The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, January 18, 1866, Image 4

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E ONSTITUTION SOUTH CAROLINAs in PoPL a OF Tl sTATE OP 8dUTH CARO LI4 jA. BY O - DELEoAT94 IN CONVENTION aT,*Do0 OaDAIN AND E5TABLIIsHTHIS CONsT'I - 'fUTiON Fut THE ouN3NT OP T54 SAID ATP, - AWIlICLE I.. Sr0eTIoN 1. 1rhe Legislative authority of this State shall be vested in a General Assembly, w hich-shall consist of a Senato and a llouse of ilopresentatives. .Seiott 2. The House 'of Reprosentatives shall be coinposed of Members chosmi by bal. lot, every Sesopd year. by the citizens of this State, qutalkipcd as in this Conetitution is pro. vidod. TKeios 3. Edeh Judicial District/ In the 'State shall constituto one Election Dijtrict, ex. Cept, Charleston Distriet. wl-ich shall be divi. e'd int'o two Election csisting af the loie Parishes'of St. Philli aIi St. lictinel. tI be desieanted the E etiil io. - triet h" (charlestoni the nther cohisrltii of all e that jart of the Judicial District, wlhfeh is viihuut the ltni's of'aald P'arishes, to be ktown As the Elretion District of Berkeley. . - 8tberioN -I. Thehbouelaries of ali severil Jni. dicitl'anel l'lection - Datricts siball renlain as they are now cstablsched.. 'rec'( 5. i'ho.11OU1e of r.presentativea shall consist. (it one hundrd . and twc-nty (<.ur 1emoberd, to tbeepouriloned hnirenr tlheseverlI incti n 'Districts of the Stat,. accord cinig to the teiuter of white inhabiaitanis conitimed1 inl elah, ant theamount of all taxes raised by th1 Ge.neral Assemnbly. Whether tirect or ilcic cct, or of wiateveur speCios paid in eci, deductiig therefron 6il taxes pait on norount of procper. ty held ini any other District, and aidding thereto all taxes elsewhere paid on accodnt of property held in such Digtriet. An enuimera tion of the white nliaitmats. for this purpose, was inado i . the year one thousand'eight hun dred and fifty- nine. nd shall he made in the course of every tenth year thereafter, in such manner as shall be', by law, directed ; ciand Repreecuiativesshell he assigied to the <tif'er eit Districts In the above-mentioned propor tion. by Act of the General Asscmnbly at- the sesmion immediately succe<:ding evcry entime -ration . Provide4. Tht until the auportion mlent, which shall be madf upbn the next enu ineration, shall take effect, the reprownatiin iof the scveral Election Districts, as herein con stituted, shall continue was asigned at the Lst -apportionment. each District-which has been cretofore .divide into smaller Districts. known as Parishes, havinar the aggregate nntn bar of Representative which the Parishes heretofore embraced within iti iitrits have had since that apportlionnent, Iha iepreentasi've to which the Parish tof All Saintt hais been heretoford entitled, being,during this interval, assignled to iurry Election Ditrict. 8SOTioN 6. If the enumeration herein direct ed shall not be made in the conri-e of tile year appointed fur the purpose, it shall be the duty of tle overnor to leave' it efTected as Eoon thereafter as shall be praclirnble. SacTIrON Cin .ic nestigin Representatives to the Eeveral Districts, the General Assethly all allow one Ijepreseetative for every sixty second parit or the whole -nyniber of while tel !hbitants in thre State, and ;)no Representative aiso fir every sixty sceond panrt e the wioic taxes raised by th Go-eral Assemubly. There shall lie rutthter aliowed ao ltoprestentative for suih fractions ,of the sixhy-secon l part, of the whle inhabitants, and of the sixty-second part rifthe taxes, as when addedtogether forni a unit. SFcrnl 8. All taxes upon property, real or personal, shall be, lai'l uiion the actual value ef the property taxed. as the saine shall be acer. tained by the asse'ssment inade 'or the pur. pose eof laymg such tax. In the fimit appor tionpenlt whichi shalhe maclu undee the Con sttutioll, eh i1 aiiount of taxes ashall he estiteun. ted from the avdraceof te two years lextpre. cedirtg suci apportionment ; but in ever sub sequentt appurtinimen1tet, from thi average of thei ten years then next preceding. SeTiO 9. If, in, tile apportionement of iep restatatives ; .aiy 'Elcetion District eiall ap pear not to be entitled, fron Ie populations and its taxes, to a R.!preseintaivo; such EKection District ahaIl nevertheless smend one R'presen tativn and, if there be still a deficiency of the itumiber of Representatives required by sec nonma fifth, such deficiency shall be supplied by assigning Representatives to those Election Districts having the largest rurplus fraction., whether those fractions conilqt bf a combica - tion of population anti taxes, or of population or taxes sepa'rately, until the number of one hundred anti twenty-four blembers be made up - Prowlded h ever, That not more than twelve Represoptat ce sla!l, in any apportion nient, ho assigned to any one .Electon Ditrict. 8sc-io- 10. No apportionment of Represen atiba shall be conatreid o to ake iiiett in any mnner, until Ino-general election whitch shall .eceed schapporioment, acTIUSN C1. The genato sball he composed o: one renmber from ecil Election Distrlct, excep the Election District 'of Charleston, to whiich - - bgcioo19.wUpo te tueet of the first * 'General Asoemibly, which shall be chosen tun detbhe prvisions .Of Is Constituslon, the Senators acil be devaded, by Itot, into twe * clasecs gllhescats of the Scensiors of thle one class'to-be vaceted -a't .dhe espration of four years; and-the number. of ithese, clsses shall *beo o'propertoed that, onohkif of' the whole *nunmber orsetrators may, as nearly as puss;' 'bi cntihub to be choseti thlereefter ev'eryj sec . '-- ." tdow 13. 'No persorr shall be eligible to, -or ake or relatdi aseat inthie Houso of Repro. a . umtatye','uness lhaise areq whlite inane whc h 10 raffed teiag <f twenty-on~o years, J bath been 'hdy tho last six mionthis of thiu 'trtme/&i shall continqe, a resident of the Die, - rieP W~lihelbto Pe~reepnt. e ort,146 No' - iden shall be eliglible to, tttake Or retsin, a seal t lite Senate' uniesc S'he isla' fjrea W'hlilmin, who hathlattainmedth< -'age o f th~' y ne htath-been a citizein and ,re ideat o ltAIitoi livO years fuext p.rece'dlin dalt tjon, anqteshth beten, for the last d.pnh'tthis tiune, and db1111 continue te, a reakdtbtpho Digtrict whipil ho rep Y. 'AsetoN 15 'Neafore and Mdembereof th< seU, il r ~oRapei flttives staii- 'bewho en at nae, Illcy third W etin .day it1 ~', I.Itler ln thei p ab'nt ytar', &nd on the'amt na~ byi'tv Cecornd ,yesr'- tihereafter,' in such ?MaJ r .,eich 1ters f9(Xtll s. Are ~Aod5~ - Novemnbpr, an u ,eeuE ih oj shl rmgid:. t fl~ ielefl er5 two nIr-d'? ht elto ' es etat N ,a&.7t iebttole'lnit' bog dtday' * c Suof 17' ksaeihledeshl judige )io eleotins. returys nnd qualifications of its own El lembersn, ; and a'trnjurity of tact [iorso 41all j Constitute. n 4uornin tu. (Io buivaI bit a smaller Iumber may adjo yn from: -lay to davvo av+, tnny b% au!bor.;ed to coio.pel thu attend - anc4 t( lnt Af imben echra. i in 111tannrer, id C under such penaltioa.s as smy be provideod bty law, 11 SECTIoN 18. Elch loue s1111 chooni'. its ovl El ofliers, deteripinec its ruleap ti procepeding, puni6h its Niembers for disorderly bebavior, 1 and, with tIh ecutyetlrrence of two-thirds, exp,-ll R blemiber.,. lut not a-secuonld timse for tle sarne cause. SacTIoN 19, Encn ltinnao Inny puinish, by 1in. priSoiinelt,.dulrinr itnittmg. any person not I hiernt ber, will) sl:ll be tEsilly of di.re41pect to t 110ouse hy any thwjr .!erly tor cotleiptiurn4 . bhavlor i 'ita prese--nce or who, during fie q time of its rtinz, rhall threaen hir to body b or estate of any Melober for avnythitr said or e lonle ;1 eithe11 r [itll w. mr who aill asault ally 0 u itllen therefor, or hti ial( nsoilt or rirrest i any w i or otlier prI.4n ordered to *'t'eil ti I1ouA, ink hi g oin, theretu,. or returntig I therefro. or whih simil ri 8sue any person ar i roiled by mr der of the I o(nm. ' - -.. 1Ec-Tos 21). The ioIniiber's of. boli I!ouatEe (i sihall ble protectel ins their persns atid estates oltirin..r.their e.t tt lan1 e onl , g* inlir tojiEnnd -- tiuriing lr-onmlie Getieral Afasetbly, and t i E dlays previjus tojlte sitting. ind (ion davs n. t tEr the iadjourtim'elt Ilereof. But. htesL privi& * 1(e1(s shh n141t, hei Exiendell su an to proiteet. anyl U Mnember who dh.El 'be ibartred witli treiaoimn. felonly. or breaclh of file peace. . Src riot ! 21. Ilills for raising i, rev ntill shalE orltnat, In itllIl House of ltpreseilst ivqeS , but 1111y be allered, niteltled or reject-d h'Ilthe selate and al other h1iallmay oialhl.ut Ill Either lionse, lad may ie imetled, alttre, ui rje(cted by thE other. 'ECTION 22. Every Act or Itct!)Ititioti havis tile oreC ii law shill elat,.to liut Ine! sij et. and thnt slall be exores4d1 in I tE tide. | vrim4N 23. No bill shul' have tile foreo cif I law unltil it shall haRvU beCI read411 thr'e u . s .mnod on thren several r'nyd, in .ojwht llus, .O hlad tho sent of tile Stlate Alhxed to it, and b 14 been signed ill the Senito llouoe by the IPresi dent of the Senate and the Spe.ilr o tit he Elose of tepresintatives. MirCTION:. 11. - No muooseyghil ble dratw 1it, t of the Public. Treast ry but by thl'le'gisltive autItority of the State. I-Ti' 25. lit all elections hy the General Assetnbly, or either Houso therll!f, thel! mIt a boqa shall vote "eiu vioce," nod Itieir vote. thuo t1 Oives), aln lihe entered upon the journial of thEu Ilouse to which they reapectively t!long. 1 ScRTIO 26 Te m embers of th) Genera(l Assetohly, who slalt neet under this ('on.iitu- i lIon, shalho enitled to receive (out of' the Poo- - lic Treasury, for their expenses dfuring iheir 5 ttendance ot.'voing to and reaturbi E frotim. the General Assembly,'live d4lbari; Ii r eachI ai days attendance, and ! tweity cattits ror evev mile tio the oEtnliary route of travel letwe(en .t the residectie of Ithe Melmber ant I le rapitl I or to other pi ro ofsl Ii ng (f' I he ( t(era1 Asmtlibly, both gemli and retorno-t('r ; ald Ihmeamo anay I be increasled oir dirnitumhort by la %v. if circuiln. b stancee sh1all rcquiire ; lit n1till alteration shall ; hn inn(te to take vl'ect ioturing tho exist1Lece of' the0 General Assembly which shaoll Inlake snr altitration. SEcToN 27. Neithel tionE, during the ae- - tion of tie Genter-il A.sInbly. shall, wihout the conecnt of flit other. ndtjouri. for more than three l dav, ((or to antiy otlher plee t han that lin which the Assembly thainll bo It tle Li thn sitt ing. Sr~cT-ri428. No, per a->n MIM hn elhi, it)o a sent in tii Gene4ral As4Suilly wbiit ht hol atly ofiee of profit or trtust under this Stiate, th (jnited Stat" lIf Amivericii, or any 4) of them, or under ally other power. exqrpt 'oliceran( iE the mialitia, tortiny or avy ot th11i Statl, Al:1is trates or Jnstiren4 E iferifor ('ourt . while such Jnsttices-receive no Illlariee; Ir ablall any contractor.of too nriny(or navy it thia State, (he United States of Amnerica, (r any of OtoI or the agients oi such conta1ctr, he I bible to a Aat hi eitber imne. A til it' an4y dtlici.ber tit alt necpt r exercisl a Ey i (of1 th id disquali fying of oe I hiebll vntea hIs 1mt. SECTIIN 129. If almy Eietion Di) ie-toshall neoglect to chooto a Inemnber or mem1bte onl thle day of elee.tion, or it aiy plersloin (eolt a1 r, inem1herofeither Mimulol sh:1l reloe t, ol qualI ly all-! take lia iseat, Ia' slaol rid ii. di ,e. par t thoe State. acceptL anyE llin(l(1a brying~l Ilml', or become otherwise dirgnlil i to) ld his I meat, a writ of electiot eh1li b- 14.ued by the It President-ol the Senate or 'Speaker o( te 4 flutise of (Lepre-sentatives, 1as4 the :go'e n4.ty 1e-, for the pirpoae of fllinO' t(e vacaicy thereby I occasioned, for tI'o reomaitier of t t(ran for which the) person so rfusing to ;u:y,(re signing, dyingr, depari og the Sail. Ir b rco-:r in41 disqua lifiled. wa elected to s'rve. or I i defArutting Election District ought to hav e COse a mreteiber or etlelber.. -1 SECTIoN 30. And Vlerina. the mini lers of i thle Gospel are, 0y thir pfilt!m,li. d'alicated t to thle serviceof GorI a itl te cvre to .(if. Anld oU011 I. not b( diverted Iroimn th' 1,r it n . ties of ther I lunlilons, t-herefo(r, A miniser I ofrthd Gospel or pulblic plr4'peher of any:( Iliou perstnasion, whilst het conl~ftiue iln (lhe e'xercise of his putoElral f(unctiousl. 01h11l be tiligible to the offico of GovI'-rr. LiiIeutenant Governlor. or to a seat in the .coate o01'h House of Repreentatives A RTT(;LE II. SEcrtON 1. The IExcen(tive aulthority ofl thIs I .9tato shall be vested in4 a Unitef Malgist.Ite, whot I shall he styled, Th'eo Gpvernor of thle Stete ofa tiouth Carolina -' , .'. 4 SnEITION 2. T1he Governor shall bo-elented! by . r thel electoih dluly jgnalilled tIo V'olo' for m e4,belrs, of the House' of i.preaontativea. and shall hold( hIs olbcn for tour yeimrs.ttndr until 1his Oucces.r Cor' shall1 tic chlosenl and14 qualified ;.bug (heo ismo eprson shalI nto 0 Uolernlor.Iorr two [1 consenttive.terms.. I - HcTbol, 3. No person shall 'be clIgIble to (ige offce o, Govet or, unaleia ho I'ath ,ttittd 'Iheis e ag'of':thirty years', t.nd1 -hath bei .a gItlie l ared .resident of (this State for tIho ten fearm , next preceding the~day af election. AMid no I person shall hold thp oflico of GoverneQf (att 4 aawy sther' offieb or corfatut41on, civIl or wsth- a ry, (except I.n tmiitis,) under this $tate pr' the Ialted Staes(or any of them, or, aly bthtor pow'er, at onc. anti the samae lhne. SEcTaos 4. Ttto returns of eyery electIon of GovernWshall tin scaled up( by tho Nlanagers of Electiotm In- t4teir respec tivel D)ist rleq,aIn transmitted, ijy a (Enessenlger chosen by theml. to the seatrof overnme~nt, ditrected to. the Secretdiy of State, who.) shall decliver them to thES Speaker of tho House of Repre'senltatives, I at the nes~t olbsifng seson lof the G0en4it'ft Au. j scmhbjy, sIttring the first .weekc of whicp es I sio:tdt Sphker~I shall ~e nd paE11~bllsh therry Ii oeseeofboth Housesor (t hnGeneraI d As.tltepi on ha ving thee highest atIh4V tesi }GovernoEr, but~jftwo torf IalI bte eq ual andl hlihest In vote, 'esloniI da houseof Rqepeglves, chaoose IMn# :fgrQsovr shal5a determinod by -the ,6 4*rpt AACImb ,InI .5uoh manntEur as .halllt 'p' bedhfgw. - - :Mcudoibessf o eti crotminfe ahahd ad 4Sc-ox 6. The Lieutenar e'9erntor,sMad 9 Sa'lI 81,01~~( efvdl ISO voIEo fka~EEaI~l&to 11411 V D)y AivELd. 8acrioa~,j~,. 0 ht Gltall lt.Osa a Prcod 'all pro IeR II, t v wo os blve 41! 1f It IECTEE)!il, , A ill ii'~'h oli' t I a 1, Ii01 RevI( I. iebaJo lew a~ t fl't I Ilc 41111011 tt..Uuvc o IIIr Mofte~ntou.,q~~r SkOTION IA. It i cls,16.4r AmtIsnpeactsrnet~ u Io",tvtEvllor or. b-a'.'rvm',ntwa jrom aiface, dail I *1.1'c0iea (to fIB tatfit'., attll ill case-til 11), ao:^tlaaulatit Elf ill te ,!Utjllar t. Gaa crtr o LItli fitjui1a't. iit atility 4ir reilival trul Oil; I title, lte Predidjtlel pr6 I afte 01, t16e so:la11 ra.iilant pro Irn-pire of -the Scliukwtitlaitt ,EteI va'iltJtti t i le4 ra'ali'sat ofth 110 tlatt.% tu ,c'ratsry of Stait.. for tile tianllc'o~, #811:111 Fi prodacitutiuat. c '0IVlytS that hiE..'lE1t, that i rtkdlldt J)1ttiiti hnipara onlyE be Miot40u to '"Ear ITO lte Etffiv tt G. iverior for L,'lt% Elit') npit at SCOTION It0. Tis Guver-nor shall ItCoini millt oa'.iat Cit00' Elf tihe Arm ;%iti~ jllt t ilt SIlEIO 11(1,o tilIe Ill Iititt, ax :a'pt NVIt'za lIEOE' 1:111 ll~t his j1 1A litu '1111 uQ141 'Ili" Ii ELt fil S r~ctlo'.4 11 t. le t~i sh l av IEIir to J.:a t1ii ;Iitt o ll.Will o t . i t tltlc II ''tll t l 1:11 -Tlik IA !.. All 110 aE'r4 ll I ~ c t~ tlica't -) ra'tidt tor(itt ii tE ltE I t ilir. rat 'ev I'- J'(1-4t l) J. t al.vE'rtll~t 1!i.4 lll~ 1: OilE! Gworra Aiaa ly i~tl th Aiatbly ao ti l o (lil t , tlallitl a lf Itill! b ille, Lite I:1 wit he itill lla vettCell' ts ;adt SECIctON 13 ' Ii. le lly * tllol aitda' Li hait' Ir r' O l E,' It t C 0111 1 E'tiil~l'aiIP. Il ett l' a .t CUI*MtltlE'lllt'iE' t , E lie d ai~lra i ll I lia tat al. .i I . ~hI i lta ~ at . l t I ttt i IAi hl .-t Atl itV 'tb E llttt atc J Xl CO:%t ~1, giv 1. IIrtI )lit II l oss ll wfitmg ittat all 'bjec rel i Z tozttila. it, hd V Sx-CvlN'Iom X 14. ah bhe t-vro.~ie Elyovi' Ut lI~tioo ofret l~ijtltll af llthe Sat, U114 li 1i Il itmidalEl'iE tot r milerator ~ l kip a'tt1a41 .I o l CI iI l it !j. 'I t to r ,t ot' l r a t~ i, i ta ;I 0111 'El tIt I r I orEI :11 Oil a -kE of Il.i; t:f1.ilt'l lit I),. a tc('El e t Alpit4 wi?'iathaiy take hoist) I' aalli(ilii a, o rfcfill d a1jlui till-lis hatE (tc tlrl!aa t- li * itil of'l thr. ii-I I vaain ita v .i' :ciitpo'17. heo shii-l l Ait alle It SFtttl 18ll' Ila t ttljt't bit t le. ll o l iEj)ll al; iti pt ta t'l l i i of c th islr it, tIl I l fit 8:114 .14 tal atiC.i ut, Ethcticr CIv-itll a Ita till'a 005,(ElI IVlI IlIa' hose byclol latrlar r kew ti il enion arati G It tit 1r od Lratt'e tilt-Ger ltattits 6bail llatio a lw. htit in ail (lo;h i ralt ih '~ sal b tt ll i lt! Il'h.llC )c'('r ell't ii by y As ~alil ny, natal tle t--ol1 f lla'e eie itt t'~A~lithii fo llE . illlittila i oti t Iales itiv_- o theC jatirafc I hfiavto Aptcelt'al ov; IfAci ua.4nlltlutj I ;ta retaaaa Eey Bi ;"lro ill twoic 1d1,11 (Sltfl ailaI ail'4ia Itgibv shall, haveir brnrel'lt t0,l40. lt'tlit lw tt- ho a i eW ti ti ta ll- Go v o a . f t1'. aove lie lta l i /iat. itta hill ll'anoty1a vriit rett li tw.d a l it 14)''r t aaa Cith hit kklhi iaitiflyteo'l al Assve r axily, llrta I')t'lihraor. atu lmljoit itto who4. lel roi .4'titEE of that 1111(11 13 ills a I ll anyat 1- AIII till, it ll'tl 1.7 tte, tiogather t the t E ltt , I - otii d wolejl tca r par filtiti 0tt tills 111-d mv, atatt'h 8uperor aua lw u In'ao' ll .11W claa- hvhti oryltl butts Ocorol P;1)811i1 me11 rtiat aaay, to int til at aald-ethqjlIiI I 't ~to( .o(roatn fuorlr atttt 1.1i tili-,litI l't'ta I ta, Geavte jourallli 11,111Sitt ! ap ett iEEIC a't'ill~ a, ail p'iottlt aci I Y!eia' 5lxn's whial If Utw o das(iasl'tay Ki I iaa tfjjatltra t all hnv belen r Cavw Iia~ l at tileo hot1( f1jlt be sall il How~i ma fca. it prfit had trurd ibt.A ohld.til~ts( tiaa'~om Ua ,ftcaa power 'i'i G vernor iosettonl~lio b.l oolt~dy th Opiert A.toebly ii Wif' co~ rlail of Birll oilli6.daof ['litle tettlle Ilavv Of theii eed Sila. Ile shlalt.. letine ttn W-ears. next PrN'ie(flhe day Of clecaium, liave becoo a citze~n or thet $tato , or, Iwho ti Fm pe'rhel. n eeni-zrant rieic oreep who-;oilIfvc-I~r(flhis * inIteliltin ,t 0) btome a I Fet Flirll lhave- rvaivede ill tills Stitc Icir at least r te yeare. iiext preceelcesaw tic. ay for pectiine. 1.e'fil, tie lle nle 114 ntixnonihs ha etat tino it, ho flimicitin wi~chIste (Cirtro vnE', pe'ocidrd. r Ieecce'er. Thte C' (-rlel Ai-svCinblY ".-IV. fly *CLCr i p er'imtrvc ttvilteero, tor ''Clear mcln. 11011.4. U114 et Li rIll tl C ''c ta( thec righlet ee* Stiffrgnzre. Ila.;y icepefeetqtllil Imifiieatelt yoleo ats It ptt ishatitCC 1'-r eeii eee.eece fll-.s PI45o actl ciiteeetel qu.ifie tmq voetera InI ifntelcpal hll lercc sa e ie.ei.II leo lc'led teuior appointed tt imey ctlelet pr,) 1, -oe tree. ccr, cIreteeitar.1 OJtIAtea e'XvitC1al C IIkvrvis. ,IliI tekcm (blesc' a c'() al MOW . Metl eeV;Ale,'eeeelt tIIe Cij tCOMP'ti. jittiCeele, pre uiillv-i by thle Geticeal Aegeaieiy.) ** dee aer (tee affi'rmje) tice e I nan elealv qteill Stti it tclXl-icc' III.- cclii,'. Cen well I have r llil Cpplt-eeeel*C 111111 Ielt I -.'*ii, tee etee:, he'At Otf Si t3'elineiy. flel.n., Owli. -. eiIie eleac"Otiffc prowerve, pr .o~t' eei lst'ei Cle'veleilles. l lCntttjeefl -,b~Sn eec el 4cl -lt iitede Slates. See 1c GoI t AU Itr I Vlj V I ya It w .Ot' i.l.C powr'A'c C.n.111e'citllnr. ieeat It,) cCI *11l-1 liemee't trie e I m ' *r ireacl'. reies,c cih Cthee'tcjler ireweI4.,. t Cr ti'i-HllCee ( len Illcuec 1!el Is, proy (. I II ' . v:C cCrI (, All Cetp'iChCCI til I he triet liv :o cC~'~ ie;enjel er tleeci pCorp.)eI te 10eee ec; ii I e CCC i CC: . le w slllisteele I It--c e cul rryeel of I wolcC06trli ci h olIele I'll V% 3. TlwObc 'o Li'eeteeminlt(ev re 4111CC scu e "vii l~er vi'la!i ICl. he. to l tet twwwvi feer igh rte1rities acedl n.;ectevnca~ fIC r e' Cestetqjits ice c ccerrile . C11: 4.aiC. ic ef' l ' irol ier 0nyne t 111 i leert it i-v C5Cd'iih Ii' lee itl net eect'r Notl .f ll tindt c flle t i m~ Ic el c tfi , peerty ellqelil. ite el I tia id! 6!ee e li it'et ticedel le i. I 1411.1 i- C fcee iej - tiI. .tic' 11 Pl i 'e it r~El l I Iitn Dki-irie. eer p' l e t'eltier, iheil sle elrcp'. t'te'eI. tece.I flleir offllee, tip re'eneO(ti fromie eeC lec ovie. ill IXIC It ii alcdliC 3 tee ie k Citftcrieel~C ileeeV 110 p)ltiee~et leer ''ffil.i iss.~ *cmeiit. iu Noi~th llntimer ie lin Geoiseral Ai A 'eeC!)1 ~ ~ fi th (V. Sle ir IC plpellii oligit hefty Ir e) *~ nny rival eqje'ii tti~l be'. Iele 41'l CI ferocmC!"ci (F '1 1 .~z VII ieCcettleii yr lied Ostrie 'y rceeeemee e4 Cei- eV'ree)'etit leoocily or eel' eec c iteciareeie 3. 104 etje"' 00 nml 1s5 (m'itritell lee tec'in rev~ ti eteilrdto #oi1w hio let rle.C I e. turcl oh OiIee l.-' Cueie:C I .Apeociiclv :Jeprovided. I Tlest Such t!oimi ee.e leleee talt coeetan the peroeeeee foler elec' piecc1 )ee;a eiiini. ailt c h~teero e 11 011.0 va-vo i'ilieer itegee'C ccley tef it C lll he yej etI ieee jieiliC''el', allte 4 Ilee'a Cil). f ill al nlel SICii1. cdv i'rcse'ere'r and the tSer!Pliery (,t SI eto. , 11.);l fill circle]j ley Ille.- Getlersil eAeise' hiv ec ii. ll. s e lt cpc'Cil Reegetit'liel, ecleell hld 14: Owi ie er eext site''" *ill. terece. C l'l.Al ii ~eroet'ieers alell e IIi loilit' eel. :i t! t ititerio 1C l be'en.c tieeit otherw'ise CIivi e d betIy Hw ;e 1, cti a'ie m peiroin-ml ctinte~ S l , lie tliev le iffe wj oietv ISr.(1110N :1. All eeen m iin Cen celeecl hp. fit i le: J ecie i sctn iby tiert ecuttecel itv eeCC .- ltide ' e8iie1t Ii I(CrI;I eee he a ,.edl~ eile) 11'e. cenetitestatei, ffneel Imc be 'i'tIy (i t- Gove'r ir. All Ieeen4 teof teer in fieA Statp, at flip a'decp Hi oeeileee tei, 'Ca-ntitution, mid utcci relplugiileill te me,.ii Pot ec ('1)1imeic, ticocil .iiici'ic urroCJ t i prale'C Iy tje (ki rail A:6:e'eh~tIv. except whalre ileev umsc ie'lleleel'ary, iii wccitese they hiall at l 6iucR I eclwivceiiv Iinoti t'oa lecir ClorpCon, irliot cointiuedby Act ofthii Asmcihtly. AULTjI(.t IX. !r.CTcoH I All peower is corigil ly lnvcsjed tiecle ccc i cela I lie'r aueority . iuac nr ati ntiued rIdi le'CCCir pticC*e, ceteety a"till i11ilcemcs. 0 'ilC'reeaNq2. Neept'rslin slill Ise'.taken. one em. p lrim)4 t 4 ee ~ cje eef, or4 6Selhi e ibcr* r w for llreitiibcs. Aruitelo tlepor it) 4 ;,ty eeeatceelr' clefinivtct ct this lit,' liblerty ur tax, nil sueb alnpaqe or per~hk a I odien.. bill oolIc taoPu~bto In The 'ujalgieui of the 1Gcuera.A"Cnly p ja~~~i, . ., AitrtlfP. -xi. Fac1Iiox I. The at'~~ner bkp60A h'.WAaIry F-1101 tie condaeseq by 6i6it 'redpgalr 'ya sits hold his office fhd'.reslits it 11414N"07A HCON2. 'Thn 8"4I~r ho1 NVOrfnO , W. NO ('On Vent fli of I l pehpte 004p~ ho allul.Unlesus by the, coficurroorilo orciv.. 2.a' G N ol parml. tt'P. he ullerett unle a hill to aiher tshrn10j H hove been read, on three 8(46711ilys, I it Fimmea r( Rsaplftejeogntivv. hin'jreMv. imI dai tin elphi ae~g.nti .*crr~ot to1 't iho, le(a 1j('itl. thirdl rwainsro, by 1W6o-thlrdi, of livew Wholo reprrete,,eatliin 11, each Nocko o ntho GctqiaI Ateamihly e elther ili why, oftemq. tion tn Ith effaect. untl The bil;jr xtk Agreqd t6. shall be published'a for thren inoithli prtvlcaiy to, a new t leilon 'or aflembiharo 44f t. HoUo~. llepregaeiitnives; av:d. i(((he rilcrntin proposJ. rt Vytlyv precenig General' Attsrmbly, P l,v he A7trl o i. 1) (he neW Geiaero~r 4f' bi ini timir liret or"eelton, bty IllnaqcnCUrjnqG, 0~ two-thirdse of thei whole ivivreetillnd], 14 afch I-IoiUe. after. tho wirn shall havan'hetmg teed on three teertl~diivi in, each, ill sad not, oth i'.*Vine. Ilie *aihaO'll bccoi dpartofthoo. Iaoi' I lt nvent fu,,.: I lo1kmbleatIn tWq'tato. ial'Fotith tsriinnot, the' twenty..otenth djjv of aiSepteinbaar.- inl Me vrar 'ioo~t fiotrd una tlouliard eight huantd'id aisxti-flive. - D. -L. W ULA W Presaident of f,. Ctinv , U& Attest: Jontt TI. SLOAM,Clerk oft~J3 Gavernme~t of tbbhUnfrted St ell I're14dennL..ilroW Johnsn.fTnts N~ew York. MlecrelarV' of Wawr-iR4wic dbj 5I 11101 f Secretnry of the x~iy-Oidben *01~,;o' of Inwit. 4ecretnryhi ie :rtasury-11.IitR bltfiu-. louigla; DtIhlinnja. ie Attorney Gener1LJar~e (Is 0t.I of. tt& y. .. I'vesislet of the qn~Ltiytg i Postri. of C4noecilent. Sopoker of dio - leupo Sco~tuyler W*faz,. of Iladia-na. ~ : Sihnon -C. C.nao. Ohio, Chief Juptig. 1. Jamnes 1M. Waynp. orgiv; . 31. Rltohet C. Olr enyvj7 4. Nothwa Clitrod.J MsIaio. 5. North IL. $Wayne, 0O1io.' 7. Samelc Miller. Iowa: .8. Samuevl P; Vft'lil (OkIrornia,. IIRTL'NANT othgnA1L9 W~ingfielil Scott. Virginii., Uly.4.xZ-.a S. Grotak. nf Ohio! Adjiait Gtenerml Lorettso Thorns, PeJa. Wore. . 4 Jd Aivoojilb OGnerl, Josepk Jolt,. D. (I Qimrlerm ster, fjeneral, %Mohigory C. Meigs.. of Pensc al% - PRTlMRS UIlMi, VA..,'. FIAS entered u~ion Its fftenth tear, I tan ona dfrim, illh. new lypel. Oatler 11Mlly iifiAtterti. It has ir 0e lptud ,iaily inerpasig~irtln0 radqfe~ tomf Chan'ts imoi others 1 OAir iig. 14) "rmnn,,* " wid ti'outuae. publlo. kJIVaoageu51s i'd by none. OOI QUZ 'P w o ' m b n l b s. .' . . . . . 2 . : ' V e 0 / TOnrain iini K...1 .o . . a./ i 'I'wo mfln Ihb. &.............. ti'G One year. ............~ -Two SIVARRIs W eekr, _