WINNSBOBO. Tuesday Morning December 1018%. New Advertisemeits. Dr. W.H. BAtNy navprii'. III il. 8tmitc Classes in Frenci. CHALSs CA-rucar rr TIuws3 have fornit a. . -. See advertisement of gomauds. Messages. wt- puiblihoday Goeno 1,-,I, 11)ii~ t i ll-~ (n"(tti th fi - icl gt .,f li q9tl0(l0. of its xIreme Iligth -114i itm press upon our VolaI n i-* 'he nf S. Prily exvludi d. It, (ilr iiext piillite.. tion) WO Will presentsnhexi-e pertain toI the great irm it tion of Ite day, ulpol whieb bIni hl destiny of a whole people, viz : Il.- r,-a>. rillion of fll- Soiuith to the f(ll y .-. tives of freiedon. Congress. The f 'l ing ap p'ir.. in r l:tl.,te Tims.- Our re.ilers b) c'til-i ing t h is and the seriet of ri.\lti f '\Ir. S.:I, t in) tihl Setnarl., eIl f-rmi1 :I gIrx - imit idlet Of 1 hle omCOMiilion 1 a 1n;. nus of the meln who nre sioIt in in Jiidg,"nunt npon till d,..ii-iii's of , i honi-. or wildo soin a few da vs. The North Caro ln-i 4roil , ;. itl PnIt-svwo their ert-denitls to he Clerk if hI Ie House, "nd wi-re nliiffe1ll t . I-tr -as, spectatorg merely Rev wNe r not permitted nrnke t o any rennrks-to vote-Llnor Ake any part in its pro-e..d. igs--nor does i- seem thev will i. Y Congress has appointet a conmnitpc. to invetigae And'report ipon the pr"2enii. status of -the Sftates ately in relwiekiia and to delte precimely thi r cowili tioll entitled to representationn. We tNo wloo , k now what will le the comn Ihi. xcion it this committee, ani what views they) will advocate. And we enn easilyn m lowing circular, which 'A find in 'hii Winchester papers. wil.1 twe"" with a hearty and material respons:' thrttigh out the country. . - "To TE PEOPLE OV Till'- S .Zi TIhe recent. battles aroind Win e Virginia; have left hi, t'Ill races i., iany graves seat tered broid (nt an area of . twelve ii's radin. .dend were generally biried %here fell, and their rudo grave are fast disap. pearing benea Illhe feet of imn I il n. beasts, free, fromn hile want of encltisare-A to go where they Will. * "Those wvho died italk were mnostiy burijed in t~l graveyard, buit its 41n ottg -been destroyed, and *. ver its wvhcle extent. "Thie farming opera sa son, the wear of the thet disappearance, by remtov th, of theote who were present atW hriiatls. wvill, in a few monthsill, l'ave li knowi edge of t resting place~ of nia Vny mar tyrod dead. - reqlmpeb- byC~iihfr it 01-on ih-tin i sage infn :hf o itizens jce- and er vicitn, waere throe -'. n o to p ceettryu fond n. thi mathvr n ub otnraied eneltue. belif thc ou, will reeluirt a conierab l aao dfimony. I1 Theymtas ofiut ourf ciiens e ver | l mucho o diminse. h waInd i., ye.' sut~s i w re hef, in-e. t p e kal t ton for c-in thimaner fitn-it coaed b y e 11 th elie tv.htyuwl felr it a pivie, s woell asj aI dnt. pay thi triute respe ctti~l iig~ t .ath \eouy of those . who klin'I youirv cas .9 -n cessi b14 record will Lie pre:1 red o~f uVt-I grave. "All j't~s'ifS ursiii Ies 11. A. Boyd, Ia 'lo OME',N$ OF. A~J(II.~.I N V Ii CI Nr lii 1 i~aick, Of, Ilie niiov ('i, f'de~le. lfler.ipon rtheir lid tile il'114.sE.( Io 1-1-11011 L0 M rs. Philli IVill11os or li t. A I ". 1 approviig pa1p(-rs are' reirqlteste, i~ililTI.( V.,Fox%' 261, 1865. It s m SIll (4 t o pnc lolilttt." l ol fifl4S"li (or V isiI al overnot 1hi 1i.iit 1(i Ytw4r i iiol~ tooaiv oft lo ~liJ.4tj 1110111 lug v 1.)iii C ditIi l tll t al lit l4lt .ivJ . lol '.~ d aS i ll liOhVe e, ill m4 an. i'.Itrcil iiiora c ta iifl ilil~lll 4 andl 111 Ill 1, ioep4S i-t~ol c)111 I (o ht( fillrt 'lollf.. We Iti c lli' O i 41Ee i 14), iml- iotitly require. Tlhe all 111a liappri priatioik. 'for Fi.,* School., all for. h it,i ino 'i v 'aoiiz. fbrIithh.. lilspi lii ell fit, Ih 'rn -t, i (.a, .1,1Ia ll.- ap 1 il.s ImtiirgijlIv re'duced. 11itt, wvit h il. it will lOtf 100n suich ;I SltIl, to0 It1(.(. It 104 Si4l r , v "~ x 111111 ireS, It1 Wvill heo'ppr-es. j~. Il peorph. to rau. '[lit% 2Iit Ili 141 tI I )t111st 1 Iifv ll. ijy. l t 1th o l Il wI' I.' Atl it'su I , i t~.t'l 111.. itt (4, v41 I II .)!4I ,!fi4tl Ili ViI- vljilt. lf 1 t11 0 Y11:11"ll 11 1A itt I l it t4 r lilt 1110111) 1)'~t lit - itl ? It 4illq lit f it f, a t ioll 4111 ii. The1 1 i mont' tli S*.. 4 I' fj,'4 -1.i uij tii .r i ti4 li ol l rr:.ltI. itP II lI~ole i doI'#.pae, 1141II ~I liP~lllt lll . -v c 'r, .titl) hse ut d liil ll Loss. Ili Iii At,~t 'l'l't01 triVj4!4't'li Ii' T41hl1 4. lo4 t '1111 i4 1 :11.5 l iC .1 11141. 1. Ib l V4 lat iIll( \Vl 411141 lint - Ciill i l. I ' !'.~ dz fill. to l .Ut( 1, h 1t. , itd)L~t 1 111 1 (4tIigri'ss :Pt' ill tolt cnsider 11-il I44 oit ,l'4 yh t vt itt A.en I O lii0 a priviet g die l So~ vtat If14i I( Un itd sttle a s il tl ot t bejf l l t liticlli4 v hm). of~i ri 'lge.Ap p1401 La ) itill I tt 4from 'L~l n u tay J-ril I m,it I f teel 11 il 1)tli in o lilt' stiil d411 tatll 1411 Lt .1.rtf,I wllri "titof Il-S A ' f0 01111:6011hi ili)lS . 1. 't 11f ( -1-Ollt , 4i141 i .111 4 l l o rt illt ltb hasf: 1), b 44'1 .fl hV bt itl , h 40 i il am 01~atrt the t iavileg ('e 'f Iujing his1fto to idg dl't, ila Lietfilhon hiitpr)oporC3 ho nn he menl~thd- that tie int.eret andi .part of th pincipatl ablntd .be~oiite( . antntlly ;- thant tihe wtioie ' nin'v~bc 1) Collltered when the debior attelp ts frill ednnlently r candestinely to re.ntove O C disposa of his proporty ;. thait thle a s Albonid not a ppily to debts contracled aftet p )1_3 Il s;a sre, nor should any indulItgenc be given iml enres of tresplissor for tortL to ;erson or property committed before 1 or after tie passage of tho Act. Seions meonveniences often result frou tihe'*diflienltv and elnay in senring cmi for railroad, antf 'ctiring, mit. "ig ant nfher companiv.:, intended to r d-'nveop the w'altib atid resouireos oft he Stale. Mich time is necessarily constnm e(I In the consideration of en'h .Igplica. ton, and ti!e statnto book are enncmber, ed wit Int Ine numerons acts of inceorporna. tion. To facilitate the formation of ill comnpaennie where men are willing to ventnre their mnteans to develop the in (lustrv',, prosperity and resources of the State, I t!econnnnd l th pa4snge of a general act. of incorporanion, and Iwhen its provisions are complied withIn, that the siliscribhers to tie capital. stock he Ileclarefi n hly politic. . fly Acto'ftine General Assembly in 1837, tIne State lent its credit to Iure -I ion for thine. Lotisville, Ciininnati and (liai i lston Railroad Company, and an. 1tnrized tle Comptroih-ir Get'al to en dorse I tho(nL of tho Company, pG it,. "inn'. ail fndl' ffnnfls of the State tmo tin ftithfl perfourmance. of tine cnmntract.." [ie hontds, amnountttinng to two ilillinitiS of doliars, were issnned and 4 etndorcd, a! wil fall due tine first of Jnuar'r ti-t. 'lhe CompanV 11a1nn30t pily thn hoids, ald tIe Statq is u1n1nbl00, at tie present time, to. nake good fite endorsement. It is bel-ved that hef l.p-inipal otnid-ho iders art wifing to xteind de'ii. for twent v yea rs lonngnnr, if tIhe State will retnew her' gnirant.y. T!h State- ias a statuitory mon'nrtgage of t innI rennl.nnnj iupont it.q rOnew alf I recomrtn'twttyf t it~nnit n orif v he ive the Comptrr-(eneral, or Ithe' 'n'ap nirer,.to rtnew t i endorqeten of Ibe ntNwV bolnd- It I. nay- V he reqtiied to liti dalte i i bn ti. No increase~l liabilit v (ftn the p rt. of Ite Stnte wilh,1u itncurre'l anid we 11 ny rn.asonnably *ait icipato thit., winhmt it nt'-xt. twetnty 'ars, tihO Com Panty can11 14 fihe h iid-, .principidallnd ofi tw Board ,f Te(, -n~ o ~ t itt ntttI c arttoli ' ' - ,r "ln nat Colleg l,cnleri i k .nt I !wn-art iliv I 'It-r i n u r n i;v ali n rnn- I. -dIa- llofn II$ e l. t i t i vn-d f , y . yf b l o b . t)I The incr*d m r -111 , 1 1 '1 wc it will i ort - i n ,h w I tnearnli y s te ynppo rt nnng t t era S t te (ny proprmilti f SOVeU ntntn1ri h IIInr fift 11It doligrs t I of nite. prof,- ' :,,o tn rI p troach i ii nn Ch nr, i nb il t re. . re innl' :dma nd r tif 1-D : -IM, pm nlnrper i tt, iit ts ,. rn li n a I'e, jaie Pe -t. e rm u n ' i and . , it a lo minid i I to 'l I tsorn u ie. iit it tin, tBoardl of jnin a istori > n ii ar A ni uny be~ naii ant hen cm ts~ orcna mntia tion e tver n"d i '. Ontinue it a nll~tiiit.' tinig mi 1.-.. ht bdignt -lin lestotn i Idpa g'n hr (b in .Purpose, and~ (an.ti Ctn . s~p propritt to au othne- so exentt f the pt'operty froi$s and d of With -nst etnps .:~;tv cosGtmtant / e ytn ent of 1 ftnsettaff f~t rif Fn htni dtsdrt r iro longi ta) in~ fide Oi biasiuos priat use0 idtij~.i 1'ta cos. An d b -pIti w~~tt Iant & p ~ *ni tldh 'by ii 4oJa f i atin .?the wt, iace your i.i-ng ini" m11 1a1tuingii1 laws for the.organiza'tion of the militia id for lie regulation' of the rights aund dules of* freediman and I doubt .not that yon will perfect your legis, I4t fon onr these subjects before yogr ndj-rnment.. Onr poliev -toward the freedmim Ounld o kin< nind hmane If his rights of pirsoi and property are not fully and (fl''etially -seelred bY on local leisla i'~m, We 0an8 not hope 't) bo relieved from ,lie preseice of the Milita ry and Provost. Conris. The anthoritiesof tle Jited SiatiS will Ilot, remove their protecting hand 11omi1 the negro whom they havn mm1lhiil:uni(Ied, 'Id in whose .re'(dili We havit. netii'seed, litil we prqvllole 1by our Iaws to give hini fill protee ion mn :l his civil rights. H1is abor is tecessa ry for the successful persection of I te agricilture oft II State, and it %ill be best. comiManded by nak img lu im cheerful an'd Coitellted. I commen to voir favora ble consider. ation appropriations for the snpport. of the lniiatic Asylum. It. is a noble ehari ty, and the energy and sell .icrifice of the . Super'int.minhiut for the last uine months in in 1 ining, withont any pul blic cont riuitiolis to its support, the tuinmates, entitles hi11 to the proud distinction f ai benefactt'r of his race. It is high time IlitIah h erhen hould be tak'en from inis shoidersnd placed pon the State. The destitute condition of' Dist rict pnnpere, Ohe (i apidatoll of piblic bibiiiI Ing;S, id the neglect aiind det.itrltion of roads a ind bridges, -reqiire thit. il ti Iistrict Boards should bet promptly anId efhciently rm-orgianized, anld the laws govlrning thei rigidly enforced. JAso-:s L. Onu. OIoIOTN qF POl.ITIcAL Tm' term.; .Visig" and ''Tory" were know:n in the reigpn of Charles II. Somne wri. ters derive the word "Whig" frot "Whnig," the Scotch tor "whev"-a nnm1le.np11lied to ltandits anid drbvers atind, "tory" from' "toory"(Irish'), applied to h.ars aind ou1tlaws. - Others say thati ' "whg".is formed from lie motto (;f t' PuIlrtnn-. -"Ve hope in God.".anil ."to ry," F'om a "Tr--ri," pronod "tory,"-all n maning "Com-' 0 K inw"... ali acln miolion m1Ch used by 'i' Irish ihireit4 Charles I. 'The word "Radien!" mros' ahoun t le year 1818, aud "Colservativo" about, 1830. - T SpIport ed h I hei W r2' :$, " nu a bete l, ,e that 1 F .r h 1 i4'"'I ithin 1atiid rom the-fir. -> 'i , , . t :,00 we hi oit of a i in tere'srin ae. lihilic, f rl(. %0, whic, fil . l f 'e larg 'Olil IIiyI(-,'- sp81((j object "iths. darn whin h fm' several n coi i i .ari gradilaf. Va II I; e 1 f'e t r s th at one of cot O t ir u u d hiv r; fIr o h t rI wA~ davi';ig i' t h f1i li P r -i 1MV' lo . Ills re. I. ar . .im -- o >ri.Ph b -e and ash. in po eenion hs lastel pioo dich, erhi ay visitor, mil etha hve seysof .hr f ea~~ n ocamnearuis;ile for. Fruropean letter - t~fln hectove re in Ita'lyk np tha r.ecoe r obliged to se narnarnuet 0re aen >frnAto 'ad nlonthily. torml Nm. Severarich - .r(iI o tiny Cotton cliin~d I i,' iirlhodo n have bieen I h Nott ico 0 ):ttl1.,J1 ~ife' f his da mormed a TO CAVI*-' ,ufider th aeand TO ofdon a tA TREW8, for the i cfE~n ar Alo~laster's lb. t hirteen CQtfle lnh Ar TJc by the A'r . . - R hcart"& Mathew~ oe h 4 day a General 8io or dais e B 'a D& A)EEsk ,TI~gh~ tVAsI o -' Jobit Pool Elpted United States pnator. - RA, m 11a, #N. C.,- Dec. Pool of Bertie, (Union,) was elected to the United States Senate, for the Phort tcrin. Rumors of War .with Englan'd.' WAsipINoTON, Decomber 1, 1865. raimn to believe that the Eng lish Government has mnade a formal de inand.upon Mr. Swurd for the suppres. sion of all publ)ip Fnian deionstrations, and that the failnre to do sp will be re. garded as a hostile act. This demand is based upon disclosures recently made in England relative to tle strength and ob. ject of the Fenian mov--ment, and the aatter was considerL.--..The Polit ical laimpormt 'J qie 1 ol hmtiid has redethed B'a k -of t tirsix per een t' ie nuila-ier of to iS regarde; al an .nte 1 toat 1 bo piI'Osecuted Companioas'I'of" and Marine Insur arrpo'ted to london aid Liver. -'jr( repo~.rt to ha.,v o~ aI a on sterling by the a s'tiaia - Ne Orlean's cottom eshrion atX' t. n hP3f ~ '0 I~ech army l1t bhenre -or Uolmereial. a n 2 t ~ 5 a c . 5 I o u r h a t d e t'Os -n lsI1000 bl.a L iv. o~ic ICor .n (ottot -dull stad- a hiley,. -800 ROwrd. ENmnerL~ L 1I c Whiteeface ollar hda t ' and worn - H. DJA IJ..y I ~sru9 ~m Sa class, or elas o Inttorio knoh an nasse forj Wl nstruc.o Cresien,' NeSS u ,~