The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, September 15, 1866, Image 4

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GEERAL DIRECTORY, Ja.stlieitary. lI 'stdet Jud,le.-Wm II llolertson. 4'innisioner in iXpaity--israc i t!eans. h.l-* of 4'Urt-SamI i ("lowney. ri'f--E shai W Jo lltlver. '.j,lum-.Lainesa .lohtn.1 T:ix Colleerur--ljbert 1i .Jennings. vi,ronw-tobert. Hlawthorn. Nouny Public --Jas 8 Stewart. J11s E Caldwell. Willian Crosby, Robert lawthorn, Daniel lj Kirkland, Henry Gib son. Oeorge H Millvr, James Aiken, William P Ilroom. William M Martin, Di' William CarliAle, i ii Courts, Dr D Lauder4ale; BOARJS OF O MISSIONERS. coagmaanisioumsars of Roads. li'-ell l.:d4ImIn, John' Lemon, Edward ltobelrt LI Smith, William B Wood. Ir.l. Dr John 1) Palmer, Laban C Chwppell, 11- .1 l aster, Thonias M Lyles, Joln S >h.I't !olert Ford, John W McMeekin, . M lwokhardt, Uen Edward Taylor. ('ouImisionaers of Free Secsools. Tih" .1 II .loneI4. Jacob Bookman, Arthur 4 Cr. William Crosby, James A MoCro. I, i Ellison, Dr J 1t Me.aster, Dr W E 'o tan issiommers to Approve Pub lic Securities. 1inry L-'Eliott, Janies R Aiken, John H Pripst, Mansel Hall, James 8 Stewart. 4coa)Ifi%siotsersof Public Build. Ings. Janes B McCants, fingh B MoMaster, Dh- W R Aiken, 0 IR Thompson, James H Ition, Thomas Jordan, George H McMaster. Coma210 1ssiosers of the Poor. Robt I'awthorn, Treasurer, Rev C'Porter, Clerk. Gen P 1) Cook, D 1 Kirkland. Towit Officers, Intendant-Dr W E Aiken. Wardeis-Dr C It Ladd, W B Creight, L IV Duvall, Jas McElroy. tepresemitatives. Senate-Gen John Brat(on. House of Representatives-William J Allston, Janes It Aiken, Baylis E Elkis. 11111't 201 socifty, James R Aiken-Presideft. James 8 Stewart--Secretary and Tres. Triutees of Moutnt Zion College-W R Robertmon, J B MoCants, J H1 Rion, G I MeMaster, Dr WV E Aiken. Prisecipal asd Teahers of Mt. Ziosa College. G A Woodward-Principal. Assistants--Rev W P DuBose, W M Dwight. Government of the United States. President-Andrew Johnson, of Tennes. . co. Secretary of State-W. I. Seward, of New York. Secretary of War-Edwin M. Stanton, of Pennsylvania. Postmaster General-William Dennison, of Ohio. Secret ary of the Navy-Gideon Welles, of Connecticut. Stcretary of the interior-James Harlan, of Iowa. Sceretary of the rreasury-Ilugh McCul longh, ofIllinois. Attorney General-James Speed, of Ken ttucky. - Iresident. of the Senate-Lafayetto S. Poster, ot Connecticut. Speaker of the llouse-Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana. . SUPREAM COURT. Salmon C. Chioo, Ohio, Chief Justice. 1. James M. Wayne, 0eorgia. 2. Samuel Nelson, New York. 3. Robert C. Grier, Pennsvlvania. 4. Nathan Clifford, MaINo. 5. Noah IH. Swaynp, Ohio. -6. Daniel Davia, Illiinois. 7. Samuel Miller, Iowa. 8. Samuel F". Field, California. LTiENA?NT OENE'RALs. Wingfield Scott, Virginia. Ulysses S. Giranit, of Ohio. Adjutant General Lorenr.o Thomal, Dela ware. Judge Advocate General, Joseph Holt, Quart ermast er General, Montgomery C Meigs, of Pennsylvan,ia. C'orner Queen and Meeting Streets, CHRA RL E ST ON, 8. .0C. HISPOULR AND WELL , KNON HOUE is ow fully open for th* reception of visitors, having beeri refurnished with New and Elegant Furni ture throughout; andl offers to the travellor acconmmodgaions and a First Class Hotel, not to be equalled by any North or South. Thme patronage of the publio is - resliiet fnily soltoltedl, Rates of.Board, $4 O3 " " per month as may agreed on. JOSitPH PURCELL, feb 24'60-tt .-Proprietor. PUn1tti)HDwEKLY AT' PIOKUIS 0. R., .- V., BY R. A. THOMPSON & CO. TPEMS-..Ono Dollar- and Twenty-Aye -. Centst 'for six' months, in advanoe. ,Advertisements inserted at 51 per sqnare - for th.e first insertion, and 60 cnts for each ubeun,insertion. [oet, 2d'06 ~,ube o~ Mat A NDI, s. A .T. EUJ$8HMAl. WINNSBORQ' TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, - Y ' Gallhrd, Desportes & Co. The people of the District are respectfully solfirted to give tie"NEWS"tlreirsupport. A District PaINersmould find its wAy to every fireside in its own District. a IT CONTAlS THE LATHIT GENERAL IN, TELLGENCE, AND AARIETY OF READING MATTER INSTRUC-' TIVE AND ENTERTAINI9o. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK EXECOTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND AS REA SONABLY AS CAN BE DONE ELSEWHERE, SUCH AS POSTERS, BILL-HEADS, CARDS, LABELS, BLANKS &O., &C., &C., IS IN TEE REAR OF LADD BROg'. DRUGe STORE, WEBRE WE WILL UB * FOUND.AT ALL TIlES. -ALL ?IND3 OW L AW BL AN19K S ALWAYS ON DEAM39. March 22. 1A AA Th4e Chgrdh -I*utelligncer, D EVOTED to the Interests of the Pro testant Episcopal Church, is publish ,ed it Charlotte, N. G. 'erms of subsotip tion, os'sh in advance. For six months, $2 00 For one year, 4 00 Tsams or ADVEnTIsmNo-Fifteen cents a line, or for the space of a line. To yearly advertisers, a liberal deduction on the above will be made. All Obituary and other Notiq* charged at one cent per word. Subscribers desiring to have their Post Offices changed will state both where their papero ore pow eing sent, and where they would love them ditected in future. For one month before each s4bicripfion expires, a penoll mark on the margit will remind1he subscriber to renew his subscrip tion by an early remittance. All co6mmunications should be aldressed, John Wilkes, Treasurer, Chureh Intelt'ncer, Charlotte, N. 0." Feb 1 6AILY CAROVINA TIRES, Charlotte, N. . C. IS PUBLISHED' DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY, and furnished to sub scriber, upon the following terms: Daily Times, one year, $10.00 " " six months, 6.00 " " three months, 3.00 Tri-Weekly Times, one year, 6.00 " six months, 8.00 " " three months, 2.00 The Weekly News, containhig twenty. eight columns, a transcript of the Daily Times, is published every Tuesday, at $8 per annuln. Clubs of ten or more, $2.50, and a copy to- the getter up gratis. . Terms of advertising.-In the Daily and Tri-weekly Times, one siruare (ten lines or less) $1 for flrat insertion and 60 cents for each subsequent Apsertion. A reasonable reduction made 1ol advertisments inserted for a longer perioFthan one month. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly No we at $1 per square for each insertion. All let ters on business with the above publications should be addressed to, WARING & HEURON, Fob 1 Charlotte, N. 0. TUE ChRISTIAN iNDEX B Y the Est of October, or as soon an the mails are re-established, I will re new the publication of the ."CHRISTIAN INDEX" and the "CHILD'S INDEX" Ihave been publishing. Price of "Index," per annum : : $3 00 Price of "Child's Index," " : : - 0 Money may be remitted at once, as my de termination Is positive. My desire is to se cure a large subscription Hot with which to begin, and I lasue this prospectus that sub scribers may have time to forward their re mittances. It is my intention to Issue frst class pa.. pors, and no pains or expense will be spared to seoure that end. The best writers and cofrespondents .will be secured, and the highest religious and literary talent will be given to the papers. The CHILD'S PA PER will be profusely illustrated and will, in every sense, be made to conform to new title, 'The Childs Delight. Money may be sent by Express 'or other wise- -if by Express, at my risk, if the ex-, press receipt is sent me, 'on the resumption of mail facilities. * 'y connection with the firm of J. W, Burke & Co., is dissoled, but I will estab ish an office in Macon, Ga., where commu nications addressed. SAMUEL 1BOYIfN. REVIVED: 'A NBW BRAZES O P. "TIE BAPTIST BANNER," WILL BE COMM(ENCED ON SATURDAY, THS 9TH INSTANT, AT AUoUs TA,AIEORoIA,. By the Former Proprietor. AM hap n en able to mnake e aboe anoucemnt.TA. anrwl be published every Saturday. S& Subscriptions arc respectfully so lioited. $.0pranm drs ' Uaek newspaper ia Georgia end South Carolina will please cop.- twice, and send bill to.J. N. B. -sept 28'05--2 The Chester Standard, .BY GEORGB P1ITHER, . tUar.rsHan WaUUr. AT OH3sTEa 0. fl., 5. 0 RtIMS: For one mnth 28e' r 76 eenis for t) esent p tric 1y 1n advallee, eiW . ip#' fe.or ions. Noeeubseriptions en any ether terms than the above,' nor for a longer or shorter period. Any persen obtaining a club of ten names will receive the paper gratis. Adyertiseniente inse4rte4 -at P1 00 -ce squre 10lins)for tlge frst- ~erton, and 75 ost ter every aidditional ftion. The Eatelh1geheer, ruuuai wanus,y iv Asasa 0. 3., s. c., BY HOYT & EUMPIIRRYS. AT Three Dollars pewarsnn in United AStates dbrency, or -Itwo Dollars a year in spece.s RATB* o 7 Y$*?Tf5!JNG : Advertiseuments 1nsettpd at the rates' of One Dellar pet stasare 'of twelte- lites for r at h est M'8t - P PE CT Ub .Mo T4iE W eek 11y Record. T HE subscrilbers will onimenco in the City of Qhxrdsion, early in Novem ber, a Family Journal, Lo be known as the WEEKILY RECORD. It. rill contain eight page. of fine paper and clear type, ayid will make when bound, a volume of permanent value. While containing all the l.atest religious intel'igence from the Churches at home and abroad, it will Ali contain a weekly digest of social, moroaqlile and political intelli gence, as well'ii general information- en literary, scientific awl agricultural subjbots, making a journal acceptable to the city and country,reader. Ministers throughout'the South, acting as agents and receiving. ubpcrlptions, will be entitled to a copy. . ERM5: For one copy for six months,. $2 00 For one copy for one y0ar, 4 00 CLUB Iaaks. For ten copies to one address. for six months, $16 00 For ten copies to one'addroq, for one yea r,80 00 All subsoriptios to date from the first of the month in which received . ADVRTISING RATES. One square $2 00; every subsequent in sertion $1 00. Contracts made on reasonable terms. U. S. BIRD, F. A. MOOD. Address "Weekly Record," KeyBox No. 8. oct 24'05. The Charleston Daily News, A s native Carolinians, the publishers will naturally look to the interest of their own Stato, and to that of the South; and as citizens of the United Statts they will not be wanting in the proper amount of de. votion and respect for the General Govern ment. Every effort shall be made to make the DAILYNE WS a first class newspaper, and in every way worthy of the patronage of the public. . Our terms, for the present, will be at the rate of $10 per annum. Subscriptions re celyed for 8, 0 and 12 months, payable in advanco. ,4dverising.-Ono square, ten lines, one insertion, One Dollar and Fifty Cents. Each continuation, Seventy-five cents. Less than a square, Fifteen cents per line for first insertion ; Half Price for each continuation. Postmasters and others throughoq the country, who may interest themselves in procuring subsoriptions, will be allowed the usual -per oentage. CATHCART, McMILLAN& MORTON, Proprietors, No. 18 Hayne St. Charleston, 8. 0. oct 24'65 The White 1Ma11a Paper, THE NEW YORK DAY BOOK. A .FIRST clans weekly phper, In favor of . the Constitution as it is, and the Union as it was. The DaytBook is not reprinted frow3 a daily, but is made up expres"ly for weekly circulation, with a careful summary of the news from all the ptates, and all parts, of the World, with market Reports, Agricul tural, Finance, Literature, &c. TERMS CASHr-IN AD VANCE. - One copy one year $2 -00 Three copies one year 6 50 Five copies one year, and one to the getter up ofthe club, - 10 00 Ten copies one year, and one to the getter up of the club, 17 00 Twet#y copies to one addrens . 80 00 Old subsoribqrs to the Day Book, through out the Southera States, will receive the value still due them, by notifying us of the present postoffice address. Send for a specimen c'opy, which will be sent, postage free, on application. Address, 'giving postoffice, county and State in full. ,'VANIYRIE, HORTON & 00., SNo. 182 Nassau Street, New- York. For sale by all news dealers In cities and towns -. ,ot 24'65 New York Dally News. D AILY and Weekly. The lit, York Weekly Nerws, a great, family news paper-Benjamin Wood Proprietor-the largest, best and cheapest paper published in Now York. single copies, 6 cents one copy one year $2; 'three copies one year, $6 60; five copies one year, $8 75; ten copies one year, $17; and an 'extra copy to any club of -ten.- Twenty one copies one y atr, $8 DAIfeLY es is saat to cler A wYOnxrK Naws T mail sub scribers, $10 per annum; six months, $56 pay ments invarial in advance. Specimen copies of DhiyudWekl N~w sent, free. Daily News Building, No. 19, City Hall8Square, N. Y. City. cot 24'6Ll The Southerner,' PUBLIsHUD WUUKLT A? DAnVINGTON, 5. 0., BY , M BDROWN. TEtbS of snbscription-Toubdribers .bern, $4. Advertuethents per square, first insertion, $1.50; each subsequent inser. Lion $1. Advertisements not paid for in advande will be eontlnded untul ptwd for, and be' charged sodowdingy .'Trasoleent adveAlie. ments must be p.dfor injAdane.~ Advj. tisetients net marked for a oortain numbe of b!se'Iun, *AUl 0utaiued until'fto; 6id,/sad ohkg. geo.singuly. . -y WM. IV. BMITIH & Co., Field Pao Fire-ide Book Publiilng 11ouse 4 5 Fayettevillo St., Raleigh, N. C. . t A N R L E' N. :X BY 'tilts. FANNY M UitLY.IMIUH DOWNINd One vol. 10 mb Fine Cloth, Pr-ice$2.0,A This is a thrillin%r story of t5iet.ifaf and thtI -f1stion.Al world. and asids from -an atkorb ing plot artitically intcrwven. it abmunlds ir. suhgestive thoughts and de;cripti4e pas4ares... g.-r id and exquisite in elvaractor id fintish. MOSSES FROM A ROLLING STONE BY TICNELLA-DM/,RY BAYARD CLARK14. Author or "tebainicensea maf Ca,". Wood(, Notes," '-'l'ranolationsor Alag ut rite," "amty' Tartuffe." etc. One vol., 16 'no cloth ...........Prico $1.25. Contains ounplete poetical writinga tif tlt) popular authoress, and is a h-autiful setting of all the sparkling dianonds that havo beenl found clinging to tho -'rolling storo' of a great life, at it washed with ~'hc ebb and flow of thef eething tide of Thought and lanagina. tion. THE CHANGE, on A tatement of the Reasons and Facts which made me a Baptist. BY -Ev. T. a. KINOsUv. One volume, 16 mo, cloth, ...,...Price 82.50W But few writers wield a pen with such con summate skill. grace iand vigor. as ,vIr. Kings. bury. Hifs book has reevived the most heart and earnicat critical endorsement of Elders E. Skinner. J. D. Huffman, Editor Biblical Re. corder, N. B. Cobb, Cor. Sec. N. C. Ritpti:t Board o'Missions, and other eminent Divinaes, "No Baptist family should be without it. No opponent of the Baptists should tail to read it." oct 19'65 . The Daily Expreas, PETERSBURG, VA., TH AS entered upon its fifteenth year, in an jLenlarged rorai, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a-large and daily increasing circulation, and offers to mer :hants and others desiring to communicate with thoSouthern public, advantagea surpass ed by none. v ADVERTISING RATES: . ONX SQUARS Two weeks........------........ SOo One month.-.------ .......... 6 Ot) Two months...................... 11 00 Three monthit .................... 16 00 Six months ................R 24 0t One year......................... 40 0Q Two MQUAas Two weeks ..................... $1000 One month...-.................... 12 00 Two months............... ...... 1 ta1) Three months...................... 18 00 Six months ..................... 30 00 One year........................... doo - Persons desiring a quantity of space than above designated, will be accommodated on liberal terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATMS: Single Copy, (mailed) 6 e. One month, do 76 ' hfee m11onths, do 6. oo Six months, do 3 otl One ycar, do 6 Address 0 A. F. CRUTCHFIELD & CO.. ot 24'6b Petersburg, Va. EVERtYBODY SHOOLD IfkVE A COPY a lantermal Reveue Gauide. EINGan abstractofthe Internal Revenue, a full Direct (or Land) Tax Laws of the nited States, with Schedulee of. Taxation, Licenses, Stamp Duties, Exqmptions. show ing the Rates under the various Tux Law sinoo July 1. 1862. and Intended- for the gene. ral information of 4he Tax-Payers : to whichr is added an Abstrat.ol the Acts of Congress passed during the War, relative to Abandon ed Lands and other matt era of general inter est. By E. J. Elrord, Attorney at Laws Greenville, 8. C.. Assessor of the Iternal Revenue Tax fbr.tht I'hird Collection District in South Carolina. Tho Book will contain about 72 pages, and will be Issued in i few weeks. Price A con , per copy, with a liberal disc6unt to the trade. Orders must be accompaned with the casK to ceure attention. Addrdess, G. E. ELFORD, Publisher, oct 24.65 Greenville.S. C. Time NoutJeir Express Conspassy OFFER unsurpassed facilItIes for the ship. ment (from Augusta and points South.} of Cotton, Cotton Goods, and heavy freights, (or Savannah, New York, and all poInts North and West. Through receipts given on which Insuranac. can be effected at lowest rates, lnternal Revenue Tax will be paid or bonds given bt this Company, in accordance -with/ regulatione of the United States Treasury De---in partntent. 5 For particulars and rates, inquiro of South ern Express Company. This Compan yie now proepared to forward, GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENQY PARCELS, AND FREIGHTS, To Petersburg, Va., Lynchburg, Va., Danville, Va., Bristol, Tenn.. Greensboro', N. C., Salisbury, N. ., Raleig . N. C.,, Wedn . Goldsbbro*, N. O., Walnmington, N.O., AND 'O WA T&TATtiW9 ON TUE Virginia and Teannasee Railroad. South-Side Railroad, Petersburg Railroad, North Carolina. Railroad, Raleigh and Gaston Ratlroiad, W ii. min ton and W#eldon Rail road, and 'Western, N. C.Railroad. LETTER, MONEY PACKAGSS AND .s SMALL PA RCELS, To ColumbIa, 8. C., Charleslou, S. C. Augusta, Ga., Sayannab, Ga., Macon, Ga-, Co.ambus,Ga., Mobile, Ala., . M ogtomery, Ala.5 Selmia, Ala,, Jacksob, Mass., . .New Orleas, La. - ANDa Tb wAy STAToiMs Oit THU Charlotte & S..O. Rilroad South Carolina Rs1Iroad, Georgia h.iroad, Macon and West ern Rpilroad, Atlanta and West Point Itails road, Southwestern Railroad, Southern Ral. road, and Alabana and Misissippi RailrAd. All Goods sempped by the Adams and Hard.. . Express Compaoies and marked, to Ebe e of' the Slouthras ~press Compamny, w pro Arwartied to destiatton. ais.sed by steamshIp to will beirAOdby Express witbons ar M .and-deI