GENERAL DIRECTORY. Jediciary. District Judge-Win P Robertson. Commissioner in Equity-Isaac 11 Means. Clerk of Coutrt-Samtn It Clowney. Sheriff-Eislha W Ollever. Ordinary-James Johnston. Tax Collector-Robert It Jennings. Coroner-Robert Hawthorn. Escheator-Jacob Feaster. Notary Public-Jas S Stewart. Magistrates. Jas E Caldwell, William Crosby, Robert Hawthorn, Daniel B Kirkland, Henry Gib son, George H Miller, James Aiken, William P Brorm, William M Martin. Dr William Carlisle, H 11 Counts, Dr D Lauderdale. BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERS. Covaislsloniers of Roads. Howell Edmunds, John Lemon, Edvard Mobly, Robert I Smith, William, U1 Wood ward, )r John D Palmer, Laban C Chappell, Dr J R1 1eMa;ter, Thonas M Lyles. John 8 Douglass, Robert Ford, .John V McMeekin, L M Bookhardt, Gen Edward Taylor. Conmiissiomsers of Free SchIools. Thos J 11 Jones, Jacob Bookman, Arthur K Craig, William Crosby, Jancs A MceVro ry, Rt E Ellison, Dr J R MMaster, Dr V E Aiken. Coitainissiotiers to A pprove Pull lie Securities. Henry L Elliott, James R Aiken, John II Propst, Mansel Hall, James S Stewart. Conavtaissioviersof Public Baild. !sags. James B McCants, Hugh It McMaster, Dr V Y Aiken, t It Thompson, James It Iion, Thomas Jordan, Gcorge it McMaster. Commnis%ionters of the I'oor. Robt Hawthorn, Treasurer, Rev C Porter, Clerk. Gen P D Cook, ) 1 Kirkland. Towal Officers. Intendant-Dr W E Aiken. Wardens-Dr C H1 Ladd, W B Creight, L W Duvall, Jos McElroy. Represeastatives. - Senate-Gen John Brat(on. House of Representatives-William 3 Allston, James It Aiken, Baylis E Elkin. HIoa1t ZioIR society. .James R Aiken-President. James S Stewart-Secretary and Tres. Trustees of Mount Zion College-W P Robertson, J B McCants. J II Ilon, C 11 McMaster, Dr W E Aiken. Prilucipal and Teachers of Mt. Zion Coirege. 0 A Woodward-Principal. Aslstants-Rev W P DuBose, W M Dwight. Government of the United 8tttes. President-Androw Johnson, of Tennes. see. Secretary of State-W. I[. Seward, of New York. Secretary of War-Edwin M. Stanton, of Pennsylvania. Postmaster General-Willian Dennison, of Ohio. Secretary of the Navy-Gideon Welles, of Connecticut. Secretary of the interior-James Harlan, of Iowa. Secretary of the rreasury-Hugh McCul lough, of Illirois. Attorney General-James Speed, of Ken i1joky. President of the Senate-Lafayette S. Poster, of Connecticut. Speaker of the H1ouse-Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana. SUPREME COVPT. Salmon C. Chase, Ohio, Chief Justice. 1. James M. Wayne, Gcorgia. 2. Samuel Nelson, New York. 8. Robert . .Crier, ennsylvania. 4. Nathan Clifford, Maine. 5. Noah II. Swayne. Ohio. 0. Daniel Davis, Illinois. 7. Samuel Miller, Iowa. 8. Samuel F. Field, California. L.IEUTE~NANT GENRRnAL. Wingfield Scot t, Virginia. Uly'sses 8. Grant, of Ohio. Adjutant General Lorenzo Thomas, Dela ware. Judge Advocate General, Joseph Holt, D. C. Quartermaster General, Alontgomery C Moigs, of Pennsylvania. CIorner Queena and Nerting Stre.ets, for the rceptlon of visitors, havinig ben refutrnished with New anmd tslegant Furni ture throughout; andl offers to tIhe traveller acconinodations andl convenieces na; a First Class Hotel, not to be equalled by anyJ Nort h respectfully solicited. R ates of Board per day, $4 0 ) "" per month as may agreed en. JOSEPH PURCELL, feb 24'06-tt Proprietor. Time Keowee Oosarier, rtrBrasuEn, wEEKLY A'P PIOCKENS 0. R., s. c., BY R. A. THOMPSON & Co. T ERiMS-One Dollar and Twenty-ive Ceats for six months, In advanoa. Advertisements Inserted at $1 per square for the firat Insertion, and 50 cents for eaoh subsequent, insertIo.oot 24'65 TSae Cia- isea .Ia t'ral. PUBLIsHsID wEBKLY AT CAMDEN, s. 0., BY J. T. H E R S HM AN. oct 24'06 WINNSBORO' TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, BY Gaillard, Desportes & Co. The people of tme District are rempec fuilIy solicited to give tle"NEWS"thmeirsupport. A DIstrict PapershmouId find its way to every fireside in Itsown District. 1T CONTAINS TIlE LATEST GENERAL IN. TELLIGEN(E, AND A VARIETY OF READING MlATTER INSTRUC. TIVE AND ENTERTAINING, -0 ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH, AND AS REA. SONABLY AS CAN BE DONE ELSEWIENIE, SUCH AS POSTE S11, BILL-[IEADS, CA RDS, LA BE LS, BLA NKS &C., &C., & C., ---------- OUR OPPIC3 IS IN TIlE IREARl OF LADD BROS'. DIlUG STIOlRE, WVI(ElIE WE WILL BE POUND AT ALL TDlIES, ALL KINDS OP LAW BLANKS ALWAYS ON BlAND. Mnrr.h 22, laan * The Church Intelligencer,. D EVOTED to the interests of the Pro testant Episcopal Church, is publish. ed at Charlotte, N. C. Terms of subscrip tion, cash in advance. For six months, $2 00 For one year, 4 00 TEaxa or ADVERTJsING-Fifteen cents a line, or for the space of a line. To yearly adverlisers, a liberal deduction on the above will be made. All Obituary and other Notices charged at one oent per word. Subscribers desiring to have their Post Offices changed, will state both where their paperb are now being seht, and where they would have them directed In future. For one month before each subscription expires, a pencil mark on the margin will remind the subscriber to renew his subscrip tion by an early remittance. All communications should be addressed, John W ilkes, Treasurer, Church Intelligencer, Charlotte, N. C." Feb 1 DAILY CARO,11NA TIMES, ClarIotc, N. C. IS PUBJISIED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY, and furnished to sub scriber, upon the following terms: Daily Times, one year, $10.00 " " six months, 6.00 4 " three months, 3.00 Tri-Weekly Times, one year, 0.0 " " six mondhs, 3.00 " " three months, 2.00 The Weekly News, containing twenty. eight columns, a transcript of the Daily Times, is published every Tuesday, at $:; p.r annum. Clubs of ten or more, $2.50, and a copy to the getter up gratis. Terms of advertising.-In the Daily and Tri-weekly Tiies. onosquare (ten lines oir less) $1 for first insertion and 50 cents for each subsequent insertion. A reasonable reduction muade for advertisements insertel for a longer period than one mont h. Advertisements inserted in the Weekly News at $1 per square for caeh insertion. All let ters on business with the above publications should be addressed to, WAlNG & HElHRON, Feb 1 Charlotte, N. C. TEIE CIRISTIAN INDLX B Y the First of' October, or as soon as the mails ar3 re-established, I will re new the publication of the "CIlRIlSTIAN INDEX" and the 'CIILD'S INDEX" Ihave been publishing. Price of --Index," per annum : $3 00 Price of "Child's Ir.dex," " : : 60 Money may be resiitted at once, as my do termination is positive. My desire is to se cure a large subscription list with which to begin, and I Issue this prospectus that sub scribers may have time to forward their re mittances. It is my intention to issue first. class pa pere, and no pains or expense will be spared to secure that end. The best writers and correspondents will be secured, and the highest religious and literary talent will be given to the papers. The CHILD'S PA PER will be profusely illustrated and will, in every sense, be madb to conform to new title, The Child's Delighet. Money may be sent by Express or other wise- -if by Express, at my risk, if tie ex press receipt is sent ine, on the resumption of mail facilities. My connection with the firm of J. W. Burke & Co., is dissolved, but I will estab ish an office in Macon, Ga., where commu necations may be addressed. SAMUEL BOYKIN. REVIVED! A NEIV SERIES OF "THE BAPTIST BANNER, " WILL BE COMMENCED ON sATURDtAY, ThE OTH INSTANT, AT ' uGUS TA, GEOROIA, By the Former Proprietor. jAM happy in being able to make e Sabove announetent. Th.e Banner will be published every Saturday. gl2 Subscriptions are respectfully so licited. $3.00 per annum. A ddress JAMES N. ELLS, P'roprietor. a' Each newspaper In Georgia andl South Carolina will please crp. twice, and send bill to J. N. B. sept 28'65-2 The Chueuter Suanudard, BY GEORGE PITIIERt, PUnILt5tIED wENVKLY AT cEss?ER 0. II., s. 0 T EItM8: For one month 25 cents, or 75 cents for three months, payab,le st rict ly in n,lvanco, either in specie or provisions. No subscriptions received on any other terms than tihe above, nor for a longer or shorter period. Any person obtaininga club of ten names will receive the paper gratis. Advertisements inserted at $1 00 er square (10 lines) for the first insertion, and 75cnsfrevery additional insertion. The Iatellgeneer, PUBL19MED wEax,T AT AND3R5oN 0. II., 5. C.., BY HOYT & HOMPHREYS. A T Three Dollars per annum in United States currency, or Two Dollars a year In specie R ATRS OF ADVERTIRING:. Advertisements Inserted at the rates ol One D)ollar per squai'o of twelve lines for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents for each quhuequent insertion. Obituaries and Mar riage Notices charged for at those rates. oct 2..'an PROSPECTUS OF THE Wee k I y R e ce or d. T JIE subscribers will commence in the City of Charlesnn, early in Novem her, a Family Journal, to be known as the WEEKLY RECORD. It. will contain eight pages of fine paper and clear type, and will make when bound, a volume of permanent value. While containing all the latest religious intelligence from the Churches at home and abroad, it will also contain a weekly digest of social, mercantile and political Intelli gence, as well as genera! information on literary, scientific and agricultural subjects, making a journal acceptable to t he city and country reader. Ministers throughout the South, acting as agents and receiving subscriptions, will be entitled to a copy. Ti:nts. For one copy for six months, k2 00 For one copy for one year, 4 00 CLUlB RATES. For ten copies to one address, for six months, $16 00 For teii copies to one address, for one year, 30 00 All subscriptions to date fro'm the first of the mionth in which received. ADYEtTisNl RATES. One square $2 00; every subsequent in sertion $1 00. Contracts made on reasonable terms. U. S. BIIt 1), F. .. 3100). Adlress "-eekly Rcetrd," Keyllox No. 3. oct 21'5. The, Chasriemlon Daily, %ew%, S native Carolinians. the publishers will naturally look to tle interest. of tlit-hi own Sinte, litl to Ilhat of tle Souti: ail as citizens of thie Unitedl States they will not be wanting in thlie proir mount of de. Totion anI respect for the General Govern ment.. Every effort shall be made to make ihe DA 1h I' NE IVS a tirst class newspaper, and in every way worthy of the patronage of the Iblic. Our terms, for the present, will be at the rate of $10 per annum. Subscriptioits re ceived for 3, 6 and 12 months, payable in advance. Adverlising.--One square, ten lines, one insertion, One Dollar and Fifly Cents. Each centinuation, Seventy-five cents. Less tian a square, Fifteen cents per line for first insertion HIalf Price for eachi continuation. P1ostnasters and others throughout. the country, who may interest. themllselves in procuring subscriptions, will be allowed the usual per centuge. CATIHCART, McMILLAN& MORTON, Proprietors, No. 18 Hayne St. Charleston, S. C. oct 24'65 The WIete :1a1a's Paper, THE NEW YORK DAY BOOK. A FIIST class weekly paper, in favor of A te Constitution as it is, and the Union as it was. The Day Book is not reprinted from a daily, but is mantle up cxjressl for weekly circulation, withi a careful summary of tle news from all t.he attes, and all parts of the World, with market Reports, Agricul. tural, Finance, Liteiature, &o. TERJIS CA48M-IN A IVA NCE One copy one year $2 00 Three copies one year . 6 60 Five copies one year, and one to the gotter up of the club, 10 00 Ten copies one year, and one to the getter up of the club, 17 00 Twenty copies to one addre.ts 80 00 Old subscribers to the Da hook, through out the Southern States, will receive the value still due diem, by notifying us of thie pr-esent postoficee atdress. Send for a specimen copy, which will be sent. piostage free, on application. Adldress, gIving postoffice, counaty and State in full. VAN EVRIE, HIORTON & CO., No. 162 Nassau Street, New York. For sale by all news dealers itn cities and towns oct 24'li5 lNew V'ork Daily 1News. D AILY and Weekly. The New .York .Weekly Nes, a great family news.. paper-Rlenjamin Wood P'roprietor--the largest, best and ohteapost paper published ini New York. Single copies, 6 cents; one copy one year $2; three copies one year, $5 60; five copies one year, $8 75; ten copies one year, $17 ; and an extr-a copy t o anly chilb of t.en. Twenty oneo copies one year, $;l0: tie ltucAly News is sent to cle gymien at $1 10. i'Jw Yonux D)ar.y Nswa -To mail sub scriber-s, $10I petr antnutm ; six inoths, ~ palytments intvariably In adlvatnce. Specimenot copies of Daily and Weekly News sent free. BENJ. WOOl), Daily News fulmlding, No. 19, City lHall Squatrc, N. Y. City. oct 24'(65 Time Soutisrner, Pi:i.tsttP.) wnER.KY AT DIARLTxNGTCN, s. c., DYT J. M. IROWN. 7IERMS of subscrIption--To stubscribers -on our books, $3.650; to new sutbscri hers, $4. Adnverthsemnctts port siluare, fihs InsertIon, $1.60; each subsequent Inser. tion $1. Advertisements not palid for in advance will be continued untIIl paid for, andl be charged accordingly. Tr-ansi nt adve-rm ise ments must be paid for In atIvance. Adver tisements not miarked for a certain number of inserttoons, wIll be conttiedl until for. b14, and charged' ccor-dingly. ant 9.s'u1A Ian PressM. By WM. 1. SMIT11 . C0., Field and Fireside Blook P1ibli-iw.., lont 58 Fayetteville St., Raleigh. N C .N A M A L , S . DY MtS. FANNY MUltDAl'i nOWNISI;. One voi. 10 Ino ; Fino cloth, Price ,,.0i This is a thrilling story of hoart- lifo and the fashionable world, and aside fromn tn nbsorb, ing plot artistically interwoven, it abounds in' suggestive thoughts atnd descriptive passaces, gre id and exquisite in character and finish. MOSSES FROM A ROLLING STONE D TENELLA-MAnV DAYARD OLARK,. Author of "Reminiscenses of Cuba," "Wood Notes,"'"Translationsof Maguerite." "Lady Tartuffe," ctc. One vol., 16 mocloth ...........Price 91.25' Contain, cot)pleto poetical writings of the pipular authoress. and is a beaitiful setting of all the sparkling diamonds that have been found clinging to tho "rolling stont" of a great lifi., as it washed with the ebb and flow of the seething tide of Thought and Imagina. tion. TilE CHANGE, ot A Stattumt f;/' the rieaons and Facts tehich Made me alitist. By t1V. Tll. al. KINGSDUMIV. One voluae, IG 11o, cloth, .......Price 92.50' hut fi w trs wield a pen with such con summate skill. grane .d vigor, as Mr. Kings. bury. lis tIook has received the inost hearty atnd carpeat critical endorsement of' Elders T. E. Skintier. .1. D. Hluffimn, Editor liblical Re corder. N 't. Cobb, Cor. Sec. N. C. Baptist lonrd of- L.-sions, and other olmitnent Divines, --No llatist familv should be withodt it. No Opponent (if the laptists should fiil to read it." oct196 Tife Daily Express, PETERSBURG, VA., %T S etitered upo0n its fifteenthi year, ft an olarged forn, with new typet, under anesice:s highly fittering. It has a large and flaily increasing circulation, a nd offers to mner eha nts anJ others desiringr to commumncato with the Southern public. advaitages surpass. ed by nono. A)VETISING RATFM: ONE SQUARE Two weeks....................... $ 5 (fW Ono iotnth........................ 6 il Two months....................... 1t 00 Thren tnotthls..................... 15 00 Six mlonthe....................... 24 00 On%. year......................... 40 (JQ TWO sQUARES Two weeks .......................$10 00 On month......................... 12 00 Two tionths............... ...... 15 10 Three montlis..................... is 00 Six months ....................... 30 00 One year.......................... 61 00 P)ereons desiring a grea'er quantity of space than above designated, will be accomnodated ott liberal terms. SUBSC11l PTON RA TB&: Single Copy, (mailed) 5 cts. One m1otnth, . (10 75A 'Ihace m11on1ths, do $2 00 Six months, do 3 00 One year, do 6 0W Address - A. F. CRUTCHFIFELD & CO.. oct24'65 Petersburg, Va. EVEt(YBODY SHOULD HAVE A COPY Ilacrmkal 11evelne G11ide. B EING an abstract ofthe Internal Reve nur, a full Direct (or Land) Tax Laws of tho' United States, with Schedules of Taxation, Licenses, Stamp Duties, Exemptions. show ing the Rates under the various Tax Law since July 1, 1862. and intended for the gene. ral Information of the Tax-Payers . to which is added an Abstra,t of the Acts of Congress passed during the War, relative to Abandon ed Lands and other matters of general inter ret. Iy E. J. Elford, Attorney at Laws Grcenvilie, S. C.. Assessor of the I nternal Revenue Tax for the rhird collection District in South Carolina. The Book will contain about 72 pages, and will be issued in r few weeks. Price 50 con , per copy, with a liberal discount to the trade. Orders must be accompanied with the cash to ,cure attention. A ddress. G. E. ELFORD, Publisher, oct 24'65 Greenville.S. C. Thme Mouutinerna Expnr'c Cosapamny OFJ~FEJt utneurpatssedl facilities for the ship. intent (frota Augrusta and( points South,). of Cottotn, (Cotton Goodis, and'e hteavy freIghts, tor Savannah, New York, aned ail points North atnd WVest. Througrh receipts given otn which insuranec, can be effected at lowest rates. Internal Rlevenute Tax wvill be paid or bonta given by tIhis Cotmpaniy, In accordatnce witif rgatons of the~ United States Ti ag Det partment.eacr For particulars and( rates, inquire of Southl ern Express Comnpalny. This Company Is now prepared to forward GOLD AND SILVER COIN, CURRENCY" PARCELS, AND FREIGhlTS, To Petersburgr. Va., Lynchburg, Va., Danville, Va., Tiristol, Tenn.. Groeteboro', N. C., Salisbury, N. C., I4aleigh, N. C., Woeldeer., N. C., Goldsboro', N. C., Wimington, N. C.,, SAND TO WAY STATioNs oNf THE Virg'nia tand Ticuuoasee Raitroadl, South-Sido ilroadl, Petersbutr,, Railroad., North CarelIina, mltmrton anld W~eldon Railroad, and U. estern N. C..Rlailruod. LETTRS, MO'NEY PA(RKAGES A,ND SM '1.LL PA RCELS, 1'o ColumbIa. 9. C., , Charleston, 8. C.,-. Augusta, C , F'avaniah, Ga., Mw.:o , Gas., Coluetnbus, Ga., Mobile, AMu., Montgomecry, Ala.,. Schtus, Ala. Jackeon, Mtss., New Orleans, La. AND TO WA'S 5TAT%'s DN TIt Charl->teo & 8. 0.. Railroad, Sonth CarolInar Rilroadc. Georgria Railroad, Maeon ande We*t ern Racilroa.d, Atlanta and West P'oln6 Ril, readt, Southwestern Railroad, Southern Rai roa,t. end A labama and Misssippt Railroad. All Goods shIpped by the Adams and Har-den" Express' Compane. and marked to the two of ti.u Soutthermi. iRspress (anpany, will 0e ptroimptly forwarded to destiation. F'relights shippod .bf steaemehlp to- ous eare will, brc forwarded by Expres withot churgo for commilssion and drayagre lrftrrders'.are leftet hur OfNeo; goods wl'l ha called for anmkfortarded by first expres. ADAIh EXIiRESS CO. ont 19i 'f8