The Fairfield herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1849-1876, August 13, 1873, Image 4

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The Fairfleld Herald. t tel 'PUBLiUUEDp * kE RY WEDVESh Ib . p C011911ton -clifornia. 'TII oLbHN STlK A 'A ILD 0On t GROWING TI19 FLEECY SAPLE, o Major John L. Strong has furnish- Y ed the San Joaquin Valley Argus t with the fallowing comprehensive statement of thb edtton crop in Mor cod, Marlposa> Fresno and Korn couh- 1 -ties: . t ON TIE MEttoi b. The crops on the Meroed River are t Inuch father advanced than at the t rio anto the past year, hnd than-any e inpoctod by Major Strong. A heavy I yield would result from all the plant Ings if unmolested by the bugs which so seriously damaged the Strong crop last year. The same crop this year would yield a balo por nore if not 9 dainaged by bugs. It has already t suffered much injury from this pet, a and they continue to depredate upon it, so that no predictions as to yield 'znay be depended upon. v TIE COTTON ceor8 ON MAnIPOSA CREEK. -QI'ho crops on Mariposa oook are I more promising than at this season I last year, when the average yield was i 'two hundred and fifty pounds of gin 'ned cotton per acre. The first blooms on the Mariposa were found ol Wil cox's place on June 23. Mr. Wilcox 0 'has a 'ine crop of -180.acres, which 0 lis in some respects the most romarka- , ble cottou crop over produced in the United States and perhaps in the world. The entire work, except the a 'hooing, has been performed by two men. The hooing cost $1,60 and was 0 'xocutod by Chinamen. Mach of it was thinned to a stand at the rate of two and a half acres por man per day and "laid by" in May. We remem bor to have noted soine two years since some rather severe criticisms of the statements put torth by Major Strong through the public journals to to the effect that.ono man in Onlifor ida would cultivate double the num -bor of acres of cotton that wore culti. vated by a single laborer in tho cot. ton Statos. Tlhe Wilcox oropeviden ve'sn the fact that a laborer here will cultivato more than five tituos tho ,n ubor of acros cultivated by a labor. er in that region. Actual experience demonstrates resultsso far beyond the predictions of Major Strong as to ron der ctatomnonts which then seemed the extravagant fancies of an enthusiast, truo and iusignifcant by comparson. Nor is this remarkablo work confined to asingle oporator. 11. 1N. MeCinre has a crop of forty-five acres-tho best crop on Maripos;a Crook-all the work 'upon which he hits performed himself, except the hoeing, whicb was done by Uhinmuen at a cost of $100. Turner & lohlm have a crop of fifty acres lnesar thI foot hilha, which is equally rumarkable for the economy with which it has boon cultivated, and which promises a fine yield. The crop of Sampson Brothers, at tho forks of the Mariposa, comprise fifty acres, another two having performed the en tire work oxcepthoeing. Ti19 DANNER COTTON PILANTATIO4. Tiho largest crop on Miariposa Crock is thatof Major Strong, comprising 200 acres, which we think will give nn average yield of 250 pounds of ginned cotton per ace. The crop is on the iazelton ranch, and the plant ilng was attended with so many difii cul ties that they deserve mention, if but to show the wonderful results to be developed by the future in cotton culture in our State, The llazolton ranch lies immediately upon Maripo. sa Creek, and a large proportion of it is annually inundated by it during the rainy season. The lands planted by Major Strong are of this charaoter. lie informs us that '75 of the 340 acres ploughied was a cotton field last year, the balanice was a jumnghe of small woods, sun-flowers, old stubble, green barley, oats, grais, &c, Pos session of the lHazelton rnch wvas secured the 5th of March, and the first furrow was ploughed on the 9th. A large proportion of ground had not beeni ploughed for four years, and was eoveredl with the swamp grass known as "Mercod staight.," the roots very like those of "salt grass," and as difficult to break. The ground was first mowed, then raked into wvinrows and burned, then ploughed and liar. vowed. Much of it could not be burned because of the gren grass which had grown up among the dry stufi' and had to be hauled off the land. WVhenever sufficiently clean this greon growth was fed for hay. The ploughiing extended through A pril and plantiung was begun on the l5th. Thus the ploughming, planting, mowing andl raking all proceeded to gethier. T1he planting comprising 200 aores, was finished on the 10th of May. The ground, dry from tihe vegetation with which it was coveredl, from late ploughing, and the loose condition in whiich it was left by the heavy sod and thje vast quanitit y oft rash turned un. der, gave but a poor stand. Nuch of it had to ho replanted. This occu pied nearly the whole of May, replant. ing boimg stopped on the 20th. A d1Am wvas built across the creek which would have enabled Major S. to flood two or more acres of very dry land, but wvhiich was rendered worthless by some individual above him who also0 built a dam and monopolized the stream. Th'le perseverance under so snany difficulties exhibits as a result a crop equal to the annual average growth of the MIissisp pi river bottom a* this season. O. the 7th of July so foral e talks in thme open fild ' ouut+ o I80 to 100 bolls, bloomis and squares p r stalk-the stalks not above 2.1 root in heigtha. The best eott-ma is about waist high. and will attain to vo or six feet. Major Strong thinks iat all the land planted in cotton the resout year on this ranch will, with like season next year, yield 1,000 ounds of seed -cottoi per aore, or bout 333 pounds of ginned cotton. 'he past spring was very unfavorable ) the rapid grokvth and develgpuent f the cotton crop. It was character. :od especially by cold high winde, and hio absne of our usual spring show iro. TIhe lands planted in cotton dii lariposa oreek were nearly all new inds, and the *crop of tho pre.<ent oar is a were indication of what boy willproduce whn, throtugh ste ossivo ydira of cultivation, they Ohall o brought, into good condition. So, Do, the expense of preparing the round for planting, and the wiork of lanting will be reduced to one-half a present cost. HAIN AND COTTON cUoPS COMPARF.D. Similar results in comparison with i ain mark the crops of 187:3. Whilo io yield of volunteer grain aniiedi toly along.sido of the cotton on tlhe lazelton ranch did not exceed rive ushels per soro, the yiold of cotton rill average 250 pounds. The grain -wheat-would be worth on the aneh about $360 per acre at present ricos, and cotton at the very low rice of 15 cents per pound, 1,37 50. Special Notlces. The hot taind rainy weather is lesling ali sposed wood wnt'k, e:pcoially thle doors in ut 8tores and Dwellings. To prevent all linhikage, and enable them to warr ait. all ork sohl by them, Mossils. I. Il. .\ hL i Co., at a great expense, have er'ected. I connt-:otion with (heir Door F'acto'ry, a iodern drying room, in which all '.iorn ro placed 't1ll it'ily Ariedl, beforn glug, redging nad pinning. This pre aild; nao-third to he durol ilify of the doir. . end for price list. of Doors, Skshes. ;itnd a Vhite, Pine, Walnut. and fatncy I unter; gtnta for Asbestos' htooliing Felts, use.I 'xtensivcly nit over tle country 14r it:3 leapness and d-trability. NEW D ETNIINl ORKING CLASS, natle or Few:de(!, 1$60 a week guarantoel. lReIie'p, able employment at home, day orereniig: o capital required ;full a rteions nial rahuablc package of goods Peit free by natil. Add ress, witih I cent return stampi1i, d. YOUNU & CO., 173 Greenwich st., New ork. Nu.sivtous TsrS HAV E Pnovi e g N. F. llrilin's Ncw Tit i'bi11u T0 be lilC Rest Evef Ilnlrl Pamphlet free. A a .. M E V E Irk! Neglect a coigh. Not hing is more cer. fain to lay tle founaadation for flture evii col SCquenltceS. Wells' Carbolic Tablets are a sure cure f'or all di easzesi or I ho Ito spiratory Organs, Sore 'liroat, Colds Croup, Diitheria, Asthmau, t'alarrh II oatsontess, ),. nesp or , Io iio:w. , itil piIe, Or Brotnch1ial TutbeS, aid ail ijb cases of the Lungs. In all cases of sudaden cold. honwever taken, thase Tablets shla11Id 1 ' promaptl3 and freely used. They eisliaho the "irou lat ion of the blood, anitigate lthe severit v of the antac<, and will, in a vary sh4or1t titme, reslore Italil :w'-i a to the atlected or galns. % ell'.s Carbulio Tabletts, are pat up oath in blUe boxen. Take no 'ubsiute-i. 11 they oant't bie found at your denaggisal's send at once to lho Agent in New York whlo will forward t hemn by return mtailI. Dton't lie deceived by imtit atlions. ol by druaggists. Price 23c. a liox .JOlN Q. K~li.,Odm, 1q lPhatt St. N. V. Send f'or Circular. lSoln Agent fotr ti United States, 35 Tn'aorsaxn aN Pntssa. Sale intcring 2,0001 more live agentts wvant ed for' oin LIVli I'STON1- 28 y'rs an A ~i llCA evel 600 pagesa, ontly $2 50. ILook out for inf'e riot' works. Scnd for' circular and pr'oo of theo greatest sucecess of' the seasont. lIe port just itt, 1 84 ittbs. in si x datys, lUII lBA Rt D)I 1103., putb's., 723 Satnsoma 6t. Phila., Pa. No. /7.9 ' -MITHFiELD S PfTSBURGH PA. Itreecha -loadinag Shot (1unas, $40o to $:101) Douablo Shot (lnns, $8 to $t150. Sinagl Guns, S:; to .'20. Rifles, $8 to $','t Ue volvers, $13 1o $25. P'istols. S1 to $6. biu M ltrial, Pishintg Tackle. Litarge discoitun tot Deailer's or Clu bs. At'my Guntas, tRevolvera' &o., bouagt or trtaded tor'. G oods sent b, express C. 0. 1). to be exitmitad b'efir paid ('or. CH OLERA AND Pff 'ellitti by thJillg BROMO-COHLORALUM, Th'ea now odlorless andr anon pono P'owerful D~eodot'izer anid Disinfttan t.a Its aily use desrtrloys all bad odoi anad poisonousi aationitas abot yea premtises, anad ther'eby ptreventts contagio andi diisaoiae contfaitns no piotsont and ha no odor ofits own, antd is atlwatys sat'o, "Diploamt awarded by thea Amercan ath stituato to Tildent & Co., for Ittriomo Chlorats tam. Theay conasid er it of' 'alaae ias be nion -poi sontousi andr inodor'oul', noil enn a cottamendtr it esp'ecially rot'r' eial and tgo oral haoutsehold~ pul'lrposs where' infe. iiitti' and~ dloodor'izationt is called fot'.'' l-xhIi lion of 1 87'2. Pr'epiaredl only b~y TI t 1.11: & CO., New York. SohIltby all drtgist: 1OpillaPr Ei:pjjsitoP of tlle Gosp 311l4d Apis, liv Raw . A at~n Ntc vtx, L.. JI., it. ii, emtbraces the Iteracitinai Serien oif te sons for tht'ee yearsa. i-a'ery paistor, te'irl er and famnily nteeds it. l' ndtorsedl by l'r'esi donis AloCosht, Coble'igh,. Kintg, W'.alfbtc fhiishops Sitmpsona, Stephtonsi, llaven. au the Clergy andt lress ii all pa'r of Iti counat ry. A gens witailed, Lib eral t etni given. Address ?.IUU hl F & M cCU lID i 518 Arch St., Phtilath-tphii Pa. iSA1RAT''W)A AI'~i aEGNTa. Sam lot thae smameJ prposest. Cotttpact atn Po.rtatoPrepiaredionalylaby U m. It. yhas & ,Sar'at ogat Sjin gs, N.Y. oda A Work of Inteuso Interest and Intrinsio Value. Ocons -torga By the gifted bil of tie fatunous "Petcr 1a'loy." The result of a groat historical researelt : A A tithent ic Ilistory o Navi. gallon aid its Mnmifolhl Discoveries Fince the flood. Abounds wilth tarilnig inlci detis, ftirftil di saters, laiw!es ptiraides, bloody bati liu, aid gloriou.s ichievvieits ; also describes diving, telegraphing, ocean fisheries, &o. Over 200 spirited cuts. Suibject te. Pricelow. Agnsi wanted. 11 tI BA nD D.ROS, Puhs., 2i3 6ansosu 1i., Phila , Pit The i t rt e i t I ;-C K n i ly il miedicir-fl lya i I s ha evelr I' I 1ee 'et il t heir p t . e - inanid u ik to the1y have :. 1 'wtt Id 0!'v ten. T o vialt e id il'!tN,hy : i S h h v l ng re'ghtdd for a li m..4 iht woit ill'oti tildi'ICVua isl (:pll it onC und heanc lin-m Th renove arch has14t lantt been rlwt, teti by ai diiovry whlichl fully realzes tlIe fondesv t dirsOf fthe lndial fa cul( t ainiwhich is .ini r e g'lyded da the Ilost inieortant Ilitimph thlti Ill arlimcy lts ever e hieved This intrnt ietietIti is DP. Tuitt's Vegetable'ierPl Which' plurify Ill iIhe itid reiove anll cor iupt htn11tir01 anld unhet'3 bi y aiceutlaionms from0111 the itlidy, aj l ye 0 1 t ii i lieS no til' - ness r assiude whalever, tie onl thie con. Crary tom:l the stoinach nini iynvigoratesi (tho bodly dilr'll" the progress4 of their opeall. l'tin. They uill ite the her0iI'tofre ir. reconcihiable (Itutities or a %strenigtheningj Purgative ari a Ptn ifying, Tonlit Dr. Tu11', Pills aere 0he 1n1-A. active and searching iuedic'ie in existee. They w. 'Olletc a11:1i thw Very roof of dlisemses, ntild 11IV hetr 10v111 is 8.) promtap tllakt ill aill hllott of I wo arteor I loy are taken t h p:,tient, is, awatre of-their good elfrems. They mnay be it l i ali y Illie willill resrti et ofLivi ol ' OCe I 'intIt Iit'y p o(ti itle |l er litit. -Sei, gritn :i ebility, ia nodiie hy have no( rival. Price s Ce'ts a box. Sold by all riig. g t 'tilirnep. of ti m, t" and '.I' Platt 8t. N . Y1. ie Mtll r,- io 't ' ciolular O b.strue httemtilown lo J/.' ria J/e/icll. 1 i-i specially aplip igi to consttitutons "worni down" awal debIilialtd by the warmi leatler of eprilgy und miunavinetr, wIlen tie bloodl i4 not inl atl ivecru iin o s itLP'lenly ga tleItrin lil u. lie .i n la g. -t Vithn .ss t l 1i pe fet thac i''iton l the Zecrc I've ormn liani n 8minife r1 by Tulnirs, lir tplions l h er imks, Puitules, icro 1u11a, &C., &c. SWhen el ail ill; I'll laid fron overwork -t and dulies t'e drowziness a itnd iiertia iaks fil e place of enleryy nnd1i Vigor, lihe sy st em ,nleeds a 'linr lI- b i'hl it Iup win help the Vi tl F o tl r in thei reettt eati' e Powerl. In the heat of sutnmer, freteitly the Liver and 41'4) do1no properly pselrfortn liheir funclti. w! : fihe Uterinet -- t11. Urinary Org as are in.tive., I r-4e it. w akne$ss of iie totimh .1A itl in., .uli L restl2 . position to 1;i l d g t EXTRACT OF JUI-UBEBA EXT F U.0 is prearedo direty frona mie i Mothld Ainer tia lat, ill ispulrysuo oal ~lsiilicuht is ~ i'ert'idl'cne hthlel ita Cred itmC i loo-1 stengthen'l Ith :e L ivin..t Piweris, aIt tenivl Ctl'il ob st'utior li t'rin 11b s ldt hi e mfreely tak i a s J'i trui'.i pronunce byitl Oidica'l ri'tiirs I ahe n ftr ic i n it urimer, ' M To it:un i leosruen know itn 1the whole.~. ran'gei ofi'rna I I iI~n sIstne, bueet, uet la IetI~m Pledt melitEI VEieTWt'E, contininfgc tled Soil byr ol n i whPicea all- )1e Povidence has Liaedginf s by e lage n of ,Jihe Idvr r tjh nek oids for Joini Trn-h Cusaln j\ppetite ;" Itwl abernatelv'co<tiv and WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE. S'un'rivalled for speed, enso of runnin and noisoless In its' no'vements, adapted with case ( any kind of work from the thickest nildt heaviest to thinlert cf lfabrics. OVER Z00,000 FULLY W.A.PRAN LED AND SOLD ON EASY T11101S. aNIRc-hinc on exhibition nII Wilbers atld Dwigh'S tr, attd at I lie i C-ideno of Ir. A. F. Godin. Where any Mcssa4ges left will recri 'e in ot aittentlion. J. B. EL'IN8, Agent, PURSLEY & TRi U.1' Gen]. Agis. July 19 3m Alngu.sIa, Ga. c: L'1. H/L O 'Ihr tendN vetil Bace-krthli- toiu l 0 l te. llid . -fie v o/~ r tdQLirai of ongesst Whi asth t ' koe. - 6tdIr(rein~o e . Allo Vr~raet L~OWEST ICESt~ '- .&rd for.rice Lt. - L H. H AL L &CO~ X.'A' Jfa/hfarew&J~uis ,~ C ,, 1 ,1.2arhet I SreB. 22,wR2Ille~ta Ois Cut n.11ered acc Mr1g to Ao. l COngreusst, 1' the yea r IMS by 1) 11I. IA...&Co., i :-- W li t' t(']he Librariai of Congress, al. Washirgton. '1T1~ZENS' SAVINGS flANK OF SOt-TII CA ROLI N A. Deposits of' 6l nilipF Wa1rds Il'ireVett, 1 . It. A STI A1.1.ll 'l .I) A ' T l 1.- T. Ol-Sn U.V B. l' C'RS Sm t. i';ss A A'S (' OX CRH.'|'ICl.''lN OP. J)R1'n8T~ A1 XD SI X 1'R R CLX'?. C.Y.Il'f. ('rI c' .l) ElVRRY SIX' NOWNTlS OX A C OF FTIC ERIS. WmI rin i i. President. Joh 1l i . Pl'merc, Vice-Prai~ident. A. G1. lireiiizer, Caishier'. .1. II . Sa'wyver ini gene ral charge. J ohna C. II. Su ih, A 51istlan t Calhier JVohnl T11 po. lmer, Tho m E. Gregg Columibia. W.* C, Mayes, Newberry. 11. II. I:tledge, f''aleston. Daniel P avencl , Jru , C ha rleston, l1?tnu.','ro lrm,,ca Sain'l 11. Clowney, Ass.istan t Cashier. 1'li;ers, NIlechanics, andl Pi1rofessio n Contyl Ollicers, havL~ing muoney for whIic t hey hauve nto presenti iuse, cani here do'poswi it. thus ai'oidling aull riis of' ain detrl ion ) by fire, ad ,ll mih ame liti drawi int ee thlereon i ll needed. juneO'.!4-1y LIFE INSURANCE CO., ANIa .Uiltimnore, Mil ASSETS $1,100,000. Hon. Jefferson Davis, Prce't .(Gen. WaSue llamptoli, Vice J, D. XKEhNE DY, S3t.o Agxat. Ill11 hl' P' G L1::I'STON. lmay I1ly L~ocal Age'nt 131 P01'TANT1 TON A LL~ CONO.IltN \ViT 111h leave to announlilce to lovets 5( 1Y the 'del ightIful t hat weC have( receive a' conidera!o su 'pply of Canntied G oodl conistinig of Pine A pP' s, Urein Corin, Decvilesd Ifam, Oysteris. Sat di nen, (1ltb Fish and Saihion. MoNIu ardo Imisperi1 tale, D~urhiaim I~ Mutai, e'tc. Peachd, *Apph SistrwbLerry anud l ispherry'', ('urlranth. Graf11 ri.d Pine A pple Jeullies. Alu'o 500) Lb tle'gant Aimerian Canidy. june 3 U. 0. DESPMORl'I'I & CO. Chairs I Chairs I I ~OUR dozen2 Split, lb loio Chairs low ft Cash at may I JtilhN MIfNTi'1217'2 CO W 4000) lbs. Wheat Bran, J UST BY T.' R. ROBEplRTISON. apili 29 GREAT INDUIE~ENTS OFFERED) TO CASHi BUYEi81 AT DRY (GOODS3 ESTAI}LISIIENT! A FUhL nnl complete Stock of Plain, F~i gured neol Striped (1rondinea, j Linen~ Siingu, P'ercales, MIus .I lins andi other 1)rets goods. aRgiins ofrered In Reaidy-mnde(I Clothing Ti weeds and Lineni, and1( 01 her' tn uerial. A full stock of (assimerosq, Tweds, ('ott t nudes and huinens, Shirt's and I)r xwers or all gi'ados. llats for Men anid lioys. Ladies, Genits, Shoes and( Oait ers. More goons coming ! Now is (ho timec to seco tUARG I! Everything Cheap for CA SH I Call and be convinced that, W OLFE SEL LS TIIE (IIlNFALPEST Will not bo utndersould and defies COM P1E I'T ION. No object ion to solling t o a few parties "or~ time." provided GOOD PAPELRS ain bc givent. . Call at S. WOLFE'S. Liuory and Saic 2 T STABIE. W A. F. GOD IN Q l'llOPllETOR. I[l GEP~ constntl y on hiand ext Ira fine ii entucky ll Rse and Mul les. Partieo in wani ol good stock will do welt to givr me ia ca!l. 13n connecI ion with tnty T.ivery Stanble, I have ospened a (rriange, Buggy andti Wag on Fatl ory, All w ork itently exoitti l amd warranitedi, (G1ive tie at call. jan1 18 RlooTi AND) S[OE C ~ II AV 1NG procuredl th -. ~ very btest Mechanics iit t he conitiry, 1 feel war rated in saying thant 1 - Lacan furntish as teat. hlOO'i or 8tHOE as any Shoj in the south. Alt wvor4 r. warranted to givo satisfactioni. gly Shioj is next dhoor to F. (lerig's Saddlorya toar 19 R. Af fiOILJ3DIt Now IS t] TO GET B. 1118. Pulk ifame received and for t ou'nd, by A lot of New Flour received rind for sale by Ie is receiving regnl1iy, larg at greatly Reducce Prices, and t b~y His Stock is 'too .ago ani nu Mi-liniery Gioods of the latest St' Laldie-s' Dress Good, Unidecr-Ski rti,.Corsts, Cults, Collars, c. Gents Ready. Shir 13oots an< 6" adln'iost fin suit all sizes and cially made to or-' to bo clear of sh on hand a fu Family G SIarri w ar', liollowAVWare, NVO< anid Mattresses, all of whidh ill Also a lot of White ead on at the lowest Charleston Prieo 1 All be asks is to call and exar ing, as lie is determiined not to I 1.IA l-v1 flas been beforo the American public OVERU TITY years. It has~ neve'r yet failed to giva perfet satlsfaction, A n I ha justly been~ atyledi the6 pa'cons~(for nail co. torna R Wounds, Cu Uiant hweI!ina: Sprtains, Bruises, &d.-, &c., fr M: anoi Becast. No family should be 'A inglato ,!ay1 H AG A's Magnolia Bl A FEW AP'PLICATrI'ONS 3MAKN i Pure Blooming Complexion. I t in Patraly Veoget:le, ad tian1or'rahMon Is Anton andr fal tat onICe. It doena sw iay wh thar FInnhoaid A parnaaen caused'a by hient, l''nugnoaa, andl Ewr.L.. menct. Jicala anad remloves ai Ilotcin an l'unprleA dtisphIn6 dlark andl uanaihtly spots. I~rivena away 'f an. Frckles,. andt Srubaau, r. laby ita gendi baa powerful intluenbu nhlantlon thec faded cheek with YOUTHFUL DL6oMj AND~ MAUTY, tec by a, D ruggansad Fancy sltora. he1. Chiarlotto, Colummbla alaI Allgustj Rail Roadl. CorhutnA, June 10, 1873. rp ilE following Passengel'Schedule will .l. e rn ovr tis ra.1on and after MONI)AY, 1luth inaslant 'Leave Augusta, at 3.52 a m *' Columbatia, 8. C., 8.4'2 a mn '' Winnasbaoro, 10.50O a mn "a Checster, 12.15 p mn Arrive at Chra.rlottoe, N. U- 2.27 p m DtAY TRA IN--Uo-a ao S~t3TtI Leave Chiarlot t, N. C. at 4.).O a an. " Chiabi-, 0 27 a mn "a Wannsbloro, 7.42 a mn "~ Columbia 1.45 a mn Arrive at Augutlhi 2.00 p mn JAM Is AND)ElInRo, GOna'l sutpt. E..Rt. D~oiaEY, Genet ai'licket Agent, jnte 17 1?resh ArraivalI. A FftrSi Lot, o r Candles, Jollios, Pick Sles, Oystors, Peachoes, Todnattoes, G rean Corn, Bahamon, &o, Just received at MUINTLY1R1' fed 27 be Time ARGAINSa sale at I 12 oents por 1b.-, Nttd .warrantea F. E l uia. from the -Eugusta (Gi.) Mill8 F. ELDER. c additions to Is Spring 'tock bey will a 'so1d c'cordinigly A ELDER. nerousp to mecntiol, cOmistilg or gloc and Piashion]I. , &c. Made Glotu. nAg, t Collars, Hats, &6. I Shoes, Ly kind, to classes, prin er and warrantedI oddy. Always 11 supply of ocCrils, an Ware, Crocoey, Bedsteada be sold LOW by F. ELDER, corifsion, which Will be sol >y F. E LDER. linC his goods before purchasad e uudersold by any one. F. ELDER. t. t ge th....en.ii.> N.I:\CNMsAN IDET o. iitout rei c~nann. e an r fspodotacsa fh in sdiment.i aie~c L ll Dgod8i Wrantd Couts rerste. t. nor., 60and $1ra0ted. DI. 2~t Nole crie f or. looi. Cm n me, iltak prevesure inshwngm Tkul'er 'pastolava, all peiul~ sit an, continune 1ofi the lai n Allwor ~iteifA WorkManLlik n 'an Ar, iil vain d Nocag o ioklg s m 86 nut, wild takeoplehe ver best wituamy. Forn d osig a wranhiapctfnaled aolnt Cohpasanbe bougtht sanyer.ti osisc'thiy of Wnutw YrkirtatimorWe, and as cheap as cant bo bought in Now VNrk or Ihaltimoro at retail prices. Everythina warraihteil ak kehr'os'ehlet.. Mattneises and Lnmber for sale. Call anid see for your selves, as seeing is believing. Furniure nbatiy repaired sit rthet8 pr ices. feb 20 it. W. 1?filLLIPS. ALWAYS ON I[AND. A. full supply of Metalic Ilitrial Cases, II ant Caskets, Walnt Cases anmi Pino Coflins. Aist, prpat-ed to die Job Work of any kind, repairing tid Gins, making and repairing Orist MIillk, at tho oldi stand kg~own as Mcreight's Shoep. june 24-8n J. W. McCiit~i 1T. Attention!i 1.1 AVINGI resumed may old (i'ade, I I res pectfttlly inforl hi-y ft'iends anti the pu blie generally that.1 I mt now pre pared to inako or repair Satdles, Bridles and llarness, at short notice. The patron. age ofthe publio is solcited. Oive me rs cnll at the old etand. .une 11 muNr Wme vNTnI