GENERAL DIRECTORY. Juditciary. District Jadge-Wm U Robertson. Commissioner in Equity-Isaac H Means. Clerk ot Court-Sami B Clo*ney. Sheriff-Elisha W Ollever. Ordinary--James Johnston.' Tax Colletor-Robert H Jennings. Coroner-Robert Hawthorn. Emoheator-Jacob Feaster. Notary Public-Jas 8 Stewart. lYKagis rates. Jas E Caldwell William Crosby, Robert Hawthorn, Danel -B Kirkland, Henry Gib gon, Gedtgi 1 Miller, James Aiken,'William P Broot0, Willdm M Martin,' Dr William Carlisle, H 1 Counts, Dr D Laudedale. BOARD8 0 P0E.'ISSioI4tR. *Comn iesioners of Roads. Itowell Edmunds, John Lemon, Edward Mobly, Robert B Smith, William B Wood, Ward, Dr JohnA Palmer, Laban C Chappell, Dr JR MoMaster, Thomas M Lyles.: John 6 Douglass, Robert Ford, John W McMeekiu, L M Bookhardt, Gen Edward Taylor. Conamilsstouners of Free Schools. Thos J.H Jones. Jacob Bookman, Arthur K Craig, Williani Crosby, James A MoCro. ry, R E Ellison, DeJ R MoMaster, Dr, W E Aiken. Co sissioners to Approve Pub 1Re Securities. Henry L Elliott, James R Aikon, John It Propst, Mansel Hall, James S Stewart. Commnissioners of Publie Buill. lugs. James B McCants, Hugh B MoMaster, Dr W .1 Aiken, 0 R Thompson, James H1 Rion, Thomas Jordan, George H1 MoMaster. Connnissioners of the Poor. Robt Hawthorn. Treasurer, Rev C Porter. Clerk. Gen P D Cook, D B Kirkland. Towin Officers. Intendnt-Dr W E Aiken. Wardens-Dr C Ladd. W B Creight, L W Du"1l1, Jas McElroy. Representatives. Senate-Gen John Bratton. House of RepreAentatives-William J Allston, James R Aiken, Baylis E Elkin. ITfousnt Zioni Society. James R Aiken-President. James 8 Stewart-Secretary and Tres. Trustees of Mount Zion College-W R Ikobertron, J B MoCants, J 11 Rion, G H MoMaster, Dr W E Aiken. Principal itad Teachers of 1Ut. Zion College. 0 A Woodward-Principal. Assistants-Rev W P, DuBoie, W M Dwight. Government of the United St1tes. President-Andrew Johnson, of .Tennes. see. Secretary of State-W. H. Seward, of New York. Secretary of 1. Stanton, of Pennsylvania. Postmaster General--William Dennison, Secretary of the Navy-Gideon Welles, oP Connecticut. Secretary of the interior-James Harlan, of Iowa. Secretary of the freasury-Hugh McCul a lough, of Illinois. Attorney General-L-James Speed, of Ken luoky. & President of the Senate-Lafayette S. Poster, of Connecticut. Speaker of the House-Sohuyler Colfax, of Indiana. sUPR311 COURT. Salmon C. Chase, Ohio, Chief Justice. 1. James Mf. Wayne, Georgia. 2. Samuel Nelson, New York. S. Robert C. Griir, Pennsylvania. 4. Nathan Clifford, Maine. 6. Noah H. Swayne, Ohio. 8. Daniel Davis, Illinois. 7. Samuel Miller, Iowa. 8. Samuel F. Field, California. LIEUTUZNANT ORNEnALI. Wingfield Scott, Virginia. Ulysses S. Grant, of Ohio. wAde.utant General Lorenz6 Thomas, Dela. Judge Advocate General, Joseph Holt, D. C. Quartermnaster General, Montgomery C Meigs, of Pennsylvania. Oorner Quen andf Meeling Street., OtARLESTON, S, C. THIS POPULAR ADWELL for the reception of visitors, having been refurnishe yith New and Elegant Furni ture throu h& Rud offers to the traveller ommiiodatons and conveniesees as a First Class Hto, et. to be equalled- by any North or Sout. Te patronage 4 the public is re peetAil solIoited, Rates of Bord.s day,, $d 00 "" per month as may agreed o . JOBEPh PURCELL, feb 2d'6-4f , . Proprietor. Tl6 ReuhFe Nogauer, . 1UstressD WaDELY LY PIOENs 0. N., 5. 0., BY R. A. THO~MPSON & CO. TER MS-One Dollap .and . Twenty-five Ceoats for siza secaths, in adrange. Advertisements inserted at $1 per square for the first insertion, and 60 cents for each mubsequelahetin. [ootee 24'662 TRite V a e,aa 5aIs~taat, UDLrsuInD *#I4 *T OAxDUN, s.' c. DY-3 J.,HIER H MAN. WINNSBORO' TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, BY Gaillard, Desportes A Co. The people of the District are respeettuily solicited to giVe thoe6NEIWS" theiresnpport. A District Papertsould ifild its way to every fireside fee its own District. -0 IT CONTAINS THE LATEST GENERAL IN TELLIGENCE, AND A VARIETY OF READING MATTER INSTRUC. TIVE AND ENTERTAINING, -0 ALL KINDS OF S. JOB WORK EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND AS REA. SONAIILY AS CAN'BE DONE ELSEWHERE, SUCH AS POSTERS, BILL-HEADS, CARDS, LABELS, . BLANKS ? OUR OPPTID 18 IN TUE REAR OF LADD BROg' DRUG STORE, WIERE WE WILL B FOUND AT ALLI1flE8, -0 ALL MINDS ON LAW BLANKCS -AL*AT5 o04 'fANUF. Matck 22. 1A8 TJhe Claustel 'ontgencer, Ir"k-VOTED to the interbsts of the.Eo .li-tosalat Episcopal Chbrch, i publish ed at Charlotti, N. C. Terms of subscrip tion, cash in advance. For six mofit1, b$2' For i'sy,' 400' as or. AVnIaTIsIlW-Fifteen oenj a line, oi for the space of a-line.. To yeary pdvertisers, a liberal dWduotion' on the above will be itade. All,Obituary 'and otherl Notices charged at on' cent per word. Subscribers desiring tq'have their Post Offices changed, will state both where their papert are nqw being sent, and where they would have them directedin future. . For one month before each subscription expires, a peqll mark on- the margin will remind the subscriber to renew his subscrip tion by an early remittance. All communications should be addressed, John Wilkes, Treasurer, Church Intellien+c , Charlole, N. '." - Feb-I DAILY CAROLINA TIES, Charlotte, .I. C. Is PUBLISHED DAILY AND -TRI-WEEKLY, and furnished to sub scriber, upon teh following terms: Daily Times, one year, $10.00 " six months, ' 5.00 " " three months, 8.00 Tri-Weekly Timq, one year, 0.00 " '' six months, 8.00 ". " three months, 2.00 The Weekly News, containing twenty eight columns, a transcript of the Daily Times, Is published every Tuesday, at $.i pei'annum. Clubs of ten or more, $2.50, and a copy to the getter up gratis. Terms of advertising.-In the Daily and Tri-weekly Times. onb square (ten lines or less) $1 for first insertion and 60 cents for ech subsequent' inseition. A reasonable reduction made for advertisements inserted for a longer period than one month. Advertisements inserted In the Weekly News at $1 per square for each insertion. All let ters on business with the above publicalions should be addressed to, WARING & 1HERRON, Feb 1 Charlotte, N.'C. TIE CEIRITSIAN INDE B Y the First of.October, or as soon as the mails are re-established, I will re new the publication of the "CHRISTIAN INDEX" and the "CIILII'S INDEX" Ihave been publishing. Price of -'Indlex," per annum : $8 00 Price of "Child's Index," ' 60 Money may be remitted at once, as my de. termination is positive. My des4 s to so oure a large rubscription list wit lbich to begin,-and I issue this prospectus that sub scribers may.have time to forward their re mittances. It is my intention to issue first class pa pers, and no pains or expense will be spared to secure that end. The best writers and correspondents will be secured, and the highest religiouand literary talent will given to the papers. The CHILD'S PA PER will be profusely illustrated and will, In every sense, be made to conform to new title, The 4'hild's Diiflaht. Money may be sent by. Express or otfier wise- -if by Express, at my risk, if the ex press receipt is sent me, on the resUmption of mail facilities. My connection with the Arm of J. W. Burke & Co., is dissolved, but I will estab ish an office in MacOn, Ga., where commu to cations may be addressed. SAMUEL BOYKIN. REVIVED: A NEW SERIES OF "THE BAPTIST "BANNER, WILL BE OOMMIPNCED ON sATURDAY, THE1 9TH INsTANT, AT AU0Us TA, GEoSo:A,.' 'By the. Former Proprietor. IAM happy in being able to.-make ' *e above announcement. 2%. Banner will be published ever Saturday. $( Subscriptions are respectfully so licited. $8.'00 per sngrd. Address JAMES'N. ELLS, Proprietor. ig Each newspaper iia GeorgIa and South Carolina will pease or- twice, and send bill to J. N. E. sept 28'65+-2 Tihe Cheutes' sasedard,, BY GEO*tGB PIT hER,* runt,isusD wEaKET AT eRnsTER O. H., s. o 'TERM8: For one month 26. cents, or 7f Lceps.for L,hee,etbe, giably strict ly in advance, either in specie orj*rovisions. No. subhoriptliens received ett any othet terms than the above, nor for a longer or shorter peioed. Any person obtaining a cinI' of ten namnes will receive the papet gratis. Advertisement., inserted .t $1' 00 cr squarq (10 lines) for the first. sneertio@, and 76eetfes every additional insertion. ocs24'66 - *Tiae ?ntelligeuer, PiUBLIUMND WEREL,T AT? ANbunsb3 c. *., 5. C.1 3Y .HOY't & HUMIISBY8. A. she Pollars per annm lam1 Untitq ? tates surren9f, or 'tyo.'DJlirs a ~4-T'* OF A )VEftIQJWO Advertisemente %setted at the rates Si One-Doliar per square of, tivutee>liies- fe& th4 Aras insertion, and lift 00te for eaoll ()bietio. zand Me Oct 24 ,,f&~ .1 .1. V'X 0 a' EVB T Its - 1I or TM2 lt W e e t'l'F 7XI. ee W046VTy "-eeerd T HIE subsotib9r . wl I oommence in the -Cty of Chfrlesroi, early in Novem ber, a Family Journal, to be known as the WIEKLY RlCORD. It will contain eight pages of Ane paper and cleaX type, au4 will make when bound, a volume of permnenL value. While contaiging all the lateqt religious inteli gence fromr the Churches at home and abroad', it will also contain a'weekly edigest of social, mercantile and political intelli. gence, as well as general information on Iterary, scientiflo and agricultural subjects, Iaking a journal acceptable to the city and country reader. Ministers throughout the South, acting s agents and receivihg subscriptions, will be entitled to acopy; TERMS. For one copy for six monthv,- $2 00/ For one copy for one year, 4 00 CLU RATES. For ted copies to one address, for Six months, $10 00 For ten copies to one address, for one year, . 8000 Alf.subscriptions to date from the first of the month in which received. A1VX)TtNa'R4TXs. One .quare $2 00; every subsequent in. sertion $ 00. Contra s. made on reasonable terms. U. S. BIRD, F. At MOOD. Address "Weekly Record," KeyBox No. 8. .oct 24'05. The Charlealtt Daily 'Nevs. A S native Carolinians, the publishers will naturally look to the interest of their own State, an tdo' that of. the South; and as citizens of the United States th6y will not be wanting in the proper nmuunt'of de votion and respect for the General Oovei i ment. Every effort shall be made to make the DAI,YND IVS a first class newspaper, nnd in every way worthy of the patronage of the publAO. Our telms, for the present, will be at thle rate of $10 per 'annum. Subscriptions re ceived for 8, 6 and 12 months, payable' in advance. Adverlising.-Ono square, ten lines, one Insertion, One Dollar and Fifty Cent. Ea'ch cont1huation, Seventy-five certs. Less than a square, Fifteen cents per line for first insertion ; Half Price fot each continuation. Postmasters and others throughout the country, who may interest themselves in procuring subscriptions, will be allowed the usual per centage. CATHCART, MuMILLAN& MORTON, Proprietors, No. 18 Hayne St. Charlestun, S. C.' oct 24'66 The WhID NIMaa's Paper, THE NEW YORK DAY BOOK. FIRST class weekly paper, in favor of A the Constitution as It is, and the Union as it, was. . The Day Book is not reprinted from a dally, but is made up ezpresl,y for weekly circulation, with a careful summary of the news from all the States, and all parts of the World, wiWh market Leports, Agricul. tural, Finance, Literature, &a; TERMS CASH-IN AD VANCE. One copy one year 5 00 Three copies one year 6 60 Five copies one year, and one to the., getter up of the club, ' 10 00 Ten copies one year, and one to the getter up of the club, 17 00 Twenty cupies -to one address 80 00 Old subscribers fo the Day Book, through out the Sofithern States, will reqelve . the value still due them, by notifying us' of tlie present postoffice addre. . Send (or a specimen copy, which will be sent, postage free, on application.. Addrqess. giving postofo,ouyan State in fu.ffo,cuyan .VAN EV~RIE, RORTON & C'O., No. 162 Nassiin Street, New York. For male by ut news dealers Sri cities and towhs - oct 24'6 liew York Deaily News. D AILY and Weekly. The New York .-eekLy New., a great familj news. pape enjamin Wood Proprietor--the lar r~est nqd ohaapost, p-apdvI publiaad in ~Work.' Bingle copies, 6 cents"; one copy one year $2; three copies one year, $5 60; five copies 6rIe year, $8 75; ten opies one year, $17; 4nid an ezt#4 e6 'y to 1tn qlub. ofAeh, twen ty en'e ooples one year, $8'): the lV4ekl" NAewa Is sept to oler gymen'at $ 60, raw Yonx DAr' N.swi 4To saails stb * ibers, $10 per annum ; six months, $5; pryreents invariably in adfaned. 'apecimen ocopie'of Dafly ?ad~ WeEly lIdwes bnt. free. . ilyNews Suilding, No. 19, Olty illequIe, N. Y. City. 0o6 24'65 V T Time Boustmsersuer', PUb,IsHED, wssax6AT Isr,INOToN, 5. 0., BY JV. I. BROWN. " bsrd, ?64, 'Adi tisements p lp'a }Velden. N. 0., Goldaboro". N. C., .Wilmington, N. 0., AND To WAT sTATgoNs oN T U gi p taa .n.NrhCArdiew Railroad. Raleigh and Gaston 4iroad, WiI. mington and Weliiog Ual,d ahd Weep N. C. Railroad. . LETTER;. MO)E Ac p~ N SMALL P'4 EL8,s en colujnhia.,,c., Icia n t1amon, Ga.,la a MobiIey Ala.,ti Sefmna, Alfa.. Jacr n, as. 'AND TO WAY dTAT TM'h boad,Sduth westerbi Railroad don1t a prulI d y forwardmdanj on ~Freghs hiyn hfeano qp,d till be for*arded-b pres %9tiout st 196f 4~?