IMPORTA'NT Td ALe, P6RqNs 1AYNG CLAIMS 'AGAIP8* TjK, GOVERNMiNT, y the tem secti6n, fim Act .approv. %d March 3, 186b,:(1 Stati'itstlarge, tp. 765,)- it i4 -en'acte ojhat qvery claim -against the UnitPd'ta 'cogni;able by.. the'lourt. of Claims, shpil ba forever barred, unless the petition setting forth ;a full statemoeht of 1}1d claim be filed in ite Cotirt,or transrmisted to it within'six :years after*thp claim 'firet.accr%ies, pro. 'vided that claims accrudd siX years be. 'foro the pasoage of tie At, shall not be barred if p.rese ed within three years :aftertheassg .,6 the Act. . a Thus,' all claims -against the United States, cognizable by- the. Court of 'Claims, and 'of more than ,six years' standing, will be barred pfter the 3d of March, 1866. The claims cognizable bf said Court are: 1. All laims fonnded upon any law of Congress. . 2. Upon any .regu lation of any Executive Deparquent. :3. Upon any contract expressed plied, except (1) claims growing out of - or dependent on any treaty stiPulation', and (2) claims for property d1nisged, "destroyed, or appropriated by the army -or navy engaged in the iuppression of the rebellion, The above limitation, though con tained in an Act respecting the Cofirt 6f -Claims, has been by many supposed to -extend t6 "all claims against the United States," whether prosecuted before the .departmeits or offered to be set off by -defendants in suits by the tTnited States against them as debtors.-National In telligencer. The distinguished sculptor Volok has just -completed. at Lexington, a awdel for a bust of- General Lee. A great number of the citi :sens of Lexington chiled to examine it a' -few,dnys ago. The Lexington Gazete says: "All concurred in pronouncing the m4dol a complete success-a wonderful triumph of professiost skill-a perfect representation -9f the world-renowne4 leadei of the Confed erate aimies. Though prepared from three or four bilef sitting., any sculptor might jnstly feel a life.lbng pride In pointing to that bust as his chef d'aeuure I We learn that the artist, design' taking the' east to Baltimore, where numerous bronze -copies of the viodel will e finished --and we hope that. oui citisens' will soon have an oppor truty of procuring some of these." DuBose Egleston & Co., NO. 3, KROTEL RANGE. AVE just received a well selected Sassortment of China Ware, to which they invite the attention of housekeepers. feb 13'66-1.. Collins' Celebrated Axes FEW'jus,t received at A fNo. 8, IHotel Range. .feb.18'66 - 1,. Flour. VERY good artiole of Flour- for sale,. low. puBO8 FOGLESTON & CQ.,. fb ' No 3, Hotel Range. feb 18'66-1 Valentnes 1 Valenines.l I ALSO - A FINE collection of Stationary, '' School Books, Pens, Ink, &c., &a. ALSO. - Playing Cards, with Potraits of Confede rate Generals. ELLIOTT & CO., S No. d, BJask Eanget ', feb 18'68-1 Bacon, Hams And. Shou}dora. ALSO,' . TINE FAbMILY JLOUR, Irish P'Ea tatoes; Oniop.s, sind GtideIn Seed. feb 18'66---2 - ~ 1.k lns A. T O,R,7.8 A WONBOR 4I W' Offee, No. 2, IMw e4 ts of the Court U1ouse. feb 18'66-Gmo. *i* S sale. Parcle Q 1?pb 'can have their%eed detv at *H1IUt ,en the Ch'arlotteand 8. O. Rilt4 d 0ytoCo. J. W. Rawliasea,'or a6 YI Strayed,p jtole~ -. ite an4 baok,Spo answere as 0e NOTICE. UGGY and Wagon Iron work 'done byad experienced hand at the shop on the premises of Mrs. R. McMas t0r's. Also Horse Shoeing. Terms cash on- delivery of work. J. i. ELLIOTT. feb 18'66--lawfw Coton, Corn, Flour. SMITH & MELTON, CUlESTEla, S. C. (Near Depot.) RE 'prepared to purchase Cotton or .A to make liberaL advances on Cotton consigned through them to New York. They are also prepared to fill all orders for Corn, Wheat and Flour at lowest mar. ket rates. 11. ShM ITIF, . GEO. W. MELTO N feb 8'66-9 WM. (. WHILDEN & co; Farmerly ofZtayden & WhV1lden, I66 KING ST., 00R NER OF BEAUFAIN ST., CIgARLES'1'OV, S, C. HJAS opened a com leto stock- of - House Furnihing rlieles, Crock.. er and China Glass M are. Plated Goods of every variety. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry.- Pocket and Table Cutlery, Buckets, Baskets and Brooms Watches and Jewelry repaired. Old Gotd and Silver purchased. 9rders promptly filled and forwaLded. Jan 18'66,-law8m Blythewood Femiale Institute, T HE exercises' of this School will be resumed on 6be Arbt Wednesday in March, under the supervision of the prin. olpal and Malame an'd Prof. En. gelbrecht ith competent. Assistants in the di ferentdepartmonts. Pupils will be re. aelved'for the scholastjp year. and propav. ment, for half-qession eipected at the sub joined rates, 'in specie or its equivalent. Board, ipoluding Fuel and Lights,. $6;5 00 Tuition English and Classic% . 2r 00 %' Musle, . 26 00 A 'French, Italian, *Drawing or Painting, ' 20 00 Contingent. Pee, $5 00 Pupil's will furnish towels, bed-linen and 'cov.eripgg Applications will be entered, as received ad notice given of .heir accept. anace. Medical advice given gratuitously Aodress, . DR. S. W. BOOKHART, Principal, Jan 18'66-lawfws Doko, 8. 0. rPHE Commissioners of Roads for - Fairlield District'will meet at Winns. boro', on-the let Mon'day in -March next, foir the purpoqe of institutins the neoesiaryjre pairs to said Poads. By the late Act of ..the Legislature the Board appointeq at the fession of 1868, are r -irt to remaiu in office untdl the next rejular es8on. h'Are as follows: Howell Edmund , Edward P. Mobley Robeal l. Smith, Wm.. B. Woodward, David A. C4leman JAmes B. Wqlker, Laban C. ChappoH. 1. . R. .Me Master, Thomoas4. Lyles; John8, Douglass, Robert Ford. John XV. MoMeekin, M. L. B0khat-at.. Edward Taylot-. -TJLse gentlemen orre earnestly urg'ed to be p*ob4t in' their attendan As above. H6WELL EDMUND, Chai'rman. 'i%b 6'66-lawt4I CHARLESTON HOUSE, eTOL. WBB 6 C., BlAMCJI4iF T's OL O-STA1VD, 281 King St. 3 door's Below Wentworth. '- E haie now.opened and on hand aV very large and well selected stock of -~ whieli weofferit Wholesale.and'Retail. HJaving had long experience ia the Dry .o0d Business before the war, we know Just that Good. aea moibt needed by plan., te anil.eonsumfra generally and~J wi.. .a~ keep on band a fqlI,suock of .plaat,etep 'Good of every kind. We kqep dUar stopk constantly replenishe4 ~byevery steamer, with the moet attractive e .reseofully invite planters, - mer Sour stok, cns to all ofd Brwn hirtings, Bleached 'nu Cloth., ~ypne Sea Island Browu Shiv&imgu I\rjhIAnens, Call 's Ging. De ain~ "~e ka AC~oA, aend p4. Cloth.' aI evevy variet 16teund La our line e fr eqsh priews. N* it.c.8TO~.Oliures . AMERICAN HAY W1 COTTON PRESS eso rec OOfRIPANYb. b RI now prepared to COMPRESS 20 COTTON for ,0 TRANSPORTATIOl OR STORAGE, 15 By this system of r.omprosslng, there is a saving to the shiiper of a per contage in 20 freignt, and prev,.nting loss by wear and tear, besides securing to the seller a higher 20 price. Orders taken at the Press, adjoin- 26 ing the South Carolina Railroad Depot, Co lumbia, S. C. 0 jan 80'06-6 MIKELL, BOYLE & 00. FORWARDING 8 COMMISI N MERCHANTS, "f 21 COLUMBIA, S. C. 50 K. w. MIKaLL, WX. nOYLE, JAs. L. sMITH. 2,0 jan 2'66--lrno 8.0 6,0 P RO PPUCTUS OF TIE 2.0 COSMOPOLIVE. 2,0 On tho'first of January we will commence 5,0 the publication, in the City of.Baltimore, of 6,0 a monthly LITi1Al11 T TMAGAZIINE. 7,0 5,0 - There is no publication of this chaaoter 5,0 now issued South of New York city, and the closing of the war has left a large por- 8,0 tioi of the people of the cquntry with no literary representative. * 8,0 The Cosfo6polite will be devoted to 10 Literature, 6,0 Art, , , t Revil s, '8,0 . - Scientifio Papers And 6,0 General Reading, 10, and we shall number among its conitrib'u- 10 tors some of the first literary 7nOn of the 7.4 South, wifh othe's from the North and from 6,0 London.and Paris. - 5,0 All matter not origifial will be carefully 6,0 selected from the newest apd beet. of the 2,6 English, French and Germau publication;. 10' and its Editors shall spare ho effort or ex pense; t6 nnke it rank with t.he very first 6,0 magazines of the country. As itaime-imports, we have established 6,0 thq Cos0opolite upon no sectiontil basis. 5,0 We hopq to make it the organ of general literatare alone; and will be uninfluenced 8,0 by one party orcfiq whate%er. It will bd- ail 4WrIbers in any 2,0 'Parkott'he ooun pia receIpt. of the fol lowing Su)"Irlption t w an Single oole.on.year, $4 00 o F1vO ' , 18 00 Jei Ten .1 4- 6 . 8.00 417 The Cosmopolito will be generally distri. G butted amopg the Merchants abd Planters foil of the South, and we will add for .their' in formation, 4 few advertisements, at mode' val rpte.rates. . Liberal deductlobs will be made to 'book s6llors and newedealers. sea Newspapers tublishing this *prospectus twe and sending a Wiarked copy to the' under- All signed, will recewe a copy 9r the magazine. Address . DxLEON & CO., P. O.- Ao,266 Baltimore, Md. C feb 18'66 wh HUI)QUARTERS11 th 25TH REGIMENT, 8. 0. M.,' obt WfVsoRo', S. C., 6th Febi, 1866. set, Gen. Orders, doa No. 1. t .i -.I. The following is announced as the low Comissioned Staff, of the 2th Regt. , C. for M.:3 sixi 8.' B. Clowney, Adjutant. ' fpr .Dr. Charles HI. Ladd, Surgeon. up Dr. William K. Propat, Aest. Surgeon. 0. H. Rivers, Quarter Master. etal Il. Elections are hereby ordered to be' held a't thtp usual nmutter grounds of the sev er'al Beat Companies, coiposing the RegI- J ment. on Saturday the 24th Inst., for a Cap- '" tain, a lst Lieutenant and two 2nd Lieu. tenants of each Comnp any, respectively; and r also for a Major of the Blattalion to whleh the Comp~any mnay belong.. III. The three.omfoers last In commnission' 'and now INinj in the limits of any Beat,-.. are he:eby appointed.the managers to held the above elections within -their respective Beats; and in case there be noct three offi core In any Beat, then'any two or one shall 'call to their or his assistance one or 'two Fla persons as the case may require, to eonduot la a said electios. IV. Polls will be kept open from 11 ta. m'. I to Sp. in., the votes counted the same - evening, a4the result forthwith trains. fl nmatted to.tfse Hfeadquarters. , Mu V. No Regimental, Staff or Compaany. Offlew Is required to uniform hiinself, but shen oi dlaay shall wear sonie badge indi cating his rank. . VI.: AUl persons coneerned shall be bound by the gblioation of this order in the Wlnnsbjo 1W- Weekly .Neles, who shall seor be ied of the same, of' - A. 4 Ot.ot.n f9 PARnEL,8 esset BrguaSr & jjut reed$. - rbu pt.3 9n'OEMNIN MoMASTElS & 00, p'A 0r, o59 1 P1o01Es. ~O ~ a~ *J'aei a nt TCI8, CHAINS, DIAXONDliS, gg, - ORTH over one million dollahs I All to be sold for one one dollar h, without regard to value . Not to be I for until you' know what You are to ive. Spledid list of ardoles I All tot old for I each. 0 Solid Silver Dining Sets, 4?5 to $800 0 Silver Savers and Urns 40 to 260 0 Solid Silver Tea So4pom. plet, - 0 to 800 0 Rosewood Musical Boxes, 82 airs, * . 96 to 250 0 Mahogany Musical Bxes,, 24 airs, ae . 60So 200 0 Gold tihntiug Walohes, 74to 260 0 Ladies' Enamelled* Gold Watches, b0to 200 0 Gents' Hnting Silver , Watobes, - 26 to 100 0 Open-face Silver Watotes, 26 to 60 0 Irary Opera Glasses, 26 to 000 Motherof Pearl Lotignettes, 60 to 100 Six Barrel Revolvers, 15 to 60 0 Single and Double Shootbrs, 10 to 8p 0 Elegant Oil Paintings, 60 to 100 0 Marble Statues, Busts, &c., 60 to 200 >4 Diamond Rings, 60 to 100 00 Photo. Albums, all sizes 6 to 60 00 Gold Vestand Neck Chains, 18 to 80 00 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 6%o 10 LM Chased Gold Eracelets, 6 to 12 00 Chatelone & Guard Chains 5 to 20 00 Solitare & Revolying Brooches, 5 to t0 00Lava& Florentine, Brooehes,4 to 10 00 Coral, Opal & Emeral do 4 to 10 00 Mosiac, Jet & Lava Er. di:ops, 4 to '10 00 Ooral & Emerald Eardrops, 3 to 8 UQ California Diamond Pitts, ' 5 to 20 00 California Cluster Diamond Ptne, a to 10 00 acts olitare Buttons and Studs, 8 to 10 00 Gold Thimbles, kencils, &o., 8 to 8 000 Lockets, double-glass, 8 to 6 00 Lockets for Minatures, 5 to 19 00 Gold Toothpicks Crosses, &c., 8 to a 00 plain Gold Rings. 4 to 10 00 chased Gold Rings. 4 to 10 DO0 Shield & -Signet Rings, &.to 10 000 California Diamond Rings, 8 to 20 00 sets Ladies' Jewelry jet, 6 to 10 00 sets'Ladies' Jewelry, coral, -8 to 12 00 sets Ladien' Jewelry, onyx, 10 to 16 00 sets Ladies' Jewelry, lava, 12 to 20 00 sets Ladies'Jewelry, mosaic, 20 to 20 00* Uold Pens with Si. hold ers, 6 to 10 00 Gold Pens with Gold hold ers, 6 to 12 00 Gold Pens & holders, sup'r, 10 to 15 00 Silver Gublets & Drinking ups.. 8 to 10 doSilver Castors & Wine hold ers, 16 to 60 00 Silver Fruit & Coke Bas 'kete, 20 to 60 lessrs. Parkinson & Co., No. 208 Broad ', New.York, Extensive Manbtracturers I imperfers.of many of the leading and 0 fashionabb styles of Watches and rely, desiring to increase their business id limited extent, have resolved upon reat, Git Sale, subject to the'regulations owing: ertificates z(amiig.'each article and its a, are pladed in Sealed Envelopes and I 'i;ed. Ope ofthee envelopes will be t bfmail to any address on receipt of aty-five cents. Articles Sold at Ohe Dollar each, withou; regard to value. In receipt*of the certificate yon will see it you are going to have, and then it is rour option to send the dollar and take article or not. Purchasers may thus ar. a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring or any of Jewelry on our list for One Dollar, i in no case cad they get e's than one lars' worth, as *there are no uncertain . The price of certiloates is as folI a : One for 26 cents; five for' $1; efeven $2; thirty fr $6, with elegant premIum; .y.-ive for p10, with bontis; one hundred $. and ~hndsonie present to the getter of the club. gent wanted evry where, to whotm spe andueemen ts art offered. Adderq, PABJCINSON. & CO., Importer,. in 20!'8dwaay, New York, EM LO~~14 LE4THERf-e LJust received. KETCHIN, MoMASTER &oO. i6 6'66-t .Household Articles! ONCENTRATED 'LYE, Yeast Powders,'C6x'?Gelatine, Cianamom, rorin Extratt, Lenon,Osa. 'Vaalt ad Pineapl.At - KETOIN, MeMA8'3ER CO'S, b6'606-.4 * . F. FLEMHipG'&Q Wholesale Dealers IN'a - Boots, 5hee. Trauaks, A 2. flyne Blrest, (10RNRR. OF CHUROH--TR5zgT ANNGw*edbusines at ~thI well 6ssorted iskoh TR UNES, ?kMeh will 6 acoM at the Iowest market to. Theiswnas effeeer endisa ,JAB. M. WILSQ)W Iq'26'66--1dw8a c0e H. WALTER & SON FORWAADING AG.ENT AM LL1A s h lbemselve" at Colm .. the iofapletion of eoqth Carolina Railroad to that point, where they will be happy to serve their old friends %ad pTre. Thankful *for past fa. vors thefil endeatet by prompt attentie to meritr7 contiflkAtme Liberal adianeft 1o;A6 f eosignments to their friends i 1hilistf, lew Yerk a LI PIONOICRt LNE 01VITWAMRb Baltimore. P111adelpha, 1ew York and t0*, Via Allo Inarle and ChstYeake . Osenal. TUHX. COMODIOUS STAMERB FlRE slid CON001I ADAg, W ILL leave New Berne for for Norfolk on TUEMBAT of each week at 8 o'clock, A. Uso connecting with the different lines of iteamers fot the above named points. On and after the fr9t day of De. cember next they will leave on Tuesday and Friday of each web, making sei-weekly 'lvps. fShippers of Goo4e will rboeive every faclIty and aeeomModation for the trans portation of the same, as arrangements have been made with the different oompan pabies to forward goods to this live at loir rates and without delay. Eack of these stealners are capable of garrying., TWO HUNDRED AND ' FIFT TONS OF FREIGHT through the canal without difficulty, as they were built expressly for the trade. They are fitted up with STATE ROOMS and BETHS capable of accommodating thirty-five passengers. Every attentiot will be paid to the comfort of passengers, who will not bq subjeet to the inoonventenco of transfer to other venspis. but will be ta. ken thtotighodjreot wit.hout change.' The tables of the steamers are liberally supplied with the best the market affords. Families travelitg will And it to their in terest to take this line, as they will thereby escape the davger and discomfort of a ses roste, pnd the fatigue of railroad travel. On the- 16th of December next, if the buPiness of the line warrants It, the steam. Ir WILLIAMS will be put on the route, and fri-weekly trips will be made. For freight or passage apply to WHIT. FORD, DILL & CO, New Berne, N. C. , DAVID WILLIAMS, Proprietor. sov 21'66 T- M BRISIOLL, Wholesale Dealqrs in 8ooTS, SEHOEN, TKUNS, ETC. No. 1.69 Mefting Street, torner of Haul, .CHARHESTON, S. C. Soc *1PLINteSaN W20 LT at SSAX1. . M. BRISTOLL , C. T. DUNHA M, - A. . BROWN. dee 28'66-8mo Co Oi. ROTTENI STOI E, Sppnish~ Whit, in lg, Ground Gi*ger, British Oil. IAlsq asameflPquenty of Candy, of, par. eat qiklty. AB'E6HIV, MeMASTER & CO. feb IL, Turp.jptin., White pne Green, Burnt Umber, Ve , Puty Copal Varnish, Paint' Brus to Wah Brushes, Sand Paper, & HIN,' MeMASTER & CO. ~ E WHITE COIN MEAIJ, for *ale b KTCHIN, MeMASTER & CO. McMaster & Jo., AV reived a careful selected ooofGoods, to which I yinvite Ieftlfon of -formlr patrons of the old Sra nofthe publie gea,r11l. They .and see reeeivlag a general 6 Ahbooo, Hats, Sehool ~2~~jaos. ,oand Prumery, nd~ow laIss, Tin Ware, w* r, o and a k.mIy ept i eena. lUM ui,ezeofled by