The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, January 18, 1866, Image 1

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A". IV-. r ti 4 9rtes.] WINNSBORO, S. C., T PUTDADX' - D DESPORTE. kmb Pied on Tuesday, Mt yl at $0.00,per au * as .etnts. ocoupying not mao ban A~tines. (one .square,) will he -luas i4 in0'11ty 7sws," at $ .00 for ti Ora egotIonn seveoty-five Conte for each sti'emetshen no Cotfact is tiade, r bo' charged in exact rropot ni~rq4to ilt M, made In accoriance with ohtuftn Ino. $ go. column6 me. 6 75. 40. .46- 100. 1 46. 4, 6 " 120. A ' 4 year 100. 9 40, i " 1 ", 120. 6: 1o I o 200 4ujibaet wil also .be.made for smaller spins A4, for period. Omer a kionth. r-0n hundNg~% aanilidate 4 any office oeoroit, 1onor 46 trust. $100. .-" ' Mtrriati, Objtrier Notioq', &e., will be ebjed. t9 sA * as y(dvenisesents. vei I~ a I~ ne 71 k~y d T US8 A A 'r., 'it ;3 a . i 4 Mill comenas in the L. tp~ la erly in :Noven 1006A .54Y~jly-;ournal, .tp be known as the i~ NK.fqYN. REOGRJP..' t 11 Coniafntl g age of -ne paper anld e atrfpe, Ai 1il jiinke when hUmid, a volutie of permanent alue. While qli t latest reilious islt friis: the'~rqes at.home and abro I als6 etaln a weeklyg Wdigest of col. "I~antife aid' 'potical .Jntelh. gence, * I' a'eral Information on literary, -ientiio ai agrioultural subject s. saking.jutail4doptable .to the city'and I country roidpr.' Miniuiist~itrhoughout the South,- acting an hgents'and reeiving eltbueriptions, will Ie entitled,1e a copy. Far ane eopy or si1 saonths, $2.00 Yor 444 aj oteyear, 400 For -~ 9 oa# wAdross, for six PO-P $1600 y to pne gdr09, foron 4 to, oe dat esa th sto Is$ 0.Ain ;vye q, quent in... i r iabt terpi. 1t .A. 4M0OD). - e~den ?RE y b/eoo ,4"I FO,19JN' .I ahell er "M to U e Interes t of - *0 t tat of thj Pquth: the ited 4te they will th oper =1otito-de- o :t Geparal. GO' t ego slt. b1e Made to mAR e WSaeiriayolain newspaper, 0 ~ i*orby R the.. ptroUagp it I -' ~ ;9 i e, 1 , ) *4:th' , ~ oatli, p yable in . 4elt ,'* ted lites,.one. -I v . een e ts per M ver I [tal tle for .egd - Weis fwI? 114ys't hgbota :e Y! . selves In, * ~q~fa &iitI~usi- III 'owed the ~~0(N AE a NP fit *4 A Pi gla x 0he. 16r0is o . ~Ivand intaied for the e'L to Abl dos -4 Ae as t Jaw. smesmmsurm.!ff#An 'ho ChurcI iate ll t:tcc'-, D EVOTED to the interests or the Pro testant Episcopal Chtrch, is publidli. ed at Charlotte. N. C. Terms of subsie-ip lion, cash in advance. For six months, 42 00 for one ytjr, .1 60 Txnxs or ADvniaTsix-.-Fifteen cents a line. or for the space of a liue. forthe first insertion ::knd ton cents for eacityubseyptenf insettion. To 'yoarly advert ilers. a liberal deductioi on the above will he made. Subscribers desiring to have their Post, Officos changed. will state both wh<-ro their palrr are now being sent, and where they would have them directed in future. For one month before each subscription expires. a pencil mark on the niargin will retnind the uhscriber to renew his subserip lion by an early remittance. All communications should be addressed, "Church Intelligencer, Charlotte, N. C." oct 24'06 REEVIVED: A Nv p.wsi. ErIE s.O - "THE BAPTIST BANNER," ' WILL BE CONUMENCED , ON IAlUitDAY, THIE 9Ti INSTAN', AT A101O4 TA, OonIA, By the Former Proprietor. AM happy in being able to make the above annouincemtent.. The Banner will be published every Saturday. 0( l Suhsription itre respectfitly :10 licited. $3.00 per Annum. Aldiresi JANIFS N. ELS, l'rSopriecor. *W Each nowspnper in ('eorgia and South Carolina will please col-- 1wice, and send bill to J- N. E. sept 28'15--2 BY WARIING & IERItON. Cha rlotte, N. C. TERMS FOil PAPER 'r1iE DAILY. T3IMES will le.furnished at $10.00 per annum. in, ninvaheo THE TIll-WEEKLY TIM ES will he pub. ished every Tuesday, Thursday and Saiitr lay morning. and supplied for $8.00 per an. kum, payable in advance. 'he Wmekly jews. This papor, containing twenty four col amns, a transcript of the "DAILY Tiits." will be published every Tu.esday morning ind wailed to sitbeorilt-rx at. $4.b0 per an. jum. It will-contain all tlhe Political. Con. nerelial, Agridultural, Financial and other mporinnt news, and will be specally da 'oted to the ndvinenient of the interests of ur Agricultural aid Moechanical or labor 'ng popiulation. ADYERTISING TRMS: -For one square. (10 lines or loss,) $1.00 r .eac'., Insertion, Advertisements not. mked, will not be discontinued withoto a rrittem order, and will he charged -at full Ites, sept 16'65 The .CiesiorSt sIaasdaard, BY GEORGE PIThIER, UBLUEsiD WEEKLY AT 0i1STEnR C.,t., a. C. EMMS : For one month 25 cents, or 75 c cents for three months, payable strict r i advance, ether in specie or. provisions [o .subseriptiont received on any otiier wrws than the above, nor for a longer r shorter period. Any person obtaining a cilb of ten names 'ill receive the papeir grat is. Adrertiservents inserted at $1 00 por uaro (10 lines) for the first'nsertion, and cents for every additional Insert ion. -eat 24'65, The Instelligelueer. aWLISUaND WE5XLT %T ANDZnUoN 0. i., s. C., BY fiQYT & HUMPIIREYS. T Three Dollars per annom In United States currency, or Two ,Dollars a bar in specie R A.'ES OF A DVE RTISING Advertisements inserted at the, tes of he Dollar pet square of twelve ,hVo for le first iisertion. and Fifty Cent each bsequent insertion..' Obituaries ahd Mar. age Notices charged for at those--rates. Soet 24'65 . SThme Phssaix, PODLISISUD AT GOLU3ND'A, 5. o., flY JULIAN A. SELBY. r"""'"''ly''"'n''''""'''e''r~ -iornu. Iexcept Sunday, isfilled with the uM . i ws, (by telegraph, mails, eto..) Ed, al gespaence, MisedllarV.d?oetry and ato. *the.on ly daily paper In tbe Sltate, te city of Char relten. Weekl Phenix. ibr country circu. 6b(shed every TiuesdayThurday d i d has Il the read fiug mate n jed l6the daily lssues of the ,* Itens.eepsolas it. sa Iatetedd as aniYi lynsl d-$-p * W feitl Wi tbt ah' ealy b .~00 I'it n nI.' AT* n.tx~rroN, s. c., By J. M. lolWx. TElLM8 of sull bscrirp ion-T1o mcnbsoriiers ott our hoiol:s, 93.511: to ne-scri hers. 84. Adverismexits per qin ire, first' iceiserc iots, 1.50 ; ealclh subsetitent inser tion $1. A d1vett ienet' sta not pidi fer' in nivane will be contiined n lumil p3ad tor, tnd be charged necordiligly. Tril-cient ndvertisoe tents inst he paid for in advancie. Adver fiseeortus not nitarked for a certi'n ibnher of insert0ions, will he eoniunied until for hid, and chaerged accordingly. net 24'65 Thw Xioowt-"Cc itsurier, rrn i.istiv:n wtn.iy .A,g ,in v. nf . s. c., M' it. A. TIllOMPSON & CO. T 1lNIS-ONto lollar flool Twenty-five V e.ats for mix mnthe-l. in neliance?. A dveri4tenioiit ijiserite- -et 81 per seleinare for tle first insertion, atid 50 cents for each subseqenit i neriion. [ ec 2.4'll.5 New vl'ok D.sily New". ) 11,N and Weekly. The Yew York D Werby News, a gren t'-intily nevs pnleer--ieneinin ~Wo9l l'roprietor-tho largest. best anetl clieaiest papete puldished in New York. Single cepies. 5 Cents; ono copy oeie, year $2: three copirs. ote year. $5 50: five copies one year. $8 75: ten copies one year, $17 and an extr., copy t. atny eloih or ten. Twenty One colies one year. $3": the l'eekdu Veers ii sent to cler. gynhen Pi .41 110. e:w YoRK 1)t .Y Nriwn -To mail rol, scribers. $1 I pr nnnitn : six l .'otnhs, $5; payments itviriably in adivance.. Specinte n COpies of Daily and Weakly News sent frfe. IIENJT. WQOI), lb- ' y News nIlileing, No. 19. City liall Sejaro. N. Y. City. Oct 24'*t5 it. . 1By WM. I. 8MITil & 10., Fil anel Fireside look l'culqisling House, 68 Fay-et eville St.. Rligh, N. C. NAtMEERNS: BY >tttS. FANNY Mtenarun DOWNIn0. One vol. 10 no ; Fine t'loth, fl'rice $2.00 Th's IA a thrillii stceeiy of and the fashilnable wArld. nid aside troten noerb. hiew plot nrtictially ilerwoven a mode in oniektiv'e iVh :il.-h111ts ancd d. am vn parccuaenc, gr itd acid exquisite to et.nracter aid finah M OSFS POM A ROLLING STONE; I.V TXtLLA-bA1>.V DAAN11 CLARK'. Atnthor ofre4Retninicrenseto or t'c.," e. -voot Notep."'e Tranalationof Mague-rit,,"1 ee Lady Tartuffe."etc. Onevol.. IC moeethc. ...........P'ice gl.t ContaInq comivcplece poetical writnra of the pspelar authores. nnd tA a letiectful settita et all the sparkling timonds tflat hevn beet found clineging 4)to th e rolline stone't nr n -tret life. na, it washed with' fte eb and flow ef the aectiin. tide or Thought and Imagina. tion. THECHANGE, 'ont A Statement of thes Reasons and Facts thich Maden me a Raptist. BY rEV. T. 1. ctNasnURfY. One vseimce,. 16 mo.cloth, .......Price 2 .50 flat few writerm wield a pen with nech ron Pummiate ekill. e-aoe .nd vigror. as Mr. Kite'ee-. hury. liis beook hqa received the moat luart v ind earneat eritical rnd!ore'ment of Elders T. E,. Sklinner.,3. 1). Huffmn, Ediller Ngalier. 11-1. ,order. N. It.. Cobb.. ('or. See. N. C. flpti.t nrd eef Mtssieone, anI oether eminenrt DivineA, ,No Un ptist feily lhocttd be withoot it. No >pponent oef tbe haptists shouli fail to read it."I Oct 19'65 Time Moullcra E'%preds Coanapamay FFER unciurpisited farlitil for the ship. I nent (froi Aurusta and1 pointa South.) irCojton, Cottoh Geod. and beavy freight,. or Savannah, Now York, and tll pointa North knrt Weat. rhronch receipts a onl which inaurat, :an be effected at tef. Interneal Revel itb . 11 he p-teis or bonds riven by thia CorpSyi, in accordance with -%gulattionaof th3 United States Treaonry Do eartment. For patrtictlara and rates, inquire of South. irn gxpreas Conpany. T InCompany is now prepared to forward ?OID AND SILVER COIN. CURRENCY, PARCE1*, AND F'REJGITS, ro Petersburr, Va., Lynchbuerg,.a., D~nville,.'Va.. . Bristol, Teon, ~eensboed?,' N. O,-Salilibury. N. C., ' E~h, 1W. C..' * -Weldeer.. N. C.. roN. .,,. ,Wilcnington, N. C. A No TO *AY'eAtoWa ota fii- nIa.and TennMano Ra~lmnsd, SfoutiI-Sidio laltoad, Petersburg jilroad, North Ca,'o~na nitton acerd Wehqon airowd, and Wqalern I 'tTERS, -MO't PAf'KA~idi ANb ' SMA LL PAfiLSLS ro ,olumnbia. B. C.,e .'%ej~~iostt,' . tttiutae Ga., &*.'Pavencecah,ta; anton, ,Ga., e imba G . ritlie See soutlc'Q rolinae road. Ueor ro W r Rkilroad, Atesa u atl.' SousthWraft i~hI 800S Rati .Rand Alabams~a I d, lGodda ell abt a it atdet JtS'hIjetub tpd ftJcf eds The New Yerr' Night of on' Erring One, ( I'uniated tM6 Grman of Richter.) A I midiight of the New Year, an old ma1.n .tood at his window gnzing with A look of despa. ir out, uipon ihe. utvary. mZg nnd wide exten1t of the blue heavens, and downu agai upon- the quiet earth, so purely wmte, upon. which no other mortal was so joyless and sleepless as hims1lf. CI'se a hand was his grave, -onceled only by th'e .soW of old age liot 'ihe verdtire of vouth-the only frujis of his Whole rich existence, his errbis. his misdeedb his infirmitics, a ruined hooly. a withered moul, a heart filled wnih loison. an] an old age of re no rsu. Now tle days of his heantifil yotith passed before him as icspectre tram ., Wid carried him back to, thutt fhir mn rinmg oinoi which his father liri. phcedv him at that starting point in life from which two roads diverge: The one to the riiht.. eadinug : liro'igh the11 sn .1-path of-viriue mIto a wid]e nn quiiet laud, the dwelling place of pure spirits, ever bright> ever glorious, where the wearied pilgfinm meets his reward. That to left, leading thro' the mole-tracks of crime, into lint dark pit, adown wthiose sides deadly poisons cominially dis ill ; where Vetonmed serpents coIl around their vie im.11)8 with deadly fan* amid denso and glooity Vxhallaitons. . Ah ! low the ser; d pon hang upqn Lis breast, and the pois. I on-drops f1l upon his tonguie, and a ter rib h-i ertai int.y 6f htis late Seizes him. Mmilk, and with munterable grief, he i cris to Heaven I "Give me back my Youth ! Oh ! filther, again place me when. 1 canl choose I lie better path."- V But his flther and hlis yonit had long s sine pasRsed away. H0 saw the igncs b d ug fliting o'er the bogs and finally dis. 1 appe irmlg amliid thle tombs, 11nd exr-laimi. it ed, "These are the da ys of noy folly?' A star fall from the heaven's, glitter. a ing In its fall, only to le dissolved upon it fhe snowy .nrih. "Sneh am I," burst from his bleeding heart-and Remorse, r with ills teeth, dug yet deeper into its f votiulds. His excited itmagination con. a jueil tp before him the stenltby iigt- 1 wilker upon the iouset opl; the wind. 8 lill, with its ponderons arms, threaten- )l ng to crnsh hin, anld n mask which had a 'ent lift in tle empty chtrnel-house, a gradtally assuming his own fleatres e Ii the midst of this terrible conflict. A idenly tlie sweet music fpr the Now. d Year chimel down from thie steoples. a like the nnthem-strains of some far ofi f -Imrneht ; le wa< soot lied ;again lie raised uis eyes to the horizon,'and gazed aroumd upon thi wide earili ; and memory h. c ;ied itself with the friends of his vouith-- S they were now leaders and tea'chers of I their race-fitihers of happy children -T td blessed among uien' h sail - I 'A h lid I chosen, I couild have sweetly a iunbered as you .dq on this the first g ight of tle year-with no tears to h ireak my rest.-ah ! 1, too, could have C leen hlippv, Ye saited p'rontsx, httd I " bvyed voutr instructions itndlis ened to of votr wishes for a "happy New-teutr." tu rmid these feverish -remiimscences of, is youth, tiere again arose hefor him ho mask, with his own foatuerein the bltarnelten-house, aid at last, thro''that iperstition by which one New-Yeta's tight can1 behold spirits aind . look ito the future, it was changed iito a iviag youtl ." cati bern no more," Itid hte covered his eyes; hot, burning . ears streamed down, and were dissolved at mid thie snow, and he sighed forth only ti ho mnore piteously, franticaly,-"On.. oth I, yoetht, return uto mie again,;t" fld ia youth retnrned, for ho. had only' -r Ireamedl a fearfutl dreama ont New Yed/s h tigh t ; he. was still yomutrg ; but hj's. wvan erimga were no dreamt. He thatuked io4 thnat he was yet yong..enotigh to c ,rPake -the (lark, thiornty pat hs of evil (j nd oif crime ; *and to -turn back into the ti tmny path which leads to the latid of ii tirity atnd blessedness. Turn wyith him, 1 otnthftl reader, if thtot, $wo, hast wuon. credl, lest, this fearhtul dream ehaHl be by futture Judge and. Aqocuser,- whein iOnl abalti thy egtremiitt 0ry out 0 l comoe back, cotmi ,sek,ty beauti. ti youth," and the mnoekistealihes shall verberate, ''Come ba k Oo na Sak -and it returns snos,.~ Seeretary Seward hait rV'... tnd on vessels a tot LVVL.- 11.-NO. 131. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. From a sketch of this great' cavaly fficer, published in the N. Y. News, ve clip the following: le laughed and danced, Anrd mada ierry wherever he, went. Hie would ght all day, and at night-if. circum. tances perinitted-ride ten miles, with is banjo-player,and d'ance with a ..pnr. Y of young girls till the "small hours." f his fatigie had' been great he would man back on a sofp, fall asleep in a mo iant, and wake to dance a:s gaily as be .re. A greater faculty for sleeping 1st % hn le wished I never sa w. Halt lie time on marches he slept ,in the addle, and his adroiliess in not falling ras remarkable.. With one knee ihrown vet the pommel of the iaddle. arn) fold. d and chin resting on the ,hreast, he vould sleep mile after mile, antd' wake s much' refreshed ipparently as though e. had risen from a good bed. Tiler wassomething of the cavalry. ,an in everything that Stuart did, as a his persotial gtppearnce and habit.. t was seldom that he doffed his hili loots even in winter qiiarterp, and h! avariably danced in his spurs. A pair mde of solid golI nand ichlv carved' rera presented to hi' blit hese he nly wore upon ogxtratordimarv occasiors. lisa.sabr Was a Freneli sue, slight, she.- ) or, plint and ligilt. 'rhis riarelv lert. is aide. lie preferred horse- f 11U. hum size, rather light--liked mares, ad would never have stalions. * ix crsee "Skylark," "Stai of' the nst," Lady Margaret," Lill ,v 'the Valley " rere all eXcfellent. The eqipment. re all plain and. good, a McClellen ddl, without leather coveriig, curb it, and single rein-no nin rtir.gale ; ehind tihe saddle a red blanket rolled 1 on oilcloth, and on the ponmel a cav Iry cape and oilcloth overall. These re trifiles. it. may he said, bit. the worht I m'ade lip of 'ifles." The Gneral's seat in the saddle was ot only goo4-it .was perfect. His gare was short and heavy. but in the iddle lie was the nodol (if a cavalier. le seemed to "grow there." His per. n moved with the movements of his orse, Ho perfectly that horso and rider eMed one. .1[ wis aln excellent .ord.iman, and would have been-nay ten was -p dangerons mani ina charge. regiment, of men like Stunart, vith the - rawn sabre, would go through or over riything. it is certain-at least that they 10n1d dlie tryin. Ciruncut Mtisto.--After a sormo'n on nagregational music, Dr. Armitage, of rew York, set hia. congregation to lking h*v rokitng his experitnee in: remnlit Tetrjple, 0oso6.- He had Krd of its choir of.bAdred ingers, 14 the organ th'at,reqired a steam en% ne to fill the bellows, and ar something grahd.: -oerd jig1 ve out another hymn. A\iotherjig I [1i1 fix yoti,". he said ; ,I'll give you ie that can't be sung to a dancing he." - S0 he selected' the hyrpn: "From all that dwells below the skies. Lot the Creator's praise arise." "Sing it to the -devil's riiic if you n," he raid to himself. 8ure eough iother jig! "I went from 'I'remont trmple as soon a, possibl,".. he si, Lnd have not been th' uhi1. ; And to t me there again; t& haye ty'expce. .19e repeated. woold -14e4 a biger nm engine tali the one' that koeks TtE ATrs OP THE FhV'ErpMAN P u as pnleed th't Jndiana L~gia tiro r-b* iring tehe Goyernor, dr his substituta', enforce the tlhirtoenth' ardlalg ofe~ rnsttutinn Tzohibiting, the' h'ntoi a. nf of negroes' -intlo he Sifte'an4'.4a' prizing' hlim to fmne, peiaaltidand( aprisomatentkif he dloes not-enfords 'the ir. Poor Sambo fsreb bufillyunoit' *pretended friender "I'ho Monitgomnery (Ata.) tAdver usr pbrts a that cit~y 'betwe n9o.' ' lie sand over .one' hundred'Wf ffty. l go* iII wuhih the for nef tg9th 'd gitfIathong~h th 'Atter eo~d.." 'r9t.'jThreor foufr -policemeb 'oere up oe 4 3 igt 6 cin)d n toliges 4o 4*tL1 Be88Ge Pl~I~~.4 14~botit 8~