The tri-weekly news. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1865-1876, May 02, 1865, Image 1

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M'. -VL~ 1.) [MJBlo .CTU9AAQWGMA S8 . NMBERg!o. Y J. R. BITTON. - THE TR1-W IEKIA 1410W8 Is pabliohed o* Tuesday, Thmrot*1y andlIBardau ' A correspondent of thte Appeal writ ing from Selma, heard not lQong since of. a most ohocking outrage, and which none but a demon would have gommit. ted. A lady was traveing on the cars, seated just in front of a soldier, having on one of her fingers a very flue ring, went to sleep, letting her hand. having the ring on it, rest on the back of the seat.. On reaching a station whera the train had to stop, the soldier attempted to cut her finger offto get the ring. Failing to str~ie the joint. of the finger, he did not succeed in getting the ring.. At. once he ran out of the doorof th car, mhking his escape. If this be true, it is one of the -most fiendish acts of cruelty we have heard of sin'ce this bloodv wnr was in augurated Such a ?cound7el deserves to be burnt et the stake. From'the Grenada. Miss. Mottve we learn that a negro man, sixty years old, belonging to R D:Crowder's estate. was hung near. Duck Hill, Carroll county. Mississippi, forcommittinga rape on the wife ofJames Haklewood, four miles east of Duck Hill. Another negro be longing to Mr Cooly vas heard to say he Ihad him a white wife picked out. and in. tended marrying hjer as soon n the Yankees got possession of the country. Whereupon the citizens took him up, gave him a severe whipping and cut his ears off. The Meridian Clarion is informid, by persons beyond the lines, that the width of each stream crossed by the Southern railroad west of Jackson. has.heen neas. tured and bridger ard nl.-cady' made to. span them, in. New rleans. Such is the indt with reference to 4the railway lines north of Jackson. Bridges for these roads are now,in Memphis. NORtH .RN N PWS.-Pour m'n recent 'had a fight with axes, revolvers and guns, in Shelby county. Tenn., wherein one mai's head was split open, another's 'bowels were blown out, and a third, wh'o. had fallen over a log, was being dtacked to pieces when his dog came to. his rescue, and dreadfully mangling his ,assailint, savd his masters life. DEATH OF GEN. CLANTON.-- fiats. Montgomery papers state that in Ihe late. fight in South A)hbapna, Gep.. Clinton received three wowilids, fom the effoects of which he died, after being captured by the.eneimy. - Forage eaartssAsAt. SW~ixa1o, 8. C., April 27, 186G. 1486>18 to whom this De 'rtment is in debted will call at my o co in person, ismediately, to receive payajent. A; M. RIIETT, - lrs L. Pteveseis. DEG8 L6SAVETQ INFORTHI LADIRS, thki she is- piepored to repair and re-shape H O O !?-IS K I1ItT 8., .ny * ot this kind, entrated. to Nor, will be exeeuted to sjt.etion, and at rca. dobable charges.. Or heft the Wi nn. ro ei promp17 elOeu ted to. apri 8'O8- and . -A Ialigead. - h. m 1 itritetjon or thin of iron, f A idi needed and puit6'66 . 'WMJ -, Pr HE gwusrib baieuforte ly ~ T opttllhise uneb the late co -* a tonpos, se a tvelihood to op 'A 'tolon House Is' Witnefo t sx Aandshr a sur een spare, wjg 1ws -(ioehi Books, Attf60('9utley, such 'ap tb iha. e for * the the inji. MEd ar eer, ut~tJ sUsu iht 3ybm thits v * A* DIARDF State RIecord of Wueuges of D. ceia'sed,80V4 e' SOUTH CAlOLINA COLLEGE. C',.nw . January 16. 1866. ER appolntmeat by the egislaure. U 1 to prepare -this Secord, eatnestly apeal to he fa9silles qr friends of our de; ceased soldiersto'send ie at once tfieir names &o', while there is an opportunity to'secuite accurate Information. AHospital registers and reports of casupities -tlom the at-my are deficient in the information required; it must' be obtained at home. The Record % ill date back to the beginning of the war, and include all who have been killed in battle gr (lied of woun'ds received in battle, or from disease or neci4ent. If you have been so fortunate as not to lose friend or relative, yet remember that it is noble to rescue from - oblivion the name of but-one friendlbss youth who had goni from y4ur neighborhood to die in our cause. 'Give-1. Name in full 2. Ftoei whiat. District 8. Rank.. 4. Companiy.45. Regiment and arm of service. 6. Died, year, month, day. 7: Cause of death, and rethrarkb (as whe're lie died, age, previously wounded, &o.) Ciroufnrs anid blanke to be filed will be sent to such at desire them. No fee orespense is incurred by any one for having the recdrd' made. The State is endeavoring to fulfill 4 sacrdd obligation in securing now, and re cording for posAerity, the names of all her sons who have falta in title war. In 1862, the Convent ion unanimously resolved' that this should be done, "as a token of respect to their memoriesand a legacy of inestima nie valuetotheir friends';" and theresolution was sient forth, by their erdet, to be read to our regiments, batiallo - .nd aompanids everywhere. Many a brave soldiest may have died in solitudo or rushed upon the f6e, with the thought in his heart that his name would be honotably preserved at mone. rob 18'065-81 WM J. RIVERS. To the irlend~ ot th .tiloi41ers Tit ROUGHO0ir THE CONFEDERACY. Qua RncXasmxa .Qx's .DSPAUTMUNT, Railroad Bureau, -Richmond, E eb, W0,'64. 'H E friends and -elatives of soldiers in -. the Army of No-thern Virjiniq arp here hj notified that an arrangetuent hip this day been eifected with the Souiherh Express Company, to carry all packages of fod and wearing apparel to Richmond, Vs. To secure the advautages thu obtained through the **pressCompiuy, thefollowing instructlone mupt he observed: - Packages mdt~ not coinain more than one hundretpounda -be woll secured,'andiblainly marked, and sent at the expenseof the ship. per to either of the Soldiers' Relief Assucia. tions, which are located sa follows: in North.Carolipa, at Raleigh ;'In South Carolinsat Columbia; iti Georgat, atAugasta; f9 Alhbanma. at Mont gotnery, or to any other point at which one of these Absociations h ave =n oilk II The Agentsoflihead Associtions will there take charge of thens, and ship daily, by Southern Express Company, to the proper. Agehts~of.the respectjve States at, 54ohmbond whQ will see them distrbotid to the properi it(vidual 6wners. . To meet'the wiastes of the soldiers, and to give them a'certa s d ape y eqimunlea. tion with home. the Southern Exprest ('om p4tty hias agreed to give thip fireiht prefer-. one over everything else; pod'. Jtlorder that. ao obstacle may occ r e.lthe success of so laudable an enterprise; the several railroad companies are-hereby tequested to reuder the 'Express Compiwy suob faellitted ax iill ens ble-it tomake this arrangenet a complete esPOess. As the southern Express Company as seines all resp'onsibility of' the Transporta. ton of those packages, -the Relief AssocaI tions; are regtatto oi,thdraw their agents who hvehertofore. aeted. as, traelling ,qee ere., e l e A so8 at6on will 1tal% *ageq es in the ar (' other arm ies; t ay esy ejof the sae ptivilegea here. by sedured to the army of Nortbern Vir iaia -.- -- : ~a F.W.. 8111t, Appebredh, , ,.14 Cpl.andQnaatevr'r. I4. pt & u.tpH g t master Qin.o Aiagubta, G.,'FEb. 26, 1864. The Fouther, Express..CopsAy hereby notify he-fiends d ti f soldr in the AMy-'of. $.4rbak taI' la, aa esiu1 *hqv, ,'t b 4ap e e egrry out tp as auioaanbed - In t a~'bop. Lid. ~.d.i660 titey will do all In el eIrpot . ctal8up't and Aotlpg V s't. > 18 68 . fl18T PUBL18830D, AyuAw br elags(q4, geno was rtsay E0 tohuadr~ pot ait Rates of Postage. ON. LETTEnS. Single letters not exceedipg a h'lf oun.oe in weight, to any part of the Confederaite States, shall be 10 cents. An additional rate for each half enOO 4r less. Drop letters 2 cents each. In the foregoing cases, the postage to be prepaid by stamps on stamped envelopes. Advertispd letters 2 certa each. ON NRWsPAPERs. Sent to regular and bona fide subscriberw from the office of publication, and not ex ceeding 8 ounces in weight. Weekly papers, 10 cents per quarter. 8emi.Weekly paper, 10 cents per quarter. Tri-Weekly paper, 20 cente per quarter. Four Unio a week 60 cents per quarter. F'ive tines a week 50.cents per quarter. Six times a week, 00 conts per quarter. Daily paper 70 cents per quarter. ON PERIODICAIs. Perindicals.published ofteler than semi monthly shall be charged at pewapapers. Periodicals published mosthly, not ex ceeding 21 ounces in weighi. 2j cents per quart'r; and for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce, 21 ce'qts additional. Seini-nont lily, double that amount. Bi-monthly or Quarterly# 2 cents an ounce. ON TRANSINNT PRINTED MATTER. Ev'ery other newspaper, panphlet, period ical, magasine, each circular not sealed. handbill and engraving, not exceeding 3 ounces in weight, 2 cents for any distance, 2 cents additional for each additional ounce or lies beyond the. first three ounces. In all eates, the postage to be prepaid by stoibofor stAmped envelopes. *'oAkerep F1eI6 asad I resitde? ORANI LITERAIT*CoMUIoNATioN THX 50UTIERN F1ELD AND IR13SIDE, 6r A UPUTA.,' OA., AND TI BIiLU8TRATED MERCURY, Or RALSI8tH, V. C., gomnbined snd continued. uuder the old; pop - ular title of tho 80tJTIflIR FIELD AND FIRESIDI. HFIProprietors of the iVercury having - piirchased the SOUTHEUN FIIEN.D)@KJ) FRasieon, ond lndlng it i0possible to make arrangementswh'ch would. 4ainire p regu lar supply of pap'r, upon acouunt of the ir teg ularity an uncertainty of tauseporttilon for th Fr.1n AN' -mnsmins ap Augusta, Ga., the saind basing, to be.,vapplied tem the mills taeigh, N. C., tae retqoved the F186D AIi FtaxSSaDs to 0,Loigh and' cow shiu .thesi woV st'rllng lira Jotirrals. The MAobmhY I,'therefore ievked into'the 40tnDtgatrFiXLv'ANtI Fasastou and will bo -so published until the state of Jbe qountry will Jgitify. a divergeplnnt, -when. beth pa per, will be restimed an contilnded as here tbfore. Subsoribbrs to both'jouinals will receive the spaper to the full lime of sub sectiptin Without, delay or interruption. . Theenlireeditorialand eontribinorjiacorps of beth papers.are retained ios tite pmerg Ing Joura. It In 4nuounced withoht fer of centradfib.loe, -that the ' 4siV.n ai splendid arr-tof oimbibed talent now tin pioled iA writing for the FSIrW'AS.D F1:t siDN surpasses it-geAtipe merk4, *bility. ce lebrit y, and numerioal strengthn, any cow hi nalen r.engagement,. ver ~ fore at tailed In the hlstor' of frelodical Ilteraiuri of Europe-or 'AtefIes.. - TERMS: One subsoribar, six .nonths, : $20 Of) Eleven subsorbm, : 200 00, 'Addresa W . .8M1TH1 & CO., leb '66 Raleigh, NN. Pv .Cefe ot" va'a. sV.jtge DA1tY. AND W3titY 'By J. B, 1IBAU ]REY A&CO,, RALHIGi, N. 11. Soca YRtNCJPLu5 :- d. Tha trio Uusserwtive p. for--Tae su premtn 'ef th, elvil over ar law. Aqto .pubt stiot to ether good - t-ad. 'whilt they our st atute books, Meroonst~rgotipo,itr sper petuindOT40be - AAnr op othoe ose 'y; hout010'Lair %ijis 'ed negotit on. fdr Sot Jl pr. 0ifthorfles, No separete - *otion trok ltgh' Con eotids; 'nd 40anftenre'olulton I no cot ad-rest e tAbe0ov4rnmqat. Aaptam in,st -r form,. # fRep nblicah il sikt to ubaae tii Oopsr isV p~sue*Ine e ,for 46 aiqtem auxesf..e,u 'pr aes,s ah~d to render a vrousqtgt~s e ausq et A;;tbpn fader, asI the Nat lobalradt saistra timt ho ta4 is not. i eqtt ih, a W~W0~i MtVw pill ~i~11ebQ' .stest is' W*bitotpublle~b)~e Lsah&w~sR'~.lea Cossfdeate states Goverssseaoat The Execklive: oo. Jarr DAvIO, of Mis., President. H9.u. A. 1. STni'vUs, of Ga., Vice.Prealdent. Tise Cabinet: : . J. P.DNJAMtN, of La., Secret~iy of tale, 0.' A. TnItMOL*, of 8. C.. Sec'4 qf 7%-easury, J. 3. Bas19a0:1ino., of Ky.. Sec'y of lMr. S. R. MALLORt, of Fla., sec' of the Navy. lion. Go. DAVIS, of N. C., Aitorney Generql. Jonx H. ReAOAN, of Texas, Posmaster Gen. Ilead, of Bureau, : Rufus R. Rhodes Cominissioner of Patents. 0. E. IV. Nelson, Sup't of Public Printing. Qen. Sam Cooper. Adj't and Inspector Gen.. John 8. Preston. Chief 'of Bureau of Con. scription. Birig-Gon. A. R. Lawton, Quart ermait er Gen. 8. P. Moore, Surgeon-General. E. W. Johns, bledical Purveyor. 'A lie Souutlsers Cossfederacy'. A DAILY JOURNAL. FOR TIE ARMY AND TIlE PEOPLE. EVOTED to the interest of the Soldiers of the Army of Tennessee. and the people of the Confederate States, being a National Newspaper of uews, Politigal, Mili tary, and Miscellaneous, Foreign and Do mestic, prepared by ready writers and cor respondents, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, The Editorial Department of the Southern Confederacy includes a coinbination of po litical, literary and ludustrial talent. syste matized In the, several deparuments of- en. larged journalism, whose chief d'tty it will be to present, the 'public a daily mirror of popular thought, action and event, after its own fashion and from a, purely, independentC point of view. - The News Department of the Southern Confederacy will emb ace a careful compila tion front all the Southern papers, andifronm late Northern and Foreign sheets-arrange inents having been effected for the reception of these. A large and capable circle of correspon dents from every section *or interest, wil contribute no little to the protnyt' collection of transpiring events. Especially will It be our care to note the affairs of the army in our front, uport which hangs the destiny and in a great part the entire South. A very large' share of attention will be. paid to matterm of a local interest, for which purpose a competent Local Editor, with an efficient ttaff of reporters, have been employ ed, All communications should be 'addresseO to th's EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. fob 18'65 Southarz Confederacy. Tbad RIepovter's DIrectory. nASsD ON PIHONOGRAJiIY. ,AS been publishedi a book. with the above t,14R4,propared by the subsorilter, who hus4 neatly 'twgd ears practice is Pl t##pliIc wriq h. v ing been at obe ime imployed oMicial reporter in the i. S'epate' and who has 6e6 for the last savehteen nionths, and Is'how reporter of the Atlaota latelligencer. ,Th6aDItiaY *III contain Indications, by Mieapp'ea sim ole nomagnolature, for wA-i ting with-P belo iohl letters,'abobt.20,0.00 words of. th Engtqh )anguage, or ninety. .nine one but drat sof thee in common use .-tho remaiinlug words being easily vritteh after these aie'learne4. In the Instrudtion of the Dotionary, sim ple instr'uteIn will be gfven for beginnors of the itd f, with tbe graphed -il u r ed b f the e46t d ma eTA 14 DAers, re dio vot Iand bens.% tiful 0t, e leerbed even with w veet ta nd -& - thp V41asve. new typo hvIlb n-p sly for it. only a , utoi 111 . Those who e6 r e , are4 111i t oidto se6d to the Aiut~t4o be i td lat 6nbe, (to bo.rdoorded,) 4owjmled with tie price for ihe -samo, whieh will be 6*d~dol ars per copy. The hook .lii pPer - ootm 8 ,itable for used llbeseut, to all uWtrbrs by mail, with outadiditiobal expense' feb I6 - Atlanta, Ga. 0VStiahog liCaimh I 1b~aoh 10, 1805. t ICESS an4 gMsvof' the 8,wenth wl ee5 now'abet-t ~~eatre galled npp to: yetora withoutt af to theIr om a bae mnan linge to pu~t et. thplr. hb3eor 'i t e nemy upon. t ir ow sel. E kae the ..e s~s ~-ht*by reops g-waen Brave j~i mha thei ywn on t. ghji- bth4 S qag a s-eie m te ib.ns eo PROSPECTUS'01? THE1 COUNTRYMAN! ILOS' 1E0'ISTEl fle Most useful journal, ever inssued. i'terica; has been revived in the.)puhlcation of The Countryman. Thihf'journul is a fac-4Imile of its original in the number and esie.of its jages, its typography,. and all the, features which gave value to the standard publica tions isSudd by Mr. Niles. Besides the' fatures' of Nes' Register, The Countryinnu has others which should render it still more attractive, to wit: a de partment or elegont literatu re, rejediing the style oif Yankee literary jouroafs, and mod eling itself after the best Engfish tiscella. neona weeklies, but at th'e same tiie .beiig stamsped wit.h an independent, soutli'n tone, original -with and peculiar to itself. , An altogether novel feature with it, is that it is published in the country on the editor's plantation, nine miles from any town or vil lago, and devotes much at.entionto agricul Iure. rural sports, and everyhing that, in terests the country gentleman. The Countiymuan is a handsome quarto, of sixteen pages, published weekly on tie edi tor's plantation, near Ententon, Ga., to which all oomnunicnt ions should be ad dressed, Our terms are $5 for t'irce months, orS.' per annum Send all remittances by exprcss J. A. TUIINEll. feb 18'65 Eatonton, Ga. A Niew Paper Isa it ichamond. PROSPECTiUS. r IIE undersigned propose to publish a Daily Paper, tnler the title of "The Richmond Herald," on or about, the 15th. ofjanuary ull.. It enti1ely independent. in politics, but will nevertheless accord ib the Admin istration a just *support, in all measures which, in the opinion .bf Its conductors, may be deemed promotive of the good of Jhe cause in which we) are engaged. A proper critieim of such acts as will be deuned adverse to this object, will be, of course, consistant with the independent. citaracter under which the paper Is 'to be inaugurated. In the matter of General News it will be found to keep-pace with the leading jour nals o1 the day, while it will have added to it, in the mattcr of unancial intelligence a feature-such as. weventure te say, Ito pa pef in the Confederacy can bost of. Edi torlals from the pen of one of the ablest financial writers in Lhis or any other coun try will be present ed in each number. For reasons not now proper to be men. ioned, we forbpar to give the names of' those who shall'coupose the regular edito rial stag(; but we flatter ourselves tlat when they shall appear, they will be found .to con'titut such an array of talent as casn t.ot bo excelled onl this continent. The irell known character of the indivi dnal. whose name appears below, as a ste negraphic reporter, ftirnlshes, we pretunle, a guatentee tlat, in all that relates to im pottant politlei speeches and debates. whleher in legislativ5 assemblies or out of them, tha y'l ferild" will present advanfa ges certainly not to be excelled by any pa. pet' in the Confederacy , The farming intpress wi,1 be faithfully vindicated, and care taken to dissteminate the earliest intelligence "h i proper re g~rd for the welfare of that great element ofnational wealth and power shall demand. In the matter of correct commercial in telligence, equal zcal shall be manifested, onr object being tp assign to each of these departments an editor of kpown experience hand ability. Arrangements are on fbot. by which to secure the' earliert foreit ne*s, anil the paper will contain such editorial talent as wilt fully eltcidate the bearing of foreign diplomacy upoin Southern Interess, In short, -The Rlohmond' Iletald" will be kound to.combine every fetture of int est which sthe requirements of the ps'esent crisis demand. the enterprise is r.'espeetfolly -commend edlo the favor and patropage of the. citi zens of the Southern Confederacy, P. KEAN CO., feb'13'64 Riohmond, Va. "Genas" for childree,. 8 . tfle title of a cllection of admirable .storis, mostly' fbumded on flacts, and whish origli aliy appeared in the Southesn Prs&er'ian and Confedy~ale *Baptiet, over the si~nniure of "TAcusa." T~he-rapid sqele oftbis worl(,.(over 1800. doplus harving been sold.) speaks well for the .fah,,r with which it has besen received by the goug3erig pubhi6, - T2ilere ,Is nothing, secta uing eengtinagd iQit,. thogulshos'.cbjiect be fag' the lnoulci of true piety amongst. th, rising generi' 1;f. epiesongb outadahtbla offico. Price. * 1. F., MILLE~R. a I ~t~,or~y Mtons 'Medasi- 'in the 8~ai~' Th 9rti hia oftNortha Caro llqtfi4~htP~ot7th 0(4, was pleas ' Wh~*~,, ~f th is hh od~ .dtb~ ii.1i ofa P. deoed to ab tetrest *~ o ti, pa.nlied .Tnu Swefk af t.hs~ kind 6tsu ugh 9151;4 htfate - rd-,'