[ron PUE x.ws.] Messrs. Editors: The readers of the NEwe have iad presented to them, lately, love songs from the Earl of Rochester, Thomat Otway, the Rev. Robert Ierrick, the Rare Ben Jonson, and Beaumont Fletcher. In addition two more are given now. One from Marlowe and an answer to it, written years after its publication by no less a per. sonage than Sir Walter Raleigh. Sir Isaac .Walton in speaking of these pieces says, the piece by Sir Walter Raleigh was written in the younger days of that brilliant gentle man, and he adde, alluding to Marlowe's song, "It is old fashioned poetry but choicely good." These two songs will now make in the Naws, in addition to those pro. ceeding, seven of the most beautiful songs 4f the kind in the English language. All have been highly extolled by some of the greatest intellects in Britton and America. Marlowe was educated at Cambridge Uni versity, England. He wits a compeer of Shakespeare. His poetry is praised by Jonson himself, and Hey wood pronounced him "one of the best of poets." lie was born about the year 1562 and was killed in 1598. Shakespeare quotes from this song in "The Merry Wives of Windsor." E. W. D. SONG. Come live with me, and be my love, And we will all the pleasures prove, That groves or valley, hill or field, Or wood, and sleepy mountain yield. Where we will sit on rising rocks And see the shepherd feed his flocks, By ihallow rivers, to whose falls, Melodious birds sing madrigals. Pleas'd will I make theo beds of roses, And twine a thousand sacred poises, A cap of flowers, and rural kirtle, Embroider'd all with leaves and myrtle. A jaunty gown of finest wool, Which from our tender lanbaq wo'l pull, And shoes lin'd choicely for the cold, With buckles of the purest gold. A belt of straw and ivy buds, With coral clasps, and amber studs: If these, these pleasures can thee move, To live with me, and be my love. THE ANSWER To the above is written by Sir , alter Raleigh, a soldier, a statesman, a phIiloso pher, an historian, a scholar,' and a poet. lie was born in 1552, and was beheaded on some chargea that never were satisfactorily proved, in the year 1618, and in the reign of James I; a monarch who was alike d.. formed In body and in mind; whose most noted individual acts were the production of "A counterblaste against. tobacco," and a war upon some old women of the realm. lie fancying that they were witches, and they were burned to death, because they were helpless. This song is front Sir Ed gerton Brydges! edition of Si. Walter Ra leigh's poems E. W. D. If all the world and love was young, An truth on ev'ry shmpherd's tongue, These pleasures might my passion move, To live with the* and be thy love. But fading flowers in ev'ry field, To winter-floods their treasures yield A honey'd tongue, a heart of gall, I fancy's spring. but sorrow's fall.' Thy gown, thy shoes, thy beds of roses, Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies, Are all soon wither'd, broke, forgotten, In folly ripe, in reason rotten. Thy belt of straw, and ivy buds, Thy coral clasps, and amber studs, Can mte with no enticements. move, To live with thee, and be thy love. But could youth last,, could love still breed, Had joys no date, had age no need ; Then those delights my mind might move, To live with thee, and be thy love. Strxor,uss Bess.-The Commissioner of Agriculture has received through the United States Consul at Honduras, Central A meri ca, a hive of stingless bees These bee. form no comb, but deposit their honey in a ,.aek or poucbh ii:.a and shape similar to hens' eggs. It is. understood that they will be used for experimental purposes in the hot-hous. connected with the department. New VerrkDali# Retvp. D AILY and Weekly. The Neto York .Weekly1 Newes, a great family news paper--Benjamtin Wood Proprietok--the largest, best and cheapest paper yablished in Neow York. Single copies, C centse; one copy one year $2; three copie one year, $6 60; eve copies one year, $$ N; tea eopies one year, $17; and a ezlta copy to any club of ten. Twenty one coples.one year, $8i0: tihe WeekLy' Xenja Is enit 4.elor. gymen at $1 60. nesw YORE DAIrY Naws --To n ail sub scribers, $10 per annum ; six months, $6; payments invariably in advance. Specimen copies of Daily and Wesekly Newe sent. free. BEN J. WOOD,* Daily News Building. C 0 i t. hall....e,. 'i City GENERALDIREC'URY. .Judiciary. District Judge-Win R Robertson. Commissioner in Equity-IsaAo H Means. Clerk of Court-Sahit Clo*ney. Sheriff-Elisha W Ollever. Ordinary-James Johnston. Tax Collector-Robert H Jennings. Coroner-Robert Hawthorn. Eschoator-Jacob Feaster. Notary Public -Jas 8 Stewart. lagistrates. Jas F, Caldwell, William Crosby, Robert Hawthorn, Daniel B Kirkland, Henry Gib son, George H1 Miller, James Aiken, William P Broom, William M Alartin, Dr Wil)iam Carlisle, 11 11 Counts, Dr 1) Lauder4le. BOARDS OF COMEISSIONERS. Coaninlisioners of Roldo. Howell Edmunds, John Lemon, Edward P Mobly, Robert B Smith, William B,Wood ward, Dr John D Pahner, Laban C Chappell, Dr J I MoMaster, Thomas M Lyles. John 8 Douglass, Robert Ford, John W McMeokin, L M Bookhardt, Gen Edward Taylor. Cosnasi%sioners of FPree Seglools, Thos J 11 Jones. Jacob Bookman, Arthur K Craig, William Crosby, James A McCro. ry, It E Ellison, Dr J R MoMaster, Dr W E Aiken. Cona nfissioersto Approve Pub lie'Sectirities. Henry L Elliott, James It Aiken, John hi Propst, Mansel Hall, James S Stewart. Coainissioliers of Public Build. 1a2gs. .Janmes 1 McCants, Hugh B McMaster, Dr W .' Aiken, 0 R Thompson, James i tion, Thomas Jordan, George 11 McMaster. Connssisloners of tae Poor. Robt Hawthorn, Treasurer, Ilev C Porter, Clerk. Gen P D Cook, D B Kirkland. Towa Officers. Intendant-Dr IV E Aiken. Wardens-Dr C 1I Ladd, W B Creight, L IV Duvall, Jas McElroy. Ilepresevelatives. Senate-Gen John Bratton. llotsc of Itepresentatives-Willian J Allston, James IR Aiken, Baylis E Elkin. Mousnt Zion Society. James It Aiken-President. James S Stewart-Secretary and Tree. Trustees of Mount Zion College-W R loberton, J 11 McCants, J 11 Rion, 0 11 McMaster, Dr IV E Aiken. Priucip1nIad Teachers of Mt. Ziosa College. 0 A Woodward-Princlpal. Assistants-Rev W P DuBose, W M Dwight. Government of the United Btttes. President-Andrew Johnson, of Tennes. see. Secretary of State-W. fl. Seward, of New York. Secretary of War-Edwin M. Stanton, of Pennsylvania. Postmaster Genoral-William Dennison, of Ohio. Secretary of the Navy-Gideon Welles, of Connecticut. Secretary of the Lnteror-James Harlan, of Iowa. Secretary of the Zkreasury-Hugh McCul. loughl, of Illinois.' Attorney General-James Speed, of Ken tucky. President. of the Senato-Lafayette S. Poster, of Connecticut.. Speaker ot' the Ilouse-Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana. SUPREn1H coURT. Salmon C. Chase, OhIo, Chief Justice. 1. James M. Wayne, Georgia. 2. Samuel Nelson, New York. 3. Robert C. Grier, Pennsylvania. 4. NatBn ClIfford, Maino. 5. Noah HI. Swayne, Ohio. 6. Daniel Davis, Illinois. '7. Samuel' MIller, Iowa. 8. Samuel F. Field, Oalifornia. LAI'UTENANT tIENERALU. Wingfleld Scott, VirginIa. Ulysses 8. Grant, of OhIo. Adjutant General Lorenso Thomas, Dela ware. Ju dge Advocate General, Joseph Hlolt, Quartermaster General, Montgomery C Moigs, of Pennsylvania. The White lMan's Paper. THE NEW YORK DAY BOOK. A FIRST class weekly paper, in favor of 11.the Constitution as It Is, an4' ase Union as It was. The Day, Book is not reprinted fyop a daily, but is made up exprssl for w y circulation, gith'a carefbl soin ems news frotn'all the 8tatd, addl all ofwt. the World, with market Reperts, Agrieule tural, Finance, Literature, &e. TER$S50A8JI05JN AL yNB One copy one-year - . 2'. .' $2 00 Three copies one year 50 Five copiscone year, and oe. ho the ' ' getter np of tihe club, 1,0 00 Tea copIes one year, and 'one ~ith " getter upof the eub,. 17 00 Twnt,y copieq to oneaddro. 80 04~ Old subscribers to the Day Bo,Mvh out the Southeorn8s, yalue still due them, the pseet postofflee ress. . nd for a speoimeo, eopy, ~highsj. se besIage free, oappl~ A rs,giving postoMce,coun i~jd Stat6 in fnll. V N 8 For sale by all news dealers in aide sand towns ed o486 - M ---r.._ . .. 01 Rol ~V WINNSBORO' tl Ph wi TRI-WEEKLY NEW ' BY GAILLARD & DESPORTES. Tie people of the District are respectfully solicited to give the'%NE WS"theirstapport. A District Paper shlould fiiad its way to every fireside Ito itsowu District. -0U IT CONTAINS TilE IATEST GENERAL IS. TELdMENCE, AND A. VARIETY OR READING MATTEL INSTRUC. lIVR AND ENM1TLNINU, ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK EXECUTED WITH NMATNRSS AND DISPATCH, AND AS REA. SONABLY AS CAN l1 DONE ELSEWHERE, SUCH AS POSTERS, BILL-HEADS, CARDS, LAUERLS, BLANKS &C., & C., &C., OUR OITZOS 15 IN THlE REAR OF [ADD BRO8'. DRUlG STORE, WEE WE'WIL E POUND AT AI1 TI8. ALL sLE b8 OP ILi EdttJiAiN1L8 Marh 23 1866 . 4 Declaration of Iti.epetidence, an fron the Ootq0ittiton. A,nd the same magnanimity shou late the vitorlti, instead of tha idictieo rkg whi4h chrtcteri-e in. 'their position is out and o0 he arasica. They have tred, an "r y not we ; we have discarded foreve r error, and why not thoy theirs. or .ko'lranW.tI Aho i a containing all the latest religious inteill gence from thle Churches at home and abroad, it wilt also contain a weekly digest of social, mercantile and political intelli. gene*, as well as general information on literary, scientafic and agricultural subjects, making a journal acceptable to the city and country reader. Ministers throughout the South, noting as agents and receiving subscriptions, will be entitled to a copy. For one copy for six months, $2 00 For une copy for one year, 4 00 CLUB RATES. For ten copies to one address, for six. months, $16 00 For ten copies to one adrlress, fon one year, 30 00 All subscriptions to.date from the first of the month in which.received. ADVInT118No.nATs. One square $2. 00; every subsequent in sertion $1 00. Contraots-made-on reasonable terms. U. S. BIRD,. F. A. A10). Ad.Irese "-Weekly Record," KeylBDx No. 3. oct. 2435, T11-Chalarictonl Dn111y 'Nievs. A S native Carolinians, the publishers will naturally look to the iuterest, of their own State, and to that. of the South: and as citizens of the United States they will n6t be wanting in the proper amount of (o. votion and respect for ihe Ueneral Govern ment.. Every effort shall be made to make the DAILYN VSa first class newspaper, and In every way worthy of the patronage of the publio. Our terms, for the present, will be at the rate of $10 per annumn. Subscriptions ro ceived for 8, 0 and 12 months, payable in advance. Advertising.-One square, ten lines, one insertion, One Dollar and Fifty Cents. Each continuation, Seventy-five cents. Less than a square, Fifteen cents per line for first insertion ; Half Price for each continuation. Postmasters and others throughout the country, who may interest themselves in procuring subscriptions, will be alowed the usual per contage. CATHCART, WHMILLAN & IORTON, Proprietors. No. 18 Hayno St. Charleston, S. C. oct 24'065 Prospectus of North Carolina Guardian. TIHE undersigned will issue, comniencing on the Grot day of January, 1866, in the city of Charlotte, N C., a daily and trl-wookly newspaper under the style and title of "TIlE NORTiH CAROLINA GUAlt DIAN," whichi shall be devoted especially to the disseminatIon of the latest news. and the guarding, with an eagle eye, the inter eats of the State underthe Constitution. and in conformity with the laws of the United States. There will also be issued, from the same office, a weekly paper under the tyle iid title of "TllE CATAWIIAWATC(11,IAN." The terms for the DAILY GUARDIAN will be, for one year $7.00; six inonths. $4.01); three months, $2.60; any less time $1.00 per month. Tii Tit-WxKLY GUARDIAN will be sup plied to subscribers at $6.00 for twelve months; $8.00 for six months; $1.75 for three months, and sevanty-five cents per month for any less time. Ordinary advertisetents, occupying not more than ten lines (one square,) will be inserted in either of the above publications at, seventy-five cents for the first insertion and fifty cents for each subsequent insertion Larger advertisemnents in exact proportion. Liberal di scounts will be made for cona tract advertisinig. The WEEKLY WVATenI3AN will be furnish ed to subscribers at $2.00 per annum, single copy, and to a club orfivye for $7.60. to a club of ten for $12.50, and to a club of tw< y for $20.00, with an extra copy to the getter up of clubs. All orders should be addressed to J. E. BllTTON, Editor and Proprietor '"Ouardian," Charlotte. N. C. W Editors will confer afavor' by giving the above, wIth this note, a few insertIons, at least, in their publications, and entering the "Non're CAROLINA GUARDIAN' upon their exchange lists. J. E. B. December 6, 1805. Thme Soumtherumer, PUSLISHIED WEEKLY A? DEnLINoTeX, 5. c., BY J. MI. BROWN. 'j'ERIMS of subscriptien-4To subscribers on; our books, -$8.50; to new su'escri. boe, $4. Advertisoeteite potr squake, first insertion, $1.50; *e subsequent inset' tion $1. Advertisemente neii paid tf4r in advance will be eontineed udatli laid for, and echarged aeordingly; Tcanuolent advet sts Intast be sild f. advance. Adv tibemente nst ts,eaed 4erf ain ni of inhertions 1wlh'6 tgded Sn bd ad do lan Pesw. By WM. B. 6MITI[ & Co., Field and Fireside Book Publishing liouse, 58 Fayetteville'St., Rtaloiglv, N. C.. JV A H R h, V 8 -- BY MRS. VANNY XURnA11ott hMw.8tr. One vol. 10 mo ; Fine Cloth, 'rice 2.t00 This is a thrilling story of heart.Ii re and the fashionable world, and aside froml an laboorb. ing plot, artistically interwoven. It abountds in, sugestive thoulhts and descriptive passag., gre id and exquisite in character and finish, MOSSES FROM A ROLLING STONE; BY TINJILLA-MART RAVaaO LARXR. Author of "Remilnicenses of Cuba," ofWood' Notes."' TranslAtiunsof Mhguerit.1 Ad3 Tartuffv,.",M*. One vol?, 16 mo cilot, ............price 1.08 Contains complete poetical writings of the p,pular auth'oress. and is a beautiful setting or all the sparkling diamonds that have been foond clinging to the "rolling stone" ot a gruat life, as it washed with the ebb and flow or the seething tide of Thought and imagina. tion. TIlE CHANGE, on A Statement 9f the Ifeason and Facts which made me a Baptist. By SY. T. S. KINossURY. One veluis,e, 16 mo, cloth, ......Price 82 60 But fow writers wield a -pen with such con sumiate skill. graco snd vigor, as Mr. Kings hury. Illa book lis receive'd the most heart and earnest critical endorsement of Elders '; E. Skinner. J. D. Huffman, Editor lihlinnil Ro. corder. ii. It. Cobb, Cor. Sro. N. C. ni ptiAl iH rd of lissions, and other rninent Divines, "No 11aptist bamilv should he withot it. N4 opponent of the liaptists should fail to read it." oct 19'65 B Y t he First of October, or its soon as the mails are re-established. I will -c new the publication of the "OIlRISTIAN INDEX" nnd the "CHILD'S INDEX" Ihave been publishing. Price of -Imdex," per annum $- - o Price of "Child's Index," . : Money mny be remitted at once, ns my do terminationt is positive. My devire is to so mure a large subscription list with which to begin, and I issue this prospecttis that sul scribors may have time to forward their ro. mittances. It, is my intention to fau first olnss pa per.. aid no pains or expense will be sparetl to teouro that, end. The best wriltra nal correspondents will be @eoured, and the higheat religious and literary talent. will ho given to t he papers. The CHILDIS PA PER will be proffsely illustrated and will, in every sense, be made to conform to new title, tie ' 11d's DeisIat, Aoney mny be sent by Exprems or other wise---if by Express, at my risk, if the ex press receipt is sent me, on the resuniption of mail facilities. My connection with tle firm of J. W. Btrhe & Co., is dissolved, butt I will estab ish nn ofrce in Macon. On., where commit mentions maybeaddressed. SAMUEL BOYKIN. -.-'N'a i)ulTy~~ xaf , p PETERSBURO, VA., H AS entered upon its fIfteenth year, in an . enlarged firt, with new typn. under auspices highly flaittering. It has a large and daily inicreasinir circulaion, and offirs to mer chanto and others deAirinig to coimlmicate with thoSouthern public, advantages ourpass cd by none. t ADVERTISING IIATES: ONS SQUABS Trwo weeki'-.*...------.....- .5 (NI One mont h6 ...- .. ........ 6 I i'wo months............... If# 00 Three monthits.................... Is 00 Six months...----............... 24 00 One year.............. .......... 4 00 TWO AQUAA114 Two weeks ........... ....... $11 00 On month..................... . Two month...-................ 1i Itt Three motiths-- . ............... 18 00 Mix months ....................... 30 () One year*....-............... 61 011 Persons desiring a grta'r