI rME PlRICES. .A X~a S~ o, Jom1plete Stock of Ladies and Misses' AT BARGAINS. dec 9 OUR STOCK i8 Now rOMPm Owing to the financial Strin geney wve will sell (11our GOODS at the low est prices i for CNOW 1I YOUR ' I Dr)ess Gxoods of all kind(1, IGREAT VA RIETPY, Bleaiched and Briown llI omoC B~oots S hoes. Haits anud JOhN ('. omER~~I & 0O. DONT ASK FORi CREDIT, Pa:y the C'A Sl and bnyj .J. C. SQIIER & CO. dec 9 SRIO Of 14nlid. O'N :%iOndlay, th10 2S b of' !)'cornber, I \f will sel at. puli c ouitcr'y lo thie WViisboro. for enshI, ilhe traiict,<-lan own~iecl byV lne, 17:I~ iig au-1 cuae ini the ILiver, conininlg 26~ alcre, lnore or' less, a .. nd bouled by h:n.-s of st .. of A dia Joh.nson, W%. P'. Curriy. IL. P. curr'iy, .\ r,. E, O'N .le a0 n.ii 1 hee. N, 11. 'The' con ditioni of tis not.0ice is such, Ihai t i , e i-nr,. de to ru by BeainCi' ri I. .0ame s and pay ~able on I he~ dlay abovo ad veor. i.ed. shial b hor oo. , ~.. in g by or* be fore said day. th.e itale shall niot bike place." JAS. IC, I Ai II. Uirnnd Central ilofei Jnst OpOed~oi I IIAVE ,just (ppr-ned a first class house . of entert inmentllI in W innsbloro, in the mo~ist con.venienI locality inl Town, andt all. prepanremi to enteorinin boih Iransienjt andl permnaent b)oarders. at m~ode'rate rateq. Ev. ry exerition will be made Io give sa. iii fact ion. Trai'velers should inlIluiro for t he Te'rms: Transient boarding $2 50 per day(. Permanent boiard, $ I6 per mocnth. J0OHN .b. McCAIIILIEy, no 8-R.1 m o..r....e. .. BARGAINS, BAWAINS. OWING to the low p:-ice of cotton and( thle grreaIt aet of Inole, we now ol,'r 0u. nI'lltir C Stoek oI Goods at C t reinely low pis. Esipeial atteItioln is called to our very irge St ) e Goods, Shawls,1 lle(ady Alade. Clothing," Gents u1"ii rnishing Uooes, bootsi, Shoes, I hiats nd Caps, an1d a spletdid lie Of' Cassiineres, all of which we oil4' at pallic pricus and to iit the tiles. Coie with the CSIl and get BARG-A INS! ALL those indebted to us tre it rgelitly requed to Coli0 'onra' anid settle 111), as.' We ti'I geatly ill need of iliClley. McWMASTER & BRICE. oct 2 PE AD .L AR~I'll dbid to us for G0O03 i~urcn~sed will liease comoc forward and set tie. We need miontev and must have it. We will taho Cotton from parties owing uSs and hold it as long as they wish, Wo hope those w7ho caine to na in grea~ need will now consider our neeussities. Our stock of Goods wiill tbe isch low fo CASH!I and CASH at t prce to correstpond' wi th t he Our stock a is c'o an 1 we ofier great irelueCrbeIst to CAShII BUYllst. Wilher's & Dwvight, GR1~ANDI FALL and WINTER MI 1. L L I N IE R Y. -- AT-. J. 0 IBoAn'S. - again take pileuauarmi in calling the Sttlintin em'the ladies to our*1 unuisual It rg. st ook~ of la lieis pat tern II at s, andti lontifOi, Ribbores, iwors and Voathetsi. A full lino of DRlY GOODS, ladiosq flrn-'s Goods, Nationmis and faey goods. Clothing, Mon and Women's Bioots, Hhoes anid Glalers. Groontioet and Confoefionnries, Cigas and Tobacco, Purniture, Mattiresses &o. CALL AND SEE snn 18 J n. nIAQin gORE Nj GROCERIES! 1 Car load livorpool Syracuse Salt. 6 Sacks (1 round Salt, -10 Boxca soup ssorted, Buxes A damantino Candlos, 2 Boxes Sinrch, i Torce iice, I Tieroe Lhrd, ierce llams, CA SH. B]3].ATY' B]~,6O . PROML"' SETTI EMENT HE Q UIJItEI). A l''i ES indoht ed to t h undersigned L either l'y notes or open aftcounts are ONt'E MOlE requeskcd to come for Warid and seftle their indebtedness. Those remininflig unsettled on (le 1st of Decen/ ber nex1, will be placed Its the hands of n Attorney, and iheir collo -tion forced by (he usual legal course. Cot t on will be received at. market price, or held until better prices Irevail. This notice i final, nid those interest.oJ w.ill avo inonoy by hooding it. T1. R1. ROB1ERTSON. NEW < AND) FASIIIONA BLE). large and variedl stook of general iiu'rchandi'.e, too etensive to descrIbe too vai.d t, o nmerate, Puarchaisersi will da well to onll and be sat isied of t ho fac(. Spocial alt endatnce hn be hen given to t he ladiesa department. oct. 2 EST ABLiSH ED 1859. r illlitTY I years experiece in topalring al il kiindi of' W~at oheq. (001,1 and Silver Wantces of all kinds Fancey Jewolry and t'locks of all descrip I ions, which I will XLIIl1ow for oash, Con nnot see for yourself. No ohargo for look ing. Thlanik ful for PaLst paitronage, I 8o iuit a jonltinuh ince of thd~ uamo. C'IfAS. MUJLLER', Opposite Blacot & Co's. not 14 ai vez-g and Sale 2hi STABLE. Ld A. P. G00D INGQ, PRtOI'illETOR. j1EEP' constantly on hand exlra fine Rentucky Hforses and Mules. Partic in want '>f good atook will do well to glve me a oall. in conanectinn wIth my Livery 8table, I have topenedt a Carriage, Jiuggy andI Wag on Factory. All work neatly exocinted and warranted, Oive meo a call. jann 181 GO TO NELSON & REll'O. To Buy Your .iqur'. Tr EY havo in store one humn,i iei ml.. role, embracing every variety from I he commonest to the FIN ES brami. We direct particular attention Io Qne1 FJNE CORN WIISKI:W, tho purity nIml age of vbioi ire warrant, and our wiiiie and Braudios represent (very clima ant country, In connection with the Lipi it-r business we havo openedl a Rtesur'amnmt re the acoiimmodation of the publio wherioi moals will bo served it ill houmr., all %v ask is a 'rial, satisfaction hi gtrantecel Fresh Lamgr on draugh. Frosh Oysters at the liestauitria Charlotte, Columbla anl dugust Rail itold. COIu uI nA, Nov. -1 s1I . llE following Pas.acnger chedule will be run over this roea.1 on and neivr MONDAY, 20th instant : DAY TRAIN-oING NORTi. Leavo Augusta, at G."0 a mI " Columnbia, 8. C., I i m mit '' Wiinsboro, 2.41 I it " Chester, 4.t ' m 1 Arrive at Cha:lotto, N. C. 7.08 p m DAY TRAI N-0oo1SNO sotu rit Leave Charlolde, N. C. it 7 .:i) mmin " Chest or, 11 .;11 k [it " Winnshoro, 11..I i lt " Columbia 1 a m Arrive at Augusta 8.0: y) 1i KitiT TRAIN-GO1NG NORTH. Loave Augusta .15 p m "' Colo. mbia, 037 p it Wiminshoro, 121:: a Chester, -8 a I Arrivo at Chairlotte, 6. 18. NtU0T TRAINs-GOING SOUTH. Leave Charlotte. S...00 p Im "o Ciester, 10.ti1 p it "f Winnsboro, 32.0 ,( 1,fi " Columinbira, ;.-0 1 fi Arriveat Augusta, 8. 1. Ill JAME S AND):l, 111N, (en'i Split. . . Donemuy, Genmeil 'I ecket Agem. nov 4 1OOT AND 8110E M 2 CL I L ra. - t 3. -y3 , IiAVING procuird (IhI vMry hest MeCiliiii': il the cointry, I feil wil.. ranitid ini141 saing th-u call furIishll i itni 1W i 11' or 8It10 INs ni' ShjA in tho Somth. All wor] warraited to give satisfat Iion. .\y Sloup is next door to F. Gorig's Saddlermy mar 19 8. M. (1l.11h lT. SUGARL AND COFFEIW 1 1113, l'owdlered Mu grt' 15 bebi s. Crusmhed, liram t. anii I,.m , rara Sutgars, Prmoue Rio ( off..,. in ,n i amnd for sale by BE A f Y & ilto) ang 28 Boots anid Shos A N elegant lot.-ofl hootsi amid Shoe' iis ~received from T1. .\lie & so.' senut Iti i iGS a ui nmails, assorted :6Bx KExra Patenut. inish" 1. h Nahis ; d1 Dozen A xos. Low for Cm, b sept 2 BP,ATV' & il t Tlhi unriall Smuli bern 11 in, a, iS watrntemd not to cortifii sinrgie piirii!u. , NIercummry, or nnfy inhjuirious minii ,I - stance, but Is PURELY VEGN~ ETA I;I12~. conmfaiining mhose Soumtherna Root is and Ilimrbs whIich n ni alwise Providenmco hats p.laeI ip cotrmmties where hiver JDiseasmes inmost, prevaib, It will omare all Disenses catmed iuby D~erungement of thle Livet'. Th ymnptoms of Liver Complaint nre n, lhe Himok, Sides or Joints, oftent mmistinkmen for Rhemumtisnin Sonr Stomanch : laops ojt A ppotite ; iowels aim ornately cost ive n ud ax ; liendachme ;Loss ofn memnory, with it painful eetnantion of having inted oul ii do ,ormet hi ng wh iich oughmt, to haveit lueen don ;i I D~ebuily, Low S pir is, a ItIk yetllow up. pearncle of the Skin andi lyes. -t dt y Conghi oft en umistauken for Conrsinnpoonii. 8orneim~es mamny oft he symptomms no-ndmi lihe disease, at otherins very few ;bt in liver, thle lartge'ut organm ini thet bodiy, is gl'neraiy the Ront o h iuonse, mmndi i m.ot, Rleguitemd in time, grat sufifering, wretcth.. ediness and Deal h wIll ensue. Ti Great. Unfatilinmg Specifle will not bo fomund the least LUnpleasamnt. Fo Dyspepm in, Conistipation, Jatindico, Billious attacks, Sick Iioadachet, ('olio, De pression of SpIrits, Sour Stomachm, ilei.rt, Ilnrn. &n., &o, SIM31ON'~LdyER REGmULATOR OR lEDI. CINE,. Ts the Cheapest, Puiremt, and Best, Fam'.lty Medlieneom inmh Wormil I blainfa~ctutred omnly by J. ii. Z/EIT.IN & CO., Miacon, (Ju..,m mmnd Philamdelhiiui. Price, $1 0t0. ISoldl bya1 rgi Jmne 25 yalktm~~s