-Celigess, Jan. 12-.To.'ay's uessiot ~ oniumod in .ilcuising the bill confeeting' iero sufftAge in the bistrictof 00luinbiA. '1ddI1ba Eiropiem News. Ntw Y'$t, Jan. 12.--The follow. n'a the news of -nti North Americn and Cit'of 3ainor*, :ot yet arrived -at thib a~ot -*. 1, The Uaiy 'ewv says , The sales of Ameri an aecurities throughout E!urope Ulatly hoe been more extensive than .0ver 6.6ore,, is Ntate4 thab Maximilian is omitted 'froVt th i*00holic iovereigns, to whom the Pop2 '4hde his 'customary ClhriAt. maa fdelctati~on. The Uneis argues that Napoleon-will with iraw Woni Mexico. Extra precautions are being tsiken in .iDubinto Prevent' a Fenian ontbreak. The' military are held in readinese to mow at a-noments iotice. - From -Lonisana. Nzw Os4-x'xS. Jan 12.--A party of iegroed oni the Red River rose in arms ten dhy a go nd tried. to mnurder their overseer ; .but failed. - Subbequently they .were captired by the mili;ary, to. gethef with several acoinplices. Cemmrll Mo , Jaitary 1I.-Cotton firm, *:teI t'idtly tweniy three hundred h'ales; Middlinga 47q. per 16. Saje-i of the ffionn' thonte'nd seven hundred wnd two )ale*. Expgrts of the week se'venteen ithoilpand f(,rl4pindred and eight-iine. :tock iighy-five ti ousand four hundred .adtwettosr, Gold 40 to 43., - N.w1 Yoni, January 12--Cotton steady.*Naval Stores dull. Gold $138. WNx, gn , January 14.-Flour dull. Souatherne.*heat dedlined 2 a 3c. Corn -tde-lined l- d & -3eef, pork and lard firm. Whiskey dull. 'Cotton steady. Sugar 4nd 9'ffee firm, Naval stre. dutI. Gold 138t. 'Nzw' Youx, Jautuary 10.-Cotton steal)y Gold 3sta The Lbat Cade, S*W ..%uthern Jistory of the COned. rules-A Oard from-ft Author. th1 tAdeglgieJ. is now actively en. Cgaged 61 Pcotp'in* 4hj Is pro nrly nhe * Southern Iistoqr of the-War, -to.b'i# blih'ed by subsettlon . bf the hoss iof MestRs. E. R' Treat , 0o., la Giand streit, New York, He Ade *iga to compose tbe vork from a new and lfgi stock of nateri-, alt9gether diffe'est from. thathurriedly 'gathered Irom h'e fo corngof the h Otwspapmrq \in-his'Anial of'th6 War; andin this; ia mul higher and Muth ta9re !labo. task, hi is deeply Nnpreoned with t6ecsity of drawing infitnation of 4ho -t. war, as far'- as possible,.from * M1bt'9ure/s. He has already obtain. ~ e romus. o( special assistance froom * b i~dhisnatias leaders of the late \ of ilroy, anil ia prced to know that e rodnehi* .work .under en u .tit~e~acaa 11E .which oe ,the f have e on to none other on !,2~ra~o rtJ~ Lee, ihose .name. S. o bri haahti 4nhected "with the. rni ini Vtin writes to the amu She n. 'ej hear" that h~e fi~1e4&~h O~W a .history of ahj *a and tha~sh wer ibe 1,tee athopleasur y this ap4 the ~seral ish N. Jo ston, whose cap'gni es at hiefly'men. timneto give ouayinfo a I w 80n5 03 the re e~our Gado~ vquben~oad eral Dck" Taylor pr j,* mid 4 hberanqitoradcat 'n* eki okiid of the trans-Minis, and ble for the. undo riot orrespondence, i*niaties with all those '~O00~tI7~qf whq hayen aliable I hs swre Hetheuefor. a~I thof addressing mU Qen. rNS~~d agI. ~ , hy ~. i~odsMhnt -enhkhten and erect again in the eyes of he world a cause prostrate, but not comhiitted to "silent duist"--lost on the cast of ,veiets, but entitled to the record of Honor., It will be moat convenient to address communications to the care of the pub. lishers, Messrs. E. B. Trear & Co., 130 Grand street, New York. EDWARD A. POLLARD. January 3, 1866. 0-PARTNERSHIP. T HE undersigned have formed a Co. partnerihip under tlhe name and style of DnBose Egleston & Co.. for the purpose of General Merchandize, No. 2, Hotel Range, Winnsboro', 8. 0. DUBOSE EGLESTON, J. McELROY. And would respectfully i~nvile thei. frcends and the public to call atnd exatnine their stock, eonsisting of Crushed Sugar. Brown Sugar, Coffee. Soaps Candles. Meokerel. Bacon, Salt, Sodal Onion,, PotatoesCheese, Mustard, I Pickles, Raisins, Ierritgs, Tea, Bucktheat Flour, Ctndy, Fig Bluo,.Ol - Nectar Whiskey, Old Bour - bon, Brandy Cocktail, Whiskey Cocktail, Bran. dy Peaches, Plantatioh Bitters. Kero sene 011. Lanterns, White Lead, Spirits Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Chrpmo Grqen, Window Glass, Chewing To. baoco. Smoking . Segars, Mersclhauq Pipes. Churns. Frying Pane,' Axes, Coffee Mills, Curry Combs, aind Brushes,. CinW Ifammers, Pqket Knives, Table Spoonts, Razors, Pad Locks, Plate Lookb, Iland-Saw Files, HAp Sciasors, W o o Saws, ,Pistols, Flasks, shot Pouches. Gnt uns, Needles. Buttons, penells. Pen Holders. Hats and Caps, 'for men Iu4 boys. Rope, Solidi6ed Milk, Ink and Shoe Brushes. With mahy other articles still to arrive. . Jan. 18'65-.tf %B)Ot and 'ShoQ Shop. O Nri door Notth of Mrs. McMas ter's Hotel. Solicits a share of the public patronage. All work done a, short.. est notice and best stylo. DUNLOP & McMASTER. Jan 18'65-4 Blyihewood Female Institute, ' HE exercises of this Schqol will be resumed on the frat Wednesday in March, under the supervisionof the prin. *tpal and Madame and Prof. En. gelbrecht, with competent Assistants in the ifetent departments. Ptpils will be ro. ecelved for the scholastic year.-nnd repay. aseot, forhalf-session expected at I lAo sub. joined rates, an specle or its equivalent. Board, fnal4ding Fel a4l4 Lights, $05 00 Tuition Bnglish and Classics, 26 00 !. Music, 2.1 (0 - " Frendh, Italian, Drawing or Painting, .: 20 00 Contingent Fee, $6 00 Pupils will furnish towelI,.bed-linen and eoveig A pplications will be entered, no reeeived and notiee.given of their accept. Medfeat advice given gratuhtously. Addr~olsp, , iDR. 8. W. BOOKILART, Principal, jan 18'0kfl-.;awfwa. Doko, S. C. D pItY . G O 0D S, CHARLESTON .HOUSE, STOLL, WEBR & CO., DAY uoPT'S.OLD 'FAND, ~8' Ktng 8., 3 doors .Below Wentworth. W E have now openaed and on hand of - very lArge and well seloectdstock . tY Goons; whih we offer at Wholesalegpud Re all. . Havlag had long experienceo' in' the - Dry Gooda Busifoes .bbtore:the war, 'we know juq Wat Goods are most ninded by nla. (erg and consumaers generally and will al. ways keep'osh han~d a full atock of'plaaitit Goods of every.kind.' We keek~ our stock eonstantly repleanighe& by every stemner, with the sioat *.ttrac'e styles. We respectMly invite plenfina, . iner. htsand eenssua eneeral'lt n~a Blankets, Plains, Kerseys, Osna urgs, Brown~hlrtings,llsehed, Longolothe - Fine Sea Island Brown.8hliri1gsp. * rish Linenm, Calicoes, Ole~g. hams, and Cabrlos, 3( ,De Laines, Poplin, Gotored -Al igutred Popins, laek Silk,, ie, B3Lk Alpao~. Crape Cloths.. Ieh every variety. to be found la eb we efer at the lowest TOLL, WBBB& CO., tese 84 C -v Chretn Ketchin, MoMaster 06o, TAVE receivqd a H Stock of Goodei foihieh they invite the attention of former pajtions of the old firm and of the, IAlIe ogeerally. They 1ae on hand a ' receiiing a general ufsortlnent or -,.,I . Dry Goods, ClojhIig, Shoes, Hafe. School Books, Modioinesoapasnd Perfumory, Put ty anti Wlpdow U lass, Tin Ware, Cooking Ijt~es, Orocerier, Ilardwee., i agglqg and Rope; Broois and Wooden Wlaro, - Crookery. An4t all other arti.ps tiually kept In coun ry Pi es. Wsnted. C ORN, Pean, Dr . Hides, and all Counti'y Produce. for goods or cnsh. KETCHIN, MlMASTEIR& CO. Ja 16'66.U-tf No. 1, H otel RAnge. School Books I EACO E RS are notified that. we are ablo 1. to furnish them with books and sta tionry at low prices. Any articles not on band will be. nhtained by Express at alort notice. KETCHIN, ioM AS'T'ER & CO, jin 16'66-if No. 1, H otel Range. Dissoluion'of Copartnorship. r lEcopartnership heretofore t-xist - ing under the style of Ketchin & Mc.raster. is this day dissolved by muttal consent. The name of the grin may be used by eitlker party in settlements. KETCHIIN & MMoASTER. Jan 13'665-t The undersigned Live this 'lay entered into a copnrtiership. for lie tronsnotion of A Gendral Mercantile ihnsiness, in tshe store formerly occupied by Creight, & Simonton and under the style of Keichin, MoMaster & Co. It.'8. KIETCUIN. Q. II. MeMASTER, JAMES A. IICE. Jan 13'65-tf GE. W. WALTER* SON. A ND a FOIRLWARDING AGENTS, ILL establish themselves at Columbia. W S.C., on the completion of the South Carolina Railroad to that. -point. where they will be happy to serre their old friends and patrons. Thankful foi past fa Tors they will endeavor by prompt attention to merit. a continuance. Liheral wlvances made on consignments toe heir friends in Charleston, New York and Liverpool january 16'66-1mtio NOTICE. HIE UNDERSIGNED IIAVE '1'118 . D1AY enter--dl inm,, Coptirtes,-r,,hip for lthe purchase aind vale of general-mer chandiso tinder the name Qf Thompson. Withers & Co., and will conduct their busi. ness in the Store lately occupied by Dr Aiken. on the corner North, of the Co;.r. Iouse. 0. R.' TH10AMPSON, J. N. WITUERS, C. W. FAUCRTT. January 1, 1800. jan 9'66-lawf3w ",Withers ACo. HrE at tention of the piu haig iI *ivi.d Tit) ter Stne-k ot GENERA L MER. CHANDIZE, barefully selectedlto stit th4 wants of the countr'y and town trade. All )f which will be sold at the low.est. market rices. .A alare ospublie pntronage is so Ietted. Our stock coisists in part of DRY GOODS, lain. Fancy Dolains and Alrpaoas. French and American Calicoes, Jaconet - and Caimbric Muslins, Ladies and.Miss es Gloves. Ladies and Misses 'Hlose, Linen andi Crap~o , Collars, Silk and - Linen Haendker ~leaohed and Brown Hlomspuns, Cloth. and Caeulmerm, Sathtets and Tweeds, Ladies Hlatasad Ribbone, i'-i fine 1led and * Colored Blankets, Hats and Caps. A large variety off Boats and Shoes.. ugar, Coffee, Tel, Mapkerel,$Nrdines,He~r rin su. Cheese, Pioliels, Spice, Pepper, ~, hewing and tnoking Tobacco, Sf Ig ~ andy, Soda, Soap, - . enttated Lye, Can t a, Dbor ad i34 .C . haatdBrush )f .every khi arti.. los to tediccq At the C os, an '6- - e. WM. WH.1. DYf N & Co Formerly of Hayden & Whiden, Of KING &T., CORNE &OF BEAIPAIN BT., CIIARLEsT grl, a. 4. AS o*env*" a omlete' 'a'of House Furnishing Articles,- Crock. cry and China Glass U are. Plated Good( of every variety. Cloeks, WAtches and Jewelry. Pocket and Table Cutlery. Buckets, Baskets and Brooms Watches and Jewelry repaired. Old Gold and Silber purchasod. Orders promptly filled and forwatded. ,jan 13'66-lawgm MKPES' NITROGENIZED Phosphate of Lime. Y putting on 'two hundred pounds - per acre it will increase the quantity of Cotton three hunpdred pounds or more. This Fertilizer contaivs all the properties of barn-yard manure, and Im' roves the land. Send your orders Immediately In order to have them ith time for planting. Send for a Circular. $old At Factory pri ces, by the addltion of the froight. if. W. KINSMAN, No. 279 Kiny-Slreet, 'S&le Agent. jan 16'6A-2 CHAWFURF FACTOUS. SI3lPP1j3gM AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Offlice Ist Cottou Town. COLUMBIA, S. C. W I LL tore or ktwn d tuv lit- ftrwardl - tuz ot Cottion, -Produe. Furssi lure and Goods entrusted to their care. Will also sell Horses, Mules, Cattle, Ao. We pledge ourseles to use every endeavor to-ptotnote the welfare of those who may favor us. with their pan onage. J. M. CRAWFORD, L..P. MILLER. jan 9'6--6 JOHN CUMMINS, Boot, Shoe and Hat House. Sole agent for the Spring Valley White Lead Works. Linseed, Kerosine Oils, &c, NO. 141 MEETINU-S'REET, oProsIT itAYNa. Charleston, S. (I. dec 28'85 line NOTICE, 11EG leave to Inform all my . f:.iends that I have resamed my business in the manufacture of BOOTS and SIROES, In the best and finest style by White )te. chanis. and hope they will call and judge for th emselves. R. W. BONET. Jan 2'66-tf School for Young Ladies. -WINNBORO'. 8. C. rH E 21st Se.ion of this School will F cormmeno on Monday, the 16th of Janutary, 1866. For terms, a ply to ltev. J. OBEAR, Prinelpal. Jan 2'66-6* MILLS HU -Meeting Street, CH ARLiSTON, S. C. C~pIlls HOUSE "l.a. been THOR. I- OUGH LY REPAIIIED ttt'd RE FURNISHED, and -danno~t be ex'eelled by nIn. the eI. JOSEPHPU EL, anj 9'65-t1 Propretr Boots and Shoes Xade endA Rogaired, g'Nshoftest. noliee and In neatest style. ..By Wi.- Banders, formerly servapt, to *. G, Dril7 Esq. ~l.~Aer twenty-fite years experlenee h~t~erpnrit patronage honesty and KO4l~Pist. References . G. Barkley, R.'Thompson, Esq., Rev. WV.'E. D.g. '..' Jan 11',68'-1mo. D.:F FLEMINQ & CO., Wholosal. Dealers - IN ' Boots. 5Saoes.' Traumks, Ae. 2 Hayne Street, C7ORNBRR OD ' UlUROH-BT ABAT, -CH ARLESTON, 8. .,. L VING reaumued busliu R tha eld . stati4, 2 .Haytie.St.8 e' .-of ChubhStreet, are new ,eeeflg gaatrg and well assortqd steek-of Whlid es ? Olib flu dr~d dLato r~ ant W AN' D.to inre immdiatt i .11-0 Ovnrinsteo nehid -8. . 0. road, One -Hunded abli Bodied Iaborer (colored)to be employed in the re-oousttu tien of Road. Liberal wage. id.,( F futther -inforlsation, apply to Creigt. Railroad Agent, C. Douknigh 'io reaaul'. or to the nadersigned J. W. GREEN Engineer. Jan O'66.-t f PIUMEIL 16INE O1T '9913412 raR DalImaorne, PbIIadelifaga kew York sUed 1ento00, vin A I . NasrIe and Chem!Peseie THE COMODIOUS STEAEIR' PIONEER ani C'NODORE DE ILL leave New lierne for for Nolitoli ro , WV on TUE8IAY of each irek- at o'qlock, A. M., connecting with the diferen.. lines of steamers for the 'above, sasied. points. On and after th'e first day of -De. cember next they will leave on Tuesday aun( Friday of each w k, taking semi-weekly trips. Shi pers oy Goods will recelve evety' facility and accommodation for tho- trans oration of the same, as arrafgemen*. ave been tnade with the different compau.. panies to forwad- goods to bis lie'q at ioW rates and witihout delay. Each of ihese steamers are capable of cgrrying. TWO NUNDRED AND FIFTY TONS OF BENGAY through the canal without .dlipui, as they were built expressly for the de. - They are fitted up" with STAIX ROOMS and BETI8 capable 'of aopommodating thirty4-ve passengers. Every, -attention ,)ill bepaid to thi .comfort of, - fasengersi who will sot be subject toh inicouvenience of transfer to other vessels, buf *i 4e ta. ken through direst without chgage. The tables of the steamers ve 'liberallf supplied with the best Ahe nrlaet affords. Familiestraveling-wil. find It to their in terest, to take this line. as they will thereby eseape the danger and discomfort of a se6 route, and the fatigue of ra.road travel. On the 16th. of Decenber next. if thes boiiness of the line warrants it, the steam-n er WII.LL'AMS will be put on the route, and! tri-weekly trips will be made. For freight or passage apply to WHI' FORD, DILL & CO., New Berne, N. C. DAVID WILLIAMS, Proprietor. ne 21'66 T.M.BISTOL L, Wholesale Dealers in BOOTMq SHOES, - T M N M E. 2 t ' NO. 169 Meeting S&eet corneert CH1AR LESTON, S., C. STOCK 5sfzuD stitY *A3. T. M. BRISTOLL, C. T. DUN4HAM .ee A. 8. BROWN... dee 28'--8mo, DtAElRS IN , - GII(ERAL IIARDWRE, CUTLER - HOUSE FVRI'IISIJ OO. GENERtAL ASSORTMENTi OF' IN Oe 30 pposite Charlest,q en ? ~ 3EY. As. 0. STACY, .. ~ RINCIrA~ Assisted by ceompiahte itn'etuotae e 18th of May.. - - * 'The 8eeohd' Sessiowil b ejin 1 and end October 12Ih,,wighrwo weekp4 ~ ,t tionila Augut 6.' . Etis of Tuition for' Flees si4'", 4 yea ; payabW, oneltialt iaan 'o b,~ residun at the exp'rtlen pt tie.i the Session,'pay 10th b f Collegiate peartment, S20' o6. 9i T'i; Primary Department, See.. o 1 ~ Primary Department, See.! ,''OgL' Musls on Piano4 -' ' t(~I~OP~~ Vie of Instrumessi ' a L~asio, Gr e, or, Freneh .,&' . Dtai 6'0,Painting -n9 PhoneI Short-hand Wrtip1 - Vooal biao, a44v- 7 'Ihe~a hargs~wib w d - -p~de b$4 paymdnt-fe b eaus ~ ~t ime o. Iss~liatlo wil