The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, May 09, 1865, Image 1

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"I~ T w T--KvTN.EWS 7 T CT RI WEEK L Y NES. VOLU t WINNSBORO, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1865. [NUMBER 23. TOE TIgLEW THE TRj.W( NWS apubebed 'ouesd..ay, Thuralty and Sat rday. . Persons'going to point. pyond this will confo? a,4avor on us by calling at our office and procuring papers for dis. tibution along thqir fouto. Any friends receiving papers, or arri ,Ang with papers or n'evs fronauy places -not now in full connedtion'by mail, wilt .oblige us specialliY by reporting to the Nzwa office, aid, will thin aid in pre. venting exciting!rumors. Suspended. The Daily BorO Carolinian, publish. 'eI at Chester, . C., s temporarily spended publicatiep. . A fuli0sa ity M~e learn that an awful calamity has *befallen some eight citizens, and bhree. 'soldiers of Chestet, S. -0. It seems that theo persns d6n Abd~1 and received 'the gef's belonging to the 'Medioal Pthar Y.eyoro Depvtpewijt, ond :entered the 'building. looking for. ner wines an4 liquors. In their sarci they came adros 'a ftsk'q AbfhnoniaI Wine, and e1eh took a heaty 'drink. thereby cans' ing dQatlh to twoor three,in a.fow hoinr afterward& The other* of the party are not expected to live. ' It-is feared that -there are more .. pereons who drank- of this wine, tiot knowiiig its deadly poldon ,when taken in largo dodos. 'OF GL48.-That glass resisL the action of most. acids, sciences lIhs abundantly proved.- Its weight is not diuninshed by tse or ae. It is more ;apable thim aniy other substane of re. Clving tho' highest degreo'of polisli; if nihlted several tinmes Qve,r, and properly .cooled down ih the fir'tre, presenitnhga joliph which almost tivili the diamond in brilliancy. 'If it b inade itito a Ai; *ith the bottom much thicker than the :aides, and suddenly cooled in the open air instead of being tempned in the usual manner, the result on its suscepti. lief~ to fracturo is the, most extraordi. zary.', It will bear.a heavy blo'w,.or s9 yor9 prqssure from any lunt. imstruneut, Up1iiied; but i(any hard ,and -angist =jhstancq, eyou so -small as a grai of itor,.a shmurp sand, be dropped into the , 4lio~botton will ..rack all aropid 11fdll o'. - A sinali fpgient of iron l bes 1peon pa44ed~throUghl the wvgI afaspidqr. Instauces 1ave oceuxod is w lgpga of tleqo tia s has.bori strucik Wylth , with (gpq flicicut to d4*o a nail intosoi, description of w9g Witheit causing frq19tyjre, whilq a saiall tof nt dropped geitly intf Ia Crad he gs p ; iui'WN y You AjwXysToPP'. 'e Veriont cord' tells A' d otory of an innocent old lady, who nev'er befio Wud "rid on aruilroad," who was passen dr on one of the Vermont railroads, at timeofa recent, collision, when.a Eight. train-Collidyl, witli' a passenger. train, -umnshing. one of the cars, killing everal passengers and ;upsetting thinge gaorally. As soon aa he poi ..recover ka saoattored senses, the conduotor we1nt ins rW of-the vnerables dam,' 1ykom hef Nsittipg solitary anfd g ei th~e 'car, (th $tfier pashengers' hAtg 8bughat find ~~~~~ ,) wihW ey-li-come -ndObtithdtdnding'she hia 'made. a donntte'swththerAmit over-the' sett ha front ahid h f ba'udbox adft' burale 'lfad ducayddwnpas' Way "H~~I 'ilh ' ht old lady. ."We $ildA lged safQeratl - rely'11n' jd~i':' theiaid't thait ot roud, Is s'iiI adu Iir6 Udhd, u their'tenovu I Ifbmebtden 'by yeo aptrl 6'66 W . JOUN8'B~ Prb 6 flID hda of ilOB WORK nqauly execu ata ps ee State Iteeori . of Namnes of De ceased soldier. - . - SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. CoLUMBIA, Janutry 16, 1806. ER the Legislature U to prvparo this - 1lecord I earnestly appeal to the families or friends of our de ceased soldiers to send me at onco their names &.', while.thereis an opportunity to secure adeur6te information. Hospital registers and reports of casualties fwom the army are deafioent in the Information required; it must be o'btaiued at home. The Record will date back to the beginning of the war, and include all who have been killed in battle or died of wounds received in battle, or trom diseas' oi accident, If you have been so fortunate as not to lose friend or relative, yet remember that i4 is noble to rescue, from oblivion tho name of but pne felendlekss youth who had gone from your neighborhood to die in our cause. , Give-1. Name in full. 2. From what Ps.rjct. 8. Rau. 4. Company. 6. Itogiment and arm of scrteq. 6. Died; year, unonth, day. 7. Cause of death, and remarks (as where hedied, age, prevkously wounded, &o.) Circulara and blanks to be filled.. will be sent to suolIae desire ihen. No fee oreipenso is incurred by'aty one for having the record made. The State is endeavoring to. fulfill a sacred, obligation in securing now, and re. cording foe, pesterity, the names of all her sons who lavo fallen in this war, In 1802, the Convention unanimously resolved that this Should be done, "as a token of ziespoct to their mesmories, anda legacy of inest ima. le value to their friends;" aid the resolution *as ieni forth,' by their order, to be read to our regiments; battklio ind companies everywhere. hiany a bravo soldier may, have died In solitude or rus)ied upon the foe, witl tse thlought in bis heart that his natio would bo lgnorably preserved at h'ome. feb 13'65-dd -WM '.1. R[VElit. , TQ tihe Friellds of time Soidldi Tl(~id OUT' TiHE CONFEDERACY. QUArtTaxxASran OF.'s UjPARTitANT, Railroad Bureau, Rliqhmond Feb.- 20.'64. r l 'frienls and relatives et soldiers in the Ariliy ofNorthern Virginia pre here by notified that a an aangonoit has this dag been effected with 1 fi-ntithern Etpress Comniuny. to carry'all packages of fbod and wearing apparel to Rtidhmond, Va. ;.To secure the advantages thus obtained through the Express Gotupany, i he following )nstruetiont i4ust le observed: - Packige mut tiot contain more 'than one hundred ponutids; be *el secured, and plaihly marked, an-l sent at tho exponseor the 4thip per to either of the Soldiers' Relief Associa. tioup, which nre located as follows: . In North Carolina, at italeigh'; in S'uth Carolinadt Coliinbia; In Georgia,'at Augitsta: in AlAbama, at Montgomiery, or to any other point at which one of these Asociations,have Au .oficoC... . ' Tho Agents Qfthefe Asqociations Jill there take charge of them, and'ship daily, by Southern Expresp Company, to the proper Agents of th respectLivo States at ichmwond wIowill see th* disttibuted io tho'proper itidlvidual'owrers. .To ineet the wishes of the soldiersL and to givetheti a certatri and.spqedy comnwuoi.r, tion wi4h 49me, tiho.gIg rn lxpress '2ou ppty'lau pgtced to give this frqight. pretet olce o verwerytliig dAle ; and; in order fliot no obstale 'May beour tW the success of a laudabls St enterprise, the several railg oempanie are hereby requested to reuder t. prpas Cerpan y puch will en to snko this atrfingeAu a0om 'As 'the Southif-Express sumes all.responsibility of the Transporta. tion.*f, thpse pagkages, the Jatlipf Aspi' - &bs61Gasn '.' if theo liilet Assldeia'ibn estalils agencies in the rear of other arm. ies; they may enjoy the sameprivilegeq her.e4 - seoured to the arpiy of, Nogtlaqn Vi;. gnia. . . F. W. 810, od ' l. and Q4a trm'. AI, a'Quatrmte Gen' . OiiroaSouWasaw Espussa0 C, .August*, 0a., Peb, 20, 180f, h #.outherp P-%.xp *Coi h hereby do the ienidm p 'ltl c!' 'holdiers in th Atmy of Notherti-Virgtis and else where, that-they are brepared to.carry out rangemaent as hatnbonuoed in the ,above anSI tat theywhldosslip theqir power jauf#m Aeti l e. A'cR 80 1U4nLte I~Qi~i Confederate states Goveruuneat The Executive: ion. JErF DAvis, of Ulis., Plreident. lion. A. II. STVENsy Of Ga., Vice-PreeMdrnl. The Cabinet: J. P. BEZJJAMIZ of La, 8ecritary of Statc. G. A. TuRENIOLM, of S. C.. Sec'y of U'easury. J. C. BuncKTNuIDoX, of Ky., Sec'y of War. S. R. MALLORY, of Fla., Seo'y -of the Navy. Hon. GEO. DAVIS, of N. C., Attorney Generdl. Jon11 I. I(eAGAN, of Texas, 'ostmOter Gsa. 1ieads of Bureaus : Rufus R. Rhodes, Commissioner of Patents. G. E. W. Nelson, Sup'L of Public Printing. Gen. Sam. Cooper, Adj't and Inspector Gen. John S. Preston, Chief of Bureau of Con. 'soription. Brig-Gen. A. It. Lawton, QuartermasterGen. 8. P. Moore, Surgeon-Generai. E. W. Jolns, Medical Purveyor. 'ime Sutiern Confederacy. A DAILY JbUnNAL. FOR THE ARMY AND THE PEOPLE.' D EVOTED to the interest of the Soldlerf of the Afrmy of Tennesseo and th( people of the Confederate States, being # National Newspaper of news, Political, Miii. tary, and Miscellaneous, Foreign and Do mestic, prepared by ready writers and cor. respondents. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, The Editorial Departmnont of the Southeft Confederacytncludes a combination of po litteol, literary and industrial (alent. Pyste, matised in the several departments of en, larged j6urnalism, whoso chief duty it wil be to present the public a daily mirror o1 popular thought, action and event, atler itn own fashion and from a purely, independen point of view. The News Department of the' Southerr Confederacy will embrace a careful compila tion from all the Southern papers, apd fron late Northern and Foreign sheet s-nrrange ments having been offected for the receptiot of these. A larg9 and capablo circle of correspont dents f'om every section of Interest, wil contribute no little to the prompt collectiot of trauspiring events. Especially will it, bi our care to note the affairs of the armyq ii our front, upon which hangs the destiny am in a great part the entire South. A very largo share of attention wIll b< paid to matters of a local interest, for whiel purpose a competent' Local Editor, with ai efficient stail of reporters, have been.employ cd. - All communications should be addresse to the EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. feb 18'05 Southern Oonfederney. Tie Ie)orters irectory. ASFn ON PIONOGRAPHY. H AS been published, a book with th above title, prepared b$' tho.subsoribe who has had nearly twenty years, practie in Photograplio writing, haying been at on me eniployed as pn official reporterK in th SS.Senato, andl who has'been for the las vetteetimonth:t, and is now reporter c o Atlanta Intelligencer. The Dictionary will contain indigationq means of a simple nompuelature, for wri ug with Phot6graphio letters, abOut 20,00 oras of the English langiuge, or ninety ine one hundreth.s of those in conmon us .-01ao romaining words being easily writte after these are learned . 'In the instruction of the Dictionary, Sim ple instruction will be given for beginner of the study, of 'Phonography, 'with' lithe graphed' illustrations, prepared. by Onec the best, artistp in the Confederacy. Th oa oct of the'Rublication is, to make a saA DARD for Confdderate Reporterg, and to ren der itpossible for the muehcoveted and beau tifnd-art of Iteportiug to be learned evo without the aid of a teacher. . As tjho work will bq oxpensive, now (yp raving been procured ei'ressly fg it, onVt * small edi(ion *111 -boe.issued. Those wh deiri copies Ate requested' to send to th attbqr their ordors at onob, (to be reobrded, aoompanied with the price for the samc which will be .we dollars per copy. Th book in paper cover, and, uitablo for us( will b6 sent to all subscribers 6y'mail, w1t out additional expense. A. B. MARSHALL,; , feb 18'65 Atlanta, G(I.. W~di'rstta lleg't S..VCaavalrj , y a VAer NBAR RrcaMown,, i '. - , laroh 10,-1866. J501(RS an$i 66'diere of the Sevett f.Jeghnaeit of Southt Carolina'Cavsfin *hor are aevgsbtent witihout leave are ejile bponish retain without delay to their eona anad. Mqty bfrv men linge. ,to prote'et thei uzferin ho e,~' or to engage tlie eriem ethir' own -soll..'owards. .:Uske :Uh e0ut e'euose,-but, byr maining-abset, tkou tu. a$# lt d har of flator eade f~3e et4 i rtit "'ekertfriW'pnd'puihEd-ab> t'deerers. SThe de~tsti oa~ot railroadplai no.eggsy a&lto 'Erd te'i t g' dittyIn an~thu ~an--ordes frois& the Sei , f *lthosti er eit iqs ltry 6A0 it *~f Clloa be t nfrst nfanity. * >t s . Rates of Postage. ON LETTHRn. Single letters not exceeding a hplif Quce in weight, to any, part of the Confederate States, shall be 10 cents. , L An additional rate for eact fdditional half ounce or less. Drop letters 2 cents each. In the foregoing cases, the postage to be prepaid by stamps on stamped envelopes. Advertised letters 2 cents each. ON NEWsPA'ERs. Sent to roiular and bona fide subscribers from the office of publication, and not ex ceeding 8 ounces in weight. I Weekly papers, 10 cents per quarter. Semai-Weekly papor, 10 couts per quarter. TrI-Weekly p por, 20 cents por quarter. Four timcs a week 60 cents per quarter. Five tihnes a week 50 cents pqr quarter. Six times a week, 60 cents per quarter. Daily paper 70 cents per quarter. ON PERIODICALS. Periodicis published oftener than semi monthly shall be charged ;s newspapers. Perlodioals - pdblished monthly, not ex ceeding 2) ,ounces in weight, 24 conts per quarter ; and for every additional ounce or fraction of an oiine, 21 cents additional. Senil-biontlily, double that. amount. . Bi-monthly or Quarterly, 2 ceitts, an ounce. ON TnANS!NiT PRINTED MyrTT. . Every Qther newspaper, pamphlet, period ical, magazine, each circular not scaled, handbill and engtaving, not Wkeceding 8 ounees in weight, 2 cents for any distance, 2 cents additional for each, additional ounce or less.beyond the first, throo olinees. In all cases, the postage to be 'prepaid by stanps or stamped envelopes. . Soutliaerat Field anid , I residel , ORAND s.TERAIY coMnNrlMoN TIlE OUTUIERN FIlD AND FIRESIDE, 0P AVOiURTA, 0A.. AN TIlE ILLUSTRATiD MEfl CUlRY. OF RALtoti, X. O.,'. Combined aridcontinned under the old pop ular title of the 80UTIIItN 'FIELD AND )RESIDE. ' 1Proprietors of the' Mfury having -Lpurchased the SOTuHnn FiRLub AND Finvsim. nnd finding it impo sible wo make arrangements which would in uro a regular supply of paper, upoq accoun- of the irAteg, tilarity and uncertainty of tras jortatidt for the FIELD ANti FinasinE at . geista, Ca., the same having to be sup led from the mills at Raleigh, N. C., have 'removed the Pix.u-AND VInUSsiDE to Ra10 It and com bined these tw9o sterling Litot Journals, The Mynuny Is thereforo me ed intq the SOUTIICtnN ANDi FinasiIn, and'will be so published until the state of the country wil justify a' divorgenient., waen both pa pets will-bo rosumed and continued as here tofore. Subscribors to bot,i journals will receive t.he- paper to the full time of sub sciptlop'without, delay or interruption. 'The entireditorialand contributorial corps of both papers are retained upou th emerg. ing jianal. It is announced, withot of contradhiction, that the exteti' splentid array of combined tale ployed in writing for, the Fir. an) surpastes in genuine merit, lebrit y nd nutnerical strength, nia u engagement ever be .history. of Poriodical L THR'MS: rAmerica. - ribar, oix months, : subscribers, : W ,I. B. 81TI I& CO., CtuaS 6I tihe Conse'rvtlive. 1silan hAILYAND wl:FKYET n J.'I.'NBA'HE1lY & CO., RALEIGH, N. C. ourV rawNcurr#is: : The true'onaervative platfor-t-The au premacy of the civil over the military law: A quiet stibnibilon to all laws, whethel' good or bad. While they reainin upon our tatute books. No reconstruction, or submission, but por petual indepenadonQe. Ah ithiokei ftbut to tho common enenay; but .Ahely and repeated negotiations for DAPoU by the.prop9r authorities. .,o ueparat. State action through- a Con. ventiot;' n coutite, revolul ion ; io com blaied Weafstanoo to thd Governm6nt. ' Opp Ition to' despotsm -in otory form, and the preservation of Republicsn.1na4tiu t4ons in all their purity. We have determined to make t1e Co__er pdtiee a #ewnfaueht paper, for the ritaintena anee 'if dar prinei e, and .to' render a vigorous support to. tecause of Southern independence. The administration, of ,Oby. VanceyiU find in the Conaervattoo a steady, bene~t, Atitaight-forward supporter' adid de fender, as winl sled the fational adniitra-~ AMon, en~o Its ugerisn Is- not in 4on. tetywIg T ~~e aiv sll be a los d%g,sAlf. ble a g'ri Millbh conduoted *itt'vigor' but' Wt.a ptoppV ' rd to trutthand-ight;s adte eourtsg du to others.' IAwill uoA eneo~ ApsgoJeg wonie np rsio,.eolit heret oi h h ederasla . "isliuf be.a thovugh newsphpdr, and-wiUl yd i e1st$i hsa i and 911W ss 1 kp i gblip.. D roh~ re whn Niles' #LegIster Revived. PROSPECTUS OP THE COUNTRYMAN I N ILES' REGISTER, the most useful journal ever issued in America, has been revived in. the publication of The Countryman. This journal is a fac-simile of its original'in the number and size of its pages, its typography, and all the features which gave value tq. the standard publica tions issuvd by Mr. Niles. Besides the features of Niles' Rtegister, The Countryman Pas others which should render It still morq attractive, to wit: a de partment of elegant literature, rejecting the style of Yankee literary Journals; and mod. eling itself after the best English- misella -neous weeklies, but at the same time being stamped with an independent, southern tone, original with and peculiar to itself. An altogether novel feature with it., is that it is published in the country on the editor's plantation, nine nifles front any town or vil lago, and devotes ranch attention to agrioul tura, rural sports, and everything that W0 terests the country gentleinan: The Countryman is a handsome quarto, of six4on pages, published weekly on the edi tr's. plantatiqn, veav Eatonton, Ga., to which all commhunications should be ad.. dressed, our terms are $6 for three months, or$20 per annum. Sond ill remittances by express. J. A. TUlNER . feb 13'%o Eatonton, On. A New Paper in Richmond. 1ROSPIECTUS. rtliE undersigned p'roposo to publish a Uaily Paper, onder the title of ,The Richimond Hierald-," on or- about' the 15th of January Ult. it will be entioly inglopendent, in politics, but, will neverthele s accord to the Adnin istrat.lon. a just support In all measures which, ip the opinion of its conductors, May be deemed promotive of the good of the cause in which we are engaged. A proper o'iticiam of such. acts as will be udoomed adverse to this.objqct, will be, of' course, consistant with the independent ciaracter under which the paper is to be inaugurated. - in the matter of General News it will be found to keep pace with the leading jour nals ot the day, while it will have added to it, in the mutter of financial intelligence a, feature such as, we venture to say, no pa per in the Confederacy can boast of. Edi torials from the pen df one of the ablest. financial writers in this or any other cotun t ry will be presented In each number. For roasons not now proper to be men. 1ioned, we forbear to give the names of th'ose who shall composo the regular edito rial staff; but we flatter ourselves that when they shall appear, they will be found to constitute such an array of talent as can 1.01t be excelle'd on this contiinent. The well known character of the indivi dual whose name appears below, as a ate nographic reporter, furnishes, we presume, a gumarauteu that, in all that relates to im portant political speeches and debates. whether in legislative aemblies or out of them,'tha "I1ersd" will present advanta. ges certainly not to be excelled by any pa per in the Cdnfederacy. The.farining interests *ill be faithfully vindicated, and care taken to dissominato the earliest intelligence which a proper re gard-for the welfare of that great element of national wealth and gower shall demand. In the matter of correct commeroial in telligence, equal zeal shall be manifested, our 6bject, being to assign to each of these D dopartments 'an editor of known experience and abilit(y. Arrangements are on foot by which to secure the earliebt. foreign -news, and the paper will contain such editorial talent as will fillly olucidato the bearing 'of foreign D diplomacy upon Southern interests. In short, -The Richmond Ieraild" will be found to on)bine every feature of inter e *L which the requirements of the pyesent crisis demand. The enterpride is tospeetfully comniend eI to the fivor and patronage of the piti zenstot tle Southern'Confedbracy. - P. KEAN &CO., feb 18'65 Richmond, Va. "Genus" for, C)uidrenl, 8 th title of ; colleotIon of admirable Lstries miostly founded on facts, and which originally appearedt in the Southern Pres it.e'ani and Confeder'ate BIaptist,. over ithe signature of "Tzacuva.". ,Thte .rapido sale of this work, (pver 1800 I copief itaving been sold,) speaks well, for the -Nmr w-th which It has been received by the Som horn publie. There is nothing secta r rian contained in it., the anthei'' object be v' ing the ineulestion of true, piety amongst e the rising generation. a Copies dan be'lproeul'eda athis office. Price e $2. - .* F. MILLER. leggv Beasty. rpIlJ'anatry htiber of Ture KursroNE, ,j7themnl aanic Maktaine in the ,South. The Gratilodges ofNorth- Care t flda, at Mleigh, Ded. .7th,.i4, ,was pleas 6 ed to pass the felloWi3 reselnl : r Whereas; Brother WMI3.* Btth, 61r this y oly, had 68nimaihi tifeo rpabllOation of a - Mq nthly i'eridtdid~lde4died to the interest , tsf d~hfasonld. Fratbiniyr enitit'ed. TiNt i Egygena, ad,. oeaj a wprk of this kind I miteit nee e4by the Ci-oft through ae.d. ThsCtrilsGa- Lodg egerp ~4spi work t h u dut oge t'1 eb4 '(~ ' gbneteully . e11' hv